Is prostatitis treated in men? Effective treatment of prostatitis at home.

When a patient suffers from chronic prostatitis, it is extremely unpleasant for him to hear that this disease is incurable. For many, such information can have a negative impact on the nervous system.

Is it possible to cure prostatitis?

Some men worry so seriously about their condition that they become depressed. Often, after unsuccessful treatment, patients give up and try to come to terms with their illness. As a result of such humility, there is a possibility of development.

This sentiment is understandable, but do not be discouraged. The main question to ask is: can chronic prostatitis be cured? Experts unanimously answer that yes, but to cure it it is necessary to make every effort.

The right approach to treating prostatitis

The prostate is designed in such a way that until inflammation occurs in it, it will not bother you. But as soon as male organ Undesirable changes appear, and characteristic symptoms immediately arise:

Due to disruption of the urinary system, the urge to go to the toilet becomes more frequent, a burning sensation and other unpleasant symptoms appear.
A man is concerned about painful sensations that arise in the pelvic organs.
Sexual dysfunction occurs.

Almost all owners of this disease have two main questions: where to go with this delicate problem and whether chronic prostatitis can be cured.

Today there is large number urological centers where they provide assistance in the treatment of such diseases.

Only a qualified urologist can tell what stage prostatitis is at and select the necessary course based on the diagnosis.

Sometimes, to establish treatment tactics, consultation of several specialists is required.

  1. Urologist - you should contact him first, immediately after the first symptoms appear.
  2. A physiotherapist will prescribe the necessary procedures to facilitate treatment. Certain therapeutic measures are suitable for each specific case.
  3. If there are purulent abscesses, a surgeon will help to cope with them.
  4. For those patients whose psychological and emotional balance is disturbed, it would be useful to use the services of a psychotherapist.

If the patient has any additional health problems, then in addition to these specialists, other doctors are also involved.

Stages of treatment for prostatitis

Diagnosis of the disease, which consists of:

After all the necessary procedures have been completed, the specialist, based on diagnostic data, draws up a plan to combat prostatitis. If the patient is treated with a full course, then he must undergo:

  • taking antibacterial and antiviral drugs;
  • reflexology, ultrasound, hirudotherapy, as well as other physical procedures;
  • prostate massage, which is performed for general strengthening purposes.

In addition to the procedures prescribed by the urologist and other specialists, it is necessary to follow some rules that can consolidate the effect and prevent the chronic course of the disease:

  • try to stick healthy image life;
  • be sure to eat right;
  • take multivitamins to support your immune system;
  • exercise or exercise in the morning.

Types of prostatitis and methods of treatment characteristic of each of them

Only after the patient has passed full course diagnostic studies, a specialist will be able to accurately say whether it is prostatitis or not and what means should be treated for this ailment. There are several types of this male disease:

this type It is easy to treat, but for a complete recovery you will have to undergo a whole course of antibiotics. In extreme cases, when the disease is severe, the patient simply needs hospitalization, which involves treatment with an expanded range of drugs.

Since the course of this form is accompanied by severe pain, doctors immediately prescribe painkillers, after which significant and rapid relief occurs.

The outcome of the disease in almost all cases is positive, since it is quite easily diagnosed, which allows treatment to begin as quickly as possible.

Very often, men suffering from this unpleasant disease are distrustful of clinics, believing that they are a complete siphon of money. If you suspect that the specialist is not interested in your speedy recovery, it is better to consult another doctor.

The maximum effect can be achieved only if both partners undergo treatment. If the patient does not have a permanent girlfriend, then one should remember that the main friends of prostatitis are promiscuity and frequent changes of partners.

In addition to using medical supplies and funds traditional medicine It is important to follow additional recommendations. It is advisable to stop smoking and drinking alcohol, try not to eat hot and spicy foods, and also avoid fatty foods and refined carbohydrates.

We need to exercise more often and spend more time on fresh air. And most importantly, do not self-medicate. You should not take note of someone else’s recommendations and try to get rid of the disease in the same way that a friend or colleague advised. Cases of prostatitis vary, so it is better to seek qualified help.

Chronic prostatitis(CP) is one of the leaders in male genital pathologies. Lately prostate inflammation also affects young people. Urologists note an influx of patients with prostatitis who are under 30 years of age.

Inflammation in the prostate can begin to develop in both the older and younger generations

Possible causes influencing the occurrence of prostatitis

Increasingly, the causative agent of the disease is infections that a young man “gets” during sexual intercourse. A sedentary lifestyle also provokes a chronic process in the gland.

Chronic prostatitis is not terrible - its consequences are dangerous.

  • Caries. A special topic. Few men can associate the condition of their teeth with inflammation of the prostate. Diseased teeth are a source of bacteria that can spread throughout the body. Often, with a weakened immune system, dental problems cause an inflammatory process in the body. If you let pathology in the oral cavity take its course, it will soon affect the prostate.

Prostatitis can develop due to caries

  • Impaired blood flow. Frequent or rare sexual intercourse can provoke the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the male genitourinary system. Interrupted sexual intercourse causes the most harm to men's health. Due to circulatory failure, congestion often occurs, which leads to loss of muscle tone.
  • Cold. Prostatitis that occurs due to hypothermia is quite easy to treat. Moreover, the recovery course will be short. Of course, it is better to prevent prostate disease in advance.

It is worth noting that in case of hypothermia, the resulting prostatitis can progress to the chronic stage if treatment is not started in time.

Causes of exacerbation of chronic inflammation

Infections. Have the ability to enter the body in various ways- through the urethra, with blood from inflammatory areas, which at that time are in the acute stage.

Problems in bed cause exacerbations

Impaired blood flow. A disruption in blood circulation provokes stagnation of secretions, no matter how much of it is there. It occurs in cases such as:

  • lack of sexual intercourse for a long time;
  • regularly interrupted sexual intercourse;
  • excitement that does not lead to sex;
  • incomplete excitement.

Regular stress also contributes to the occurrence of chronic prostatitis. depressive states, alcohol consumption. Acute period advanced stage often manifests itself with hypothermia, infections, and poor nutrition.

HP (bacterial)

Treatment involves eliminating the infection, normalizing the immune system, reducing inflammation, restoring the gland and its blood flow.

To treat the bacterial form of the disease, antibiotic therapy is prescribed

Antibiotic therapy lasts from 1 to 3 months. It is during this interval that more than 50% of patients with chronic prostatitis are cured. If there is no improvement, additional treatment is prescribed, which includes taking antibiotics. How long a man will have to take them depends on the advanced state of the prostate gland. In rare cases, for a complete recovery, surgery is recommended, in which the affected part of the gland is removed.

CP (non-bacterial)

Chronic prostatitis that does not occur due to infections is treated using special procedures. The therapeutic use of water and heat increases blood flow to the gland, thanks to which antibiotic therapy brings maximum positive effect. The main procedures prescribed to patients with advanced prostatitis are:

  • ultrasound;
  • vibrations with low electrical impulses;
  • application of galvanic current;
  • laser influence;
  • increase in degree (rectum).

Physiotherapy is used to treat non-bacterial prostatitis

To rid a man of chronic inflammation, the specialist assigns him a scheme proper nutrition, medicinal baths. These methods significantly improve the health of men. The course of therapy is from 30 to 180 days. An individual treatment and approach is selected for each patient.


It is important for a man to be examined by a urologist once or twice a year. You also need to monitor the occurrence of third-party infections and ailments, since even a banal cold can cause chronic prostatitis. No less important in quality preventive measures regular sexual intercourse, and preferably with a regular partner.

Chronic prostatitis cannot be completely cured, but remission can be prolonged by long time, perhaps even for several years. Men in their circles claim that to get rid of prostatitis you need a healthy wife and constant sexual intercourse. It is also necessary to undergo a correct and adequate examination.

  • Before taking dietary supplements, you need to carefully read the instructions, since ignoring the information contained therein can lead to disastrous consequences. If you are inattentive to medications, it is unknown how much time the patient will then spend on restoring the body.

Treatment involves giving up bad habits

  • It is imperative to give up alcohol and smoking, especially with chronic prostatitis, since drinking alcohol can cause a relapse of the disease.
  • It is also undesirable to drink beer, since it provokes frequent urges, which can have a bad effect on the prostate mucosa.
  • Fatty and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet. In addition, it is not recommended to season soups with seasonings that are familiar to the stomach; this also has a bad effect on the prostate gland. “Junk” food can cause swelling in the gland area, which can cause difficulty urinating.
  • If you have chronic prostatitis, you should not go to the steam room or sauna. Too much heat can have a negative impact on the subsided inflammatory process, that is, it can cause a relapse of the disease.
  • It is imperative to follow all of the specialist’s recommendations without exception. Of course, this applies to taking medications. They, as a rule, slow down the inflammatory process in the male genitourinary system, alleviate general condition and relieve severe symptoms of the disease.

You should adhere to your medication regimen

  • If the medication schedule is violated, the prostate will increase in size over time until the man needs the help of surgeons. If the attending physician recommends surgical intervention, you should not refuse, since such a situation is fraught with dire consequences.

With early diagnosis and timely treatment, some guarantees can be given that chronic prostatitis will be forgotten. In other cases, a lot of questions arise, for example, how long does it take to treat prostatitis. Treatment and recovery depend on the patient's tests and certain studies.

With an inflamed prostate, every day counts. You need to see doctors on time.

The video will tell you about the methods of treating prostatitis:

Analyzing the reviews of men who have been diagnosed with chronic prostatitis, it becomes clear that many patients are looking for an answer to the question of whether the disease can be cured and return to a normal lifestyle. Chronic inflammation of the prostate gland is quite common. According to statistics, more than half of males suffer from this disorder, but if you consult a specialist in time, you can avoid complications and cure the disease.

The development of chronic prostatitis is most often associated with the presence of infectious agents in the body that penetrate the tissue of the prostate gland, causing its inflammation. The disease is accompanied by discomfort and provokes problems in the functioning of the genital organs.

Treatment of the disease must be timely, as its absence can cause serious complications. The chronic form is dangerous because the signs of the disease may not appear clearly, therefore for a long time the man does not suspect that he is sick.

Men who do not take care of their health and allow the development of an advanced form of chronic prostatitis, more often than others, suffer from problems with potency. This category of patients experiences erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, and infertility. Another difficulty associated with the chronic form of inflammation of the prostate gland is the high probability of relapse even after complete recovery.

As for the reasons, there are two main ones. The disease can develop against the background of reduced immunity, when an infection penetrates the prostate tissue through the genitals. This factor occurs if the patient has reduced immunity, since the body creates favorable conditions for the life and development of bacteria. The second reason is the presence of infection in the pelvic organs, which also spreads to the prostate tissue.

It should be noted that the initial stage of chronic prostatitis can be asymptomatic, in contrast to the acute form of this pathology, when the patient is worried about such signs as elevated temperature body, pain in the lower abdomen, problems with urination and decreased potency. In order to diagnose and successfully treat the disease in a timely manner, you should undergo periodic examination by specialists.

Methods of treating the disease

Successful treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland, which occurs in a chronic form, is possible only if you follow the recommendations of specialists. After a thorough diagnosis and interpretation of test results, the doctor will determine the cause of the disease, determine the type, and only then can he prescribe some medications.

There are several types of prostatitis, each of which has its own characteristics and, accordingly, requires its own approach to treatment. Most effective method today is complex therapy. With its help, you can quickly get rid of the disease with the least likelihood of relapse.

Complex therapy consists of several components:

  1. Taking medications. For prostatitis, if it is provoked pathogenic microorganisms, it is mandatory to prescribe medications with a pronounced antibacterial effect. Their main function is to suppress and eliminate infection in the prostate tissue. Treatment with antibiotics has a number of contraindications, so drugs from this category can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor.
  2. Prostate massage. Manipulations can be used for both therapeutic and preventive purposes. In acute forms, prostate massage is contraindicated, but in chronic cases it has a positive effect on the condition. genitourinary system men. Best option, this is when it is carried out by a specialist in his office. However, as an alternative, massage can be performed at home using special devices.
  3. The effectiveness of treatment of chronic prostatitis increases if it is supplemented with physiotherapeutic procedures. The most popular are: ultrasound phonophoresis, laser exposure, transrectal hypermia.
  4. Treatment with folk remedies can only complement complex therapy. Traditional medicine alone is not effective enough to cope with such a serious disease as the prostate.
  5. You can resort to surgical methods only if the urethra is severely narrowed, when prostate adenoma is diagnosed or there is an abscess of prostate tissue.

In order for the treatment of chronic prostatitis to be as effective as possible, you should normalize your lifestyle. This step involves giving up bad habits, correcting the daily diet, increasing physical activity.

Drug therapy.

Reception medicines- This prerequisite for successful treatment of inflammatory disease of the prostate gland. The choice of medications should be made by a doctor. Self-medication can be dangerous to your health, so it is better to avoid it in favor of qualified help. The action of drugs prescribed for chronic prostatitis is aimed at destroying the source of infection, eliminating inflammation, and restoring prostate cells.

The most popular medications are the following:

  1. Tsifran OD is a long-acting antibacterial drug that is well absorbed by body tissues, the active component is released gradually;
  2. Metronidazole - its action is aimed at combating pathogenic microorganisms; the drug interacts poorly with alcohol;
  3. Viferon-4 promotes the production of interferon in the body, contains vitamins, which has a positive effect on the immune system and accelerates recovery.
  4. Polyoxidonium has an antioxidant effect, helps improve immunity, and removes all harmful substances from the body;
  5. Vitaprost is very often prescribed for the treatment of chronic prostatitis; the main active component is prostatilen, which helps restore prostate cells.

Additionally, medications may be prescribed for plant based, other drugs with similar effects. Prescribing drugs for the treatment of prostatitis should be very careful, since most of them have many contraindications.


Physiotherapeutic procedures also have a positive effect on the patient’s condition, however, they can only be used in parallel with medications. Most often, warming procedures are recommended for patients.

They must be performed by the attending physician in a specially equipped room for this purpose:

  1. Ultrashort waves. The technique is based on the impact of high-frequency alternating current on the diseased area, resulting in a good thermal effect. After the procedure, patients experience a decrease in pain intensity and inflammation.
  2. Magnetic field. During the session, the tissue of the diseased organ is affected by low-frequency magnetic field. As a result, swelling decreases, blood circulation in the cells improves, and hematomas and scars resolve much faster.
  3. Ultrasound treatment is considered quite effective and is often used for chronic prostatitis. To conduct a session, you need a special device that provides mechanical vibration to the prostate, as a result of which pain is reduced, inflammation and swelling of tissues are eliminated.

Physiotherapeutic procedures have been proven to be highly effective, however, they must be performed by a professional who will take into account contraindications and warn about possible side effects.

Folk remedies.

Traditional medicine offers its own recipes that would help cure chronic prostate disease. They have a positive effect on the patient’s condition if they are used not independently, but as part of complex therapy.

Most often, for chronic prostatitis, the following are used: folk remedies:

  1. Red root. From it you can prepare tinctures and decoctions, the use of which promotes faster recovery and alleviation of the pathology.
  2. Asparagus. Its juice is effective for prostatitis. You can drink liquid in unlimited quantities. The juice has a positive effect not only on the prostate gland, but also on the organs excretory system, especially the kidneys.
  3. Propolis and other bee products. Alcohol tinctures are prepared from propolis. They have an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and restorative effect.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of methods for treating chronic prostatitis. This allows you to choose the most appropriate set of measures in each specific case. Chronic inflammation of the prostate gland can be cured, as evidenced by reviews from already healthy patients.

Chronic prostatitis is more often detected in men during the period of reproductive activity - from 20 to 40 years, so the disease is of great medical and social importance. Firstly, its course is recurrent; during periods of exacerbation, a man’s quality of life is greatly reduced. Secondly, the chronic form of prostatitis can lead to serious consequences, including impaired reproductive and copulative functions. Thirdly, the duration of the disease negatively affects the psycho-emotional status of a man.

The disease requires extensive diagnosis and a consistent treatment regimen. The presence of an inflammatory process in the prostate is confirmed by modern diagnostic techniques, among which the most informative is shown by ultrasound of the prostate, examination of its secretions, and others. Therefore, let’s consider whether chronic prostatitis can be treated, what modern methods can maximize the remission of this disease, so that the man can fully continue to lead his usual lifestyle.


The chronic form of prostatitis can have bacterial and non-bacterial etiology. Treatment of chronic prostatitis depends on what cause provoked the protracted inflammatory process in the prostate, so determining the provoking factor is an important part of the treatment process.

The bacterial form of the disease occurs in less than 8% of cases and develops after penetration of a pathogenic agent into the prostate, which occurs in 4 ways:

  1. Ascending - through the urethra.
  2. Descending - with infected urine from the bladder. Special significance is given to intraprostatic reflux, that is, the reflux of infected urine into the acini (lobules) of the prostate.
  3. Hematogenous - together with blood from existing infectious foci (caries, sinusitis, etc.).
  4. Lymphatic – through lymphatic collectors.

Chronic prostatitis in a man can be caused by representatives of nonspecific (fungal, E. coli, etc.) and specific flora (mycoplasma, gonococci, chlamydia, etc.).

There are a number of factors that contribute to the development of bacterial chronic prostatitis:

  • the presence of urological diseases: cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis. Significantly increase the risk of developing this chronic disease untreated epididymitis and orchitis;
  • sexual infections in the past: gonorrhea, urethritis, trichomoniasis. The risks of chronic prostatitis increase significantly if STDs were treated at home without the supervision of a urologist, using only folk remedies;
  • chronic focal or generalized infection: chronic bronchitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, caries, etc.;
  • poor nutrition, smoking, alcohol consumption, chronic fatigue or stress;
  • general and local hypothermia.

Non-bacterial chronic prostatitis often occurs against the background of congestive processes in the prostate, when blood circulation in the pelvic organs is disrupted, which entails poor drainage of the prostate acini. The vessels of the prostate gradually become overfilled with blood, as a result, the emptying of the gland from secretion occurs incompletely, and the secretory, contractile, barrier and motor functions of the prostate are disrupted.

The following factors underlie stagnation:

  • prolonged sexual abstinence or excesses;
  • the practice of coitus interruptus as a method of contraception;
  • frequent unrealized sexual arousal;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • occupational hazards (vibration);
  • chronic diseases of the large intestine;
  • anatomical and functional features of the nervous structures and venous system of the pelvic organs.

All of these factors make it easier for uropathogens to penetrate and develop in the prostate, or lead to insufficient blood supply to the pelvic organs. Due to this, microorganisms multiply unhindered and an inflammatory process occurs.


Signs of chronic prostatitis are manifested by the prostatic triad: pain, dysuria and sexual dysfunction. Their manifestation usually does not bother a man much; in the case of asymptomatic chronic prostatitis, there are no signs of the disease at all, which prevents the timely treatment of this disease. Let's take a closer look at the symptoms of chronic prostatitis:

  1. Pain, discomfort in the pelvis. This is the main symptom of chronic prostatitis. Most often, pain appears in the perineum, but discomfort can be felt in the groin and suprapubic areas, on the inner thighs, anus, scrotum, glans penis, and lumbosacral region. Sometimes pain in the sacrum resembles a manifestation of radiculitis or osteochondrosis. For this reason, men begin to be treated at home without medical supervision, which aggravates the course of chronic prostatitis and increases the risk of developing severe consequences. Chronic prostatitis has a specific symptom – pain during and immediately after ejaculation. Discomfortable sensations may appear during prolonged abstinence and may increase or decrease after orgasm. If we talk about the nature of the pain, then it can be either weak (discomfortable) or severe, aching, interfering with normal performance and sleep.
  2. Urinary dysfunction. Chronic prostatitis is characterized by painful and frequent urination. The beginning of emptying the bladder is often difficult and requires additional straining. The urine stream may be intermittent and weak, and urine may be released in drops at the end of urination. Men report a feeling of incomplete emptying; a burning sensation in the urethra is felt during and after urination. With chronic prostatitis, floating threads may be visible to the naked eye in urine. Doing hard physical work or exercise, or after defecation, men note the release of prostatic secretion from the urethra, which is associated with a violation of the tone of the prostate gland.
  3. Sexual dysfunction. First of all, the man notes problems with erection, which is associated with the influence of the inflammatory process on the nerves that support erectile function. Sexual dysfunction may include the following symptoms:
    • weakening of the emotional coloring of orgasm;
    • frequent and prolonged night erections;
    • loss of sexual desire;
    • deterioration or absence of erection, its pain;
    • early or difficult ejaculation.

The disease is characterized by other symptoms:

  • low-grade fever;
  • lethargy, deterioration of general condition;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • increased sweating in the perineal area;
  • change in skin color in the perineal area, which is associated with stagnation of blood circulation;
  • itching in the groin area.

Against the background of sexual dysfunction, men become irritable and nervous. To cure chronic prostatitis, sometimes you need the help of not only a urologist or andrologist, but also a psychologist.

The chronic form of prostatitis without effective treatment can last indefinitely, but its course is not monotonous. The disease is characterized by periods of exacerbation, when the symptoms appear more pronounced, and periods of relative calm, when the disease does not bother the man much.


Examination of the prostate gland for the presence of chronic inflammation includes not only ultrasound of the prostate, its palpation and analysis of secretions. To understand how to treat chronic prostatitis, a comprehensive examination is required to identify the provoking factor to eliminate which treatment will be aimed.

Palpation is of primary importance in determining the condition of the prostate gland. The examination is carried out rectally, it allows you to determine the pain, boundaries, contours and consistency of the gland.

Ultrasound of this gland is important for determining functional and structural changes in the prostate, using the transrectal technique (TRUS). This allows you to conduct a differential examination of the prostate, determine the form and stage of prostatitis. TRUS makes it possible to determine the size, echo density and volume of the prostate gland, to detect fibrosclerotic changes and stones in it. With the help of ultrasound, the doctor receives important data about changes in the walls of the bladder, the density and degree of expansion of the seminal vesicles, and changes in the structure of the scrotal organs.

It is worth noting that ultrasound is used not only at the diagnostic stage, but also during the entire course of treatment to monitor the condition of the prostate gland.

The diagnostic scheme, in addition to ultrasound of the prostate and its palpation, includes the following studies:

  • general urinalysis;
  • 3-glass urine sample;
  • study of prostate secretion, which is obtained after prostate massage;
  • identification of pathogens of specific and nonspecific bacterial flora;
  • RIF and PCR studies of scrapings for the presence of STI pathogens;
  • determination of prostate-specific antigen;
  • spermogram examination for reproductive disorders;
  • MAR test;
  • urodynamic studies for urination disorders: cystometry, uroflowmetry, etc.

To exclude oncology or prostate adenoma, they may additionally prescribe a PSA level test, CT scan or MRI.

Comprehensive diagnostics and its competent analysis make it possible to accurately determine the cause of the disease and prescribe effective treatment for chronic prostatitis. It will completely get rid of the disease or is guaranteed to prolong its remission for as long as possible.


The disease is dangerous because in a third of cases it is practically asymptomatic, and another third of men experience mild manifestations of chronic prostatitis. For these reasons, treatment of chronic prostatitis begins in its later stages, since patients turn to a urologist late. The chronic form of prostatitis is dangerous because in the absence of adequate and timely treatment, consequences develop that are difficult to treat:

  • violation of potency. If attempts to cure prostatitis are unsuccessful, the patient will certainly face impotence, which can also develop on a psychological level;
  • infertility is a common (almost 40% of cases) consequence of chronic prostatitis, which is not always reversible;
  • prostate cancer is the most dangerous consequence a disease whose risks increase in proportion to the duration of chronic prostatitis;
  • sclerosis of the prostate, as a result of which the patient will be accompanied for life by pain, dysuria and impaired sexual function;
  • urinary retention, when a man cannot empty a full bladder;
  • vesiculitis – inflammation of the seminal vesicles;
  • disturbance of psychosomatic status: chronic fatigue, lethargy, irritability.

In the presence of complications, the risk of developing severe consequences increases, and treatment of chronic prostatitis is delayed and requires long-term complex treatment regimens. Please note that treatment at home using folk remedies may worsen the course of the disease. Only a doctor can cure the chronic form of prostatitis by prescribing suitable medications and recommending folk remedies as an auxiliary therapy.

Treatment of chronic prostatitis

It is not easy to completely cure this disease, but it is possible if you seek help from a urologist at the first signs of prostatitis, follow all the doctor’s instructions and believe in the success of treatment measures. Modern treatment of chronic prostatitis includes the following measures:

  • antibiotic therapy. This is the basis for effective treatment, so therapy begins with the prescription of these medications. Tetracycline and macrolide drugs are used most often. The maximum period of antibacterial therapy is 2 weeks; if no positive results are observed during this period, the doctor may discontinue the pills or change the antibiotic regimen;
  • physiotherapy. Allows you to speed up a man’s recovery by improving the trophism of prostate tissue. For these purposes, laser therapy, ultrasound phonophoresis, and mud therapy are prescribed. Good results in combination with medicines give enemas with hydrogen sulfide and mineral waters, but such procedures are not recommended to be performed at home;
  • Prostate massage is the basis for effective prostate treatment, but has some contraindications;
  • medications from the group of a-blockers. Available in tablets, they improve the outflow of prostate secretions, urodynamics, and also quickly eliminate spasm of the smooth muscles of this gland;
  • phytotherapy. It is prescribed as an additional therapy, but in combination with basic medications it shows positive results. Patients are prescribed herbal remedies based on pumpkin seeds (Peponen), Prostanorm or Pygeum africanum;
  • Surgical treatment is used in rare cases when the patient has developed sclerosis of the prostate, has a prostate abscess or narrowing of the urethra.

Sometimes doctors recommend using folk remedies, among which the most popular are homemade candles and herbal decoctions. But even auxiliary treatment at home requires the supervision of a urologist.

Throughout the entire treatment process, the condition of the prostate is monitored using ultrasound of this gland (TRUS), which allows you to monitor the effectiveness of the therapy and, if necessary, change the treatment regimen.


Performing exercises at home allows you to normalize lymph and blood circulation in the prostate and pelvic organs. In combination with prescribed pills, physiotherapy, prostate massage and other therapeutic measures, this allows you to quickly cope with chronic prostatitis, as well as avoid other “male” diseases.

A set of exercises is selected only by the attending physician after diagnosis and medical history. Contraindications to performing some exercises may be:

  • hypertension;
  • vertebral displacement;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

Performing exercises should be regular and complete; you should not simplify the complex yourself. Please note that no exercise should cause pain or discomfort.

Prostate massage, of course, can be a shameful and unpleasant process, but, nevertheless, effective. Especially if it is used in complex therapy for exacerbation of prostatitis. I barely talked my husband into it. She also takes Lycoprofit, which contains lycopene, which helps reduce inflammation, sabal palm, which has a whole range of positive properties: from anti-inflammatory to decongestant, and even horsetail, which noticeably softened the pain in my husband during another exacerbation

Prostatitis is the enemy men's health, capable of depriving the most important thing: potency, male power. Many men are afraid to hear this diagnosis from a doctor, so at the first signs of illness they prefer to endure the uncomfortable sensations. This is a mistake. Its consequences can cost a man his health, as well as the opportunity to have children and a normal sex life with his partner. The earlier treatment is started, the greater the chances of getting rid of this disease without a trace and unpleasant consequences, which can be very serious. One of these consequences is prostate cancer. Moreover, untimely treatment is not so bad.

Men often neglect annual medical examinations with a urologist. According to numerous statistical studies, it is a systematic examination by a doctor that helps men avoid prostatitis and its complications, as well as quickly cure the disease if it occurs.

At what age should you start periodic examinations with a doctor? Prostatitis (including chronic) is a common disease today. The disease and its patients have become younger. Alarming figures for the age of sick men range from 30 to 60 years. The older a person gets, the higher the risk. Stress, irregular sex life, frequent change of partners, bad habits, unhealthy lifestyle and healthy eating, infections - these are the causes of prostatitis.


Like in men, without causing complications? At the first signs of illness, you should immediately consult a doctor. A man may feel an increase in body temperature, pain in the lower abdomen, and problems with urination. An examination in a hospital setting will help identify the form of the disease, after which the doctor will select the appropriate treatment for the patient. It includes a set of procedures that are simple for a healthcare worker, with the help of which he can quickly and accurately determine treatment parameters.

The patient should not be afraid medical error in diagnostic methods. They are so rare that there are not even statistics on this issue. Any inaccuracy or error is, rather, a statistical error that should not be taken into account. Doctors do not make mistakes in making a diagnosis and prescribing appropriate treatment.

During diagnosis, the patient may encounter some discomfort that cannot be avoided. These are diagnostic procedures, which, however, help to accurately and quickly establish the correct diagnosis and cure the disease.

Stages of diagnosing prostatitis

The first stage is a general examination of the patient and collection of tests. This is followed by a rectal examination of the prostate using the digital method. After the main analysis is completed, the urologist takes secretory fluid from the prostate glands for examination. If the patient suffers from an acute form of the disease, collecting secretions will be a rather painful procedure. The secretion enters the laboratory, where the necessary tests are performed, making it possible to establish the form of the disease (its form can be bacterial or infectious). The doctor’s task is to identify the causative agent of the infection in order to determine its resistance to certain drugs. Biological material undergoes a separate study, which determines the degree of sensitivity to drugs, the effect of various methods treatment. This approach not only makes the treatment effective, but also shorter.

If necessary, ultrasound is added to the digital examination. Ultrasound examination is performed in two ways: through the lower abdomen or rectum. The first method is called transabdominal. Ultrasound through the abdominal wall is painless for the patient. It is possible to visually examine the prostate and conduct a screening diagnosis. The second method is called transrectal.

For the doctor it is more effective and carries much more information than ultrasound of the prostate through the abdomen. Medicine offers patients 2 ultrasound methods, since each of them has its own characteristics. With a transrectal examination, the doctor has the opportunity to examine the prostate in more detail and detail, as well as the slightest changes that have occurred in its tissues. Thanks to the latest technologies, medicine can offer the patient a painless ultrasound examination. This method may be scary for many men, but there is no need to be afraid. During the procedure, the doctor uses various substances, reducing the sensitive tissue of the rectum. After the procedure, the patient may feel slight discomfort in the anus, which does not last more than one day. Such an examination is mandatory if the form of the disease is chronic prostatitis.

Prostate-specific antigen

PSA is a fluid secreted by the prostate. If its level in the body increases sharply, the doctor has every reason to suspect the patient has prostatitis or another disease of the excretory system or genital organs. This analysis blood allows making the treatment of prostatitis more effective. The normal PSA level is 4 units per 1 ml. Doctors recommend taking this simple test for men whose age is 50 years or more. Using this screening diagnostic method, the doctor determines the effectiveness of a particular treatment method.

Treatment methods

Treatment of the disease, regardless of its form, is carried out according to similar schemes. Chronic prostatitis at the acute stage is treated with almost the same methods as the infection at the stage of its development.

Properly selected therapy guarantees a complete cure for the disease, provided that the patient complies with medical instructions (cancellation of heavy physical activity, diet, and no omissions when taking medications). Chronic prostatitis goes into a stage of remission, which, if followed, necessary conditions, quite long.

Antibacterial treatment

Only a doctor can choose the right medications to treat the disease. The choice is made based on the results of the analyzes obtained. If the drugs are chosen incorrectly, the infection becomes resistant to the drugs. becomes chronic. It is imperative to notify the doctor about what medications the patient took before starting the course of antibacterial treatment. The effectiveness of medications and the duration of subsequent remission depend on this.

The duration of treatment may exceed 3 weeks. When the first signs of relief appear, you should not stop taking antibiotics or change doses or dosage regimens. Mandatory compliance with the doctor’s instructions is a guarantee of successful recovery. Treatment can also be carried out in a hospital. As a rule, this happens when the patient is sick with a severe, acute form. Detoxification is carried out, the doctor prescribes painkillers.

Other medications for the treatment of prostatitis

The earlier treatment is started, the longer the cumulative effect of drugs in the tissues of the body, as well as their effect on the disease. Herbal preparations contain a whole range of beneficial properties, which are distinguished by their combined effect. Preparations such as Likoprofit include vitamins, extracts and extracts from medicinal plants, trace elements, carotenoids.

The components included in the drug prevent the appearance of new foci of inflammation, neutralize existing inflammatory areas, and prevent the growth of prostate cells. Also, taking these drugs makes it possible to strengthen the body’s protective functions and increase resistance to pathogenic microbes.

While taking the medicine, the volume of seminal fluid increases, as well as its quality improves. Sperm become active. Various pain sensations that the patient might experience during urination or sexual intercourse disappear. For treatment to be especially effective, it must be started early.

Local therapy

Physiotherapeutic procedures help the prostate tissue to recover faster and speed up recovery. The following methods of physiotherapy are used: hyperthermia, laser therapy, ultrasound phonophoresis, diadynomophoresis.

Rectal suppositories

The effectiveness of suppositories is due to their rapid action. Substances quickly enter directly into the inflammation site, bypassing long haul through the gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels. Their highest concentration allows you to quickly relieve pain, spasms, inflammation, and remove infection. Often, the doctor prescribes suppositories in order to prevent chronic prostatitis, as well as to prevent this disease in general.

Prostate massage

This method has a beneficial effect on the prostate gland. without stimulation of prostate tissue it is very difficult. With the help of finger massage, stagnation of secretory fluid in the tissues is eliminated. Massage allows you to squeeze fluid out of the prostate gland and then remove it through the urethra. Massage is prescribed by a doctor to increase the effectiveness of local and antibiotic therapy.

In some forms of prostatitis, as well as concomitant diseases, massage is contraindicated. Pressure on the gland causes secretory fluid to flow, which can cause infection to spread in the body. For acute forms of prostatitis, the procedure is not performed. Massage can cause pain in patients, but its effective effect on a man’s body does not allow him to refuse this procedure.

Boosting immunity

Low immunity is the cause of many diseases. Chronic prostatitis is no exception. Patients suffering from inflammatory diseases must undergo procedures that correct immunity. It is necessary to strengthen the body's resistance to infectious diseases. Very suitable for this simple methods: healthy eating, giving up bad habits, proper routine, normal sex life, hardening and sports. It is mandatory to take multivitamins and immunomodulators of natural origin.

Treatment of prostatitis with surgical intervention occurs in rare cases. As a rule, the doctor prescribes surgery for abscesses, as well as narrowing of the urethra.

How Correct drug therapy is the key to successful treatment, but a man’s lifestyle is also of considerable importance. There are many factors contributing to the appearance of prostatitis. These include: hypothermia, excessive alcohol consumption, sedentary lifestyle. Men who are sexually active should understand the importance of protected sex. Sexually transmitted infections – main source the appearance of inflammatory processes that can develop into acute or chronic prostatitis.

Choosing a doctor. Who should I contact?

Treatment of this disease is the domain of a urologist. The help of a venereologist is also possible, which becomes relevant in case of an active infection. To cure prostatitis faster, a complex treatment is carried out, in which the patient receives consultations from a therapist and an immunologist.