Vitamins to improve erectile function in men. The best vitamins for men according to customer reviews

If you believe the statistics, about 90% of the male population of our country have problems with the sexual side of life. Moreover, this applies not only to mature men, but also to young people. Vitamins for men to improve potency will help restore your former sexual desire, change your sex life for the better and increase the likelihood of conceiving healthy offspring. It is about the capabilities of these useful substances that we will talk.

Why does potency occur?

Several important factors influence sexual desire in men. Its decline can be explained by the following reasons:

  • Having bad habits.
  • Ecology.
  • Diseases of the nervous system.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Unhealthy diet.
  • Genetic diseases.
  • Selected medications.
  • Stress.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Having excess weight.

Each of these factors can cause impotence. As a rule, it is observed in men after 50 years. Because it is at this age that the body begins to secrete less testosterone, which is a consequence of male incompetence.

What does the body need for male strength?

To increase male libido you need to add certain foods to your diet. It will help increase libido. Products containing vitamins to improve potency in men include the following:

  • Seafood.
  • Nuts.
  • Dried fruits.
  • Meat.
  • Rye bread.
  • Pumpkin seeds.

Attention! The following recipe is a very effective way to promote. Take honey and ginger in equal parts, then mix the ingredients. Take 1/2 teaspoon three times a day.

In addition, to increase potency in men, doctors recommend avoiding alcoholic beverages, coffee, salt, various energy drinks, as well as foods containing high amounts of cholesterol.

Vitamin Review

Let's consider common vitamins for increasing potency found on the modern market.


The product not only helps to increase male libido, but also has a beneficial effect on the physical condition of the body. AlfaVit can be taken by almost all working people. It contains:

  • Vitamins for potency.
  • Microelements.
  • Siberian ginseng extract.


The product is a food additive and contains:

  • Vitamins A, E, D.
  • B vitamins.
  • Iron.
  • Magnesium.
  • Copper.
  • Manganese.

Such a complex of vitamins improves the physical condition of the body, improves performance and helps increase potency.


Vitrum is a specially developed multivitamin complex. Suitable for men and women. Compound:

  • Vitamins A, E, C.
  • Copper.
  • Zinc.
  • Selenium.
  • Manganese.

The product helps improve sex life, erection, and also normalizes metabolism and has a positive effect on muscles.


The medicine should be used only in consultation with your doctor. The main function of Parity is aimed at stimulating testosterone synthesis. The duration of the course is 1–2 months. The composition of the drug includes:

  • Vitamins A, E, C.
  • Zinc.
  • Selenium.


The product is used for prolonged physical fatigue. Wellmen includes many useful components:

  • Vitamins A, C, D.
  • Vitamin B.
  • Magnesium.
  • Selenium.
  • Zinc.
  • Iron.
  • Manganese.
  • Silicon.
  • Chromium.
  • Methionine.
  • Arginine.

Such a rich complex of vitamins for men does not always have a beneficial effect, since an allergic reaction is possible.

Men's Formula

Contains many useful substances to increase libido:

  • Standard additives.
  • Yohimbe bark.
  • Ginseng root extract.
  • Green clam extract.

Such components of the drug lead to increased male desire. The course of taking the drug is long-term. Note that the drug is not so easy to find on the open market. It will be easier to purchase on the Internet. At the same time, beware of counterfeits and buy Mens Formula only on the manufacturer’s official website on the Internet.


Gendevit improves male erection. And at the same time, the effect of the drug is aimed at strengthening the immune system. The contents are as follows:

  • Vitamin C.
  • Retinol.
  • Folic acid.
  • Ergocalciferol.


With this supplement you can influence potency in men. It happens very naturally. Centrum contains a huge number of useful components:

  • Vitamins A, C, D, E.
  • Calcium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Iron.
  • Magnesium.
  • Manganese.
  • Zinc.
  • Chromium.
  • Selenium.
  • Potassium.
  • Molybdenum.
  • Chlorine.

Thanks to such an extensive content of useful components, the drug not only promotes, but also normalizes the general condition of the body.


Impaza is suitable for men of any age and is specifically used to increase male strength. The product includes:

  • Homeopathic mixture.
  • Lactose.
  • Magnesium stearate.
  • Microcrystalline cellulose.


The product is a dietary supplement that helps improve sexual life (helps increase erection and prolongs orgasm). A nice addition is that Vimax has no side effects. It includes:

  • Ginseng root.
  • Ginkgo biloba.
  • Palmetto.
  • Dodder.
  • Hawthorn.
  • Cayenne pepper.
  • Oat straw.
  • Vitamin E.
  • Lustful goat grass.
  • Anhydrous inosine.


The product can increase male libido and is perfect for those couples who are planning to conceive children. This is due to the fact that the components of the drug can improve the quality of male semen. Vitaminizer contains the following components:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Vitamins E, C and group B.
  • Zinc.
  • Selenium.

Of course, only you have the right to choose; you decide which vitamins to start using. And at the same time, before use, it is better to visit a competent specialist who will tell you how to act in the current situation.

Taking a vitamin-mineral complex will allow a man to increase his erection, normalize his physical health and improve his immunity. Plus, the aging process slows down.

Only a specialist will be able to correctly choose vitamins that increase potency. Very often, doctors advise patients who have difficulty with erection to start taking Mens Formula. Already, based on the name of the product, we can say about its effectiveness on male power. This is due to the fact that the product has a natural composition and will help make the intimate side of life brighter.

This vitamin complex brings variety to your sex life. In addition, after taking the medicine, the man becomes, as before, confident in himself. A pleasant addition to Mens Formula is the ability to improve your overall physical condition.

Doctors also give positive reviews to Duovit, Vimax, Vitrum and others. In any case, before taking the product, be sure to study the contents, how to take it and the presence of contraindications.

Experts advise choosing a product that contains B vitamins, zinc, selenium, and iodine. It is ideal when the effect of the drug extends to strengthening the immune system and changing sexual life for the better.

How to maintain male strength

Despite the fact that the representative of the stronger sex has regained his former sexual desire, the important point is its continued preservation. To do this, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • Having regular sex life can maintain potency. There should be no long breaks or excesses. It is important to choose the “golden mean”.
  • A healthy lifestyle helps increase male libido. Poor nutrition, stress, sedentary lifestyle - all this adversely affects a man’s intimate life.

  • A man needs to pay attention to his health. Diseases such as hypertension or diabetes can cause impotence. And this applies not only to older people, but also to young guys.

It is best to choose a vitamin complex to improve a man’s sex life together with a specialist to avoid possible troubles. The doctor will help you decide and give competent recommendations. In addition, pay attention to your health and try not only to have pleasure, but also to give it to your woman. Thanks to this, male power will always be with you!

Reading time: 18 min

Problems with potency can be easily eliminated if you include vitamins in a man’s diet and follow the instructions for taking them. The question is which of them really increase potency. The modern market is oversaturated with special drugs, so making the right choice is a difficult task.

Below we will consider the best vitamin complexes that can strengthen men's health and restore or enhance potency. The advantage of special drugs is their multifaceted effect on the body. They restore sexual activity, improve well-being and fill cells with useful microelements.

Vitamins for men - important nuances

Vitamins and microelements are special substances that are characterized by biological activity and play a key role in the functioning of each organ and the body as a whole. With a deficiency of useful components, metabolic processes are inhibited, which leads to malfunctions of the body and other serious problems.

In the intimate area, vitamins will be useful, having the following effect:

  • Strengthening the immune system;
  • Increasing the speed of nerve impulses flowing between the penis and the brain (in one direction or the other);
  • Activation of spermatogenesis;
  • Reducing blood density, improving its circulation;
  • Ensuring elasticity of vascular walls.

Vitamins for improving potency are reliable helpers for men. To improve the intimate component of life, it is important to include them in the diet and avoid a deficiency of useful elements.

If there is a lack of them in the diet, you can increase the consumption of special foods or take a different route - buy special complexes in pharmacies or on the Internet.

Reasons for weakened potency

With proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, potency is maintained until old age. But such situations are rare, and in practice, problems with male power can appear already at a young or mature age.

Let's highlight the main reasons:

  • Harmful and dangerous habits for health - alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction;
  • Limited mobility during the day (sedentary lifestyle);
  • Negative environmental conditions in the region of residence;
  • Diseases in the field of neuralgia - epilepsy, sclerosis, Parkinson's disease;
  • Private stress and overexertion;
  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Taking certain medications - diuretics, antidepressants, etc.;
  • Endocrine diseases;
  • Unbalanced diet;
  • Hereditary factors;
  • Psychological reasons - nervousness, depression, fears.

Each of these aspects, individually or in combination, negatively affects potency. In addition to the above reasons, sexual life is affected by disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, which is why the penis is poorly filled with blood.

Another important factor is excessive weight, which causes worsening morning erections or suppresses the production of beneficial hormones. Obesity not only reduces sexual activity, but also often leads to diabetes.

Diseases of the genitourinary system, such as and other diseases, have a negative impact on male power. To avoid problems, it is important to undergo timely examinations.

It's different for everyone

Remember that there is no single recipe for success for all men. In each specific case, a specific drug will be useful. In one situation, the simplest Complivit can bring results, while in another you will need “Gross Hertz” or a more serious complex.

The success of treatment depends on the individual characteristics of the body. There is not a single vitamin or microelement that acts exclusively on potency, erectile function or semen production.

Male strength directly depends on the quality of the body's work. If you choose the right vitamin complex, you can solve many health problems:

  • Activate the work of the heart muscle;
  • Ensure normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Restore the walls of blood vessels and so on.

All this happens against the background of improved sexual function. It is worth remembering that the condition and functioning of internal organs depends on the functioning of the reproductive systems, and vice versa.

What vitamins increase potency?

As noted above, the male body often needs a complex of vitamins. To improve the functioning of the genital organs, restore potency and reproductive function, you need to include the following elements in your diet:

  • TOCOPHEROL (VITAMIN E)- the most important component for the body, which improves blood circulation and ensures blood flow to the male genital organ. In addition, tocopherol accelerates cell renewal, plays the role of an antioxidant for the body and restores the functioning of the endocrine glands (primarily the pituitary gland). It is responsible for the creation and maturation of sperm.
  • ASCORBIC ACID- an element that ensures the elasticity of blood vessels, improves blood circulation and guarantees optimal blood flow to the penis. Ascorbic acid increases testosterone levels and protects against prostatitis. Regular intake of vitamin C in the body helps strengthen the immune system and the formation of dopamine, the deficiency of which manifests itself in frequent colds with decreased performance.
  • VITAMIN D. Also useful for male potency. Its presence in the body contributes to the production of sex hormones and increased attraction to the opposite sex. The greatest deficiency occurs in winter, so problems with potency often intensify during this period.
  • VITAMIN B - participates in liver protection and promotes the production of hormones. Its action is also aimed at protecting the liver, improving tone and optimizing other functions. B6 and B12 are of greatest importance for the male body. Their deficiency in the body leads to a decrease in sexual energy and a number of other problems. In particular, B6 is required for normal functioning of the central nervous system. Folic acid (B9) is no less important, the presence of which determines a person’s performance and the persistence of potency.
  • VITAMIN A - ensures the functioning of the immune system, normalizes reproductive function in males.

Don't forget about microelements

In addition to the vitamins listed, a man’s body needs microelements. The most important of them are zinc, magium and potassium. For example, with zinc deficiency, there is a decrease in testosterone, decreased desire and deterioration in potency.

Another important mineral is selenium. Its entry into the body ensures high sperm quality and increased reproductive function. Selenium is often prescribed for and to improve the functioning of the genital organs.

Including the considered microelements in the diet allows you to avoid problems with men's health and maintain it at a high level. With proper diet planning, a complex change in the body occurs - improvement in potency, as well as the functioning of internal organs and systems.

In case of minor failures in the diet, normalization of nutrition allows you to return the system to functionality in a short time.

How to take?

To get results, it is important for men to take vitamins for potency correctly and be careful about the dosage.

Daily dosage of vitamins:

  • B1 - 1.5-2.5 mg;
  • B3 - 15-25 mg;
  • B6 - 2-2.5 mg;
  • B9 - 0.2 mg;
  • B12 - 2 mcg;
  • C - 100-400 mg;
  • D - 10 mcg;
  • E - 12-30 mg.

Daily dosage of minerals:

  • Zinc - 15 mg;
  • Selenium - 5-7 mcg.

No less important is the nuance - the rules of admission. Vitamins and minerals are generally recommended to be taken orally during or after meals. Exceeding the daily allowance indicated on the package is prohibited. Otherwise, there is a high risk of side effects.

The release form of tocopherol, ascorbic acid and B vitamins is capsules or tablets. They are swallowed whole and without chewing (unless otherwise recommended in the instructions).

That is why vitamin and mineral complexes, which provide a full range of useful elements, are in greatest demand. When choosing a drug, it is worth considering the needs and nuances of the male body.

Contraindications and side effects

If you take vitamin-mineral complexes correctly, you won’t have to worry about your health. There are almost no contraindications or side effects. You should avoid taking such drugs if you have an intolerance to one of the elements or certain diseases.

Taking vitamin complexes should be limited if you have a stomach ulcer or are diagnosed with kidney stones. If taking classic vitamins does not produce results, you need to use special dietary supplements.

The main danger lies in exceeding the dosage, which can cause side effects - accelerated kidney stone formation, blood clots, skin rashes, sleep problems and other consequences.

To avoid adverse consequences and to obtain the expected result in the form of restoration or enhancement of potency, it is worth visiting a doctor and undergoing a consultation. In addition, to prevent addiction, it is recommended to take vitamin-mineral complexes in courses.

With this approach, you can count on positive results and no side effects.

TOP 20 best vitamins and mineral complexes for potency

To speed up the selection process, we will highlight the 20 best vitamins and mineral complexes.

Complivit Selenium

A powerful complex created for the stronger sex and designed to support high sexual activity. The cost of the drug in pharmacies is about 300 rubles. The box contains 60 capsules, which is enough to complete a 2-month course.

The composition of “Complivit Selenium” is selenium, calcium, zinc, copper, as well as a number of vitamin compounds. The purpose is to maintain (increase) potency, increase libido, relieve fatigue and protect against vitamin deficiency.

Course - 1 month. The norm per day is 1 capsule after meals. It is not recommended to use other fortified preparations during the course.

Increased intake of selenium doses into the body is toxic, and an overdose often leads to a number of unpleasant symptoms - nervousness, vomiting, nausea, liver dysfunction, and the smell of garlic on the skin.

During lactation, in childhood and adolescence, the drug is prescribed on the recommendation of a doctor. Analogs - Selenovit (Russia), Perfectil (Great Britain), Selzinc Plus (Czech Republic).

Lycoprofit Potential

According to many doctors, this is one of the best vitamin complexes that helps men solve problems with potency, decreased libido and weakened immunity.

The supplement contains selenium, zinc, tocopherol, lycopene, panaxosides and flavonoids. In addition, the complex contains a number of extracts (ginseng root, yohimbe bark and ginkgo biloba leaves), lycoptin, amino acids and auxiliary components.

Licoprofit Potential is available in capsule form. Recommendations for use: one capsule after meals. Course - 30 days. After a break, you can take the supplement again.

After the first course, there is an improvement in the condition of the reproductive organs, increased potency, increased testosterone production and improved sperm quality.

Potential forte (Man’sformula)

A complex whose action is aimed at improving male potency, enhancing libido, and increasing testosterone production. In addition, taking the drug helps increase stamina and heighten sensations during sex.

It is important to note that the effect depends on the type of drug chosen. For example, Spermactin increases sperm activity and helps to conceive a child. There are other options for the complex on sale - in the form of regular multivitamins, anti-stress, for hair, prostate, and so on.

Potential Forte contains seven plant extracts (yohimbe, cayenne pepper, damiana turner, sarsaparilla, maira puama, green mussel and Siberian ginseng), as well as three vitamins and zinc.

The supplement is available in capsules, which are taken one per day for a month. Analogs - Likoprofit Forte and others.

Duovit for men

A well-known supplement in the CIS countries with the required set of minerals and vitamins. Its action is aimed at increasing efficiency, reducing fatigue, activating metabolic processes in the body, normalizing sleep and protecting against free radicals. Together, this helps to increase potency.

The composition includes vitamins (A, E, D, B1, B2 and B12), trace elements (iron, magnesium and copper), as well as iodine and manganese.

Duovit for men is available in the form of coated tablets of 30 or 60 pieces in a bottle made of polymer material. Frequency of administration: one tablet per day (taken with meals). Course - up to 30 days. Analogues - Vitrum, Complivit, Teravit and other drugs.

AlfaVit for men (Classic)

A complex that contains a full range of vitamins, extracts and microelements that ensure normal functioning of the body and restore potency.

After completing the course, there is an increase in vitality, strengthening of the immune system, and improved well-being. Energy levels also increase and sleep improves.

AlphaVit contains 9 mineral elements, organic acids, 13 vitamins, polyphenolic elements, carotenoids, eleutherosides. During the intake process, you should strictly follow the instructions for use. Take three tablets every day after meals. They have different colors and are intended for different times.

Analogs of AlfaVit for men - Vitrum, Complivit, Centrum, Multi-tabs, Duovit, Supradin and others.

Parity for men

The supplement is available in two forms - tablets and drops. Prescribed for complaints of deterioration in potency and decreased libido.

For tablets, the frequency of administration is once a day with food. To achieve results, you need to take the drug for 15 days.

For liquid - 10 ml per day. The composition can be diluted with water, tea, coffee or other drinks (non-carbonated). Taken with food. The duration of the course is the same - 15 days.


A powerful complex that is suitable for elderly people who play sports. Despite the lack of supplements specifically designed for men, the complex considered is effective in strengthening the body and enhancing potency.

The composition includes vitamins C, E, A, B, and contains zinc, iron, iodine, nickel and other trace elements. All of them complement each other and enhance the actions of the Vitrum complex. After completing the course, memory improves, the functioning of the thyroid gland is normalized, and vision is strengthened.


A complex of vitamins and minerals intended for the stronger sex. Thanks to its balanced composition, the supplement has a comprehensive effect on the body, promotes health and enhances potency.

The drug is available in the form of capsules, which contain the following elements - retinol, B vitamins, beta-carotene, ascorbic acid and others. In addition, Velmen contains vitamins E and D3, some amino acids, iron, manganese and other substances.

Velmen is prescribed for a deficiency of microelements and vitamins, after illness, for overwork and other problems. Take one capsule per day with meals. Course duration is 20-30 days. Next, a break is taken for 30-90 days, after which the course can be repeated. Analogs - Vitrum, Supradin, Vitamax, Aerovit, Revalid.


The complex originates from the USA and is prescribed for rehabilitation after serious illnesses. The peculiarity of the supplement is its balanced composition and increased benefits for men who are looking for a suitable remedy to normalize their intimate life.

Centrum contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, as well as D, E and C. In addition, the potency complex contains magnesium, iodine, manganese, chromium, molybdenum and other elements beneficial to the body.

Reception is recommended for men at any age, regardless of physical condition. The supplement is especially useful after 50 years, in case of problems with the diet, in the process of rehabilitation after an illness, in case of vitamin deficiency, and so on.

Centrum vitamins are taken daily, 1 tablet. Increasing the dosage without consultation with the doctor is excluded. Analogues - Perfectil, Complivit, Vitrum, Bio-max, Velmen and others.


Russian-made multivitamins that are excellent for strengthening men's health. The supplement contains vitamins A, C, E, folic acid, pyridoxine and others.

Gendevit is produced in the form of round-shaped dragees. They are greenish-yellow or yellow-orange in color. The additive is packaged in polymer jars of 50 tablets.

Frequency of administration: 1-2 tablets per day. The course is 20 days with the possibility of repeating it in 1-3 months (you should consult a doctor). Analogs - Makrovit, Tetravit, Aerovit, Aerovit.


A multivitamin complex that is suitable for strengthening the body's immunity, ensures the stability of men's health and increases potency. The composition includes the following components - folic acid, ergocalciferol, retinol, biotin and others.

IMPORTANT: Teravit is not a potency stimulant, but its rich composition ensures a better intimate life.

The supplement is available in the form of tablets coated with a special coating on top and is prescribed for a deficiency of mineral elements, for malnutrition and for the treatment of vitamin deficiency. The polypropylene bottle contains 30 pieces.

The daily norm is 1 tablet. The course is a month. The need for a re-appointment is determined by the doctor. Analogs of the supplement - Vitakap, Glutamevit, Menopace, Bio-Max and others.

Yohimbe forte

The complex, which covers the needs of the male body for zinc, saturates it with yohimbine and ginseng extract. Taking the drug helps to increase sexual stamina, normalize sexual function, increase vitality and increase sexual activity.

The supplement is prescribed to athletes, people over 50 years old, businessmen, men with bad habits and poor health. Yohimbe forte is recommended to be taken once a day, one tablet with food. To increase the effectiveness of the intake, it is worth normalizing nutrition and normalizing the process of rest and work.


A complex characterized by the presence of antioxidant and immunostimulating effects. Aevita is based on two elements - tocopherol and retinol, which improve vision, optimize the exchange of lipids and proteins, and also improve reproductive function.

In addition, the supplement improves blood circulation and vascular function, which has a positive effect on potency.

Aevit is available in the form of capsules, which are taken after meals and without chewing (washed down with water). The duration of the recovery course is 30-40 days. Frequency of administration: 1 tablet per day. Repeated completion of the course is possible after 90 or 180 days.


A complete complex for men, designed to cover energy deficits and increase daily activity. The composition contains more than 75 active elements, including vitamins D and B, as well as free-form amino acids and minerals.

The drug is available in the form of tablets, which are recommended to be taken three times a day - in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening. Taken with food as a dietary supplement. Before use, it is recommended to consult a specialist who will determine the duration of the course.

Mens Ultra Daily

The composition includes a complex of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. This includes supplements whose action is aimed at supporting the prostate (selenium, nettle root, lycopene and other elements). The supplement is recommended for use by men who play sports and plan to increase potency.

Mens Ultra Daily is available in the form of capsules, which are recommended to be taken every day immediately after lunch, 4 pieces. To determine the duration of the course, you should contact a specialist.


A balanced complex that concentrates minerals and vitamins necessary for men's health. Taking the supplement helps strengthen the immune system, replenish the body's energy reserves, and restore capillaries and blood vessels.

Available in the form of classic coated tablets of 30 and 60 pieces or effervescent tablets of 16 pieces. Each of them contains the daily requirement of the most important vitamins, including retinol, tocopherol, thiamine, folic acid and others. In addition, Bio-Max covers the deficiency of manganese, zinc, cobalt, iron and other trace elements.

Dosage - 1 tablet per day after meals. If the supplement is taken as a prophylactic, the course duration is 3 months. Analogues of Bio-Max - Vitakap, Glutamevit, Velmen, Lavita.


A product that has a universal effect. Its action is aimed at strengthening the body and stimulating the sexual function of men. Taking Tribestan promotes the production of testosterone, increased libido and increased potency. In addition, the number of sperm in the semen increases.

The drug is available in tablets, ten pieces each. Each of them contains Tribulus creeping extract, as well as additional substances, including crospovidone, iron oxide, lecithin and others.

Frequency of administration: three times a day, 1-2 tablets. The duration of the course is from 40 days to 3 months. Analogues - Gentos, Renel, Uriflorin.

Evral Effects

Supplement for men, which contains 7 minerals, 12 vitamins, as well as extracts of various herbs (horny goat weed, leuzea). Prescribed to strengthen potency, restore prostate function, and improve sexual function. Available in capsule form.

Frequency of administration: one tablet (minerals and vitamins) once a day during meals. Before starting the course, it is worth discussing the duration and relevance of the appointment with a specialist.

Kamavit Forte

A special supplement for men that enhances testosterone production, improves reproductive function and potency. The product contains extracts of Chinese lemongrass, damiana, ginkgo biloba and other plants.

Available in the form of tablets, which are taken one twice a day. Course duration is 30-90 days. After completing the first stage, it is recommended to take a break and repeat the procedure again. Before starting the course, you should consult a doctor.


A special complex created for men, consisting of exotic natural additives and the most important components. Taking the supplement helps eliminate stress, normalize the gastrointestinal tract and restore the prostate.

VitaMen provides the body with amino acids that provide energy and material for muscle development. To achieve results, it is recommended to take three tablets per day with food.

What foods contain vitamins and minerals necessary for male potency?

To eliminate the deficiency of useful components, men should know which products contain them:

  • Tocopherol - in sunflower and olive oil, celery, green onions.
  • Ascorbic acid - onions, carrots, cabbage (fresh or pickled), citrus fruits, parsley.
  • B vitamins - dairy products, nuts, fish, garlic, rye bread, tomatoes, corn.
  • Vitamin D - eggs (quail and chicken), fish oil, cottage cheese, cheese, milk, butter.
  • Zinc - perch, salmon, garlic, shrimp, herring, chicken egg yolk, pumpkin seeds.
  • Selenium - seafood, corn, tomatoes, rye bread.

In addition, the following are beneficial for men's health:

  • Oysters - increase libido, activate testosterone production, prolong sexual intercourse.
  • Sea fish (mackerel, flounder) - improve potency, increase desire.
  • Turnip - increases libido, contains useful amino acids.
  • Orange and lemon - increase testosterone levels.
  • Mussels and other seafood (rapana, shrimp, crayfish and others) - increase the volume of semen and testosterone, cover zinc deficiency, increase male strength, improve semen production.
  • Quail eggs - improve erection and increase libido levels.

It is also worth including honey, bananas, chocolate, watermelon, avocado, pomegranate, meat, fruits and other foods in your diet.

The article listed vitamins for potency that are in great demand on the market. What vitamin complexes and dietary supplements do you take? Write in the comments.

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When choosing products in a store, people note their price, appearance, and are guided by taste preferences and expiration date. Particularly advanced buyers are interested in whether it contains preservatives, dyes and other chemicals. At the same time, most do not pay attention to the content of substances in products, and it is very difficult to find people who create their menu based on the body’s need for nutrients. Meanwhile, their role in ensuring life is difficult to overestimate.

Meaning in a man's life


Vitamin A (retinol) is fat-soluble (absorbed by the body in combination with fats). Men, starting from the age of fourteen, need 1 mg of retinol per day to renew cells, slow down aging, form sex hormones, and secrete mucus. A large amount of retinol is found in the liver of halibut, cod, beef, pork, butter, lamb liver, paprika, red pepper, sweet potato, zucchini, and apricots.

() dissolves in water, it provides the body with energy, neutralizing fatigue, helps improve the conduction of signals by the central nervous system, which is necessary for potency in men, and promotes the action of the happiness hormone serotonin. Its requirement per day is about 2 mg. Men get thiamine from buckwheat, pork by-products, sprouted wheat, bran, peas, beans, hazelnuts, liver, poultry, lamb, seeds, herbs, barley, eggs, cottage cheese.

Important! Food processing of foods, as well as sprinkling salt on peas and beans during cooking (and not after) leads to a loss of 70% of thiamine.

(riboflavin) promotes the conversion of carbohydrates and fats into energy, the development of strong muscle tissue, and improves the functioning of the genitourinary system. Riboflavin is found in yeast, liver, kidneys, almonds, meat, eggs, cheese, spinach, soybeans, beans, peas, fermented milk products, buckwheat, whole grain bread, butter. The daily requirement for men over 14 years of age is 2 mg.

(nicotinic acid) improves blood supply to the genital organs and is needed by the body in an amount of 20 mg per day. Products that, when consumed, can saturate the body with nicotinamide: yeast, grains, bran, liver, peanuts, cod, chicken, turkey, salmon, veal, lamb, peaches, beef tongue, almonds, beef, whole grain flour, apricots, potatoes and others.

(pantothenic acid) is involved in the formation of hormones and the functioning of the central nervous system, is found in almost all foods, but is destroyed when food is cooked and frozen. Required in an amount of 5 mg per day.

(pyridoxine) the body needs in an amount of 2 mg per day. It stimulates the transmission of nerve impulses, responsible for the severity of sensations during orgasm, and also relieves fatigue. Found in pine nuts, beans, sea buckthorn, tuna, mackerel, liver, sardines, hazelnuts, garlic, millet, bell pepper, chicken.

In men, it is responsible for the production of serotonin, a feeling of pleasure, and sexual desire, and for this it must be supplied to the body in an amount of 0.4 mg per day. Ingested with poultry liver, yeast, veal liver, orange juice, spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, lettuce, soy, seeds.

It is taken orally with animal proteins, is necessary for sexual arousal, and increases the number of sperm. The need for it in men is 3 mcg per day.

(ascorbic acid) - water-soluble, required by the male body in the amount of 90 mg per day. It supplies the body with energy, increases stamina, improves the conductivity of nerve impulses and erection, and is needed for the happiness hormones serotonin and. During the cooking process, up to 90% of ascorbic acid is lost.

Did you know? In the body of mammals, ascorbic acid is synthesized independently, but humans have lost this ability in the process of evolution.

This acid is found in (and in dry it is almost 3 times more), bell pepper, sea buckthorn, black currant, greens, Brussels sprouts, kiwi, cauliflower, papaya, horseradish, kohlrabi, beef liver, radish and potatoes, chicken liver, potatoes, and other products.

Activates muscle activity, increases blood circulation, promotes testosterone synthesis. This fat-soluble substance enters the body with the liver of sea fish and animals, egg yolk, butter, cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream, cream, milk, and mushrooms. The male body needs 10 mcg of the substance per day.

(tocopherol) is fat-soluble, it is responsible for sexual activity, the production of sex hormones, blood supply to the genital organs, and reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Contained in all types of vegetable oil, soybeans, peanuts, buckwheat, wheat, rye, whole grain and rye bread, beans, rose hips, oatmeal, peas, butter, eggs, prunes and other products. A man needs 10 mg of tocopherol per day.

Did you know? Vitamins do not contain calories.


A very important microelement for men is , which is responsible for the production of sperm, male sex hormones, the functioning of the prostate, and the absorption of vitamin E. Normally, its consumption for men is 15 mg per day. Found in seafood, nuts and seeds, cocoa, meat, legumes, dairy products, grains, fish, green peas, corn, raspberries, broccoli, potatoes, beets and others.

Selenium is concentrated in the testicles, spermatic cords and other internal organs of men. It is involved in the production of testosterone, increasing potency, and is used to improve the reproductive ability of men. Normal consumption is about 100 mcg per day. Selenium is present in the liver of animals and birds, octopus, eggs, corn, rice, beans, barley, lentils, pistachios, wheat, peas and other products.

Sperm activity also increases and improves endurance.

Magnesium is an important macronutrient; it should be supplied to the body by boys under 18 years old in the amount of 410 mg, men under 30 years old - 400 mg, men over 30 years old - 420 mg per day. You can provide the body with magnesium with the help of wheat bran, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, nuts, peanuts, spinach, and beans.

Manganese is found in tea, coffee, rose hips, spices, cereals, seafood, nuts; a man needs about 5 mg of the microelement.

The need of men for chromium - 50 mcg per day - can be satisfied by introducing tuna, liver, beets, fish and seafood, and pearl barley into the diet.

Pharmacy vitamin complexes

A person receives almost all useful substances from food, except for D, E, K, which can be produced by the body. At the same time, it is quite difficult to create a menu on your own based on the need for vitamins. Pharmacy complexes of useful substances can be a good way out of the situation of vitamin deficiency for men.


This complex includes vitamins A, B, C, D, as well as iodine, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The drug should be taken after meals, 1 tablet per day with water. The use of the drug is recommended in case of increased stress, unbalanced diet, seasonal deterioration in nutritional quality, diseases that impair the absorption of nutrients.

Man's formula

The Man’s formula complex “More than a multivitamin” is needed for men’s health. It contains 20 vitamins, magnesium, iodine, chromium, boron, molybdenum, calcium, zinc, betaine, selenium, potassium, manganese, copper, fenugreek extracts, palmetto berries, cayenne pepper and ginseng. The complex promotes metabolism, an active sex life, and helps fight chronic diseases.

Updated: 12/05/2019

All existing vitamins and minerals are necessary for both males and females, since the physiological processes occurring in the organisms are the same. But their frequency and intensity are different. Accordingly, the need for vitamins that are involved in these reactions is not the same for men and women. Many pharmacological companies take this important point into account and produce separate vitamin complexes, the composition of which is designed taking into account the physiological needs of the male body. How to choose an optimally balanced product among a wide range of products? Our rating of vitamins for men will help you make your choice.

The best vitamins for men

The best vitamins for men must contain the following beneficial compounds.

  • B vitamins. Participate in the absorption of protein foods and the construction of the muscle frame, the synthesis of sex hormones. Folic acid (vitamin B9) has a beneficial effect on the ability to conceive.
  • Vitamins A and E. Activate the production of the male sex hormone testosterone and, accordingly, maintain potency. They are powerful antioxidants and slow down the aging process.
  • Vitamin C. Another antioxidant that protects cells from the negative effects of free radicals. Vitamin C also eliminates fragility and increases the elasticity of vascular walls, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, heart and vascular diseases. In addition, ascorbic acid improves immunity and prevents frequent respiratory viral infections.
  • Vitamin H (biotin). Responsible for maintaining male beauty - ensures healthy skin and nails, prevents baldness.
  • Lipoic acid (vitamin N). Helps maintain liver health, necessary primarily for men who smoke and those who occasionally drink alcohol.
  • Vitamin D. In a young body, it is synthesized independently, but with age, the production of the vitamin decreases, which is why calcium and phosphorus are less absorbed. The result can be the development of osteoporosis and rapid tooth decay. Complex vitamins for men, which include vitamin D, will help fill vitamin D deficiency and prevent unwanted problems.

Rating of the best vitamins for men

Rating #1 #2 #3
Complex composition
Effective action Ease of reception Popularity manufacturer Availability in the pharmacy network

The vitamin-mineral complex contains: vitamins – A, E, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, D, K, H; minerals - magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, magnesium, iodine, calcium, selenium, nickel, copper, chromium, molybdenum, nickel, boron, silicon, vanadium. The product is recommended for the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis in men over 50 years of age, after severe long-term infections and complex treatment of chronic diseases.

The vitamin complex helps strengthen the immune system, helps prevent the development of age-related diseases - diabetes, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke.

  • Improves overall well-being and increases performance.
  • Does not cause adverse reactions.
  • Convenient to use - one tablet per day.
  • Not available everywhere.
  • High cost - about 650 rubles (pack of 30 capsules).

The plant-based product contains extracts of maral antlers, eurycoma, yohimbe, ginger, as well as vitamin E, nicotinamide and zinc. The combination of active components stimulates the production of testosterone, improves reproductive function and increases potency.

In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur while taking the drug. Application: a dessert spoon of liquid concentrate or a capsule per day for 15 days.

The liquid concentrate is diluted in a glass of any liquid (juice, tea, coffee, water). The medicine is taken with meals.

  • Significantly improves male sexual function and increases testosterone levels.
  • May cause increased heart rate, confusion, tremors, and increases blood pressure.
  • There was a review that after taking the drug, the patient’s blood pressure suddenly and strongly increased, they had to call an ambulance, and the doctors diagnosed a mini-stroke.
  • High cost - 500–550 rubles (pack of 15 capsules).

The complex for men contains: 13 vitamins (A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, E, D, K, H, PP); 9 minerals (magnesium and manganese, iron and copper, zinc, iodine and selenium, chromium, calcium); carotenoids; organic acids; Eleutherococcus extract. All contained components are divided into three types of tablets: for morning, afternoon and evening use.

A complex of vitamins and minerals stimulates mental and physical activity, helps maintain normal functioning of the reproductive system. In case of individual intolerance to the components, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, increased nervous excitability and sleep disorders, arterial hypertension, the drug should not be taken.

In rare cases (in case of intolerance to one of the components), allergic reactions may occur while taking vitamins.

  • The beneficial components are divided into three different tablets and do not change each other’s bioavailability.
  • Small tablet size.
  • Acceptable cost – 350–370 rubles.
  • Most men did not notice any changes in their well-being after taking it.
  • It’s not very convenient to take - 3 tablets a day.
  • Some people feel nauseous.

One of the vitamin complexes for men from a Slovenian pharmaceutical company. The product contains vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, D, iodine, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese.

The drug helps replenish the deficiency of missing vitamins and minerals in the body. In case of individual intolerance to the components and under the age of 10 years, the drug is contraindicated.

In rare cases, hypersensitivity reactions may develop while taking the drug.

  • Some patients did not feel the surge of energy and the positive effect of the vitamin complex on their well-being.
  • Large tablet size, hard to swallow.
  • Dyes included.

The capsules contain: 13 vitamins (A, E, C, D, H, H1, PP, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12); 9 minerals (iodine, copper and manganese, chromium and selenium, iron, magnesium, silicon and zinc); amino acids arginine and methionine; carotenoid betacarotene; bioflavonoids; extracts of ginseng roots and dried garlic. The therapeutic effect of Wellman vitamins for men is complex.

The product is recommended for increased physical and mental stress, deterioration of concentration and memory, and fatigue. The complex also accelerates the body’s recovery after serious illnesses and chemotherapy, helps eliminate dizziness, headaches, tinnitus and other unpleasant symptoms that arise from cerebrovascular accidents (especially in older people).

  • An effective multi-component complex - increases performance (easier to wake up in the morning, less fatigue in the evening, activity and vigor throughout the day), helps to recover from severe fatigue, and keeps athletes in good shape.
  • Helps normalize blood pressure during hypotension.
  • The first positive changes are noted within a week after starting treatment.
  • Convenient to take - once a day.
  • Not all patients notice the increase in performance promised by the manufacturer.
  • May cause pressure surges and dizziness.
  • Some people experience nausea and stomach pain, even if taken as directed - with meals.
  • High price - 620 rubles (pack of 30 capsules).


When choosing a vitamin complex, you must take into account your individual needs and characteristics.

  • Age. A young male body (up to 40 years old) needs vitamins A and E, group B. If you have bad habits, you need to pay attention to the presence of lipoic acid in the composition. For men over 40 years old, it is important that the complex, in addition to other vitamins, contains biotin, which supports male beauty and prevents baldness. Those who have celebrated their fiftieth birthday need to buy a product that necessarily contains vitamins B12 and D, since the first is less easily absorbed with age, and the second is synthesized more slowly.
  • Nutritional features. If your diet includes healthy and varied foods, you can choose vitamin complexes with a lower content of vitamins - after all, some of the beneficial compounds enter the body with food. For those who have an unbalanced diet, it is better to give preference to complexes with the maximum content of nutrients.
  • Lifestyle. For athletes, men who lead an active lifestyle or experience constant heavy physical activity, large doses of nutrients are needed.
  • Male characteristics. Men do not require large amounts of iron - an excess of the mineral negatively affects the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. It is better to choose vitamins with the lowest dose of this element. But the need for vitamin E, zinc and selenium in men is higher than in women. These active components increase testosterone production, thereby normalizing reproductive function. In addition, regular intake of these substances helps prevent prostate development.

The pharmaceutical market offers a wide range of vitamin complexes developed taking into account the physiological characteristics and needs of the male body. Each drug has its own purpose: it increases immunity, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the reproductive system, and increases mental and physical performance. Some drugs can cause tachycardia, increase blood pressure and cause other adverse reactions. Therefore, before purchasing the drug, it is better to consult a general practitioner.

Male sexual viability is determined by a complex of factors. For stable erectile function, it is important that the body receives the necessary nutrients. Vitamins for potency help in this matter. You can buy them at pharmacies, sports nutrition stores, and online platforms. Moreover, many foods and herbal remedies contain components that are important for men.

Vitamins that affect potency: what are they?

A man needs all the substances that determine full functioning, however, if we are talking about the sexual sphere, then we can identify a number of elements whose consumption is most necessary.

It has been proven that vitamins for improving potency have a decisive impact on a man’s sexual well-being. Namely:

  • Normalize blood circulation;
  • Stimulates the production of seminal fluid;
  • Activate the conduction of nerve impulses between the genitals and parts of the brain;
  • Maintain the elasticity of the walls of arteries and capillaries;
  • Strengthen immune defense.


A supplement indicated for men who lead a very active lifestyle. Male potency enhancing vitamins called Duovit work by solving a number of problems.

Among them:

  • Metabolism restoration;
  • Increasing physical endurance and ability to work for a long time;
  • Protection against the negative effects of free radicals;
  • Getting rid of the syndrome;
  • Adjusting the sleep-wake cycle.

Activation of erectile function occurs due to the presence of Duovit in the composition:

  • B vitamins;
  • Vitamin D;
  • Retinol;
  • Tocopherol;
  • Iron, magnesium, copper.

This combination helps increase libido and the ability to physiological arousal. If necessary, the drug can be used for an unlimited period of time.


A health complex aimed at restoring the body. Helps ensure the normalization of well-being and is especially necessary in autumn and spring.

Increasing potency along with strengthening erectile function is ensured by the presence in the formula:

  • Zinc, selenium and magnesium;
  • Manganese, iron, silicon;
  • Chromium and iodine;
  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Five compounds from group B;
  • Vitamins A and D;
  • Methionine, .

Compared to alternative complexes and dietary supplements, Wellman has a high concentration of active substances, so allergic reactions provoked by the rich composition are possible.

Man's Formula contains a rich composition of minerals and vitamins for a good erection. A carefully selected set of ingredients also stimulates desire on an emotional level and strengthens men's health.

In addition to the standard complex of bioactive ingredients, the product contains the following substances:

  • Green shellfish extract;
  • Yohimbe tree bark;

The presence of substances ensures intensive synthesis of testosterone, necessary for full sexual activity. Man's Formula is designed for long-term use.

This drug is difficult to buy in a regular pharmacy, so to purchase it it is better to turn to the Internet. The international online store iHerb specializes in selling healthy foods, natural supplements and organic cosmetics all over the world, so often products that are not available in regular stores can be purchased there.

Opti-Men (Optimum Nutrition)

The vitamin dietary supplement is a sports supplement and is in demand among professional athletes and men leading an active lifestyle. This product is produced by the American company Optimum Nutrition, which has a highly proven track record in the sports nutrition market and is rightfully included in the TOP supplements for active men.

The product contains only natural ingredients. Among them:

  • Folic acid;
  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Vitamins A, K and B12;
  • Tocopherol;
  • Pyridoxine;
  • Oyster extract;
  • Magnesium stearate;
  • Silicon dioxide.

Despite the fact that the formula is primarily designed to support athletes, it also “works” effectively in situations where restoration or increase in potency is required. The composition contains vitamins and minerals necessary for stable sexual function.

Opti-Men (Optimum Nutrition) is also difficult to find on offline store shelves, so it is easier to order it online.


The main specificity of Centrum vitamins is the absence of contraindications and side effects. The product can be taken by men of any age, and it shows good results.

Centrum includes:

  • Mineral complex containing zinc;
  • Vitamins B, E, D3;
  • Retinol;
  • Ascorbic acid.

The main benefits for increasing potency are the following properties:

  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • Activation of metabolism;
  • Normalization of psychological state;
  • Inhibition of aging processes;
  • Intensive production of androgens.

According to research, the rich composition not only enhances sexual function, but also improves the proper flow of processes in all systems of the body.


Parity - effective vitamins for improving erection, which are rightfully included in our rating of the best for men.

Supplement includes:

  • Selenium and zinc;
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Tocopherol.

The composition is selected in such a way as to stimulate libido, increase the amount of testosterone in the body, and improve the quality of sex.

Taking the supplement must be agreed with your doctor. The drug is indicated mostly for adult men due to the peculiarity of its effect - the drug is aimed at stabilizing processes associated with sexual activity. The duration of the course is 2 months and extension of therapy is possible only with the approval of a medical specialist.


Supradin is produced in two forms: regular tablets and effervescent tablets. The rich composition of the drug allows it to be used to strengthen potency, as well as to solve other health problems.

Composition contains:

  • 10 vitamins, including A, E and group B substances essential for men;
  • Zinc;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Copper;
  • Calcium;
  • Molybdenum;
  • Iron;
  • Magnesium;
  • Manganese.

The use of the Supradin complex is also effective in the following cases:

  • Lack or excess of vitamins;
  • Mental and physical overload;
  • Supporting the body during recovery after a serious illness;
  • Prevention of colds;
  • Simultaneous hormonal or chemotherapy;
  • Errors in ;
  • Maintaining an active lifestyle;
  • Treatment of chronic alcoholism.

Twinlab Men's Daily

The Men's Daily complex, produced by Twinlab, is designed to maintain men's vitality and well-being. The formula contains 18 minerals and vitamins in carefully adjusted proportions.

Particularly important is the presence of zinc, which is responsible for a number of processes necessary for sexual viability. In addition, the product includes components that improve prostate activity and increase the production of testosterone and other androgens.

According to the manufacturer’s promises, taking the supplement allows you to:

  • Activate the body's internal reserves;
  • Strengthen immune defense;
  • Get extra energy;
  • Increase endurance;
  • Improve brain activity.

Looking at the composition of the product from TwinLab in more detail, we can highlight the presence of:

  • B vitamins. Increase energy production, support the nervous system, take part in the formation of blood cells;
  • Retinol, tocopherol and ascorbic acid. Powerful antioxidants, stimulate immune function, block the harmful activity of free radicals, inhibit degenerative processes;
  • Vitamin D. Important for ensuring the necessary testosterone levels;
  • Magnesium. Normalizes mental state, helps increase endurance;
  • Chromium. Stabilizes blood glucose levels;
  • Copper. Takes part in hematopoiesis;
  • Calcium. Normalizes blood pressure;
  • Choline and inositol. Ensure proper liver activity and normalize mental activity.

The vitamin-mineral complex is also mainly presented on online platforms, such as iHerb, in stores of natural supplements and drugs.


A multivitamin aimed at activating the immune system. The drug has an indirect effect on erectile function, providing protection against infectious diseases, which often become prerequisites for decreased potency.

Main components included:

  • Ergocalciferol;
  • Folic acid;
  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Retinol.

The remedy is useful for reduced libido and general weakening of the body.

Vitamin and mineral complexes for men: additional preparations

In addition to the above drugs, you can pay attention to other supplements that help strengthen male strength. In particular, the one produced by Evalar is effective. The main active ingredient is the alkaloid yohibe, known as. The Evalar company also produces other drugs containing substances necessary for men.

You can also choose a vitamin complex for men from Solgar. Under this brand, many different drugs are produced, differing in composition and effects. You can purchase SOLGAR drugs only online.

The “Be Healthy” product for men with zinc ensures the normal functioning of the processes required for a high level of libido and strengthening erections.

Also highlighted:

  • Coprivil based on wheat germ oils, and. Recommended for ;
  • Vitrum. A multivitamin complex aimed at normalizing all body systems, including erectile function;
  • Andropan. A product based on herbal components, included in the complex therapy of diseases of the urinary system;
  • Viardot Forte with wheat germ oil as the main component. Normalizes hormones, stimulates sexual desire;
  • Golden horse. Eliminates sexual weakness, increases the variety of orgasmic experiences, has a general strengthening effect, enhances physical and brain activity.

Food and folk remedies

To normalize potency, it is important to create a daily diet in such a way that it contains foods containing essential minerals and vitamins.

Zinc is found in:

  • Stewed beans;
  • Oysters;
  • Lean beef;
  • chicken;
  • Pumpkin;

To get B vitamins you should eat:

  • Peas;
  • Buckwheat;

You can provide your body with ascorbic acid if you eat:

  • Cabbage;
  • Black currant;
  • Citrus;
  • Malina;

Getting vitamin D depends on the presence in the diet:

  • Gribov;
  • Flounder;
  • Liver;
  • Mackerel;

Tocopherol is supplied.