Red church candle. Candle magic: how it can help

The author of the UFO classification, in direct meaning this word cannot be considered G. Orionsky, since he did not create this classification himself. It was communicated to him, and he only tried to convey it. But here great difficulties arose: after all, most concepts simply do not exist in earthly language, since humanity has no idea about the energies indicated in the classification.

Modern civilization has recently become acquainted with atomic energy and plasma. Then special words appeared to denote these phenomena. Relatively recently, we learned about electricity and named it.

The energies mentioned in the classification are completely unknown to us. There are 19 of them mentioned here. They should have been named somehow, and the author had to use words that at least somewhat corresponded to a concept unknown to you. To prevent the reader from understanding these words literally, in their generally accepted meaning, the classification for each of its points is provided with comments.

Obviously, even the presence of these comments, written from the words of the author who explained the classification, cannot make it completely clear, since in order for it to become clear, it is necessary to understand the structure of the universe as the Supreme Mind, which gave this classification, understands it. Our understanding of the Universe is extremely limited and distorted.

Only at the most recent years we began to approach the understanding that there is a certain psychic energy that has enormous power, for which space and time do not exist. This is evidenced by many parapsychological studies, and, in particular, by Puthoff and Targ’s study “Perceptual channel for transmitting information over long distances” published in a Soviet journal (see TIIER, vol. 64, no. 3, March 1976).

The authors here, in a carefully staged experiment, investigated and proved the phenomena of clairvoyance and proscopy (vision of the future). But this is only the beginning of comprehending the completely unknown. Gradually we will understand that the universe is completely different from what we thought, from what it seems to our geocentric science. People, including scientists and researchers, have long been confident that the Earth is flat, covered with a dome, that it is the center of the world, etc. They were convinced of the atom, just as our scientists are now convinced of the immutability of their knowledge, the ancient scientists proceeded from empirics - direct experience, we - from mediated by instruments, but, ultimately, the same empirics. Involuntarily, our horizons are extremely limited.

And although we will not be able to fully understand the classification, it nevertheless gives us a general correct idea of ​​​​UFOs, completely different from the highly primitive idea of ​​them that has developed in ufology - the science that studies UFOs. Not to mention official traditional science, which is only approaching their study. And about the military, who have been observing UFOs for a long time for their own more than special purposes, very far from science.

It is generally accepted - by those who are familiar with the problem (those who are unfamiliar simply deny their existence) - as alien ships, if not unknown phenomena of earthly nature. The classification shows the deep fallacy and primitivism of this interpretation of UFOs.

In 1977-73 one of the most significant ufologists in the world - professor of astronomy, director of the astronomical department of Northwestern University of the USA, D. Allen Hynek, who has been studying UFOs for about 20 years - came to the conclusion that the UFO phenomenon is even more complex than he thought all these years.

Now he is inclined to believe that UFOs may be a holographic image or a psychic phenomenon, and the humanoids themselves may be aliens not only from the outside world, but also from parallel world(See Newsweek magazine, November 21, 1977). He believes that the UFO phenomenon is something “metaterrestrial,” that space civilizations have mastered some kind of connection between mind and matter that is completely unknown to us, and that UFOs will lead to a change in the scientific paradigms of our civilization.

Professor Allen Hynek has so far turned out to be the only major scientist on Earth who has come close to the truth. The proposed classification of UFOs allows us, if not to know the truth, then to see it. We see that UFOs are the regulating influence of the Mind of the Universe, from its highest spheres (far from the gross matter that we know) to intelligent beings of other planets, other dimensions or other spaces (such as neutrino civilizations) and even " parallel universes." Thus, UFOs are not necessarily ships carrying humanoids, and those humanoids that we meet are not necessarily creatures, but only of a completely different nature than those holograms that we know and can create.

Of course, the Earth is also visited by humanoids in flesh similar to ours.
UFOs are completely different from our cars. Moreover, since they are closely related to psychic energy, we can perceive these phenomena as machines, according to our thesaurus, pressure ideas, although in reality they are not machines.

In order to move around the Earth, aliens in the flesh can use relatively primitive devices that have something in common with our machines. but since they use energy unknown to us, we cannot copy them even when they fall into our hands.

Thus, according to information (carefully verified) by the National Research Committee on atmospheric phenomena USA On May 21, 1953, in the state of Arizona in the vicinity of the city of Kingman, a small UFO crashed - about 9 m in diameter - the device (described in detail) made of light metal remained completely intact. The only pilot, about 120 cm tall, with a brown face, was killed. The remains of the pilot and the aircraft were collected by the Air Force. One must think that the apparatus was carefully studied, but since to this day, since 1953, nothing similar to the UFO apparatus has most definitely appeared in the United States, this study did not produce any results (practical), just as it would not have yielded any results if a Stone Age savage examined any from our sophisticated instruments.

The functions of UFOs observed on Earth since ancient times, as we see from the classification, are varied: from controlling typogenesis or adjusting magnetic fields to the sanitary function of an anti-ethnic order.

The Universe is a single living whole, extremely highly organized. (We have no idea about this organization yet). And as such it is centrally managed and regulated. The UFO is the visible aspect of this adjustment. The highest achievement of our earthly world is consciousness. Obviously, consciousness is the regulator of the Universe. The highest achievement of Earthly development is goodness and beauty, harmony. Obviously, goodness, kindness - empathy, compassion - and the beauty of harmony are also the greatest forces of unity in the Universe. If this were not so, it would not be able to exist as a living integral structure. That is why UFOs always bring only good, and their influence on the Earth in all respects can only be positive.


Taxa and properties Manifestations
1. EIDOLETS. They will use the energetic forces of Realization, i.e. dynamics of the ideal and the material. They have a transphysical nature and are information systems. Extremely plastic - they take a form that corresponds to the thesaurus of the observer or is somewhat ahead of this thesaurus. In the field of subjective perception they can mimic any form of UFO.
Nature: fluctuation of the eidosphere in the Realized world.
The whole spectrum of UFO forms.
2. INFRALETS. The organization of matter uses the energies of transition to various levels, moves along the Dalbian hierarchy, and is used only by agents of the Noumenal world. In the eidosphere and phenosphere, their action is limited by fundamental prohibitions. Evolution was used at the beginning to include large-taxon mutations directed by the Noumenal world. They will begin to act upon key shifts in the noosphere. Sparkling sky.
3. SAQUALETS. Used for emergency dematerialization and direct communication with the Noumenal world. They work on trinitarian energy. They are used extremely rarely - usually to enter transcendental information (signs) or for urgent evacuation into the eidosphere (ascension). Favorsky light.
They arrive from other metagalaxies, crossing the cosmological event horizon. Perception of collapsed time.
4. TACHOLETS. I work on tachyons, moving along the chains of teleological causality. They can go as far into the past and future as desired. Used to connect “worlds” and “anti-worlds”. They are perceived only through a dream or a paranormal state, but in certain cases they can cause persistent excitations in matter, the so-called transholograms (the Cairo miracle). Illumination, satori.
5. VIROLETS. They use the energy of transition from Possibility to Reality (from virtual to real). Capable of instantly transitioning into a virtual state, moving at infinite speed in collapsed virtual spaces. They are used to preserve information accumulated by collapsing metagalaxies. Concentric systems in the sky.
6. UNILETS. Used as neutrino ships. They are controlled by crews of civilizations that arose at (before, after) the singular stage. Created by representatives of the neutrino life form. They have bases in the bowels of the Earth. Fireballs.
7. CHRONOLETS. Used as an energy source for the Progress of Time (dynamics of causality). Able to move into adjacent spaces. Disc-shaped.
8. VIRALETS. Structured clumps of biofields are capable (for a limited time) of reduplicating both the ships themselves and the crew members (producing up to 12 astral doubles). Use biogenic energy. I can be controlled by representatives of a limited number of civilizations. Stations on the Moon and on all planets solar system. Control Biokarmic Metamorphosis. Double or multiple dividing balls.
9. SINGALETTES. They use the energy of the singularity. Fuel is obtained in two ways:
- using tachometers;
- by artificial collapse method.
Gigantic technomorphic systems.
10. ANOLETS. They work on annihilation installations. The range is about 1000 light years. Balls with a slight diffuse glow.
11. DEFOLETS. They work on the basis of a mass defect, using quark fuel. The range is about 100 light years. Flying sickles.
12. GRAVILETS. They work on the basis of the synthesis of antigravitons. The range is about 1000 light years. Fireballs with unusual trajectories.
13. TOPOLETS. They use the energy of geometrodynamic transformations. The range is about 100,000 light years. Geometric images.
14. HARMOLETS. They work on the basis of artificial synthesis of the 137th element. They are perceived through the auditory canal as a “symphony of spheres”.
15. NEUROLETS. They use the energy of topological self-closure of higher and lower forms organization of matter. They are cosmic quasi-organisms that create giant biospheres in space. They made a great contribution to the development of the Earth's biosphere, modulating themselves in its organisms. Medusoid forms.
16. COOLLETS. Systems that use the energy of modditivity of parts in holistic formations - the main energy of the Cosmos. Self-teleporting humanoid forms.
17. ENTOLETS. Unibroigi ambulance ships. They use the energy of the regenerative memory of systems that have entered an entropic state. They control the negentropic regime of the Cosmos. They are constantly on the Earth and near the Earth. They disguise themselves as technical forms.
18. MMN. They use the energy of anomnesis (ontological recollection). Ensure the preservation of information in space. They created a memory reservoir in the Himalayas (Shambhala). Unknown
19. NOOLETS. Systems that block chaotic radiation from the Earth's noosphere into space. They are located at a high altitude. Magnetosphere anomaly.
20. CREALETS. Systems that control evolution are turned on after typogenesis (see No. 2). They usually look like bright stars. May be erroneously associated with a supernova. Unknown
21. PEDOLETS. Small excursion ships used to visit Earth for educational purposes. (When preparing large operations in Space). Pear-shaped or teardrop-shaped.

I. Transcendental UFOs.
1. Eidolet. The eidosphere is the highest sphere of the Universe. Eidos - “ideas” - are the essence of the highest consciousness, the creators of our world. The creative impulses of the eidosphere are a constant condition for the existence of our crudely material “creature” world. They always permeate our world, but we perceive them differently, depending on the level of our spiritual development, our thesaurus, different in different eras and in different people in the same era. Such a difference in the perception of eidolet is possible insofar as these are impulses of subtle, psychic energy.
2. Infralets. Dalbrot hierarchy (D-Alb “Supra and infra of the world”): “The world has been created to the principle of inexhaustibility. In our plan it is blocked. For us, the atom is the unity of “elementary particles”. In fact, this is the Universe of a different level. Large-taxon mutations, - for example, the class of reptiles or the class of birds. The phenosphere is the manifest world - the world of unknowable entities - outside the eidosphere."
3. Sakvalets. Tabor light - the light observed by the apostles during the transfiguration of Christ on Mount Tabor (before the crucifixion). Trinitarian energy - ensuring the integrity of the Trinity - the highest eidosphere of your Universe, its core (in the Christian religion, trinitarianism, trinity - the symbiosis of the 3 principles of the Universe - is expressed in an isoteric figurative form in the form of the Sublated Trinity). This is colossal spiritual energy.

II. Transmetagalactic UFOs.
Metagalaxy- part of the Universe accessible to us. The set of galaxies known to us. By overcoming the cosmological event horizon we mean overcoming cosmic barriers between Universes of different dimensions.
4. Quiet aircraft. Tychions - particles - moving at superluminal speed, a chain of teleological causality - the future determines the present (evolution is the implementation of a predetermined goal). ANTI-WORLD IS POISON. Both the world of teleological causality and the world of antimatter. Setori (Hindu) - premonition, proskopia, sending a tachyon ray. The Cairo miracle - captured on film, many articles with photographs: image Mother of God, moving and measuring posture, was observed for several days over the temple in Cairo. Thousands of people watched it.
5. Virolets. The energy of transition from Possibility (virtuality - from the Latin “possible”, which can or should manifest itself). Reality is the energy of causality, closely related to time. Time itself is force, energy. Time and prana are synonymous. There is this energy at every point.

III. Metagalactic UFOs.
6. Unilets. Singular is a mathematical term used when solving equations, but it also has another meaning, here it is used in the sense of “superdense”. The neutrino form of life - the neutrino, as is known - is a particle that has no (mass) at rest and does not interact. The neutrino life form has retained dynamic memory from the previous manvantara. Manvantary signs. It is impossible to explain what this civilization looks like.
7. Chronoplanes. Causality (not teleological) is usually used.
8. Airplanes. Astral doubles (astrogens) are not holograms known to us and not astral bodies, but something like a “spiritualized hologram” capable of independent actions and connected with the waking consciousness of the original. Many of the humanoids encountered belong to this type of phenomenon.
9. Singelettes. Singulation energy is the energy of a superdense state of matter. Singlet is fundamentally close to a thermonuclear energy source. Usually triangular in shape.

IV. Galactic UFOs.
10. Anolety. They use the energy of antiparticles. Humanoids in a “dense body” fly on these devices. On the evolutionary cosmic ladder, they are one stage higher than us or parallel to us. Compared to other cosmic creatures, this is a low level.
11. Defaults. This is a technical system. Humanoids of a stage of development parallel to ours also fly on them in a “dense body”. In terms of the level of consciousness and morality, they, however, are much higher than us, since their evolution proceeded without pathological deviations characteristic of the Earth, and certainly absent in our Galaxy.
12. Gravity planes. Antigravitons (you can also call them levitons) are a particle unknown to us. They are used by humanoids of significantly higher levels of evolutionary development (2-3 steps higher than ours).
13. Topolets. Geometric transformations - matter can be considered as excited states of geometry. These are ships of a very high level civilization. Perhaps the cross that K. E. Tsiolkovsky saw was a topolet.
14. Harmolets. The 137th element is harmium. We know 108 elements. 137 has great potential strength. This is a model of the universe from which any element can be obtained. Harmolets are constantly in Earth orbit. Responsible for geological and other processes. Ensure the harmony of the Universe. They are used very much high levels evolution - perhaps the last one before the eidosphere. (Fiery world, sphere of creative ideas, forces) - 27th level.

V. UFO - Unibroiga Ships.
Unibroiga- a Universe parallel to us, located in another dimension. This Universe is older than ours, more developed and powerful. It is also three-dimensional. Connected with ours through the stars of the Orion constellation, “coming” from Unibroiga. The only space civilization specifically dedicated to helping the Earth. If the Teachers of Shambhala are busy with the spiritual evolution of earthlings, then Unibroiga assists them, striving to ensure this evolution on the earthly plane: not only through spirituality, but also through material activity. The Orions are an evolutionary step higher than us. They are very similar to us in appearance, slim and beautiful. They sympathize with us and care about us. They come into contact with individual earthlings in small groups.
15. Neuroflights. On September 20, 1977, a neurolet was observed over Petrozavodsk.
16. Holotety. From “holism” - consideration of all phenomena in their integrity. Additive - obtained by addition.
17. Entolets. Obviously automatic. Perhaps "plates" with windows. Block radiation into space. They strive to eliminate entropy.
18. Mneplanes. Closely connected with Shambhala.
19. Noolety.
20. Crealets. The star Tinya, located behind Jupiter, which is spoken of in eastern legends (E. Thomas mentions it in “Shambhala - Tales of Light”) is a crealet.
21. Pedals. Pedogynesis is a biological phenomenon in which the larva stops in its development and has the opportunity to reproduce (for example, axalotl and ablistoma). Grass, for example, is a pedogenetic form of a tree. The energy of pedolets is the energy of formation and development. Pedoleons provide environmental control on Earth.

As a result, we see that class I UFOs do not contain any humanoid forms at all
In class II there can only be “trans-holograms”.
Only starting from class III (6th type) can we talk about the presence of “aliens” in UFOs, but even here they may turn out not to be humanoids in a dense body, but “astral doubles” - “astrogens”.
Only “ships” are classified here - unidentified phenomena and structures unknown to us, but not intelligent creatures, the entities that control them. One can only conclude that
I The UFO class is associated with the highest Noumonal entities and the Trimitarium - the highest beings of the eidosphere (fireballs).
II class - with creatures of the Fiery World, eidos.
III and IV classes - with cosmic beings (humanoids) of both the highest stages of the evolution of the Universe, and those close to them “parallel” to us.
V class - humanoids closest to us, one step above us.
There is no talk at all about humanoids from our solar system.
Earth is visited only by transgalactic, metagalactic and cosmic spaceships.
Visits are constant, regular, since they are necessary to regulate the activities of our planet and the space associated with it in general, the unified activity of the Universe.
Since our Earth is a sick “cell” of a single organism, Shambhala and the Orions pay special attention to it and treat it. But since the spiritual illness of earthly humanity has taken on severe and threatening forms, attention to us, which intensified during the Second World War, has increased in recent years with particularly noticeable intensity.
1978 was the year of unprecedented UFO activity, observed everywhere and in large quantities.
The number of individual contacts with “humanoids” is increasing. Contact on a more or less global scale is impossible due to the unpreparedness of earthly humanity as a whole.
AND we're talking about not only about the fact that UFOs are often shot at, that people attack humanoids in fear or run away from them, but about mental and moral unpreparedness.

Candles are used very often in magic. Each ritual requires its own candle. It turns out that in order to achieve a particular goal, it is necessary to select a ritual candle of a specific color. For example, if you are doing a ritual for love, then a pink candle will help you.

Candles themselves are a powerful energy item. With their help, you can fulfill your desire, attract good luck, money, health and love, without even resorting to rituals. It’s enough just to light a candle of a certain color every evening. When choosing “your” candle, you need to rely on its color.

The meaning of candle color in magic

  • White candle represents spirituality and tranquility. It is recommended to light it for those who are looking for harmony and peace in life.
  • Red candle in magic it is a symbol of passion, energy and strength. A red candle is useful for raising morale, mood and promoting health.
  • Pink candle- to attract love, reveal femininity and romance.
  • yellow candle in magic will help develop thinking, intelligence, creativity and memory. It is recommended to light it while reading or studying.
  • Green candle- to attract money and prosperity. A green candle is also used in magic to find inner harmony and to get rid of problems with the birth of a child.
  • Blue candle in magic it gives inspiration, wisdom and develops intuition. Also, with the help of this candle you can cleanse the space of negative energy. If you long for changes in life, then light a dark candle blue.
  • Blue candle will help resolve conflicts, measure up with those with whom you are in a quarrel. You can also use it to establish contact with people around you.
  • Purple candle in magic - improves physical and mental health, increases spiritual strength.
  • Orange candle in magic is an assistant in career and business.
  • Black candle takes energy. It is better to light it only to rid yourself or your home of negative energy.
  • Golden candle will help you realize your plans and achieve what you want.
  • Choose a candle based on your goals and aspirations. It is best to light a candle before going to bed, and the main light should be extinguished. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Magic candles - there are so many of them and they are all so different. Different shapes, sizes, colors... Which candles to choose for this or that ritual, which ones to put on the altar to invoke the deity, and which ones to light for the success of a new endeavor? Probably, everyone who began to practice candle magic faced similar questions.

And if it is relatively not difficult to understand the purpose of the main types of magic candles (they were discussed in one of the previous articles), then right choice candle colors are often controversial even among experienced practitioners. Indeed, what does the color of a candle mean, what color should the candles on the altar be during a magical ritual - these are far from idle questions, since they largely determine the success of the entire ritual.

Let's try to figure out what role the color of candles plays in magic and how to choose the right candles for a specific ritual. First of all, it should be said that there is no one absolute set of rules regarding what the color of a candle means. IN different cultures different nations There are different ideas about color matches. If in Christian Europe the color white is traditionally perceived as a symbol of purity, innocence and divine grace, then in the countries of the East it is often the color of death and mourning. If for a person of Slavic culture the color black is the embodiment of darkness, nightmares, evil and curses, then for an African it is a symbol of night passion, sex and fertility.

For an adherent of Western European ceremonial magic, formed on the basis of the Gnostic teachings of the East, alchemical works and Christian ideas, blue/dark blue is the color of the endless sky, lofty aspirations, truth, fidelity, chastity and justice. And for the typical Santeria fan from Brazil, the color blue is a symbol of the beautiful sea goddess Yemanja, mother of all orishas, ​​patroness of family, motherhood and protector of children.

In other words, when choosing candles for equipping a magical altar and performing rituals, it makes sense to take into account the characteristics of the magical (religious) movement within which the work is being carried out. At the same time, it must be kept in mind that in modern magic There are certain stable ideas about what the color of a candle means, which are quite universal and can be applied in most cases.

Why is the color of a candle so important?

Why is the color of candles so important during a magical ritual? The whole secret is in his personal perception by the operator. As Aleister Crowley noted, "Magic is the science and art of causing change in accordance with will." By the will of the magician, we mean the one who directly carries out the influence. Accordingly, the main magical instrument is the consciousness of the magician, his will, his intention and ability for mental concentration. At the same time, everything that strengthens the mental and volitional abilities of the operator, which helps to reveal the subconscious and purposefully use the energy hidden in it, helps to strengthen the created influence.

The color of a burning candle (as well as the color of other surrounding objects) plays an important role in this process, since it acts as a kind of key that opens certain components of the operator’s subconscious. A color pigment is matter that emits energy of a specific wavelength and speed. In other words, color creates vibrations that the human brain is able to perceive and respond to in a certain way. Each color carries its own vibrational effect.

However, the actual symbolism of a particular color will differ depending on the prevailing cultural, religious and magical traditions. Therefore, it is so important not just to follow the instructions of authoritative sources, but to select matches that are meaningful and meaningful for you personally. In order for color vibrations to begin to work, they must evoke some kind of subjective and consistent response in the soul of a practicing magician.

This is an important point, since purely mechanical adherence to even the most authoritative instructions will not bring the desired effect if it contradicts the internal attitudes of the practitioner. For example, if the manual for a magic candle says that black color is used for cleansing and eliminating negative influences, but for the magician himself this color carries only a negative meaning if he sees in it exclusively manifestations of black magic, which causes him internal rejection, then even a ritual carried out according to all the rules will be useless. Therefore, no matter what serious sources of information you use, do not forget that the final and most important authority is you.

The interpretations of candle colors and descriptions of the scope of their application given in this article are the most common and universal at this historical stage. They can be used as a starting point in the process of creating your own rituals, but they cannot be taken as the only true and absolute ones. Everything requires testing by practice.

What color should the candles be?

Traditionally, in candle magic, three main (basic) colors are used, symbolizing enough wide range phenomena - white, black and red. If a practicing magician has the opportunity to expand this list, great; if not, that’s okay too. The three listed colors are usually sufficient for any ritual. All other shades of candles only clarify and more carefully direct the created effect.

As is known from school course physics, white color is the sum of all other colors of the spectrum. In magical terms, this is the balanced presence of all influences, harmony embodied in matter. For this reason, white candle color is considered universal, creating a very powerful and positive vibration. White candles are always appropriate on both a religious altar and a magical one. In addition, they can serve as a replacement for candles of any other color if those are not at hand. Therefore, when replenishing your candle supplies, first of all you should take care of a sufficient supply of white candles.

White color symbolizes purity, innocence, sincerity, virtue, higher spirituality and, importantly, truth.

If everything is clear with the white color and there is no doubt about it, then the black color often causes a lot of misunderstandings. Many people perceive the color black as a symbol of night, darkness, curses and evil. For some, the very thought of lighting black candles on their altar is unacceptable, because this could unleash some kind of evil or endanger the operator himself. It is important to understand that if you have this kind of sensation, then it is better not to use black candles at all, regardless of what is written in the manual. A magical ritual performed with feeling internal resistance, will not bring any benefit.

Those who do not have such prejudices and are more open to the unknown should pay attention to following features black candles. Firstly, black color is unique in that it does not emit its own vibrations. Black is emptiness, darkness, the absence of any color or light. By the way, it may be mentioned that the quality of emptiness in Eastern spiritual and magical teachings is considered to be a feminine/negative polarity, absorbing rather than emitting energy. This is why black candles are so effective. When they burn, they release only what was put into them from the outside. Accordingly, depending on what intention it was charged with, the candle will be “good” or “evil”.

Since the black color of the candle does not have its own energetic effect, these candles are excellent for spiritual practices: meditation, the development of psychic abilities, etc. Often a black candle(s) are used when asking for something impossible, “miraculous” - a safe way out of a dangerous difficult situation, to achieve an incredible, almost unattainable goal.

One more important feature black candles is that no other type of candle gives such impressive results in banishing and cleansing rituals of the most serious nature.

The color black symbolizes inertia, the peace of night, the dark and cold depths of the ocean, as well as the deepest corners of the subconscious. Burning a black candle represents the light that comes from the darkness.

Red is the color of life hot blood, vitality and sexual passion. It has a strong, positive vibration of the Martian nature. Red stimulates and excites. Whatever feeling or desire we are talking about, red takes it to its extreme possibilities. Red is courage, indestructible health, vigorous energy, passionate desire and unbending will to realize it.

Red candles are used in rituals of protection against mental attacks, physical harm caused by black magic, as well as to overcome internal fears and laziness.

Orange is the color of summer afternoon, when the sun is at its zenith, it is enthusiasm, fun, vitality and optimism. In other words, orange is a color of great power that can be used to achieve success, attract helpful, friendly people and good things into your life. Orange candles are used in rituals to enhance attractiveness and attract friendship, increase adaptability, and well-being in life.

Yellow color is considered the color of the element Air, which controls the mental activity of people, so the use of yellow candles stimulates the imagination and intellect. Yellow symbolizes creativity, skill, commerce, medicine, diplomacy and adaptability. Also yellow may mean unexpected changes.

Yellow candles are used in rituals when it is necessary to “bend” the mind of a person in the desired direction. They are also used to improve memory, healing, and achieve success in art. Yellow candles are also good for depression, when you need to improve a bad mood.

Those who follow Caribbean traditions of magic often use yellow candles for exorcism and exorcism.

The gold color is close in its properties to yellow, but still has noticeable differences. It symbolizes the Universal Commonwealth, "cosmic intelligence", intuitive abilities, as well as great luck. Golden candles are often lit to invoke the divine presence, to bring peace to a community or group, or to enhance collective understanding.

The golden color is also well suited in all commercial rituals: to achieve quick success in financial matters, to attract buyers and clients, to increase material reserves.

Pink is the color of tenderness, love and affection, it is warmth and generosity towards oneself. Pink symbolizes gentleness, spiritual fulfillment, unity of souls, sublime love, honor and kindness. Pink candles are most successfully used to resolve family situations, to attract true love, and enhance tender affection. They are also used for healing, mainly spiritual. Candles of a bright, rich pink hue successfully dispel darkness and trouble, help destroy unfavorable circumstances and attract good luck. Also, bright pink is the color of sensual pleasure of reciprocity.

Green is the color of the planetary influence of Venus, as well as the color of young foliage, flowering meadows and rich gardens. It is the color of life itself, fertility, natural abundance and growth. It symbolizes nature, material well-being, good health, renewal, cooperation, generosity and good luck.

Green candles are lit in rituals to attract money, material well-being, acquiring wealth of any kind, as well as for a successful marriage, returning and maintaining youthfulness and attractiveness. Green is very good for problematic situations, when you need to restore balance and find harmony, to “unwind” a tight-fisted person, to repeat and renew a spell. In addition, green candles are very effective when a fresh, “healthy” look at a “stagnant” situation is required.

The colors of the blue spectrum are traditionally widely used in candle magic. Depending on the shade, they are used to solve certain problem situations.

LIGHT BLUE (LIGHT BLUE) is the color of serenity, inspiration and devotion. In most traditions, it symbolizes peace and happiness in the family, tranquility, immortality, innocence or masculine youth. In practice, women often use light blue candles to preserve male devotion, to retain the love of a son or a man’s sincere friendship. From here to European languages The expression “true blue” (from the French “true blue”) - “reliable, loyal” arose.

ROYAL BLUE - bright, rich color embodies the planetary influence of Jupiter. It symbolizes joy, laughter, cheerfulness, as well as loyalty on a collective level, successful group activities and expansion. However, before turning to the power of Jupiter and trying to awaken it, it is worth taking a closer look at the most frequent manifestations of this peculiar planet. The power of Jupiter is great, but it is very difficult to control it on a personal level. If used incorrectly, this power can provoke mental disorders, twilight consciousness of epileptic or psychogenic origin, and even cause insanity.

A rich, thick, dark blue shade of indigo is somewhat similar to black. This is the color of the planetary influence of Saturn - the planet of discipline, restrictions and control. Indigo candles are most suitable for deep meditation, as they can create an inertial effect and calm any mental activity. They are used in rituals aimed at stopping someone's actions in order to stop gossip, unwanted rivalry, and neutralize someone's magic. Indigo also helps speed up the processing of karma through experience, bringing clear understanding and wisdom.

Purple is a special color. It is a symbol of greatness, independence, dignity and wisdom, as well as psychic manifestations of various kinds, idealism and spiritual contacts. Purple candles are used in cases where great spiritual strength is required. They are used in exorcism rituals, against black magic, and against demonic possession. This color helps break witchcraft and promotes mental and spiritual healing. In malefic applications, purple candles are used to destroy the veil of spiritual protection.

The color is quite rare and little studied, since magenta-colored magic candles are not often found on sale. But if you are lucky enough to find these candles, it makes sense to buy a lot of them at once in stock, since their effect is often impossible to obtain in any other way.

Magenta is not a color on the traditional spectrum and vibrates at a very high frequency. This color is a kind of illusory fluctuation between ultraviolet and infrared, it symbolizes Super Power, omnipotence. Ethereal in nature, magenta permeates all planes of existence and tends to work quickly.

It is effective to light magenta candles together with any others to speed up the given process. One candle can be used to speed up a “delayed” result. As magical candles, magenta is used for spiritual healing and is best suited for exorcism rituals and desired rapid changes.

SILVER (Light grey)
Cool silver color is a symbol of stability, peace and neutrality. Silver candles are lit to neutralize any unwanted influence or negative impact. The color silver is especially good for meditation and helps in the development of extrasensory perception and psychic abilities. Altar candles of a silver-metallic hue are convenient to use to call upon lunar goddesses, to attract the help of the Great Mother, as the female aspect of the Divine.

Brown is the color of the earth, the color of the soil of the planet itself. Its vibrations are entirely concentrated on the material plane. Brown candles are often lit during periods of financial crisis as they are believed to attract money and financial success.

Brown altar candles can be used to attract the spirits of the Earth, who should always be rewarded for their help and released appropriately, or returned to the Earth through a special ritual. Some people throw a coin into the hole when burying leftover materials for a spell. Others place “special” gifts on the altar.

Some traditions have a list of a large pantheon of spirits, with a special offering for each (for example: a cigar, a glass of whiskey, a flower, an ear of corn, etc.). These gifts are burned with the remaining materials for the spell.

For many years, candles have performed a decorative function, turning an ordinary interior into a mysterious, romantic one. Fire is also a mystical sign, one of the five magical elements. It is a symbol of passion and supernatural power.

There are people for whom candles are not just a decorative element, but an artifact, without which meditation, spiritual practices and certain rituals are indispensable. Wax products help improve your emotional state and fulfill your deepest desires. We invite you to talk about candle magic and the meaning of candle colors in magic!

What is candle magic?

Magicians and esotericists call this one of the most primitive magical arts. This type, by the way, is usually classified as natural magic. It is built on small rituals and on the use minimum quantity artifacts.

Every person at least once in his life performed the simplest rituals related to this type of witchcraft. For example, I blew out the candles on my birthday cake. Yes, yes, this is candle magic! After all, at the same time, a person makes a wish, sends it to the Universe, asking for support. And the final result is influenced, of course, by faith in the actions performed and Higher powers.

Why do many magicians choose candle magic for themselves? Of course, first of all, this happens because the fire element has always been associated among people with superhuman power, transformation, purification and the fulfillment of their most cherished desires. Fire fascinates and attracts, it is the embodiment of that divine spark, which, according to esotericists, is present in every person! In addition, it is fire that allows a person to become close to something supernatural, beyond the control of reason, beyond the limits of the material world. That is why bonfires used to burn on altars pagan gods, and that's why today in Christian churches candles are burning.

The advantage of using magic candles is the simplicity and convenience of this method of changing reality. In addition, this type of witchcraft is incredibly effective: it allows you to solve problems in almost all areas of life. Of course, the flame of a candle is much smaller than the flame of a ritual fire, but there is also a significant advantage - in addition to the pure energy of fire, candles have a “body” that the sorcerer can also use in the process of witchcraft. You can apply various magical words and symbols to it, add oils and herbs, enhancing the effect of the ritual.

Rules for using candles

There are a number of certain rules that magicians strictly observe. We'll tell you about the most important ones!

For each ritual it is necessary to take new candles, sorcerers warn. Those that have already been lit (even for a short time) already contain information that can ruin the entire magical ritual. Some rituals involve lighting and extinguishing one candle several times. Please note - under no circumstances should you change candles or light them outside of the ritual!

We must also remember that candle magic is, first of all, real creativity! Therefore, the use of combinations of two or more colors is allowed here! Of course, the color descriptions below can be called basic and widespread, but no one prohibits using candles in accordance with your attitude. Another important detail - candles self made imbued with the energy of the person who created them. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to create a magical artifact yourself, be sure to do it! You will be able to receive an energy charge of incredible strength.

After any, it is important to properly dispose of candles. Experienced sorcerers advise carefully collecting the cinders (it is advisable not to touch them with your bare hands) and throwing them away away from you.

Candle color

The color of this magical attribute can be compared to a key that opens a certain area of ​​the human subconscious. What color should the candles be for the ritual? It all depends on what it is aimed at! We bring to your attention a selection of characteristics of certain shades!


Red candles are simply irreplaceable when it comes to love magic. After all, red is the color of passion and expression, love and energy. They will help not only attract new relationships into your life, but also return lost feelings and increase sexual desire. An important point is that you need to light two identical candles at once - this symbolizes reciprocity between partners.

Red candles also help to achieve success in business - for this you just need to light them before some important event and just look at the flames. Magicians assure that the color red attracts good luck and improves the financial side of life.

They should also be used in case of fatigue or before exhausting work. You need to get comfortable in a chair opposite the candle, let your thoughts go free and look at the fire. Even a short rest will restore a huge amount of energy and allow you to complete difficult work.

Another area of ​​application is the presence of outside interference. Esotericists recommend lighting scarlet candles throughout the house in cases when fatigue sets in, everything literally falls out of hand, and light bulbs burn out in rooms. It is believed that the flame will drive out all evil forces.


White is the color of sincerity, insight, purification and wisdom. The magic of color allows it to be used in rituals aimed at healing diseases and searching for the truth. In addition, white candles help childless women finally feel. They also help correct the effect of wax of other shades.

Speaking about the meaning of the color of candles, we cannot help but say that white is an excellent assistant for people of various professions, especially teachers! It helps you achieve all your goals. colors are useful when you need a new source of energy or its awakening.


This color It is considered synonymous with optimism and joy. Therefore, it is recommended to light yellow candles when there are guests in the house. In addition, they are often used to improve relations between spouses. The fact is that bright wax carries harmony, mutual understanding and respect!

The color of the sun is also associated with a person’s intellectual potential. That’s why they light such candles before passing exams or interviews. You can use yellow candles just like that: lit in the house, they will bring financial well-being, comfort, tranquility and a friendly atmosphere.


A blue candle can awaken in a person a sense of mercy towards others. She wakes up and own feeling guilt. Such attributes are good for various spiritual practices and meditations: they help improve health, awaken energy, attract prophetic dreams. Another property of them is that they are able to give answers to complex life questions. In addition, blue candles are the most powerful weapons, often used in the fight against evil forces. Wax of this color has a large energy charge, but magicians often do not recommend using it - this can lead a person to depression and disorder.


Speaking about the meaning of the color of candles, one cannot fail to mention the magical attributes of black; it accumulates magical energy, and therefore has a number of the most different characteristics, capable of influencing not only a person’s consciousness, but also the events occurring in his life.

Black candles perfectly help in the fight against obstacles and difficult circumstances. They get rid of negative energy and speed up recovery from illnesses. It is strictly forbidden to treat wax of this color lightly! You should not use them in rituals aimed at desires that you are not completely sure of. When should such candles be lit? Magicians speak - in moments of reflection on complex issues, when justice is needed or when life is complicated by various obstacles. It is also important that black color affects the process of meditation, making it deeper.


What is it associated with? green? Of course, with fertility, abundance, material wealth, summer greenery. Therefore, esotericists recommend lighting such candles when you urgently need to attract finance into your life, improve the health of your household, and increase the level of In addition, green candles help in the implementation of creative plans and ideas. Unlike blue ones, green attributes can be used daily: they will help you get inspired.

Speaking about the magic of color, we cannot fail to mention that different shades of green help in solving different problems. For example, when a person burns dark green candles, greed and envy leave his heart. Emerald candles are a symbol of love, important achievements and bright emotions. Therefore, it is worth lighting them at a time when you need to strengthen the union and dilute bland life little joys.


Orange color is a symbol of sun and summer, power and entrepreneurship. He is able to give a person strength, enthusiasm and luck. In addition, it strengthens both friendly and business ties, gives recognition and success. It is worth lighting candles of this color in situations where you need to quickly adapt to some situations and adapt to reality. In addition, orange - best helper women who want to lose weight and transform themselves.


Speaking about the meaning of the color of candles, it is worth mentioning pink candles. All shades of this color attract romance and sensuality into life, pointing to the path that will lead to spiritual harmony and balance. Women who are too callous should light such candles: they will help them become more tender and softer.

One more thing useful property this color is the programming of energy for reconciliation. That’s why you need to use them after quarrels. They will also help you find compromises in any situation. By the way, it is best to use pink wax products with the scent of roses - they will enhance the magical effect of rituals.


Typically, such candles are used together with others in a variety of rituals. Their main purpose is to accelerate the result, strengthen the ritual.


Purple wax products will help you reveal hidden capabilities and talents, expand the boundaries of consciousness, and make wise decisions. Magicians use them to create the necessary mood during predictions of the future or various fortune-telling. These candles are used to protect against magical effects, cleanse negative influence.

Golden and silver

Sorcerers recommend using golden candles for women. It is generally accepted that they will help to acquire happiness and wealth, determination and the spirit of victory. Silver attributes are necessary if it is necessary to get rid of negative influences, improve well-being and gain vitality.

Blue and turquoise

Who should use it wax candles blue? People who lack patience and inspiration. Their influence is particularly gentle, so they can gently resolve spiritual torment. Often such candles are used during spiritualistic séances.

You can light blue candles, look at the fire and think about your loved one - this can program him to be faithful and incredible affection.

Turquoise attributes play the role of a kind of talisman that can cleanse the soul and push for change.


These tones are absolutely neutral, and therefore suitable for people who need to understand their own thoughts and feelings. The meaning of the color of candles allows them to be used for meditation and practices aimed at reflection and relaxation. Esotericists recommend lighting them at the end of a busy day.


Brown candles help you gain confidence. They prevent danger and release excess energy. Another action is balancing the connection with the outside world.

In which areas should candles be lit?

After you have decided on the color of the candle, you need to choose a place in the house where you will light them. Multi-colored candles located in the southwest will help improve relationships with a loved one and resolve conflict situations with children.

If you have a great desire to succeed in professional activity To gain popularity, magicians advise taking red, blue and purple candles and lighting them in the south of the house.

It's no secret that Qi energy is the source of all life on our planet. If you feel that it has stagnated and needs to be dispersed, it is recommended to light magic candles at least two or three times a week in the most inaccessible places of the home, for example, in the corners.

Candles that a person lights in the northeast of an apartment or room will help strengthen the influence of the energy of the Earth element (and therefore bring stability, self-confidence into one’s life, and preserve family happiness). This should be done at least twice a week.

You can also eliminate the chill that has appeared in a relationship with the help of candles. It is best to take red wax products. They should be burned in the bedroom, choosing the southwest side for this. Esotericists warn that you should not do this too often, otherwise both you and your partner will simply get tired of the excessive manifestation of feelings.

You can light up in absolutely all areas and in all rooms white. They will create an indescribable atmosphere of cleanliness and freshness in your home and rid your home of negative energy that has accumulated for a long time.

It is known that the effects of color are reflected on the subconscious of people, causing a certain energetic vibration that can help or hinder, disperse or concentrate, and even create attachment to any element. Well, the lit candle itself helps bring this vibration to life. Be that as it may, the list color range The candle serves as a kind of incentive for implementation or a starting point, and then it’s up to you to decide which color of the candle is closest and suits you.

When buying candles, we don’t even think about what they contain, but even witches select candles by color for their rituals.
So, the color and meaning of candles...
White candles- a symbol of life, vitality and clarity, they are also a new source of energy or its surge. These candles are universal, so they are often used in meditation, to protect the hearth and defeat dark forces. White candles can be lit on any day of the week, but are more often associated with Monday.
Red candles symbolize action, power and courage, strength and determination. It is recommended to use them during a period when you have a really very important life goal; another characteristic of these candles is their use in love magic, since red is the color of passion. You need to light red candles on Tuesday.
Orange- a symbol of growth, high self-esteem, confidence and abundance, for those who want to assert themselves while under constant pressure, these candles are suitable like no other. Their day is Sunday.
Yellow candles correspond to the business and monetary sphere, will help in overcoming crises of a creative and life nature, good luck in travel and study. Their Mercury day is Wednesday.
Greens most often used for rituals to increase wealth, income, attract good luck in business, as well as health and recovery. They should be lit on Venus day – Friday.
Turquoise candles, or as they are also called candles of the goddess Hathor, are suitable for love rituals, as well as for people who want to find peace of mind and balance, relieve stress, relax... Their day is Thursday and Friday.
Blue will help you gain calm, patience and tolerance, as well as balance and understanding. They are lit on Thursday.
Blue candles are a symbol of success, organization, self-improvement and spirituality. THEIR Jupiter day is Thursday.
Purple candles for those who want to connect with another dimension and dive into the subconscious. These candles are perfect for meditation and working with past life. The best day for them is Thursday.
Pink candles - the color itself speaks for itself - it is femininity and softness, they will help you find a romantic atmosphere, heal emotional wounds, especially when it comes to betrayal and unsuccessful love relationship, will reconcile after quarrels, and will contribute to the recovery of children. Pink candles are lit on Thursday and/or Friday.
Gray candles - the color of Mercury and Saturn are used to neutralize the negative, for easy compromise and self-protection. They should heal on Saturday and (or) Wednesday.
Black used when breaking up relationships, to expel negativity and overcome grief. You should be careful with these candles so as not to fall into the grip of depression, and if it is already present, they can be replaced with dark blue or purple ones. Black candles are lit on Saturdays.
Silver candles or candles are for magic and are lit on Mondays.
Gold candles will help increase finances, personal security, confidence and charm. Light on Sunday.
Brown, as Mother Earth Candles also call them, release from excess energy, prevent danger, and also represent a kind of neutrality. It's Saturday for these candles.
Well, what color of candles you prefer is up to you to decide, and if something goes wrong, don’t blame the ZwonKa admins