Animals of the tundra. Message on the surrounding world on the topic: “Natural areas of Russia

Tundra is a natural ecosystem located at the North Pole. It is included in the biome surrounding the Arctic Circle, which is also the coldest on Earth. is in the center North Pole, but there are other parts that are included in its territory because they have the same climatic conditions. These regions include the Arctic, parts of Alaska and northern Canada. In the tundra average temperature in winter it is -34° C, and in summer it ranges between +3° and +12° C.

The tundra territory warms up only for two months of the year. But despite the severe cold, it is developing rapidly. A wide variety of flora and fauna can be found here. concentrate quite tightly to protect themselves from harsh northern winds. Animals of the tundra hibernate for a significant part of the year or migrate to warm regions. The list below is dedicated to the fauna of the tundra.

polar fox

– distributed throughout the Arctic region. The diet consists of small mammals, including voles and lemmings, as well as birds and their eggs. Arctic foxes are opportunists and will sometimes feed on dead animal carcasses. They often follow behind polar bears to feed on the predators' remains. Arctic foxes also eat some plant foods such as berries.

Like many other foxes, arctic foxes build burrows. They can be located on hillsides or river banks, and usually have several entrances and exits. polar foxes can be found in the arctic or alpine tundra.

Arctic foxes are adapted to live in extremely cold climates climatic conditions. They have fur on their paws to keep them warm, a thick and dense layer of fur around their body, short ears, a small body size, and a large, bushy tail that foxes wrap around themselves.

killer whale

Orca – sea ​​predator and the largest representative of the dolphin family, perfectly adapted to living in the harsh climate of the tundra. This is a very intelligent and highly adaptable animal. Killer whales live in all oceans of the world. They were spotted from north of Northern Arctic Ocean to the south of the Southern Ocean. They prefer cold waters. If food becomes scarce, killer whales swim to other areas with sufficient food supply. Their diet consists of: seals, sea ​​lions, small whales, dolphins, fish, sharks, squid, octopuses, sea ​​turtles, seabirds, sea ​​otters, river beavers and other animals. High-calorie nutrition helps build an insulating layer of fat, making it easier to survive in the cold waters off the tundra coast.

The average body length of an adult male is 8 meters, and that of a female is 7 meters. Males weigh about 7200 kg, and females are slightly less.

Killer whales are very social animals, their groups number up to 50 individuals. They share food with each other and leave their pack for no more than a few hours.

Sea lion

Sea lion – marine mammal, characterized by small ears, long and wide front flippers, the ability to walk on all fours, and a short, dense coat. The front flippers are the main means of propulsion in the water. Their range extends from subarctic to tropical waters of the world's oceans, in the northern and southern hemispheres, with the exception of the northern part Atlantic Ocean. The average life expectancy is 20-30 years. The male sea lion weighs about 300 kg and has a body length of 2.4 meters, while the female weighs 100 kg and has a body length of 1.8 meters. Sea lions consume large number food, about 5-8% of their body weight per feeding. The diet consists of: fish (for example, capelin, cod, herring, mackerel, pollock, sea ​​bass, salmon, gerbils, etc.), bivalves, cephalopods (e.g. squid and octopus) and gastropods. Under the animal's skin there is a thick layer of fat, and along with thick hair, it protects the animal from the harsh climatic conditions of the tundra.

These animals are capable of diving deep underwater (up to 400 meters), and through many inherent physiological processes (heart rate, gas exchange, digestion rate and blood flow), the animal's body copes with the high pressure caused by diving.

The terrestrial lifestyle is used for resting, molting and reproduction. Sea lions may come onto land to bask in the sun.

American ground squirrel

The American ground squirrel is a species of small rodent from the squirrel family. It is found in the tundra and is preyed on by foxes, wolverines, lynxes, bears, and eagles. In summer it feeds on tundra plants, seeds and fruits to increase fat before hibernation. Towards the end of summer, male ground squirrels begin storing food in their burrows so that they have something to eat in the spring until new vegetation grows. The burrows are covered with lichens, leaves and musk ox hair.

During hibernation, the ground squirrel's brain temperature drops to near freezing, body temperature reaches -2.9°C, and heart rate drops to ~1 beat per minute. The temperature of the colon and blood becomes sub-zero. Hibernation for adult males lasts from late September to early April, and for females - from early August to late April. Body temperature decreases from 37° C to - 3° C.

The coat color changes depending on the time of year. The fur is soft and velvety, and protects the animal from cold winds.

Its homeland is North American arctic tundra, and the main habitats are on mountain slopes, river lowlands, lake shores and mountain ranges. Gophers prefer sandy soil because of easy digging and good drainage.


The lemming is a small rodent that usually lives in or near the Arctic, in the tundra biome. The animal's body weight is from 30 to 110 g, and its length is 7-15 cm. As a rule, lemmings have long, soft fur and very short tails. They are herbivores, feeding mainly on leaves and shoots, grass and sedges, as well as roots and bulbs. From time to time, they eat larvae. Like other rodents, their incisors grow continuously.

Lemmings do not hibernate due to the harsh northern winter. They remain active and search for food under the snow, or feed on food preparations. They are solitary animals by nature, and only meet to mate and then go their separate ways, but like all rodents, they have a high reproductive rate and breed often when food is plentiful.


There are many species of seals that live in the tundra, including the harp seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus), long-faced seal (Halichoerus grypus), Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii), elephant seal (Mirounga) and striped seal (Histriophoca fasciata). Seals - excellent swimmers, which dive deep into the Arctic seas to hunt fish, but come to land to reproduce, communicate and give birth to young. Thanks to their thick fat deposits and waterproof coat, they are well adapted to living in cold conditions.

Seals hold their breath underwater for long periods of time and dive very deep, allowing air to escape from their lungs. Weddell seals can hold their breath for up to an hour. Many species often stay under the ice, which helps them avoid predators such as polar bears. Most seals molt during the warmer months, and some tundra-dwelling species migrate to warmer seas to moult.


- a white representative of toothed whales from the narwhal family (Monodontidae). This animal is well adapted for life in cold waters due to a number of anatomical and physiological features. Among them are white color and the absence of a dorsal fin. The beluga whale has a distinctive bulge on the front of its head, which houses a large and deformable echolocation organ. Males grow up to 5.5 meters in length and weigh about 1600 kg. Beluga whales have a stocky body and well-developed hearing.

They are social animals, forming groups of up to 10 individuals on average, but in the summer they can gather in groups of hundreds or even thousands of beluga whales. They are slow swimmers, but have the ability to dive under water up to 700 meters. Their diet depends on their location and season. Beluga whales are migratory and most groups spend the winter around arctic cap; when the ice melts in the summer, they move to warmer estuaries and coastal areas. Some groups are sedentary and do not migrate long distances during the year.

Elk and reindeer

Elk and reindeer are members of the deer family (Cervidae). Male moose have characteristic branched antlers, while reindeer have antlers in both sexes. Both species are widespread in various climatic zones, including the tundra. They feed on vegetation (bark, leaves, grass, buds, shoots, moss, mushrooms).

Thanks to the structure of their hair and thick hair, as well as a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, these deer are adapted to living in the cold climate of the tundra. They are able to move on loose snow and raise their legs high when walking. When moving, they use walking or trotting (they very rarely gallop).

When the snow depth is more than 70 cm, they move to less snowy areas.

Arctic hare

The Arctic hare, or arctic hare, is a species of hares that is adapted to life in polar and mountain habitats. It has shortened ears and limbs, a small nose, body fat that accounts for 20% of its body weight, and a thick layer of fur. To maintain warmth and sleep, polar hares dig holes in the ground or under the snow. They look like rabbits, but have shorter ears, are taller when standing, and, unlike rabbits, are able to live in very cold temperatures. They may travel with other hares, sometimes in groups of 10 or more, but are usually found alone except during the breeding season. The Arctic hare can reach speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour.

The white hare is one of the largest representatives of lagomorphs. On average, individuals weigh from 2.2 to 5.5 kg (although there are large hares weighing up to 7 kg), and have a body length of 43-70 cm, not counting the tail length of 4.5-10 cm.

Arctic whites feed on vegetation, 95% of their diet consists of willow, the rest includes moss, lichens, sedge, bark, and algae. Sometimes they eat meat and fish.

Polar bear

One of the largest terrestrial mammals. Males weigh 370-700 kg, height at the withers is from 240 to 300 cm. Females are smaller than males, with an average weight of 160-320 kg. Polar bears appear to have white fur; however, their hairs are transparent and their skin is black. Wool and skin are adapted to absorb sunlight and conservation high temperature bodies. Like many animals on the tundra, polar bears have short ears, which minimizes heat loss.

Polar bears often locate near water and ice where their favorite food, seals, is found. Bears have burrows in which they sleep and where females give birth to their cubs. These predators do not hibernate because this is the hunting season, however, some individuals and pregnant females in particular go into deep winter sleep, during which the heart rate decreases significantly.

Melville Island wolf and tundra wolf

Melville island and tundra wolves - subspecies gray wolf that live in the tundra. The fur of tundra wolves is darker than that of polar wolves. Both subspecies have long, thick and soft hair. The tundra subspecies is found on the mainland, while arctic wolves live on the ice itself because they are able to better camouflage themselves from potential prey thanks to their snow-white fur. These wolves hunt in packs of 5-10 individuals. Arctic wolves hunt musk oxen, caribou and Arctic hares. They also eat lemmings, birds and ground squirrels. Polar wolves are slightly larger than tundra wolves and have small ears, which allows them to retain heat better.

The structure of the paws, namely the presence of small membranes between the toes, allows them to easily move through deep snow. They are digitigrade, so their body weight is balanced. Blunt claws help maintain balance on slippery surfaces, and circulatory system protects limbs from hypothermia. The fur of these wolves has low thermal conductivity, which helps them survive in the harsh climatic conditions of the tundra.


The stoat is a small predator, a member of the mustelidae family. The body length including the head is 16-31 cm, and the weight is 90-445 grams. Sexual dimorphism is pronounced, males are larger than females. They have a long, thin, cylindrical body, short legs and long tail. Individuals living in the tundra have thicker and lighter fur than their relatives from other climatic zones.

They have excellent eyesight, smell and hearing, which are used in hunting. Stoats are agile and good at climbing trees. They are also excellent swimmers, capable of crossing wide rivers. They move through the snow using jumps on their hind legs up to 50 cm in length.

They are carnivores and their diet consists of: rabbits, small rodents (such as voles), hares, birds, insects, fish, reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates. When food is scarce, they eat carrion (dead animal carcasses).


is a long-haired, herbivorous, horned mammal that lives in the territories of Alaska, Greenland, Canada, Sweden, Norway and Siberia. They reach a body length of 180 to 230 cm, and the height at the withers ranges from 120 to 150 cm. Their weight varies between 180-400 kg. Thanks to their incredibly long and thick fur, musk oxen are ideally adapted to life in northern conditions and can withstand the most severe frosts. Males and females have horns that start near the center of the skull. They have glands that produce a strong musky odor, which gives these bulls their name.

Musk oxen are vegetarians and feed on most of the vegetation that is available in the tundra (willow shoots, lichens, grasses and shrubs).

Musk oxen live in herds. The herd often remains on certain territory where food and water are available. If these resources are not available, animals will move within range in search of the food and drink they need to survive.

White or polar owl

The polar owl is a beautiful white bird from the owl family. The white plumage helps them hide in cold habitats. Only males are completely white; females and their young have dark spots. The feather color of males becomes whiter with age. Females are never completely white, but mature males are often 100% white. Their feathers are long and thick (even their claws are feathered), and are well suited to cold climates.

Snowy owls are one of the largest owls with a body length of about 71 cm and a weight of 3 kg. They are diurnal, unlike most other owl species, which means that most of their activity occurs during the daytime.

Snowy owls are carnivores, they have fantastic vision and hearing, which allow them to find prey hidden in thickets or under thick snow. Their preferred prey is lemmings, which they eat in huge quantities. An adult owl eats more than 1,500 lemmings a year, and supplements this diet with fish, rodents, rabbits and birds.

The snowy owl prefers to remain in its cold habitat for the entire year, but is known to migrate.


A grasshopper is an insect that can jump, walk and fly. Grasshoppers are found almost everywhere to the globe, from the tropics and deserts to the tundra and alpine meadows. They do not live in burrows, but prefer to live on open plants. In the tundra, they feed on rotting vegetation that they can find. Grasshoppers also eat small insects living in this harsh region of the planet.


There are more than 3,000 species of mosquitoes that are found throughout the world except Antarctica. On the tundra you can find twelve species of these bloodsuckers, which are especially active in summer time.

In cold climates, they remain active for several weeks each year, when, due to the development of thermokarst, pools of water form. During this time, they multiply to huge numbers and feed on the blood of reindeer. Mosquitoes are capable of carrying negative temperature and exposure to snow.

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The severity and peculiar climatic conditions of the tundra require unprecedented endurance and the ability to endure all litigation not only among people, but also among animals of the tundra. Every day there is a real struggle for life, which requires all inhabitants of the tundra to be strong and strong-willed.

They must be able to adapt to living in places where permafrost reigns around, the entire territory is blown through by a cold wind, winter time everything is covered with ice, and in the summer - with swamps.

It’s scary for the average person to even temporarily imagine himself in this role. But everyone in this world has their own place, and where one finds it completely unbearable, another experiences real pleasure from the place where he lives.

The same applies to animal world of the tundra. Any living creature throughout his life he learns to adapt and live in places where it would seem simply impossible to live.

It is worth noting that although the conditions in this natural area are not particularly attractive, there is still a huge variety of animals and inhabitants of reservoirs.

Almost all of them are united by the ability to turn on economy mode in terms of body energy and accumulate subcutaneous fat. In addition, almost all of them have long hair and plumage and choose their breeding sites rationally.

Each animal of tundra and forest-tundra interesting and unique in its own way. In one article it is impossible to talk about all the inhabitants of that area, but it is still worth paying attention to their most prominent representatives.


This hardy animal can safely be called one of the main inhabitants of the tundra. Without him, it would be very difficult for the local population. Reindeer are classified as artiodactyl mammals.

From the appearance of the animal, one should highlight its elongated body and neck and short legs disproportionate to such a physique. This structure does not make the animal ugly, but rather unique. They come in large and slightly smaller ones. The first live in the Far North. The latter can be seen in taiga Siberia.

Their distinctive feature is the antlers, which are characteristic of both male and female deer. This nomadic animal migrates throughout the tundra depending on weather conditions and time of year.

Many of them have become pets and are a valuable fishery for the local population. Deer have enemies in the form of wolves, wolverines, arctic foxes and bears. Deer live for about 28 years.

polar wolf

This handsome white man appearance no different from its counterparts, except for the light coat color with slight additions of red. In addition, the polar wolf has a fluffy tail, reminiscent of a fox.

With the help of this color, the wolf camouflages itself in the snow and can get close to its victims. This wolf is quite impressive in size, with females usually smaller than males.

U polar wolf 42 powerful teeth that will instill fear in even the bravest hunter. With these teeth, the animal can chew even the largest bones without any problems. Like everyone else animals living in the tundra, the polar wolf has learned to survive in such difficult conditions.

The saying that the legs feed the wolf is appropriate in this case. Having strong legs, the animal can travel long distances in search of food or in pursuit of its prey.

Wolves are not picky eaters. Moreover, they can go without it for about 14 days. This pack animal is still a threat to all inhabitants of the tundra. Does not live long, no more than 7 years.

Arctic fox

This beautiful animal feels at home in the tundra. It is not always easy for arctic foxes to get food for themselves; sometimes they freeze from the cold climate. But they still feel at ease in the vastness of the tundra.

The animal is the smallest representative in the dog family. Arctic foxes have to spend most of their lives at sub-zero temperatures. But they have an excellent ability to adapt to such living conditions. In external characteristics, the arctic fox has many similarities with the fox.

The animal's fur is so warm that the Arctic fox is not afraid of frosts of -50 degrees. In order to feed themselves, animals sometimes travel vast distances of thousands of kilometers. The color of the animal changes depending on the different seasons. In winter, the Arctic fox is white; with the arrival of spring, it gradually acquires gray shades.

Animals can make their homes right in the snow. Among animals, arctic foxes are afraid of wolves, raccoon dogs, foxes, and wolverines. Many of them were destroyed by humans, just as the skin of the arctic fox is of enormous commercial value. Animals live no more than 10 years.

Arctic hare

This polar hare is considered the largest among its brothers. There are some other differences between them. The length of the Arctic's ears is much shorter than those of all others, this helps its body retain heat more.

Their front paws are equipped with sharp and curved claws, with which they dig out snow. Under the snow, the animal finds food, even if it is deep enough, thanks to its excellent sense of smell. The main enemies of the animal are stoats, wolves, arctic foxes, lynxes, and white owls. Arctic hare live for no more than 5 years.


This name does not quite correspond to this animal. is a small but predator, distinguished by its agility and ferocity. The fur of the animal is brownish-red.

In winter, the weasel dresses in a snow-white coat with long pile. On the animal's strong, short legs, you can see sharp claws, with the help of which the animal easily moves through trees and tears apart mouse holes. The weasel uses jumping to move. She looks around the area, rising on her two hind legs.

It is important for weasels to have plenty of food around them. She will not live in an area where there is no one to hunt. It has a good appetite and in a matter of days can massively destroy an entire population of rodents.

In winter, the animal moves in snow tunnels. And in the event of severe frosts, it may not appear on the surface for a long time. Weasels should not encounter wolves, foxes, badgers, martens and birds of prey. The animal lives for about 8 years.

polar bear

This animal is considered the largest among its fellows. His body is clumsy and angular. At all times of the year the animal has the same white-brown color. The skin consists of wool and undercoat, which saves bears from severe frosts and also makes it possible to stay in icy water for a long time.

It may only initially seem that the polar bear is clumsy and clumsy. But understanding comes when you see how deftly this giant swims and dives.

Covering vast distances in search of food, the bear hunts skillfully. It is very dangerous for humans. An encounter with a polar bear promises big trouble.

Such hostility in an animal probably comes from its subconscious. After all, it is people who are the reason for the large drop in the number of bears due to poaching. The bear has no enemies among other inhabitants of the tundra. The lifespan of an animal in nature reaches up to 30 years. In captivity, it can increase to 15 years.


This animal was known 10 million years ago. They were originally spotted in Asia. But a change in climatic conditions provoked the movement of animals closer to the North.

There are fewer and fewer of them in nature because they are hunted by local residents. People have found and are finding worthy uses for all parts of the musk ox’s body.

Like many other animals of the tundra, they have thick fur, which helps them escape from severe frosts. A distinctive feature is the hooves, with the help of which musk oxen easily move over snowy patches and rocks.

It is not easy for this herbivore to survive in the tundra. They have adapted to eat berries, mushrooms, and lichens. Musk oxen are herd animals. In their harem to a greater extent females and a few males predominate. The musk ox's enemies are considered to be wolverine, bear, and wolf. Animals live for about 14 years, but among them there are also those who live up to the 25-year mark.


Found in the mustelidae family predatory animal, which is a thunderstorm for many tundra animals. This is not to say that this animal is of impressive size. Its weight does not exceed 30 kg, and the length of the body including the tail is usually no more than a meter.

If you look at it from afar, the animal looks more like a bear cub or a badger with squat and clumsy limbs. A predator has an unusual sharp teeth, which help him brutally deal with his victim.

This Russian tundra animal prefers to live alone almost his entire life. Males meet females only during the breeding season.

Wolverines have enough valuable fur, therefore they are a subject for hunting by the local population. There were cases when animals were tamed by humans and made into pets.

But many argue that even after several generations, wolverines remain untamed and freedom-loving animals. Their lifespan in the wild reaches up to 10 years. In captivity they can live 7 years longer.


This animal is a small rodent. There are many legends about these tiny rodents among the local population. There is a rumor that they are committing a large number of mass suicides.

Such conversations were prompted by the migration of these animals in search of food. These processes begin en masse for them and it is difficult for them to stop them. The huge rivers on their way, in which many animals will die, do not become an obstacle to rodents. Those that remain alive are trying to quickly replenish the population.

There are people who attribute mystical traits to lemmings because of their hoof-shaped claws and white coat color. They say that during the full moon they turn into werewolf rams and drink the blood of wolves.

For superstitious people, the howl of a lemming sounds like a warning of great misfortune. These are quite active animals. They are active day and night. Rodents feed on plant foods. Arctic foxes and other animals and birds of the tundra feed on lemmings. They do not live long - no more than 2 years.

Sled dogs

The indigenous population of the tundra are accustomed to using Siberian and Eskimo huskies as sled dogs. The roots of these dogs come from wolves. Dogs are characterized by cruelty and quarrelsomeness. But they have one very positive quality - they forever remain faithful to their owner.

Sled dogs are perfectly able to navigate in space even in a strong snowstorm. Using some of their identification marks, they can easily find their way to the house.

Endurance and tirelessness are in their blood. They are not afraid of cold and insufficient food. And to this day, likes are indispensable helpers for people.

American ground squirrel

Refers to this type to rodents of the squirrel breed. This animal is one example of how tundra animals adapted to life in harsh climates. In the summer, they lead their usual lifestyle.

In winter, in order not to worry about food and not to freeze, gophers simply hibernate. Moreover, such a gopher can be unknowingly mistaken for dead because its body temperature becomes sub-zero and blood practically does not circulate.

Of course, during hibernation the animals lose significant weight, but they remain alive. Encounters with skuas, polar owls, wolves and other predatory animals of the tundra can be dangerous for gophers. Rodents live no more than 3 years.

Sea lion

This amazing marine mammal has small ears, long and wide flippers in front, and short and thick hair. They feed mainly on fish and cephalopods. Sea lion long time can remain in water due to the ideal protective properties of its thick layer of subcutaneous fat.

They dive deep underwater without any problems. A depth of 400 m is not the limit of their abilities. It turns out that they spend most of their lives in the water in search of food. They come to the surface only to relax, soak up the sun rays, during molting and reproduction.

Look sea ​​lions not very attractive on the surface. But in water they have no equal in plasticity and the ability to swim well. The enemies of these mammals are sharks and killer whales. Sea lions live 20 years.


This creature with a kind face belongs to the seals. Its diet includes fish and crustaceans. It has long been considered a valuable commercial object, so it is becoming less and less every year. At this time the seal is an inhabitant of the tundra, listed in the Red Book.


This pinniped is one of the largest representatives of its species. This big one sea ​​beast very thick skin and well-developed fangs and mustache, which serves as their distinguishing feature from other inhabitants of tundra reservoirs. They have small eyes.

As for the limbs, they are designed in such a way that it is easier for them to move on the surface rather than swim. It is worth noting that they do not crawl, like many of their other brethren, but walk on land.

With the help of tusks, it is easier for a pinniped to get out of the water on ice. Just like seals, walruses are considered the most valuable fishery object, so they suffered a similar fate. This herd animal has a well-developed sense of smell; it hears the approach of a person in advance and can even capsize a boat.

All the inhabitants of the herd have a feeling that is not given even to some people - walruses always stand for each other and, if one of them gets into trouble, the rest immediately go to the rescue. It’s not just humans that they should be afraid of. Their enemies are the polar bear and the killer whale. The lifespan of walruses is about 45 years.

killer whale

This mammal from the cetacean family is considered a killer whale. And I call her that for a reason. The killer whale really has a big appetite. If everything is in order with her food, and she eats fish and crustaceans, then there are no problems.

When clearly experiencing hunger, the killer whale is alien to family ties and pity. The mammal can eat a dolphin, a penguin, and even attack another killer whale. They deal with their victims with amazing cruelty.

If it cannot be killed in one fell swoop, the killer whale can kill the victim gradually, biting off parts of its body. During the hunt, there is amazing coherence, cold calculation and composure.

They make good contact with people. But in this case, it is difficult to predict how a predatory creature may behave, especially during the breeding season. This formidable and cruel creature has no enemies in nature. Killer whales live about 60 years. Moreover, the lifespan of males is usually 5-10 years less.


Mammal seals belong to the walrus family. They spend most of their lives on ice floes. There they rest, reproduce and spend molting time. In search of food they can travel hundreds of kilometers from their places of origin. habitual habitat.

People made the discovery that seals can cry, but this happens without tears. Until recently, seal brains were considered a great delicacy among the local population. Now the mammal is under human protection due to a significant decrease in its population.

Seals have practically no enemies. With the exception of killer whales and the Arctic fox, which sometimes attacks newly born babies of these mammals. Seals live for about 30 years. Males often do not live to this age of 5 years.


Fish from the salmon family is considered a valuable commercial product, therefore, as often happens in such cases, the number of whitefish has decreased significantly in lately.

Its meat contains simply a huge amount of useful substances and microelements. The fish diet includes plankton, small fish, worms and small crustaceans. The lifespan of this valuable fish about 10 years.


This Atlantic salmon, like many inhabitants of the waters in the tundra, is of great value. Its meat is very tasty and healthy. The fish can grow to impressive sizes.

The length of its body sometimes grows up to 1.5 m, and an adult weighs at least 45 kg. Such impressive size and taste of meat attract the attention of avid fishermen.

The fish feeds on shells, crustaceans and small fish. Only at the age of 5-6 years does the fish become sexually mature. Fish are often grown artificially. She lives for about 15 years.


Despite its tenderness and beauty, this bird has amazing endurance. Its length is no more than 40 cm, and the bird weighs no more than 1 kg. On the short neck of the bird there is a small head disproportionate to the body with equally small eyes.

Despite the fact that the bird's legs are short, they are equipped with sharp claws that help it balance and stay well on snow drifts, as well as bury itself in the snow for a little rest.

The bird's plumage changes depending on the time of year. In winter it is snow-white. During the rest of the year, the bird acquires brown shades with admixtures of white and black ripples. Despite the fact that the partridge is a bird, it prefers to lead a terrestrial lifestyle; it literally takes off for a short time because it is difficult for it to do so.

The quiet creature lives in a flock, feeds on bugs, spiders, worms, flies, and insect larvae. During periods when such food is scarce due to weather conditions, berries appear in the partridge’s diet.

The main enemies of birds are hunters. She should also be wary of arctic foxes, gyrfalcons, and skuas. The lifespan of a bird in nature is no more than 4 years. In captivity, cases were observed when they lived up to 20 years.

Tundra swan

This amazing bird is the smallest in size compared to all its other brothers. The tundra swan is half the price, but it is just as white, gentle and graceful. There are fewer and fewer birds in the wild due to open hunting.

The population appreciates delicious swan meat and their beautiful down. Such fanatical fishing can turn out disastrous for the bird. Perhaps in the near future the bird will take a place on the list of endangered birds in the Red Book.


The waterfowl stands out noticeably among all its other brethren. Their size is approximately the same as that of an average goose or large duck. Flying loons in the sky are distinguished from all their other relatives by their small wings and limbs, like a tail, noticeably extended back.

Their flight is characterized by tilting the head with the neck down, which is also characteristic only of these birds. Males and females do not have significant differences. Birds are much more comfortable in the water than on land, so you can see them on the shore, but in very rare cases.

They have a very interesting and at the same time heavy gait. Loons do not seem to walk, but crawl on their belly. Birds even associate their sleep time with water. They only nest on land.

This noisy creature can moan and scream loudly, which is not entirely typical of birds. Loons are polygamous; they remain faithful to their mate throughout their entire life, which, by the way, lasts about 20 years.

polar owl

An incredibly beautiful bird of the owl breed, large in size, with a round head and plumage white. This plumage helps the bird to easily camouflage itself in the snow. At its core, the polar owl is an active predator. Its diet includes mice and lemmings, hares, birds, and small rodents. Sometimes in progress is underway carrion and fish.

The bird hunts while sitting, and can sometimes catch birds in flight. The owl swallows small victims unchanged; it drags slightly larger prey towards itself and tears it into small pieces with the help of its claws.

During the breeding season, polar owls can be distinguished by their loud, abrupt and croaking calls. Sometimes, when the bird is very excited, it can emit a squealing trill. The rest of the time, this bird prefers to remain silent. Polar owls are afraid of arctic foxes, foxes and skuas. They live for about 9 years.


Skuas are Charadriiformes. Some classify them as gulls. have a large beak covered with skin. Its tip is flattened and its base is rounded. At the top, the beak curves downward. The wings are quite long and have sharp ends.

The tail is round, consisting of 12 feathers. Birds are skilled swimmers, which cannot be said about their ability to dive, so they prefer to hunt fish swimming closer to the surface. In addition, they love small rodents and mollusks. These birds have practically no enemies in nature. They live for about 20 years.


This bird belongs to the falcon and is considered one of the largest in this species. The weight of females can reach up to 2 kg. Males are usually 2 times lighter. Gyrfalcons are brown-gray with white impurities. They don't like to float in the air. They fly quickly, flapping their wings quickly.

The bird has a great resemblance to peregrine falcons. A distinctive feature is the tail, which is longer in the gyrfalcon. In springtime, the soft trill of the gyrfalcon with high notes can be heard. Birds feed on mammals and smaller birds.

The method of killing the victim is brutal. The gyrfalcon breaks her neck spines or bites through the back of her head. The hunting qualities of gyrfalcons have long been valued by people, so many hunters tamed the bird and made it an indispensable assistant during the hunt. Birds live for about 20 years.

Falcon peregrine

Another representative of falcons is an inhabitant of the tundra. Falcons are among the most nimble and fastest birds on the planet. The only bird that a falcon can yield to in horizontal flight is the.

Birds prefer to hunt pigeons, starlings, ducks, and mammals. Populations of these birds are currently considered very rare. The reduction in their number began after the Second World War.

The birds are strong, active, with a broad chest. The predominant color of falcon feathers is gray with dark stripes. Black feathers are clearly visible at the tips of the wings.

These predators feed on various small birds, squirrels, bats, hares, gophers, lemmings, and voles. Falcons can safely be classified as a long-lived species; they live up to 100 years or more.

Musk ox In the far north of the American continent, in Canada, Greenland and Alaska, there is a musk ox with strong horns and long hair, suitable for harsh climates. Musk oxen live in small herds, feeding on arctic vegetation: moss, moss and shrubs. These are very aggressive animals, and often fierce battles break out between them. The enemies of the musk ox are wolf packs and bears. When attacked by a wolf pack, musk oxen stand in a circle, tightly closing it, and thus not only repel the enemy’s attack, but also protect their young relatives.

Lemming Lemming is a small mammal that lives mainly in the north. It feeds on seeds, leaves and young shoots. Lemmings never hibernate. He digs a hole for himself and fills it with food. Rodents' teeth continue to grow throughout their lives.

Gopher The gopher is similar to the marmot, but is much smaller (body length is about 22 centimeters). Gophers lead a terrestrial lifestyle; They live in colonies, in burrows that they dig themselves. Gophers feed on aboveground and underground parts of plants, always close to their burrows. Some species also eat insects. They make significant food reserves from the seeds of herbaceous plants and cereal grains. Gophers are active in the morning and evening hours; They spend the day in burrows. During the cold season they hibernate.

Polar wolf The color of the polar wolf is very suitable for its habitat: its skin merges with the whiteness of the snow. This allows the wolf pack to unexpectedly get closer to its prey: mainly large herbivores such as musk ox and elk. The wolf will also attack small animals - beavers, rabbits, hares and rats. While chasing herds of caribou and deer, wolves sometimes travel more than 100 kilometers a day. Each female gives birth to wolf cubs. Which is taken care of for two months. One wolf can eat up to 10 kilograms of meat per day.

Sled dogs In the cold polar regions, people use sled dogs for transportation. The Siberian and Eskimo huskies are most adapted to such work. They are hardy and tireless, tolerate cold well and eat little. Even today, these animals are irreplaceable, despite the fact that they often use sleds. Even in snow storms, sled dogs find their way to the house. Siberian and Eskimo huskies are descended from wolves, therefore they are cruel, but very loyal to their owner.

Reindeer B northern countries this animal is so popular that legends are made about it; According to one of them, a team of reindeer is pulling Santa Claus's sleigh. In the wild, deer migrate in search of food. During such transitions, females and fawns walk ahead of males. Which follow them at a distance of several days' journey

Arctic fox Lives only in the Arctic zone. There are two main varieties of Arctic foxes - white and blue. If the blue fox lives in snowless areas, then the white one prefers snowy lands; its skin (white, with the exception of a few black hairs on the tail) serves as an excellent camouflage for it; In summer, the Arctic fox's skin darkens. Arctic foxes do not live in packs, they are solitary animals. A hole is dug in dry mud. Red fox, the closest relative of the arctic fox, is found almost throughout the world. The Arctic fox belongs to the wolf family. He is very picky about food and eats almost everything. It usually feeds on lemmings and other small rodents, bird eggs, animal carcasses and fish washed ashore by the waves. In winter, Arctic foxes follow the bear, picking up scraps.

Ermine Ermine belongs to the mustelidae family. This small predators with an elongated body and short legs, equipped with sharp claws. The fur, like that of many other mammals, consists of two layers: one of them, short, is the undercoat; the other, longer, outer, is wool. These agile predators hunt small rodents such as rats. The length of its body, including its tail, barely reaches 45 centimeters. Except cold areas North America, Europe and Asia, and lives in other regions. It is found even on the slopes of the Caucasus and in the mountains of Algeria. In winter, the ermine's fur turns from brown to white, like the snow in which it hides, but the tip of the tail always remains black.

The world around us in 4th grade

Topic: Vulnerable tundra

Goals:- To develop knowledge about climatic conditions, characteristic plants and animals, and the activities of people in the tundra;

Consider environmental problems arising due to human fault;

To cultivate a love for native nature and cognitive interest.

Equipment: map “Natural zones of Russia”, presentation on the topic.

1. Organizational moment.

2.Checking homework.

What's it like geographical location Arctic? Show on the map.

Which unusual phenomena can be observed in the arctic desert zone?

(Northern lights, ice movement)

What are climatic features in this natural area? (Polar night and polar day)

What is polar night? (Since mid-October the sun has not been visible, only the stars and the moon)

What is a polar day? ( It's light all day long)

What animals live in the Arctic? (Polar bear, seals, muskox, bowhead whale, guillemots, puffins, eiders, walrus, gull, cod, haddock, halibut, pollock)

What animals are listed in the Red Book? (Polar bear, musk ox, bowhead whale, walrus, pink gull)

What do the indigenous people of the Arctic do? ( Hunting, fishing)

What do polar explorers study? (They explore the aurora, monitor the weather, observe where the ocean ice drifts, study how the life of plants and animals changes with the arrival of the polar night and polar day, from where birds fly in for the summer)

Now let's do a graphic dictation. If the statement is correct we put +, if the statement is false -.

1.Natural area arctic deserts located on the Pacific Islands.

2. The Arctic territory has no indigenous population.

3. In the Arctic, conditions for plants and animals have developed harsh conditions.

4.B ice zone Cedars, firs, and spruces grow.

5.Seals, walruses, and polar bears live in the Arctic.

6.The Arctic Nature Reserve is located on Wrangel Island.

7. Large concentrations of birds on the rocks are called “bird markets”.

Answers: -; -; +; -; +; +; -. (mutual check)

3. Announcement of a new lesson topic.

Let's solve the crossword puzzle and find out the topic of today's lesson.

1.Short name for the Arctic desert zone.

2.A bird with an unusual beak.

3.Name of the island on which the Arctic reserve is located.

4.The Arctic is the kingdom of snow and ice.

5. A plant that lives in the water column.

6. A type of fish that lives in the northern seas.

Keyword: tundra.

Find and show on the map the geographical location of the tundra.

4. Working with the presentation.

5. Generalization of the topic. Reflection.



1slide. South of the Arctic ice zone there is a zone Tundracold treeless plain. The tundra zone is much warmer than the icy zone, and therefore the nature of the Tundra is much more diverse.

2 slide. The climate in the tundra is harsh, summers are very short (2-3 months) and cool. Summer in the Tundra is the same as in the Arctic, Polar day, but it is much warmer, although the temperature even in July does not exceed +14 C. And although the polar day arrives, there may be frosts, and sometimes even snow falls. Winter in the Tundra is long, about 8 months, and very harsh. When does winter come in the Tundra? Polar night, frost reaches 50 degrees. Small rivers freeze to the bottom. In winter there is permafrost, and in summer this permafrost thaws only half a meter deep.

All year round Cold winds blow in the tundra. The tundra zone has a very large extent from west to east. The vegetation cover of this zone is not the same in the western and eastern regions.

The soil in the tundra is always cold. Even in summer, at shallow depths, the temperature does not rise above 10°. Permafrost slows down soil formation. Water accumulates in the upper layers of the soil, supported by the permafrost layer, and this entails waterlogging of the surface.

3 slide. Harsh conditions affect the plants and animals of the tundra.
Mosses and lichens play a very important role in the vegetation cover of the tundra. There are many types of them here, and they often form a continuous carpet over large areas.

4slide. Both mosses and lichens tolerate the harsh conditions of the tundra. Among them, moss moss is the most common. This lichen is one of the largest; it can reach 10-15 cm in height. It resembles a miniature tree - it has a thicker “trunk” growing from the ground, and small thin winding “branches”.

5 slide. Together with mosses and lichens they grow here in small quantity shrubs: crowberry, Arctic bearberry, etc. Their underground organs and buds are hidden in the moss cover, where in winter they find good protection from unfavorable conditions. A moss carpet, like a loose sponge, absorbs moisture and further contributes to waterlogging of the tundra.

6slide.The more southern regions of the tundra zone are characterized by shrub tundra. These are thickets of bushes, mainly dwarf birch. The height of the dwarf birch is small - rarely more than 70 centimeters. It grows not like a tree, but like a tree-like shrub. Its branches do not rise high, and in most cases they simply spread out along the ground. The width of its leaf is often greater than its length, and the shape of the leaf is round.

7 slide. In some places there are thickets of low-growing willows: arctic, reticulated, herbaceous. IN river valleys and along the edges of the swamps grow larger (up to 1 m and higher) willows: woolly, Lapland, etc.

Plants in the tundra generally huddle close to the ground. A typical tundra is a treeless area with low-growing and not always continuous plant life. Mosses and lichens form its basis; against their background, low-growing flowering plants develop - shrubs, shrubs, grasses. Due to this, they are less exposed to the drying effects of the wind and receive more heat, since the soil here warms up more than the air. Many tundra plants have very large flowers. . 8, 9,10, 11 slides.

Trees are also found in the tundra, but only along river valleys, where they form peculiar green tongues among dull and monotonous treeless spaces. In the valleys trees find protection from the wind. In addition, in rivers flowing from south to north, more warm water, and this increases the temperature of the slopes surrounding the river. In addition, rivers drain the soil. The soil along the rivers warms up well, and the level of the permafrost layer drops significantly.

Slide 13. The fauna of the tundra is very unique.

Reindeer have an excellent sense of smell; they can distinguish smells at a distance of 500 meters and easily find out where there is moss under the snow - their favorite food. A deer's vision and hearing are sharp, which allows it to defend itself from enemies.

Slide 14 Color polar wolf very suitable for its habitat: its skin blends with the whiteness of the snow. This allows the wolf pack to unexpectedly get closer to its prey: mainly large herbivores such as musk ox and elk. The wolf will also attack small animals - beavers, rabbits, hares and rats. While chasing herds of caribou and deer, wolves sometimes travel more than 100 kilometers a day. Each female gives birth to 5 - 6 wolf cubs. Which is taken care of for two months. One wolf can eat up to 10 kilograms of meat per day.

15 slide. Arctic foxes do not live in packs, they are solitary animals. A hole is dug in dry mud. The red fox, the closest relative of the arctic fox, is found almost all over the world. The Arctic fox belongs to the wolf family. He is very picky about food and easily diversifies his diet. Usually it feeds on lemmings and other small rodents, bird eggs, and does not disdain the corpses of animals and fish that the waves wash up on the shore. In winter, Arctic foxes follow the bear, picking up scraps.

16 slide. In the far north of the American continent, in Canada, Greenland and Alaska it is found muskox with strong horns and long hair suitable for the harsh climate of these areas. Musk oxen live in small herds, feeding on sparse Arctic vegetation: moss, moss and shrubs. These are very aggressive animals, and often fierce battles break out between them. The enemies of the musk ox are wolf packs and bears. When a wolf pack attacks them, musk oxen stand in a circle, tightly closing it, and thus not only repel the enemy’s attack, but also protect their young relatives located inside the living ring. Typically, a female musk ox gives birth to one calf every two years. They are also bred in the Taimyr Nature Reserve.

17 slide. In winter, the ermine's fur turns from brown to white, like the snow in which it hides, but the tip of the tail always remains black.

18 slide. Representative of the order of small rodents. There is an opinion that lemmings commit mass suicide: when their numbers increase sharply, they rush into the water to keep the number of individuals unchanged. This opinion is based on the fact that during spring migrations, lemmings actually encounter wide rivers on their way and many die when trying to cross them, but those that remain quickly restore the original population: lemmings are extremely fertile. Lemming- This is a small mammal that lives mainly in the north. It feeds on seeds, leaves and young shoots. Lemmings never hibernate. He digs a hole for himself and fills it with food. Rodents' incisors continue to grow throughout their lives.

19, 20 slides. The polar owl and polar partridge are found in the tundra.

21,22 slides. In spring, a huge number of birds fly to the tundra. Among them are Siberian Cranes and Pink Gulls. Both of these birds are listed in the Red Book.

23, 24 slides. In summer there are a huge number of insects in the tundra: mosquitoes, midges, horseflies. They fly in clouds in the air. Insects crawl into your mouth, nose, eyes. This is a real disaster for people and large animals. It is impossible to work without mosquito nets - special nets worn over the face to protect against mosquitoes and midges.

25 slide. The Nenets, Chukchi and other peoples have lived in the tundra for a long time.

26 slide. In cold polar regions, people use sled dogs. The Siberian and Eskimo huskies are most adapted to such work. They are hardy and tireless, tolerate cold well and are content with a small amount of food. Even today, these animals are indispensable, despite the increasing use of sleds. Even in snow storms, sled dogs retain an amazing ability to navigate, which allows them to find their way home. Siberian and Eskimo huskies descended from wolves, therefore they are cruel and quarrelsome, but very loyal to their owner.

Slide 27 With the development of industry, cities and workers' settlements arose in the tundra.

I would like to stop here and back side development of the tundra. Due to human activity (and primarily due to mining , construction and operation ) danger looms over many parts of the Russian tundra . Due to fuel leaks from oil pipelines, the surrounding area is polluted; burning oil lakes and completely burnt areas that were once covered with vegetation are often encountered.

Despite the fact that during the construction of new oil pipelines special passages are made so that could move freely, animals cannot always find and use them.

They move across the tundra leaving behind and destroying vegetation. The tundra soil layer damaged by tracked vehicles takes decades to recover.

All this leads to increased pollution of soil, water and vegetation, and a reduction in the number of deer and other inhabitants of the tundra. It is believed that of all climatic zones, the tundra is the most vulnerable. Naturally, it takes longer to recover. And it will definitely not reach its original state. How would people understand this? Those who live there?

The tundra occupies a vast area of ​​northern Russia. Although there is no forest at all and the climate is very harsh, many animals find food and feel at home. Due to low temperatures, no trees can grow in the tundra; even conifers cannot withstand its frosts. However, in this area there live about 1,300 species of animals that have managed to adapt to extreme conditions north. What animals live in the tundra? What do these animals eat?


Despite the cold, mosses and lichens grow in the tundra, and in the south of the region you can find polar willow and dwarf birch. The development of this vegetation is facilitated by humid climate. There is little precipitation in the tundra, but thanks to low temperatures and due to insignificant evaporation there are many swamps and lakes. What do animals eat in the tundra?

The most common plant of this northern zone is reindeer moss (moss). There is enough moisture here for its growth, but it does not require heat. Moss grows very slowly and is the main source of food for reindeer.

There are also many bushes in the tundra. They are not afraid of frost and at the first signs of warmth they begin to be covered with juicy fruits. These are blueberries, lingonberries, cloudberries and cranberries.

Tundra vegetation has a creeping or pillow-shaped form. Even birches and willows grow here dwarf species, miniature, about 30 cm. Their close location to the ground allows the vegetation to retain the heat emanating from the ground and escape from strong winds that can break their stems.

There is permafrost in the tundra, and you simply cannot find lush grass here. However, the animals of this region have adapted to its inhospitable conditions and learned to get food from under layers of snow, find leaves and eat moss. What animals live in the tundra?

Arctic fox

This beautiful beast belongs to the canine family. Depending on the species, the fur of the arctic fox is white or blue, and changes color slightly depending on the season. In the summer, the light Arctic fox becomes dirty brown, and in winter its coat shines with noble whiteness and blends in with the snow. During the cold season, the blue arctic fox becomes darker: brown or blue-gray.

This northern animal is famous for its thick and incredibly beautiful fur. In spring and autumn it begins to molt, which lasts about 4 months. Arctic foxes grow their best and thickest fur during the winter months.

Animals in the tundra survive severe frosts and harsh winds. The Arctic fox carefully prepares for winter: it digs a hole near the water, surrounded by stones. This allows him to reliably hide from the cold and hide from larger predators.

The Arctic fox feeds on small rodents, birds, fish and berries. During lean periods, this animal follows polar bears in search of the remains of meat from killed seals. The lifespan of the arctic fox is about 10 years.


This animal is one of the most common and numerous inhabitants of the tundra. Lemmings feed on fruits, plant roots, and seeds. When rodents reach the age of just 2-3 months, they are ready to breed and reproduce. During the year, one female gives birth to about 60 cubs.

Animals living in the tundra often migrate. Basically, lemmings move to other places to search for food. These small rodents are of no value to humans. But the fauna of the tundra simply cannot survive without lemmings, since they are the main food for foxes and arctic foxes.


This noble animal has excellent endurance, and thick fur protects it from frost and winds of the tundra. Every year, deer migrate to the northern parts of the region. With sharp hooves they scrape out the remains of lichens from the frozen soil, but there are very few of them for adequate nutrition. Therefore, deer change their habitat and head north.

When moving, a deer can reach speeds of up to 80 km/h. And very often this saves him from attacks by predators such as a wolf or a bear. Reindeer have the ability to see in the ultraviolet spectrum, so the fur of any animal on the snow appears to it as a dark spot.

polar wolf

These are incredibly smart and strong animals. In the Russian tundra there are white wolves, whose thick fur saves them from the severe frosts of the north. They mainly live near their birthplace. However, they often have to travel enormous distances to feed and survive.

An adult animal needs about 5 kg of meat per day to feed itself. Therefore, wolves are not picky about food and eat any living creature. In the summer they catch birds and frogs, and in the winter they hunt polar hares and lemmings.

However, the main source of food for these predators is deer. During migration, wolves chase them, divide the herd and hunt skillfully, resorting to tricks in the form of ambushes or a long pursuit of a weak prey.

White hare

Mostly representatives of this class are small animals. Larger hares live in the tundra, sometimes reaching a weight of 5 kg. Whites live in burrows near river slopes, where there is more vegetation. Since there is little grass in the tundra, hares have adapted to eat branches and roots of shrubs and tree bark.

White hare are mainly active at night, but in the tundra they have to go out in search of food during the day. Hares have very well developed hearing, and at the slightest rustle they run away, skillfully hiding and confusing their tracks. The burrows of these animals reach a length of up to 8 meters. Sensing danger, hares hide deeply in their shelters, and no noise can force them to leave them.

Animal protection

Most of the inhabitants of this northern region are endangered animals. It is very rare to see polar bears in the tundra. These large animals mainly live in the Arctic. Polar bears are listed in the Red Book, and any type of hunting for them is completely prohibited in Russia.

Several reserves have been created to protect the tundra fauna. Information about animals in the tundra is constantly updated, and their numbers are counted annually. It is difficult for animals to survive in the difficult conditions of this cold region, and rare species may completely disappear.