Choose real butter. The best butter according to quality

Butter is a favorite of many. dairy product, which is used daily to prepare various dishes. Since it's not cheap product, there are many low-quality fakes, so in this article we will figure out how to choose the right good natural one butter, how to check its quality and distinguish it from fakes.

Composition of butter

On sale today large selection butter, but the buyer should not forget that not every “butter” is butter. Various spreads, margarine, as well as counterfeits based on vegetable fats can also be called butter, so it is important to know real composition butter, so as not to buy a low-quality fake.

The composition of natural high-quality butter includes milk fats (from milk cream) with a fat percentage from 50% to 82.5%. Sometimes salt may be added, but no other additives.

Types of butter

  • Depending on fat content: tea (50% fat), sandwich (61.5% fat), peasant (72.5% fat), amateur (80% fat) and traditional (82.5% fat).
  • Depending on the type of cream used: sweet cream (the most common, based on regular cream) and sour cream (special lactic acid bacteria are added to the cream).
  • By salt content: salted and unsalted.

GOST butter in Russia and Ukraine

When butter is made according to GOST (in Ukraine according to DSTU), this information is indicated on the packaging, so if you want to buy high-quality butter, be sure to look for the following codes on the packaging:

  • GOST: R 52969-2008, R 52253-2004 (foreign butter, packaged in Russia), GOST 32261-2013, GOST 37-91, STR (corresponds to the technical regulations of the Russian Federation).
  • DSTU: DSTU 4399:2005.

How to choose the right quality butter in the store

Unfortunately, the buyer does not have the opportunity to try the oil directly in the store before purchasing. taste qualities and even look at him appearance(if it is in packaging), therefore one of the main criteria when choosing good quality butter in a store is a detailed study of the packaging (by law, manufacturers are required to indicate accurate information on the packaging):

  • We check that the butter is made according to GOST (DSTU, TU). Above in the article it is indicated which GOST and DSTU numbers correspond to butter.
  • There must be a clear mention in the title: sweet cream butter (sour cream), and not the invented ones: maslishche, maslitse, special or extra butter, etc.
  • Oil composition. The composition should contain whole milk, cream, salt (not always). If the composition contains other ingredients (for example, vegetable oils or natural milk fat substitutes), then it is no longer natural butter.
  • The cost of butter is always higher than counterfeits, since the production of high-quality natural butter is expensive (to make 1 kg of butter, you will need at least 20 liters of milk).
  • The shelf life of real butter is on average a month (up to 35 days), therefore, if a longer period is written on the oil packaging, then this oil contains special additives, preservatives, or even vegetable fats are used. But in certain cases, according to legislation, the shelf life under certain storage conditions may be longer.
  • Conditions for storing oil in the store. Butter on the shelves should be stored at a temperature no higher than 6 degrees Celsius (usually, many store counters and refrigerators have a thermometer on which you can check the storage temperature). If the oil was stored in improper conditions, it is better not to buy it from this store.
  • When choosing butter by weight at a retail outlet, the right thing to do would be to take a small piece for testing and check its taste (and not only) qualities at home.

Note: when choosing oil in a pack, give preference to packages with foil, as it preserves better useful qualities butter.

How to check the quality of butter at home. Main quality indicators of natural butter

It is not difficult to identify fake butter or any butter substitute at home; just use some time-tested methods and tips:

  • Taste: natural oil melts quickly in the mouth, unlike fakes, spreads and margarine, and does not stick to the tongue and teeth.
  • If you cut a piece of real butter, the cut will remain smooth, dry and shiny.
  • You can check butter by freezing it: freeze a piece of purchased butter in the freezer (at least 1 hour), then take it out and cut it in half with a knife; if the butter crumbles and breaks into pieces (there are uneven edges at the breaks), and the cut area is of a uniform color, then it is real butter oil without additives and vegetable fats. By the way, spread or margarine before solid state They may not freeze, and will still remain soft.
  • If you leave a piece of natural butter on a plate while room temperature, then even when it melts, it will not spread on the plate and will retain its shape, but if not, most likely you bought a spread.
  • Depending on the season of the year, natural oil may have a different shade (in summer time more yellow) - this depends on the feed, in particular the grass that the cows are fed.

The main ways to distinguish butter from counterfeits have already been listed above, but in specific cases we will consider how standard natural butter differs from margarine and spread:

  1. How to distinguish butter from margarine. Read the composition, since margarine does not contain dairy fats (cream, milk), but only various vegetable (coconut, nut and palm oils) and dyes, additives, flavors and stabilizers. GOST margarine: R 52178-2003.
  2. How to distinguish butter from spread. The spread contains a small percentage of milk fats (may not contain them at all), and mainly uses cheaper vegetable fats. Externally, the spread is similar to regular natural butter, but more yellow. GOST R 52100-2003 will be indicated on the spread packaging.

In conclusion, we can note that we hope that the knowledge on how to choose the right butter will be useful to you and you will apply it in practice, buying only high-quality natural product without additives, and you will also be able, if necessary, to distinguish butter from palm oil, from spread or margarine. Their useful tips and reviews about making the right choice leave butter in the store in the comments to the article and share it in social networks, if it was useful to you.

The diversity of the assortment of dairy products in stores and on the market, on the one hand, makes it possible to enrich the diet with new tastes, and on the other hand, attracts unscrupulous manufacturers seeking to sell a product under the guise of butter that is not butter. According to experts, every second stick of oil can be considered a fake, so today we will talk about how to choose high-quality natural oil that is tasty, aromatic and healthy. Good oil, a natural source of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, is necessary for brain function, moisturizing and nourishing the skin, strengthening blood vessels, preventing arthritis and increasing immunity. Our ancestors treated butter with respect and repeated: “You can’t spoil porridge with butter” or “Eat butter for your health!” However, in order not to actually spoil the porridge with oil, you should buy only high-quality products!

How to choose the right butter in the store

Since it is not possible to taste the products in the store, we can only deal with the information provided on the packaging. In this case, we trust the manufacturer, and the final “testing” of the product is carried out at home.

Be sure to pay attention to GOST - however, the inscription “made according to GOST” is not enough, since spreads and margarines can also be produced according to state standards. GOST butter - R 52969-2008, but you can see other numbers, for example R 52253-2004. The last number indicates that you are holding in your hands real Vologda oil, which is produced by only three factories in the Vologda region. In addition, by order Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology dated November 22, 2013 N 2134-st, another interstate standard GOST 32261-2013 was put into effect as national standard Russian Federation from July 1, 2015 (editor's note: 02/02/2016).

Remember that GOST margarine is R 52178-2003, and even if the packaging says “butter”, don’t believe your eyes! However, some types of high-quality butter are produced not according to GOST, but according to technical specifications, so you should pay attention to the composition.

Make sure that the package contains the abbreviation CTP - “compliance with technical regulations”. Study the composition of the butter - it should contain only whole milk and cream, and sometimes salt. If the packaging indicates vegetable oils (peanut, palm, coconut) or some ingredient with the mysterious name “dairy fat substitute,” you can rest assured that it is margarine, even if the manufacturer tries to convince you otherwise.

The packaging must directly and unambiguously say: “butter,” “peasant butter,” or “amateur butter.” At the same time, keep in mind that the fat content of butter starts from 82.2%, amateur - from 78%, and peasant oil - from 72.5%. All other types of “butter” - sandwich (from 61.5%) and tea (from 50%) - are not natural, and somewhere on the packaging you can find the inscription “ sandwich mass" written in small print. Typically, a sandwich product includes all kinds of flavorings, emulsifiers, stabilizers and preservatives.

The cost of a pack of good butter is never less than 75 rubles, since preparing 1 kg of butter requires at least 20 liters of milk. If you see suspiciously inexpensive oil on the counter, most likely it contains cheap vegetable fats.

Try to choose oil not in paper, but in foil packaging, since paper does not protect such a delicate product from exposure sunlight, which destroys vitamins.

Another criterion for the naturalness of creamy products is the shelf life, which usually does not exceed a month. If preservatives or vegetable fats are used in the production of oil, the shelf life increases to a year or more. Which butter to choose: natural, perishable or unnatural, but “long-lasting”, it’s up to you!

How to choose real butter on the market

An undoubted advantage of the market is the opportunity to taste the product and evaluate its quality right on the spot, although it will not be possible to make a final verdict right away, since many of the characteristics of the oil appear only after some time. So, you've come to the market - what should you pay attention to?

Try the oil, hold it in your mouth, listen to how you feel. Natural oil has no odor, it is pleasant, tender and quickly melts in the mouth, leaving a milky and creamy aftertaste. Margarine, on the contrary, can take a long time to melt, sticking to your teeth. If you categorically do not like the taste of the oil, it means that they were used in production. low quality products or vegetable oils.

The color of natural butter is light yellow, not bright yellow or white - in the first case, most likely, dyes have been added to the product, and in the second case, the composition may contain vegetable fats. When choosing butter on the market, also remember that summer butter lasts longer than winter butter.

Checking the oil at home

High-quality butter spreads well on a sandwich, and if it crumbles, it means there is too much water in it. Butter also does not leave any traces of grease on the paper, unlike vegetable oils.

Place a piece of butter in hot water- the natural product will dissolve evenly, and the margarine will break up into separate pieces. If you leave a piece of butter on the table at room temperature, then the drops of water that appear on its surface are considered strong evidence that this is an ordinary spread. By the way, natural butter slowly defrosts after being frozen and remains solid for at least half an hour, while margarine and spread can be spread on bread after just five minutes.

Due to the high whey content in the product, the manufacturer has to subject it to intensive freezing, so ice crystals form on the cut of the butter. If you see drops of water on the cut, this indicates that the oil contains margarine impurities. Also observe how butter behaves when heated: the natural product will melt without foaming or releasing water.

Natural butter can be sweet cream (made from pasteurized cream) and sour cream (made from fermented cream). The second type of oil has a slightly piquant sourness and a longer shelf life. How to choose good butter? You need to be careful when purchasing and not skimp on your health!

Butter is one of the most valuable dairy products. The composition includes vitamins of many groups, complex carbohydrates, protein, minerals, fats. Thanks to calcium, zinc, sodium, phosphorus, iron and many other enzymes, the condition of hair, skin, and nails improves. Butter is made by churning cream obtained from cow's milk.

How to choose quality butter

Unscrupulous manufacturers add preservatives, causing consumers to doubt the quality of the product. Let's look at the important aspects that you should pay attention to when purchasing a product.


  1. Evaluate the packaging. High-quality briquettes are marked, for example, “peasant oil”, “homemade oil”, traditional oil”, etc.
  2. If you do not find the word “oil”, then the product is unnatural. According to current legislation, the composition is not an oil. Simply put, it is a surrogate, an analogue, a falsification, a spread.
  3. The spread is a composition made from fats plant origin. The percentage of acids in such a product is lower than in real butter.
  4. Some types of spread do not contain fat at all, for example, pure margarine. Such products are not beneficial, but the taste is not inferior to butter. Buy cheap analogue or not, it's up to you to decide.
  5. It is important to pay attention to the packaging of the butter. If there are deformed areas on it, most likely the product has been defrosted several times. High-quality butter is wrapped in foil or thick parchment paper which prevents oxidation.


  1. To buy quality oil, study the composition. It should contain the following components: whole milk, cream. This aspect means that the oil is natural, without artificial fats.
  2. The spread (translated from English as soft, stretchy) can be creamy-vegetable or vegetable-creamy. As the name suggests, the quantity of the first component in the list prevails over the volume of the second.
  3. Spreads include at least 38% vegetable fats, so the butter is soft. It does not freeze completely in the refrigerator, as a natural product based on cream and milk does.
  4. Of course, real oil is more expensive. However, many cheap spreads include healthy vitamins, phytosterols and other enzymes that have a good effect on health.

Production date

  1. Estimate the cost of the goods, pricing policy The quality of butter varies between 120-150 rubles per 100 grams. If the cost is too low, it makes sense to take a closer look at the production time.
  2. Supermarket marketing often helps reduce prices on products that are about to expire. You should not buy this kind of butter because it accumulates harmful bacteria oxidizes and becomes unusable. Simply put, the product is not beneficial at all, even if it is natural.
  3. If we talk about the expiration dates prescribed in GOST, the oil can last 30 days from the date of production. This figure is considered average. It is also worth considering storage conditions, which stores often violate. Do not buy oil that has been sitting on the counter for more than a month.
  4. Imported manufacturers increase the storage period to up to six months; this deviation is normal. In such cases, the product can be aged in the store for about 2 months. Imported oils contain preservatives that increase shelf life.

Fat percentage

  1. To buy high-quality oil, give preference to products with a fat content of 72%. It is this indicator that indicates that the composition is made on the basis of whole milk with cream. In our country there are several types of oil, which differ in the percentage of fat content.
  2. The most popular is “traditional” (82%), followed by “amateur” (80%), followed by “peasant (72%), sandwich (62%), tea (50-52%). The last 2 types are not natural; they are dominated by vegetable fats, stabilizers, emulsifiers, flavor enhancers and dyes, and flavored additives.
  3. Traditional, amateur, and peasant butters are made from pasteurized cream. Such compositions are often labeled “sweet and sour oil.” If the product is made with the addition of sourdough, you will see the inscription “sour cream”. The latter type is more nutritious and healthy. The product can be salted or unsalted.

Compliance with GOST

  1. There is a main GOST, it is listed as 37-91. According to the law, oil that meets the prescribed requirements is of the highest or first grade. In our country there are other versions of GOST, but they do not cancel the interpretation of the main one, but only complement its range.
  2. Now attention! Some spread manufacturers put the GOST R 52100-2003 mark on the packaging. This does not mean that the oil is natural. The analogue with vegetable fats simply does not contain genetically modified components.
  3. Manufacturers of low-quality products specifically write the word “GOST” to inspire confidence among buyers. You can also often read that the composition is dietary, creamy, light, etc. However, all these qualities are achieved through flavor enhancers, flavors, and emulsifiers.
  4. To get the maximum benefit from butter, choose a product marked in accordance with GOST 37-91. It is this composition that helps to enhance vision, improve the condition of hair, skin, and nails. Standard butter contains only milk fat obtained by whipping cream and milk.
  5. According to GOST, oil is of the highest and first grade. The highest option is preferable; it meets all organoleptic indicators. That is, it corresponds to the declared taste, consistency, aroma, packaging, etc. The highest grade scores 17 points out of 20, the first - 11-15 points.

  1. After you open the product, you may notice that a slight coating has appeared on the oil. Its shade varies from dark to light yellow. This phenomenon is called staffing, it is considered the norm. The deposit can be easily scraped off with a knife.
  2. Next, you need to visually evaluate the block. If the color is dominated by a rich yellow pigment, the oil contains beta-carotene (dye). A quality product is also not whitish.
  3. The butter should be beige (not white!) with a slight tint of yellow. This indicates sufficient fat content. When cut, the product is dry and shiny. The benign composition tastes pleasant, without bitterness.
  4. As mentioned earlier, stores do not always comply with storage conditions. So, if the oil was kept in the light or at temperature conditions above +3 degrees, damage is inevitable.
  5. Oxygen promotes oxidation, as a result of which ketones, aldehydes, and keto acids that are harmful to humans begin to form. A similar situation occurs in cases where the expiration date expires.

Checking butter for impurities

Unscrupulous manufacturers stuff their products with hydrogenated fats or replace milk fats with them. It’s impossible to distinguish falsification in a store, so you’ll have to rely on your sense of smell and taste buds at home.

Another option for counterfeiting is that the butter is supplied with cheese or cottage cheese, which is also incorrect. As we said earlier, the natural composition is made from cream and milk.

Method number 1. Tasting

  1. Cut a slice of butter and taste it. You should not feel bitterness, meat, fish products. Good oil has a sweetish taste with a hint of salt.
  2. If you bought a composition marked sweet and sour, the oil should be salted accordingly (in moderation). A high-quality product literally melts on the tongue, which cannot be said about the spread.

Method No. 2. Mixing with boiling water

  1. Pour 200 ml into a transparent glass. hot water, dip a piece of butter into the liquid. Begin stirring vigorously until dissolved.
  2. Wait a while, the water should cool down. Evaluate the result. Good-quality oil does not disintegrate into flakes; it mixes evenly with water and does not produce sediment.

Method number 3. Freezing

  1. Cut a slice of butter from the middle of the briquette, put it in freezer for 1 hour. If the composition is based on milk and cream, it will harden.
  2. Take a knife and try to cut a slice. If the oil crumbles, cracks, breaks (that is, an even cut is not observed), you have bought a good product.
  3. Falsified formulations cannot be frozen because they contain vegetable fats. large quantities. They don't harden even in the freezer.

Method number 4. Thawing

  1. Without cutting off a piece, leave the butter in the slightly opened package at room temperature. Replay a situation in which you allegedly forgot to put the product in the refrigerator.
  2. After 1.5-2 hours, evaluate the result. If droplets of water appear on the surface of the briquette, the oil is unnatural. This product will soften slightly and become chewy, but no moisture will escape.

Before purchasing, inspect the packaging; it should be made of thick parchment or foil. Good product is produced marked “oil”, it also complies with GOST 37-91. Study the composition, pay attention to fat content, production date, shelf life. Determine quality by freezing, thawing, tasting.

Video: how to check the quality of butter at home

The diversity of the assortment of dairy products in stores and on the market, on the one hand, makes it possible to enrich the diet with new tastes, and on the other hand, attracts unscrupulous manufacturers seeking to sell a product under the guise of butter that is not butter. According to experts, every second stick of oil can be considered a fake, so today we will talk about how to choose high-quality natural oil that is tasty, aromatic and healthy. Good oil, a natural source of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, is necessary for brain function, moisturizing and nourishing the skin, strengthening blood vessels, preventing arthritis and increasing immunity. Our ancestors treated butter with respect and repeated: “You can’t spoil porridge with butter” or “Eat butter for your health!” However, in order not to actually spoil the porridge with oil, you should buy only high-quality products!


Good oil, a natural source of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, is necessary for brain function, moisturizing and nourishing the skin. Since it is impossible to taste products in the store, we can only deal with the information indicated on the packaging. In this case, we trust the manufacturer, and the final “testing” of the product is carried out at home. Be sure to pay attention to GOST - however, the inscription “made according to GOST” is not enough, since spreads and margarines can also be produced according to state standards. GOST butter - R 52969-2008, but you can see other numbers, for example R 52253-2004. The last number indicates that you are holding in your hands real Vologda oil, which is produced by only three factories in the Vologda region. Remember that GOST margarine is R 52178-2003, and even if the packaging says “butter”, don’t believe your eyes! However, some types of high-quality butter are produced not according to GOST, but according to technical specifications, so you should pay attention to the composition.

Make sure that the package contains the abbreviation CTP - “compliance with technical regulations”. Study the composition of the butter - it should contain only whole milk and cream, and sometimes salt. If the packaging indicates vegetable oils (peanut, palm, coconut) or some ingredient with the mysterious name “dairy fat substitute,” you can rest assured that it is margarine, even if the manufacturer tries to convince you otherwise. The packaging must directly and unambiguously say: “butter,” “peasant butter,” or “amateur butter.” At the same time, keep in mind that the fat content of butter starts from 82.2%, amateur - from 78%, and peasant oil - from 72.5%. All other types of “butter” - sandwich butter (from 61.5%) and tea butter (from 50%) - are not natural, and somewhere on the packaging you can find the inscription “sandwich mass” written in small print. Typically, a sandwich product includes all kinds of flavorings, emulsifiers, stabilizers and preservatives. The cost of a pack of good butter is never less than 75 rubles, since preparing 1 kg of butter requires at least 20 liters of milk. If you see suspiciously inexpensive oil on the counter, most likely it contains cheap vegetable fats. Try to choose oil not in paper, but in foil packaging, since paper does not protect such a delicate product from exposure to sunlight, which destroys vitamins. Another criterion for the naturalness of butter is its shelf life, which usually does not exceed a month. If preservatives or vegetable fats are used in the production of oil, the shelf life increases to a year or more. Which butter to choose: natural, perishable or unnatural, but “long-lasting”, it’s up to you!

The color of natural butter is light yellow. An undoubted advantage of the market is the opportunity to taste the product and evaluate its quality right on the spot, although it will not be possible to make a final verdict right away, since many of the characteristics of the butter appear only after some time. So, you've come to the market - what should you pay attention to? Try the oil, hold it in your mouth, listen to how you feel. Natural oil has no odor, it is pleasant, tender and quickly melts in the mouth, leaving a milky and creamy aftertaste. Margarine, on the contrary, can take a long time to melt, sticking to your teeth. If you categorically do not like the taste of the oil, it means that low-quality products or vegetable oils were used in production. The color of natural butter is light yellow, not bright yellow or white - in the first case, most likely, dyes have been added to the product, and in the second case, the composition may contain vegetable fats. When choosing butter on the market, also remember that summer butter lasts longer than winter butter.


Natural butter can be sweet cream (made from pasteurized cream) and sour cream (made from fermented cream). Quality butter spreads well on a sandwich, and if it crumbles, it means there is too much water in it. Butter also does not leave any traces of grease on the paper, unlike vegetable oils. Place a piece of butter in hot water - the natural product will dissolve evenly, and the margarine will break up into separate pieces. If you leave a piece of butter on the table at room temperature, then the drops of water that appear on its surface are considered strong evidence that this is an ordinary spread. By the way, natural butter slowly defrosts after being frozen and remains solid for at least half an hour, while margarine and spread can be spread on bread after just five minutes. Due to the high whey content in the oil, the manufacturer has to subject it to intensive freezing, which is why ice crystals form on the cut of the oil. If you see drops of water on the cut, this indicates that the oil contains margarine impurities. Also observe how butter behaves when heated: the natural product will melt without foaming or releasing water. Natural butter can be sweet cream (made from pasteurized cream) and sour cream (made from fermented cream). The second type of oil has a slightly piquant sourness and a longer shelf life. How to choose good butter? You need to be careful when purchasing and not skimp on your health!

Product consumption rate
Children under seven years old can eat from 5 to 10 grams of the product daily, adults and teenagers - from 10 to 30 grams. Recommended for use by spreading on bakery products(best made from coarse flour), or season porridge with it, vegetable salads. For intestinal and stomach ulcers, it is recommended to eat up to 20 grams of oil every day. With the flu, as well as during respiratory viral infections you should increase the amount of oil consumed to 60 grams, this will help protect the body from infection and help improve immunity.

How to choose butter
You need to purchase only oil that is produced in accordance with DSTU or GOST (state standard), and not according to TU (technical conditions). Before purchasing, pay attention to the product name. The following variant names are possible: “Peasant Butter”, “Butter”, “Butter”, but not “Maselko”, “Maslichko” and the like. If in any doubt, refer to the composition. Natural butter may contain cow's milk products, that is, cream and milk fat. If there is vegetable fat, such a product can no longer be considered oil, it is a spread. It is not recommended to purchase butter by weight or in plastic films that do not contain any information about the manufacturer and ingredients. If you buy oil at the market, pay attention to its surface - it should be slightly shiny when cut, dry with single small droplets of moisture. The color can vary from white to white-yellow shades, but it must be uniform. Availability yellow edges is caused by natural oxidation of the product and is not a guarantee of quality. IN winter time the oil is usually white or slightly yellowish, since the cows do not consume fresh feed, but eat straw. In summer, the oil is brighter yellow. Some companies specifically add dyes to the oil to make it look as natural as possible. You can check the naturalness of the oil with one good folk method. To do this, you need to take well-frozen butter and split it with a knife. With a high-quality product, you will see uneven edges, and the spreads will closely resemble glass and they will also melt much faster than their natural counterparts.

How to store butter
The product can be stored in parchment packaging for 10 days. When stored in foil, this period increases to 20 days. The shelf life of butter can be up to 3 months if you keep it at a temperature from minus 12 to plus 6. This product does not tolerate air, light and moisture. It also absorbs various odors very well, so it is recommended to choose an impenetrable oil dish for storing it. And finally, it should be noted that butter, like any other product, is good in moderation, then it will not only be useful, but can even help cure very serious pathologies. But it is not recommended to exceed the measure in order to avoid various unpleasant consequences.

You won't believe how many of our store shelves contain products labeled "Oil" that actually aren't! Unscrupulous manufacturers go to great lengths to lure buyers. The law prohibits calling the spread butter. But this stops few people. Names such as “Maslitse”, “Maselko” and the like appear.

Even more fakes in the markets. We go for farm oil, but it’s unclear what we bring home. And it would be nice if there was water in the cream. But it often happens that the product contains palm oil. And it, according to nutritionists, can provoke the development of cancer.

This article is devoted to how to determine the quality of butter. We will tell you how to choose the right one in the store, at the market, and how to check at home whether we really bought a real creamy product.

How to make the right butter

The number of cows has now decreased. It is difficult to imagine that such a huge amount of milk, sour cream, cream, cheese and butter does not contain at least some impurities designed to increase the volume of production and reduce its high cost. And even the GOST mark does not guarantee the quality of the product. At a minimum, it must contain stabilizers to extend the shelf life of perishable goods.

Well, let's go to the market to buy homemade butter. How to determine the quality of a product, how not to be deceived by a fake? Real butter is made from heavy cream and nothing else. They are collected in a cylindrical container and churned using a spatula with holes. This process is long, but the oil turns out to be excellent in taste and healthy. The milk fats are separated and the butter is collected with a wooden spatula. This product contains useful substances: calcium, vitamins. But it doesn't last long. Therefore, stabilizers are added even to oil according to GOST. But how can you distinguish a quality product?

GOST, TU and myths about quality butter

This product must contain only milk fats. They have a certain freezing and melting point. But in vegetable fats (palm, rapeseed and peanut) these physical characteristics other. Various temperatures freezing and melting will be the main clues in how to determine the quality of butter. Some people believe that the higher quality the product, the yellower its color. But this is a myth.

Even GOST allows manufacturers to add beta-carotene to butter - a harmless food coloring that gives the product a sunny color. In fact, when churned, milk fats come out light creamy, almost white. GOST also allows for a reduction energy value oils The so-called sandwich butter has a fat content of only 61-63 percent due to the admixture of whey. But this product is also approved by GOST. However, there is also worst option. This is TU - “ technical specifications" If you see these two letters on the packaging, it is better to put the product back on the shelf. In ninety-nine percent of cases it is spread or margarine.

Choosing oil in the store

It is best to go to the supermarket to buy the product, where you can examine the product without any hassle and read all the interesting labels on the packaging. But the bars are already packed in opaque foil. You will not be allowed to taste, open or examine the color of the product. How to determine the quality of butter in this case?

First of all, read the packaging. We have already said above that GOST is not a guarantee quality oil. But there are other markers. For example, composition. The product must have cow's milk and cream. Nothing more! Check the shelf life of the product. The longer it is, the more preservatives the butter contains and the less healthy it is.

In the Russian Federation, the requirements for this food product are regulated by GOST R52969-2008. These are the numbers that should appear on the packaging. In supermarkets, dairy products are kept chilled. Press your finger on the packaged block. Real butter is hard. And on the surface of the spread, even at a temperature of + 5 0 C, a dent forms.

How to determine the quality of butter when buying at the market

In this case, we are given the opportunity to evaluate the color and smell of the product, and even taste it. Let's start with a tasting. Firstly, high-quality butter has no odor. Place a small piece on your tongue. Good butter will melt in your mouth without leaving a residue. The vegetable fats in the spread will continue to smear across the palate for some time. U good oil taste of cream with a faint hint of sour cream. Pay attention to the color of the product. Bright yellow should alert the buyer. The fat content of the oil should start at seventy-two percent. The highest quality product has 82.5%. If the seller cuts a large piece of butter, look at the cut. A good product has a uniform consistency, without spots or streaks. It is slightly shiny when cut. The spread is more matte.

Is price an indicator of quality?

Of course, on modern market You can expect everything from manufacturers, as well as from unscrupulous sellers. They can also set a high price for the spread. Is it the other way around - high-quality but cheap butter? In order to answer this question, you need to know at least superficially the production technology of the product. How to determine the quality of butter based on its price? Yes, very simple. To chaff a kilogram of butter, you need about fifteen liters of milk. It is unlikely that any manufacturer will operate at a loss. So figure out for yourself what the cost of natural oil is. It is better not to save money in this matter.

Let's say we bought a pack in a store or a block at the market. But we are not entirely sure about the quality of the oil. How can we check if it's a spread? The fat content of butter, as well as the presence of vegetable fats in its composition, can only be determined in the laboratory. But even at home, we can conduct several tests to find out whether it is a genuine product or a counterfeit.

If the butter has not yet melted, transfer it immediately to a plate. Are there any greasy marks on the wrapper? Real oil may get trapped in the folds of the packaging foil or paper. But the smooth surface of the wrapper should remain clean. The spread, due to the penetrating ability of vegetable fats, will stain the packaging. Now let's cut two small pieces from the block. By the way, chilled natural butter hardly stains the knife.

Temperature check

We have already said that physical parameters Freezing and melting of vegetable and milk fats differ. Temperature is what will help us determine the quality of butter at home. Have you already cut two pieces? Leave one of them on a saucer at room temperature. We put the second one in the freezer of the refrigerator. We'll wait about an hour. Milk fats retain their structure. A piece of butter will soften at room temperature, but will not lose its shape. And the spread will spread over the saucer like melted ice cream. Take the second piece out of the refrigerator. It practically doesn't stain your fingers. Let's try to cut it. Natural butter crumbles, while margarine spread can be separated almost without chipping.

Water test

Solubility is another criterion for milk fats. Let's cut another piece from our block and throw it this time into a glass of boiling water. How to determine the quality of butter in water? If the product is natural, it will immediately dissolve in boiling water. And then golden grains will sparkle on the surface of the water, like in a broth. The spread will melt gradually, and when we try to stir it with a spoon, it will separate into pieces. Let's follow the water. If natural oil has dissolved in it, it will turn slightly white. And the herbal additives will sink to the bottom of the glass as a slightly darkish sediment.

A few more secrets

The spread has only one advantage over butter. When cold, it spreads easily onto bread. The butter should contain from seventy-two to eighty-three percent milk fat. The rest is scrap, a by-product of buttermilk. And if you put a piece of natural butter on a hot frying pan, it will splash and foam. The spread will behave differently. There is another way to check the quality of butter. Let's spread a thin layer of the test sample on the cardboard. Click on the surface. If we have high-quality butter in front of us, droplets of liquid will appear. If they are not observed, then the manufacturer has added emulsifiers to the product. They make the consistency of the oil more plastic.