Sliding folder for decorating the parent's corner "autumn". Sliding folder for decorating the parent corner “Autumn” Why do teachers need sliding folders “Autumn”

Autumn is golden

Walks along the paths

On her legs

Yellow boots

She has colored leaves on her dress

And in her basket

There are wild mushrooms




The first month of autumn.

September is called “the song of autumn” and “golden blossom”. These are the different and beautiful names this month has.

In September, the days become shorter and the sun no longer rises as high in the sky as in summer. Clouds often gather in the sky. There are frequent light, drizzling rains. “It’s late September,” people say. In September there is often fog. The wind blows often.

In September it is very good to walk in the forest. The air is fresh and smells of rotten leaves. There are also lingonberries and ripened rose hips, rich in vitamins. Cranberries are ripening in the swamps. And the rowan clusters turn red. The berries become sweeter after frost. September is also called “Rowanberry”. Acorns ripen on oak trees, and nuts on hazel trees.


September 1 - Knowledge Day

September 27 - Teacher's Day


    In September there is one berry, and that bitter rowan.

    September is cold and full.

    In September, summer ends, autumn begins .


Second month of autumn

October is the pre-winter period, the first harsh month of autumn. A cold wind reigns and it rains frequently. Last harvest of fruits and mushrooms. The days are getting shorter, the nights are longer and darker.

Crimson and gold foliage - signs late autumn. The forest is already visible through, the peaks are thinning. The sun and cold burn, the wind tears off the leaves. By folk calendar October is called MUDDY - it doesn’t like wheels or runners.


First Monday - Doctor's Day

October 1 - World Day of Older Persons

October 1 - International Music Day

October 4 - World Animal Day

October 9 - World Post Day

October 28 – Cartoon Day


    Spring is red and hungry, autumn is rainy and nourishing.

    An October day is quickly melting - you can’t tie it to the fence.

    Autumn time - a bird from the yard.

    In the spring the rain grows, and in the fall it rots.


Last month autumn.

November is a harsh and gloomy month. Our ancestors called it differently: JELLY, LEAF, BREAST, SEMI-WINTER. November is the twilight of the year.

The dim days of late autumn are short. There is not enough white light. It dawns late, it gets dark early. People say: “In November, dawn meets dusk in the middle of the day.” First winters. Snow mixed with mud. The chilled fields shrank, the meadow turned grey. Already in the evening, the frost covers the puddles with young ice and sweeps along the edges of the banks. The river is freezing. Soon the snow feather bed will spread out - the keeper of warmth.


November 4 - Day national unity

November 18 - Father Frost's birthday

November 20 - World Children's Day

November 21 - World Greetings Day


    November builds ice bridges, and December nails.

    Whoever does not feel cold in November will not freeze in December.

    November's forge is not great, but it forges fetters for all rivers.

Mobile folder “Autumn”: three folders for parents of children from two to seven years old

Folder - moving "Autumn": three folders - moving for kindergarten with pictures, poems and tasks for children about autumn.

Mobile folder “Autumn”

In this article you will find three folders - movements on the theme “Autumn” for parents of children of different ages And useful ideas on their use:

  1. folder "Autumn" early age(from 2 to 3 years),
  2. folder "Autumn" for younger children preschool age(for children 3-4 years old),
  3. “Autumn” folder for older preschool children (5-7 years old).

Each folder contains 10 sheets and you can choose those that will be most interesting to you and your children and arrange them in any order. Therefore, we did not specifically number the sheets.

All folders - movements on the topic “Autumn” from this article can be downloaded for free and print it on a printer. I have provided download links below in this article.

Folders - moving “Autumn” for preschoolers: contents of folders

Each of the three folders contains the following pages:

  • What does a child of this age know about autumn? What to tell him about.
  • Pictures about autumn to look at with your child.
  • Educational autumn games and experiments.
  • Poems about autumn to read to children and memorize.

Each page has a landscape sheet format - A4 (vertical).

The material of each folder is designed taking into account the age of children and all methodological requirements to familiarize preschoolers with the world around them.

All sheets of folders are colorful and bright, realistic and designed so that the pictures can be viewed with the child while discussing autumn phenomena in nature.

We tried very hard to create a special mood in each folder and look at autumn through the eyes of a child! And also bring joyful mood and smiles to all of you - our readers! Therefore, the folders turned out to be very bright and kind, very sunny and bringing you our warmth!

Authors of the “Autumn” travel folders: I, Valasina Asya, candidate pedagogical sciences in the field of preschool pedagogy, practical teacher, author of this site “Native Path”. And designer Anna Novoyarchikova.

All materials in the book folders can be transferred to friends, colleagues, acquaintances, downloaded and printed, and used in kindergartens, centers, and families. We, the creators of these folders, will be glad if our work is in demand and needed by people, and as much as possible more people they will take advantage of him! Therefore, we make these folders free for distribution and you can get them without any payments or subscriptions.

Why do teachers need “Autumn” folders?

  • Folders can be used as visual material for parents in kindergartens and children's centers(for example, a mobile folder may be located in the hallway of a kindergarten or in the locker room of a kindergarten group). This folder introduces parents to what educational games they can play with their child in the fall, what poems about autumn are intended for children of this age, and what to tell the child about in the fall.
  • Folders can also be used as handout for parents of preschool children on the topic “Autumn” at various family workshops and game libraries,
  • The sliding folder can be printed as an A4 book, paste it into the files (for this you need to purchase special folders with files) and get the book “Autumn” for the kindergarten group. This book can be passed from family to family and viewed in a group with children. It will serve you for a very long time!

How parents of preschool children can use the “Autumn” folder

Option 1: Print the folder. And use it as a book or as a cheat sheet throughout the day.

Examples of using the movement about autumn: We print the folder onto separate A4 sheets. Then it is very convenient to use these sheets with children, choosing the desired sheet for today. You can always take one piece of paper with a poem on a walk with your baby. And during a walk, take it out, look at the picture with the child, read the child a poem from this piece of paper. A sheet of paper from a folder looks very aesthetically pleasing and is convenient to look at with your baby; it is light and does not take up much space like a book or album. Then you and your child can look at the nature around you and find signs of autumn - the same as in the picture or in the poem from the folder.

Valuable idea from the experience of mothers: Many parents hang sheets of folders on the refrigerator (changing them) or on a home magnetic board and look at them with their children. These sheets serve as a cheat sheet - a reminder of a poem or a fall game planned for today with your child.

Option 2. Mobile option for using a folder about autumn without printing the folder on a printer. This option appeared in my experience of working with parents many years ago, when mobile phones with camera functions first appeared. Very convenient, quick way. You just need to save the pictures from the “Autumn” folder to your mobile phone. During a walk, you can always open the desired photo and read a poem to your child, look at the picture and find a similar landscape in the park around your baby, or remember an idea for a game and immediately play it with your child.

We did three folders - movements about autumn according to the ages of children: early age (up to 3 years), junior preschool age (3-4 years), senior preschool age (5-7 years).

Now I will show examples of pages from folders - movements about autumn and give links to download these pictures in full format for printing.

Download mobile folders “Autumn” for kindergarten and family

  • Download free folder “Autumn” for young children (2-3 years old)
  • Download for free the folder - moving "Autumn" for younger preschoolers (3-4 years old)
  • Download free folder “Autumn” for older preschoolers (5-7 years old)

Detailed description of folders - movements about autumn by age of children

Please note: In this article I am giving compressed images from a folder as an example.

You can download full pictures from all folders in excellent quality in the file using the links above.

Each folder is unique and the contents of each folder are not duplicated in other folders.

Folder - moving "Autumn": for parents of young children (2-3 years old)

The moving folder about autumn for young children includes the following sheets:

- Title,

What does a 2-3 year old baby know about autumn? And pictures of autumn natural phenomena to look at them with your child.

Learning to look at pictures: seasons

— Learning to speak and playing with the autumn rain: speech exercises on a walk at home.

Autumn educational games and tasks for the little ones:“Multi-colored leaves”, “Big - small”, “Dance with leaves”, “Where is the leaf?”, “What can you hear?”, “Learning to speak”, “Magic box”.

Introducing the baby to the world around him on a walk in the yard

Poems about autumn for the little ones:“Why do trees shed their leaves in the fall?” V. Orlov, “My little guest” V. Orlov, “Autumn Leaves” by I. Tokmakov, “Autumn Song” by A. Pleshcheev, “Autumn” by V. Avdienko, “Hedgehog” by I. Mogilevskaya, “Autumn” by Y. Korinets.

Sheets “And this is me in the fall” for pasting home autumn photos into an album or folder. You can paste autumn photographs of children, kindergarten groups, and photographs of children’s drawings about autumn into frames. The result will be sheets of galleries in which the baby will see himself! It is very important for a young child to look at photos of his mom, dad, all his relatives and himself in the fall: what the weather is like, who is doing what, who is wearing what.

Folder - moving "Autumn": for parents of children 3-4 years old

Below in the folder description are examples of pictures in a compressed format. You can download the same pictures in full size and good resolution for free above in this article in the “Download” section moving folders"Autumn"

The moving folder about autumn for children of primary preschool age includes the following sheets:

- Title,

What does a 3-4 year old child know about autumn?

- WITH Quiet words about autumn for children 3-4 years old: I. Bunin “Autumn”, K. Balmont “Autumn”, A. Koltsov “The Winds Blow”, M. Khodyakova “If the leaves on the trees turned yellow”, E. Trutneva “Suddenly it became twice as bright”, A. Teslenko “Autumn”, A. Pleshcheev “A boring picture”, L. Razvodova “A rain of mischievous leaves swirled above me.”

Educational games for autumn walk with a child 3-4 years old:“Which branch are the babies from?”, “Casts from nature”, “Drawing a herbarium from leaf imprints”, “Find the same one”, “Developing an eye. Swing for a leaf", "Introducing a child to trees", "Leaf prints with colored pencils", "Riddle game: autumn trees"

Autumn math on a walk with your baby:“How are they similar?”, “What is more?”, “Continue the pattern.”

Little whys: Why is a hare white in winter and gray in summer? Experiment for children.

Signs of autumn: pictures with the task for the child “Find the signs of autumn.” While discussing the top picture with your child, ask him why this is not summer? After all, it also rains in summer. Pay attention to the girl's warm clothes. If she dressed warmly, that means...? (it’s cold outside, but warm in summer). In the bottom picture, find signs of autumn (the harvest is ripe, the leaves are falling).

Folder - moving "Autumn": for parents of children 5-6 years old

Below are compressed pictures from the folder about autumn as an example. If you need to download these pictures in good resolution for printing or use in a presentation, you can do this using the link given above in this article (section “Download folders”)

The mobile folder about autumn for children of senior preschool age includes A4 pages:

Front page,

What does a child know about autumn before entering school?

Growing up curious: logic problems for children about autumn in pictures with questions for children.“What did the hedgehog say?”, “Strong wind.”

We play in the fall on the way to kindergarten:“Where did Dunno go wrong?”, “Trik-truk, that’s not true”,

Little why - experiments for older preschoolers.“Why do animals change their coats in the fall?”, “How do walruses protect themselves from the cold?”

We learn poems by heart with children aged 5-7 years: A. Tolstoy “Autumn” (excerpt), A. Pushkin “The sky was already breathing in autumn” (excerpt), P. Voronko “It’s better not native land", A. Tvardovsky "Forest in autumn"). You can choose any of these poems and learn them with your child for the autumn holiday.

Poems about autumn for reading to older preschoolers: I. Bunin “Leaf Fall”, N. Antonova “Autumn”, N. Nekrasov “Before the Rain”, A. Fet “Autumn”.

Folder for parents on the theme "Autumn"

Description of material: The material includes: stories for a child about autumn, poems about autumn for reading to children and memorizing, paintings by Russian artists, riddles, autumn signs, observations with children in nature, simple autumn experiments and logic puzzles for children.
Author: Yulia Vladimirovna Vafina, teacher at MBOU “Combined Kindergarten No. 44”, Miass, Chelyabinsk Region.
Purpose: this material will help in the preparation of information in the parent corner.
Target: Helping parents introduce their children to autumn.
- teach children to name the signs of autumn, changes in the weather, and use figurative words and expressions for autumn;
- expand children’s horizons about natural changes in autumn, about the life of birds and wild animals;
- hold fun walks for kids with their parents;
- acquaintance with signs and poems about autumn;
- cultivate attention, love for nature, caring attitude towards animals, birds, positive qualities character.
To replace the warm and sunny summer autumn is coming. And parents are faced with the question - how to tell their children about autumn? Autumn is a golden and sad time, but not for children! A heap of orange leaves soars into the sky and cheerful laughter sees off the warmth and scorching sun until next year. The child doesn’t care whether it’s autumn or spring, or some other fancy word that all this is called, he wants to play and have fun.

Folder - moving

for decorating a parent's corner, dedicated to the autumn theme.

Empty fields

the ground gets wet,

the rain is pouring down

When does this happen?


The world around us the child is varied and diverse. For a child, this is family, kindergarten, and hometown. This is the world of adults with whom he communicates, the world of objects that surround him in everyday life. In kindergarten, during classes and during walks, we try to make this knowledge about the world around us more accessible and understandable for the child.

One of the main methods of getting to know your surroundings --- observation. To achieve this, we try to organize targeted walks, targeted visits to certain sites, and excursions as often as possible.

We pay a lot of attention to conversations and conversations with children, during which the teacher not only consolidates knowledge about the world around them, but also creates in children a positive – emotional attitude towards what he is talking to them about.

Much attention is given to this type of children's activity, such as play. It is known that through play a child learns about the world. Play allows the child to accomplish what he wants to do. real life not available to him.

Much of children’s knowledge is consolidated by children during labor activity. Provides invaluable assistance in getting to know the outside world fiction, which we use not only in classes, but also in everyday life.


Every walk with your child can be made interesting and varied. After all, every season is beautiful and marked by the mystery of the natural appearances of life. A child who witnesses seasonal changes in nature, but is not always able to notice them on his own, must be shown all the enchanting autumn landscapes and the natural sequence of development of all living things, the dependence of its condition on seasonal changes in nature.

When walking with your child, pay his attention to the weather conditions. Consider some tree or shrub with it. Together, look for animals that can be found in at the moment and watch him. You can remember familiar riddles, proverbs, sayings. For example:

- There are a lot of rowan trees on the trees - autumn will be rainy, few - dry.

In autumn there are a lot of cobwebs - in clear weather, on a bucket.

She rewarded everyone, but ruined everything.

The fields are empty, the ground is wet,

The rain is pouring down.

When does this happen?


Dear parents! To consolidate the knowledge children acquired in kindergarten classes during your walks and excursions, you can consolidate them with simple tasks and tests.

1. Name the leaves of which plants are drawn. Color the leaves so that each pair has a summer coloring sheet on the left and an autumn coloring sheet on the right.

2.Which branch are “children” from? connect the fruits and leaves with a line.

3.What is mixed up in the picture? Tell.