Summary of the walk "observing the sun in spring." Summary of a walk watching the sun in autumn

September Middle group
(walk #2)
Observing the flower garden
Goal: To form children’s ideas that flowers are alive, they grow and change.
Progress of observation
The plants in the flowerbed grew well, bloomed while it was warm, there was a lot of light and water; now the days are becoming
short, there is a lot of water, but little heat, the flowers fade, and in their place seeds form, from which
new plants may appear.
Autumn has come
The flowers have dried up.
And they look sad
Bare bushes.

 What did the flowers in the flowerbed look like?
 Why did they wilt?
 What needs to be done to make the flowers grow again in the spring? (collect seeds)
Labor activity
Collecting flowers in boxes.

Learn to distinguish mature seeds from immature ones.
Outdoor games
"Ducklings", "Birds and Rain"

 Exercise in running, climbing, jumping;
 Develop agility and speed.
Outdoor games
“Throw it up and catch it”, “Find where it’s hidden.”


Practice throwing and catching the ball;
Teach orientation in space.

Individual work
"Collect the toys"

Develop mindfulness

September Middle group
(walk #1)
Observing seasonal changes in nature
Objectives: 1. To form ideas about changes in nature (the day has become shorter, the night has become longer)
2. Learn to distinguish and characterize signs early autumn, recognize them in poetry;
3. cultivate a love of nature

Progress of observation
Summer has passed
Autumn has arrived.
In the fields and groves
Empty and dull.
The birds have flown away
The days have become shorter.
The sun is not visible
Dark, dark nights.

 Gold coins are hanging on a branch. (Autumn leaves)
 On the ceiling, in the corner, there is a sieve hanging - not made by hand (Cobweb)
 No hands, but the canvas weaves. (Spider)
The teacher tells the children about signs.
September - dawn, gloomy; cold-hearted, but eager to feed, they call him “the singer of autumn,” and
“golden flower; grasses in meadows, fields, forests dry out, turn yellow, and the foliage becomes golden
trees and shrubs.
September is the first autumn month. At the beginning of the month there are still warm, sunny days. Sky
sparkles blue, with golden patterns of maple and birch leaves visible on it. The air is clean, transparent,
silver threads of the web fly. Such days are called " Indian summer».
 Why is September called “golden flower”?
 Which days of September are called “Indian summer”?
 What are the signs of “Indian summer”?
Labor activity
Cleaning up trash on site.
Goal: to cultivate a desire to work.
Outdoor games
"Geese", "Shepherd and Flock"
 Improve coordination of movements;
 Develop dexterity and spatial orientation.
Individual work
"Catch the Ball"
Develop agility
Independent games with external material

September Middle group
(walk #3)
Crow watching

September Middle group
(walk #4)
Weather observation

Goals: 1 expand knowledge about the raven
2. cultivate curiosity and interest in the life of birds.

To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in plant life.

Progress of observation

Progress of observation


 What does a crow look like?
 What does she eat?
 Is this bird a wintering or migratory bird?
 How does a crow scream?
The crow is a large bird. The crow's head, beak, throat, wings, tail and paws are black, but everything else
gray. The crow is a cunning, dexterous and resourceful bird. She winters and lives next to humans. Crow
usually sits on garbage containers and landfills, where there is always something to eat, because the crow
omnivorous bird. She shouts “kar-kar”
Lame old crow
He has been living in my garden for a long time.
In the dense green branches of the maple
She built her own house.

Each group of vegetables grows in its own bed. In the fall, gardeners harvest vegetables, then
canned. Vegetables grow on the ground and in the ground. Today we will collect vegetables and take them to
kitchen so that the cook can prepare them for us for lunch. Reading the poem “Vegetables” by Y. Tuvim.

Labor activity
Collection of flower seeds.

Labor activity
Collective work to harvest vegetables.

Goal: develop the desire to do work together.

Outdoor games
"The Bird and the Cat", "Colored Cars"

Learn to move in all directions without bumping into each other.
Individual work
Development of movements

Strengthen the ability to jump on one leg (right and left)
Independent games with external material

What time of year is it now?
How did you guess?
Do you know where we will go now?
What grows in the garden?
How can you call all this in one word?
How many of you know riddles about vegetables?
Where do vegetables grow?

Learn to work together.

Outdoor game
"Cucumber, cucumber"


Learn to quickly perform actions on a signal
Improve coordination of movements, the ability to give force to a throw.

Develop coordination of movements, the ability to impart force to a throw.

Independent games with external material

September Middle group
(walk #5)
Sparrow observation
Goals: 1 deepen knowledge about the features appearance sparrow, life manifestations;
2. activate children's attention and memory.

September Middle group
(walk #6)
Birch observation
Objectives: 1 continue to introduce the characteristic features of birch, according to which it can be
stand out among other trees;
2. cultivate a desire to admire the beauty of the tree.

Progress of observation

What does a sparrow look like?
What does he eat?
How does he move?
How does he sing?

Sparrow is a small, lively bird. The sparrow's back is brown, with wide longitudinal black
stripes. The tail and wings are dark brown, decorated with a reddish border, the chin and throat
black, but the head is gray. The sparrow, an agile bird, unafraidly jumps near a person’s feet, pecks from
dog bowl, picks up crumbs, seeds, grains. He adapts well everywhere
human habits. The sparrows sing "chick-chirp".

Labor activity
Harvesting vegetables from the garden.

Accustom to work
Encourage adults to help.

Outdoor games
"Find yourself a mate"
Goal: learn to move quickly along the signal, changing the direction of movement.

"Catch the Ball"
Goals: 1 continue to strengthen the skills of throwing and catching the ball with both hands
2. cultivate attention and dexterity.

Progress of observation

Alena is standing with a green scarf,
Slim figure, green sundress. (birch)

 What tree is the riddle talking about?
 How tall is the birch tree?
 Where is the birch trunk wide and where is it narrow?
 Are the birch branches thick or thin?
 Can you get leaves?
 What color is the birch trunk?
 What kind of trunk does the birch have?
 How can you say about a birch tree?
 What color are the leaves of a birch tree?

Invite children to admire the beauty of birch. You can hug her, stroke her and say: “Grow up,
dear little birch, bring joy to good people.”
Labor activity
Harvesting vegetables.
Goals: 1 to teach people to work collectively on the site;
2. develop teamwork skills.
Outdoor game
"Hares and the Wolf"

Individual work
Development of movements.
Goal: teach walking on an inclined board.

Continue to develop motor activity children;
Accustom to independent implementation rules

Individual work
"The fastest"
Independent games with external material

Goal: to practice running, performing tasks to improve the ability to navigate in space (changing
while running direction), in jumping (jumping on two legs).

Independent games with external material

September Middle group
(walk No. 7)
Watching the dog

September Middle group
(walk No. 8)
Dog watching

Objectives: 1. To form ideas about the appearance of a dog;
2. cultivate the need to take care of a pet.

Expand your understanding of dog breeds;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

Progress of observation
The teacher asks the children a riddle.
The living castle grumbled
He lay down across the door.
Two medals on the chest. It's better not to go into the house. (Dog)
 What does the dog look like?
 Where does she live?
 What does it eat?
 Who takes care of the dog?

A dog is a devoted friend of man. The dog Sharik is large, his fur coat is thick, warm, and brown.
The head is large, the muzzle is elongated, and the head has floppy ears. white; beautiful tail ring,
When he is happy, he wags his tail. It has four paws with claws, covered with fur, so that it does not
were freezing.
Labor activity
Collection of cones and leaves.
Goal: to encourage students to independently carry out basic tasks.
Outdoor game
"Shaggy Dog"
Goal: learn to move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement.
Individual work
Walking along a short and long path.
Purpose: to consolidate ideas about length.
Independent games with external material

Progress of observation

What breeds of dogs do you know?
How do they benefit people?

There are all sorts of dogs: service dogs, hunting dogs, decorative dogs. And they all serve man faithfully.
Shepherd dogs help border guards guard the border and guard flocks of sheep. Likes help hunters
track the beast in the forest. Decorative dogs - poodles, lapdogs, etc. are kept at home because they
beautiful and smart.
This is a guard dog
He can bark like he's alive.
He doesn't bark because
That he liked us.
Labor activity
Clearing paths of leaves.
Goal: to instill a love of work in the team.
Outdoor game
"Catch up with me"
Goal: learn to act quickly on a signal, navigate in space, develop dexterity.
Individual work
Development of movements
Goal: to strengthen the skills of throwing objects at a distance.

Independent games with external material

September Middle group
(walk #9)
Fire truck surveillance

September Middle group
(walk no. 10)
Sparrow observation
Goals: Continue to consolidate and systematize knowledge about the sparrow;

Expand knowledge about the role of machines and their mechanisms;
Cultivate curiosity.

The teacher asks the children riddles.

Progress of observation
 Why does all transport allow cars with sirens to go ahead?
 Why does the car have flashing lights at the front and rear?
 Why does a fire truck need a long extendable ladder?
 Why do firefighters wear helmets?
Cars with sirens rush to help people. Flashing lights warn that the car
turns right or left. A sliding ladder is needed to extinguish a fire in
multi-storey building. Helmets protect your head from falling objects.
Labor activity
Garbage collection on site.


Enrich vocabulary artistic words about the sparrow; Activate attention and
Progress of observation

Accustom to cleanliness and order;
Create a desire to work in a team.

Outdoor games
“Traps”, “Throw it - catch it”.
 Develop independence in organizing outdoor games.
Individual work
Walking on toes.
 Strengthen the ability to walk with coordinated movements of arms and legs.

Independent games with external material

Guess what kind of bird
Jumps along the path
As if he's not afraid of cats -
Collects crumbs
And then jump onto the branch
And the chirp chirp chirps! (sparrow)
Chick-chirp -
Jump to the grains!
Peck, don't be shy!
Who is this? (sparrow)
 What changes occurred in the sparrow’s life with the arrival of autumn?
 Where do sparrows like to live - in the forest or next to people? Why?
 Who are sparrows afraid of?
 What do they eat?
 What size are they?
 How should people care for birds?
Labor activity
Sweeping paths on site
Goal: to cultivate hard work and a desire to help adults.
Outdoor games
"Bird in the Nest"
Goals: Learn to jump on two legs when given a signal; Develop agility, attentiveness, coordination
Goals: learn to move in accordance with the text; perform jumps while pushing off at the same time
with two feet, jump off softly;
Individual work
Development of movements
Goal: to improve hoop rolling skills in any direction.
Independent games with external material

September Middle group
(walk #11)
Birch observation

September Middle group
(walk #12)
Watching leaf fall

Continue to introduce the characteristic features of birch, highlighting the signs of living things;
bring up careful attitude to the tree.

Progress of observation

Introduce the variety of colors of golden autumn, the concept of “leaf fall”
Cultivate a love for nature.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children a riddle.
There are white pillars,
They have green hats,
Hairy in summer,
Yellowish in autumn. (Birch)
Children approach the birch tree, say hello, and admire the beauty of the autumn tree.
 What changes have occurred to the tree?
 What happened to the birch leaves?
 What color are they?
 Are there many or few leaves on the birch tree?
 When the wind blows, what happens to the leaves?
Invite the children to collect a bouquet of fallen leaves. Note again what color the leaves are. Which
Can you name signs that a birch tree is alive?
Labor activity
Raking fallen leaves with a rake.
 Accustom to finish what you start.
Outdoor game
"Find your color"
 Look for your color based on the teacher’s signal.
Individual work
Development of movements
 Achieve improvement of walking technique: clear and wide steps, good posture,
natural hand work.

Independent games with external material

The teacher invites the children to guess what time of year the poems are about.
Suddenly it got colder, suddenly there was a roar,
Leaves, leaves, leaves flew.
The fields are empty and the downpours are pouring,
So tell me, what time is it? (Autumn)
Golden, quiet groves and gardens,
The fields are productive, ripe fruits.
And you can't see the rainbow, and you can't hear the thunder,
The sun goes to bed
Earlier every day. (Autumn)
The teacher tells the children about signs. In September the forest is thinner and the bird's voice is quieter, the tit asks
Autumn is coming, and the leaves on the tree don’t stick.
 Why is autumn called golden?
 What phenomenon is called leaf fall?
 What do you think the autumn leaves will dream about?
Labor activity
Cleaning up trash in the garden.
Outdoor games
“Traps”, “Find your house”
 Develop dexterity, the ability to act quickly on a signal, and accurately follow the rules of the game.
Individual work
Jumping in place on one leg.
 Develop dexterity.
Independent games with external material

September Middle group
(walk #13)
Car surveillance

October Middle group
(walk #1)
Birch observation
Goals: Continue to introduce birch, highlighting characteristic features and changes related to
time of year; Cultivate a caring attitude towards wood as a living object of nature.


Learn to distinguish cars by purpose;
To form an interest in the driver’s profession, the desire to master his work activities.

Progress of observation
The teacher suggests watching cars moving along the city streets. Consider
their appearance, answer questions.
 What types of transport do you know? (GROUND, UNDERGROUND, WATER, AIR)
 What functions does this or that machine perform?
You can see them everywhere, you can see them from the windows,
They are moving along the street in a long stream.
They transport various cargoes -
Brick and iron, grain and watermelons.
We loved them for this work,
They are called….. (cars)
Labor activity
Collection and take-out specific place dry leaves, sweeping paths.
Goals: To teach cleanliness and order. Strengthen the ability to work in a team
Outdoor games
"Colored Cars"

Goal: Continue to develop motor activity through games with objects

Progress of observation
The teacher brings the children to the birch tree for a conversation.
 What kind of tree is this?
 Show me the birch trunk?
 Is it thick or thin?
 Show the branches. Are they thick or thin? What color?
 Stroke the birch trunk.
 What is it like for her? (Smooth, silky)
 What color?
 What changes have occurred to the birch tree?
 Where did the leaves from the tree go?
 Where are the leaves located?
 Who rips them off? (note that they have already withered on the ground)

What time of year?

 What happens to the tree? (it falls asleep, prepares for winter)
Labor activity
Cleaning the area

Goal: To teach to work together, to achieve the completion of a task through joint efforts.

"The Fox in the Chicken Coop"

Observing the sun.
Goal: To clarify children’s knowledge that in autumn the sun shines, but hardly warms. Clouds often appear in the sky and hide the sun. Promote long-term stay for children fresh air, even when it's cloudy. Maintain a joyful mood.

Independent activity for children: bring out scoops, molds, buckets, spatulas for playing with sand. Invite the children to make cakes out of sand.

Observing the sun.
1. Look at the sky, guys. What do you see? (Sun, clouds).
2. What kind of sun? (Round, yellow, large).
3. What does the sun look like? (On the ball).
4. What is the weather today? (A little warm).

Artistic word:
The sky was already breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less often,
The day was getting shorter
The forests are a mysterious canopy.

5. Why has the weather become colder? (The sun rarely appears in the sky).
6. Why does the sun appear in the sky less often? (Autumn has come).

Educator: Guys, you and I know that the sun has rays. In summer they were very warm. Let's stretch out our hands to the sun and say hello to its rays.

I'm standing under the sun,
I sing a miracle song:
Sun, sun, hurry up
Warm my little hands.
A.S. Ufimtseva

How do you feel? (The sun shines, but does not warm).

Come, come, sunshine,
Bell sun,
Light up more generously
Warm everyone up quickly.

Educator: Sunny invites you to play.

Outdoor game: “Sunshine”.
Goal: To teach children to coordinate their movements with the text, to evoke positive emotions from playing and communicating with adults. Encourage independent, active actions. Inspire joy in completed actions.

In the morning the sun woke up,
He stretched and smiled.

Children “wake up”, open their eyes and stretch.

And throwing off the blanket,
Off to charge.

Children are running around the site.

Washed by the rain
It disappeared like a cloud.

Children wash and wipe their faces.

And when I washed my face,
It glowed brighter.

Children smile at each other.

Labor activity:

Goal: Continue to instill in children a desire to participate in work, teach children to work together. To teach and encourage to maintain cleanliness and order in the area.

Educator: Guys, why do you think cleanliness is needed in the area? Why does a janitor sweep up trash? (Children's answers). Look at our area: clean or dirty? (Children's answers). What will happen if we play in such a dirty area? (Children's answers). What needs to be done to keep us healthy? (Children's answers). Then let's do this: you collect sticks and stones in buckets and dump them: boys into this bag, and girls into this bag. Who will fill the bags faster?

Game "Fill the bag."

Outdoor game: “Sun and Rain.”

Goal: To teach children to run easily, without bumping into each other, to perform movements in accordance with the text. Learn to quickly respond to a signal and navigate in space.

The sun was shining in the sky,
We had a lot of fun.
There's loud laughter
The sun is shining for everyone.

Children walk and dance in the area.

A cloud suddenly covered the sun,
It became sad and depressing.
The torrential rain poured down,
We ran home.

Children run under the roof or under an umbrella.

Walk No. 16

"We will help"

Target : consolidate children’s knowledge about vegetables, their shape, size, color.

Progress of the walk

The teacher invites the children to go to the garden beds and observe what the older children are doing there. The harvest is underway. The teacher tells how all summer the older children worked together with the adults, watering the beds, and now, when autumn has come, the vegetables are ripe. “Let us help you!” - the kids suggest. The elders don't mind.

The children brought a large basket for vegetables. Work begins. The teacher clarifies: “These are red tomatoes. Where do they grow: on a tree or on a bush? What color, what shape are tomatoes - children are happy to answer these questions themselves. When comparing two tomatoes, they can accurately answer the teacher which one is smaller or larger, lighter or heavier.

Then everyone looks with interest for cucumbers among the foliage. Children discuss why cucumbers are difficult to find. “They’re probably playing around, that’s why they’re hiding!” - they decide together. Older children compare two cucumbers: which is longer or shorter, heavier or lighter. What we found - everything goes into the basket.

Everyone admires the cabbage, which has sat down in the middle of the garden bed, resting, basking in the sun and not wanting to leave. “We will never get her out ourselves!” - the children decide, giving up trying to cope with the stubborn woman. The teacher suggests: “Tell me, what kind of cabbage?” The children answer: “White and green, round, heavy and stubborn, she doesn’t listen!” The teacher helps to pull out the cabbage. It is added to the rest of the vegetables.

The teacher continues: “And there are also vegetables that are buried in the ground and sit there in the dark. Hid! Let's find them!" Offers to pull the cheerful curly ponytail. The children pull carefully, but do not know what they will pull out. It turned out it was a carrot! Yes, so big, orange. Well, she's just beautiful! And why does such a beauty bury itself in the ground? One carrot is big and the other is small. “This is my daughter!” - the children explain.

In the neighboring bed, too, only leaves are visible. Maybe someone was hiding here too? The children pulled and pulled out a round, burgundy beet. We began to think about which “tail” to pull in order to pull out larger beets. We decided, chose, pulled, but it turned out that the second beet was smaller and lighter. The children themselves determined this by comparing it with the first one. The kids thank the older children for allowing them to work in the garden beds.

The children return to the site, sit around the table, and the teacher lays out vegetables on a tray and reads Y. Tuvim’s poem “Shchi Vegetables.” Then he asks everyone: “Which of these vegetables can be eaten raw, but washed?” Children try a little cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, and cabbage. They clarify that the hare would be delighted: there is his favorite treat on the tray. Once again they remember and clarify which vegetables grow on the ground and which are hidden in the ground.

Labor activity: help older children

Goal: to cultivate a desire to help others

Outdoor games

"Shaggy Dog"

Goal: to teach children to move around the playground, following the instructions given in game form. Material: large toy dog.

Card index of walks "SEASONS" for the month of September for children preschool age(middle group)

The card index ensures the diversified development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas of development: social-personal, physical, cognitive-speech, artistic-aesthetic.

The card file contains 24 cards for a daily walk for a month. IN this manual observations of living and inanimate nature, didactic and outdoor games, individual work, as well as the work of children in a group area.


Weather observation. What sky? What's on it? How can you tell about the weather? (cloudy, sunny, rainy). Is the wind blowing now? How do we know that he is blowing? What sways and flutters in the wind? What can you say about this weather? (windy, quiet) Is it cold or warm today? What are the children wearing? What can you say about this weather? (warm because they are wearing blouses, or cool if they are wearing jackets).

Di “Raise your eyes to the sky, lower your gaze to the ground, close your eyes, expose your face to the wind, turn away from it - the result is we walk with the wind.” .

(Literary word: not a beast, but howling (the wind).

Sign: In autumn, cobwebs are for clear weather.
P/game: "Traps" - development of running and agility.
I/p according to PHYS: obstacle course.
Labor, errands: remove leaves from the veranda.


Weather observation. What's the weather like today? What can you say about her? What sky? What's on it? Look around, is there any wind? How did you discover it? Today is colder or warmer than yesterday, the day before yesterday (other day of the week)? What am I wearing? How can you tell about the weather today? (cloudy, quiet, cool).

Game moments: ribbons, flags, tubes for determining the wind, tubes for finding the sun in the sky.

Literary word: Autumn frosty mornings in the groves yellow leaf fall, the leaves lie around the birch like a golden carpet.

Sign: in September the leaves don’t stick to the trees.

game: “Homeless Hare” - development of running, the ability to jump on two legs.
I/p according to FISO: jump over the path of leaves.
Labor, assignments: collect a bouquet of leaves.

Observing an inanimate object -

looking at a birch tree, the birch tree is very beautiful, small curly leaves, a white trunk, it is slender. What color are the leaves on it? Which leaves are more green or

yellow? Are there leaves under the tree, on the ground? What color are they? Where are there more leaves on the tree or under it?

Drawing a birch tree on a sheet of paper and on a calendar.

Round dance: “There was a birch tree in the field” .

Artistic word: Alena is standing, green scarf, thin waist, white sundress; without caring about the weather he walks around in a white sundress, and in one of autumn days[September gives her yellow leaves.

game: "The sea is agitated" - development of coordination of movements, imagination.

I/p according to PHYS: jumping on two legs and moving around a birch tree.

Labor, assignments: collect birch leaves for the herbarium.

Card No. 4.

Observing the weather - while walking, observe the weather yourself, and at the end talk about it - make a homemade pinwheel. Bring the children to the birch tree, admire it again, take a better look at it, and in a group draw it for the calendar.

D/i: “Name the autumn months**.

Artistic word: “In the original autumn there is a short, but wonderful time - the whole day is like crystal, and the skies are radiant” .

P/game: “Trap, take the tape** - development of running, agility.

I/p according to FISO: jumping over a path of leaves.

Card N5.

Observing an inanimate object - walk around the area, examine and name what trees and shrubs grow on it; detect signs of the beginning of autumn on them, admire the colorful leaves, look at the cows of the earth and note that the grass is still green, there are many autumn flowers, in some places there are fallen leaves on the grass, they are bright in color (yellow, red). Questions: are there a lot of green flowers in the area? Is the area beautiful? What creates beauty? Is the property someone's home? For whom? What is someone's home? For whom? What does this house have for the living inhabitants of the site?

P/game: "Homeless Hare" - development of running, the ability to jump on two legs.

I/p according to FISO: walk along the leaves, clearly stepping on the paved path.

Labor, assignments: collect flower seeds.


Observing a living object - observing a frog. What is the size of a frog? What is her skin like? What's on her head? How many legs do frogs have? How are the front and back legs different? Does a frog have a tail? What body features help her swim in water? Why does she have webbed fingers? Why do she have bulging eyes and are they located at the top of her head?

Sign: the frog croaked in bad weather. Until the first thunderstorm, the frogs do not croak.

P/game: "Classics" - teach children to jump rope, "Homeless Hare"

I/p according to PHYS: jumping in the form of a frog.

Labor, errands: tidy up the sandbox.

September Card No. 7

Observing an inanimate object - looking at flowers in a flower bed. What are these flowers called? What do flowering plants have? What do you need to make beautiful flowers? Why are flowers planted? Teach children to draw the simplest conclusions - in autumn there are always beautiful flower beds, flower beds, colorful flowers.

Artistic word: white and pink daisies are scattered, peas are brightly pleasing, asters are fragrant.

Sign: Flowers fade, grass fades.

Proverb: from autumn to sky - turn from summer.

P/game: "Jumping" * teach children to jump rope, "Score a goal" - development of eye, dexterity, “The wand is a lifesaver” - an exercise in running, agility, courage.

I/p according to FISO: walk along the curved path (walking with limited mobility).

Work, errands: tidy up the veranda.

Card No. 8.

Observation of nature - observation of leaf fall. What is leaf fall? What does this phenomenon look like? When are the leaves? Why? Why are leaves falling in all directions?

D/i: “Name autumn phenomena nature** - falling leaves, rain, wind, cold.

Artistic word: “In the original autumn there is a short, but wonderful time - the whole day is as if it were crystal, and the skies are radiant**.

P/game: "The sea is agitated" - development of coordination of movements, beauty of movements.

I/p according to PHYS: jumping on two legs with forward movement.

Labor, assignments: feed the animals.

Card number 9.

Observation of an inanimate object - in September there is one berry, and even that rowan is bitter. What kind of bush is this? What is it called? What do adults make from this berry? How is it useful?

Literary word: A girl in a red dress came out to say goodbye to autumn. I spent autumn, forgot to take off my dress, and the FIRST SNOW FALLED on the red patterns.

Di: “Guess what kind of berries these are?” - teach children to recognize and name berries.

P/game: "throw and catch" - teach children to throw and catch a ball.

I/p according to physical education: hitting balls off the ground.

Labor, errands: remove dry grass with a rake

September Card No. 10.

Weather observation - rain observation. What is this? What kind of rain? How is he going? What's the weather like today?

Literary word: he walked, lanky, but got stuck in the ground. The rain is pouring, as cold as ice, the leaves are spinning in the clearings, and the geese are holding the binding in a long caravan over the forest.

Di: "What has changed" - give pictures according to the time of year "Autumn" find changes on them.

P/game: "Catching Monkeys" - teach children to show movements and guess them.

I/p according to PHYSIO: balance exercise, learning to walk on a limited surface.

Labor, assignments: remove large debris from the site.

Observing seasonal changes in nature

Goals: to form ideas about changes in nature (the day has become shorter, the night has become longer);

learn to distinguish and characterize the signs of early autumn, recognize them in poems;

Cultivate a love for nature. The teacher tells the children about signs.

Why is it called September? "golden flower" ?

What days of September are called "Indian summer" ?

What signs do you know? "Indian summer" ?

Labor activity: Cleaning up garbage on site.

Individual work: "Catch the Ball" .

Goal: develop dexterity.

Independent games with external material.

The goal is to introduce children to working professions,

emphasizing the importance of work for everyone.

Show tools, various operations and sequence to achieve the goal. To cultivate respect for working people and a desire to help.

The janitor gets up at dawn,
The porch is being cleaned in the yard.
The janitor will remove the trash and sweep the paths.
What kind of work tool does the janitor use?

Broom. Which? Big. Why does he sweep away the leaves? Is the work of a janitor necessary for people and nature?

Labor - Help the janitor as much as possible to water the flowerbed with a watering can.

P/I: “Sparrows and a car”, “On a level path”,

Learn to walk on a limited surface while maintaining balance.

Individual work, teach how to correctly follow the instructions of adults, without breaking the rules in the game.

D/i "What color?" Who does what? "What is it made of?

Observing the flower garden

Goal: to form children’s ideas that flowers are alive, they grow and change.


Autumn has come
The flowers have dried up.
And the bare bushes look sad.
The teacher asks the children questions.

What did the flowers in the flowerbed look like?

Why did they wilt?

What needs to be done to make the flowers grow again in the spring? (Collect seeds.)

Labor activity: Picking flowers in boxes.

Purpose: to teach to distinguish between mature seeds and [immature ones.

I "Ducklings" , "Birds and Rain" . Goals: exercise in running, climbing, jumping; develop agility and speed.

Individual work

"Collect the toys" .

Goal: develop mindfulness.

Observing a crow Goals: expand knowledge about the crow; Foster curiosity and interest in bird life.

The teacher asks the children questions.

What does a crow look like?

What does she eat?

Is this a wintering or migratory bird?

How does a crow scream?

It's bad. The lame old crow has been living in my garden for a long time.

She built her house in the thick green branches of a maple tree.

Labor activity Collecting flower seeds.

Goal: develop the desire to do work together.

"The Bird and the Cat" , "Colored Cars" . Goal: to learn to move in all directions without bumping into each other.

Goal: to consolidate the ability to jump on one

leg (right and left

"Guess by the description" (fix the signs of the seasons).


Sparrow observation Objectives:

deepen knowledge about the features of a sparrow’s appearance and life manifestations;

activate children's attention and memory. Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.

What does a sparrow look like?

What does he eat?

How does he move?

How does he sing?

Labor activity Harvesting beets.


accustom to work;

encourage adults to help.

P/n "Find yourself a mate" .

Goal: to learn to move quickly according to a signal, changing the direction of movement.

"Catch the Ball" . Goals: continue to strengthen the skills of throwing and catching the ball with both hands;

cultivate attention and dexterity.

Individual work Development of movements.

Goal: teach walking on an inclined board.

di "Put it right" (fix the sequence of seasons and months, their names).

Observation of birch trees Objectives:

introduce to characteristic features birch, by which it can be distinguished from other trees; cultivate a desire to admire the beauty of wood.

The teacher asks the children a riddle and asks them to answer questions. thin word: Alena is standing - a green scarf, a thin figure, a green sundress. (Birch.)

What tree is the riddle talking about?

Where is the birch trunk wide and where is it narrow?

Are birch branches thick or thin?

What color is the birch trunk?

What color are the leaves of a birch tree?

Labor activity Harvesting vegetables.

Goals: to teach people to work collectively on the site;

develop teamwork skills. P/i-Hares and the wolf*.”

The goal is to continue to develop the motor activity of children;

teach you to independently follow the rules.

Individual work: “The fastest” Purpose: to practice running, completing tasks to improve the ability to navigate in space (changing directions while running), jumping (jump on two legs).

d/i "Emotions" (the ability to identify and distinguish between human emotions and feelings)

Watching migratory birds

Goals: to expand ideas about migratory birds, about the changes in the lives of birds in the fall, when

cold; foster love and care for birds.

Hood. word

The waters rustled like a fast stream,
Birds fly away to warmer regions.
The teacher asks the children questions.
What birds fly to warmer climes?

d/i "Finish the sentence"

The sparrow is small, and the crane... (big).

The duck is gray, and the swan... (white).

Labor activity Collecting tree seeds.

Goal: to involve children in collecting seeds and to reinforce the names of trees.

"The Little Dog and the Sparrow"

"Geese, geese"

Goals: to consolidate knowledge about characteristic movements birds; learn to imitate their voice.

Individual work Development of movements.

Goal: to consolidate the skill of throwing the ball to each other from below.

Observing autumn work in the garden

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature, art. word:

Stormy winds are blowing,
Dark clouds are passing by,
You can’t see white light in them,
You can't see the red sun in them. The teacher asks the children questions. How have the weather and nature changed? What has changed in the garden?

When it gets cold, how do you dress?

Labor activity Filling beds with sawdust. Goals: learn to work in pairs; bring up friendly relations. Outdoor games

"Find where it's hidden" .

Goal: to teach how to navigate in space. "Run - don't hurt" .

Goal: to improve running technique, good posture, and natural hand function.

Individual work: development of basic movement.

Goal: improve walking and running technique.

d/i: "Vegetables" "Vegetable Garden" (reinforce the names of vegetables with the children)

Observation of the driver's work Objectives:

continue to shape children’s understanding of the work of a driver; cultivate interest and respect for the work of adults.

Hood. word; reading the story "The Driver" by Ch. Mbbudin

The teacher asks the children questions.

What kind of cars are these?

How did you guess?

What does the car have? (Lights, wheels, cabin, body.)

What are headlights for?

Labor activity

Collecting pebbles on the site.

Goal: to develop the ability to carry out collective assignments, to negotiate with the help of the teacher on the distribution of work.

"We are drivers" , "Leaf Fall" . Goals: to continue to develop motor activity in children; encourage the desire to reflect in play activity knowledge about adult work.

Individual work Development of movements.

Goal: to promote the development of motor skills.

d/i "Cars", Autopark" (to consolidate children's knowledge about types of transport" 

Spruce watching

Goals: to strengthen children’s skills in finding familiar trees based on one or two characteristics;

introduce the characteristics of spruce that make it easy to distinguish it from other trees.

Hood. word:

What kind of girl is this?
Neither a seamstress nor a craftswoman.
She doesn’t sew anything herself,
And in needles all year round. (Spruce.)

Labor activity

Collection of small garbage (twigs, pebbles) V

Goal: to develop the ability to work together.

"Find your house" , “Crows and the nest - Purpose: to exercise running, the ability to quickly find your house (hoop).

Individual work

“Whose team will gather sooner?” , "Crawl

to the flag."

Goal: to exercise the ability to form a circle and crawl on all fours.

d/i "Trees", and Vlesu" (consolidate children’s knowledge of trees and their names)

Observing the work of a postman Objectives:

consolidate specific ideas about seasonal changes in nature; form ideas about the work of a postman; - cultivate interest and respect for the work of adults.

Hood. word: The teacher asks the children a riddle and invites them to answer questions. A man walks everywhere with a thick bag on his belt. (Postman.)

Why is such a profession needed?

What kind of bag does he have?

What's in it?

Labor activity

Garbage collection at the site at a certain time

Goals: to teach to work together, to achieve the task through joint efforts; instill in children a sense of mutual assistance.

P/i "Leaf Fall" . "Breeze"

Goal: learn to run without bumping into each other.

"Run to what I call" .

Goals: * teach to run quickly at the teacher’s signal; fix the name of the trees.

d/i/u "Battle Royale" .

Goal: mastering the ability to act according to the rule, developing voluntary control over one’s actions, removing physical aggression,

Observation of arriving birds Objectives: to teach to recognize and distinguish birds by plumage, size, voice; - develop observation and memory; -develop a friendly attitude towards birds.

Hood. word: Jumps, frolics on the fly,

Not an eagle, but still a bird. Sparrow.) Color - grayish,

Habit - furtive, Screamer hoarse -

Famous person. Crow.)

She does not sit still - she spreads news on her tail. (Magpie.)

The teacher asks the children questions and offers to solve riddles.

  • What birds fly to our site?
  • What size are they?
  • What color are they?
  • What do they eat?
  • How do birds care for their young?
  • How do you help birds?
  • What benefits do birds bring?
  • What other birds do you know?

Labor activity: cleaning sand around the sandbox.

Purpose: to educate positive attitude to work; responsibility when carrying out assignments.

Outdoor games: - “Find yourself a partner.”

Objectives: teach to follow the rules of the game; -at the teacher’s signal, run in any direction, without running into an obstacle. di "Find a pair!" "Who Sings" (to consolidate children's knowledge about birds)


SEASONS" September

Monitoring of harvesting machines

Goals: expand knowledge about the role of machines in performing labor-intensive work, the features of their structure

HUD. word

The teacher asks the children a riddle and conducts a conversation.

Does rain have four wheels?

Tell me, what are these miracles called?

Why is a watering machine called a fountain machine?

  • Why do miracle machines come out to clean the streets in the morning? Why do we call these machines miracle cleaners?

Work. Activities: Collecting dry leaves and branches from the area, loading them onto a stretcher

Goals: to teach cleanliness and order; - arouse the desire to work in a team, to bring the work started to the end.

P/n Hide and Seek

Goals: continue to teach orientation in space, develop the ability not to bump into each other;

d/i "Janitors" "Tools" (to consolidate children’s knowledge about the work of a janitor)

Goals: to teach running long jump.


Fireweed observation

Goals: to introduce medicinal plants; -tell about fireweed, its features in autumn time year.

Hood. word: Story by P.M. Mole Fireweed

Fireweed in Rus' is called Ivan tea. This plant contains a lot

vitamin C; The root is used as food; it tastes similar to potatoes; leaves and flowers are brewed as teas; leaves are used in salad. Fireweed also helps with stomach illness. Its seeds arrive in the clearing along with the wind in the fall on their fluffy parachutes. They arrived and stayed to live. In July and August, the entire meadow is lilac-pink from the blooming fireweed. By the end of summer, instead of pink inflorescences, the first fluffy plumes appear on the fireweed

Research activities

Compare fireweed with dandelion. Find similarities and differences.

Labor activity

Collection of flower seeds.

Target; develop the ability and desire to work together.

P/i- Roe deer.”

Goal: to strengthen the ability to move forward on two legs.

The deer has a big house.”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text (speed-up game)

Individual work

Jumping on two legs while moving forward

Goal: to develop movement coordination.

d/i "In the Meadow", "Flowers" (to consolidate children’s knowledge about plants)