Folder moving spring months.

Folder moving spring for kindergarten helps kids visually see what changes are happening in nature. The child already knows more about spring , and is already beginning to observe all the phenomena. He sees the birds and realizes that they are his friends. Knows the names of flowers and pictures help him associate these names with appearance plants.

Folders help little ones find out what else is going on in spring months . If download a number of such visual aids, you can make activities with the little ones more interesting. Junior group and even older toddlers will perceive any information with linear illustrations more effectively; as if we are telling kids about spring in a language that they know and understand much better.

How else can you show the little ones that spring is red ? If you make your story as clear as possible. And what is more clear than pictures? With the help of drawings you can tell the little ones that birds in spring they fly home, that the Sun awakens both plants and insects, that in the spring people become happier (it’s not for nothing that they celebrate the Day of Happiness in the spring).

Folder moving spring for kindergarten about migratory birds

Riddles about migratory birds

  1. I am agile, light-winged,
    The tail is forked, like a pitchfork.
    If I'm flying low
    It means rain is somewhere nearby. (Martin)
  2. Everyone knows her, of course.
    They meet you in their yard.
    This is a naughty bird
    It's called... (Tit)
  3. What kind of bird is this? Never
    Doesn't build nests for itself,
    Leaves eggs for neighbors
    And he doesn’t remember the chicks. (Magpie)
  4. The motley fidget, the long-tailed bird,
    The bird is talkative, the most talkative.
    The soothsayer is white-sided, and her name is... (Magpie)
  5. Who is without notes and without a pipe
    He produces trills best of all,
    More vocal, more tender?
    Who is this? (Nightingale)

Why do birds migrate and how do they do it?

Some birds fly away because the bodies of water where they live freeze. Birds may die of starvation if left over the winter. But many of those who live in fields and forests are also deprived of food: some of the animals they feed on hibernate, and insects hide deep under the bark.

And so entire flocks are forced to fly over vast distances. In the spring, all the birds return. They fly:

  • Wedge;
  • In a twisted pack;
  • A joint;
  • Straight pediment;
  • Arc.

It depends on the breed of bird and weather conditions.

Where do birds settle when they return home?

Many birds that live in forests, fields and ponds return home to their hollows or nests. But there are birds that settle near humans. Among them are starlings and swallows. If swallows prepare their own nests, they sculpt them using natural material. Then we can help the starlings. We can build birdhouses. These are such “apartments” of birds with an entrance hole. These houses are tied to tall trees or pillars.

When the starlings move in, they restore order and bring dry grass and feathers. And then the birds begin to sing their songs loudly, calling on their companion to settle with them.

Why do birds fly home?

It would seem that if birds feel so good in the places where they spend the winter, why do they return? In fact, the most favorable conditions for raising offspring in the homeland of birds. There (before the cold weather) there is enough food. You can live in the “house” that is most suitable for birds: weave nests, live in hollows, settle next to people.

How to help those birds that are returning

Birds are our comrades:

  • They help us by caring for the gardens.
  • The beautiful songs of birds help us enjoy life.
  • Birds know how to be friends with each other and with people.

How we can help our friends:

  • Build birdhouses.
  • Install feeders and add food to them for birds.
  • Protect from cats and guys with slingshots.

We can also help by exploring the fauna native land and learn the names of birds.

Folder moving spring for kindergarten on the theme of spring legends about flowers


In France, snowdrops are called snowbells. According to legend, the goddess Flora invited all the flowers to a festive masquerade ball. Snow also wanted to come to the holiday and began to ask the flowers to hide him under his tunic. But the flowers were afraid of the cold, and only the white Snowdrop decided to hide the Snow under his cape and secretly take him to the carnival. Since then, Snow and Snowdrop have become friends and now Snow shelters Snowdrop from the cold.


The legend about the tulip says that it was in its bud that happiness was contained, but no one could get to it, since the bud did not open, but one day he took the flower in his hands little boy and the tulip opened on its own. A child's soul, carefree happiness and laughter opened the bud.


Throughout the long winter, the heavenly Lada languishes in captivity of thick clouds and fogs. But washed in the spring spring waters the goddess of love, sun and harmony appears in the world with generous gifts. Where the first lightning fell, primroses grow to open the bowels of the earth with their keys for the lush growth of grass, bushes and trees.


Ancient Slavic legend reads: “...If you drink the nectar from twenty pink and twenty purple lungwort flowers, your heart will become healthy and kind, and your thoughts will become pure...”

Lily of the valley

There are many legends about the origin of lily of the valley. An ancient Russian legend connects the appearance of the lily of the valley with the sea princess Magus. The tears of the princess, saddened by the fact that the young man Sadko gave his heart to the earthly girl Lyubava, fell to the ground and sprouted a beautiful and delicate flower - a symbol of purity, love and sadness.


One day, off the coast of Holland, a Genoese ship sank in a storm. Its wreckage washed ashore. And a few weeks later, children playing on the sandbank noticed, almost at the very edge of the surf, a flower that had never been seen before: its leaves looked like the leaves of a tulip, and the stem was completely planted with many beautiful flowers, similar to small lilies. The flowers smelled unusual, and no one could explain where such an outlandish miracle came from here.

Folder moving spring for kindergarten about how nature wakes up

Spring comes so quietly, almost unnoticed. And only the calendar says that spring has already arrived.

Who came so quietly - quietly?

Well, of course, not an elephant,

And, of course, the hippopotamus

I couldn't go through this quietly.

And none of you heard

Like a leaf coming out of a bud,

And you couldn't hear

Like green shoes

They quietly emerged from the ground.

And the snowdrop quietly came out.

And there is silence everywhere.

This means, this means:

Spring has come quietly.

Signs of spring

Of course, some characteristic signs also appear:

  • The sun is shining brightly
  • The snow begins to melt and thawed patches appear.
  • The birds are returning home.
  • The buds on the trees and bushes swell and turn green.
  • The drops begin, the icicles melt.
  • Streams appear.
  • Snowdrops, crocuses and hyacinths are blooming.
  • The day is getting longer.

And even people began to smile more.

Proverbs about the coming of spring

“Water flowed from the mountains and brought spring”

"April with water, May with grass"

“In spring, the sun is like a mother, it shines and warms”

“March ends winter, begins spring”

“Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with pies”

“Everything beautiful on earth comes from the sun, and everything good comes from man.”

Changes in animals with the beginning of spring

What changes in the animal world with the arrival of warm days:

Animals that were hibernating woke up.

Many people change the color of their fur coat: rabbits, squirrels.

Many animals give birth to babies. For example, a bear has babies.

Both animals and insects enjoy the warmth.

How do plants enjoy the warmth?

The earth comes to life. Everything around rejoices and awakens:

  • When the snow just begins to melt, primroses are already peeking out.
  • Leaves of daffodils and tulips make their way through the snow
  • Swollen buds indicate that foliage will soon appear on bushes and trees.
  • The aromas of blooming flowers are floating around.
  • Some trees produce fluffy buds.

And bees are already buzzing around the plants. Even the rains become warmer and bring rainbows with them!

Folder moving spring for kindergarten about the most unusual spring holidays

I will definitely prepare this folder a little later. Your comments will motivate me to make it faster.



Children's parties

And although in the spring there is only one holiday directly connected with children, in fact, a lot can be connected with children, their essence, character, hobbies and their chosen profession.

For example, on March 8 we congratulate all girls, but isn’t March 20 the day of Happiness? children's party? April 1 - April Fool's Day - the most children's holiday!!! Who else but kids love and can laugh sincerely! What about King's Day, celebrated on April 27? Isn't it a children's party?)

Nature holidays


Children should know:

The first signs of spring in nature;

What happened to the snow, how the rivers changed in spring, what the spring sky looks like, how the length of day and night changed;

What trees and grass look like in spring;

How animals and birds welcome spring;

What people do in spring, how clothes change;

What is early - late spring, what is their difference.

titles: month, spring, March, April, May, thaw, drops, beginning, end, thawed patches, puddles, streams, ice floes, ice drift, birdhouse, birds (migratory), nests, buds, leaves, grass, snowdrops, woodlands, fields, gardens , vegetable gardens, beds, flower beds, sun, rays, seeds, seedlings, catkins, icicles, weather, thunder, lightning, thunderstorm, sun;

signs: early, late, warm, cold, long-awaited, joyful, rainy, ringing, noisy, talkative, fast, murmuring, cheerful, magical, blooming, singing, vocal, migratory, red-cheeked, agile, birch, gentle;

actions: has arrived, has arrived, crackles, breaks, crumbles, rumbles, gurgles, breaks through, swells, bursts, blossoms, blossoms, wakes up, flies, chirps, sings, screams, builds nests, hatches chicks, thunders, rumbles, sparkles, warms, scorches, shines, warms, darkens, sows, caresses, turns green, blooms, pleases, seethes.

Memorization material

Spring months are March, April and May. In spring, the sun rises higher and shines brighter in the blue, cloudless sky. Icicles hang from the roofs, at noon, when the sun gets hotter, the icicles begin to melt, spring drops ring, streams run and babble. Thawed patches appear in clearings and hillocks.

Rivers, lakes and ponds are cleared of ice. The hot spring sun melts ice and snow. The buds on the trees and shrubs swell and the first leaves peck. In the forests, fields and meadows spring flowers open: coltsfoot, snowdrop, lungwort, marigold, corydalis.

Wake up after long winter insects. Migratory birds are returning to their homeland from warm regions. The rooks arrive first, then the starlings, wagtails, and larks.

Ends hibernation animals. A mother bear with grown-up cubs emerges from the den and wanders through the forest in search of food: she pulls out bulbs and rhizomes of plants from the ground, looking for larvae. A she-wolf, a fox, a hare, a hedgehog, and a squirrel also give birth to babies.

Adult animals molt, winter fur is replaced by summer fur, and squirrels and hare change the color of their coats.

In spring people have a lot of work. In the field, the soil is prepared for crops and rye, barley, and millet are sown. In vegetable gardens - dill, carrots, onions. In gardens and parks, dry twigs and branches are cut, trees are planted, and flower beds are decorated with beautiful flowers.

"Call me kindly"

Formation of nouns

with diminutive suffixes

Children - children - children;

family - little family;

mother - mummy, mummy, mother;

daddy - daddy, daddy, daddy;

son - son, son, son; grandpa - grandpa;

grandmother - granny;

daughter - daughter - daughter, little daughter;

grandson - granddaughter, granddaughter;

granddaughter - granddaughter;

sister - little sister, little sister;

brother - brother.

"Finish the sentences"

Noun Declension

Every baby has... (Mother).

Every person loves his... (mother).

It is very difficult to live in the world without... (mothers).

I love walking with my... (by mom).

I'm very proud of my... (by mom).

Let's play

"One is many"

Education plural nouns

Family - families - many families, child - children - children,

work - work - a lot of work (work),

mom - moms - moms,

dad - dads - dads,

grandfather - grandfathers - grandfathers,

grandmother - grandmothers - grandmothers,

son - sons (sons) - sons (sons),

daughter - daughters - daughters,

sister - sisters - sisters,

brother - brothers - brothers,

grandson - grandchildren - grandchildren,

baby - babies - babies,

flower - flowers - flowers,

gift - gifts - gifts,

holiday - holidays - holidays.

“Tell me whose?”

Formation of possessive adjectives

Mom - (so, whose are you? Whose?) mother’s; dad - daddy's (a), grandmother - grandma's (a), grandfather - grandfather's (a), uncle - uncle's (a), aunt - auntie's (a).

“Tell me which one?”

Formation of simple participles and adjectives

Live - living, grow - growing, love - loved, respect - respected, stroke - ironed, try - diligent, care - caring, rest - resting.

"Conversation about family"

What are the names of your mother, father, grandmother, grandfather? Who are you to mom? (Son, daughter.) Who are you to grandma? (Grandson, granddaughter.) Who is older: mother or grandmother? Who is younger: dad or grandpa? What are the names of the family members?

Children should know:

That our Motherland is Russia, people living in Russia are Russians;

The meaning of the words “Fatherland”, “Homeland”, “defender”;

Names of military professions, what people do in each military profession;

What equipment is controlled by military personnel of different professions;

What items does the uniform of a sailor, pilot, or paratrooper consist of?

Extension vocabulary children:

titles: tanker, pilot, sailor, helicopter pilot, paratrooper, border guard, infantryman, artilleryman, rocket man, machine gunner, cavalryman, warrior, soldier, hero, defender, fighter, tank, rocket, helicopter, plane, boat, ship, cruiser, gun, gun, machine gun, cannon, pistol, reconnaissance, patrol, border, parachute, cavalry, helmet, helmet, cap, submarine, checker, sword, chain mail, shield, sea, space, Motherland, Russia, Fatherland, Russia, Fatherland, Moscow, banner, coat of arms, flag, strength, courage, dexterity;

signs: brave, courageous, fearless, valiant, courageous, military, difficult, honorable, dangerous, heroic, courageous, necessary, necessary, attentive, caring, dexterous, strong;

actions: guard, cherish, love, care, protect, preserve, be proud, work, fight, beat, fight, fight, march, shoot, fly, jump, mine, watch

"One is many"

Pluralizing nouns

in the nominative and genitive cases

Tanker - tankers - tankers, pilot - pilots - pilots, sailor - sailors - sailors, soldier - soldiers - many soldiers, warrior - warriors - warriors, hero - heroes - heroes, rocket - rockets - rockets, checker - checkers - checkers, cap - caps - caps, boat - boats - boats, infantryman - infantrymen - infantrymen, paratrooper - paratroopers - paratroopers, border guard - border guards - border guards.


in nominative and genitive cases

One soldier - two soldiers - five soldiers,

one sailor - two sailors - five sailors,

one infantryman - two infantrymen - five infantrymen,

one pilot - two pilots - five pilots,

one parachutist - two parachutists - five parachutists,

one gun - two guns - five guns,

one pistol - two pistols - five pistols,

one gun - two guns - five guns.

Life is hard without a friend.

One for all and all for one.

Fear has big eyes.

Live forever and learn.

Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.

There is life in the old dog yet.

There is safety in numbers.

The winners are not judged.

Seven do not wait for one.

Be patient with the Cossack and you will become an ataman.

The falcon is visible in flight.

God protects those who are careful.

Truth is strength.

I gave my word - keep it.

If you don’t have a friend, look for him; if you find him, take care of him.

Our dear fathers, grandfathers,

uncles and brothers!


Happy Defenders of the Fatherland Day!

This holiday in different years had different names. Today, Defenders of the Fatherland Day, gives an occasion to congratulate all soldiers and honor the memory of the heroes of past battles, because there are warriors, defenders of the Fatherland, in every family.

Glorious Army of the country

Our greetings from the kids!

"Name it after example"

Formation of a noun denoting a profession

Artillery - artilleryman, helicopter - helicopter pilot, cavalry - ..., infantry - ..., reconnaissance - ..., tank - ..., machine gun - ..., landing - ..., border - ..., sea ​​- ..., parachute - ..., rocket - ..., space - ....

"Who's doing what?"

Search for the relevant concept

A border guard guards the border, a tanker controls a tank, a sailor..., a paratrooper..., a machine gunner....

“How are they similar and how are they different?”

Constructing a monologue

Airplane and helicopter; tank and armored personnel carrier; boat and submarine.

"For Mom"

G. Boyko

Dad told me:

Mila, haven’t you forgotten?

Mom's holiday!

I know! I embroider a handkerchief.

With a border, with flowers,

To my beloved mother.


Yu. Korinets

Third month at the gate

This is a turn towards the sun.

Winter Watchman Snowman

He shudders and becomes gloomy.

Old, used to the cold,

He loses weight in the warmth.

Willow outside my window

The buds have blossomed -

Before anyone else in our native land

I decided to bloom.

I'll bring the branch into the house

And I'll put it on the table.

Happy Women's Day tomorrow morning

I congratulate my mother.

"Call me kindly"

Formation of nouns with diminutive suffix

Thawed patch - thawed patch,

puddle - puddle,

stream - stream,

ice floe - ice floe,

nest - nest,

kidney - kidney,

leaf - leaf,

grass - grass, grass,

field - pole,

sun - sunshine,

ray - ray,

stump - stump,

spring - freckle,

vegetable garden - vegetable garden,

meadow - meadow,

cloud - cloud,

tree - tree.

"One is many"

Formation of plural nouns

in the genitive case

Month - months,

spring - spring,

thawed patch - thawed patch,

puddle - puddle,

stream - streams,

ice floe - ice floe,

bird - birds,

nest - nest,

kidney - kidney,

leaves - leaves,

grass - herbs,

snowdrop - snowdrops,

field - fields,

garden - gardens,

bed - bed,

ray - rays,

icicle - icicle,

tree - trees.

“What’s he doing? What are they doing?

Finding the corresponding concept expressed by a verb

The grass (what does it do?) breaks through, turns green, grows, dries, withers, turns yellow, makes you happy;

sun, icicles, stream, buds, leaves, birds, trees, gardens, apple trees.

"Say it with the word 'spring'"

Formation of adjectives

feminine, masculine,


The day (what?) is spring, the weather (what?) is spring, the mood (what?) is spring.

Same with the words: rain,

thunderstorm, sun, months, forest,

grass, sky, flowers.

In the first month of spring, the Eighth of March, the whole world celebrates Women's Day (the holiday of mothers and grandmothers). The most beautiful word on earth is mother. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most loyal and sensitive heart - love never fades in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old you are - five or fifty, you always need your mother, her affection, her gaze. And the greater your love for your mother, the happier and brighter your life.

Expanding children's vocabulary:

titles: family, parents, relatives, children, work, care, mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, son, daughter, sister, brother, grandson, granddaughter, morning, day, evening, baby, niece, aunt, uncle, gift, surprise, holiday, spring, March, flowers, mimosa, tulip;

signs: dear, beloved, caring, adults, small, big, older, younger, young, old, affectionate, slender, smart, beautiful, attentive, serious;

actions: live, care, grow, love, respect, try, help, cook, wash, clean, iron, read, relax, study, have breakfast, lunch, dinner, regret, congratulate, give, craft, sew, knit, embroider.

“Describe what (which)

what is he doing?

Search for relevant concepts

Mom is cheerful, beloved, caring, affectionate, hardworking, strict, beautiful, slim, smart, works, cares, helps, reads, cooks, washes, cleans, irons, sews, washes;

grandmother - ... ;

grandfather - ... ;

dad - ... ;

Brother - ... ;

sister - ....

“Tell me about the family according to plan”

Constructing a monologue:

1) how many people are in the family;

2) with whom the child lives (if an incomplete family);

3) what are the parents’ names (first name, patronymic);

4) what parents’ jobs are;

5) how old is the brother (sister);

6) what grade does the brother (sister) study in?

7) what kind of family do you have (friendly, kind, hardworking...).

“Who is who?”

Grandma, grandma, whose daughter am I?

You are Fedya’s daughter, my son.

My dad is big, but not a son at all.

Son. My daughters brother.

Do you remember when we visited the eldest, Avdotya?

But were we at my daughter’s? At my aunt's!

I rocked your aunt in the cradle...

Grandma, wait, explain first,

Who are Natasha and her two brothers to me?

Okay, let's try to figure it out:

Their mother, husband's nieces, sister,

Oh, she was little and nimble!

And you get to... It's a tricky thing...

Grandma, something is burnt!

Ugh, while I was thinking,

All the milk ran out of the pan.

Y. Akim

in spring

Spring has a lot of work,

The rays help her:

They drive together on the roads

Talking streams,

They melt the snow, break the ice,

They warm everything around.

From under pine needles and blades of grass

The first sleepy beetle crawled out.

Flowers on the thawed patch

The golden ones have blossomed

The buds are full, swollen,

Bumblebees fly from the nest.

Spring has a lot of worries,

But things are looking up:

The field became emerald

And the gardens are in bloom.

Memorization material “Spring”

The days have become noticeably longer and the nights shorter. The sun rises higher and higher every day, warming more and more. The winter cold and severe frosts are no longer there. The snow darkened, swelled and settled, and black thawed patches formed in the fields. Spring streams ran across the fields and meadows, babbled, rang, and sang. At night, small puddles were covered with a thin transparent crust of ice, and during the day the sun warmed up and the ice melted. Long sharp icicles grew on the roofs of houses, which at noon, under the rays of the warm spring sun, cried bitter tears, saying goodbye to the winter. The trees are still bare and sad, but the buds on the branches are already swollen and are about to burst. The air smells like spring. Sparrows chirp loudly, they cheerfully welcome spring. From warm countries Rooks have flown to their native land. They winter nearby and therefore are the first to return to their native nests with loud and joyful cries: “gra-gra”.

"Complete the sentence correctly"

Formation of plural nouns

There's a nest in the tree, and in the trees (what?) ... (nests). There are branches on the branch, and on the branches (what?) ... (bitch). There is a tree in the yard, and in the forest... (trees).

A tree has a trunk, and trees... (trunks).

“Name which one?”

Search for the corresponding concept expressed by adjectives

The sun (which one?) - bright, spring, radiant, warm, affectionate, brilliant, cheerful, big, joyful, gentle;

grass (what?) - young, green, first, tender, fragrant, long-awaited


Formation of plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases

One stream - two streams - five streams,

one talkative stream - two talkative streams - five talkative streams,

one icicle - two icicles - five icicles,

one shiny icicle - two shiny icicles - five shiny icicles.

The same with the words: puddle, ray, tree.

Note to parents

Dear parents!

When walking with children, pay attention to winter phenomena in nature. It often snows in winter. Watch how it falls, how the snow swirls in the air during a snowfall. Ask the children where he goes. After a snowfall, show how high the snowdrifts are on the street, and how the streets are cleared with snow removal machines. In frosty weather, look with your children at individual snowflakes-stars with six rays: they are clearly visible on a dark mitten.

Many children try to taste the snow. Show them that snow can be dirty: put snow in a cup, it will melt indoors and remain at the bottom dirty water.

Go to the skating rink with your children, tell and show that the ice is hard and transparent. The skating rink is filled with water, and it freezes in the cold, so you can skate on the ice.

Teach children to observe and explain concepts such as warm or cold, frosty. Is there a sun in the sky? (Sunny, cloudy.) It's snowing or not? (Snowfall.) Is there wind? (It's blizzard.)

During the thaw, show how the snow will change. Ask what kind of snow is best to make buildings from, or sculpt a snowman.

In the first month of spring, the Eighth of March, the whole world celebrates Women's Day (the holiday of mothers and grandmothers).

The most beautiful word on earth is mother.

This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most loyal and sensitive heart - love never fades in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything.

And no matter how old you are - five or fifty, you always need your mother, her affection, her gaze. And the greater your love for your mother, the happier and brighter your life.

Folder moving



Tell the kids!

Sun: The spring sun is warmer, you want to take off your mittens or unbutton your coat. And some kids and adults get freckles from the sun! There are also sunbeams from the sun. The sun rises early and wakes people up. You get up, and it’s already light outside. And in winter, when we woke up, it was still dark. This means that the day has become longer and the night shorter.

Snow it has become dark, dirty, spongy, grainy, and melts in the sun. You can often see a settled snowdrift, from under which streams of water flow - streams. There is still a lot of snow in the shade and cold places, but in the sun it has already melted.

Sky . The spring sky is bright blue, but in winter it was often gray. They're floating in the sky cumulus clouds sometimes faster, sometimes slower. Why does this happen? It depends on the strength of the wind. If the wind is strong, the clouds move faster.

Sparrows jumping joyfully in puddles, swimming, chirping, basking in the sun. And in winter they sat on the branches, ruffled.

Insects woke up in the spring

Ice drift. Cracks form in the ice on the river, it splits and moves away. Ice drift - where did this word come from? Ice drift = Ice is moving, ice is moving! The ice began to move along the river, the ice began to move!

Icicles: Icicles have appeared under the roof, water is dripping from them - you can hear the sounds of dripping. In the sun, the icicles shine and sparkle beautifully. In winter there were few icicles, but now there are many.

Puddles . In spring, puddles appear. In the morning they are still covered with a thin crust of ice. If you press on the ice with a stick, it will break and water will be visible underneath. During the day, the puddles melt and babbling streams run around. Why does ice melt during the day?

Streams . Streams began to flow. Where does the stream flow - up or down? Where does the water go? Show how water flows into special grates in the city. Say that in nature, small streams flow into larger ones, and large streams flow into rivers. Rivers overflow with water and overflow their banks.

Birds - bullfinches, titmice, woodpeckers - stopped flying to the feeder. Why? It’s already warm in the forest, a lot of insects have appeared, and the birds are finding their own food. And some birds flew away from us, they returned to their homeland in the north.

They flew to us and returned home migratory birdsWhy did they return? Insects appeared - their food.


At noon I listen to the drops,
She murmurs like a bird's trill.
The crystal bell rings,
Running from the roof over the porch.
Drops gurgle, ring, sing,
It breaks snow and ice.
She doesn’t care about a big snowdrift,
She runs like a living stream.
I will clear the way for the stream,
So that he can look at the world.


Spring is off to a fun start

March is on the threshold.

The drops are ringing merrily

April is already rushing towards us

May is quickly catching up with them

He greets everyone with flowers

Full of light and joy

All three months of spring


Look, spring is coming,
The cranes are flying in a caravan,
The day is drowning in bright gold,
And the streams in the ravines are noisy.
Soon you will have guests,
Look how many nests they will build!
What sounds, what songs will flow
Day after day from dawn to dusk.
(I. S. Nikitin)

Folk signs Spring

Water in the meadow is like hay in a stack.

If you miss a day in the spring, you won’t get it back in a year.

If it melts early, it won’t melt for a long time.

Early spring is a sign that there will be many bad weather days in the summer.

When the spring water flows, but the ice remains, it is a bad year.

If in the spring the snow melts quickly and the water runs smoothly, it means a wet summer.

In the spring it will give both dirt and bread.

Migrant flows in flocks - to a friendly spring.

Birds build nests on the sunny side - for a cold summer.

When many mice appear in the spring, this portends a hungry year.

If you meet me in the spring white hare, then more snow will definitely fall.

In the spring, if you tighten the smell, you will stretch your legs.

On Maundy Thursday there is a full moon - there is a lot of water in the spring.

When the spring ice on the backwaters and lakes does not move, but sinks, then the year will be difficult for people.

The river opened up on a fast day - the cows will not be milked.

Folder - sliding for older children preschool age“March has come, brought spring”

Kotova Irina Vladimirovna, teacher, Sverdlovsk region, Bogdanovichsky district, Poldnevoy village, MKDOU " Kindergarten № 7"
The material may be useful for educators to design a travel folder for older preschool children and their parents.
Target: nurturing environmental culture in children and parents, forming careful attitude to nature, development of emotional responsiveness.
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First half of the month
“February is strong with a snowstorm, and March with a drop”
Early spring nature is still sleeping. First sun rays still weak average temperature It's almost winter -5° for months. The snow is covered with a wet mud crust, and thawed patches grow on flat areas of the ground.
March 6 - Timofey-Vesnovey breathes spring into the earth. Starting from the 12th, Prokop joins him to help, the rutted roads made of snow, destroyed by the heat, already on March 13th, in friendly company with Vasily-Kapelnik, bring the winter quarters to a turning point. March 14 is celebrated as the day of welcoming the red spring. Evdokia by Julian calendar from this day spring begins.

Second half of the month
“If you saw a starling, you know: spring is on the porch”
March 17 was considered the day of meeting of rooks. The air is still cold, and snowstorms occur from time to time. Birch and maple begin to flow sap. Next comes the day of Konon the Gardener; on this day one could predict what kind of summer awaits us. The larks come after the rooks - March 22. The date is arbitrary, but around these days in spring forest You can hear the chime of returning birds. This day of spring was called by the strange name of Magpies. The penultimate day of March - Alexei - streams of water from the mountains. A little more and it will rain.

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Spring in Russian poetry
Nature takes over in spring special place in the works of Russian poets. And this is not in vain. After all, it is the most beautiful time, inspiring people to do wonderful things, to create something new and tender. Spring only causes positive emotions and lightness of soul.
Lark V.A. Zhukovsky
In the sun the dark forest glowed,
In the valley thin steam whitens,
And he sang an early song
In the azure the lark is ringing.
He is vociferous from above
Sings, sparkling in the sun:
- Spring has come to us young,
I'm here singing the coming of spring!

Driven by spring rays... A. Pushkin (from the novel "Eugene Onegin")
Driven by spring rays,
There is already snow from the surrounding mountains
Escaped through muddy streams
To the flooded meadows.
Nature's clear smile
Through a dream he greets the morning of the year;
The skies are shining blue.
Still transparent, forests
It's like they're turning green.
Bee for field tribute
Flies from a wax cell.
The valleys are dry and colorful;
The herds rustle and the nightingale
Already sang in the silence of the nights

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Folk signs. March.
A lot of snow - a lot of bread: a lot of water - a lot of grass.
If a thunderstorm occurs in March, it means fertility.
Frequent fogs in March foreshadow a rainy summer.
If it melts early, it won’t melt for a long time.
Late spring will not deceive you.
Clouds float quickly and high - good weather.
The snow is melting soon, and the water is flowing together - expect a wet summer.
In late spring there are no dangerous frosts.
If a lot of mice appear in the spring, there will be a hungry year.
The friendly arrival of birds means bad weather and cold weather.
If the rooks have settled into their nests, then after three weeks they can go out to sow.

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Riddles about spring
Maples, lindens and oak trees
I give new leaves,
I invite you dear birds
Return from the south
And I’ll see you off to the north
Winter friend. (Spring)

Streams run faster
The sun is shining warmer.
The sparrow is happy about the weather -
Visited us for a month... (March)

At the snow-covered hummocks,
Under a white snow cap
We found a little flower
Half frozen, barely alive. (Snowdrop)

It's ringing outside the window
And he sings: “Spring has come!
And cold icicles
Turned it into these streams!"
Heard from the roof:
It's a small flood. (Drops)

In the autumn they flew south,
So as not to meet an evil blizzard.
And in the spring the snow melted,
And our flocks returned! (Migratory birds)

This house is made of plywood,
It has a perch and doors.
A comfortable home awaits the birds,
They will feel comfortable in it. (birdhouse)

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Dear women, we congratulate you on your holiday!
Let the first snowdrop
Will give you tenderness,
The spring sun will bring warmth
Let the March wind give hope
And happiness, and joy, love and kindness!

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This is interesting
- In 1910, on the initiative of Clara Zetkin, March 8 was declared International Women's Day.
- IN Tsarist Russia The day of March 8 had a political connotation, because in 1917 on this day in Petrograd it was decided to arrest the Tsar and his entire family, thereby overthrowing the monarchy.
- Since 1966, in the USSR, the day of March 8 has lost its political connotation and, by government decree, it was decided to make it a non-working day, “the day of all women.”
- The holiday of March 8 is officially recognized in 31 countries of the world: Afghanistan, Belarus, Vietnam, Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Zambia, Cambodia, China, Cuba, Costa Rica, Kiribati, Laos, Mongolia, Madagascar, Nepal, Serbia, Montenegro , Croatia, Eritrea, Uganda and some countries of the USSR.
- Until the 60s of the last century, Soviet women were not given flowers - it was not customary.
March 8:
- In 1582, the then Pope of Rome issued a bull on the transition to new calendar which we still use today.
- In 1910, Elise de Laroche, the first female pilot, received a license to fly an airplane.
- In 1914, the first issue of the magazine was published Soviet women called "Worker"
- Some analogue women's day can be found in history Ancient Rome. There was a special day when free women received gifts from their husbands, and slave women received a day off.

This is what it is, the holiday of March 8th. Diverse, interesting, multifaceted. Day of Women, Spring and Flowers. Celebrate it brightly!