Dmitry Drozdov biography personal life. He has become haggard and aged: life’s vicissitudes and personal dramas of actor Dmitry Pevtsov

Dmitry Pevtsov is one of the most famous and recognizable actors of Russian cinema. In addition to memorable roles on the screen, he also appears in theatrical productions and even rock operas.

Whether he plays officers or bandits, they are distinguished by their versatility of character. He has many classic roles to his credit.


July 8, 1963 became the actor's date of birth. His mother is a doctor for the tennis team, and his father is a modern pentathlon coach. Further education of his son in a sports environment began. Dreaming of following the example of his parents, Dmitry was going to go to the Faculty of Physical Education.

But suddenly a new desire arose - to become an actor. Thus, Dmitry entered GITIS. True, he soon had to leave his studies, as he was called up to serve in the Theater Soviet army.

1985 became a landmark year. Dmitry completed his studies and got into to the Tagankovsky Theater. There he was involved in the play “At the Bottom”. Having played there first main role, he then played in the Alla Demidova Theater with Roman Viktyuk.

The following year there was a breakthrough in cinema - his debut in the three-part “The End of the World followed by a symposium.” The follow-up film “Mother,” an adaptation of the classic Russian novel, received positive reviews from critics and gave Pevtsov recognition. For this role he received the Phoenix Award.

1990 action film “Called the Beast” showed the actor in the role of an honest one, strong man who broke the law against his own will. This type turned out to be successful and the audience liked it so much that Dmitry repeated it several more times on the silver screen.

For example, a picture “Gangster Petersburg”. In it he starred with his wife Olga Drozdova. He met her long before filming and then they filmed together several times.

He also gets diverse roles - either heroes or scoundrels. And they are all memorable. Be it the Duke from television films based on the novels of Alexandre Dumas, or Ippolit Zurov in "Turkish Gambit" based on the novel by Boris Akunin.

Dramatic roles were then given to both historical and melodramatic series. The audience loved Dmitry's characters, be it famous person or a simple engineer.

In 1991, the actor joined the Lenkom group. The debut came out famous - famous Hamlet by Gleb Panfilov.

When Nikolai Karachentsov had an accident, it was Dmitry who replaced him in the main role in the musical “Juno and Avos”. It was scary to replace Nikolai after so many years of performance, but Pevtsov played the character in his own way, giving new breath to him and the whole love story.

Recent years have been spent mainly in television work. It is worth noting the role of Albert Einstein in the series “Einstein. Theory of love". It shows not only the history of the greatest physicist of the 20th century, but also his personal life, his affair with Margarita Konenkova.

The actor carefully chooses his roles, but sometimes allows for passing projects, if necessary. These include the film by Vladimir Bortko (who once directed “Gangster Petersburg”) “About Love”. It tells the story of a banker played by Pevtsov and his mistress played by Anna Chipovskaya.

Hosted the program “The Last Hero”.

Personal life

Pevtsov lived with his theater classmate Larisa Blazhko. Soon they son was born, but the couple broke up. In 2012, tragedy struck. Daniil died tragically as a result of an accident at the age of twenty-two. He fell from a third-floor balcony and spent nine days in the hospital without regaining consciousness. Garik Sukachev soon dedicated a song to him.

In 1991 they met with Olga Drozdova. First, Dmitry invited her to “Hamlet”. The main role was assigned to him. Olga then returned the favor by inviting her to her work. This led to the beginning of an affair.

This was followed by the filming of the film “Walk on the Scaffold.” At the end of filming, a romance began and a few years later the couple got married.

It was not possible to have children for a long time. Happiness came to the family in 2007, when first child was born, his name was given to him Elisha.


Dmitry's hobby has been music. In 2004, the actor even debuted with an album of personal performance. In addition to his works, he performs songs by Vladimir Vysotsky, engages in fencing and racing.

Now Dmitry continues to play at the Lenkom Theater. From latest works The audience remembered the production of “The Lioness of Aquitaine.” There, the legendary Inna Churikova acted as a partner on stage.

Dmitry has a page on Instagram where you can follow all the news. Since 2013, he has been acting as an acting teacher.

In July he turned 55 years old. In honor of this there was a concert “Unexpectedly 55” with memories, songs and stories. In the same year he received the Medal “For Work for the Benefit of the Elista Diocese.” He is a trustee of the stage fencing festival.

I’ll tell you one mystery: How many times have Empires, religions, regalia disappeared in the world, And cities sank to the bottom... But through fires, disasters and blood, Performing the same pantomime, And completely invulnerable to the times, A girl walked along named Love.... Love is coming. Her steps sound like the echo of a long-awaited date. Her steps excite the universe, And circles diverge between the stars... Today's viewer knows Yuri Vizbor, perhaps, only as Borman from the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring.” But there was a time when young people listened to his warm songs, full of romance and lyricism, and sang them with rapture around the fire. "I am a birch branch that grew from an old rifle butt." Yuri Vizbor was born into an international family: his father is Lithuanian, his mother is Russian. The future commander of the Red Army, Józef Vizboras, found a wife in Krasnodar, but became a father only in Moscow on June 20, 1934. “I remember my dad as a jealous, hot-tempered, but creative person,” Yuri Iosifovich recalled his childhood biography. - For example, he himself taught me to draw. By the way, I really didn’t like it then!” Like many revolutionaries of the first wave, Jozef was hit by a steamroller Stalin's repressions and in 1938 he was shot. The unspoken formulation “son of an enemy of the people” weighed heavily on the poet for decades. Only in 1958, after the rehabilitation of the victims of Stalinism, did he feel better. “I grew up on the wounds of the twentieth century,” Vizbor once remarked. “However, like my entire generation.” Vizbor graduated from the Moscow Pedagogical Institute on Pirogovka. However, he taught the children Russian language and literature for only a couple of months - they were drafted into the army. In his unit he was a radio operator, wrote songs and poems, and even published in an army newspaper. Returning to civilian life, he decided to devote himself to journalism. In the 1960s, Yuri initiated the creation of the youth radio station “Yunost”, was admitted to the Union of Journalists and Cinematographers, and published a book of stories “Zero Emotions”. In the 1970s, he began working as a screenwriter and editor for the Ekran association and continued his film career. But his original songs brought him real popularity in the biography of Yuri Vizbor. He composed them wherever his journalistic fate took him. And after writing, I immediately took the guitar and sang. Vizbor climbed the peaks of the Caucasus, Pamir and Tien Shan, was a ski instructor and even flew an airplane. First fans creative biography Tourists began to come to Vizbor, then they were joined by people of art, and behind them the entire intelligentsia of the USSR. In 1962, Vizbor created eight songs, in 1963 - twenty-three, in 1965 - twenty-two. Gradually, concert activity crowded out almost everything from his life. In 1980, while skiing in the mountains, Vizbor fell and broke hip joint in two places. The injury made itself felt four years later. Suddenly his skin turned yellow and he began to experience severe pain. The doctors' conclusion shocked the family: Vizbor had three months to live. That same fracture led to fourth-degree liver cancer... Both Vizbor and the guests gathered for the anniversary were informed by his relatives that the artist only had hepatitis. But everyone felt: this evening was a farewell to the poet. Vizbor understood that he was doomed. He became weaker before our eyes, suffered from pain, but in communication with his loved ones he tried to be cheerful. Only to a friend, the bard Yuliy Kim, he admitted over the phone: “My friend, bring me some poison, so it’s odorless and right away...” All his life, Yuri Iosifovich was an atheist, but when the orderlies were about to take him to intensive care, he suddenly turned to the window and crossed himself... On September 17, 1984, Vizbor passed away. Over the course of his 33 years of creative biography, Vizbor wrote more than 300 songs, played in several cult films, and wrote scripts. What prevented the media of those times from reporting his death remains a mystery. However, carry out last way Thousands of Muscovites came to the famous bard. ....He lived, loved, made friends, created, wandered around the world, was simple in communication and everyday life, and finally grew a thick beard. He made people understand the main thing: happiness, joy, dignity and freedom are within ourselves.


These actors - sex symbols of the modern Russian screen - in life, as in the cinema, form a brilliant family-creative tandem: he always plays the main character, she always plays his beloved. And this joint “series” has been going on for more than ten years.

This married couple, undoubtedly, is considered the most beautiful in modern Russian cinema. The future spouses met in 1991 quite trivially: at the audition for the film “Walk on the Scaffold,” in which they were supposed to play lovers. During the two months of filming, the actors got into the role so much that they soon felt that they were real life they miss each other. They began to meet, and then live under the same roof.

Friends, crossing their last names, wittily nicknamed the couple “singing thrushes.” At first, their “birdhouse” was Olga’s seven-meter-tall room in the dormitory of the Sovremennik Theater, where they had to live surrounded by numerous neighbors, cockroaches and collapsing ceilings. They endured the “delights” of the hostel for three years, until they moved to an ordinary one-room apartment, which they called nothing more than “a bed with a refrigerator.” And this “hut” turned out to be small. Now they have somewhere to roam - in the center of Moscow, the couple bought a huge former communal apartment and have been renovating it for the second year...

Having got into the film “Gangster Petersburg,” Drozdova initially behaved in such a way that members of the film crew began to be wary of her. After she, who had never trained in martial arts, played a fight scene in prison in the first take, director Vladimir Bortko even said: “Olya, you are so tough and sharp. Probably even Pevtsov is afraid of you. You’re probably chasing him around the house from corner to corner...” But the actress did not agree with this opinion: “I was specially tuned in this way for the role. I am not like that. Although I have character, and it took a long time to forge.” And she added with a smile: “Most often my life reminds me of a roller coaster, and my own actions are bouts of madness without a hint of any logic or common sense. It’s hereditary, family.”

Olga was born on April 1, 1965 in Nakhodka, in the family of a sea captain and agronomist. His father, Boris Fedorovich Drozdov, is a descendant of impoverished Russian nobles, and his mother, Maria Ivanovna, is from a wealthy gypsy family. They lived next door in the Kuban city of Temryuk and once they met, a few days later they fled to the ends of the world, to a distant northern port. The seventeen-year-old girl left in what she was wearing: a light dress and shoes. She married a handsome sailor and very soon gave birth to a daughter.

Until the age of four, Olya fenced herself off from the world with a wall of silence: she neither cried, nor laughed, and did not utter a word at all. And when the “adult uncles and aunts” asked the “little beauty” to sing a song or read a poem, the girl silently went to her room. Firstly, even then she did not like noisy gatherings. Secondly, I was sure that they were lying about the “beauty”, despite the fact that she was indeed born amazingly beautiful. But the complexes are tenacious: “Compared to my strong classmates, I seemed scary to myself: thin arms, legs - some kind of worm!” To hide her childish fragility, Olya wore several pairs of warm pants, three or four spacious thick sweaters, and tied a down scarf around her thin waist, which later became the envy of more than one woman.

At the age of fourteen she began to hide her face. In an attempt to hide the hated pimples on her forehead, she first grew long bangs that reached her eyebrows, then her mother’s powder was used. Gradually the following were added to the powder: mascara in three layers, blush (the brighter the better) and other “paints and varnishes” from my mother’s cosmetics. “I started the day with “war paint.” I didn’t even go to the bakery without makeup,” said Drozdova and laughed at how indignant they were famous directors: “You and your mascara look like something indecent!” She herself understood this, but she could not help herself: with unpainted eyelashes, she felt underdressed. This “game of hide and seek” lasted twenty-six years and ended one day when Pevtsov appeared in her life. His love made Olga understand that there is no need to hide her face and soul under a thick layer of theatrical makeup.

As a child, she had many friends. Drozdova adored them all, was friends with full blast, held my soul wide open. But over time, their interests no longer coincided: “Especially when I started attending the theater studio. And before that there was also mountaineering, archeology, geology, sports, ballet, singing. And who would like this? At this time, the first thing in her life happened to her. Detective story, which she still considers “a good school of life.” The fact was that a classmate really liked the spectacular Olga, with whom, unfortunately, all the girls were in love: “And - it began. A complete boycott was declared. Around our desk, the rest were demonstrably empty. People were constantly throwing nasty things at the windows of my apartment. There was a knock on the door. But I learned to deal with circumstances. Firstly, I realized that I shouldn’t be afraid of anyone: neither people, nor dark alleys. Secondly, you need to overcome yourself and learn to rise above insults, not notice demonstrative grins and not hear deathly silence. I remember being pushed at the skating rink, and when I fell, they beat me. I quickly mastered skating, and within a month on that ice I was fighting back at my offenders. Well, then she simply left her hometown.”

Although Drozdova was involved in a drama club, she never seriously thought about becoming an actress. On the advice of her mother, she was going to become a teacher of Russian language and literature. But after the Khabarovsk Drama Theater came on tour to them in Nakhodka, where Olga saw real artists for the first time, she decided: “I’ll be an actress!”

However, first the gold medalist nevertheless entered the Vladivostok Institute of Arts, where she conscientiously tried to study as a philologist, from there she went to Shipyard work as a storekeeper - to gain life experience. Then she recovered in the same first year, but a year later she left anyway - Olga and her friends decided to go to Sverdlovsk and enter the theater school. But on the day of departure, she showed up at the airport alone - her friends got scared and stayed home...

In her second year at the Sverdlovsk Theater Institute, she was already playing one main role and rehearsing another. Then the holidays began, and Olga decided to visit Moscow in company with a friend who was storming the capital’s theater universities. After watching how others passed exams, Drozdova realized that she could do no worse. After which she transferred to the Shchepkinsky School (workshop of V. Safronov). In 1989, after graduating from college, she was taken to many theaters, but she chose Sovremennik, on the stage of which she played in the plays Three Sisters, Anfisa, Cabal of the Holy One, Steep Route, The Merry Wives of Windsor and many others.

Once, more than ten years ago, Olga starred in the film “Raskol”, played the wife of the revolutionary Bauman and traveled with the film crew throughout Europe. That's when she met Stash, a cheerful and interesting director from Switzerland, who helped the group work on the film. Once, after a noisy feast, Drozdova, Evgeny Dvorzhetsky and Stash drove through Geneva at night, went from club to club, swam in the lake.

From that walk they began dating. One day Olya came to the hotel, but her things were not there - Stash dragged them to his apartment. So she moved in with him... Then the film crew went to Germany, Belgium, and Stash followed his beloved everywhere. He told Olya: “Do you want me to buy you an apartment in Moscow, or do you want it in Paris or London? We will live wherever you say.” He had an apartment in the city center overlooking Lake Geneva, but he himself repeated: “My home is Europe.” The young people were already getting ready to get married, but then Isaac Friedberg invited Drozdova to star in his film “Walk on the Scaffold.” And then, as you know, it was at these auditions that Olga met Pevtsov...

Colleagues call him the darling of fate and consider him lucky, and the public once again bestows the honorary title “Actor of the Year”... Performances with his participation are filled with crowded theaters, in TV series he is given leading roles, and the press and fans do not allow him to pass... With the light hand of Leonid Bronevoy’s definition for Dmitry Pevtsov was: “Our Stallone with muscles of steel and the soul of a child.” For millions of viewers he is a noble “Beast”, fighting the mafia alone, for others - exclusively sexy man With beautiful body and sad eyes.

He is recognized always and everywhere. And on the Sochi beach during the Kinotavr festival, as soon as Dmitry emerged from the sea, he was immediately surrounded by people armed with notepads and soap boxes. And during a short break between filming scenes from the series “Stop on Demand” in the unheated depot of the Kievsky railway station, real conductors handed him some old magazines left by passengers in the compartment to perpetuate the “star” signature. Dmitry satisfies the desires of his admirers without the slightest irritation or dissatisfaction. In response to fans, there is always a smile, friendly, but a little tired. And then one feels that popularity for him is still a kind of burden.

Dmitry was born on July 8, 1963 in Moscow. His mother, Noemi Semyonovna, is from the ancient Jewish Ashkenazi family, and his father, Anatoly Ivanovich Pevtsov, is from Ryazan. The boy has been involved in sports since childhood: “From the age of six I was sent to figure skating, then gymnastics, skiing, judo, karate. I swam a lot and rode a horse. My father swam in his youth, but went into pentathlon and was the champion of Georgia. Later he became a master of sports, an honored coach of the USSR, and worked with the Union pentathlon team. Mother was an equestrian, then she graduated from medicine and was a sports doctor. Now her work is also connected with horses: at the Ecological Center she uses special therapy, teaching children horse riding, and treats children with birth injuries.”

Dmitry graduated from regular school high school. Then he tried to enter the Moscow Pedagogical Institute, but was disgracedly expelled from the chemistry exam - he was caught with a cheat sheet. He worked at the Almaz Central Design Bureau as a milling operator for four months and twenty days. There, in the workshop, along with a food order, I bought a ticket to a performance for the first time. And after several visits to the theater, I wanted to become an artist, absolutely not understanding what kind of profession it was.

In 1981, Pevtsov came with a friend to enroll in the acting department at GITIS, and the unexpected happened there. The friend failed, but Dmitry successfully passed all the exams and was enrolled in the workshop of Professor I. I. Sudakova and Associate Professor L. N. Knyazeva. Soon the student was called to military service and was sent to the “most dangerous sector” - to the Moscow Theater of the Soviet Army, after serving in which he returned to GITIS. In 1985, having successfully graduated from the institute, Pevtsov was invited by Anatoly Efros to the Moscow Taganka Theater and was introduced to the plays “At the Lower Depths” and “Phaedra” (directed by Roman Viktyuk). After the death of A. Efros, the young actor came into conflict with the new chief director N. Gubenko, thereby falling into the category of “traitors to the motherland and democracy.”

From that time on, Dmitry began to actively act in films. First real success came in 2000 with the role of former Afghan Savely Govorkov in A. Muratov’s action film Nicknamed the Beast. The following year, for the role of Yakov Somov in G. Panfilov’s film “Mother,” Pevtsov received the European film prize “Felix” for best performance in a supporting role. After this, Mark Zakharov invited him to participate in the new edition of the play “Hamlet” in Lenkom, where the actor transferred his work book.

Pevtsov’s first wife was the young actress Larisa Blazhko, who in the early 1990s. bore him a son. However, as often happens in youth, family life did not work out. Larisa went to Canada, to Vancouver, and there she remarried. And Dmitry met Olga in Moscow...

The screen test was the most ordinary; at the end they had to kiss. There was no flash of lightning or insight between them. We kissed and that was it. The shooting is over. A day passed, then another, and Olga suddenly realized that she was missing Dima. Apparently, he felt it too and on the third day he called and invited her to his performance... And soon Olga went to Belgium, where she was supposed to meet with Stash to decide on the wedding day. And there she felt that something incomprehensible was happening to her, not as it should be before the wedding. And although she had not yet thought about any new love, she still asked Stash to wait a little while registering the marriage... Then someone told the Swiss that Olga was often seen with Pevtsov. The groom was furious and even came to Moscow to explain to the bride, but at that moment she was filming with Dima in Dombay...

Dmitry looked after Olga touchingly. Daryl burgundy roses, saw off. When she had an attack of gastritis while filming, he cooked oatmeal for her every morning (by the way, now, when Olya gets sick, he always takes care of her). “When I met Olga,” Pevtsov recalled, “she was silent all the time and smiled mysteriously.” At first they walked in silence through the streets, and then she burst out, she began to excitedly tell something all the time, and Dima listened...

It was only thanks to Pevtsov that she starred in the film “Walking on the Scaffold.” “The script did not indicate that my heroine should be naked in some scenes,” Olga recalled, “and when it came to filming, I categorically rebelled against this, quarreled with Friedberg, threw a tantrum and called Dima to be an ally. And he suddenly said: “People should see beauty.” I walked the streets all night and cried. But she was unable to resist both the director and Dima. Thanks to the make-up artist, she did it for me long hair, and I also thickly smeared my whole body with makeup, so that it seemed to me that I was a little dressed. But you can still see on the screen how pinned I am, even my fingers are twisted in horror...”

She was terribly offended by Dmitry and didn’t talk to him for three days: “I just had to fly to filming in Paris, and I thought: that’s it - since we have such differences in views, then there’s only a break! Forever! I’ll call Stash again, he’ll come to me, and everything will be fine. But when Dima saw me off, he said at the station: “We didn’t meet you to separate. I won’t allow this.” I remembered these words all the way and, of course, I didn’t call Stash.”

They got married only four years later, when they starred together in the film “Queen Margot”. The wife of Dima’s older brother forced them to sign, saying that it was simply indecent to delay the wedding for so long. Pevtsov himself constantly made proposals to Olga, but she could not make up her mind. She recalled her first unsuccessful marriage (Drozdova’s first husband was a drunken actor), which she does not like to talk about. And she kept thinking that she needed to check her feelings.

They registered at the usual district registry office, early in the morning, quickly, and immediately went to the set. Olga was still filming the TV series “On Knives,” where filming of her character’s wedding scenes was soon to begin. Dima asked permission to wear the groom's costume from the film. His suit turned out to be narrow and short, but they were still photographed in these luxurious wedding dresses. They sent this wedding photo to Olya’s mother in Nakhodka.

Olga is grateful to her husband for “cleansing” her complexes. Made me free and happy. And now, if she suddenly becomes sad, she says to herself: “Olya, look around, stop, be alone with this moment.” And then peace and peace of mind. And with them the thought: “If I died now, I would die happy.” And she's not afraid of anything...

The actress has more than twenty film roles to her name. Among the most notable films with the participation of Olga Drozdova are “Alice and the Second-Hand Bookseller,” “Love, the Harbinger of Sorrow,” and the serial television film “Queen Margot.” Recent works include Alexei Sakharov’s film “On a Busy Place” and Martha Meszáros’ film “Daughters of Happiness.” In 1999, at the festival of feature television films “Mountain Echo,” the actress was awarded a special diploma from the Union of Cinematographers of Russia for her role in the dramatic film “On Knives.” In addition, together with Dmitry, she starred in the TV series “Gangster Petersburg” and “Stop on Demand.”

Her husband, playing Hamlet, Figaro, Treplev, Chichikov in Lenkom, continued to collaborate with Alla Demidova in her “Theater A”. He performed with her in the play “Quartet” based on the play by Heiner Müller, directed by T. Terzopoulos (Greece). He took part in the fate of the “Theater of the Moon” under the direction of Sergei Prokhanov, playing episodic roles in the plays “Tender is the Night” and “Charlie Cha...”, in which he revealed himself as a sharp-character artist. In 2000, he unexpectedly came face to face with the musical Metro and its production team, “fell in love with everyone and felt a passionate desire to sing.” Now People's Artist of Russia Dmitry Pevtsov is performing the role of Van Horne in the musical “The Witches of Eastwick” at the Moscow Film Actor's Theater.

Pevtsov and Drozdova believe that all the tragic love duets they played in films (“Walk on the Scaffold”, “Alice and the Bookseller”, “Queen Margot”, “Gangster Petersburg”) balance their happy present. All problems remain there - in the cinema. There is no problem of jealousy in their family. Dima is not jealous at all, but Olga, however, sometimes allows herself to be jealous of her husband, and then only to remind him that she is not indifferent to him.

By the way, the actress is sure that it was thanks to Pevtsov that she began to perceive life optimistically. Previously, suffering from many complexes, Olga was a pessimist: “Once, for fun, I showed my hand to a palmist. He recoiled with the words: “If you believe the lines, you should no longer be in this world.” Olga did not ask him at what age she was supposed to “pass on to the other world.” In general, spouses consider themselves fatalists. Drozdova explained to reporters: “Somehow in school years I was given a lift by a private driver, we crashed his car into a pole - the driver died, and I didn’t even have a scratch.”

Spouses rarely vacation together: “Nowadays, resting and relaxing is a great luxury, we are not original in this,” says Olga. - But we have time to see each other and be alone, but what do we need for this? In general, there is such a law: the more I work, the more I get done at home. If I sit without work for some time, I don’t even want to do anything at home. This is familiar to many artists. At home I have time to clean and cook, I don’t have any servants, I’m an absolutely normal family. Dima can do everything at home with his own hands when he has time.”

They have very different friends, among them are actors, businessmen, artists, and ballet dancers. And the general commercialization inherent in our time has not in any way affected the relationship between spouses and loved ones: “Everything is simple at home, we lead a fairly Spartan lifestyle, we are not fixated on houses or mansions.” The fact that Drozdova uses the services of a personal driver is only for convenience: “To be on time everywhere, so that I can limit communication and concentrate on the script or learn the text along the way, and not see the dissatisfied faces of men who don’t like that a woman is sitting behind steering wheel This takes a lot of nerves and effort. I can take the subway too. I am in this sense normal person, and those who are sick of money and wealth, well, they probably had a difficult, moneyless childhood. In my childhood, everything was fine in this sense, and therefore I do not have a complex of material insufficiency.” Pevtsov, on the contrary, likes to sit behind the wheel and drives the car dashingly, and in Lately He even began to participate in road racing for the Polo Cup.

Drozdova says that there are no conflicts in their house: “We have funny quarrels. Single sided type. I enter the apartment, speak out, but... All this is a one-way game. My impulse does not cause any response. It’s even become boring to swear...” As a cure for boredom, she plans to expand her family: “What woman doesn’t dream of children? I need to hand over the grandchildren to my and Dima’s mothers so that they don’t fight. That’s why we will have a lot of children.” My husband doesn’t mind; he once admitted to reporters: “You know, I’ve seen a lot in my time, but one day I dreamed that I was left alone, without Olga. I have never experienced anything more terrible in my life.”

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47. Dmitry Pevtsov Dmitry Anatolyevich was born on July 8, 1963 into a sports family (mother is a sports doctor, father is an honored pentathlon coach). At GITIS he was the head of the course, he served in the army on the stage of the SA Theater. He has acted in films since 1989 (“Dungeon of the Witches” and “Mother”) Since 1991

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THE DESTROYERS HAVE NO SINGERS Dialogue: Victor Rozov - Sergei Kara-Murza Here is my preface to this publication in Pravda in 1995: “We are glad to give you, the reader, the opportunity to meet two of our most interesting regular authors. And this time they are performing

Colleagues say that Dmitry Pevtsov is always lucky. He playfully entered GITIS, became famous actor oh, you deserve the title People's Artist and not only found the woman of my life, but 20 years later family life was able to keep her love.

Athlete, ichthyologist or actor
No one had any doubts about Dima's future. Of course, he will become an athlete, how could it be otherwise if his father is an honored coach of the USSR in pentathlon, and his mother is a sports doctor and a show jumping champion. Parents moved to Moscow from Tbilisi. From the age of five, the boy was engaged in figure skating, gymnastics, judo, swimming, and karate. However, as Dmitry himself admits, he did not have enough passion and inner drive to become a professional athlete.

His hobbies changed at the speed of light; he did not stay in any sport except karate for long. For the family and those who knew Dima, his decision to become an actor after school came as a real surprise; before that, he had never acted in plays or attended theater clubs. In general, he dreamed of becoming an ichthyologist and was going to enroll in the Faculty of Biology, but at the age of 17, along with a friend, he applied to a theater university and... entered.

Dima had very vague ideas about the profession of an actor. He only thought about how he would be invited to act in films, be shown on TV, how he would become rich and famous, however, when his studies began, he realized that everything he dreamed about before entering were just pleasant bonuses to the painstaking and difficult acting job.

There are many singers, but only one singer
Luck or fate, but just such work turned out to be what Pevtsov would like to do all his life. He was an impatient and ambitious student, the head of the group, and did not give a moment of rest to himself or those around him. The randomly chosen profession attracted him so much that he devoted all his strength and energy to the new path. After the army he worked at the Taganka Theater, then moved to the Lenkom Theater, where he still plays.

The actor gained national fame for his role as Savely in the film “Called the Beast.” His taciturn and courageous hero found a lively response in the hearts of Soviet spectators, and especially female spectators, who saw in Savely the embodiment of a real man. After just five years of active work in theater and cinema, Dmitry received the title of Honored Artist of Russia, and six years later - People's Artist.

Over time, Dmitry, as if to justify his last name, began to sing...
It turned out for him, I must say, very well. Unlike the acting profession, where many things have already become familiar, music for the actor was a breath fresh air and further proof that talented person talented in everything. Together with the singer Zara, he took second place in music show“Two Stars”, and since 2010 he has been traveling around the country with his own program “Many Singers, One Singers”.

In addition, Dmitry has long gained fame as a successful racer. In 2000, he, as a recognized sex symbol of the country, was offered to become the “face” of the new VW Polo Cup. After advertising campaign the actor enjoyed racing so much that this sport became an integral part of his life.

First love
There is hardly a person who has not heard about the couple Dmitry Pevtsov and Olga Drozdova. Their union is considered one of the most beautiful and lasting in the creative environment. Dima admits that only with the appearance of Olya in his life did he realize what real love, before that he only experienced love.

Girls were drawn like a magnet to the handsome GITIS student, and Larisa Blazhko was no exception. She came from Ukraine to enter a theater university, but did not pass the exams. But I met the charming Pif, as Dmitry’s friends called him. The young people liked each other and were used to seeing them together. Pevtsov’s student friends recalled that the two were inseparable.

With Olga Drozdova and her son from her first marriage, Daniil, at the opening of the 31st Moscow International Film Festival

When, after graduating from university, Dima brought Larisa to his parents, they did not approve of his choice and thought that it was too early for their son to get married. Both lived in a hostel, there was not enough money to live, good roles Pevtsov has not yet been offered. Larisa has already entered extramural at GITIS and, together with Dmitry, worked part-time on filming extras. Larisa was the first to get a more or less serious role, and three years later Dima was offered to star in “Called the Beast.” With an impressive fee, the actor bought his first car, and in the same year the couple had a son, Daniel.

It seems that the parents were right, and Dmitry was not ready for family life. Daniil was not even a year old when the already famous actor met Olga Drozdova. There was no question of continuing the relationship with Larisa; Pevtsov was so in love and fascinated by the beautiful actress that he could not even think about being with someone else.

From heartache Larisa fled with her son to Canada, learned English, played in the local theater in Montreal, and acted in films. Met in a foreign land new love, a Canadian, married him and mastered a new profession - a psychoanalyst. She tried not to hold a grudge against Dima and allowed him to maintain a relationship and call back with Daniil. Returning 11 years later to Moscow, she entrusted her son to his famous father. He, trying to make up for the lost years, spent as much time as possible with Daniil and often took his son to creative skits, performances and races.

By the way, Daniil inherited a passion for performance from his parents and after school decided to enroll in the acting department at VGIK. Dmitry admits that he helped his son within the limits of reason, although he was not happy with this choice of profession.

Song Thrushes
Olga Drozdova was a non-free girl; at the time of their meeting with Dmitry, she had a fiancé in Switzerland and the experience of an unsuccessful marriage behind her. The actors met on the set of the film “Walk on the Scaffold” in 1991, and then during a screen test their characters had their first kiss on camera. Both admit that it wasn't love at first sight. Later in an interview, Dmitry said that if their relationship had begun with violent passion, it would have burned out just as quickly, turning into embers.

“I can’t say that after the first glance at Drozdova I was struck by the thought: “I can’t live without this woman,” recalls Dmitry. “But soon after we met, I understood and felt with my whole being: if I let Olga go, I would make an irreparable mistake. So far I haven’t doubted it for a second.”

Mutual interest arose gradually; at first they were just partners and film colleagues. Dmitry was not particularly frank about his personal life, and the girl learned from her friends that the actor had an unofficial wife and son. After that, she gave Pevtsov an ultimatum, they were still on first-name terms at that time: “I won’t even say hello to you if you don’t introduce me to your son.” I had to introduce them. By the way, after the matured Daniil returned from Canada to Moscow, he and Olga became good friends.

The actors were in no hurry to get married, although they had already moved in together and lived together for two years. Dmitry was not at all against tying the knot, but Olga, who had already been married, did not want to be there again. And then Pevtsov decided to deceive. He told Olga that they were going to the filming of “Queen Margot,” and he brought her to the registry office, where friends were already waiting for the young couple.
“Some with ski poles, some with flowers, some with balls. It was very funny,” the actress shares her memories. “In the end, the woman who signed us up was so confused that Dima wrote in her passport: “Marriage with Drozdov is registered”! I had to wait until my passport was changed.”

The beautiful couple was dubbed the Song Thrushes, and their relationship, which grew stronger with every year they lived together, aroused the admiration of those around them. The actors complemented each other perfectly and were wise enough to maintain their love throughout 20 years of family life. Dmitry admits that everything he does last years, dedicated to his wife. Olga, in turn, helps her husband choose stage costumes, gives ideas for performances and deals with everyday issues. Dmitry, according to her, makes all strategic decisions.

With Olga Drozdova and son Elisha

For a long time, the joy of the spouses was overshadowed by the absence of children, numerous examinations did not lead to anything, and the couple no longer hoped to give birth to their own child. They bought an apartment, renovated it to Olga’s taste, and the three of them began to live there—the actors were accompanied by a dog, Tina, who had been picked up on the street. When the actress became pregnant at 41, she couldn’t believe her luck. The son Elisha became a real miracle for both and further strengthened their union.

With singer Zara on the TV show “Two Stars”

Dmitry is often asked what is the secret of his marriage with Olga. “There are no secrets,” the actor replies. - If there is love, you need to keep it. Love is not always pleasure. 90 percent of love is still work. You need to endure, retreat and forgive when necessary.”


The sports genes of his parents reminded the actor of themselves. Since 2001, Dmitry Pevtsov became seriously interested in racing; the man took part in auto cup competitions Volkswagen Polo as a member of the “Sport-Garage” team, as well as in the RTCC racing championship in automobile circuit racing as a member of the “RUS-LAN” racing team.

Pevtsov became an actor quite by accident. His friend persuaded him to submit documents to GITIS for the company. Pevtsov supported his friend, but Dima was successfully enrolled in the first year, but his friend was not there.

Dmitry Pevtsov first appeared in films in 1986. He got the small role of Jim in last movie Tatyana Lioznova, detective story “The End of the World followed by a symposium.”

Dmitry had good qualities for an actor, and his vocals were also well delivered. Dmitry was in great demand among musical directors. In addition to the sensational “Juno and Avos,” he easily took part in the first Russian musical “Metro,” as well as the Russian production of “The Witches of Eastwick.”

The actor also successfully starred in TV series, including “Queen Margot”, “Countess de Monsoreau” and the legendary “Gangster Petersburg”. He also starred in two seasons of the standard office melodrama “Stop on Demand” and in the spy series “Death of an Empire.”

He starred in the feature film “The Turkish Gambit” - an adaptation of the work of the same name by Boris Akunin. The actor liked the role of the brave hussar Zurov, he played it superbly, and his remark “what a Bellevue, madam” became a household word.

In 2007, Dmitry Pevtsov was assigned to the Order of Honor, and in 2013 he received the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.

While studying at GITIS, Dmitry lived in a de facto marriage with his fellow student Larisa Blazhko, who in 1990 gave birth to a son, Daniil, from the actor. After some time, the couple separated, and Blazhko emigrated to Canada. They managed to save friendly relations, Singers received Active participation in the fate of his son Daniel, helping him at the beginning of his acting career.

In 1991, the actor began an affair with his partner film set, actress of the Sovremennik Theater, beauty Olga Drozdova during the filming of “Walk on the Scaffold.” Three years later, Dmitry Pevtsov and Olga Drozdova got married.

There was a rumor that the actors divorced in 2002. This was a lie, which was denied by both family friends and Lenkom actors. The spouses' relationship is stormy; they often quarrel without hesitation in public and on set.

In 2007, a son was born, who was named Elisha. Spouses are always together, support and help each other.

Five years ago, the actor suffered a tragedy: his son from his first marriage died. It was an accident, he fell from a third-floor window, the doctors could not help his son, Pevtsov’s son died in intensive care. An accident happened to a young man at a meeting with classmates; there were many rumors about the cause of death. Nobody will know the truth now.

Many people think that Daniel fell out of the window not by accident, but because of alcohol abuse or illegal drugs. Friends and colleagues do not believe all the slander, since Daniel led healthy image life and was a very positive young man.

Dmitry Pevtsov decided to hide his son’s funeral from prying eyes. There were no journalists, no cameras, nothing at the funeral. On Troekurovskoye Cemetery There were only friends and relatives of the deceased.