Book corner in the senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standards. Requirements for the design of a book corner in a group

Book corner- a necessary element of a developing subject environment in a group room preschool. Its presence is mandatory in all age groups, and the content depends on the age of the children. The book corner should be positioned so that anyone, even the most Small child could reach out with his hand and take the book he liked without outside help exactly when he himself wants to do it. A variety of books should be displayed in the book corner: new, beautiful, well-read but neat. The corner should not be a ceremonial corner, but a working one. His goal is not to be bright, holiday decoration group room, but to give the child the opportunity to communicate with the book. Used books are sometimes more attractive to the reader simply because it seems to him: often readable book should be interesting.

In the book corners of those group rooms where children are early age, there should be as many toy books as possible. The older the children, the more serious and voluminous the books are located in the book corner. The number of books should not be regulated. It depends on the tasks that the teacher sets in working with children during the day or week. If a teacher introduces children to the work of one author and has at his disposal 2-3 books by a writer or poet, he should display them and not chase after quantity. By changing the subject of conversation with children, we also change books. If the teacher talks about the genre of fairy tales, you can display 5 - 7 books of fairy tales, interesting, diverse, high-quality both in terms of illustration and in terms of printing. (see tables)

The frequency of book exchange also depends on the specific goals of introducing children to reading. The composition of the book corner may not change for a week or even two when both the teacher and the children constantly need to access it. But, if a change of books has occurred, the children need to point this out or ask them to notice it, give them the opportunity to look at new books, ask the children what stopped their attention, what book they wanted to read right away. In the book corner you can place portraits of writers and children's book illustrators. Book exhibitions should be dedicated to the work of individual writers, individual genres (fairy tale, humorous story, encyclopedia, etc.) and even one book, for example, the one where a work illustrated by different artists is published - H. C. Andersen’s fairy tale “The Snow Queen” can be placed drawings by Anastasia Arkhipova; artist Nick Goltz; illustrator - People's Artist of Russia Boris Diodorov; artist Vladislav Erko.

Older children will not only look at these masterpieces of book art with pleasure, but will also definitely notice the differences in the creative style of the artists and choose the book that will be closer to their aesthetic taste, their ideas about Kai, Gerda, To the Snow Queen and about everything that happened to them.

You can exhibit books by I. Tokmakova, which were illustrated by the famous artist, the poetess’s husband Lev Tokmakov, and, looking at them, tell children about the creative and human collaboration of the poet and artist.

It is advisable to organize an exhibition of books by writers and artists E. Charushin, V. Suteev and others.

To help children learn and remember letters better, you can place different types of alphabet in the book corner: prose, poetic, artistic.

When choosing books for a book corner, you should not mix folklore and literary works. They can be exhibited together if the folklore plot is reflected in the literary work, for example: Russian folk tale“Morozko”, a German folk tale adapted by the Brothers Grimm “Grandma Blizzard” (“Mistress Blizzard”) and V.F. Odoevsky’s fairy tale “Moroz Ivanovich”.

Children are jealous of the books they bring from home. They want the teacher to read these books, show them to all the children, review them with everyone, and read them. In this regard, you can arrange an exhibition of books that children, short term, they will bring it from home. But in order not to exhibit all 15 - 20 copies, it is immediately necessary to establish and strictly observe the order in which not only the books will be exhibited, but also the owners, the children, will talk about them, what they like about them, for what purpose they brought the books to a preschool. Knowing the children, you need to try to formulate questions for the kids in such a way that their stories turn out detailed and interesting.

Another thematic exhibition may be dedicated to a specific work, which is not only read to children, but also illustrated by them. In this case, you can go in two ways: exhibit the work and the best drawings for it, or place all the drawings one by one on the exhibition stand. Both need to be motivated. Children must understand the teacher’s choice so as not to be offended and stop reading and drawing. (see table)

In addition to books, the book corner may contain a variety of albums for viewing. These can be albums specially created by artists on certain topics (“Different animals” by N. Charushin, “Our children” by A. Pakhomov, etc.), albums compiled by the teacher from individual postcards and drawings about work, nature in different times year, about professions, etc. In older groups, thematic exhibitions of books can be organized in the book corner. Their main goal is to deepen the literary interests of children, to make this or that literary or social work especially significant and relevant for preschoolers. important topic.

Things to remember:

1. A book corner in a preschool institution is not only a necessary element of the subject environment. This is a form of disseminating information about books, their authors and illustrators, helping children get used to the image of a book, arousing interest in it, a desire to look at and read it.

2. A thoughtful, regular exchange of books in the book corner should not be an obligation, but a rule for the teacher.

Principles for selecting literary works for children

Fiction- one of essential means comprehensive development personality of a preschooler. The content of a work of art broadens a child’s horizons, takes him beyond personal observations, opens up social reality to him: it tells about the work and life of people, about great deeds and exploits, about events from the world of children’s games, fun, etc. The artistic word creates the true beauty of the language, emotionally colors the work, sharpens feelings and thoughts, influences, excites and educates.

The correct selection of literary works, which is based on the following pedagogical principles, helps open the world of “verbal art” to children:

- Literature must meet the tasks of educating (mental, aesthetic, moral) children, otherwise it loses its pedagogical value. The book is intended to reveal to preschoolers in concrete images the ideals of goodness, justice, courage, to form the correct attitude towards people, oneself, and one’s actions;

It is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of children. Age specificity should be expressed in taking into account the characteristics of the child’s psyche, concrete thinking, impressionability, vulnerability;

The book should be entertaining. Entertaining is determined not by the topic, not by the novelty of the material, but by the discovery of something new in the familiar and something familiar in the new;

The book must clearly express the author's position. (S. Ya. Marshak wrote that if the author is not an indifferent recorder of events, but a supporter of some heroes of the story and an enemy of others, this means that the book is written in real children's language);

Books should be lightweight in composition, i.e. have one storyline. An artistic image or system of images must reveal one thought, all the actions of the characters must be subordinated to the transmission of this thought. However, when selecting books, preference should not be given only to small and simple works. It must be taken into account that children’s perception capabilities are growing.

The selection principles make it possible to determine the range of children's reading, which includes:

Works of folklore (songs, nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings, fables, shifters, fairy tales);

Works of Russian and foreign classics (A.S. Pushkin, K.D. Ushinsky, N.A. Nekrasov, L.N. Tolstoy, F.I. Tyutchev, G.H. Andersen, C. Perrault, etc.);

Works of modern Russian literature (V.V. Mayakovsky, S.Ya. Marshak, K.I. Chukovsky, S.V. Mikhalkov, M.M. Prishvin, E.I. Charushin, V.V. Bianki, E. Blaginina , Z. Alexandrova, etc.).

Works of different genres (stories, tales, poems, fairy tales in prose and verse, lyrical and comic poems, riddles), different subjects (children's life: games, fun, toys, pranks; events of social life, people's work; pictures of nature, environmental problems );

Works of peoples of other countries.

Every year new books for children are published. Educators should monitor published literature and replenish children's reading range.

The main task of teachers is to instill in children a love of artistic expression, respect for the book, the development of the desire to communicate with it, i.e. everything that forms the foundation for the education of the future “talented reader”.

References used: Z.A. Gritsenko “Children’s literature. Methods of introducing children to reading”;

ON THE. Starodubova “Theory and methodology of speech development in preschool children.”

Organization of a book corner in groups of primary preschool age

Filling the corner Pedagogical work with children Rules of conduct in the corner of the book

Junior preschool age

As a rule, only 4-5 books are exhibited. Two or three copies of identical books may be presented. They place publications that are already familiar to children, with bright, large illustrations. Individual pictures pasted onto thick paper. Small albums for viewing on topics close to this age: “Toys”, “Children’s games and activities”, “Pets”, etc. Particular preference for picture books. Book illustrations should follow the text step by step and reveal to the child in detail art world works.

Die-cut books, toy books, etc. can be presented. The teacher teaches: carefully look at the pictures in the book, recognize the characters and their actions; encourage retelling of individual episodes;

pay attention to the expressive details of the illustrations (the hero’s costume, unique furnishings, some details of the landscape, etc.) Repeated communication with the book allows the child not only to become more aware of its content, but also to experience the creative joy that an encounter with art brings.
In the younger group, the teacher gives the first lessons in independent communication with a book: Introduces the corner of the book, its structure and purpose. It teaches you to look at books and pictures only there. Informs the rules that must be followed: - take books only with clean hands;

- leaf through carefully, do not tear, spoil, do not use for games;

- after viewing, put it in place.


middle group

These skills are reinforced and become a habit.

Children are shown how to care for a book, and are invited to observe and participate in the repair of books.

middle group

“A fairy tale, figuratively speaking, is a fresh wind that fans the flame of a child’s thought and speech” “Reading is a window through which children see and learn about the world and themselves” Sukhomlinsky V. A.

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middle group

instilling in children a love of the literary word, respect for the book, developing the desire to communicate with it, i.e., everything that forms the foundation for raising a future “talented reader.” The main task of teachers is

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Rational placement in the group. Correspondence age characteristics and the interests of children. The originality and aesthetics of the corner design, the condition of the books. Variety of literature by genre. Availability of portraits of writers and their books with works. Availability of periodicals (children's magazines). Constant turnover. Current thematic exhibitions. “First aid kit for books” Section “My favorite book” (books brought from home). Demand. Basic design requirements book corners:

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2 Junior group Equipping the corner Educational and educational work with children The book corner should contain a few books - 4-5, but the teacher should have additional copies of the same books in stock: Books on a dense basis on familiar fairy tales, nursery rhymes, no more than 5 sheets; Books with dynamic elements Books of different formats: half-books (half a landscape page), small books; Panoramic books (with folding decorations and moving figures); Musical books (with animal voices, songs of fairy-tale characters, etc.); The teacher introduces the children to the corner of the book, its structure and purpose, teaches them to look at books (pictures) only in the Book Corner, tells them the rules that must be followed: take books only with clean hands, leaf through carefully, do not tear, do not crush, do not use for games. after looking, always put the book back, etc.

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middle group

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Middle group Equipment for the corner Educational and educational work with children In the book corner it is necessary to place familiar fairy tales, stories about nature, animals, etc. (4-6 books, the rest are in the closet): Books with the same work, but illustrated by different artists; Postcards for viewing by work; Portraits of writers: K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, A. Barto, V. Suteev; Thematic exhibitions are organized (once a quarter); The basic skills of independently and carefully examining books are consolidated; these skills should become a habit. The teacher draws children's attention to the fact that books wrinkle and tear easily, shows how to care for them, and invites them to observe and participate in the repair of books. While looking at the pictures in the book, the teacher draws the children’s attention not only to the characters and their actions, but also to the expressive details of the illustrations.

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Senior group Equipping a corner Educational and educational work with children 10-12 books of various topics and genres (maybe books of the same title, but illustrated by different artists); Portraits of writers and artists - illustrators Books recommended by the program; Books are homemade books consisting of children's stories written down by adults, illustrated by the children themselves; Encyclopedias (“smart” books), Sets of postcards related in content to the themes of fairy tales, literary works, cartoons; Thematic exhibitions are organized periodically (once a quarter). Pedagogical guidance becomes more correct, because Children are already quite independent in choosing books. Teaches independent, focused communication with a book; Promotes shared viewing and discussion. Communication between the teacher and the child is warm and trusting; Forms the ability to perceive a book in the unity of verbal and visual arts; Strengthens the predominant interest of preschoolers in fairy tales; Forms civic personality traits, patriotic feelings; Introduces the world of nature and its secrets.

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middle group

Preparatory group Equipment for the corner Educational work with children The number of books in the corner is not regulated. 2-3 fairy-tale works, poems, stories (introducing children to the history of our homeland, with modern life); 2-3 books about animals and plants; books that children are introduced to in class; books to expand the plot of children's games; humorous books with bright funny pictures (S. Mikhalkov, M. Zoshchenko, V. Dragunsky, E. Uspensky, etc.); "Thick" books; books that children bring from home. Pedagogical guidance is becoming more correct, because Children are already quite independent in choosing books. -Teaches independent focused communication with a book; - Promotes shared viewing and discussion. Communication between the teacher and the child is warm and trusting; - Forms the ability to perceive a book in the unity of verbal and visual arts; - Strengthens the predominant interest of preschoolers in fairy tales; - Forms civic personality traits, patriotic feelings; - Introduces you to the natural world and its secrets.

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“Works of S. Mikhalkov”

Before we look at what principles should be used to organize a book corner in kindergarten, we note that just in preschool age children begin to acquire their first experience of reading.

Every preschooler has high potential for development. This also applies to his reading skills.

Thanks to a good children's library, these skills can be revealed and implemented.

Children begin to feel the need to use the library when the existing books at home have already been read, but the desire to read new books still remains.

Literature allows a person to develop a love for words. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce reading books into a child’s experience when he develops speech.

Those images that children emphasized in books they will carry in their memory all their lives.

It is during the preschool period that future readers need to be educated. Preschoolers perceive what they read as reality. Therefore, they are very scared when they read the corresponding stories.

Children also perceive what they read very emotionally.

When a child listens to a fairy tale being read, he clearly shows his emotions. He can cry, laugh, be indignant and sympathize with the heroes. This is good - this is how the child becomes an empathetic person.

On the other hand, very strong emotions often interfere with a sober assessment of what you read. Therefore, you need to monitor not only the emotional perception of literary works, but also the rationality of thinking when reading. Children are also very eager to imitate others.

Therefore, they prefer those books that their peers and teachers like. This is not always correct; it is better to teach the child to develop independence in matters of choosing literature.

The characteristics of preschoolers described above are negative personality traits in the future reader that need to be worked on. A positive features definitely needs to be developed. Let's look at four groups of common stereotypes.

Stereotypes of the future reader

Attitude to the reading process itself

The first group consists of attitudinal stereotypes towards the reading process itself. Children may perceive reading as an unpleasant chore, or they may enjoy it, or perceive reading as entertainment. All of these stereotypes are considered negative.

It is necessary to help children develop positive stereotypes: children need to treat reading as a serious activity that requires mental work.

Children should understand that reading is very useful and enriches their spirituality, making it possible to better satisfy the need for knowledge.

Reader preferences

The second group of stereotypes is reading preferences. For example, a preschooler may love fairy tales, but not understand poetry. There are also children who are ready to read all books indiscriminately, including adults.

There are readers who choose only those books that their peers liked. Positive stereotypes of this group - the reader chooses only those books that he considers useful.

Perception of the book

The third group of stereotypes is the perception of the book. Often preschoolers begin to compare themselves with the hero of the book and perceive the plot of the book as reality. This is bad because it prevents an objective analysis of the plot.

In the future, at school, children are required to describe the author’s intention and methods for revealing it, and such children will not be able to do this. Also, such a stereotype deprives a child of the opportunity to critically evaluate the plot of a book.

If it becomes noticeable that the child perceives the plots of books in this way, then this requires correction. It is important that the reader perceives himself as an interlocutor with the author of the book.

The reader can also play the role of a critic who thoughtfully approaches the reading process and tries to enrich the disclosure of the author’s intention with his own findings.

It is necessary to teach preschoolers so that they do not transform themselves into heroes of books, but try on what they read and compare themselves with the heroes.

Evaluative stereotypes of books

And the last group of stereotypes are evaluative stereotypes of books. Often children cannot appreciate what they have read at all. Other children cannot evaluate the book critically. Therefore, we need to help children think critically and be creative individuals.

It is necessary to determine the range of children's reading. It depends on the age of the reader, what his preferences are, what he knows about the adult world, what books are available in the family library and in the public library.

Book selection

According to L.N. Tolstoy, you need to choose books based on their artistry and children’s interest in them.

Usually the first round of books for children includes publications with folk art, especially fairy tales. But it is important not only to introduce children to Russian fairy tales, but also to other peoples close to Russia, and even to world-famous works.

The second circle of books for children usually consists of Russian classic works that were written specifically for preschoolers, or those that were transferred over time from books for adults to books for children.

For example, these could be works of famous Russian classics, such as Pushkin A.S. , Chekhov A., Tyutchev F., L. Tolstoy and others.

According to many authors. It's important to include classic works in the books you read with your children. This allows children to experience new thoughts and feelings, experience new moods, and try out new ideas.

Over time, children will begin to develop affection for certain authors. And this can only be achieved through regular reading.

The third circle of books for preschoolers are others famous works written specifically for children.

Numerous works by S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky, A. Barto and other remarkable authors are known in this direction.

When raising a grateful reader in a child, you need to help him improve his reading comprehension. It is important that he be able to comprehend the works of literature he listens to and enrich his sensory experience.

Reading characteristics in children

Typically, preschoolers have the following characteristic features:

  • children are very interested in the content of a literary work, they like to make various connections;
  • children learn to perceive readable work, its form and content;
  • children are interested in paying attention to expressive language means;
  • they perceive the heroes of books as characters that are very close and understandable to them;
  • they show sincere sympathy for the characters in the books and truly care about them;
  • they can perceive the hidden motives of the characters in the book;
  • At this age, children already experience quite deep feelings when reading a book, they can express them in different ways. Some children laugh loudly, others just smile. Someone begins to look at their comrades. Others, on the contrary, slow down their external activity and sit motionless, listening to the reading;
  • Children can already quite consciously carry out a basic analysis of a book they have read.

In order to raise a child into a future literate reader, you need to select literary works correctly.

To do this, you can use pedagogical principles that have been developed by many domestic teachers.

The main principle of choosing books

One of the main principles is the recommendation to select books that meet the objectives of education. What does it have to do with we're talking about and about education intellectual abilities the child, his aesthetic perception, his moral culture.

Only if this condition is met will reading a book with a child have a certain pedagogical value.

The book should show the preschooler the ideals of justice and goodness through concrete images.

A child should know how courage is demonstrated. He learns to treat other people and himself correctly. He learns to correctly evaluate his own actions. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of children in preschool age.

S.Ya. Marshak wrote that age characteristics are taken into account not by simplifying the plot of the book and coddling with the baby.

It is necessary to take into account the mental characteristics of a preschooler, his degree of concrete thinking, his level of impressionability, his vulnerability.

The book should give the child great pleasure and benefit his development.

A book should be entertaining not because of the topic or because of something new for the child.

Entertaining is the work that allows you to discover something new in the already familiar, and something familiar in something new. It is important that the composition of the book is lightweight and has only one plot line.

All artistic images of a book should reveal one main idea. It is important that the actions of all characters convey this idea. But you don’t have to choose only small books.

It must be taken into account that the child’s capabilities are gradually growing, and gradually he can perceive more and more voluminous works.

According to the works of A.S. Makarenko. It is important that fiction books grow as if they were growing, that is, slightly ahead of the mental capabilities of a preschooler.

When choosing books to read, you can focus on the following types of works: folklore works (various songs, proverbs, fairy tales, sayings).

It is important that the child can get acquainted with books representing different genres of literary art. It should be not only prose, but also poetry, not only fairy tales, but also stories, not only serious works, but also funny and humorous ones.

Also, the topics of the books should be varied: these could be children’s themes, fairy tales about animals, descriptions of events from adult life, descriptions of the beauty of nature, various environmental difficulties and much more.

It is very important that the child is familiar with a wide variety of literary trends.

Book corner or book in a baby's life

A significant role in developing preschoolers’ interest and love for fiction plays corner of the book.

A book in a child’s life performs cognitive, educational, and developmental functions and teaches him the first lessons of mental, moral, and aesthetic education.

All age groups of a preschool institution should have a book corner - a specially designated and decorated place where a child can choose a book independently or with an adult.

A meeting with a familiar work and favorite characters deepens the child’s penetration into the author’s intention, helps him clarify the images that arose while listening, and once again empathize with the heroes of events and adventures.

A child comes to the corner of a book to communicate with a work of art; a complex of educational problems is solved through the means of fiction.

Requirements for the design of a book corner

  • its location, if possible, away from places where children play, since noisy games can distract a child from concentrated communication with a book;
  • ensuring proper lighting: natural (near the window) and artificial for the evening;
  • expediency and convenience, predisposing the child to leisurely, concentrated communication with a book;
  • aesthetics and functionality of purpose;
  • taking into account age and individual capabilities child.

It is important that every child can have the opportunity to choose books of interest, and that viewing a book encourages him to communicate with peers and adults.

Selection of literary works

One of the important issues when designing a book corner is taking into account the principles of selecting literary works for preschoolers:

  • availability;
  • artistry;
  • diversity;
  • gradual complication;
  • taking into account national and cultural characteristics works;
  • taking into account the reading preferences of preschoolers;
  • plot entertaining;
  • simplicity and clarity of composition;
  • the proximity of the content to the child’s experience.

Teachers select literary works based on various reasons:

  • genre (riddle, nursery rhyme, chant, teaser, proverb, saying, fable, story, poem, author's tale in verse, fable, etc.);
  • formal features (free verse, figured verse, poems with pronounced rhyme);
  • themes (about children, animals, phenomena of the surrounding reality, landscape lyrics, etc.);
  • mood and character (humorous, entertaining, narrative, etc.).

This will help develop children's breadth reader's interests, selectivity, individuality of literary preferences.

The principle of organizing a book corner

The main principle by which the book corner is organized is to satisfy the diverse literary interests of children. From this principle the conclusion follows that it is impossible to determine the exact time spent in the corner of each individual book.

There are books that children are ready to leaf through and look at. for a long time, constantly discovering new interesting things in them.

Books of this kind can and should remain in a corner for a long time, giving children the joy of daily communication.

For others, interest is lost quite quickly, and, observing a persistent indifferent attitude, the teacher can remove the book from the shelf without waiting for the scheduled date. On average, the length of time a book stays in a book corner is 2 – 2.5 weeks.

Book corner - content content in different groups

Junior groups

In younger groups, the teacher forms in children the first experience of independent communication with a book: he introduces them to the corner of the book, its structure and purpose, and teaches them to look at books and pictures only there.

Informs the rules that must be followed when entering a corner of a book (take books with clean hands, leaf through carefully, do not tear, crush, do not use for games; after looking, always put the book back, etc.).

As a rule, a few books are displayed in the book corner (4 - 5), but the teacher should have additional copies of the same books in stock, since young children are very prone to imitation, and if one of them begins to look at the book , then others have a desire to get exactly the same.

By repeatedly returning to a book he likes, individually and deeply communicating with it, the child not only becomes more deeply aware of its content, but also experiences the great creative joy that an encounter with art brings.

As a rule, publications already familiar to children with bright, large illustrations are placed in the corner of the book.

In addition to books, there may be individual pictures pasted on thick paper and small albums for viewing on topics close to children of this age (“Toys”, “Pets”, thematic exhibitions: “Tales of Korney Chukovsky”, “Autumn Poetry”, etc. .).

Looking at albums with object pictures is interesting and important for children learning about the object world at this age.

For preschoolers younger age To fully comprehend the work, you need to clearly see every detail, every plot twist.

Book corner decoration

Therefore, when designing a book corner for children of this age, special preference is given to picture books, such as “Kolobok”, “Teremok” with illustrations by Yu.A. Vasnetsova; “Children in a Cage” by S.Ya. Marshak with drawings by E.I. Charushina; stories from L.N. Tolstoy's "ABC" with drawings by A.F. Pakhomova.

The illustrations of these books follow the text step by step, revealing to the child in detail the artistic world of the work, helping to enter this world, to be a participant in all the events and adventures that happen to the characters.

An illustrated book is also the first art museum where a child directly enters and where he first gets acquainted with the work of wonderful artists - I.Ya. Bilibina, Yu.A. Vasnetsova, V.V. Lebedeva, V.M. Konashevich, E.I. Charushin and others.

The teacher teaches children to carefully look at the pictures in the book, recognize the characters and their actions, encourages them to remember and retell individual episodes.

Later, he will draw the children’s attention not only to the heroes and their actions, but also to the expressive details of the illustrations (the hero’s costume, unique furnishings, some details of the landscape, etc.).

Middle groups

In the middle group, the basic skills of independently and carefully looking at books are consolidated and become a habit.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that books wrinkle and tear easily, shows how to care for them, and organizes the repair of books.

Senior groups

For an older preschooler, a book becomes an important part of spiritual life; he develops literary preferences and expressed individual interests.

Some children prefer works about animals to all other books, others love fairy tales, some are interested in the primer and alphabet, and many boys spend a long time looking at books about adventures.

Taking into account the special, constant, predominant interest of all preschoolers in fairy tales, it is necessary to place 2 - 3 fairy-tale works in a corner of the book.

The influence of literature on a child

Children's literature plays a huge role in the formation of the civic personality traits of a child.

Therefore, in the corner of the book there should always be poems and stories that provide children with an introduction to the history of our homeland and its life today.

A preschool child is attracted by nature, its beauty, the hidden mystery of living things, and in the corner of the book you should always place 2 - 3 books about the life of nature, about animals, plants.

Looking at illustrations of natural history books, a child naturally enters into the natural world and better understands its secrets and patterns.

In the book corner for a certain period there should be publications of works or illustrations, the content of which coincides with the themes of classes and games.

Examining them gives the child the opportunity to deepen his initial ideas and examine them more carefully.

Children especially enjoy looking at funny pictures in humorous books. Meeting with them satisfies a child’s need to have fun, laugh, and creates a joyful, calm atmosphere and emotional comfort in the group.

Funny books by S.Ya. Marshak, S.V. Mikhalkova, A.L. Barto, M.M. Zoshchenko, N.N. Nosova, V.Yu. Dragunsky, E.N. Uspensky and many other writers with illustrations by our best artists should definitely be in the corner of the book.

Communication with them not only brings joy to children, but is also useful for them, as it develops necessary for a person ability - the ability to feel and understand humor, the ability to see the funny in life and literature.

In addition, you can sometimes place interesting, well-illustrated books that children bring from home in the book corner; “thick” books that the teacher reads to the group for a long period of time.

In addition to books, the book corner may contain a variety of albums for viewing and children's magazines.

There may also be albums created by artists on certain topics; little books compiled by children together with a teacher or with their parents from individual postcards and drawings about their family, nature at different times of the year, the work of adults and on other topics.

Teachers of older groups arrange thematic exhibitions of books in the book corner.

The purpose of such exhibitions is to deepen the literary interests of children, to make one or another literary or socially important topic especially significant and relevant for preschoolers.

This could be an exhibition of fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin (with illustrations by various artists), books by L.N. Tolstoy, thematic exhibitions dedicated to calendar holidays, and others.

Organization of the exhibition

When organizing an exhibition, the following rules are observed:

  • the theme of the exhibition must be relevant and interesting for children;
  • a special, careful selection of books is necessary in terms of artistic design and external condition;
  • the exhibition should be short-lived - no more than three to four days, since then the attention and interest of preschoolers will inevitably decrease.

At older preschool age, children are quite independent in choosing books and knowing how to handle them, so pedagogical leadership becomes more indirect, correct.

The teacher helps create a calm, comfortable, cozy environment in the group for independent, focused communication of children with literary works, which is so important to teach preschoolers.

At the same time, it is necessary to involve children in viewing and discussing books together.

Chatting in the corner of a book

Communication between the teacher and the child in the corner of the book is emotionally comfortable and trusting.

By encouraging children to look at a book together and talk about it, the teacher thereby develops the ability to perceive it in the unity of verbal and visual arts.

Introducing children to the wealth of the literary heritage of the people, highly artistic accessible literary works will also contribute to the opening in the institution preschool education own library.

The kindergarten library is a separate room equipped with library shelves and catalog boxes. The same corner of the book, but in larger sizes.

The library collection is represented by children's fiction (on the central shelves, in the access area for preschoolers) and methodological literature on all educational fields curriculum preschool education, as well as others information resources on various electronic media.

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An important part of the subject-development environment in the group room is the book corner. This thematic “center of the book” can play a significant role in shaping children’s sustained interest in books, the desire to read, and the need to learn new things.

In the publications presented in this section, teachers share their positive experience of creating beautiful, well-designed and functional book corners, give useful tips on the aesthetic design of this part of the subject-developmental environment of the group.

Make the book corner the pride of your group!

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 164.
All sections | Book corner, center. Design examples

Methodological recommendations “Maintaining a book corner in a preschool institution” Book corner- a necessary element of the developmental subject environment in the group room of a preschool institution. Its presence is mandatory in all age groups, and the content depends on the age of the children. Book corner should be located so that anyone, even the smallest...

Project presentation "The Magical World of Grandfather Korney" for the competition book corners. Verkhovtseva Elena Valerievna, teacher, MBDOU kindergarten No. 148, Ulyanovsk. Relevance. In the century modern technologies Unfortunately, very little time is devoted to family reading. Children...

Book corner, center. Design examples - Presentation “Competition “Best Book Corner in a Group”

Publication “Presentation “Competition “Best Book Corner in...”” 1 slide - COMPETITION: “Best book corner in the group” MBDOU No. 1 “Mermaid” p. Gigant January 2019 2 slide - Criteria for evaluating book corners: Design requirements: equipment (well-lit place, table and chairs for children, shelves and bookshelves); correspondence...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Book corner for pre-school children Book corner for children of the preparatory group In our world of rapidly developing technology, the film industry and mass media, a child should not get confused and lose the opportunity to find a faithful and wise life partner - a book. She opens up the world eternal values, teaches...

The corner of a book plays a significant role in developing interest and love for fiction in preschoolers. To make the corner of the book in the group really interesting for children, we did a lot of work. Contents of our book corner: - card index of books; - a game...

Our book corner is small, but there are enough books on display here. Nursery rhymes, lullabies, riddles All the kids in the younger group loved them. Now we love more serious books, We have grown up, now we are not kids. They read to us about Rus', the heroes, and invite us into the past by epics. Natural world...

Book corner, center. Examples of design - Pedagogical advice “Use of a book corner by children in the development of cognitive interest”

PEDAGOGICAL COUNCIL “Use of the book corner by children in the development of cognitive interest” Prepared and conducted by Senior Teacher of GBOU School No. 1207 Dovgal I.V. Moscow 2018 Pedagogical Council “Use of the book corner by children in the development of cognitive interest”...

A review competition of group “book corners” was held in the kindergarten. Its goal was: to enrich the subject-spatial environment of preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, to create conditions for the comprehensive development of cognitive activity of pupils; improvement of pedagogical...

Book corner in preschool educational institution

The “Book Corner” is a necessary element of the developmental subject environment in the group room of a preschool educational institution, which is a means of developing interest and love for fiction in preschoolers. This is a special, specially allocated and decorated place in a group room, where a child can independently, according to his taste, choose a book and calmly examine - “re-read” it.
Here the child sees the book not in the hands of the teacher, but is left alone with it. He carefully and intently examines the illustrations, remembers the content, and repeatedly returns to the episodes that excited him.
Here there is an intimate, personal communication between a child and a work of art - a book and illustrations. This creates favorable conditions to solve a whole range of educational problems through the means of fiction.
A meeting in the “Book Corner” with a familiar work and favorite characters deepens insight into the author’s intention, helps to clarify the images that arose while listening, and once again empathize with the heroes of events and adventures. By carefully examining the illustrations, the child becomes familiar with fine arts, learns to see and understand graphic ways of conveying literary content. An illustrated book is also the first art museum where a child directly enters and where he first becomes acquainted with the work of wonderful artists
The purpose of the Book Corner- do not be a bright, festive decoration of a group room, but allow the child to communicate with the book.
There are a number of requirements for organizing a book corner:
If possible, the “Book Corner” is located away from where children play, since noisy games can distract the child from concentrated communication with the book.
The corner should be safe, comfortable, cozy, attractive, and conducive to leisurely, concentrated communication with a book.
You need to think about the right lighting so that children do not spoil their eyesight: natural (near the window) and electric (presence of a table lamp, wall sconce) for the evening.
“Book Corner” can be designed in the form of a bookshelf, an open display case where books and albums are stored; and also for this purpose a table and chairs or chairs for it can be specially allocated. The main thing is that the child is comfortable, that everything encourages him to have a leisurely, focused conversation with a book.
The “book corner” should be located so that anyone, even the smallest child, can reach out with his hand and take the book he likes without outside help exactly when he himself wants to do it (not higher than the average height of children of this age group).
Books placed in the book corner should be attractive and aesthetically pleasing. Books must be neatly glued.
It is necessary to exhibit both new, beautiful and long-read books that have been in repair. Used books are sometimes more attractive to the reader simply because it seems to him that a frequently read book should be interesting.
Selection of literature and pedagogical work, organized in the “Book Corner”, must correspond to the age characteristics and needs of children.
The presence of a “Book Corner” is mandatory in all age groups, and the content and placement depend on the age and height of the children.
In early and junior age groups A book corner is not organized right away, since children do not have the skill to use a book, and often they use it as a toy. First, the teacher introduces the children to the book, looks at the illustrations, reads the text, teaches them to look at books and pictures only in the designated place, talks about the rules of use (take books with clean hands, leaf through carefully, do not tear, do not wrinkle, do not draw, do not use for games; after looking at it, always put the book back in its place, etc.), then he accustoms him to using the book independently. In the “Book Corner” it is necessary to display as many toy books as possible. (with moving parts, built-in toys). Preference is given to books - elerman (books whose pages are made of cardboard)
As a rule, there are only 4-5 books on display, but the teacher should have additional copies of the same books nearby in stock. The fact is that young children are very prone to imitation, and if one of them starts looking at a book, then others will want to get exactly the same one.
In the book corner there are publications that are well known to children, books with bright illustrations. In addition to books, there may be individual pictures pasted on thick paper, and small albums for viewing on topics close to children (“Toys”, “Children’s games and activities”, “Pets”, etc.). Looking at albums with object pictures is interesting and important for children learning about the object world at this age.
Preference is given to picture books such as “Kolobok”, “Teremok” with illustrations by Yu. Vasnetsov; “Children in a Cage” by S. Marshak with drawings by E. Charushin; stories from L. Tolstoy's ABC with fig. A. Pakhomova; “Confusion”, “Fedorino’s grief” and others by K. Chukovsky from fig. V. Konashevich; “Circus”, “Mustache-striped”, “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse” by S. Marshak with fig. In Lebedev; “What is good and what is bad?”, “Horse-Fire” by V. Mayakovsky from fig. A. Pakhomova and others.
The teacher teaches you to carefully look at the pictures in the book, recognize the characters and their actions, and encourages you to remember and retell individual episodes.
In the middle group The book corner is organized from the very beginning of the year with the participation of children. There are 5 - 6 books on the display shelves, the rest are stored in the closet. The requirements for books remain the same. Picture books are used less frequently. They leave children's favorite books from junior group, new fairy tales, poetic works, books about nature, funny books are added, a collection of tongue twisters and tongue twisters is added. Thematic albums and illustrations are exhibited, and children's drawings on the themes of works of art can also be exhibited.
Displayed on the shelves of the book corner different types theater, filmstrips, tape recorder with audio cassettes.
The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that books wrinkle and tear easily, shows how to care for them, invites them to observe and participate in the repair of books, so material for repairing books (paper, glue, scissors, etc.) can be stored there.
Contents of the book corner senior kindergarten groups and pedagogical work in it are determined by changes in the literary development of children that occur by the age of five. For an older preschooler, a book becomes an important part of spiritual life; he develops literary preferences and expressed individual interests.
Some children prefer works about animals to all other books, others are very fond of fairy tales, many boys spend a long time looking at books about war and adventure. The breadth and selectivity of children's reading interests also determine the main rules for organizing the selection of works - the satisfaction of these diverse interests.
In senior and preparatory school groups The content of the book corner becomes more diverse due to genre and thematic diversity. The number of books increases to 10 - 12 copies.
In the preparatory group it is recommended to place in the book corner:
books on various topics (each child should find a book according to his desire and taste: stories about the Motherland, war, adventures, animals, natural life, plants, poems, humorous works, etc.);
scientific literature, maps, atlases, encyclopedias.
Folk and original fairy tales;
poems, stories aimed at developing the civic personality traits of a child, introducing him to the history of our homeland, to its life today;
publication of works with which given time children are introduced to classes;
funny books by S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, N. Nosov, V. Dragunovsky, E. Uspensky and many other writers with illustrations by our best artists;
illustrations by different artists for the same works;
books that children bring from home;
thematic albums for viewing. These can be albums specially created by artists on certain topics (“Different Animals” by N. Charushin, “Our Children” by A. Pakhomov, etc.), albums compiled by the teacher together with the children from individual postcards and drawings about work, nature in different seasons, books of this or that writer, etc.
portraits of famous children's writers, poets, children's book artists.
In the pre-school group, books on school topics are added.
To help children learn and remember letters better, you can place different types of alphabet in the book corner: prose, poetic, artistic. In the book corner you can place primers and books that children can read themselves from the “Reading by Syllables” series.
There should be a library in the book corner of preparatory groups.
Also in the book corner, the teacher and the children organize thematic exhibitions.
Their main goal is to deepen the literary interests of children, to make one or another literary or socially important topic particularly significant and relevant for preschoolers. The theme of the exhibition must be important and relevant for children (connected with the upcoming holiday, the anniversary of a writer or illustrator, with the content of the planned matinee).
The exhibition lasts no more than 3-4 days, because... Children's attention and interest will decrease.
Teachers can also hold book exhibitions that deepen cognitive interests children.
IN preparatory groups Children can now repair books on their own. Therefore, materials for repairing books should be placed in the book corner.