Choice of self-government bodies in the camp. Multi-age groups - a model of self-government at school

Self-government – This is a mode of joint and independent activity of schoolchildren, ensuring positive dynamics of equal, event-based relations in the children's environment, setting real opportunities for civil and personal self-determination of adolescents and young men. In the self-government mode, subjects jointly, freely and responsibly determine the goal, object, subject of their activity, and agree on the means and methods of its implementation. Genuine student self-government is not aimed at copying existing “pyramids of power”, creating various power “bodies”, but at developing partnerships between children in the process of preparing and implementing collectively creative activities.

Student self-government in our school is determined by the work of children's public associations “Rosinka”, “Rainbow”, “Unity”.

Let's start with the fact that the association of junior schoolchildren "Rosinka" is the initial step in the formation of a children's team in the direct sense of the word. The association does not have a complex structure children's self-government as, for example, in middle and high school students.

The children are accepted into the children's association, they receive their first assignments, and the “leader” of the class group of students is the class teacher. In the 4th grade, children are entrusted with their first public assignment (cleaning a mass grave); schoolchildren enter into pioneer organization district, participate in all school-wide events.

Thus, we can say that the work of the Rosinka children's association is preparatory stage in the structure of student self-government of our school.

The associations “Rainbow” and “Unity” are distinguished by the most complex and well-functioning system of student self-government.

Each association has its own symbols, attributes, and charter. A variable program approach to working with schoolchildren was chosen as the basis for the activity. Taking into account the system of this approach, programs of activity of public associations have been developed and adapted. These are the programs “Memory”, “Mercy”, “Cooperation”, “For healthy image life”, “Live, earth”, “Work matters”, “Study and us”, “The world will be saved by beauty”, “Your own voice”, “Game is a serious matter”.

Students in each grade (except primary school) elect their representatives (i.e. the commander and his deputy) who represent their squad in the school’s student government system (Council of Children’s Public Associations).

Self-government in the youth association “Unity” is built on democratic relations between schoolchildren and teachers. Democratic principles have been adopted: personal responsibility, striving for agreement, freedom of opinion, turnover of managerial positions, equality of opportunity.

Student self-government works in conjunction with the “Support Fund”, which includes teachers, school administration, district children's organizations, the village association “Youth of the Belgorod Region”, village administration, etc.

The work of the Council of Associations is based on the interaction of several blocks of student self-government. These are the Councils of commanders of children’s associations “Rainbow”, “Unity”, Councils of those responsible for the work of program areas, for example, the Council of the “Game is a Serious Business” program or the Council of the “Your Voice” program.

The basis of squad self-government is the active class and those responsible for the work of the areas, which are selected at the first meeting of the class team. A work plan for the quarter is determined, and a classroom corner is set up. Working groups of children responsible for organizing and conducting class events are formed.

Self-government is an indispensable feature of the collective, its function, but if there is no collective, it is useless to talk about self-government. This means that self-government is not a goal, but a means of education. In self-government, the main thing is not the organs, but the activities aimed at improving the life of the collective.

Student self-government is one of the forms of managing a children's team.

Classification of forms of management of a team of schoolchildren

Self-government in a children's detachment arises only when the detachment has some kind of common goal that is significant not only for the detachment, but also a more or less pronounced social orientation.

So we can determine self-government as a democratic form of organization of a team of schoolchildren, ensuring the development of their independence in adoption and implementation to achieve squad goals.

This definition consists of the following keywords:

Let's analyze each of them:

Development of independence. The gradual transfer of rights and responsibilities to pioneers as the student body develops and the formation of the readiness of leaders-organizers from among children to organize the activities of their comrades.

Let's analyze independence using a specific example. Let us observe the growth or decline in the ability of leaders (i.e. commanders) to organize the activities of their comrades using the example of the Council of Commanders. I assessed the individual work of each commander for two years, resulting in a diagram “Level of Commander Independence”

Based on the results of this diagram, we can say that the commanders of these classes can independently organize a team of children for this or that task. They are active participants in the Council of Commanders and assistants to class teachers; these children have accumulated knowledge and experience in the work of the student self-government system. Therefore, for the effective and full-fledged activities of the class and school assets, I propose choosing a class commander of the 1st development of the 3rd year.

Making and implementing management decisions. The adoption and implementation of management decisions is a mandatory feature of developing self-government. He talks about the real involvement of schoolchildren in managing the affairs of their team.

In the work of the Council of Commanders, we use standard management functions of student self-government: motivation, planning, organization, analysis, performance evaluation.

At the beginning academic year The asset develops and approves the Council's work plan for the year. Based on the motivation “we are interested in this,” planning of collectively creative activities is carried out. Goals are determined, a “action team” is formed, where commanders gather a team of like-minded people from all associations. The asset decides how to general outline, and specifically what needs to be done to achieve the goals. Then there is implementation, for example, preparation for the competition - projects “Garbage - a second life!” In each class group, students develop costumes from recycled materials ( plastic bottles, bags, candy wrappers, etc.) After the event at the Council of Commanders, students analyze successful and unsuccessful moments. An assessment is given of the Council's activities in the implementation of this particular case. A real team is born only in the process of working on the tasks of student self-government, overcoming the obstacles that stand at the beginning of its development, such as uncertainty and indecision. But it is the struggle with difficulties that develops trust and unites the active team.

Squad goals. The presence of squad activity goals, on the one hand, fills self-government with real content, on the other hand, it contributes to the unification of children on the basis of combining their interests.

The main indicator of change that occur in the student body in the process of self-government are development of children's independence in making and implementing decisions. It is necessary to create conditions so that every business organized in the association, any activity, awakens the activity of children. And to help class teachers, For proper development student self-government, I want to propose a model for the development of self-government in a children's team.

A model for the development of self-government in a children's team.

The purpose of the work of self-government bodies is determined common goal standing in front of the student body. If for the management process it is desirable, but not necessary, to accept these goals, then for the development of self-government this condition is indispensable. Being public in its orientation, the work of self-government bodies depends on the attitude of each student to the goal of the activity, whether he has motives for participating in this activity.

Stages of development of self-government in a detachment.

Stage 1(first year of membership in the association)

The goals of the activity are determined by teachers or higher authorities self-government.

Ways to achieve goals are determined on the basis of a joint decision by a team of teachers and children. There is a gradual transition to an independent search for ways to achieve the goals.
Main directions at this stage:

  • Team building;

  • Formation of a squad asset;

  • Participation of the detachment in the affairs of the association and school-wide events
Stage 2 ( second, third years of membership in the association)

The goals of the activity are determined jointly by teachers and students. Gradually, pioneers are given the opportunity to independently determine the goals of their activities.

Ways to achieve goals are determined through the advisory role of the teacher.

The main areas of work at this stage:

  • Participation in organizing and conducting general events in the association.

  • Participation in self-government of school associations

  • Independent planning of the team's work .

Stage 3(third and subsequent years of membership in the association)

Students independently determine the goals of the activity with the advisory assistance of the teacher.

The ways to achieve goals are also determined by them independently.

At this stage of activity, any detachment event should become independent and self-governing. An event can unfold in the following stages:

  • Announcement of competition for best project collectively - creative work.

  • Creation of temporary project development groups.

  • Forming a “doing team” ready to bring the project to life.

  • Work of the “business team” with the involvement of all interested parties.
These stages of development of student self-government (according to Grigoriev, Ph.D.) can be used to form any children's group.

In addition, there are other methods for working with children’s groups: “Make yourself” - allows students to accurately determine the goal of their activities. Zh., “Education of a schoolchild” No. 4 2003, p. 56.

“Find your place” - identifying the main tendencies of human behavior in a real group. Zh., “Education of a schoolchild,” 2003 No. 3, p. 48.

Thus, the development of children's self-government can be regulated through systematic training of pioneers and giving them freedom of action.

Master class“Definition of a leader in a class squad”

  1. Brainstorming as a dynamic form of monitoring.

  2. Questionnaire “Am I a Leader”

One of the main tasks of the organizational period of the shift (which we will talk about a little later) is the identification of initial leaders and the formation of self-government bodies in the detachment.

There are creative leaders and destructive leaders.

A creative leader acts in the interests of the cause, in the interests of the organization and all its members whom he leads.

A destructive leader acts in his own interests; for him, in the foreground is not the business, not the people, but his own selfish desire to show himself, using the business and those around him for this (often to the detriment of both the business and the people).

In a children's association or organization, there are leaders whose roles are different: leaders-organizers (business leaders), leaders-generators of emotional mood (emotional leaders), leaders-initiators, scholars, craftsmen.

Business leaders play a major role in solving problems assigned to the team in the implementation of labor, sports, tourism, intellectual, creative and other activities.

Initiating leaders stand out in their activities at the stage of putting forward ideas, in searching for new areas of activity for the team.

A skilled leader is the member of the team who is most prepared in a particular type of activity (for example, on a hike, the most experienced tourist).

The role of emotional leaders is associated with actions related mainly to the sphere interpersonal communication in a team, group within an organization. Guys who successfully operate in both spheres of the organization’s life are promoted to the roles of absolute leaders.

Business leaders realize interpersonal relationships. This is due to the desire of business leaders to know well the vast majority of their fellow members of the organization, which allows them to build their relationships according to this knowledge.

Emotional leaders often do not feel the need to manage a team. Negative relationships between team members in an organization are more accurately characterized by business leaders.

To influence the team, along with the ability to perceive personal relationships, great value has to determine the status of peers. Absolute leaders are the best at this; business leaders come in second place. From emotional leaders in to a greater extent depends on the psychological climate in the team, the well-being of peers, as well as accepted moral values.

The leader is promoted by activity. Therefore, through specially organized activities varied in content, it is possible to provide not only situations aimed at uniting the organization, but also, above all, favorable opportunities for the success of children who have a developing potential for influencing their peers.

The development of an organization as a team is characterized by permanent shift leaders depending on the type, nature and content of the activity, which provides each member of the organization with the opportunity to act as a leader and acquire skills in organizing other people and self-organization.

The methods offered to you will help identify leaders in the squad.

Several groups of children, 5-8 people each, are asked to quickly lay out some given figure (house, car, etc.) on the floor (grass, asphalt) from ordinary pebbles, cubes, matches (a house, a car, etc.) The command is given , everyone rushed to the stones, grabbed them in their hands and... what next? This is where you just have time to record everything that happens. After all, you need to notice how each of the participants acts: who boldly rushes forward, takes the initiative, determines the order of actions, gives orders, and who stands aside, prefers to act alone. The leaders of the situation and their assistants are identified, and passive, dependent, non-initiative people are also discovered. If you want to be sure of your conclusions, play the game again. Compare the observation results with other available information.

Choosing a trek leader

The guys name all the potential leaders of the tourist trip. The named students step aside, and the rest are invited to choose a commander from among them and approach him. At the same time, everyone retains the right to remain in place if none of the named commanders suits him. So the class is divided into groups headed by leaders who, in the opinion of the team, can become organizers of the matter.

Flight to the Moon

A blitz game that allows you to reveal the organizational skills of children. Groups of students are given a list of 15-20 items, from which in 2 minutes they need to select 3 that are necessary and sufficient for a flight to the Moon. Leaders are determined by searching for the right solution.

Geometry for the Blind

The players stand in a circle. A rope is stretched inside the circle, which everyone holds on to with their hands. The presenter explains that it is necessary, with your eyes closed, to form a square or an equilateral triangle, using only verbal negotiations. It is also reported that the children play on spatial imagination and attentiveness. During the game, when there is a changeover, the leader observes which of the guys acts as the organizer of movements.


The players sit on chairs. At the same time, they must stand up, walk around their chair and sit down at the same time. It is important to notice the person who first gave the command.

The team is divided into several groups of 5-6 people. An adult expert observer works with each group. The facilitator gives tasks to all groups in turn; they should not be difficult and interesting, for example:

Come up with a story in which all words begin with the same letter;

Arrange according to hair color from light to dark;

Revive the picture, etc.

The expert, observing the work of the group, distributes multi-colored tokens to each participant after completing each task, defining his role in the task. of this assignment. But the presenter does not announce to the participants what these or those colors mean, and at the end of the game he invites the children to make an appliqué from the tokens that they have earned.

Thus, after the game, teachers will have a visual picture reflecting the degree of activity of a particular child.


The head of the game offers everyone the following situation: “Imagine that you are asked to make a film, for which you need to name the person who can organize the shooting of the film.” After everyone names one or three director candidates, leadership candidates are identified from those who received greatest number elections. They choose their assistants one by one, and the next one is selected after consultation with the already selected assistants. After microgroups of four to five people have been formed, everyone else is invited to choose a “film studio” and join these microgroups.

Each film studio is asked to prepare a pantomime (sketch) within 15-20 minutes on the theme of the life of the team where the children work or study.

After this collective creative activity, the leader asks each microgroup to conduct an analysis and determine who turned out to be the real leader during the preparation of the “movie”.

The game is a journey of groups (teams) that go through a certain route along vicious circle, performing tasks at each stage. The content of the task becomes known only at the stage. Rules for organizing the game:

1.The number of stages must be equal to or a multiple of the number of groups participating in the game;

2.All stages must be the same in duration. Typically, the stage lasts 7-10 minutes;

3. A single signal for transition from stage to stage should be established (bell, music, phrase, etc.)

4.Each group has its own route sheet, which indicates the sequence of stages and their location.

5.Transitions from stage to stage are counted in time and must be extremely short. This can be facilitated by the rational arrangement of stages close to each other and, conditionally, in a circle.

6.Tasks performed by groups at stages must be designed for collective execution and, in terms of complexity, “solvable” within the time allotted for the stage.

7. It is important that the forms of tasks at the stages do not repeat each other, are varied, and give the children the opportunity to switch from one type of activity to another.

Sample tasks for the stages can be found in the appendix.

The self-government bodies of a detachment can be very diverse. The main goal we pursue in creating them is to teach the guys to organize their activities independently, we let them understand that everything in the squad depends on them. Often, detachment self-government bodies depend on the general camp ones. Let's consider several models. They can be used individually or in various combinations.

Duty commander detachment (dezkom) - the formal leader of the detachment. Elected daily at the squad's evening candle. Fully responsible for the team's conduct of the next day. Detailed functionality of the desk committee is contained in the memo.


The commissioner needs to ensure that as many people as possible play the role of the dezhkom. more members squad.

Squad leader- a member of the detachment elected for the entire shift. As a rule, he is also a member of the general camp self-government body. Performs a representative function in the Council, is responsible for a certain area of ​​work in the camp Council, and is a link between the detachment and the general camp self-government body.

Permanent structural units of the detachment(groups). Any team can be made manageable only by dividing it into small groups (5-6 people each), led by a commander elected from the group. Each group is responsible for a certain area of ​​the detachment’s work, for example, duty, decoration, surprise, etc. Every day, or after a few days, the functionality of the groups changes (CHTP - alternation of traditional assignments). These same groups can work in preparing any general camp or detachment work. It is useful to come up with the names of the groups, their mottos, and use them when holding morning squad meetings.

Some squad members may have standing orders, but this is only possible with their consent and the consent of the entire detachment, for example, there are only two artists in the detachment.

Self-government bodies in the Brigantine camp

Camp asset is created to resolve issues of organization, maintenance of camp activities, development of positive personal qualities of children.

The active members of the shift include camp students selected by teams and adults.

Goals and objectives of the asset:

The asset, as a form of self-government of children to protect the rights and interests, acts for the purposes of:

Providing assistance in conducting health-improving, cultural events and creative affairs;

Creating conditions in the camp for the development of the physical, creative and intellectual potential of children;

Assistance in creating a favorable psychological climate.

Organization of asset activities

The active members of the camp are the Camp Council and the Unit Councils, which are self-government bodies.

Rights and responsibilities:

Each member of the asset has the right:

To participate in the discussion of all camp matters and freely express one’s opinion;

To protect your rights and interests.

Each member of the asset is obliged:

Carry out the assigned work responsibly;

Comply with the laws of communication and culture of behavior.

Activities of the councils:

Camp tip:

The camp council meets once every 9 days (at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the camp shift)

Coordinates and controls the work of all units, resolves current issues.

Council of assistant organizers (counsellors):

Council meetings are held daily:

Development of ideas, scenarios for holidays and events;
-distribution of responsibilities between teams in preparation for the case;
- control over the execution of orders;
- holding the event itself;
- analysis of the event;

Planning the next events in the camp.

Summarizing principles:

At the meeting, the results of the day are summed up; if necessary, a report on the activities of the detachments is heard (responsible detachment commanders),

Calculates earned points according to the following scheme:

Accrual of points:

labor landing – 5 tokens maximum;

preparation and participation in the event - 1 point maximum;

1st place in any event – ​​3 points;

2nd place – 2 points;

3rd place – 1 point.

Removal of points:

being late for an event – ​​1 point;

violation of discipline in the squad - 3 points;

organic combination various types leisure and health improvement with forms of educational activities

realization of the interests and potentials of the individual

forming your own ideas about yourself and the world around you

entertainment, games, freedom to choose activities

development of creative potential

release of year-long tensions

Your suggestions ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Purpose of summer school camp from the students' point of view

At school camp I have the opportunity

I find it difficult to answer

improve your physical and mental health

expand cultural space

develop creatively and intellectually during extracurricular hours

form your own ideas about yourself and the world around you

have fun, play, freely choose activities

do whatever I like

get relief from the tension that has accumulated over the year

At the Brigantine school camp this summer I dream

make new friends

get to know your classmates better in an informal setting

get an emotional charge

develop your creativity

get healthier

spend time usefully for yourself

meet with interesting people

attend your favorite activities

feel the state of happiness and celebration, entertainment and fun

travel (excursions, trips)

get the opportunity to take a break from classes

Your wishes ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Chapter I. Children's self-government: concept, signs, types, principles, tasks, functions, conditions of formation

1.1. Concept, signs, types, conditions for the development of children's self-government

1.2. Principles, functions, tasks of self-government

Chapter II. Self-government bodies in children's health camps: types, functions. The work of a counselor in the formation of self-government bodies.

2.1 Types and functions of self-government bodies

2.2 Formation of self-government bodies in the detachment



One of current problems in the field of education is preparation young man to life in society, the formation of positive qualities in it, assistance in choosing one’s place in modern world. One of the factors that allows the processes of self-realization to develop in school age, is children's self-government in the camp.

HER. Reshetova believes that in conditions children's camp children get the opportunity to acquire new socially significant experiences. Therefore, an environment must be created in the camp in which each student feels involved in solving the problems facing the entire team. Children's self-government in the camp helps to feel the complexity human relations, promotes development social activity, formation leadership qualities. Organizing conditions for the development of self-government involves involving children in the complex relationships that develop in the team.

L.M. Tarantey claims that by participating in solving the problems of the detachment, the child develops the qualities necessary to overcome the difficulties of camp life.

V.M. Korotov, the educational significance of self-government in the camp is in preparing the child to participate in public self-government, in forming in him the main qualities of a new person.

According to N.I. Prikhodko, thanks to self-government, students develop skills such as:

1) the ability to analyze existing management situations and identify the causes of their occurrence;

2) the ability to foresee the results of one’s actions;

3) the ability to assess the situation that has arisen and find a way out of it;

4) the ability to perceive and analyze perceived information;

5) the ability to justify and logically defend one’s point of view;

6) the ability to objectively evaluate the actions of self-government bodies;

7) the ability to plan the work of self-government bodies, determine the prospects for their development.

Also N.I. Prikhodko writes that self-government in the camp presupposes joint activities counselors and students, with the help of which creative, spiritual and moral needs and interests are satisfied, a harmoniously developed and socially active personality is formed.

The topic of self-government in children's health camps is touched upon in the works of O.S. Gazman, V.D. Ivanova, A.S. Prutchenkova, M.I. Rozhkova, L.I. Umansky and others.

Purpose of the study: to study self-government bodies and their activities in a children's health camp.

Object of study: children's camp.

Subject of research: self-government bodies in the camp and their activities.

Research objectives:

1) study the concept of “children’s self-government” and reveal its essence;

2) determine the principles of organizing self-government in a children's health camp, its tasks and functions;

3) characterize the activities of self-government bodies in a children's health camp.

Research methods: theoretical analysis literature, comparison, synthesis.

Structure course work: introduction, two chapters, conclusion, bibliography.


Thus, having analyzed and summarized the theoretical data in the organization of children's self-government, we can come to the conclusion that its versatility is the cause and source of numerous interpretations and definitions.

Having studied different interpretations the essence of self-government of leading teachers may have defined children's self-government as a democratic form of organization of children, ensuring the development of their independence in making and implementing decisions to achieve group goals. It, like school self-government, is part of general structure public management process social processes and phenomena.

When organizing the activities of camp self-government bodies, it is proposed to be guided by both general and specific principles.

The goals of the activities and development of student self-government are realized by fulfilling certain functions. Pupils must do only what is included in the functionality of the bodies they represent. Knowledge of the functions and principles of student self-government contributes to the construction of a system of its activities, its development and improvement.

The main purpose of children's self-government is to satisfy the individual needs of students, aimed, first of all, at protecting their civil rights and interests. Participation in self-government contributes to the formation of a clearer and more conscious civic position and value-based attitude towards oneself and others, and allows one to increase social competence, develops social skills of behavior and attitudes towards independent decision-making in problematic situations. Self-government opens up opportunities for many to demonstrate their personal abilities, find an interesting task, organize its implementation, taking personal responsibility for its implementation.

The participation of children in the work of self-government bodies is a way of practicing living in a social space of rights and responsibilities, an opportunity to demonstrate the uniqueness of their personality, to realize their involvement in what is happening in society, and to master social experience.

Self-government in a camp can consist of the activities of temporary and permanent bodies. Temporary bodies of self-government include: the activities of the duty detachment, the work of creative and initiative groups, and the work of action councils. Permanent self-government bodies include: the detachment council, the council of detachment commanders, the activities of clubs, and headquarters. The highest body of self-government is the camp meeting, during which the main issues of the camp’s life are resolved, work is planned, elections of self-government bodies are held, and their work is evaluated.

Irina Valerievna Popogrebskaya, Deputy Director for Educational Resource Management of the MBOU DOD "TsRTDU No. 1" Stary Oskol, Belgorod Region Organization of self-government in a summer health camp The development of self-government in a summer health camp is of particular importance for the formation of children's collective relations. Self-government presupposes independent management of oneself, one’s life activities, organization of duty, independent distribution of responsibilities when organizing activities, during events, as well as self-monitoring of activity results. The development of self-government helps students feel the complexity of social relationships, form social position, determine your capabilities in implementing leadership functions. The development of self-government in the camp makes it possible to create conditions for the social development of children by including them in solving complex problems and relationships that develop in the team. By participating in solving camp problems, students develop the qualities necessary to overcome the difficulties of camp life, as well as solve management problems in the camp. Thus, self-government is a form of organizing children’s life activities, ensuring the development of their independence in making and implementing decisions to achieve socially significant goals. Tasks pedagogical leadership on the development of self-government of camp pupils: - designing an ideal scheme of self-government in the camp, even before the first practical steps teamwork; - organizing training for the squad’s assets and developing the necessary qualities; - inclusion of camp students in organizational activities. Self-government activities are implemented through the following types: - collective planning; - current organizational work on the implementation of key camp activities; - work in permanent and temporary self-government bodies; - fulfillment of collective, group and individual assignments, duty in the detachment, camp; - participation in the work of detachment training, in the work of the camp’s pedagogical council. Self-government can consist of the activities of temporary and permanent bodies. Temporary bodies of self-government include: Councils of Affairs, headquarters, i.e. work in temporary creative and initiative groups. They are created by decision of the camp council to perform a specific task, after completing which they report to the camp council. After this, the Business Council is disbanded. Duty duties, as well as individual or group assignments. Permanent self-government bodies include: squad assembly, camp council, unit activities, unit meetings, club activities. The camp meeting is the highest body of self-government and provides each participant in the shift with the right to participate in preparation, discussion and decision-making on important issues life of the camp. The camp council is the main executive body elected at the camp meeting. Its members manage the work of microgroups, action councils created to organize various types of activities in the camp. Elections in a summer health camp Before all self-government bodies begin their work, they must be elected. You begin your work by developing election regulations. If the theme of the camp has not changed and remains the same as in the previous year, then the situation can be left unchanged. If the topic of work or the game plot in the camp changes, it means that you make appropriate adjustments to the situation. Approximate content of the regulation on elections in a summer health camp 1. General provisions(Basis for holding elections - legislation, orders, programs; purpose of holding elections, principles, age, timing of elections, etc.) 2. Nomination of candidates (age, methods of nomination (self-nomination or nominated by members of a children's association, detachment, group), documentation (program, autobiography, election platform, etc.) 3. Voter registration (principle of compiling voter lists) 4. Election commission (composition, age, purpose, operating principles, work regulations, rights and responsibilities, etc.) 5. Observers (composition , age, purpose, principles of activity, work regulations, rights and obligations, etc.) 6. Election campaigning (Campaigning can be carried out within the time limits established by regulations by placing leaflets, posters, newspapers at specially designated stands, through public events: meetings and gatherings with voters, public discussions, etc.) 7. The voting procedure (the voting algorithm is described in detail; vote counting; activities of the election commission, voters). 8. Voting room (Description of the voting room, its equipment and main functions) 9. Ballot (purpose of the ballot, detailed description ballot paper). The number of ballot papers produced should not exceed the number of registered voters by more than 1.5%. The form of the ballot may vary, but must include the full name and squad (group, children's association). 10. Publication of results (timing, method of announcing voting results). 11. Presentation of the elected body (or leader) to voters (form of presentation). Sample plan of activities for preparing and holding elections 1. Making a decision to schedule elections (children under the guidance of a counselor, the camp director issues an order or order setting the date of the elections). 2. Publication (disclosure) of the decision to call elections (announcement on the line, on the stand). 3. Formation of a children's election commission. 4. Conducting an organizational meeting of the election commission. 5. Voter information. 6. Nomination of candidates. 7. Registration of candidates. (Registration of candidates is carried out by the election commission. You can stop registering candidates 2 days before voting - you can do it 1 day, or you can campaign on the 3rd day, and hold elections on the 4th day. All this should be reflected in the regulations) 8. Submission of voter lists. 9. Production of ballot papers. (Electoral ballots are produced exclusively by order of the election commission and are strictly accountable documents. Ballots are printed in Russian) 10. Election campaigning. 11. Conducting a joint event of candidates (debates). 12. Voting. 13. Counting of votes. 14. Drawing up and signing a protocol on the election results. 15. Publication of election results. Voting procedure 1. On voting day, at the time determined by the regulations, the Chairman of the election commission announces the opening of the voting premises: a) Voting is held in the school assembly hall on the day determined by the commission, indicating the time. b) Voting is carried out by the election commission. c) The Election Commission compiles voter lists in advance, on the basis of which ballot papers are issued; the voter confirms receipt of the ballots with his signature against his name in the voter list. d) The selection of candidates is done as follows: on the ballot, any sign is placed in the square next to the candidate’s surname. e) The vote is not taken into account if the ballot is damaged, illegible, or a vote is cast for more than 1 candidate. f) The voter places the completed ballot in the voting booth into a sealed ballot box. g) The chairman of the temporary children's team becomes the candidate who has scored greatest number votes. 2. Counting of votes, announcement of results: - Unused ballots are canceled by members of the commission. - In the voter lists, commission members make a total count of the number of voters who took part in the voting. - The ballot box is opened in the presence of all members of the commission. Registered candidates, their proxies, and observers have the right to be present. - After the votes are counted, the commission members draw up a protocol on the election results, an enlarged form of which is posted on the stand immediately after the votes are counted. Thus, the voting took place, self-government bodies were selected and begin their work under the leadership of the senior counselor. Approximate Regulations on the election of a leader (president, minister, etc.) of a temporary children's association in a summer health camp Adopted at the Council (general meeting) of the temporary children's association of the camp Chapter 1: General provisions Article 1. Basic principles of holding elections. 1. Each member of the temporary children’s association can become the leader (president, minister, etc.) of the temporary children’s association of the summer health camp “…..”. 2. The leader is elected by the members of the temporary children's association by secret ballot. 3. Participation of members of the camp’s temporary children’s association in elections is voluntary. Article 2. Time of presidential elections. 1. Elections for the leader of the temporary children's camp association take place in the first 3-5 days of the camp shift. 2. The preparation and conduct of elections is carried out by the election commission. Article 3. Voting rights members of the temporary children's association of the camp “…….”. 1. Each member of the temporary children’s association of the camp “…..” has the right to elect a leader and to be elected to this post. 2. Voters have equal rights. Chapter 2: Nomination of candidates Article 4. Nomination of candidates and election campaigning. 1. Each detachment (crew, family, ship, etc.), which is an electoral association, has the right to nominate one candidate (or several candidates). 2. Self-nomination of candidates is possible. 3. Candidates have the right to pre-election campaigning and equal access to the information body of the temporary children's association (press center, editorial board, etc.) 4. Pre-election campaigning is carried out through campaigning events; release of propaganda materials, which are located on the information stand (determined at the meeting of the children's association). 5. The candidate has the right to appoint assistants for campaigning. 6. Election campaigning lasts the first 2-3 days of the shift. Campaigning is prohibited on election day. Chapter 3: Election Commission Article 5. Election Commission. 1. The election commission prepares and conducts elections for the leader of a temporary children's association. 2. The election commission is formed on the 1-2 day of the shift from among the members of the temporary children's association, consists of representatives of the units and a chairman, who is appointed from among them (the number of members of the election commission is determined based on the conditions of the camp, but must be odd) 3. The powers of the election commission are as follows: - registration of candidates for the position of leader; - control over the conduct of elections; - compilation of voter lists; - preparation of the polling station; - drawing up a protocol on the election results. Chapter 4: Conducting elections Article 6. Procedure for holding elections. 1. Voting takes place on the 3-5th day of the shift from ..... to ..... hours. 2. Each voter receives a ballot with the names of the candidates, where he must mark one surname. 3. Ballots are placed in the ballot box, which is sealed until the end of voting. 4. The ballot box is opened at …… hours (5-10 minutes after the end of voting) in the presence of members of the election commission. Unused ballots will be discarded. 5. A ballot is considered invalid if more than one candidate’s name is marked on it. Article 7. Election results. 1. Elections are considered valid if 50% or more than 50% of voters took part in them. 2. The candidate who receives the most votes is considered the elected leader. 3. In the event of an equal number of votes, the leader is elected by the Council of Leaders (Commanders) or the decision is made by the chairman of the election commission. 4. The voting results are posted on the information stand. 5. The leader is inducted into office at a ceremony on voting day or the next day. ATTENTION! This is just a rough guide to elections. You should take into account the camp activity program, game plot of the program, camp concept, conditions and other details. It is necessary that everything corresponds to each other (for example, in the camp “ Forest fairy tale“It is logical to choose not the president, but the Forest King or the Chief Leshy; in the camp " Scarlet Sails"The detachments will be called crews, and the temporary children's association will be called the crew, and the crew captain can be elected, etc.) If not one person is elected, but the Council (Asset), then appropriate changes are made to the regulations. Good luck, imagination and creativity!