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Scratches in the car interior occur even to the most thrifty and careful owner. At first, minor damage to the plastic is practically indistinguishable, but subsequently a whitish coating appears, which significantly spoils the appearance of the interior.

Methods for removing scratches using auto products

The best remedy for removing deep scratches is plastic restorers, which can be easily purchased at car dealerships. For example, Doctor Wax is great. It effectively masks shallow damage to plastic, leather and vinyl upholstery, while simultaneously cleaning and renewing them. The gel penetrates into microcracks and displaces contamination.

The procedure for eliminating scratches with its help looks like this: the composition is applied to the damaged surface, after it penetrates into the cracks and fills it, the mixture is given time to dry (it is indicated on the packaging or tube). Then they begin to sand the plastic using special wipes, which are often sold complete with the vehicle.

To ensure that the repaired area does not stand out and has the same structure as the surface of the plastic, a plasticizer gel is used. It is applied not to the place that was treated, but to the undamaged part. As the gel hardens, an impression of the plastic pattern is formed on its surface. This “template” should be applied to the area to be restored while it is drying and lightly pressed into the scratch filler. In this way, an imprint will be obtained and the required “texture” of the plastic will be preserved.

Another way to update the interior is to use polishes to remove scratches. They come in different types: with abrasive and coloring substances. For example, there are restorative polishes for dark and light, pearlescent and silver plastics. Any of them masks damage well and makes the surface smooth and shiny. Polishes with superfine abrasive are designed for materials that require the most delicate impact. If the damage is deep, use touch-up pencils to fill in the scratches.

"Folk" remedy for removing scratches in the interior

Car enthusiasts claim that small scratches can be easily removed with a lighter. To do this, you need to carefully pass the flame over the surface of the damage. When exposed to fire, the scratch gradually melts and heals. In this procedure, it is important to follow two rules: do not hold the fire over the plastic and do not touch the area treated with it for some time. After the plastic has cooled, you need to remove the soot using paper napkin or a cotton pad.

Even a slightly scratched plastic surface causes irritation and spoils the appearance of the product. Large and deep scratches can only be restored in very rare cases. To do this, it is better to contact a workshop where there are special tools and materials. But we will describe in this article how to remove scratches from plastic when they are shallow and relatively small in size. You can do this perfectly well on your own, without outside help.

We bring to your attention three ways to remove scratches from plastic.

1. Sandpaper + primer + painting.

- Prepare following materials and accessories: abrasive paste, sanding machine, sandpaper, primer for plastic (usually in the form of a spray), water, clean rags, acetone (or another suitable surface cleaner), varnish.

* A special primer for plastic is produced in pressurized cylinders in the form of a spray. Following the instructions, shake the can for several minutes. Then, when cleaning the channel, spray briefly away from objects to avoid the formation of lumps on the surface of the plastic.

* Apply 2-3 coats of spray primer, allowing each coat to dry.

2. How to remove scratches from plastic: sandpaper + abrasive paste + hair dryer (or gas torch).

If possible, dismantle the scratched part and wash it, thoroughly cleaning it from dust, dirt, etc. If a layer of paint is applied on top, remove it at the repair site using a sander or sandpaper. Do not leave burrs or rough edges.

* Treat the surface with acetone or another suitable degreaser. To prevent acetone from dissolving the surface, test it first on an interior or other invisible surface. Using a clean, lint-free cloth, wipe the surface to remove dust and remaining dirt.

* Using a hair dryer at t = 300 - 320 0C, slowly approaching the surface, let the plastic “flow” slightly and level the surface, without overheating.

* Apply spray primer, allowing each to dry.

* If necessary, go over it again with sandpaper – scratch paper and solvent.

* Apply a very thin layer of paint from a spray can that is precisely matched in color and gloss and let it dry. Repeat painting one or two more times, allowing each layer to dry. Avoid leaks.

3. How to remove scratches from plastic using special grout pencils.

The easiest and most reliable way to remove scratches. This restored surface does not wash off. You should select the color of the pencil (the choice of colors is very large). The pencil works on the principle of polish. The active substance from the tube fills the scratch, hardens and makes it invisible. Although a pencil is more expensive than a polish, it is more convenient and effective. Pencils from the three most popular manufacturers are most often used: NEWTON, Fix it Pro and Scratch Free.

You should not expect a perfect result, it is impossible, but it is quite possible to drape a scratch defect.

Damage to a car's paintwork becomes an unpleasant surprise for any car owner, but if defects appear on plastic parts in the car's interior, then this becomes an even bigger blow. The appearance of the car's interior can be spoiled by both minor scratches and deep chips and damage from direct sunlight.

When such unpleasant “surprises” appear, it is not necessary to seek help from a car dealership, since today there are such means as: polish for plastic in the car interior and special pencils for removing small chips. Let's look at the operating principle of specialized liquids, as well as some useful know-how that will allow you to quickly and cheaply get rid of defects yourself.

Removing scratches with a hairdryer

Small scratches, or “cobwebs” as they are usually called, can be easily removed with a regular household hairdryer. When heated, surfaces become more plastic, and shallow damage is completely “healed” or becomes almost invisible.

The process of removing defects in this way is as follows:

  • Clean the dashboard using any detergent and wait until it dries completely. If ingrained dirt remains on the surface, it can “melt” into the plastic during heat treatment.
  • Turn on the hairdryer at its lowest setting and point it at the “spider web”.
  • Wait for the reaction - the scratches should heal. If this does not happen, increase the power of the hair dryer and repeat the procedure.

Important! You should not heat plastic panels too much, as this will lead to surface deformation.

Removing scratches with a lighter

Using an open fire can also effectively and quickly get rid of small chips. To do this, take a lighter and follow a few simple steps:

  • Run the lighter along the scratch several times. Do not hold the fire in one place so as not to melt the plastic.
  • Wait until the treated surface has cooled down.
  • Clean the plastic panel from any soot that has formed.

Advice! Before using an open fire, it is recommended to practice on a piece of plastic.

If you are afraid to carry out such heat treatment, then you can use safer means.

Polishing plastic

To repair more serious damage and quickly restore the surface, it is recommended to use special polishes, which are abrasive pastes. When choosing a product, you should give preference to the composition that is suitable for a particular material (in our case we're talking about about plastic polishes).

To treat the surface, you can use a specialized grinding machine (disc rotation speed should be minimal) or a clean cotton rag or sponge.

To remove defects using an abrasive compound, follow these steps:

  • It is better to carry out work in a dark, cool place (the polishing paste will dry quickly in the sun).
  • Clean the surface and apply an abrasive compound using a sponge.
  • Wait about 5 minutes for the paste to react with the plastic.
  • When the product brightens and turns into plaque, polish the surface until the paste completely disappears.
  • Rinse the plastic panel and wipe it with a dry, clean cloth.

If scratches cannot be removed, they can be masked.

Conceal stains with a specialized pencil

If the defects are minor, you can use a special pencil. When purchasing it, you need to choose the color as accurately as possible. If the shade is even slightly different, then, of course, you will get rid of the scratch, but instead, stripes will appear on the surface of the torpedo.

The principle of operation of such a pencil is very simple - inside a small bottle there is a rather thick coloring composition that fills the crack and dries, thereby completely leveling the surface.

To use a marker, just wipe the surface from dirt and dust and, pressing on the pencil, squeeze the “putty” into the recess. It is recommended to remove excess composition and polish the surface.

Despite the simplicity of this method, it is worth considering the rather high cost of the pencil. However, this product can be reused.

If the damage is quite deep, then there are several other ways to repair the surface.

Alternative Scratch Removal Methods

It is worth considering not the cheapest, but quite effective means to restore the damaged plastic surface of a car dashboard:

  • Painting. In this case, you will need a small bottle of paint; they are usually sold together with a brush. After treatment, it is best to additionally coat the chipped area with varnish.

  • Vinyl. A special vinyl film is tightly stretched over the damaged part and treated with a hairdryer. Thanks to this method, you can completely hide fairly large chips, but you will have to practice.
  • Leather. This method refers rather to the restyling of the car interior, since it involves re-upholstering the panels. However, if you know how to work with leather, then you can only integrate individual pieces of it. But it is worth considering that leather elements will look rather ridiculous in a velor or rag interior.

Some people also cover scratches with carbon fiber, but such a product will most likely cost several times more than a new part. Therefore, there is no point in using carbon.

In this article we will tell you how to remove scratches from plastic in a car.

Scratches on the plastic panels of the car's interior and body cause a lot of discomfort to owners. Many car enthusiasts simply don't like the idea that passengers who get into their car may notice scratches and assume that the owner doesn't take good care of the car. In addition, scratches on the plastic impair the visual appearance. When selling a car, buyers may demand a discount for scratches on the plastic. In this article we will tell you how to remove scratches from plastic in a car. We will tell you five ways to do this simple job.

Types of damage to car interior plastic

Damage to plastic parts in a car can be divided into several types:

— minor scratches on the plastic;

— deep scratches on the plastic;

- the result of exposure to direct rays of the sun.

The table below describes the types of damage to plastic in a car.

Type of plastic damage Description
Minor scratches The most common damage to plastic in a car interior is minor scratches. This defect most often manifests itself in the appearance of many small scratches. They can form a whole web of scratches that... which will greatly spoil the appearance of the interior. Small scratches are easiest to remove or disguise from the surface of the plastic. Special means are used for this. Repairing minor scratches will be inexpensive and may take a fairly short period of time.
Deep scratches The second type of damage to plastic in the car interior is deep scratches. They appear less frequently than small ones. Their elimination takes longer. Not suitable for many deep scratches simple methods removal, even with special means. Therefore, you need to resort to drastic methods, which we will describe below. By using unique method Such deep scratches on the plastic panels inside the car are removed and do not leave a trace. This effective method will help you avoid expensive replacement of the entire plastic part of the car interior.
Result of exposure to direct sunlight The next type of damage to the plastic of a car interior includes the consequences of exposure to direct rays of the sun. Ultraviolet radiation It has a rather strong effect on the plastic of the torpedo; it causes the dashboard to become dull and lose its original color. If, in addition to this, there are various scratches on the plastic, then the appearance of the interior immediately deteriorates. Such a complex plastic defect in the car interior can only be removed by major surface repairs.

We should clarify that removing scratches from the plastic of a car interior is quite a difficult task. The more corrugated the surface structure of the plastic, the more difficult the methods for removing defects will be. In such cases, you have to resort to major renovation plastic surface.

Basic methods for removing scratches on car plastic

The choice of method for removing plastic scratches depends on the type of surface and the complexity of the scratches. Repair and removal of scratches can be carried out in the following ways:

- removing scratches with a hair dryer;

— removal of small scratches by polishing;

— masking defects with special pencils;

— smoothing the surface with an open fire source;

— major repairs of plastic, which includes cleaning, priming and painting.

The corrugated surface of the plastic allows only masking defects with a special pencil or major repairs of the plastic. Other methods of repairing the corrugated plastic surface can only worsen the appearance of the car panel. For all other types of plastic panels, any method of repair and removal of scratches can be used. In any case, the result of the work depends on the efforts of the performer and the type of scratches that appeared on the car interior panel. Next we will tell you in more detail about each method of removing scratches.

Removing scratches on plastic with a hairdryer

A regular hair dryer can help remove small scratches or even cobwebs of such scratches from a plastic panel. In this method, you can use not only an industrial hair dryer, but also an ordinary household one, since even the power of a household hair dryer is enough to remove shallow scratches. The principle of restoring the surface using a household hair dryer is quite simple. We heat the plastic panel using a heat gun, which causes the network of scratches to heal or become almost invisible due to the fact that they decrease in size. To eliminate minor scratches on the dashboard, we must first thoroughly clean the surface of the dashboard using detergents and a wet cloth.

We heat the plastic panel using a heat gun, which causes the network of scratches to heal or become almost invisible due to the fact that they decrease in size.

This principle is that the scratch gets rid of the dirt ingrained into it, which will help the scratches heal faster when they are heated. As soon as the surface of the dashboard is dry from our wet cleaning, we turn on the hair dryer at medium power and direct a hot stream of air to the area with small scratches. However, we do not keep the turned-on hair dryer constantly in one place on the plastic panel; we need to move it evenly around this place so that the heat is distributed over the entire surface of the plastic panel. This way we will avoid excessive heating of the plastic. Right before your eyes, small scratches will begin to heal or they will become less visible, which will later allow you to remove them with regular polishing. After warming up the plastic panel with a household hairdryer, we need to wait for this part to cool down, only then can it be touched.

Removing scratches from plastic using a lighter is quite similar to the previous method of heating it with a household hairdryer. In this case we use open fire. We need quite a short time bring the lit lighter to the plastic panel that has shallow scratches. We run the fire several times along the scratch. You need to move the lighter across the plastic with extreme caution. It would be best to first practice this repair method on an unnecessary piece of plastic with the same structure as a panel in a car. After some time after using a lighter on the scratches on the panel, we will see that the scratches will either decrease in size or heal. Until the panel cools down, do not touch it. If using a lighter does not help remove scratches, then it is better not to use this method anymore for this plastic structure. You should try a different scratch removal method.

We need to briefly bring a lit lighter to the plastic panel on which there are shallow scratches.

Polishing scratches on car plastic

The most in an effective way Elimination of small scratches on plastic is polishing using a special abrasive paste, which is intended for plastic parts. Be very careful not to use any abrasive paste on the paintwork. Such paste can ruin the soft structure of the plastic panel. In addition, you should not use a sander to polish plastic inside the car, as this may cause the plastic to melt and deteriorate. appearance panels. Hand polishing won't take much of your time, so take advantage of it. Polishing of plastic occurs as follows. First, we wash the plastic panel from all types of dirt using various special detergents. After this, we give the plastic panel time to dry. Next, we apply an abrasive paste to the surface of the plastic using foam rubber. We wait a few minutes and begin polishing using a special rag. We must polish the surface of the plastic with an abrasive paste until it disappears from the surface of the panel.

We apply an abrasive paste to the surface of the plastic using foam rubber. We wait a few minutes and begin polishing using a special rag.

Using a special pencil to mask scratches on plastic

Currently, there are special pencils on sale for masking defects in plastic panels of car interiors. This method of removing scratches is not cheap. Since high-quality pencils are quite expensive. A special pencil for masking scratches is a bottle with a special composition. Applying special composition Whenever a scratch occurs, we fill its indentation, and thus it disappears from view on the surface of the panel. For greater effect, we need to choose the right shade of the color of a special pencil so that it completely matches the shade of the plastic. To use a special marker to mask scratches, we will also need to clean the plastic panel from all types of dirt, using special detergents and rags. Next, we begin to move the sharp end of the marker along the contour of our scratches. After the marker marks in the scratch grooves have dried, we need to lightly polish the surface of the plastic panel.

Major repairs of plastic panels

Major repairs of plastic panels include painting and varnishing. This type of repair is quite complex and expensive. However, it can be used to achieve complete removal all defects on the plastic panel. In addition, we can achieve the desired effect - change the color of the panel to the one we like best. To paint the plastic panel, we need to remove it from the car's interior. To do this, we use the operating instructions for a specific car model. Next, we clean the plastic panel from dirt. After this, we sand the panel using the finest sandpaper. Next, we coat the surface of the panel with a spray primer. The primer is applied in two layers. Next, we clean the surface of the panel with sandpaper until it is perfectly smooth. After this, you can apply paint and varnish to the panel. Next, we let the panels dry in the sun and install them back into the car interior.