Does not apply to interpersonal conflict. Theoretical analysis

Interpersonal conflict is a fairly common phenomenon that occurs every day. We live in a society that dictates we live by its own rules. Not always values ​​and interests different people coincide with each other. If this does not happen, and important components of life are infringed, conflict arises. It requires an immediate solution. After all, until the significant causes of the conflict are eliminated, it will not go away on its own. Otherwise, tension only increases and relationships deteriorate.

Interpersonal conflict requires at least two participants in the process. Interpersonal conflict is formed under the influence of such reasons as lack of restraint, aggressiveness, and reluctance to yield to one’s opponent. The conflict is especially complicated by the fact that each person seeks to defend his own interests in the dispute and does not care at all about his partner. Few people in a critical situation are able to think about others. Often people who are in conflict hurt each other severely. heartache

and they don't even notice it. Behavior often becomes uncontrollable and inadequate in relation to the very reason that led to the conflict. Resolving a conflict always requires a person to change their behavior and take responsibility for what is happening.

There are more than enough reasons for the development of interpersonal conflict. The reason can be both weighty arguments and completely trivial cases. Conflict between people sometimes flares up so quickly that they do not have time to understand anything. The way people think and behave is changing. What significant reasons most often provoke the development of interpersonal conflict? Let's try to figure it out!

Clash of characters This is a very good reason why people come into conflict with each other. Each person has his own special set of personal qualities. This characteristic and makes it unique and inimitable. Interpersonal conflict pits people against each other in an argument. Many do not want to hear their opponent, but only try to prove to him that they are right.

The clash of characters involves everyone trying to express their personal point of view and not really caring about hearing the arguments of the enemy. The conflict will worsen until the parties change their behavior.

Another significant reason for the development of conflict is the difference in interests of the participants. This is why it is difficult for people to understand each other because their attention is directed in completely different directions. Inconsistency of views on such important things as family, work, attitude to finances, traditions and holidays gives rise to outright misunderstanding.

The formation of a conflict occurs at the moment when the opponent’s behavior begins to dissatisfy him to a significant extent. Interpersonal conflict contributes to the removal of people from each other, the appearance of coldness, and some reticence. In order for the conflict to be resolved peacefully, you will have to make a significant effort and, first of all, change your behavior.

Addictive behavior The formation of a conflict occurs at the moment when the opponent’s behavior begins to dissatisfy him to a significant extent. Interpersonal conflict contributes to the removal of people from each other, the appearance of coldness, and some reticence. In order for the conflict to be resolved peacefully, you will have to make a significant effort and, first of all, change your behavior. The reason for the development of interpersonal conflict can be addictive behavior. Any addiction presupposes that the person begins to behave inappropriately and abdicates all responsibility for what is happening.

Conflict will inevitably arise if no timely measures are taken to eliminate unfavorable behavior. This situation is complicated by the fact that the dependent party often does not realize the cause of the problem and prolongs the conflict itself.

can be expressed not only in taking toxic, poisonous substances (alcohol, drugs), but also in painful attachment to another person. The need to constantly see the object of one’s adoration can provoke the development of interpersonal conflict; its resolution will require great mental strength. Dissatisfaction in relationships Enough common cause dissatisfaction in relationships becomes a factor for the formation of conflict between people.

The inability to give in and find a middle ground can lead to an escalation of interpersonal conflict.

It is not dangerous in itself, especially if the parties at least somehow strive to resolve it. A conflict of this kind should lead people to begin to reconsider their relationships, to look for something meaningful and valuable in them.

Types of interpersonal conflicts

Interpersonal conflict can manifest itself in different ways in the interaction of opponents. Among the main types, it is customary to distinguish hidden and open conflicts, which fairly reflect the degree of a person’s attitude towards them. The resolution of a conflict largely depends on the form in which it is expressed. Open conflict is characterized by violent showdowns. The expressed feelings are not masked, but are directed directly at the opponent, the words are expressed in person. Even if a person has an overly soft and compliant disposition, he, one way or another, shows his position.

Hidden conflict

This one comes up quite often. It assumes that those involved in the process do not understand the seriousness of the situation. Hidden conflict may not appear at all for a long time, until one of the opponents decides to take active action.

The reluctance to admit the existence of a conflict is dictated by the following reason: we were taught from childhood that negative feelings can have bad consequences, and therefore it is better to hush them up. This position does not allow a person to express himself or fully express his dissatisfaction. As a result, the conflict drags on in itself and can continue for a relatively long time.

Behavior in interpersonal conflict

The resolution of the conflict depends on how wise the participants in the action are. It must be said that interpersonal conflict cannot be left to chance. First of all, you should understand its reasons and, of course, change your own behavior.


This is a type of behavior in which people are never willing to give in to each other. Everyone stubbornly continues to defend their position even when the situation is comical. Such an action cannot lead to an adequate solution to the complex problem that caused the development of the conflict. Dominance as a method assumes that a person considers his person to be right, and the other person must submit.

Finding a compromise

The compromise method forces people to turn towards each other. With this behavior, even the most sworn enemies can meet at the same table to discuss significant details and come to a peaceful agreement. Finding a compromise involves people starting to look for a constructive solution to a problem.

Concession Concession causes a person to give up own opinion and ambitions. Typically, people resort to this method when they feel extremely insecure in a conflict. If a person considers himself unworthy of something, he will always choose exactly this position. Of course, it cannot be considered productive for personal growth . The ability to yield is very useful in. After all, if each spouse constantly insists on his own, harmony will not work. Concession will help mitigate the destructive effects of the conflict, but will not actually solve it.

Resolving interpersonal conflicts

Interpersonal conflict necessarily requires close attention. If you leave it to chance, the situation will only get worse over time. How should a significant contradiction be resolved? What steps do opponents need to take to reach an agreement?

Acceptance of the situation

This is the first thing you need to do if you really want to improve your situation. Do not take a desperate dispute to the extreme; it will not be able to resolve itself. Resolution will only happen if you begin to comprehend what is happening. Stop grumbling about fate and considering yourself a victim. Analyze the situation, try to understand what your actions led to the formation of the conflict.

Emotional restraint

When we're talking about When resolving a controversial situation, it is important to show sensitivity towards your partner. Emotional restraint will help you avoid escalating conflict. There is nothing worse than spoiling relationships with loved ones who surround you every day. Find the strength to step back from your own ambitions for a while and just watch what happens.

Thus, interpersonal conflict is a phenomenon that man of sense can manage. It is worth remembering that not only your mood, but also the prospects for relationships with other people depend on your behavior.

    Conflicts in interpersonal relationships.

    Classification of conflicts and causes of their occurrence.

    Conflict personality types.

    Conflict management and ways to resolve them.

1. Conflicts in interpersonal relationships. The concept and functions of conflict.

Conflict- a social phenomenon generated by nature itself public life. One of the main human needs is the need to belong to a community of similar people. At the same time, individual differences, differences in interests and goals, in ways of building a life together lead to contradictions between people, the aggravation of which should be called conflict.

In the psychological dictionary "conflict" (lat. Conflictus - collision) is defined as a collision of oppositely directed, incompatible friend with other tendencies in the consciousness of an individual, in interpersonal relationships or interpersonal actions of individuals or groups of people, associated with acute negative emotional experiences.

The main role in the emergence of conflicts is played by the so-called conflictogens – words, actions (or inactions) that contribute to the emergence and development of a conflict, that is, leading directly to a conflict.

A “single” conflictogen is not, as a rule, capable of leading to conflict. There should be a “chain of conflictogens” - their so-called escalation.

There are three main types of conflictogens:

    the desire for excellence;

    manifestation of aggressiveness;

    manifestation of selfishness.

Conflict situations arise in all spheres of public life - be it economics, politics, everyday life, culture or ideology. They are inevitable as an integral component of the development of society and man himself. Freedom from conflict is an illusion, a utopia, and certainly not a good thing.

As a rule, a conflict situation develops gradually. It distributes and determines the positions of the participants in the future conflict, but things have not yet come to an open clash. Components conflict situation are participants And item, i.e. the essence of the disagreement. Participants can take at least two mutually exclusive positions on the subject of conflict, but there may be more. The participants in the conflict occupy a certain hierarchy, where their leaders, initiators and their more or less passive supporters are distinguished.

Conflict always presupposes an open clash, conscious of its participants, i.e. incident. The meaning of the incident lies in mastering the subject of the conflict. The incident reveals and makes the conflict visible, and its participants more active than in a conflict situation.

A conflict situation may not always end in an incident, but the subject of the conflict itself remains.

Conflict is a collision of opposing interests, views, positions in the psyche of an individual, in the relationships of people or their groups. Conflict interaction, if it occurs in creative forms, carries within itself a constructive, productive beginning. Such conflict promotes progressive change.

Conflict is a predictable phenomenon; it can be regulated. Conflict interaction is different in that the confrontation between people in it also serves as a connecting link for them (the more dependent the relationship, the more fraught with conflict it is). Since people conflict, something certainly unites them.

By its very nature, conflict can be a carrier of creative and destructive tendencies, be good and evil at the same time.

Conflict functions:

    stabilizing (relationships are strengthened, the norms and values ​​of joint life and activities are more clearly understood);

    activating (interaction becomes more dynamic, which affects the pace of socio-economic development both in society and within a single organization);

    signaling (factors of dissatisfaction with the existing state of affairs are identified);

    emotional response (openly expressing one's thoughts and feelings allows people to gain emotional relief);

    innovative (conflict is a means of promoting creative initiative);

    preventive (timely conflict prevents destructive behavior).

Conflict (aka dispute or quarrel) is a natural component of the life of any person who lives, interacts with environment and in particular people. There are conflicts different types, which depends on the environment in which it manifests itself. For example, in interpersonal conflicts a person often operates in the interests of the whole team, while in intrapersonal conflicts he pays attention to own desires and needs. Conflicts always become social, since we are talking about a person who creates the conflict.

It is unlikely that any reader of an online magazine site has not encountered conflict situations in his life. Psychologists recommend getting used to the fact that a person will periodically argue with someone and clarify controversial issues in a raised voice, without even coming to general decision. The fact is that conflict is a clash of your interests with those of others. Two or more people do not always want the same thing, they think the same thing naturally leads them to conflicts.

Conflict is:

  1. When you want to go to the sea, and your partner wants to go to the mountains.
  2. When you want to spend the company’s money on development, and other participants on increasing employee salaries.
  3. When you fight for justice, and a group of other people fight for their success.

When you think and want something different from other people, when others do not perceive your actions or you are outraged by someone’s behavior, when someone’s freedom is limited by the actions of another person, then a dispute arises, which is natural in the world of people. Therefore, all that remains is to decide how to get out of it so that the conflict does not become a constant companion.

What is the purpose of separating types of conflicts?

Experts separately identify types of conflicts. For what purpose is this being done? If you understand what conflict has arisen between people, then it becomes easier to resolve it. However, experts begin their consideration of the topic with the huge variety of concepts of the term itself. What is conflict? And there are many possible answers here.

Among all the variety, we will highlight the most suitable for modern man: Conflict is a confrontation between participants when disagreements arise. When a person interacts with society, he periodically has disagreements in opinions, desires, needs, and views with other people. This leads to a confrontation for the right to consider one’s opinion the only correct one. However, conflict is not just confrontation, struggle, but also the desire to resolve the situation that has arisen, that is, to find ways to reconcile, resolve and eliminate the conflict situation.

How can you communicate with a person who considers his opinion to be the only correct one? No way. State your opinion and the conversation is over, since all other words will be aimed at proving why your opinion is correct, with unsuccessful results. Therefore, such people are bad teachers and interlocutors. They are bad teachers because they require students to completely obey and copy them (any innovations in development are not welcome). They are bad communicators because you need to think exactly like them and have the same thoughts as them.

It is probably already becoming clear that a person who considers his opinion to be the only correct one cannot achieve success. Undoubtedly, he has some knowledge and skills that are useful. But if the question arises of learning something new or changing your mind, then aggression, resistance or a retaliatory attack arises. A person believes that he already knows everything he needs to know, so he reluctantly accepts any innovations not on his initiative. Only when he thinks that he needs to learn something new does he start doing it. And at the same time, he quite often imposes his idea on other people, thinking that they should learn it too (otherwise they become “backward” and “stupid” in his eyes).

A person who considers his opinion to be the only correct one is a difficult person. You can’t say anything to such people and you can’t prove anything, because if your opinion does not coincide with their opinion, then you are wrong, no matter what you think or how you argue. You are wrong - that's all! What to do if a person considers himself omniscient, omnipotent and wise from experience? It is better to leave such a “master” alone so as not to once again infringe on his big ego, which is ready to prove by hook or by crook that it is the most valuable and intelligent.

Types of social conflicts

Social conflicts are the most common types, since we are talking about a person’s confrontation with another person or even an entire group for the right to possess a valuable resource, which is why it flared up. In addition to the disputing parties, here are the following:

  1. Witnesses are individuals who simply observe the conflict from the outside.
  2. Instigators are individuals who commit actions that incite the parties to further conduct the dispute.
  3. Helpers - who different ways(technical means or advice) increase the conflict.
  4. Mediators are individuals who try to eliminate and resolve the conflict.

Only the disputing parties are in direct confrontation. The remaining participants may not be in a state of struggle or hatred towards anyone.

The subject of the dispute differs from the cause and reason for the development of the conflict:

  • The reason arises due to objective circumstances, which are always related to the needs of the disputing parties.
  • The reason becomes a certain external factor, which may be insignificant. It can be random or socially constructed.

A conflict situation should be distinguished from a contradiction - when the parties do not agree at all and are not similar in anything (neither in opinion, nor in interests, nor in the direction of activity). There are contradictions:

  1. Subjective and objective. Objective disagreements arise regardless of the will and intelligence of a person, which is the opposite in a situation with subjective disputes.
  2. Non-core and basic.
  3. Non-antagonistic and antagonistic. In a non-antagonistic conflict, the parties have a coherence of interests, so they can resolve the dispute by finding a compromise and concessions.
  4. External and internal. Internal conflicts arise within a group due to differences of opinion or contradictions with established procedures. External disputes arise between groups of people.

For a conflict to develop, there is always a need for a contradiction, due to which the parties experience internal tension and dissatisfaction with their interests, which makes them want to resist.

Types and functions of conflicts

Conflicts can lead to positive side, and negative. In conflict, people notice that life is not as monotonous as a person sees it. If there is another opinion that may be correct, then everything is not so simple. At the same time, conflicts can lead to the destruction of the individual and disorganization of the team, so it is very important to highlight the types and functions of conflict situations in order to quickly resolve them.

Types of conflicts within a team can be:

  1. Means used: violent and non-violent.
  2. Duration: one-time and recurring, long-term and short-term, protracted.
  3. Shape: internal and external.
  4. Capacity (volume): regional and national, group and personal, local and global.
  5. Nature of development: deliberate and spontaneous.
  6. Type of relationships: individual and socio-psychological, international and intranational.
  7. Source of education: false, subjective and objective.
  8. Impact on the course of development: progressive and regressive.
  9. Sphere of social life: political, economic, family, ethnic.

Depending on the number of participants in the conflict, group, interpersonal and intrapersonal disputes are distinguished. Often a person feels a conflict within himself. It can arise due to a collision of two important ideas or desires that require implementation in a specific situation, but cannot be realized at the same time. Conflict may arise due to the need to choose between two equally significant options, which themselves may be imperfect. A person also conflicts when he sees that all the proposed options are unattractive to him, so he faces a dilemma.

Man performs various roles in society, therefore conflicts are distinguished here:

  • Personal - when a person should perform one role, but he believes that he should perform another because it is consistent with his interests.
  • Interpersonal - when a person is already accustomed to playing one role, so it is difficult for him to switch to another.
  • Interrole.

In the organization (company) where he works a large number of different people with their own needs, professional skills and views, directions in their activities, conflicts also arise. They are often called group ones, since the conflict arises between groups of people from different areas of production. Here each group is in the “us – them” position.

Types of conflict in an organization are:

  1. Vertical – when a dispute arises between different layers according to the hierarchy of employees.
  2. Horizontal – when people from different areas of the organization argue.
  3. Mixed - when there is a mixture of vertical and horizontal positions.
  4. Business problems arose at the level of solving some work issue.
  5. Personal – the conflict is informal.
  6. Symmetrical - when both sides win in a conflict.
  7. Asymmetrical - when only one side wins in a dispute or it loses more than the other.
  8. Destructive – when the conflict damages the company.
  9. Constructive – when conflict contributes to the development of the company.

The inability to give in and find a middle ground can lead to an escalation of interpersonal conflict.

Interpersonal conflicts are most common when, at the level of personal needs, a person faces misunderstanding, denial or indignation from others. Interpersonal conflicts arise at the level of an individual with another person or even a group of people. Moreover, disputes always arise at the level of communication. Here are the following types of interpersonal conflicts:

  1. Value-based – when the values ​​of the participants are affected.
  2. Conflict of interest.
  3. Regulatory – violation by one of the participants of the rules of the relationship.

A conflict arises if:

  • There are differences of opinion and desires that are very significant.
  • It is necessary to overcome disagreement in order to restore relationships.
  • Participants become active or passive in order to eliminate or reduce conflict.

To overcome interpersonal conflicts, participants must cooperate, taking into account not only their wishes and needs, but also the interests of the other party.

Types of intrapersonal conflicts

When contradictions arise within a person, they are called intrapersonal conflicts. Here are the types:

  • Role-playing is a collision of two or more roles that a person can play in one situation. Here you need to choose which role to play, which is sometimes difficult, since each of them provides its own benefits and brings its own harm.
  • Motivational - a person fluctuates between his internal desires and responsibilities.
  • Cognitive – a discrepancy between the subject’s ideas about current events and how things should have been.

Methods for resolving conflicts

Conflict resolution should be main goal parties who take part in the dispute. The result can be negative or positive ways. Negative means methods that will ultimately lead to the destruction of relations between the parties. Positive methods include those that allow you to resolve conflict and maintain communication.

There are various ways to resolve conflicts. Which one people choose depends on their behavior and desire to reconcile. If in the end everyone is satisfied, then their method of reconciliation turns out to be the most successful.

Bottom line

Conflicts are normal for people who cannot wish and think alike. However, another issue remains how to resolve conflicts. If people want to save a relationship, then they should focus all their energy on resolving the dispute, and not on intensifying or continuing it.

1. The concept of interpersonal conflict and its features.

Classification of interpersonal conflicts

Causes and areas of manifestation of interpersonal conflicts.

This type of conflict is perhaps the most common. Interpersonal conflicts can be considered as a clash of personalities in the process of their relationships. Such collisions can occur in the most various fields and areas (economic, political, industrial, sociocultural, everyday, etc.). “Most often it arises due to a shortage of some resources, for example, the presence of one prestigious vacancy with several candidates for it.”

“Interpersonal conflict is understood as an open clash between interacting subjects based on the contradictions that have arisen, acting in the form of opposing goals that are incompatible in a particular situation. Interpersonal conflict manifests itself in interactions between two or more individuals. In interpersonal conflicts, subjects confront each other and sort out their relationships directly, face to face.”

Interpersonal conflicts arise both between people meeting for the first time and between people who are constantly communicating. In both cases, the personal perception of the partner or opponent plays an important role in the relationship. An obstacle to finding agreement between individuals can be a negative attitude formed by one opponent towards another. Attitude represents the readiness, predisposition of the subject to act in a certain way. This is a certain direction of the manifestation of the psyche and behavior of the subject, readiness to perceive future events. It is formed under the influence of rumors, opinions, judgments about a given individual (group, phenomenon, etc.).

When interacting with other people, a person primarily protects his personal interests, and this is normal. The conflicts that arise are a reaction to obstacles to achieving goals. And how significant the subject of the conflict seems to be for a particular individual will largely depend on his conflict attitude.

Individuals encounter interpersonal conflicts, protecting not only their personal interests. They may also represent the interests separate groups, institutions, organizations, work collectives, society as a whole. In such interpersonal conflicts, the intensity of the struggle and the possibility of finding compromises are largely determined by the conflict attitudes of those social groups, whose representatives are opponents.

“All interpersonal conflicts that arise due to clashes of goals and interests can be divided into three main types.

The first one involves a fundamental clash in which the realization of the goals and interests of one opponent can only be achieved by infringing on the interests of the other.

The second one affects only the form of relations between people, but does not infringe on their spiritual, moral and material needs and interests.

The third is imaginary contradictions that can be provoked either by false (distorted) information or by incorrect interpretation of events and facts.”

“Interpersonal conflicts can also be divided into the following types:

rivalry - desire for dominance;

dispute - disagreement about the location the best option solving joint problems;

discussion - discussion of a controversial issue."

Any conflict resolution or prevention is aimed at preserving existing system interpersonal interaction. However, the source of conflict may be reasons that lead to the destruction of the existing system of interaction. In this regard, various functions of conflict are distinguished: constructive and destructive.

Design functions include:

cognitive (the emergence of a conflict acts as a symptom of dysfunctional relationships and manifestations of emerging contradictions);

development function (conflict is important source development of its participants and improvement of the interaction process);

instrumental (conflict acts as a tool for resolving contradictions);

perestroika (conflict removes factors that undermine existing interpersonal interactions, promotes the development of mutual understanding between participants).

The destructive functions of conflict are associated with

destruction of existing joint activities;

deterioration or breakdown of relationships;

negative well-being of participants;

low efficiency of further interaction, etc.

This side of the conflict causes people to have a negative attitude towards them, and they try to avoid them.

When studying conflicts systematically, their structure and elements are identified. The elements of interpersonal conflict are: the subjects of the conflict, their personal characteristics, goals and motives, supporters, cause of conflict. The structure of a conflict is the relationship between its elements. Conflict is always evolving, so its elements and structure are constantly changing. There is a wide range of views on this issue in the literature.

AND I. Antsupov and A.I. Shipilov in the textbook “Conflictology” provide a detailed table of the main periods and stages of conflict dynamics. Depending on the degree of tension in the relationship, they distinguish differentiating and integrating parts of the conflict. The conflict itself consists of three periods:

pre-conflict (the emergence of an objective problematic situation, awareness of an objective problem situation, attempts to solve the problem in non-conflict ways, pre-conflict situation);

conflict (incident, escalation, balanced response, end of conflict);

post-conflict situation (partial normalization of relations, complete normalization of relations).

For an interpersonal conflict to arise, there must be contradictions (objective or imaginary). Contradictions that arose due to discrepancies in the views and assessments of people according to the most various phenomena, lead to a situation of dispute. If it poses a threat to one of the participants, then a conflict situation arises.

A conflict situation is characterized by the presence of opposing goals and aspirations of the parties to master one object.

In a conflict situation, the subjects and object of the conflict are identified.

Subjects of interpersonal conflict include those participants who defend their own interests and strive to achieve their goals. They always speak on their own behalf.

The object of an interpersonal conflict is considered to be what its participants claim. This is the goal that each of the warring entities strives to achieve. For example, a husband or wife claims sole control of the family budget. In this case, the family budget may become the object of disagreement if the other party considers its rights to be infringed. The subject of conflict in such a situation is the contradictions in which the opposing interests of husband and wife are manifested. In this case, the subject will be the desire of the spouses to acquire the right to manage the family budget, i.e. the problem of mastering an object, the claims that subjects make to each other.

Every interpersonal conflict eventually has its resolution. The forms of their resolution depend on the style of behavior of the subjects in the process of conflict development. This part of the conflict is called the emotional side and is considered the most important.

Researchers identify the following styles of behavior in interpersonal conflict: confrontation, evasion, adaptation, compromise, cooperation, assertiveness.

Confrontation is a characteristically persistent, uncompromising defense of one’s interests that rejects cooperation, for which all available means are used.

Avoidance is associated with an attempt to avoid the conflict, not to attach great value to it, perhaps due to the lack of conditions for its resolution.

Adaptation presupposes the subject’s willingness to sacrifice his interests in order to maintain relationships that are placed above the subject and object of disagreement.

Compromise requires concessions on both sides to the extent that through mutual concessions an acceptable solution is found for the opposing parties.

Cooperation involves the parties coming together to solve a problem. Such behavior is considered lawful different views to the problem. This position makes it possible to understand the causes of disagreements and find a way out of the crisis acceptable to the opposing parties without infringing on the interests of each of them.

Assertive behavior (from the English assert - to assert, to defend). This behavior presupposes a person’s ability to defend his interests and achieve his goals without infringing on the interests of other people. It is aimed at ensuring that the realization of one’s own interests is a condition for the realization of the interests of interacting subjects. Assertiveness is an attentive attitude towards both yourself and your partner. Assertive behavior prevents the emergence of conflicts, and in a conflict situation helps to find the right way out of it. At the same time, the greatest effectiveness is achieved when one assertive person interacts with another similar person.

All of these styles of behavior can be either spontaneous or consciously used to achieve the desired results when resolving interpersonal conflicts. The decisive influence on the choice of behavior model in an interpersonal conflict is exerted by the individual herself - her needs, attitudes, habits, way of thinking, style of behavior, her past experience in solving problems and behavior in conflict. Her internal spiritual contradictions, searches and wanderings often play a significant role.

“In an interpersonal conflict, the emotional basis of its development and attempts to resolve it are distinguished. According to Dana, interpersonal relationships include conflictual relationships between two interdependent people, in which one or both of them feel anger towards the other and believe that the other is to blame. Boyko emphasizes that from the point of view of the state interpersonal relationships conflict represents the destruction of these relationships at the emotional, cognitive or behavioral level.”