Communication with drunk people has special rules. Behavior with a dependent wife

Alcoholism is a terrible scourge of modern times, and this problem can affect almost any family. And addiction creeps up unnoticed. If at first alcohol is drunk only occasionally, in order to relax and relieve tension, then over time this hobby acquires alarming proportions and becomes the main goal of the drinker. Friends and family members fade into the background.

At the same time, the drinking person does not even understand that he is turning the life of his household into a real hell. Relatives are faced with a pressing question: how to behave with an alcoholic in order to restructure his thinking and give him the attitude of wanting to be treated for drunkenness? Psychologists say that the ability to conduct dialogues with an alcohol addict is a real science that needs to be learned.

There are some things you should know when dealing with alcohol-dependent family members.

The main thing that women who have the fate of becoming wives of alcohol addicts should understand is that they do not need to live for the well-being of their drinking husband. You cannot become a nanny for an adult. And this is precisely the tactic that women sometimes choose. What are their main mistakes?

  • excessive care of the drinker;
  • lack of conversations regarding the problem of drunkenness;
  • removing all responsibility and responsibilities around the house from their shoulders.

A woman sometimes becomes a “man” herself, starting to earn money and carrying all the problems on her shoulders. Hiding your misfortune from the neighbors, and never reproaching your always drunk spouse, while trying to quietly and independently pull the reveler out of the next drinking bout.

A woman’s illiterate behavior with her drinking husband will sooner or later provoke her into severe depression, chronic fatigue and thoughts of suicide.

If you turn into a nanny for a drinking husband, then very soon the alcoholic’s behavior in the family will become dominant. Everything will revolve around his desire and even buy another bottle of alcohol on time. In this case, of course, the desire for the husband to give up drunkenness will forever remain only at the level of a dream. Women make the same mistakes when there is an alcoholic son in the family.

Features of the behavior of an alcoholic

The blame for the fact that the men they love cannot overcome their addiction, in this case, falls on the shoulders of the woman. Their boundless patience aggravates the problem, especially when they begin to consider this abnormal state of affairs habitual, chalking up their husband or son’s drunkenness to their heavy karma.

Psychologists advise radically changing your attitude towards your loved ones who drink and, above all, changing your behavioral tactics. Only in this case can you correct the situation and gain hope for the recovery of your beloved men. To have a competent relationship with drunkards, you should understand that you absolutely cannot indulge them. On the contrary, one should act using strict and unconditional methods.

How to behave correctly

Women who have to live with alcohol-dependent family members need to remember the main thing - the addict must realize that his addiction is becoming a big problem. And first of all, for himself and also for the rest of the family.

And for your spouse to understand this, you need to understand how to communicate with an alcoholic. Psychologists advise the following:

  1. Stop solving their problems for drinkers. Let a person realize the consequences of drinking. That is, you should not shield him from management by helping him invent versions of his absence from work due to drunkenness.
  2. Don't let yourself get hungover. Let the drunkard survive everything unpleasant symptoms withdrawal symptoms. Otherwise, a hangover risks provoking another long-term binge.
  3. Do not make empty threats and do not promise to do something that is a priori impossible, thus trying to influence the behavior of the drinker. An alcohol-dependent man often resembles a small, unreasonable child in his behavior. If you fail to carry out your own threats at least once, the drunkard will realize that this is only empty words, and he will calmly continue his drinking lifestyle.
  4. Stop drinking alcohol yourself. If a husband or son drinks constantly, the woman (mother, wife) will have to forget about alcohol. Otherwise, men who drink will stop perceiving her as an authority.
  5. You can't react with aggression. During the next binges, arrange breaking of dishes, screams, scenes, hysterics. Remember that a person who is in a drunken state can turn into an inadequate person who does not control his own actions. And blatant aggression from a woman can become a catalyst for insanity. This could end quite sadly.

For women, you should take one simple piece of advice. Conversations with alcohol-dependent family members must be based on argumentation and logic, but not on emotions. You should be able to recognize provocations and not follow the lead of addicts, trusting empty promises.

Features of alcoholism

When communicating with a drinking son or husband, it is necessary to conduct the conversation as objectively as possible, based on logical, understandable reasoning.

Drunkards should be made clear that the next time a woman has a breakdown, the most radical measures will be taken, including calling narcologists and compulsory treatment. A psychologist, discussing how to behave with an alcoholic during a binge, gives the following: useful tips. They should be known and used.

Don't hide the fact of drunkenness

Let everyone know about this problem: colleagues, subordinates, neighbors, relatives, bosses. This can affect a person’s consciousness (if there is any left) and significantly reduce the number of binge drinking situations. When a man returns home after another drinking session, there is no need to be shy and smooth out this situation.

It is necessary to awaken the conscience of the drunkard. When a person becomes ashamed of his behavior in front of others, this becomes a powerful argument in favor of thinking about treatment.

Know and always remember that you can only fight the drinking habits of a loved one using tough methods, sometimes even merciless. If a person does not want to embarrass himself, if he still values ​​his position and name, next time he will think about whether it is worth plunging into a drunken pool or taking up treatment and coping with alcohol addiction once and for all.

Deprive the drinker of free time

Living in the same family with drinking man should become rich and not lazy. You should try and deprive the drunkard of free time. After all, it is the presence of idleness that sometimes becomes the start of a new drunken state. A woman needs to learn not only to have interesting and entertaining conversations, but also to contribute to family life something new and exciting.

Reasons for the development of alcoholism

Choosing a fun activity for drinking son or spouse, you should not pursue your interests and impose an activity that you know will not attract a man.

In this case, memory will help. After all, life with a person did not begin from the moment he became interested in alcohol. It should be remembered that he was once interested. Moreover, the woman herself will have to get carried away with this activity. Not only to revive a long-forgotten interest, but also to completely share it. In this matter, you can involve non-drinking friends or colleagues.

After all, when a person is constantly among a sober social circle, the number of drunken sessions is significantly reduced. Especially if the circle of interesting and necessary acquaintances not only does not welcome alcoholism, but also despises such a lifestyle. Being among sober people will make it easier for the drinker to get rid of his own addiction.

Make you think

About what drinking husband may lose his wife, and a drunkard son may lose his mother’s favor. This is a rather radical method, but sometimes it becomes the most successful. The spouse should be made to understand that other men who lead sober image life, earn much more (after all, they don’t have to spend money on vodka, but working hours for binge drinking and abstinence).

It is necessary to get the drinking spouse to understand that the wife will sooner or later get tired of such an existence. And she will simply leave for another, more successful and non-drinker. In relation to the son, one should awaken in him the awareness that if his mother turns away from him, he will be useless to anyone, without a livelihood, without his mother’s delicious dinners. Find yourself on the sidelines of a life that risks ending too quickly.

The main causes of alcohol addiction

How to behave during periods of sobriety

Sooner or later, but any binge ends. And there comes a period of short-term calm. This is the time that becomes the most favorable for a heart-to-heart conversation with a drunkard.. But conversations should be conducted wisely, namely:

  • do not interrupt;
  • be able to listen to a person;
  • do not praise him for not drinking now;
  • make significant, important arguments;
  • speak in a calm tone that inspires confidence;
  • try not to touch upon past “drunk” behavior at all.

This is the time for a woman who fights for safety family relations and the health of loved ones becomes the most important and responsible. You should put all your efforts into making the drunkard realize that he has a deadly problem and consent to treatment.

How not to lose trust

A woman needs to carefully think through her own behavior when communicating with loved ones and constantly control herself. This is necessary so as not to lose a trusting relationship (if it still exists).

It is the trust of drinking family members that can play a decisive role in their future and force them to open their eyes to their problem.

All a woman’s behavior, her communication should be structured in such a way that a person after a binge does not feel humiliated and does not turn away. You can lose trust in just a minute, but it’s not always possible to regain it. To do this, you should arm yourself with the following advice from a psychologist:

  • You shouldn’t ask questions about whether you drank or didn’t drink, where you were, who you talked to;
  • do not take a drop of alcohol into your mouth, giving preference to non-alcoholic drinks;
  • you cannot sniff (sniff) a person who has come home to look for traces of alcohol consumption;
  • It is strictly not recommended to remember past events, a person’s behavior during drinking bouts, quarrels with him and the nuances of “drunk” events;
  • refusing to celebrate holidays or going to celebrations is bad idea(communication and a change of environment during this period of remission will only benefit the drinker).

The main thing a woman needs to know is that all her efforts are aimed only at the future. Memories of past binges should be irrevocably left in the past and forgotten about them.

Features of the psychology of an alcoholic

Remember that it is extremely difficult and difficult to cope with such a disaster alone. Therefore, you should purchase support as soon as possible more people. And you shouldn’t drop everything and run to your mother at the first breakdown of your spouse or completely ignore your son. To communicate competently with a binge alcoholic, you need to remember to be constantly vigilant, otherwise there is a high probability of a quick breakdown and withdrawal into another drunken state.

Therefore, under no circumstances should a man be allowed to visit or go to gatherings alone. You should put aside all your own affairs and become his accompaniment in this case. It is necessary to direct all efforts to ensure that the drinker understands that sobriety is not some kind of achievement, but an ordinary reality, a norm of life. Otherwise, in sober moments of life, an alcohol addict will expect special treatment, and drunkenness will remain the norm for him.

To summarize what has been said

With a competent approach and skillful behavior smart woman can transform a constantly drunk man into an “occasionally drinking” man. And make it so that if he starts drinking in the future, it will be without going on long bouts of drinking. It is possible and necessary to fight alcoholism. Especially if your closest and dearest people become drunkards.

Every effort should be made, directing them to pull relatives out of the drunken pool, in which many people have already perished. And soon the drinker himself will understand that maintaining a healthy (sober) lifestyle is much better than constantly drinking. After all, in addition to family comfort, your career and health itself will go uphill.

No one argues that living with a drinking person under the same roof is not an easy task. Sometimes it is simply impossible to leave an alcoholic: either there is no roof over his head, or in the soul of a person living with a drunkard there is a glimmer of hope that everything can be fixed. Of course, it’s not worth leaving a drinking person to the mercy of fate, and if there is an opportunity to help him, then this should definitely be done, but not to the detriment of oneself. Unfortunately, many women live with drunkard husbands. It’s worse if all this happens in front of children.

You need to communicate with a lover of strong drinks correctly. It is quite difficult to explain to an alcoholic that he is behaving inappropriately. But this is not required. To begin with, you should clearly limit your space so that even in a state of intoxication, a person does not encroach on the personal territory of someone who lives under the same roof with him. Since women most often have to put up with their husbands’ alcoholism, most of the advice is addressed specifically to them. So, how to behave with your alcoholic husband in order to maintain your physical and mental health and, if possible, help the drinker?

Features of the behavior of an alcoholic

Life with a drinking husband is complicated by the fact that a woman is by nature weaker, and a man, who is knee-deep in the sea when drunk, can behave aggressively and even raise his hand against his wife. A fragile and indecisive woman cannot cope with a tyrant husband. Although psychologists are sure that a woman’s strength does not lie in her physical capabilities. When it comes to protecting children, a woman must be tough and unyielding. If she herself is ready to tolerate her husband’s antics, then this is her personal business, but the children should not suffer. Let's see how alcohol affects his character:

  • a drunk man actively gesticulates, while his movements are chaotic and meaningless;
  • a drunk person is inadequate, he gives up, provokes conflicts;
  • under the influence of alcohol, coordination of movements and orientation in space are impaired, the person is overly emotional;
  • An alcoholic is characterized by primitive thinking, often speaks loudly and incoherently, and demonstrates frivolity.

With regular consumption of alcohol, brain activity is disrupted, and neurological and psychological nature, which cannot but affect the patient’s behavior.

If the husband has been drinking for a long time, then it is possible that withdrawal syndrome will occur, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the patient exhibits chaotic thinking and cannot concentrate on any information;
  • there is anxiety, fear of death, internal tension, the alcoholic is often bothered by panic attacks;
  • the patient experiences both guilt and aggression, he is inconsistent and goes to extremes;
  • all emotions are accompanied by motor restlessness or nervous tics.

With established alcoholism, all a person’s energy is directed toward obtaining alcohol. He is not worried about the real situation, the situation in the family, financial condition etc.

A psychotherapist can find a way out of the situation, and it is not so much the drinker who needs to talk to a specialist as his wife. The doctor will teach you how to talk to an alcoholic, explain what not to do, and help you maintain your own mental health.

It is especially difficult to establish communication with a chronic alcoholic. Sometimes a person can be so out of his mind that he is completely disconnected from reality and becomes socially dangerous. During periods of hangover or during alcohol withdrawal, severe psychosis may occur, which is accompanied by persecutory mania, aggressiveness, mood swings and restless sleep.

Rules of conduct

Few people know how to behave correctly with an alcoholic. The point is that everything drinking people have behavior problems. The psychologist’s main advice is to reduce the drinker’s conflict levels and avoid aggression. Close people should convince the patient that his condition is not normal. Unfortunately, persuasion is ineffective, and you can only reach a drinker when he is absolutely sober.

If your husband drinks, then you shouldn’t feel sorry for him. It is necessary to clearly and firmly explain the problem, but of course, not when the person is under the influence. A binge drinker is rarely in a sane state, so a productive conversation can only take place after compulsory treatment.

Any conversation is obviously doomed to failure if you do not prepare for it in advance. Typically, women make the following mistakes when talking to an alcoholic:

  • they throw out groundless threats;
  • they go into conflict, reproach, get involved in an argument;
  • show emotionality, change their minds, cry and express pity;
  • trying to dissuade an alcoholic from leaving the family;
  • make decisions alone without consulting other family members or acting contrary to their advice.

A woman is unlikely to be able to stop her husband from drinking, but she will be able to create psychological discomfort that will push the lover of strong drinks to make an independent decision. In particular, a woman should always remain calm and be firm in her decisions. You shouldn’t control what you drink, monitor your husband, or solve his problems at work and with his drinking buddies. A woman should stop caring for her drinking husband, but she should exclude access to finances and material assets and allow the patient to deal with the consequences of his drinking.

How to behave if a drinker exhibits deviant behavior? It is worth involving a narcologist to solve the problem; you may need the help of law enforcement agencies. As a last resort, you should quickly get ready and leave the place where the drunken rowdy is.

A person may drink infrequently, but this does not exclude the possibility of conflict situations and problems for household members. If one drunken drinker can dance or sing a song, then another will raise his hand against his wife or begin to humiliate his children. You should be prepared for such developments. The psychologist's advice boils down to the following: you need to leave the drunk alone or let him leave when he wants. After sobering up, you should not run to the aid of an alcoholic at the first call, wash his things or clean up after him everything he has done. Let him suffer from a hangover, and at the same time evaluate the consequences of his destructive behavior.

The drinker does not deserve pity; he needs a firm hand and competent treatment. Buy drugs for alcohol addiction You can anonymously on the Internet: many products have been able to prove their effectiveness and have earned high expert ratings.

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Aggression occurs due to drinking alcohol above the norm (for example, the norm for vodka is 3.75 ml per kg of weight).

Ethyl alcohol directly affects the part of the brain that is responsible for perception of reality and awareness. The higher its level in the blood, the more inadequate a person becomes.

He takes all words and actions personally.

Another cause of aggression is psychological trauma. In this case, you need to find out what the alcoholic is running from or why he is trying to go into an uncontrollable state.

Aggression also occurs due to psychological disorders, impulsiveness of character and head injuries.

There are several types of aggression, and in each case it is worth understanding the algorithm of actions. This condition is not congenital, but acquired, so first you should understand why it occurs. We will talk about this later.

Types of aggression of a drunk person

In order not to double the effect of anger, but to minimize it, consider the following information.



Physical The most dangerous. The person behaves inappropriately and unpredictably using physical violence.
Verbal Involves verbal expression of emotions. Insults, obscene language addressed to a specific offender.
Straight Similar to physical aggression plus complete unconsciousness of actions.
Indirect A person is aware of what he is doing, and at the same time takes out evil on someone alone or on a group of people.
Altruistic Based on a heightened sense of justice. An aggressive person tries to protect someone's interests. He will not rest until all conditions are met.
Auto aggression Most often it is anger at yourself and your life. It is dangerous because it can provoke suicide.

Ways to calm an alcoholic

After assessing the drunk person's condition, it's time to act.

First, try to communicate with him. Do this calmly and measuredly, then you will be able to neutralize outbursts of rage.

You should behave normally with a drunk person, as if nothing had happened.

  1. Remember good points from life (this will help fight attacks of anger).
  2. Create the feeling that you are at one with him (this way he will not react violently to your words).
  3. Indulge in desires and don’t argue, move the conversation to calmer topics (then the anger will begin to subside).

When to seek outside help

It is known that 20% of cases of domestic violence occur due to alcohol. In such situations, you need to talk to a sober person and, and then go to a special clinic.

Specialists at the clinic will find out the reason for drinking alcohol and relieve the person of addiction by prescribing treatment. And along with the addiction, the problems of aggressive behavior will go away.

When to call the police

At the moment when the situation gets out of control.

For example, if a drunk man picks up a knife and threatens to kill you. If you can’t escape, invite the person to sit down and have another drink and talk about what’s bothering him. Speak calmly and don't be nervous. The method is risky, but it can calm an aggressive person and buy time.

Under no circumstances say that you called the police. This will make the drunk man even more angry.

We must admit honestly: a drunk person is disgusting in every sense. He has cloudy eyes, terrible breath, an unsteady gait, shaking hands. He may be aggressive and unable to control his behavior, posing a threat to himself and, especially, to his loved ones. He can be whiny and clingy, complaining about his miserable life to the first person he meets. In any case, communicating with a drinking person is at least unpleasant; after a few minutes of conversation, he no longer evokes pity, but disgust. However, not everyone has the opportunity to stay away from people - the wife or mother, the children of a drunkard cannot escape such a burden, they have to decide for themselves how to behave with an alcoholic.

What are the reasons

  • it is necessary to talk with friends, relatives, colleagues, inform them about a drinking person’s binges - if, after finishing drinking, he is ashamed to look into the eyes of everyone he knows, this can become an incentive for sobriety;
  • you can take photos and videos with your drunk husband or son, threaten to publish the materials and be ready to do so;
  • relatives and friends, for their part, should demonstrate their disapproval of the fact that their friend or relative drinks, since for many men, if not the condemnation of their wife, then at least the contempt of others matters.

If all of the above doesn't work, why not hit where it hurts? You can give your husband other men who don’t drink as examples, admire them, and flirt with them. Additionally, you can “finish off” an alcoholic with a message about his male incompetence (and this is a very real prospect that every drinker can count on sooner or later).

Take a short survey and receive a free brochure “Drinking Culture”.

What alcoholic drinks do you drink most often?

How often do you drink alcohol?

The next day after drinking alcohol, do you feel like you have a hangover?

Which system do you think alcohol has the greatest negative impact on?

Do you think the measures taken by the government to restrict the sale of alcohol are sufficient?

It is necessary to talk with friends, family, colleagues, inform them about binge drinking loved one

A healthy – and also public – lifestyle, which includes morning jogging, visiting the pool, classes in gym, is also important for the formation of competent and harmonious communication with an alcoholic. In addition, this is the most optimal way to restore the form lost during alcoholic libations. If a drinking husband finds something to do with himself, he will have to not only change his lifestyle, but also change his communication with loved ones.

Communicating with a recovering alcoholic

With a husband or son who drinks or after a binge, everything is more or less clear: do not make a scandal, do not fall under the hot hand, read the lectures only after partial sobering up. But what to do and how to behave with an alcoholic if he no longer drinks? How not to provoke his breakdown? There are some tips:

  • do not praise a retired alcoholic beyond measure - a sober lifestyle is not a feat, but normal form life;
  • do not talk patronizingly to a husband or son who has given up alcohol, remind them of past mistakes and troubles - if life has started from scratch, all sins must be written off;
  • not checking to see if a loved one smells of alcohol, not questioning him about suspicious behavior or being late at work is best reason so that the husband starts doing everything as before;
  • do not cancel events where drinking is planned - birthdays and other family holidays without a feast, especially if the reason is repeatedly and meaningfully voiced, can be humiliating for the person who quit drinking;
  • do not set a bad example - relatives and friends should limit themselves in drinking, and not only in the presence of a drunkard, but at any other time.

Alcohol deviation

Alcoholism has been officially recognized as a disease for decades, and a disease that covers not only the physical component, but also the mental sphere of health. Drinking man suffers equally from a host of illnesses and mental problems. Relatives of an alcoholic learn the hard way the truth of the concept that alcoholism as a type of deviant behavior cripples lives and destroys families.

This disease is a disorder social norms, which are expressed in the laws, traditions and customs established in society. And the worst thing is that alcohol, as a deviant form of behavior, is gradually becoming a certain norm of social and personal relations. That is why many families do not solve the question of how to overcome a loved one’s alcoholism, but try to learn what to do if the husband, father or son, drinks.

What to do if a person starts pestering you while under the influence of alcohol or drugs? How to behave so as not to aggravate the situation? How to avoid conflict and not harm yourself? Talked to a psychologist Zhanetta Volchek.


How does a drunk person's consciousness change?

According to the structure of transactional analysis, human behavior can be assessed from three positions: as an adult, when we are “here and now”; as a parent, when our behavior is similar to the authoritative adult from childhood; like a child, when we behave the same way as in childhood.

What happens when a person drinks alcohol? At first he thinks that he will drink only one drink and stop - that is, he is in a state of a controlling parent. He drinks, the position of the parent weakens in his mind, and the adult remains. One more glass, then another and another - and the adult also falls asleep. The child remains. And when a person lets go of his psyche, his essence appears: some are kind, soft and fluffy, while others have internal blocks that come out and hidden aggression appears. And then it doesn’t matter to him that you are just a passerby on the street, and not his unloved wife or annoying boss - he just needs to take it out on someone and let off steam.

The next morning after drinking, a person wakes up, and the reverse process occurs: he sobers up and returns from a child to the state of an adult, he feels bad “here and now,” he realizes what he did yesterday, and begins to blame himself from the position of a parent.

Is it the same with drugs?

No, this is a slightly different state. Man in drunkenness is in reality, but in a narcotic state he leaves it. People with drug addiction more difficult to accept both themselves and the world around them. And if a drunk person usually manifests himself outwardly, then drug intoxication forces him to go inside and plunge into illusions. But it is better to behave the same when meeting such people.

How to behave when confronted with drunk people?

If you see somewhere on the street, or in a crowd, or at a bus stop, a drunk person or a whole group of people who are “tipsy,” then the first thing you need to do is simply walk around. It is better to avoid confrontation with such people. Wait for them to leave. If you are in a hurry and need to pass them, go around on the other side. If the company is noisy, do not get on public transport with it, because if one inadequate person is a small evil, then the whole company- How is that nuclear bomb, from which it is not clear what to expect.

The second rule is that it is better not to communicate with drunk people. If they start telling you something, suddenly making claims, try to evade, but under no circumstances show aggression in response. There is no need to blame a person, to say that he is this and that - this will cause even greater negativity on his part. On the contrary, give him a compliment, say something like: “You are so interesting (smart, mature, handsome, etc.), but you know, I’m in such a hurry, thank you very much, but I can’t help,” and leave. That is, try to smooth out the situation as much as possible and at the same time get rid of this communication as quickly as possible. Show agreement, but not approval - otherwise they will invite you for a drink (laughs).

What to do if drunk people start harassing you in the city or, for example, at a festival?

Try to go to a place where there are a lot of people - and more sober ones. Because some are drunk on others - and you can cause a serious fight. If the person still doesn’t lag behind, shout. Often men are afraid of hysterics, and this will slow them down a little. If there are representatives of law enforcement agencies nearby, that’s generally great, feel free to move towards them.

But here, again, the main rule is to try as much as possible to avoid collisions with people who are under something. Because they are unpredictable, and you never know what to expect from them in the next minute. Often women think that they can talk them out of it, move the conversation to another topic and quietly retreat. But no. It is unknown who you can remind a drunk person during communication, how this will explode his psyche and what kind of aggression it will result in. Therefore, it is better not to talk to drunks and people under the influence of drugs at all.

What if they’re not harassing me, but a girl nearby?

Try to minimize the situation as much as possible. For example, you run up to this girl and shout: “Oh, Lenka, hello! Look what's there! - grab your hand and run away. In this way, you reduce the pressure of the pesters and take the victim to a safer place.

If you see that the situation has already gone far and such actions will not help, look for more adequate people nearby. It is advisable to be in the company of young people, because if the guy is alone, he might give up. Tell her that your friend is being harassed (don’t say it’s a stranger), ask for help while you run for the police. While they go and figure it out, you are looking law enforcement agencies or send someone for them. With such actions, a big conflict will not flare up, because the sober side will understand that the police will come soon and there will be no arbitrariness or any kind of lynching.

What if they come up to me with a knife in the evening?

It's better to give money and leave. In such a situation, we will not be able to adequately assess the possibility of escaping. If a person has a knife or other dangerous item in his hand, it is already a threat - regardless of whether he intends to use it or not. By screaming and calling for help, you can either save yourself or, conversely, worsen the situation: he will simply stab you, grab your bag and run away. Therefore, it is better not to make any sudden movements, give everything that the attacker wants, and gently step back, get out of the attacker’s field of vision - and their gaze is usually clouded. No need to waste money, documents or other junk. This will all be made up for or even found - no one needs your documents. The person will most likely take the money and throw away the bag with the rest of its contents. It’s better to think that life is more valuable - and you need to save it first.