Presentation of global problems of modern society. Presentations on the topic "global problems of our time" presentation for a lesson on the topic

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Global problems of humanity

By the middle of the 20th century, society for the first time realized that the existence of humanity and human life as biological species extremely fragile and vulnerable.

Global problems: - Threaten the very existence of man in the future - Affect the interests of all humanity as a whole - Can only be solved by collective actions of all peoples - Require urgent action

Global problems in beginning of XXI century: Spiritual crisis Threat of world war with the use of weapons mass destruction Depletion of the planet's natural resources Uneven socio-economic development of countries and regions Mass diseases Growth of terrorism Deepening of the environmental crisis Demographic problem

3. Spiritual imperfection of man 2. The inconsistency of the historical development of culture and civilization 4. Objective natural processes occurring on Earth 1. Objective natural processes occurring in Space General causes of global problems

Spiritual transformation of humanity, development of new planetary-cosmic thinking and humanistic worldview focused on universal human values, moral, environmental and cultural priorities

A spiritual crisis manifests itself in the destruction of the spiritual foundations of the individual and the growth of many destructive social phenomena: loss of the meaning of life and ethical guidelines, drunkenness and drug addiction, the desire of many people exclusively for material enrichment and sensual pleasures, crime and violence, mass stress and mental illness social egoism and intolerance, etc.

Measures to overcome a spiritual crisis 1. Appeal to inner world man and his spiritual principles 2. Spread of spiritual teachings 3. Education and science 4. High art

Massive diseases Cardiac diseases (diseases of the cardiovascular system) Oncological diseases Infectious diseases Mental illness

Reasons for the rise in diseases Poor lifestyle and diet Pollution environment Stress and inability to control and manage the body’s neuro-emotional reactions Sexual deviations

Ways to solve the problem of growing diseases Popularization healthy image life, proper nutrition, balanced physical and mental activity, natural prevention and healing systems Development of new special methods medical therapy: vaccines against AIDS, pacemakers, etc.

The threat of a world war with the use of weapons of mass destruction A war with the use of weapons of mass destruction equalizes the victors and the vanquished. High radiation, environmental poisoning, and “nuclear winter” will put everyone in the same conditions – on the brink of life and death.

Depletion of the Earth's natural resources In the 20th century, humanity for the first time realized the threat of depletion of the Earth's natural resources - oil, coal, reserves clean water, forests and fertile areas, fish, etc. If the use of raw materials increases, society in the 21st century. may face complete depletion of resources

Ecological crisis There is an ecological crisis negative impact human activities on nature. The consequences are manifested in the poisoning of land, water and air industrial waste, in the destruction of the planet's ozone layer and sustainable ecological systems.

Solutions to the environmental problem: 1. Changing people's attitudes towards the environment 2. Construction of wastewater treatment plants in industries 3. Replacement of thermal power plants and engines internal combustion to environmentally friendly analogues 4. Reducing emissions carbon dioxide and freon into the atmosphere

Demographic problem The essence of the demographic problem lies in the extreme fast pace population growth in some countries and regions of the planet (China, India, South America). Total quantity population globe is growing rapidly.

Demographic processes of our time: demographic explosion; multidirectionality of demographic processes in different regions of the world; the threat of depopulation of some peoples; aging populations of some countries; an increasing share of the poor population.

Ways to solve the demographic problem (population decline) 1. Preservation and strengthening of the physical, mental and spiritual health of the nation 2. Preservation and restoration of natural systems: the formation and consistent implementation of a unified public policy in the field of ecology aimed at protecting the environment and rational use natural resources 3. Providing state support family, motherhood and childhood 4. Recreating conditions for raising a physically and morally healthy generation 5. Creating conditions for the realization creative potential youth 6. Re-establishment of the system of career guidance and training 7. Providing care for street children and orphans

Ways to solve the demographic problem (overpopulation) Birth control (introduction of “family planning” programs): - legislative increase in the age of marriage - explanation of the advantages of a small family - health education of the population - counseling on family planning - encouraging small families with the help of various types of economic and administrative measures Colonization That is, the settlement of empty lands

The problem of terrorism and violence Terrorism is illegal public actions aimed at intimidating the population in order to achieve political goals

Conditions for solving global problems Socio-political integration International cooperation Development of science Development of economy Development of a new, ethically, environmentally and culturally oriented worldview

Prepared by: Sokolova V. A. Group No. 12211


Key questions:

  1. The crisis of attitude towards nature is an environmental problem (exhaustibility of natural resources, irreversible changes in the environment).
  2. Economic crisis - overcoming the backwardness of developing countries (it is necessary to help reduce the gap in the level of economic development between developed Western countries and developing countries of the Third World).
  3. Political crisis (destructive development of many conflicts, ethnic and racial conflicts as an expression of uncontrollability social processes; The task of humanity is to prevent the threat of world war and combat international terrorism).
  4. Crisis of human survival conditions (depletion of food resources, energy, drinking water, clean air, reserves min. substances).
  5. Demographic crisis is a population problem (uneven and uncontrollable population growth in developing countries; stabilization of the demographic situation on the planet is required).
  6. Threat of thermonuclear war (arms race, pollution caused by testing nuclear weapons, genetic consequences these tests, uncontrolled development of nuclear technologies, the possibility of thermonuclear terrorism at the interstate level).
  7. The problem of health care, preventing the spread of AIDS, drug addiction.
  8. Crisis of human spirituality (ideological breakdown, loss moral values, dependence on alcohol and drugs). All higher value in the last decade there has been a revival of cultural and moral values.

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The presentation was prepared by Elena Alexandrovna, geography teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 73 in Ulyanovsk Borshch

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Modern era has many epithets: electronic, cosmic, nuclear. Today, it is increasingly being referred to as the “Era of Global Problems.”

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Environmental problem. Demographic problem. Food problem. Energy and raw materials problem. Overcoming the backwardness of former colonies. End

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Global changes ecological environment Thinning of the ozone layer and an increase in the influx of ultraviolet radiation Deforestation and degradation of forests, especially wet ones tropical forests. Disruption of the natural circulation of substances and energy flows. The removal of huge masses of matter from the depths and a shortage of raw materials and fuel. Pollution of the hydrosphere with petroleum products, heavy metals, etc. Radiation pollution vast areas with tragic consequences. Uncontrolled growth of the world population. Soil erosion, salinization, waterlogging, desertification. Atmospheric pollution with CO2, CH4, etc., threat greenhouse effect. Toxication of fields with pesticides, herbicides, nitrates, etc.

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Concern is caused not only by the demographic growth itself (the Earth is capable of feeding more than tens of billions of people), but by the persistent unfavorable socio-economic conditions in modern world, and especially in developing countries.

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Population growth under existing socio-economic conditions leads to an increasing danger of mass death from hunger and disease due to epidemics from unsanitary conditions.

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The growth of the world population leads to an increase in the threat of environmental pollution and the accumulation of gigantic numbers of people in large cities.

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Every year the world's population increases by about 90 million people. But the resources for increasing food production seem to be running out. Selection, artificial fertilizers, herbicides, and irrigation have allowed humanity to significantly increase grain production. However, in recent years grain production does not increase. Food supplies have dropped to their lowest level. The fish stocks of the seas are drying up.

Prevention of World War 3,

Overcoming the environmental crisis,

Reducing the difference in the level of development between devel-

ty states and countries of the “3rd world”,

Stabilization of the demographic situation. ,

The fight against drug addiction, AIDS, etc. ,

The fight against international terrorism,

Revival of cultural and moral values.

The concept " global problems».

single house

But! Low level:

Public organization

Political mouse


ecological mouse


forces of nature



Violation of environmental




resources(40 years)



Threat of environmental crisis.

Violation of environmental





waters of the world

ecological alternative.

Violation of environmental





Scientific and technological progress and ecological alternative.

Violation of environmental








Zero waste



Wars are a constant companion


Problems of war and peace in modern conditions.

Recognition of the priority of universal human values

Refusal of war as a means of resolving conflicts

Recognition of the law of peoples independently and

free to choose your destiny,

Understanding the interconnectedness of modern

North-South problem.


70-fast economic

80-deceleration, external


North-South problem.

Rapid population growth in the South,

The policy of the North is “The South is a raw material appendage.”

Reasonable demographic policy,

Reducing the arms race and

management cash to countries

Presentation on history on the topic: Global problems of humanity Completed by: Alina Moshkarina Group 126

The global problems of our time are a set of socio-natural problems, the solution of which determines the social progress of mankind and the preservation of civilization as a whole.

On at the moment The following global problems are identified in the world: 1) global warming; 2) terrorism; 3) drug addiction; 4) the problem of cancer and AIDS; 5) ozone holes; 6) catastrophic environmental pollution; 7) decrease in biodiversity, etc.

1. Global warming is a process of gradual increase average annual temperature atmosphere of the Earth and the World Ocean.

Reasons global warming: with the deforestation of tropical forests; air pollution; ozone layer destruction; increase in greenhouse gas concentrations.

2. Terrorism is the achievement of political goals through sabotage, blackmail with the lives of hostages and inciting fear in society.

To combat terrorism, the following strategies are distinguished: conservative - this strategy involves partial concessions to the demands of terrorists (payment of ransom, territorial and moral concessions); a progressive strategy means the unconditional destruction of terrorists and their supporters.

3. Drug addiction is a painful attraction or addiction to narcotic substances, used in various ways(swallowing, inhalation, intravenous injection) in order to achieve a stupefying state or relieve pain.

Species narcotic drugs: opiates; n hemp preparations; a methamphetamines; cocaine; g allucinogens; sleeping pills; inhalants.

Treatment of drug addiction is a method aimed at ridding the drug addict of physical and psychological cravings for drugs, as well as reducing the doses taken by the drug addict.

4. Oncological diseases. Oncology is a branch of medicine that studies tumors, their etymology and pathogenesis, mechanisms and patterns of occurrence and development, methods of prevention and treatment.

Types of cancer: sarcoma; to arcinoid; h malignant tumor of the thyroid gland; h malignant tumors of the pancreas; cancer diseases, etc.

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a condition that develops against the background of HIV infection and is characterized by a decrease in the number of CD4+ lymphocytes, multiple opportunistic infections, non-infectious and tumor diseases.

Symptoms of AIDS: enlarged lymph nodes; influenza-like illnesses; temperature; loss of appetite; body aches; chronic fatigue; dark red tumor-like formations on the skin, in the mouth and nose; respiratory infections.

Prevention of AIDS: do not have sexual contact with casual acquaintances; study of social conditions; compliance with sterility rules; cessation of drug use.

5. Ozone holes are a local drop in ozone concentration in ozone layer Earth.

Causes of ozone holes: environmental pollution; release of freons into the atmosphere; a sharp drop or rise in temperature; emissions of volcanic gases; change in the area of ​​polar holes.

6. Environmental pollution is the introduction into the environment or the emergence in it of new, usually unusual physical, chemical, informational or biological agents, as well as their natural average long-term level in different environments leading to negative impacts.

Types of contamination: microbiological; mechanical; chemical; aerosol; thermal; light; noise; electromagnetic; radioactive.

7. Decline in biodiversity. Biodiversity is the variety of life in all its manifestations.

Reasons for the decline in biodiversity: increased human migration, increased trade and tourism; nature pollution; insufficient attention to the long-term consequences of actions that exploit natural resources; inability to estimate true value biological diversity and his losses; rapid growth population and economic development, bringing enormous changes to the living conditions of all organisms.