Biology tests 7. Biology quiz material on biology (grade 7) on the topic

    Zoology as a science. Signs and diversity of animals. The role of zoology in life and

    Habitat and features external structure fish Adaptation of the external structure of fish to their habitat.

    Name the insects known to you that have incomplete metamorphosis, and what role they play in nature.

    Living environments and habitats of animals. Relationships between animals in nature. Human influence on animals.

    Features of the system structure internal organs fish bodies and their functional significance.

    Name the protected animals of Kazakhstan.

    Animal body structure. Features of animal cells; tissues, organs and organ systems.

    Main systematic groups of fish: structural features and representatives.

    Name the social insects you know. What role do they play in nature?

    General characteristics of protozoa as single-celled organisms. Habitat, structural features and vital functions of the common amoeba.

    Habitats and lifestyle of amphibians. External structure of a frog. Skeleton and musculature.

    What areas of livestock farming do you know? Name the breeds of domestic animals known to you and their purpose.

    Unicellular and colonial flagellates. Features of the structure and life activity of green euglena.

    The structure and activity of the internal organs of the frog.

    Name the representatives commercial fish, what significance do they have for a person?

Ticket number 6

    Type of ciliates. Features of the structure and vital activity of the ciliate-slipper.

    Annual life cycle and origin of amphibians.

    How do brood chicks differ from nesting chicks?

    Signs of the type Coelenterate. Features of the structure and life activity of freshwater hydra.

    Diversity of amphibians. The role of amphibians in nature and human life.

    Define systematic position brown bear(species, genus, family, order, class, type, kingdom).

Ticket number 8

    Marine coelenterates. The role of coelenterates in nature and human life.

    External structure and skeleton of reptiles. Adaptations to life in ground-air

    Which mammals are the most primitive animals, why do you think so?

Ticket No. 19

    Signs of the type Flatworms. Class Ciliated worms (using the example of white planaria).

    Features of the internal structure and life activity of reptiles

    List the measures to prevent amoebic dysentery.

Ticket No. 10

    Habitat and features of the external structure of birds.

    Determine the systematic position of the wolf (species, genus, family, order, class, type, subkingdom, kingdom).

Ticket No. 11

    Type Roundworms. Lifestyle and structural features. Meaning roundworms in nature and human life.

    Peculiarities musculoskeletal system birds in connection with flight.

    What should you do if you are bitten by a snake?

Ticket number 12

    Lifestyle and structural features annelids(using the example of an earthworm).

    Reproduction and development of birds. Development of the egg and embryo.

    What human disease is the taiga tick a carrier of? What precautions should be taken to avoid infection?

Ticket number 13

    Structural features, diversity and practical significance gastropods.

    Internal organ systems of birds.

    Determine the systematic position of chimpanzees (species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, subkingdom, kingdom).

Ticket number 14

    Structural features, diversity and practical significance of bivalves.

    The diversity and importance of birds. Systematic and ecological groups of birds. Bird conservation.

    What measures should be taken to prevent a poisonous snake bite?

Ticket number 15

    Variety and practicality cephalopods. Features of the structure.

    What measures must be taken to avoid becoming infected with bovine tapeworm?

Ticket No. 16

    Lifestyle and structural features of crustaceans (using the example of crayfish). Diversity and significance of crustaceans.

    Order Primates as the most highly organized animals.

    Are predators necessary in nature? Prove your point.

Ticket number 17

    Lifestyle and structural features of arachnids (using the example of the cross spider). The diversity and importance of arachnids.

    Mammal habitats and habitats. Features of the external structure of animals.

Ticket number 18

    Lifestyle and structural features of insects (using the example of the cockchafer).

    Reproduction and development of mammals. Caring for offspring. Annual life cycle and seasonal phenomena.

    List the measures for rational use and fish conservation.

Ticket No. 19

    Types of insect development. Characteristics of insect orders and their representatives.

    Origin and diversity of mammals. Oviparous and true animals.

    What rare animals do you know? What measures are being taken to preserve them?

Ticket number 20

    Beneficial insects. Insects are pests of cultivated plants and carriers of diseases.

    Systematic groups higher mammals(characterize 2 - 3 units). Environmental groups animals.

    By what characteristics are sedentary, nomadic and migratory birds distinguished?

Ticket number 21

    Peculiarities of reproduction of mammals.

    Animals are pathogens and carriers of human diseases. Prevention of diseases of encephalitis, malaria, dysentery, scabies, etc.

    Draw up a food chain characteristic of a forest biocenosis.

Ticket number 22

    Diversity of mammals. Characteristics of some orders: Rodents, Marsupials, Artiodactyls, Pinnipeds.

    Diversity of reptiles, their adaptability to a terrestrial lifestyle

    Explain why green euglena is classified by botanists as a plant, and by zoologists as an animal.

Ticket number 23

    Phylum Arthropods, class Crustaceans, their diversity.

    The annual life cycle and seasonal phenomena in the life of birds.

    Name the protected animals of Kazakhstan.

Ticket number 24

    Diversity of birds, breeding characteristics and their significance in nature.

    The Animal Kingdom, their characteristic features.

    Determine the place of the common fox species in the system of the animal world (phylum, class, order, family, genus).

Ticket No. 25

    Type Arthropod class Arachnids, their diversity, classification, role in nature.

    Animals are pathogens and carriers of human diseases. Prevention of diseases such as dysentery, scabies, etc.

Extracurricular activity

Biology Quiz

Prepared by:

biology teacher

Konstantinovskaya secondary school I-III st.

Melnichenko Svetlana Leonidovna

Simferopol 2014

This quiz was developed by me to review and consolidate students' knowledge. Here are questions from the 7th and 8th grade courses (botanists and zoologists). Two teams are invited to participate, in which there are students from the classes listed above. A projector is used for the presentation, and all slides are clearly visible to the participating teams. Hints, puzzles, encrypted words and other things are laid out on the tables. visual material. Questions are asked to teams in turn, and before answering orally, participants must find their answer on encrypted cards. For example: questions about flowers are not very difficult, but there are more illustrations, and many similar ones, which sometimes confuses children and makes them doubt the correctness of their answer, which encourages deeper reasoning. The names of the birds are encrypted in puzzles. But, before answering the question about berries, you need to indicate the color of this berry on the card. Name the right fish you need to choose, and a large quantity. The vegetable card contains an illustration of about 20 incorrect answers.

Medicinal herbs are depicted mixed with wild ones. The names of the trees are located on the cards back to front. And rhymes were chosen for the names of the mushrooms (copper gypsy - pale toadstool).

The purpose of this extracurricular activity, is to stimulate further interest in the study of biology. The questions were chosen, simple, but interesting, forcing the children to think, and those who read additional literature or watch a program about nature can easily cope with them. IN modern world It can be difficult to attract the attention of schoolchildren to living nature, due to the mass computer technology, they cease to be interested in biology. By holding such events, you can return students' interest in botany and zoology. After all, zoology has always been one of the most beloved branches of biology.

Guys, today we will give you a biological quiz. Who knows what "biology" is?

“Biology” is the science of living nature (plants, animals, humans). Biology consists of several sciences. Animal world studies “zoology”, the world of plants - “botany”, the structure of the human body - “anatomy”. At our event we will touch on zoology and botany, ornithology and mycology, and other branches of biology.

So, let's split into two teams. Come up with a name and motto for your team.

And now we take a journey through the pages of biology. We will visit such sections as botany, zoology, mycology, ornithology, floristry, ichthyology, dendrology and much more. The judges will decide whoever prepared the name and motto better will be the first to participate in the quiz.

TOUR 1. Flowers.

  1. What flower is the symbol of Japan? (chrysanthemum)
  2. Which flower became the national symbol of Holland? (tulip)
  3. Which flower is dedicated to the Mother of God - the Virgin Mary? (lily)
  4. The name of which flower comes from the word star? (aster)

TOUR 2. Birds.

  1. What is the smallest bird that lives in our country? (wren)
  2. Which bird is a symbol of beauty, purity, tenderness? (swan)
  3. Which bird has the most long tongue? (woodpecker)
  4. What bird can fly tail first? (hummingbird)

TOUR 3. Berries

  1. Juicy clusters of this berry serve as an excellent dessert, and climbing vines decorate gazebos and walls of houses. What berry? we're talking about? (grape)
  2. Many people think that this is a fruit, but in fact it is a huge berry that can weigh more than 1 kg. It looks like a thick bump with a green tuft on the top of its head. (a pineapple)
  3. Which berry is especially beneficial for vision and growth? (blueberry)
  4. Clusters of what berries delight us in parks and forests in the snowy winter, and save many birds from hunger? (Rowan)

ROUND 4. Pisces.

  1. Which one is the most big fish? (Tiger shark)
  2. What fish is named after a person? (Carp)
  3. What kind of fish appearance does it look like a chess piece? (sea Horse)
  4. Which fish has eyes on one side? (flounder)

TOUR 5. Vegetables.

  1. It can be bitter and sweet, and its fruits have different shapes and color. It is famous not only as a unique food, but also as an aromatic and medicinal product. It contains five times more vitamin C than lemon.? (bell pepper)
  2. This vegetable is a long-standing symbol of health and well-being. It is no coincidence that in many homes, grocery stores, and markets to this day, braids and wreaths woven from it are hung. (onion)
  3. Which vegetable contains a lot of starch? (potato)
  4. Which vegetable contains a large number of growth vitamins? (carrot)

TOUR 6. Medicinal herbs.

  1. This medicinal plant grows along roads, its leaves heal wounds. (plantain)
  2. This plant, with thorns and beautiful flowers, gives a person strength and supplies the body with vitamins. (rose hip)
  3. Healing plant from South Africa. The pulp of the leaf heals wounds and burns. And also the juice of this indoor plant put in the nose for a runny nose. (aloe)
  4. A decoction of the leaves of this scalding plant stops bleeding. (nettle)

TOUR 7. Insects.

  1. What insect “hears” with its feet? (grasshopper)
  2. Which insect is the “champion” of jumping? (flea)
  3. What insect in Rus' is called the baked nightingale? (cricket)
  4. What is a male bee that is not involved in collecting honey called? (drone)

TOUR 8. Trees.

  1. What is the name of the tall tree on the ground? (sequoia)
  2. Which tree does it feed on leaves marsupial bear koala? (eucalyptus)
  3. The fruits of this tree grow directly on the trunk from foul-smelling flowers pollinated by dung flies. And we drink the drink made from seeds with pleasure. (hibiscus)
  4. Which tree lives the longest? (oak)

TOUR 9. Animals.

  1. What animal is called the master of the polar region? (polar bear)
  2. Which animal of prey is the smallest and most “affectionate”? (weasel)
  3. Which animal runs with its hind legs forward? (hare)
  4. The largest animal in Ukraine? (elk)

ROUND 10. Mushrooms.

  1. Which mushroom is considered one of the best taste qualities and is often called the “king of mushrooms”? (White mushroom)
  2. What mushroom is searched for with the help of specially trained dogs and pigs? (truffle)
  3. Which mushroom is deadly poisonous? (death cap)
  4. The name of which mushroom is translated from French does it mean just a mushroom? (champignon)

All stages were completed successfully.

The team that scored greatest number correct answers is declared the winner.

1st round. Classification

The teams are given cards with the inscriptions “Kingdom”, “Genus”, “Species”, “Family”, “Department”, “Class”. The task is to arrange the cards in a logical sequence. The first team to complete the task correctly wins.

2nd round. Guess the flower based on the description

1. According to legend, it grew from a speck of dust that fell from a star. This the oldest plant among the ancient Greeks it was considered an amulet. These flowers are beautiful and unpretentious; they bloom even in frost. (Aster.)

2. This flower is a symbol of struggle and freedom. People call these flowers sparkles, stars, dawns, field tears and maiden grass. When dried, it is used as a spice. (Carnation.)

3. The leaves of this flower are similar to the leaves of a tulip, and there are many flowers on the stem. Its name in Greek means “flower of rains”; the Greeks considered it a harbinger of sadness and grief. This is indoor and garden plant, blooming in early spring. (Hyacinth.)

4. The name of which plant consists of male name and a drink? (Blooming Sally.)

5. Name the tallest grass. (Bamboo.)

6. Which flower serves as a home for small insects in inclement weather and at night?

(Bluebell, it does not close its flowers at night.)

7. What colors can you use to determine the weather?

(By dandelions, by clovers. Their flowers close when it rains.)

8. In the 18th century, this plant was called “the herb for all diseases.” In the form of tinctures, it was used as a laxative and anthelmintic; they tried to treat gout and epilepsy; its smoke was prescribed for asthma, cough and bronchial catarrh. What is this miracle plant? (Tobacco.)

9. About these flowers in Ancient Greece a beautiful legend was composed. Beautiful, but overly curious girls decided to spy on the goddess Aphrodite. For which they were turned into flowers. These flowers look like cute faces with big eyes. And also on beautiful butterflies. (Pansies.)

10. In ancient times, this plant was used for medicinal purposes. This is what people called every flower that bloomed immediately after the snow melted. (Snowdrop.)

11. This flower grows high in the mountains. Only a brave and dexterous person can reach it. It is customary to give them to beloved girls as a sign that the young man is brave and is ready to overcome obstacles for the sake of the girl. (Edelweiss.)

12. Among the Greeks, these flowers were considered flowers of sadness, among the Russians - a symbol of modesty. (Violet.)

13. This flower once decorated Persian gardens. In the 7th century he was taken to Holland. This flower so amazed the Dutch with its beauty that over time it became national symbol. There are even festive processions held in his honor. (Tulip.)

14. This is one of the most graceful flowers. There is an ancient Greek legend about a beautiful young man who was so fascinated by his own reflection in the water that he could not tear himself away from it, and the gods turned him into a flower. (Narcissus.)

3rd round. What do you know about birds

1. How many species of birds were listed in the Red Book of the USSR? (80 species.)

2. What is the largest bird in Europe? (Swan.)

3. What birds can chase a car? (Ostriches.)

4. Which bird has a tongue covered with spines?

(In penguins, to keep slippery fish in their mouths.)

5. Which birds have wings covered not with feathers, but with scales? (At the penguin.)

6. Which bird has three different colors throughout the year? (White partridge.)

7. Which bird has the longest tongue? (The woodpecker has 15 cm.)

8. Which bird can fly tail first? (Hummingbird.)

9. When is a sparrow's body temperature lower - in winter or summer? (Same.)

10. A bird with completely black plumage? (Crow.)

11. Which bird can’t fly? (Ostrich.)

12. What birds do not hatch eggs? (Cuckoos.)

13. Name five songbirds. (Nightingale, lark, thrush, tit, finch.)

14. What bird is the proverb about: the beauty of an angel, the voice of the devil, the tread of a villain? (About the peacock.)

15. Who has more vertebrae in the neck: a giraffe or a sparrow? (In a sparrow, 2 times.)

16. Name a bird that can digest metal. (Ostrich)

4th round. Champion trees

1. Tallest tree in the world? (Australian eucalyptus, height 100-200 m.)

2. The hardest wood in the world? (Iron, also known as ebony, or boxwood.)

3. This tree is so small that during winter it simply hides under the snow and calmly endures the cold. Name it.

(Karelian birch.)

Leading: But it’s not just the exotic trees growing in distant forests that are amazing. The most common birch. It would seem that we know everything about her. But is it?

Tender, beautiful, repeatedly sung in poetry. But birch is not only beautiful, but also useful tree. What do you guys know about using birch?

❖ Infusions from birch buds collected in the spring, when they swell a little, are used as medicine.

❖ Birch catkins serve as food for our beneficial birds.

❖ Chaga is found on birch trunks.

❖ In spring, syrup is prepared from birch sap.

❖ Wood is used to make plywood, skis, and furniture.

❖ The upper layers of birch bark, or birch bark, are a good material for making boxes and dishes.

❖ Under the birch trees there are boletuses and hornworts.

5th round. Forest Treasures

1. What forest plants can replace meat? (Mushrooms.)

2. Which mushrooms are considered the most nutritious? (Porcini mushrooms and champignons.)

3. Can a mushroom eat a house? (Maybe. It's a house fungus that destroys wood.)

4. From tubular mushrooms This one grows the fastest - 4 cm per day. What mushroom are we talking about? (About boletus.)

5. This mushroom has many names: grandfather’s tobacco, Galkina banya, devil’s tobacco. What is the real name of the mushroom? (Puffball mushroom.)

6th round. Our smaller brothers

1. Why does a tiger have stripes and a giraffe spots? (For camouflage.)

2. Why does a crocodile need a tail? (Used as an oar and rudder.)

3. Where do polar bears live - in the Arctic or Antarctica? (In the Arctic.)

4. Why do penguins have wings? (Instead of flippers.)

5. Most large mammal on the ground? (Blue whale.)

6. When did the first reptiles appear? (300 million years ago.)

7. They are said to have four arms. Who are we talking about? (About monkeys.)

7th round. Comic mini-quiz

1. The rooster laid an egg, who will get it? (Roosters do not lay eggs.)

2. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can't talk.)

3. How to pick a branch so as not to scare the bird? (We must wait for the bird to fly away.)

4. What will the crow do after living for three years? (The fourth one will live.)

5. What tree does a crow sit on during heavy rain? (On wet.)

Quiz #1

1. “Queen of Flowers”? (Rose.)

2. What is the largest land animal? (Elephant.)

3. Commercial fish that die after spawning? (Chum salmon.)

4. Fossil elephant? (Mammoth.)

5. Short-tailed crayfish? (Crab.)

6. A South American mammal that usually hangs from branches with its back down? (Sloth.)

7. Wild Mountain sheep? (Arhar.)

8. Insectivorous mammal living underground? (Mole.)

9. Predatory freshwater fish? (Pike.)

10. Giant toad? (Yeah.)

11. Northern sled and hunting dog? (Laika.)

12. What edible mushrooms appear first? (Mols and lines.)

13. What birds walk part of the way to us from the south? (Landrail.)

14. How many legs does a spider have? (Eight.)

15. What kind of fish builds a nest? (Stickleback.)

16. Eyes on horns, hell on your back? (Snail.)

17. From what day (according to the calendar) is the beginning of autumn considered? (From September 21 - the day of the autumnal equinox.)

18. Which birds have females that are larger and stronger than males? (In carnivores.)

19. What animal sleeps upside down all winter? ( Bat.)

20. Was it used to make the famous shagreen leather? (Shark.)

Quiz #2

1. Spectacled snake? (Cobra.)

2. Hippopotamus? (Hippopotamus.)

3. Tailless amphibian with warty skin? (Toad.)

4. An aquatic plant considered sacred in India and China? (Lotus.)

6. South American antelope? (Gnu.)

7. Bat with big ears? (Ushan.)

8. Which bird hatches chicks even in winter? (Crossbill.)

9. Coleopteran insect? (Bug.)

10. Striped African horse? (Zebra.)

11. Common name small commercial fish of the herring family? (Sprat.)

12. A very dense and dark forest of coniferous trees? (Taiga.)

13. Which bird “barks”? (Male partridge: during the spring in the spring, he makes a sound similar to a dog barking.)

14. What bird makes a nest out of fish bones? (Kingfisher.)

15. Who has ears on their feet? (Grasshopper.)

16. No brain, but more cunning than the beast? (Trap.)

17. From what day (according to the calendar) is the beginning of spring considered? (From March 21 - the day of the vernal equinox.)

18. Which legs grow first in tadpoles - front or back? (Rear.)

19. Fig tree? (Fig.)

20. Which of the living creatures has the most heat bodies? (At the sparrow, t = 45.9°.)

In this section you will find materials for conducting a trial Olympiad in biology, during which 7th grade students will be able to generalize and consolidate their knowledge, learn to apply it to solve entertaining non-standard problems. Biology teachers should use the sample assignments provided to help students prepare for the Olympiad.

However, the tasks collected on this page can be used not only in lessons, but also as homework. Students will be able to evaluate and test themselves, because the correct answers are indicated for all questions and tasks. We have prepared both test answers and complex ones. Olympiad tasks with answers and solutions.

Biology Olympiad 7th grade

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Test tasks

1. Seasonal phenomena studies in the life of organisms
A) Biology
B) Phenology
B) Botany
D) Ecology

2. Bacterial spores are an adaptation
A) To food
B) Reproduction
B) Breathing
D) Tolerating adverse conditions

3. The areas of the stem where leaves develop are called
A) Sinuses
B) Nodes
B) Internodes
D) Scars

4. The main parts of a flower are
A) Petals and corolla
B) Stamens and pistils
B) Sepals and petals
D) Pedicel and receptacle

5. The algae in the lichen provides it
A) Only organic substances
B) Organic substances and salts
B) Organic substances and water
D) Mineral salts and water

6. The movement of substances in the plant ensures:
A) Cover tissue
B) Educational tissue
B) Conductive fabric
D) Photosynthetic tissue

7. Chloroplasts are found in cells:
A) Strawberry leaf
B) Strawberry root
B) Frog skin
D) Bacteria that causes plague

8. Number of chromosomes in tiger reproductive cells:
A) The same as in the cells of the tiger’s body
B) Twice as much as in tiger body cells
C) Two times less than in the cells of a tiger’s body
D) Four times more than in tiger body cells

9. There are no shelled nuclei in algae cells:
A) green
B) red
B) brown
D) blue-green

10. The following cannot be detected in fungal cells:
A) vacuoles
B) mitochondria
B) plastids
D) ribosomes

Open questions

Question 1
For a long time, peasants in Russia prepared Birch juice, willow twigs, bast from linden, birch bark, pine resin (resin). Divide these fisheries into groups based on the degree of damage caused to trees.

Question 2
It is known that for the majority cartilaginous fish characterized by viviparity, or the laying of large, already fertilized eggs rich in yolk. In contrast, bony fish lay eggs. What exceptions exist in the world of fish?

Question 3
How can you examine the integumentary tissue of a living frog under a microscope?

Question 4
How can you explain the statement: “Cephalopods are the primates of the sea”?

Question 5
April 15, 1875 balloon The Zenit, which had three aeronauts on board, reached an altitude of 8,000 meters. When the ball landed, only one person remained alive. What caused the death of people?

Answers to tests

Test № 1 № 2 № 3 № 4 № 5
Answer B G B B A
Test № 6 № 7 № 8 № 9 № 10
Answer IN A IN G IN

Answers to open questions

Answer to question 1:
Based on the degree of damage caused to trees, these fisheries can be divided into 3 groups:
1. Minimal harm. To prepare willow twigs, last year's branches are cut off (the older ones are too thick), which are easily renewed. In addition, willow reproduces rapidly both vegetatively and by seeds. So it is quite difficult to sharply reduce the number of willow trees in nature.
2. “Moderate severity” damage. When collecting birch sap and resin, significant harm is caused to trees, since spores easily penetrate through cuts in the bark pathogenic fungi. In order to reduce damage, it is necessary to properly organize the collection of birch sap and resin.
3. Greatest harm. When removing bark from birch and linden, the current is completely interrupted organic matter, and the tree may die. As a result of such actions, undergrowth is destroyed, as a result of which forest regeneration is disrupted.

Answer to question 2:
Among cartilaginous fish, only a few, for example, the polar shark, spawn. Most of them are characterized by either the birth of live young or the laying of large, already fertilized eggs rich in yolk. Among bony fish, viviparity, on the contrary, occurs as an exception. These are Baikal golomyanka, swordtail, sea bass.

Answer to question 3:
If a live frog is placed in a jar with a small amount water, then transparent films will soon appear in it - these are shreds of the upper layer of skin that has faded from the frog. Examining such a patch under a microscope, you can see that it consists of many rectangular cells, closely adjacent to each other. All the cells lining the surface of the frog's body form its outer integumentary tissue.

Answer to question 4:
As is known, Linnaeus called the highest group of the animal kingdom “primates,” into which he included anthropoid monkeys and man himself. Closer acquaintance with higher mollusks, with their diversity and perfection adaptive features, the complexity of their behavior, sometimes reminiscent of the action of a rational being, which is due to the high development nervous system, gives reason to see in this group of invertebrates “primates of the marine kingdom” - creatures, in terms of their level of development, not inferior to monkeys among terrestrial vertebrates. Of all the cephalopods, octopuses, animals that have not followed the path of one-sided adaptation to fast movement, display the greatest “intelligence” in their behavior.

Answer to question 5:
The property of hemoglobin to bind oxygen is vital for the body. Sometimes people die from lack of oxygen in the body, surrounded by the most clean air. This can happen to a person who finds himself in conditions low blood pressure(at high altitudes), where the thin atmosphere has a very low partial pressure of oxygen. Partial pressure of oxygen is the part of the total pressure that accounts for the share of oxygen in the atmosphere. The cause of death was a sharp decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen at high altitude. At high altitudes (7-8 km), arterial blood in its gas composition approaches venous blood; all tissues of the body begin to experience an acute lack of oxygen, which leads to serious consequences. Climbing to altitudes above 5000 m usually requires the use of special oxygen devices.

With special training, the human body can adapt to the reduced oxygen content in atmospheric air. A trained person’s breathing deepens, the number of red blood cells in the blood increases due to their increased formation in the hematopoietic organs and their supply from the blood depot. In addition, heart contractions increase, which leads to an increase in minute blood volume.