English courses for children from 3. English for kids

At three years old, little fidgets learn about the world around them with genuine interest. And the more interesting things there are in this world, the better. Likewise, English for 3-year-old children will be an exciting adventure. Young “researchers” are keenly interested in the new and unknown, and the unique possibilities of natural knowledge of things will help them perceive a foreign language literally on a subconscious level. In today's article we will tell you how to properly conduct English language training sessions with children three or four years old.

Every parent who worries about the future of their child asks a similar question. Heated discussions and differences of opinion are also common among teachers: some advocate learning English “from the cradle,” while others believe that it is more rational to get acquainted with a foreign language before entering school.

Without going into the details of this controversy, we will highlight its core. The root of the problem lies in excessive load and “depriving children of their childhood.” But the secret of success is precisely that English lessons for preschool children are conducted exclusively in a playful way. The method of teaching English for little ones is not memorization, but an exciting game that fits organically into children's fun.

You can start learning English with a one-year-old baby, with a 2-year-old child, and with children aged 3 years and older. The main thing is to develop in students a sincere interest in learning English. Young children are open and very inquisitive on their own, so it’s not difficult to get them interested in a new activity. Moreover, the natural needs of cognition involve as much as possible all the capabilities of the brain. This gives children aged 2 to 4 years the following benefits:

  • easy perception of new information;
  • quick memorization;
  • natural imitation of foreign pronunciation;
  • lack of fear of speaking.

Learning foreign languages ​​in adulthood will no longer be accompanied by these favorable factors. That's why it's worth striking while the iron is hot. However, in order for English lessons for children 3-4 years old to be truly successful, several nuances of child psychology should be taken into account before starting them.

How to explain English to 3-year-old children - practical recommendations

So, you have decided to teach your child to speak English, but you don’t yet know where to start with the first lessons. It’s easy to start teaching children, the main thing is to remember the secret already said - no coercion, only play!

Instilling interest

Children aged 1 year and older actively explore the world, being interested in every unknown part of it. The parent’s task in this case is to pick up this natural interest and develop it into an exciting game “activity”. While playing with your child with toys, tell him about English language using the names of these items as an example. But do not immediately demand mandatory memorization and repetition: if the child is interested, then later he himself will demonstrate the acquired knowledge.

Use any everyday situations to teach English. What do three-year-olds do most often? They ask questions. Answer them by adding them to sentences english words, and explaining their meanings visually, i.e. showing objects. A child learns about the world through his eyes and sensations, so you should not make long verbal explanations that will quickly bore and confuse your child.

Let's not get bored

The main principle by which English is taught to children from 3 years old is no violence. Your activities should not be even remotely similar to school lessons. No “sit down and learn.” We play English with children, and we play not at any specific time of the day, but in any suitable situation.

For example, invite your child to learn colors in English during a walk. Let the little one on all objects containing green, Green shouts joyfully! Or you can compete with your child to see who can find the most green objects around. The reward for the game will again be a green delicacy: an apple, a pear, and for summer period Sweet watermelon will also work.

Such simple games provide excitement and positive emotions, develop a thirst for new knowledge and make it easy to master and remember new vocabulary.

We encourage success

Praise and kind words pleasant even for serious adults, let alone affection-sensitive children who are only 3 or 4 years old.

Notice even small improvements in your baby’s knowledge. React to every correctly spoken phrase, inspiring and motivating your child to use English words more often in his speech and build whole sentences from them.

Expressing praise should not be dry and formal. Show more emotions, hug, kiss, spin, throw the baby, etc. Kids acutely sense falsehood, so the expression of delight must be sincere. In addition to Russian praises, it’s a good idea to actively use English vocabulary. We suggest using the expressions from the table below.

Lead by example

Often parents want to give their child something they didn’t have, or teach them something they themselves couldn’t learn at one time. If this is the situation you have with regard to English, then get ready to start by changing your knowledge first.

If we teach a child a foreign language, then we ourselves must know it sufficiently. To do this, you need to allocate time and effort: sign up for a course, take online lessons, or independently study materials for classes with your child. Not everyone is ready to take such a step, but remember that the education of your children depends on you. If you yourself do not develop and take an interest in English, then your child, looking at the example of his parents, will consider learning foreign languages ​​a boring and unnecessary matter.

We have listed the basic principles according to which English is taught to preschool children. Now, taking into account these recommendations, we will select ways to present the material.

Training methods

For modern education Instilling in a child an interest in learning is a priority. Therefore, many teaching methods and methods have been developed for both children who are only one year old and for children older three years. The parent’s task is to try different teaching methods and track the baby’s reaction to them.


Card sets provide an opportunity to master thematic vocabulary with your child. Small cards are easy to use, and colorful drawings make them not only attractive and interesting, but also easy to understand for children. In addition, with cards you can come up with a lot of fun activities that allow you to check how much your child has learned the information.

The principle of teaching with the help of cards is simple: the parent shows the card and says the word, and the child looks at the picture and repeats what was said. It is important to note that translation is not taught! With the help of a drawing, the child independently understands the meaning of the word and puts it in his memory. To check what you have learned, use mini-games: guess the card by description, name the odd one in a row, find the missing one, etc.

For children under 3 years old, you can buy or make large cards yourself, so that the child can stand on them. A path is made from such cards and the child is led along it, calling with each step new card. After the child remembers the vocabulary, the track is, on the contrary, divided into separate “islands”. Now the parent calls out the word, and the baby’s task is to quickly jump onto the correct card.

Poems and songs

Another universal method that is suitable for children of any age. For one-year-old babies, their mother will carefully sing songs, and by the age of two, children are able to independently memorize the simplest lines.

Well, the English language for children 4 and 5 years old is inextricably linked with learning poems and songs by heart, because this method helps to replenish vocabulary and improve your pronunciation. Also, an undoubted advantage of rhyming lines is that entire phrases and contexts are studied, rather than individual words.

It is important to note how to teach poetry in English with children. This should be done in stages.

  1. Preliminarily select the words that are key to understanding the poem and teach them to your child.
  2. Read the verse expressively, helping the child navigate the pronunciation of the lines.
  3. Look at the pictures for the poem or draw your own drawings with your child that reveal the content of the poem.
  4. Learning lines by heart.
  5. Periodic repetition of what has been learned.

Naturally, such a volume of work is not completed in one day. Several lessons are spent on one poem.

As for the songs, everything is much simpler here. The main thing is that the child likes the music, and the motive and words of the song will become attached by themselves. Today on the Internet you can find hundreds of educational songs for children, with which kids can quickly and funly learn popular English words and expressions on various topics.

Fairy tales

Learning a language through fairy tales also brings benefits. Of course, if the little one is just entering his second year, then it will be difficult for him to perceive a large amount of information. But children over 3 years old are already able to work in this form.

For classes, it is necessary to select either very short stories or foreign translations of Russian fairy tales already familiar to children. Working with a foreign version of a Russian fairy tale, children learn to compare the English names of the characters, their words and actions with the Russian analogues that have settled in children's memory. It is important that the fairy tale is accompanied by interesting illustrations, then the child will understand better text or just be able to take a little break from working with words.

Don't forget about the possibility of using audio versions of fairy tales. By the age of three, a child can listen carefully and subconsciously remember the information he hears.

There are several fairy tales on our website that you can listen to and watch:

If you first work with the text, and then start listening to the characters’ remarks in audio, then the child will probably be able to name the speaking character and understand his speech a little. Thus, children develop listening comprehension. In addition, repeating the characters' lines improves pronunciation and helps to replenish the active vocabulary.


In the digital age, it is no longer possible to imagine teaching English to preschoolers without the use of videos. Colorful animation instantly attracts the attention of both kids and adults. Even the songs we have already reviewed are learned much faster if they are supplemented with a fascinating video that clearly shows the meaning of the words.

It is with simple songs that you should start learning English from videos. Here are all the contributing successful learning factors:

  • visual presentation of material;
  • work on auditory perception;
  • imitating correct pronunciation;
  • entertainment part (you can jump, do exercises, dance, play to the music).

In addition, songs for children in English tend to “sink” into memory even against one’s will, which contributes to the subconscious memorization of words and expressions.

After practicing with songs, start working with educational cartoons and fairy tales. Children will love following the new adventures of their favorite characters, which means that English classes will definitely become welcome and long-awaited.


And although English for children 3 or 4 years old is always game uniform, we will highlight the description of the games as a separate paragraph.

In fact, learning a foreign language can be combined with any game. If your baby is fidgety, then we recommend playing edible-inedible in English, hide and seek (with English counting), counting tables in English, card islands, or simply naming objects encountered on a walk.

Calm and measured kids should buy cards and board games in English. Intelligent kids will enjoy activities such as guessing games, bingo, letter rearrangement and word spelling.

Separately, we note computer and mobile applications. Educational computer games carefully thought out: there is a colorful design, clear voice acting, accessible explanations, and automated knowledge testing. In addition, most games contain a cross-cutting plot, which further motivates children to learn English and complete tasks.

The capabilities of mobile applications are more modest. With them, the child can learn and repeat new words by listening to their pronunciation and comparing them with pictures. Some programs contain additional mini-games and videos, but these must be paid for separately.

In any case, when working with interactive digital applications, the parent must be close to the child and help him complete the tasks. If you simply give your child a laptop or smartphone and leave him to play alone, then you will not achieve effective learning results. Remember that the child follows the example of his parents, and it is you who develop a responsible attitude towards learning English.

So, let's summarize all of the above, highlighting the strong points.

  1. It is possible, and even necessary, to teach children foreign languages ​​from an early age if you do not want to miss the chance given by nature to quickly and naturally master new information.
  2. Classes are always conducted in a playful way. Only the child’s interest and passion give effective results and achievement of success.
  3. All nuances of child psychology are taken into account. Children should be encouraged more often, not focus too much on mistakes, and increase motivation to practice by example.
  4. Parents choose the teaching method on their own, but if necessary, adjust it, monitoring the baby’s reaction and the success of the task.
  5. Lessons are not fixed in time. The duration of the lesson depends on the mood and abilities of the baby.

By following these tips, you will competently structure the educational process and instill in your child an interest in foreign languages, without in any way infringing on his rights to a happy and happy life. carefree childhood. Good luck in your endeavors and see you again!

In the first years of life, the child actively absorbs all information coming from outside. At the age of 3 years, the ability to imprint is activated - that is, the baby begins to build complex connections of objects and persons in memory and tries to build the first logical chains. Therefore, English for children from 3 years of age is a pressing issue for parents who want to teach early learning language of international communication.
Such a process will be effective for a three-year-old child only if the parents actively stimulate the preschooler to receive information on English at home. This is done in a playful way, with the help of foreign language addresses and light exercises. Let's take a closer look at the various methods and available teaching tools in the article.

Methods of teaching English to 3-year-old children: a detailed analysis

There are several generally accepted methods of teaching English to 3-year-old children. Among them, the most effective are:

Zaitsev's training system
Regular classes are conducted using special game cubes. They are different in weight, colors, and make different sounds. Words and syllables in English are printed on the edges of the cubes. This is how the child learns to reproduce simple vocabulary from memory and becomes familiar with the phonetics of foreign speech.

Read also:

Doman system
This program involves viewing colorful cards with pictures and words. By naming and repeating after the teacher or parents the names of drawn objects, 3-year-old children actively use their visual memory.

Flashcards and blocks for learning English can be easily found in most bookstores in the literature and games section for preschoolers.

Learning through play
Of course, for children 3 years old this is the most effective technique teaching English. Without focusing on the fact that at the moment the child is engaged, you can achieve high results in a short time. Until the age of 5, children perceive everything through play, so it is worth using it for the benefit of the development and growth of the child’s knowledge.

Of course, today there are many language centers that accept young children for training. However, even classes with a teacher in a group should be supplemented with simple exercises and games at home so that the process goes correctly and quickly. Even the busiest parents can do this:

English classes for children 3 years old: instructions for parents

Moms and dads can follow these simple guidelines to ensure successful English lessons for 3-year-old children:

Look at books with colorful pictures with your child, commenting on the drawing and asking him to name colors (objects, characters) in a foreign language

Gradually adapt everyday addresses, greetings and farewells to English


Good morning!("Good morning!")
Good night!("Good night!")
My sweety("My sweet")
Good for you(“Lucky you!”), etc.

Try to always praise your child for success in English words


Excellent, baby!- “Great, baby!”
Good- "Fine"
High Five- “Give me five!”

Read also:

Offering different dishes to choose from, focus on their English names and ask your child to repeat them after you

While observing even such simple rules that complement English classes for 3-year-old children, we should not forget about the main “tool” for influencing the acquisition of knowledge – games.

10 games for children 3 years old in English

The game is favorite activity any baby. Through it he learns about the world, relaxes, has fun and rejoices. Among the games for 3-year-old children in English, you should choose simple ones that do not cause as much mental and psycho-emotional stress in the child as possible. Ease of completing tasks and ease of learning new things is the key to success!
Parents can choose any of the following games:

1. Hide and seek, counting counters in English
Ask your child to count to 10 in English before doing anything (finding you in an apartment or house), or finding a “missing” magic object. He can figure out who goes first in a board game with a simple number count in English.

2. Edible and inedible
While throwing the ball, name the objects in English, alternating examples with edible treats and inedible objects. Invite your child to answer “Yes” or “No” in English – Yes or No?

3. Describe a picture, toy, weather, object
The child should use as many English words as possible when describing something.

4. Board games
In the children's section of bookstores today there are many options for “board books” for kids in English. Bring them back from your trips, ask your acquaintances and family friends to bring them from abroad. This develops logic and speeds up the development of the English language!

5. Choose a picture
You will need cards (possibly speech therapy, without signatures in Russian) with images of colored objects, geometric objects. Encourage your child to group them into groups by color, naming them in English.

6. Name the syllable
Oral game. Say English words out loud to your child, omitting the endings, so he can finish them himself. Rhyming rhymes (such as children's limericks) are best suited for these purposes.

Of course, this list can be supplemented with colorful and interesting mobile applications. But remember that simply giving a 3-year-old child a tablet or smartphone and going about his business is not an effective method! You must play and analyze what you saw and heard with him, then learning English will be successful.

Read on the website:

7. Try on the role.
Invite your child to play the role of a father or mother who lives far, far away from here and can only speak English, and let the toy be a child.

8. Clap your hands.
Challenge your child to clap his hands every time he hears a syllable or letter, and then say as many words as possible with them.

9. Drawing a friend from London.
The child draws a boy or girl who could only live in London and become his friends. And then he describes them in English, telling them what they are interested in and what they do on weekends. This activity will appeal to children who love to draw and do crafts.

10. We sing and dance.
Find a couple of children's English songs and learn them together with your baby, and then perform them in a duet, complementing the performance with fun dancing.

Teaching English to children 3-4 years old – goals and objectives

Before starting homework or lessons in a circle, it is appropriate to determine why children 3-4 years old need to learn English. Make a short list of goals and objectives so that you can focus on them in the future when selecting lesson material.

The list might look like this:

Learning English is interesting and useful for overall development
English in the future will expand the horizons for a child’s study and work
In just a few years, the baby will be able to take part in international competitions and competitions.
At the age of active communication, my child will be able to communicate via the Internet with peers from different countries
Learning a foreign language will help my child get used to educational process and treat knowledge with respect and interest

After compiling a list of goals for teaching English to children 3-4 years old, it is worth making detailed plan classes.

English lesson plan for children 3 years old per week (table)

The weekly English lesson plan for 3-year-old children from Tap to English is an example for parents. The content of classes is selected separately from open sources– Internet, books, applications and so on. The most important thing is to try to include as many useful and exciting games into the process as possible and to “switch” the baby from one activity to another in a timely manner so that he does not get bored.

Day of the week

Time of day

Lesson structure

MONDAY MORNING Working with cards

Learning 2-3 new words


Parsing a picture book

Working in a mobile application for children

EVENING Review of words learned in the morning

Learning a song or short poem

TUESDAY MORNING Repeating a poem or song learned the day before

Watching a cartoon in English

DAY Game (optional)

Cartoon in English

EVENING Review of words learned yesterday morning

Learning 2-3 new words


Game (optional)

DAY Working with cards (optional)

Learning 2-3 new words

Repetition of words learned in 3 days

EVENING Cartoon in English
THURSDAY MORNING Repeat words learned the day before

Learning a new song or poem in English

Game (optional)

DAY Working in the mobile application

Repeat a song or poem

EVENING Cartoon in English

Repetition of words learned yesterday

FRIDAY MORNING Working with cards

Drawing on the topic (using English words)

DAY Repeat a song or poem

Review of words learned during the week

Cartoon in English

EVENING Cartoon in English
SATURDAY MORNING “Performance” in front of the family with any poem or song studied during the week
DAY Going to a park, cinema or festival, watching a film about Great Britain or English children with further discussion in English
SUNDAY MORNING Learning 2-3 new words
DAY Cartoon in English

It is worth noting that this is a sample lesson plan: each child is individual. Someone has sufficient perseverance and will take part in each of the points of the plan with interest. And for some it will be difficult to do this every day. Each parent makes decisions on the duration, content and frequency of classes independently, based on knowledge of the character traits of their child.

And most importantly, in teaching English, as in everything else, be guided by ONLY FOR THE CHILD AND HIS INTEREST. Don't try to achieve your own goals at his expense. The child involved in the process will not experience dissatisfaction and frustration before, during and after the lesson.

English for children over 1 year old is not very similar to a lesson in the usual sense. English lessons for children are mostly English-language “dramatizations” with a short plot, poetic stories, English songs, funny pictures and interesting drawings and crafts. At the same time, none, including new ones, foreign words They are not translated into Russian for children. The child should become interested in a language that is incomprehensible to him and, immersing himself in an English-speaking environment, listen and absorb. Often very young students at first just listen, listen, listen English speech teacher, and then they start giving out whole constructions.

In order for the child to immediately get involved in the process of the educational game, the child can be accompanied by a parent at the Polyglot Center. As soon as the student finds contact with the teacher and stops losing his mom or dad, he can independently remain in English lessons for the little ones.

Age characteristics

English language courses for kids are divided into several subtypes. Teachers work with children from one to two years old in the presence of parents. In addition to learning a foreign language special attention focused on early development. The teacher uses in his work finger games, active tasks that encourage kids to act, and learns short poems and songs with his charges. One of the available and effective ways presenting information watching cartoons in English. The main task of the teacher is to interest children, to make them want to learn the language and develop. The teacher is working to prepare the child for more intensive course, teaches him to intuitively recognize and understand foreign speech.

The English language program for children from 2 years old is aimed at ensuring that the child speaks as early as possible. With regular attendance, children develop perfect pronunciation and no grammatical errors. This level combines tasks for the little ones and is the basis for regular learning. The teacher still devotes a lot of time to games, but the children are already more at the table, carrying out creative assignments. A competent approach allows you to increase your child’s vocabulary several times over the course of a year. The structure of classes includes songs, dances, short poems and nursery rhymes.

Lyudmila Bykova
Summary of an English lesson for young children (2–3 years old) “My toys”

Summary of an English lesson for young children (2–3 years old) on the topic “My toys”

Purpose of the lesson: We continue to introduce children to toys, develop interest in their bodies, and also create motivation for children to attend classes.

Training tasks:

1. We develop the ability to listen and understand English speech using non-translation methods of semantization.

2. We introduce everyday vocabulary into children’s active and passive vocabulary.

Active dictionary: a block, a doll, a brush, eyes.

Passive vocabulary: Take/Give, close your eyes, open your eyes, red, blue, many, here, there

3. We repeat vocabulary from previous lessons: hands, feet, nose, wash

4. Introduce the grammatical construction has got...

Developmental tasks:

1. Develop fine motor skills;

2. Develop memory, concentration, thinking;

3. We learn colors, the concept of quantity “many”, the concept of the spatial arrangement of objects “here”, “there”.

4. We develop the communication skills of young children: establishing contact, greeting, saying goodbye, stimulating a response during the conversation.

Educational tasks:

1. We create interest in learning English;

2. We instill a culture of behavior in society: greetings and farewells;

3. Forming positive attitude to cultural and hygienic procedures;

4. We cultivate neatness and the habit of putting things and toys back in their place.

Equipment: doll, toothbrush, blocks, clock, audio recording Baby Beetles ""Go! Stop!”

Progress of the lesson.

1. Greetings ie: We say hello to mothers and children. First we ask the names of the mothers, then the children. The child must understand the question and can only say the name.

Hello! Hello, Mummies, hello, kids! I'm glad to see you again! What's your name? I’m Mummy Dasha/I’m Anya.

2. We play “Where are yours?”

Where are your ?

We try to establish eye contact with each baby:

Look! They are my hands! Where are your hands? Show me your hands, Anya! (we take the child’s hand). Here they are! Look! I can clap my hands! (clap). Let's clap our hands! Clap! Clap! (clap together with moms). Very well, darling! Can you clap your hands, Anya? Show me, you can clap your hands! (mothers and children clap together). Great! ( thumb up). We can clap our hands!

Look! They are my feet! Where are your feet? Show me your feet, Anya! (touch the baby’s feet). Here they are! Look! I can stomp my feet! (we stomp). Let's stomp my feet! Stomp! Stomp! Very well, darling! Can you stomp your feet, Anya? Show me, you can stomp your feet! (we all stomp together). Great! (thumbs up). We can stomp your feet!

Look! It's my nose! (touch your nose). Where is your nose? Show me your nose, Anya! (touch the baby's nose). It's my nose! I can sniff! (snort). Can you sniff? Sniff, Anya! (we snort together).

3. “We love to wash ourselves” - This is the way.

“In the morning, all the children get up and wash themselves. Shall we wash ourselves too?” Mothers, together with the teacher, sing a song and accompany with a massage those parts of the child’s body that they sing about.

Wash our face, wash our hands

This is the way we wash our hands

Everyday in the morning (three hands touching each other, simulating washing)

Wash our face, wash our nose

This is the way we wash our nose

Everyday in the morning (massage the nose)

What is it (showing a toothbrush? What is it? It’s a brush! Do you like to brush your teeth in the mornings and evenings? Show me how you do it! Like that! Let’s listen to the song. Let’s brush our teeth together!

Brush our teeth, brush our teeth

This is the way we brush our teeth

Everyday in the morning (we open our mouth wide in a smile and imitate brushing our teeth.

4. Role-playing game. Meet Dolly The Doll.

Material: doll with cube

We knock on the table. Listen! (gesture to ear). Somebody is knocking on the door. Knock-knock (knock). There's somebody behind the door (point to the door).

Teacher: Who is it? Do you know? (turn to the parent, who shakes his head negatively and raises his shoulders). No, I don't. Do you know? (to the child)

Teacher: I don't know either (shakes his head and spreads his hands). Who is it?

Let’s see (palm to eyebrows and look into the distance)

A doll comes in

Teacher: Oh! It"s a doll! Come in, Doll! (with a cube)

Look! The doll has got the hands! (show the doll's hands). Where are your hands? Show me your hands, Anya! The doll has got the nose! (touch the doll’s nose). Where is your nose? The doll has got the eyes! (show the doll's eyes). Where are your eyes? Look! The doll can close her eyes! (close the doll’s eyes). And...the doll can open her eyes! (open the doll’s eyes). Can you close your eyes, Anya? Close your eyes, Anya! Great! Open your eyes!

Let's turn to the doll. Little Doll, what's your name?

Dolly: My name is Dolly!

Teacher: Look! What is it? Do you know? (we ask parents and children).

Parents: I don’t know (shaking their heads along with the children).

Teacher: The doll has got a block (point to the cube). Take the block! (we give the block to each child in turn)/Now give me the block! (we ask for the cube back using a gesture or simply take it away).

Dolly:I have got many blocks! (dumps out of bag). Many!

There are a lot of cubes on the floor. We give each one a cube. We turn to each child in turn and point to the block in his hands and to the blocks on the floor: There is a block here. There are many blocks there.

4. Song game A doll with a bloc k.

There are a lot of cubes on the floor in 2 contrasting colors (red and blue)

Teacher: Dolly wants to play. She is going for a walk with the cube. Shall we repeat after Dolly? Let's play a game with Dolly and her block! Follow Dolly!

Parents: Let’s (mom!

The Doll is going to walk

She takes a red block (a blue) (in the hands of a doll and a child a cube of the named color)

Tap, tap, tap (imitation of gait)

Hearing the sound of clock (point to the clock)

She drops a red block (“drop” the cube out of fear)

5. Cleaning time! It's time to tidy u p!

Look! The room is messy! (we look around the room with our hand, paying attention to the toys on the floor). There are many blocks on the floor! Let's tidy the room! We sing a song and, together with our parents, collect the cubes into a box (bag).

(Sung to: "Mary had a little lamb")

Now it's time to tidy up

tidy up, tidy up

Now it's time to tidy up

And put our blocks away.

Leave a few cubes. We ask the child to pick up the cube and put it in its place.

Let's put the blocks on the place! (into the box). Anya, pick up a block! (the child picks up a cube from the floor). Put the block into the box (puts it in the box).

6. Let's dance! Let's dan ce!

We perform the movements together with the doll.

Dolly Doll, Dolly Doll, turn around

Touch the ground (touch the floor)

Jump up high (we jump)

Touch the sky (reach up)

Slap your knees

Sit down, please (let's sit down)

Pat your head (pat yourself on the head)

Go to bed. ("let's go to bed")

Wake up now (“wake up” and get up)

Take a bow (we bow)

Show your shoe (show the shoe)

I love you! (the doll hugs the children)

7. Farewell to cookies loy

Well done! The doll is glad that everyone did so well! Let me pat your head! (comes up to each child and strokes the head).

Look! Dolly Doll is sleepy (sitting sad). Doll must go! Kids! Wave Goodbye (wave). Bye!

8. Game to complete the lesson ""Go! Stop!"

Kids and Mummies! Let's play a game. The Go! signal sounds (we go to the music of Baby Beetles ""Go! Stop!"). The music stops and we say Stop!

9. The ritual is forgiven nia

Kids! You look so sleepy! Let's wave Goodbye! Let's say Goodbye!

Hello my beloved readers.

If you have small child- then today’s lesson is just for you. After all, each of us wants to give our children the best. And knowledge of English from infancy is one of the components. Therefore, today we are waiting for tips and methods on how to turn English for 3-year-old children into their most favorite and interesting activity.

The first question that faces any parent is how to teach their child. Of course, you can send your child as early as 3 years old to specialized courses with other people’s uncles and aunts, but I can tell you that at this age you can cope with independent learning at home.

If you are not an expert in English, don’t worry, here are a few methods that you can master on your own and with minimal knowledge of English.


To quickly master these methods, use available materials: colorful cubes, cards, posters, etc. Here are several options for such materials that will definitely instill in a three-year-old child interest, and then knowledge:

Educational kit " English for kids" In this set you will find all the minimum required at the initial stage of learning English with your child. Cards, books and explanations.

Set of 9 book cubes " My first English"will not leave any child indifferent. You can start studying with this set even from 1 year old! At the same time, the books are made of very thick cardboard, so they are not afraid of the fate of being torn)).

Also, check out my blog page. There I give small lists of useful things for English learners - from kids to adult aunts and uncles).

Well, have you already mentally prepared a list of what you will do in the evening? Don't rush! Here are a few more for you important advice which parents often forget about

  • Game form.
    I don’t know how many times in my life I’m saying this, but I’ll repeat it again: classes should take place in a playful way. There shouldn’t be any “sit down and teach” stuff. This is a child who doesn’t even understand yet what you want from him, why should he even learn any other words if he already knows them as they are in our language. Again and again I pray to you: The game form of learning is important.
  • Naturalness.
    Little children are not yet ready for something serious. Therefore, learning a foreign language should happen as naturally as learning Russian did. To begin with, try simply inserting individual English words into your speech. For example, when a baby plays with animal toys - translate the names of some. Or when he eats, translate the name of the dish. This way he will remember new words in a natural environment. This can also be done while walking, when you get dressed, wash your face, go to bed, etc.
  • Ease.
    Your lessons should be held in a light atmosphere. At this stage, forget the word " education" Everything should happen in such a form that it is not a burden for the child, but arouses interest and brings pleasure.
  • Repetition.
    « Get used to it» words that you and your child have learned into speech and repeat them constantly until they become part of your baby.

-Fine, - you say. - What should I do if my child is already 4-5 years old?

And I will answer you: - Do everything the same, only now you can take help.

At this stage, the textbook will help you develop a systematic approach to your work and even help you with some ideas.

By the way, one more idea- but not mine, but a whole team of authors and artists. It is not related to English, but it will be very useful for every child loved by parents! A personalized book with an exciting story is something! How do you like it?

This, my dears, is exactly what can help you and your baby at the very beginning of learning a language. If you want, I'll open it little secret? Materials for each of the methods I named I have it on my website! You don’t have to crawl through different sites in search - I have already selected all the best and most useful ones for you.” tasty treats” for your kids.

But for you and your children there is an excellent educational cartoon with a commentary at the end, try watching it together and I am sure that after this you will be able to learn at least 5 new words with your child:

And if you want to receive even more useful materials- subscribe to my blog newsletter and be “ fully armed" Who knows, maybe adults will catch up and start gnawing on the granite of English science;).

See you again, my dears! Take care of yourself and your growing “future”.