When can you use maternity capital? What can you spend maternity capital on? What can you spend maternity capital on without breaking the rules?

There are not many options on where to spend the maternity capital received in your hands. Their schemes are extremely clear, and it will not be possible to go beyond them. As you know, cashing out a certificate by any means is impossible, and the punishment by law applies to all parties involved.

What exactly can you do with your certificate according to the law?

  1. Where to spend maternity capital - all the possibilities
  2. Cashing out maternity capital
  3. Sale of maternity capital
  4. Loan and loan repayment with maternity capital

Every mother (father) who has received a certificate is faced with this question. Considering that there are not many options for using capital, the choice should be approached carefully.

What documents are needed to obtain maternity capital?

So where should the funds be sent?

Maternity capital to improve living conditions

This is the most popular option among the population. According to the law, capital funds can be spent on:

Purchase of housing (house) or its construction.

First payment when applying for a loan.

Payment of debt (interest) on a loan (loan).

Payment for your participation in shared construction.

Payment of the first installment in case of participation in housing cooperatives.

Payment for the reconstruction/construction of an individual housing construction project without/with the involvement of construction contractors.

Payment (compensation) for costs incurred by the certificate holder as a result of the construction/reconstruction of an individual housing construction project.

Note: the object of sale (construction, reconstruction) must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Maternity capital for education - opportunities for mothers and children

Capital funds can be used to pay for children's education. Moreover, you can pay for the education of the child whose birth was the reason for issuing the certificate, and your other children. That is, to “divide” capital funds between them. The certificate can be sent, in this case, to:

Payment for services of educational state and municipal institutions.

Payment for services of non-state educational institutions that have appropriate accreditation and licenses.

Payment for accommodation in your child’s dormitory.

Note: the educational institution must be located in the Russian Federation, and the child’s age must not exceed 25 years.

Payment for kindergarten with maternity capital - conditions and requirements

This opportunity has appeared since 2011. It involves payment for the maintenance of the baby in kindergarten and other institutions preschool education. Restriction: this option can only be used after the child’s third birthday. How does this actually happen?

2 months after submitting the application to the Pension Fund, the funds are transferred to the organization’s account.

Payment for services is carried out by the Pension Fund regularly, in accordance with the payment schedule under the agreement with the institution.

If there are changes in the payment schedule or the amount of payments, you should submit an application with the appropriate clarifications to the Pension Fund. If changes in the amount of payments become lower, then the excess transferred funds are returned back to the capital account.

The preschool institution, as in previous versions, must be located in Russia.

Maternity capital for mother's retirement - tips and recommendations

For such an investment of capital, it is enough to contact the Pension Fund with an application. It is worth remembering that the owner of the certificate has the right to withdraw his funds after accumulating interest and dispose of them at his own discretion, choosing one of the known directions. There are two conditions for performing such an action:

Statement from the certificate owner about his refusal.

Submitting an application before the day the pension is assigned.

How to cash out maternity capital - legal possibilities

The amount of capital in 2013 is a very decent amount - 408 thousand rubles. But not every family needs expansion/improvement of living conditions, and their retirement and children’s education are still very far away. Moreover, the child may not want to go to university. Or it will be done free of charge. And an increase of 2-3 thousand rubles to the pension does not matter. That is why the issue of cashing out capital is discussed with interest in every family: after all, financial assistance is needed today and now, and not sometime later. So, can the certificate be cashed?

You CANNOT receive cash using the certificate.

Despite the presence of semi-legal loopholes for using the certificate (for example, fictitious purchase of housing from relatives or other schemes), it should be remembered that if a fraudulent transaction is committed, the owner of the certificate is subject to criminal liability.

Is it possible to sell maternity capital - sale of maternity capital

There are a lot of advertisements/offers for buying and selling certificates today. It is enough to enter such a query in a search engine. But they all, as a rule, come down to the same previous topic described above about fictitious real estate transactions. Therefore, you need to understand and remember that there are only two legal ways to cash out maternity capital:
Loan for maternity capital.

Loan for maternity capital - what can you get a loan for?

According to the federal program that exists today, maternity capital can also be used to purchase the necessary housing on credit. Not everyone can improve their modest living conditions, and the certificate allows this problem to be solved by increasing the amount for the purchase of a house (apartment). Advantages of a loan for maternity capital:

The size of the down payment, which is usually paid from personal funds, will be equal to only a tenth of the price of the property.

The loan term is up to 30 years.

In this case, guarantors are not required.


The use of a certificate to obtain a consumer loan is not provided for by law. That is, it is prohibited.

The possibility of obtaining a mortgage using maternity capital is not available in every bank.

Repaying a loan with maternity capital - what kind of loan can be repaid?

According to the law, you can spend funds on repayment using a credit (loan) certificate, but:

The loan must only be a mortgage loan.

It is necessary to provide an undertaking certified by a notary that the applicant undertakes to allocate a share to the child after repaying the loan.

Note: Maternity capital can be used for these needs even before the baby turns three years old.

When the state was developing such a measure of support for families with children as maternity capital, the question of determining the purposes for using these funds was acute. It was necessary to resolve the issue so that the assistance was valid and attempts at fraud were kept to a minimum.

To receive maternity capital, it is necessary that a second or subsequent child be born or officially adopted into the family. Date of birth - after 01/01/2007.

Matkapital is not a cash sum of money, but a certificate that gives the family the right to use these funds exclusively for their intended purpose. Deviation from the goals set by the Government is not allowed. Cashing out maternity capital funds is also not allowed. It is transferred only by non-cash method to the account of the organization that will use these funds.

At the beginning of 2007, when the program was just launched, the amount of maternity capital was 250,000 rubles. Then each year this indicator was indexed in accordance with the established inflation rate. So, in 2015, the value of maternity capital became 453,026 rubles.

Then indexation was stopped, since the country’s budget “could not last” due to economic crisis. To date, indexation has not resumed, and as of January 1, 2018, the value of maternity capital remained at 453,026 rubles.

The implementation of this state program is carried out by the Pension Fund of Russia. It is he who is entrusted with the functions of regulating these payments and maintaining the legality of their use. It is important to understand that this is not cash and it is impossible to cash it out and receive some (or all) of the amount in your hands. If someone proposes to do this, then he is breaking the law. He needs to be held accountable.

Maternity capital has clearly defined goals for which this money can be spent. Misuse of funds is prohibited! The state has determined the following purposes for using maternal capital funds. You can spend these funds on:

  • improving the family's living conditions. This could be buying an apartment or house with a mortgage, building your own home, or purchasing building materials to build a house;
  • payment for a child’s education at a university, college, private school or kindergarten preschool institution, both public and private;
  • payment for the services of a nanny hired by a licensed organization;
  • transfer of funds to the mother's funded pension;
  • purchasing necessary things for a disabled child or other necessary means for his adaptation to society.

Deviation from these goals is not permitted.


According to the intended purpose of maternity capital, it can be used as follows:

  • make a down payment to obtain a mortgage loan;
  • pay off part of the principal debt with these funds, significantly reducing the amount of the monthly payment.

To receive funds, you must contact the bank, which will act as a lender. It is he who will act as an intermediary with the bank. But you will have to wait until the Pension Fund approves the application and transfers the funds to the bank account. This usually takes about two months.

Building a house

With this money you can not only buy an apartment or a house, but you can also use it to build your own home. The concept of construction, specifically for the intended use of funds, in this case includes the following actions:

  • management of funds for the construction of a new house from scratch;
  • use of a certificate for the completion or reconstruction of a previously built house;
  • allocation of funds for the completion of an almost completed house.

You can build a house yourself, or you can use contractors. If a family has decided that they will hire a contractor to build their own house, the Pension Fund will transfer funds to the contractor’s account only after the latter provides an estimate. Funds will be transferred within the maternity capital.

If the family decided to build on their own, to invest in construction and capital, then 50% will be transferred to the account during the initial application, and the remaining 50% only after the house is completely completed.

Important! The Pension Fund of Russia will approve an application for the use of maternity capital funds only if the land is intended for individual housing construction. Land intended for gardens/vegetable gardens/dachas is not suitable.


When the family is large, you need a roomy car. For this reason public figures They suggested adding the purchase of a car or repayment of a car loan to the list of purposes for using maternity capital. But this initiative did not find a response in the hearts of legislators.

The fact is that initially maternity capital implies funds to help the whole family. It is for this reason that when funds are used for the purpose of purchasing real estate, the purchased property is registered as the property of all family members, including children. It is not practical to register such ownership with a car.

In addition, it was assumed that it would be possible to buy only domestic car. But this initiative did not find a response in the hearts of Russian families. Therefore, as of 2018, it is impossible to use federal maternity capital funds to buy a car or repay a car loan.

Many regions provide their families with additional assistance in the form of regional maternity capital. Its amount is not as large as that of the federal one. On average, this is 100,000 rubles, and they are not subject to annual indexation.

So, some regions allow you to use these funds to buy a car. And, as practice shows, families willingly use these funds for these purposes. But it is important to consider the following nuances:

  • the car does not have to be a passenger car. It could be a minivan or a truck;
  • it cannot be sold for a certain period of time. The family should "enjoy" the property vehicle;
  • the car must be manufactured in the country. That is, it is either a domestic car or a foreign car, but assembled in Russia;
  • funds can only be allocated for the purchase of a new car; you cannot buy a used car.


Pretty too popular destination to use maternity capital funds. Many families spend this money specifically on the education of their older children, because the law does not stipulate the obligation to spend funds on the child for whom it was allocated.

Funds are transferred to the account of the training organization. It doesn't have to be a university. This could be a college, technical school or kindergarten, both public and private. To transfer funds to your account educational organization An agreement is required that specifies the amount of training or stay for a certain period.

For example, when paying for tuition at a university, the contract stipulates that the fee is charged per semester, or less often, per year of study. To use the entire amount of funds or only part of it, you must contact the Pension Fund (if we are talking about regional capital, then social protection), and write a corresponding application, and attach to it a training agreement and a certificate stating that the child is successfully studying. Then the funds will be transferred.

After each transfer of funds, you must take the document to educational institution, confirming the fact that money has been credited and that the student has no tuition debt.


When the program was just being developed, an initiative was proposed to use a certificate for the mother's future pension. That is, this is a kind of gratitude from the state for maintaining the state’s demographic policy. If the mother makes a decision, she can put this money into her personal account in the state or non-state Pension Fund.

To do this, you need to write an application to the Pension Fund and attach to it an agreement with the Pension Fund itself, or with a non-state pension fund. Then the funds will be sent to the mother’s personal savings account.

When a woman retires in old age, she will be able to add the money previously invested to her pension. In addition, during the period while the amount is kept in a personal account in the NPF, these funds will “accrue” interest. Therefore, you can consider this a profitable investment in your old age.


Many families want to live outside the city. But for this you need both land and a house. And if maternity capital funds can be used to purchase or build their own home, then can they be used to purchase a plot of land on which the family will then build a house.

The law does not allow state aid to be invested in this way. The fact is that the purchase of land does not improve the living conditions of the family, therefore the funds cannot be used for such a purpose.

As mentioned above, funds can be invested in building a house on a site that already belongs to the family as a property. For example, a large family receives a plot of land under a government assistance program large families. This family probably already has maternal capital. You can use it to build a house for the whole family. In this case, the house must be intended for year-round housing.

Country house

According to current legislation, a dacha is a place for seasonal residence. The category of land under a country house is not intended for individual housing construction. It refers to agricultural land that can be used for planting a garden.

Many people provide all the necessary communications to their dacha, which allows them to live here all year round. But maternity capital funds can only be used for the construction or purchase of a house on land intended for individual housing construction. Therefore, it is impossible to buy a dacha using maternal capital.

Get cash from maternity capital

In the midst of the economic crisis, the Government took an anti-crisis measure - it began to issue lump sum payments to families who received a family capital certificate. Their size was 20 and 25 thousand in 2015 and 2016, respectively.

According to statistics, more than 2 million families took advantage of their right and received such one-time assistance. Most applications were approved in summer periods 2015 and 2016 respectively. This may indicate that assistance from the state helped these families get their children into school or another educational institution.

As soon as the country's economy recovered, the Government canceled this anti-crisis measure. There were families who took their applications to the Pension Fund and were sincerely surprised that they could exercise the right to receive a lump sum payment. Neither 2017 nor 2018, the Government adopted bills according to which families could receive a certain amount from maternity capital funds.

In addition, every family should know that it is impossible to receive cash from the certificate. It can only be transferred by non-cash method to the bank account of the organization that will use it for its intended purpose. In this case, you first need to write a corresponding application, attach all the documents to it, and then transfer the package to the Pension Fund. The application will be considered on its merits, and a reasoned decision will be made on it.

Therefore, any offer to cash the certificate and pay the family the amount in cash is fraud and falls under an article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.


Any attempts to illegally use the certificate or cash it with the help of shell companies are suppressed by employees law enforcement agencies. In this case, not only the party that proposed such a scam, but also the family that owns the certificate will be punished. This family will be deprived of the right to government assistance.

To increase the birth rate and regulate the demographic crisis in Russia, the state is creating various types material incentives for citizens. One of these measures is the introduction of maternity capital.

Maternity capital can be used for one or more purposes. In this article we will tell you in detail how to use maternity capital within the limits of the law.

The purposes for which maternity capital is permitted to be used are defined in Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 (Part 3, Article 7):

  • For children to receive education.
  • To improve living conditions in Russia.
  • To form a funded pension for the mother or adoptive mother.
  • On social adaptation and integration into society of children with disabilities (purchase of appropriate goods, e.g. wheelchairs, prostheses and payment for the services of medical specialists in accordance with the relevant List of goods and services).

A peculiarity of the use of maternity capital is that the start of its use may not be earlier than three years have passed since the birth of the child, whose birth gave the right to receive maternity (family) capital.

However, there are exceptions to this rule. If maternity capital funds are used to repay the principal debt and pay interest on mortgage loan, to pay the down payment on a mortgage or to purchase goods and services for the social adaptation of a disabled child, maternity capital in accordance with Law No. 256-FZ (Part 6, 6.1 Article 7) can be used immediately upon receipt of the right to it.

The review approved by the Presidium of the RF Armed Forces on June 22, 2016 (clause 4) makes a reservation according to which the use of maternity capital to repay the principal debt under a housing purchase and sale agreement is not allowed until the child turns three years old.

These are the only restrictions on the use of maternity capital funds. Otherwise, maternity capital can be spent at the discretion of the parents, including for several purposes at the same time. Law No. 256-FZ (Part 4, Article 7) allows the use of part of maternity capital for the child’s education, and the other part for improving living conditions.

Important: In case of divorce, maternity capital funds, as a measure state support families with a targeted nature of use cannot be considered as part of the joint property of the spouses and, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 34, art. 38 of the RF IC and clause 1 of FNP Letter No. 2305/03-16-3 dated July 1, 2016, are not subject to division.

Let's consider an example: a certificate for maternity capital on the occasion of the birth of a second child was received by the mother during marriage. The children's parents divorce and a court decision determines the children's future place of residence with their father. In this case, the certificate for maternity capital remains with the mother, since the law does not provide for the division of the certificate in the event of a divorce.

Procedure for managing maternity capital

1. Submission of documents to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in accordance with the list specified in paragraphs 6, 7 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 862 of December 12, 2007:

  1. Application for disposal of maternity capital, drawn up in writing.
  2. Mandatory insurance certificate pension insurance.
  3. Documents proving the identity of the certificate owner. If documents are submitted through a representative - the representative’s passport and a notarized power of attorney with the appropriate powers.

2. Also in some cases, a document (passport) of the spouse of the certificate holder, a marriage certificate, birth certificates of children with a mark on citizenship are required, and, if the application is submitted by a guardian (trustee) or adoptive parents, permission from the guardianship authority to spend maternity capital funds on selected goals.

Documents confirming the chosen purposes of using maternity capital are presented separately.

The methods for submitting an application for the disposal of maternity capital are specified in paragraphs 2, 3, 3.1, 3.2 of the Rules approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 779 n dated December 26, 2008. Thus, you can submit an application to the Pension Fund office at the place of residence, residence or stay in person or through your representative. You can also send documents by mail by post with a list of investments and notification of delivery.

A method of submitting documents through the MFC is available. Finally, you can use the website of state and municipal services and submit documents and an application to electronic form.

Electronic submission of documents and applications is also implemented through personal account the insured person of the PFR information system. When official The Pension Fund will receive your documents, it will send you an electronic notification of receipt of the application, which will indicate the period within which you will have to submit all necessary documents in the form of originals. This period is five working days from the date of receipt of your application by the Pension Fund.

The period for consideration of an application for disposal of maternity capital by the Pension Fund of Russia is 30 days from the date of receipt of all documents. During this period, the Pension Fund makes either a decision to approve your application or a reasoned decision to refuse. Notice of the decision taken you will be sent within five days from the date of the decision. If your application is granted, then in accordance with Federal Law No. 256-FZ (part 1, 3 art. 8), Rules No. 862 (clause 17) and clause 9 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of Russia No. 926 of December 24, 2007, the funds will be transferred to the purpose you have chosen in 10 days.

Illegal use of maternity capital funds is prosecuted by law. Thus, if maternity capital is used for the purpose of cashing out with further misuse of funds, this will lead to the Pension Fund of Russia demanding the return of amounts cashed out through illegal schemes. In this case, the actions of the certificate holder may be regarded as fraud, which will entail criminal liability.

Penalties include a fine, mandatory correctional labor and arrest. If signs are found in the actions of the violator criminal article 159.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, it is possible to apply restriction or imprisonment. Liberation from criminal liability is possible only under existing conditions and actions of the violator that create the possibility of applying Art. 76.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for using maternity capital funds to improve housing conditions

According to Art. 10 of Law No. 256-FZ and clauses 8-13 of Rules No. 862, maternity capital can be used to improve housing conditions if this improvement manifests itself in the forms of:

  1. Purchasing residential premises.
  2. Construction of a residential building with the involvement of a contractor.
  3. Construction (reconstruction) of a residential building on their own, without involving construction organization.
  4. Payments for participation in shared housing construction.
  5. Payment of a down payment for the purchase or construction of housing when receiving a target or mortgage loan.
  6. Compensation for costs incurred for the construction or reconstruction of a residential building.
  7. Repayment of the principal debt and payment of interest on a mortgage loan or a loan for the construction or purchase of finished housing.
  8. Payment of a fee to join a housing or housing construction cooperative, etc.

Housing purchased, as well as built or reconstructed using maternity capital funds, is registered in the general shared ownership all family members, including the certificate holder, his spouse and all children. The size of the shares is determined by agreement. If housing purchased using maternity capital funds is registered exclusively in the name of children, according to Letter of the Federal Tax Service No. 216/06-11 dated February 7, 2013, the legitimacy of such a transaction will be called into question.

Conditioned by the use of maternal certificate funds during the construction of housing, registration of shared ownership in the hands of spouses and their children does not depend on the period of commissioning of the building. Even an unfinished house can be registered as shared ownership of family members, according to clause 5 of the Review, approved by the Presidium of the RF Armed Forces on July 6, 2016.

Registration of the use of maternity capital funds for the purpose of improving housing conditions involves submitting to the Pension Fund, in addition to the set of documents that we reviewed just above, additional documents, the list of which will depend on the type of improvement of housing conditions (see paragraphs 8-10, 10( 2) – 10(4), 11-13 Regulations No. 862).

The procedure for using maternity capital for children's education

The education of children, including the first, second, third and all subsequent ones, is one of the legitimate purposes for which maternity capital is provided. To pay for children's education with maternity capital funds, educational institutions must have the appropriate license and state accreditation. According to the requirements of Law No. 256-FZ (Parts 2, 3, Article 11), the age of the child at the time of starting education at an educational institution should not exceed 25 years.

In addition to payment higher education, according to Rule No. 926 (clause 8(1)), maternity capital can also be used to pay for the maintenance and care of a child in an educational organization of preschool education (in kindergarten), as well as in educational institutions of primary general, basic general and secondary general education.

In addition, according to clause 6 of Rules No. 926, maternity capital funds are allowed to be used to pay for accommodation and utilities in dormitories for students from other cities.

Depending on the chosen type of educational services, payment for which is planned to be made at the expense of maternity capital, in addition to a standard set of documents, you will need to submit to the territorial office of the Pension Fund of Russia additional documents:

  • Agreement between the educational institution and the certificate holder. The contract, in accordance with clause 8(2) of Rules No. 926, must contain the calculation of tuition fees and the obligations of the educational institution in relation to the child. Also, according to Letter No. LCh-28-24/843 of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. MD-36/03, the agreement may indicate the amount allocated by the Pension Fund of Russia to pay for the maintenance of a child in an educational institution, indicate the deadline for sending funds and stipulate the possibility of returning unused funds upon expiration of the contract or upon its termination.
  • Documents, in accordance with clause 7 of Rules No. 926, confirming that maternity capital funds are used to pay for the child’s stay in a hostel for non-residents and to pay for utilities.

The procedure for using maternity capital funds to form a funded pension

For mothers and adoptive mothers, Law No. 256-FZ (Part 1, Article 12) established the possibility of directing maternity capital funds to form a funded pension. To do this, the owner of the certificate for maternity capital must write an application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, in which he indicates the purpose of using maternity capital to form a funded pension.

Mothers and adoptive parents have the right, until the moment they are assigned a funded pension, to abandon this purpose of using maternal capital and direct the funds to other purposes provided for by law, in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 12 of Law No. 256-FZ. The law (Part 5, Article 12) allows the use of maternity capital funds as part of the pension savings of the mother (adoptive parent) when assigning her a funded pension, if she has not yet disposed of the maternity capital funds up to this point.

The national program “Maternity Capital” was created with the goal of increasing the birth rate in the country and consisted of financial support for families who decided to have two or more children.

A decade has passed since V.V. Putin approved this bill, which almost immediately came into force. Today residents Russian Federation take maternity capital for granted.

True, many still have questions about this government program. The most popular of them: what can you spend maternity capital on? In our article we will try to give detailed answers and tell the reader about what awaits him in the coming years.

What is the essence of the program

Matkapital is significant financial support for all families, especially for those raising not one child, but two or more. Many modern parents, despite the difficult economic situation in the country, dream of having at least two children. And here the State offers no small amount. Why not? But it's not that simple. Maternity capital is received as a certificate that cannot be cashed out, but can be used for certain purposes.

This program has been in effect since January 1, 2007. It was initially assumed that it would expire in December 2016, but the President of the Russian Federation decided to extend it. So far only for two years. An option is now being considered to extend it until 2025.

Maternity capital is issued not only for the second child, but also for the third, fourth and subsequent children born no earlier than 2007.

Over the 10 years of its existence, maternity capital has been indexed several times. During this time, the amount on the certificate almost doubled.

Today it is 453,026 rubles. It has remained this way since 2015, since its growth has been suspended since 2016, and so far statesmen they are in no hurry to renew it. This is recorded in Law No. 415-FZ “On the Federal Budget” dated December 19, 2016.

A certificate for maternity capital can only be obtained if the couple has a second child. It does not belong to the one born. The whole family can use it. Therefore, when deciding what to spend maternity capital on, you have the right to do what will be most beneficial for your unit of society.

Who can count on receiving a certificate

Based on the name of the capital, it is clear that the mother of two or more children receives it. If for some reason she cannot do this, then the following persons have the right to draw up the document:

  • father, if mother is incompetent, deprived parental rights or died;
  • a child under the age of majority;
  • a teenager undergoing full-time training;
  • young people under 23 years of age due to their parents’ deprivation of support from the state.

Based on Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006, you have the right to a certificate not only after the birth of your second child, but also after his adoption.

This program is national, therefore only citizens of the Russian Federation or persons with dual citizenship who moved to permanent place residence in another country.

How to get a certificate

To obtain maternity capital, you should contact the territorial representative office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or any MFC. This can be done either personally or through a legal representative.

The procedure for obtaining a certificate is simple and does not take much time. If all the documents are in order, then within a month you will be legally You will be able to think about what you can buy with maternity capital.

In accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 1180n dated October 18, 2011, to obtain a certificate, you must submit the following package of documents:

  • statement;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • birth certificate of each child;
  • if the children are adopted, then a court decision on their adoption.

The requirement of Pension Fund employees to present other documents (extracts from the house register, etc.) is illegal.

If the father is going to apply for maternity capital, then in addition to the above papers, he must have official confirmation that the mother of the children cannot engage in this procedure.

This could be:

  • death certificate;
  • a court decision declaring her missing;
  • a court decision to deprive her of parental rights.

If the child himself is applying for maternity capital, then to the standard package, you will need to add one of the exact same documents, but for both parents.

Citizens of the Russian Federation who do not have permanent registration can indicate the address of their actual residence in the application.

The applicant will be notified one month after submitting documents by registered mail about the decision taken by the state body. If it is positive, then he can only visit the Pension Fund again and pick up the certificate.

Maternity capital: what can you use it for?

Initially, using a certificate you could:

  • buy a home;
  • pay for the child's education;
  • start forming a funded pension for the mother.

Later, the Government of the Russian Federation allowed me to repay part of the previously taken out mortgage loan using maternity capital.

In addition, the national assistance program for families with two or more children was changed as follows:

  • 2011 It became possible to transfer money to the bank account of its owner. This way the family could build their own house.
  • 2015 Now, to use mother capital to make down payment For a mortgage, you do not need to wait until the child turns 3 years old.
  • 2016 the capital can be used for the technical rehabilitation of disabled children.

During the economic crisis (2009-2010), once a year a family could apply to receive cash in the amount of 12 thousand rubles from maternity capital. The same situation repeated itself in 2015, only the payment increased to 20 thousand rubles.

The possibility of the family purchasing a car using maternal capital was repeatedly discussed. Officials wanted to transfer the money to a parent's deposit account so that the family could receive interest every month. Payments for education to parents were also considered.

Unfortunately, the purchase of the car, as well as the subsequent two proposals, were not approved.

Today, with the help of capital you can:

  • Optimize living conditions, provided that the house or apartment is located in our country. So that Russian citizens living abroad can also use maternity capital.
  • Pay for the child's education.
  • Start forming your mother's funded pension.
  • To carry out social adaptation of disabled children.

To make it easier for you to decide on the option of using government support, we will consider each of them in more detail.

How to use a certificate for improvement of living conditions

If previously you had to wait until your second child’s third birthday to use maternity capital to purchase real estate, then starting in 2015, this was no longer necessary. The government adopted this law to make people more willing to improve their living conditions. And it was right - this is the most popular way to implement a certificate.

What can you spend maternity capital on when choosing this direction of the program? Today Russian families The following options are available:

  • purchase of residential premises: apartment or house;
  • matkapital - as a down payment on a mortgage;
  • repayment of a previously taken out mortgage loan;
  • investing in shared construction of a residential building;
  • renovating a private residential building or increasing its area;
  • construction of a private house in which it is possible to live all year round;
  • receiving compensation for the costs of building a house if it was carried out at the expense of own funds(if payment documents are available).

Buying a house on plot of land, you will need to draw up two sales contracts: for land - separately, for construction - separately. Received in cash Only housing costs can be reimbursed from the state.

If your family has decided to solve their housing problems using the national program, be prepared to present the following documents to the Pension Fund:

  • relevant statement;
  • certificate;
  • passport;
  • SNILS;
  • purchase and sale agreement for a house or apartment;
  • permission to build (repair) a residential building;
  • an obligation certified by a notary that all family members are the owners of the purchased (built) housing;
  • mortgage agreement;
  • a bank statement containing information about the principal mortgage debt and the interest accrued on it.

How can you use a child's education certificate?

Initially, this direction of using maternal capital may seem absolutely unprofitable. Of course, education at universities is now almost all paid. And expensive. But is it worth saving funds for this until the child graduates from school? Moreover, their indexing has long been stopped..

With money received from the state you can pay for:

  • the child’s stay in kindergarten;
  • obtaining education at any university, regardless of whether the first child is studying or subsequent ones (only age matters - no older than 25 years);
  • accommodation in a student dormitory.

If a child is expelled from educational institution, You have the right to write an application to the Pension Fund, which will return the amount unspent on education back to your account. The funds remaining on it can be sold in any other way offered by the program.

If you want the state to help pay for all or part of your child’s education, contact the Pension Fund with the following package of documents:

  • statement;
  • certificate;
  • the applicant's passport;
  • SNILS;
  • an agreement on educating a child on a commercial basis;
  • a copy of the educational institution’s accreditation certificate;
  • a rental agreement for residential premises, if the goal is to pay for a hostel.

How to use a certificate for the funded part of your mother’s pension

As statistics show, of all the options, this is one of the most unpopular among residents of the Russian Federation. The number of capital certificate holders who choose it does not even reach 1%.

If a family does not experience housing problems and is confident that it can easily pay for their children’s education using their own funds, then why not take care of the mother’s future pension?

Moreover, if she changes her mind, the law will not prohibit the withdrawal of funds from the savings account of the Pension Fund. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s state-owned or not. Afterwards, she will be able to use them at her own discretion, if it does not contradict the terms of the program.

If the mother did not live to see retirement, the savings accumulated thanks to maternal capital will be available to the first-line heirs: husband and children.

Certificate for social adaptation of disabled children

Maternity capital will come in handy if there is a disabled child in the family. After all, his treatment and subsequent rehabilitation cost large sums money. Unfortunately, it is not only difficult, but impossible to compensate for the costs in this case.

This is because maternity capital can be used:

  • to very specific technical devices for rehabilitation, and within the framework of a program drawn up individually for a disabled child;
  • for devices and manipulations not included in list b
  • free.

You cannot use funds received from the state under the national program as payment for treatment - in the Russian Federation it is free. But quotas, for example, for operations are not enough to provide even half of the population with them. And some types of surgical intervention are not performed at all in Russia.

In addition, the certificate can only be sold as compensation for the cost of rehabilitation equipment already purchased. Very often they are so expensive that families simply do not have the money for them.

Today it is difficult to say whether this will continue necessary program helping compatriots. And what can be purchased with maternity capital. But let’s hope that this bill will not be curtailed and will be improved in the near future.