You can spend maternity capital on the treatment of a child. How to use maternity capital for the treatment and rehabilitation of a disabled child

Since the beginning of 2016, the Government of the Russian Federation has allowed maternity capital funds to be spent on assistance in integration into society and on social adaptation children with disabilities. From this article you will learn for what specific purposes it became possible to spend money, what is meant by rehabilitation and habilitation of a disabled child, what is individual program rehabilitation, what goods and services are included in the list of available for purchase, what documents will be needed to receive funds, how to proceed to use maternity capital for a disabled child.

What is social rehabilitation and habilitation of a disabled child

Children with disabilities have difficulty integrating into society due to their physical disabilities, and therefore parents do their best to help them feel comfortable in public. To do this, one has to overcome emotional, environmental, cultural, informational, labor, psychological and physical isolation. Innovations in the law on maternity capital are designed to help parents of children with this.

Social adaptation – creating or restoring connections with the life of society lost by children with disabilities, as well as providing them with assistance with inclusion in the processes of education, leisure, work and everyday life.

Rehabilitation of a disabled child – taking various measures aimed at restoring impaired body functions (restoring health by any accessible ways and helping to function in society even with health problems).

Habilitation – formation of the child’s opportunities and abilities for play, work, educational and household activities and self-care that are absent due to poor health.

What is an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled child?

To prove that a child with a disability really requires goods/services that the mother intends to purchase with maternity capital, it is necessary to visit the bureau of medical and social examination, undergo an examination and receive an extract that will be sent to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (within 3 days from the date signing the document). The rehabilitation program is drawn up for a period from 1 year to 18 years (until the child reaches adulthood); a disability group is not established for children.

The program will describe what support measures the child needs, what abilities he has, what equipment and devices he would need for normal life, and what the forecast for the activities will be. Recommendations may relate to free and paid events - maternity capital funds are allocated for the latter.

Conditions under which maternity capital is allowed to be spent on a disabled child

Since the beginning of 2016 Russian families, in which children with disabilities are being raised, received the right to use a certificate for maternity capital in order to pay for the rehabilitation of their child. The conditions for spending funds are as follows:

  1. Maternity capital can be spent on purchasing goods and paying for services that would help a child with special needs integrate into society and social adaptation.
  2. Before purchasing goods or paying for medical services, it is necessary to provide an individual rehabilitation program for the child, drawn up by medical and social experts (to confirm that the child really needs these goods/services).
  3. It will not be possible to pay for goods and services if they are indicated in a special list (a list of goods and services for people with disabilities that are provided free of charge on federal level). The list was approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2005 No. 2347-r.
  4. You can spend maternity capital on a disabled child born first, second, third, etc. - not only for that child, after whose birth the right to maternity capital arose in the family.
  5. A disabled child, for whose rehabilitation maternity capital funds can be used, can be natural or adopted.
  6. You can spend maternity capital on the needs of a child with disabilities without waiting for execution youngest child 3 years.
  7. First, the family pays for goods/services own funds, and only then receives compensation from maternity capital funds.
  8. As evidence of the fact that the product was purchased (the service was received), there is an act of inspection of the residential premises in which a disabled child lives by the authorities social services.

How exactly can you spend maternity capital on a disabled child?

Important! You can check whether the allocation of maternity capital funds for a service (good) necessary for a disabled child is based on the text of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 30, 2016 No. 831-r. If a service (product) is mentioned in the text of the document, it can be purchased and then receive compensation.

Initially, it was assumed that maternity capital funds could be spent on teachers, a reader, a nurse, a psychologist, a speech therapist, creative activities, and visits to sensory rooms, alternative therapy (for example, dolphin therapy or feline therapy). However, in the end, the Government left only one item - payment for the services of the reader-secretary. As for goods, the list is wider:

Product group Types of goods
Communications Electronic organizer;

clock with indicators and signals;

keyboards, games, headphones;

laptops, PCs, tablets, phones with voice output.

Sanitary and hygienic equipment Meters climate indicators;

bathing aids;

bath and shower chairs;

folding and portable bathtubs.

Technical means Motorized chairs, beds;


vertical conveyors (platforms, elevators).

Specialized sports equipment Various adaptations for the blind and other disabled people;

treadmills with speech output;

bicycles for patients with cerebral palsy;

exercise equipment that activates movements.

Developmental and Mobility Adaptations Computer/book stands, aids;

Braille display for the visually impaired;

means for lifting and moving.

What documents need to be collected for presentation to the Pension Fund?

To receive compensation for a purchased product (paid service) needed by a child with a disability, you need to collect the following documents:

Document Clarification
Application for disposal of maternity capital
Passport of the mother of the children who issued the certificate In some cases, the designer is the father of the children
Bank account details To transfer compensation
Extract from an individual rehabilitation program It should list the goods and services necessary for the child and not paid from the country's budget
Certificate of checking the availability of purchased goods Must contain confirmation of the purchased product, its compliance with the list and rehabilitation program, name of the product, information about the recipient of the maternity capital certificate
Documents proving payment for goods/services Warranty card, invoice, payment agreements, checks, etc.

Expert opinion on the question of how to act if you want to receive compensation for goods/services paid for a disabled child

To use maternity capital funds to pay for goods or services that will be useful to a child with disabilities, you need to follow the scheme:

  1. Receive a referral to undergo a medical and social examination.
  2. Receive from ITU experts an individual rehabilitation program for the child, indicating the services/goods that are necessary for his rehabilitation.
  3. Buy goods necessary for the child (pay for services) with your own funds, save payment documents.
  4. Contact the authorities social protection of the population (if the product was purchased), allow a specialist to inspect the residential premises (within 5 days after contacting the SZN), receive an inspection report.
  5. Bring the inspection report and other documents to the Pension Fund (if the service has been paid for, the inspection report is not needed) and receive compensation.

Maternity (family) capital is the most popular federal program.

For many years, it could have been used to improve living conditions, educate children, or invest it in the mother’s future pension. Last year, the state identified another direction. Now it is possible to spend MSC funds on the rehabilitation and social adaptation of disabled children, namely, to receive compensation for the costs of purchasing goods and services approved for circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation, which are intended for the social adaptation and integration into society of disabled children in accordance with an individual rehabilitation program or habilitation (IPRA), developed by the institution of medical and social examination (ITU).

Maternity capital funds in this area can be used at any time. To do this, it is not necessary to wait until the third birthday of the child who gives the right to receive MSC. In this case, the money can be used for the rehabilitation of any of the children.

In order to use maternity (family) capital funds, you must submit an application to the Pension Fund at your place of residence or to the MFC. In addition to the passport, the owner of the state certificate submits the IDRA of the disabled child, documents confirming the costs of purchasing goods and services, an act of checking the availability and compliance of the goods purchased for the disabled child, as well as the details of the certificate holder’s account with a credit institution.

A family that decides to take advantage of this referral must contact a health care organization for a referral for a medical and social examination, then the ITU institution with an application to include in the IPRA recommendations on goods and services from the corresponding list that the child needs. Please note that compensation from maternity (family) capital can only be obtained for those goods and services that are not provided for in the federal list of rehabilitation measures.

After the ITU institution reviews the application and enters information about the product or service into the IPRA, the family can purchase it, keeping all accompanying payment documents (sales receipts or sales contracts). After purchasing the goods, the family must contact the social service institutions (Family and Children Assistance Center) at their place of residence, where they will draw up a report on checking the availability of the goods.

Today the state Russian Federation actively helps the poor population of the country. In particular, large families. Maternity capital is provided to support them. However, the use of funds is limited for their intended purpose.

Until 2016, maternity capital funds could be used in a limited manner. The money was intended for only three areas:

  • purchase or independent construction of a home;
  • further education of the child;
  • mother's pension accruals.

However, with the increase in families in the country where children are born with pathologies, State Duma adopted a new bill. According to the innovation, spouses were allowed to use maternity capital funds to treat a child’s disability. This right can be exercised in the following forms:

  1. Purchasing necessary medications prescribed by a doctor.
  2. Compensation for all costs that were necessary to fulfill according to the individual plan.

Funds can be spent directly on treating a specific focus of the disease. And also for the social adaptation of a child with a disability, accustoming him to social life.

This leads to the answer to the question of whether maternity capital can be used for the treatment of a child. Funds are provided only for children who have disabled status, due to the fact that such rehabilitation is expensive.

Legislative framework

The issue of providing benefits and concessions to large families is regulated at the legislative level. Today, this category of citizens is protected and actively supported by the state.

First of all, we can note the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 380. It is there that the procedure, conditions and restrictions on the use of maternity capital for the treatment of children are fully regulated.

Also noteworthy is order number 831 of 2016. It establishes an exhaustive list of goods and services on which preferential funds can actually be spent. :

Only in 2016 did the State Duma develop a bill to amend the main legal act. Thus, the innovation expanded the list of purposes for which maternity capital funds can be spent. Now financial resources can cover the treatment of children with disabilities.

However, a limitation immediately arises. It is prohibited to use maternity capital for dental treatment of the child or mother. This category of diseases is not provided for by law.

It should be noted that the program for providing maternity capital to large families has been extended until 2021. The President of the Russian Federation announced this at the end of 2017.

The concept of IPRA

One of the key documents for the sale of maternity capital funds is the IPRA. In other words, an individual habilitation or rehabilitation program. It is intended exclusively for persons with disabilities.

The program is drawn up only by an independent specialist, a medical expert. A referral for testing can be obtained from your local pediatrician.

The medical and social examination operates on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of 2015. It is this legal document that regulates the rules for creating IPRA. The program can be compiled for the following periods:

  • 1 year;
  • 2 years;
  • before the child with a disability comes of age.

Accordingly, the entire IPRA program includes two lists of activities: paid and free. Funds from maternity capital can only be used for the first category.

It’s worth mentioning right away what the program may include. It is compiled individually for each child. An approximate list of information in the IPRA:

  • The child’s current capabilities (movement, orientation, social skills).
  • Necessary rehabilitation measures due to the presence of deviations. They may be in various fields: medical, psychological and pedagogical, social or physical education.
  • The results that the doctor plans to see after the program.
  • Funds required to implement the program: federal or regional.
  • Other additions and comments from the doctor regarding the treatment and rehabilitation of the child.

Presented below:

Important! Maternity capital cannot be used for the treatment of the mother or father. The benefit is provided exclusively for the development and health of the child.

Waste of funds in the treatment of a disabled child

Matkapital can actually be used to treat a certain degree of disability in a child. However, actions aimed at recovery are of a different nature. First, let's list the material things:

  1. Technical means. This may include vertical conveyors, such as lifts. Also special automatic beds or chairs.
  2. Devices to improve mobility as well as development. Special equipment for lifting and facilitating movement of the baby. Another example is the Brailler display for those with vision problems. Other accessories.
  3. Highly specialized training equipment. A special bicycle for a child with cerebral palsy. Exercise machines that promote walking development.
  4. Sanitary equipment. For example, portable bathtubs, shower chairs. This also includes items for measuring temperature and other parameters of the surrounding room.
  5. Communication means. Most modern look technologies that facilitate the social connection of a child with a disability. This includes gadgets, computers, specialized hand watches, and electronic organizers.
  6. You can also purchase the services of a reader-secretary.

It should be noted that the legislation initially established a list of services that are provided free of charge. Accordingly, you can get them without registering maternity capital. Let us note the main events:

  • Rehabilitation.

This includes direct medical manipulations: surgery, therapy (including prescribing and supplying medications). Providing vouchers to a sanatorium, prosthetics (in particular, installation of a hearing aid). Consultation with a psychologist.

  • Technical equipment to facilitate the rehabilitation process.

This may include natural things: crutches, strollers, dentures, diapers, voice aids, glasses or contacts.

  • Other services.

For example, repair of all of the above equipment. You can also hire a special person who will walk a dog for a blind child. By the way, financial payments are made for the maintenance of dogs.

Paid medical services and related goods cannot be purchased with maternity capital funds. However, in a number of regions of the Russian Federation this restriction has been lifted:

  • Kalmykia;
  • Komi;
  • Nizhny Novgorod, Murmansk, Sakhalin and other regions;
  • Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrugs.

This is due to the fact that the Government of individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation has the right to establish additional benefits and concessions.

Treatment of a child with severe pathologies (oncological diseases)

As mentioned above, maternity capital can be used for the treatment of children only if there is a degree of disability. Otherwise, the preferential funds cannot be spent.

If you have cancer, you can receive a certain disability group. It all depends on the degree of development of the disease, as well as on the place of its origin.

However, the detection of oncological pathology does not automatically establish a category of disability. To do this, you should contact a special medical and social authority. Based on the examinations performed and the documents provided, the doctor will make an appropriate decision.

A disability group for cancer can be assigned for a certain period of time, for example for a year. It is also possible to establish this status indefinitely. The following persons receive a lifetime degree:

  • Incurable stage of cancer with tumor disintegration.
  • The tumor led the patient to a serious health condition.
  • Although the tumor formation was benign, it contributed to damage to the brain and spinal cord. That is, the child has impaired vision, hearing loss and other negative consequences.

A doctor may establish other grounds for assigning a lifelong degree of disability in the presence of cancer.

The procedure for registering maternity capital takes place in a standard form. Submitting an application along with the package necessary documents. Next is confirmation from the social service.

However, the family can spend maternity capital on the treatment of the child in a specific form. In the form of compensation. That is, the spouses independently pay for everything necessary according to the IPRA. After this, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation compensates for the losses incurred. Let's write down step-by-step instructions:

  1. After passing a medical and social examination, the family receives an IPRA.
  2. Next, you become familiar with the medications and instructions prescribed in the IPRA.
  3. The family independently purchases devices and medications prescribed by the doctor.
  4. All receipts, checks, bank statements are collected in one package.
  5. Additional collection of documents and sending them to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  6. Filling out a special form on the purposes of disposing of maternity capital funds. below:
  1. Within one month, the Pension Fund authorities make a decision.
  2. If the application is approved, the family receives monetary compensation. It will be possible to cash out within a month.

It is also worth mentioning the list of documents that must be submitted along with checks and receipts to the local branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Each document serves as the basis for receiving benefits. Let's list them:

  • Applicant's passport and photocopy.
  • Certificate of availability of maternity capital (or a duplicate).
  • A photocopy of the IPRA, in particular the page where the purchased drugs are indicated.
  • A separate act from the social service regarding the family’s availability of purchased equipment.
  • Details of the bank account to which the applicant wishes to receive financial compensation.
  • If the application is submitted official representative person, you must show a notarized power of attorney and identification.

Important! Disposal of maternity capital for the treatment of a baby is possible immediately after receiving the certificate. There is no need to wait until your child's third birthday.

About dental services

Unfortunately, today spending maternity capital on dentistry is not possible. The only way to use the subsidy for the benefit of the mother is to send part or all of the amount towards the pension. Dental services are not covered by the subsidy for either the child or the mother. However, this bill is being considered by the State Duma.

Thus, the state provides financial assistance to large families in the form of benefits and subsidies. Today, funds can be spent on the health of a child with a disability. However, dental treatment using maternity capital is not yet possible.

Regional maternity capital for child treatment on on a paid basis provided in certain regions at the birth or adoption of a third or subsequent child in a family in accordance with regional legislation.

See also other options for using regional maternity capital

All options

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