What dangers lie in wait in the forest. "Danger in the Forest"

Get lost in the taiga You can go hunting, picking mushrooms and berries, getting pine nuts.

Anyone, even an experienced person, can get lost in the taiga, let alone amateurs and beginners in forest hikes and walks. They are the ones who cause a lot of trouble both for themselves and for rescuers.

A lot of advice and recommendations have been written for them, but they are not always followed.

There are many cases where people, having gone into the forest and not having sufficient experience and knowledge of local conditions, easily lost their way and, having lost their orientation, found themselves in distress.

Make it a rule: before entering the forest, remember in which direction the road, river, sun are. While moving through the forest, notice landmarks from time to time: trees unusual shapes, an upturned stump, streams, holes - in general, everything that will do you a good service in case of trouble.

Move like this: mark a landmark to which you are heading, and then choose the next one.

If you still realize that you are lost, try to calm down. Panic in this case is a terrible enemy. Taiga does not forgive mistakes.

Stop and listen carefully: sounds help you get out to people - equipment is working, a dog is barking, etc. It is best to go out to the water and move downstream. Look for power lines or gas pipelines - walking along these objects, you can always reach people.

If this fails, you need to remember familiar landmarks. Long and noisy ones are best: railway, navigable river, highway. It’s easier to “miss” past a village or forestry.

Sounds help you reach people - a tractor is running (you can hear it from 3-4 kilometers away), a dog is barking (2-3 kilometers away), a train is going by (up to 10 kilometers away). The smell of smoke helps: here you have to move against the wind...

If everything around you is unfamiliar, then there is no need to rush around different sides. The main thing is calm.

You must stop immediately and sit down on a stump. And no longer take a single step without thinking. You can only think about one thing: how to get to the place where the familiar path begins.

Streams, rivers - it's always good guidelines. If, of course, you know where they flow. But even without knowing, it is best to stay close to them. If you manage to get onto any road or power line, do not leave them under any circumstances. This is your chance for salvation.

Streams often flow into swamps. If the swamp is not extensive, you need to change direction.

It is easy to get around small wetlands by stepping on hummocks or rhizomes of bushes, or wade, having first felt the bottom with a pole.

Once you are convinced that it is impossible to pass or bypass dangerous areas, you can throw down some branches, lay a few poles crosswise or tie a mat of reeds, grass, straw and cross this prepared “bridge” to solid ground.

Remember that even a familiar area can seem foreign when a person does not expect to see it if he comes from an unusual direction, and even more so if he is scared, is in strong excitement. Therefore, look around more often, look around, try to find familiar signs and objects, even if you are sure that you are far from familiar places.

Being in the taiga, it is difficult to move among the rubble and windbreaks, densely covered with bushes. The apparent similarity of the situation (trees, folds of terrain, etc.) can completely disorient a person, and he will move in a circle, unaware of his mistake.

We must try to go to higher places. Previously, people walked more, so there should be old and new trails. If the path goes into a swamp, then it is better not to follow it. This could be an animal trail. You can navigate by quarterly requests. Although they are overgrown, the patches remain. Usually the blocks run from west to east, and from south to north. There are exceptions, but these are very rare.

Knowing various signs, you can navigate the cardinal directions even without a compass.

Thus, the bark of birch and pine on the northern side is darker than on the southern side, and tree trunks, stones, rock ledges are more densely covered with moss and lichens. Resin drops on the trunks coniferous trees appear less abundantly on the northern side than on the southern side. All these signs are clearly expressed in individual standing tree in a clearing or forest edge.

To maintain the intended direction, they usually choose a clearly visible landmark every 100-150 m of the route. This is especially important if the path is blocked by rubble or dense bushes, which force you to deviate from the straight direction. Trying to go ahead is always fraught with injury.

Small taiga rivers are quite passable for light inflatable boats and rafts. You can make a raft using dead wood and ropes. Raw wood is heavier and cannot support the weight of a person. In the center of the raft you can build a small shelter (hut) from rain and wind and prepare a place for a fire by pouring layers of sand or pebbles. To control the raft, two or three long poles are cut down. A heavy stone with a strong rope can serve as an anchor .

If a person walks noisily and does not sneak, wild animals will smell him and avoid him. Therefore, do not look for encounters with animals yourself (elk, deer, and fox are dangerous, which may be sick with rabies and bite), and if you accidentally stumble upon them, give them the opportunity to leave.
Sometimes animals attack humans - if they are wounded, frightened by the unexpected, or protect their cubs. When clearly aggressive behavior You can use fire as protection, knocking a stick on a tree. When meeting a wild boar, it is better to climb a tree.

But the most reliable thing is to make it a rule, before entering the forest, to look at a map or at least a hand-drawn plan of the area. Remember landmarks. It will take no more than five minutes, and you will feel much more confident in the forest (of course, it’s even better to make a photocopy).

I hope that these tips will help you in the taiga.

Take care of nature.

Sincerely, "Leshy".

We'll talk about fishing, hunting, choosing a place for a taiga hut, and much more next time.

Read how to properly prepare for a hike in the forest.

Sincerely, Leshy

Galina Evgenievna Budilova
"Dangers in the Forest." Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world for older children preschool age

Objectives of the lesson.

Educational: consolidate children's knowledge about elementary rules safety in the forest, navigate in an emergency.

Developmental: develop attention, memory, thinking when solving problem situations, instinct of self-preservation.

Educational: bring up careful attitude and responsibility for surrounding nature. Foster a sense of teamwork and develop communication skills.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator. Tell me, what time of year is it now?

Children. Spring.

Educator. By what signs did you determine this?

Children. It became warmer. The sun began to warm up. The snow has almost melted. The buds are swelling on the trees. Streams are flowing. People wore lightweight clothes.

Educator. In this weather, I really want to go for a walk in the forest. Let's close our eyes and imagine that we are riding a bus into the forest.

(Quiet music sounds.)

You and I drive through the city streets and go to the main road. wide road, leading to the forest. Shining bright sun. You can hear the noise of cars passing by. So we arrived in the forest.

We open our eyes. How beautiful it is all around.

And before you and I enter the forest, tell me, what danger might await us in the forest?

Children. You can get lost in the forest.

Educator. That’s right, you can get lost in the forest, so you can’t go into the forest alone, especially for children.

"The most important rule

We must seriously understand everything

You can't go into the forest without adults!

It's so easy to get lost:

Go far from home

And there is no way back...

And I won’t be able to get to my mom again.”

In the forest you need to stay with your parents. But if you suddenly lose sight of your parents, shout louder so that you can find each other by voice.

If you are lost in the forest, do not panic, do not run aimlessly, sit down, listen carefully to the sounds, maybe you will hear the noise of cars, trains, barking dogs, indicating the proximity of people. Try to understand where the sound is coming from and go in that direction. If the sound gets louder, you are going right.

When planning to relax in nature, what clothes should you wear?

Children: For a walk in the forest you need to wear long trousers, a long-sleeved sweater, a hat and a raised collar. Clothes should be light. Apply mosquito repellent ointment to exposed areas of the body.

Educator: Why?

Children: Such clothing will protect you from insect bites. And on light clothes you will see an insect faster than on dark ones.

Educator: what forest insects do you know?

Children: mosquitoes, grasshoppers, wasps, flies, dragonflies, ticks, ladybugs, bees, butterflies, hornets, bumblebees, caterpillars.

Educator: Which of these insects sting? Why?

Children: mosquitoes, wasps, bees, bumblebees, hornets.

These insects have a stinger and can sting.

Educator: What should you do if you are stung by an insect?

Children: pull out the sting, wash the wound, put cold on the wound (you can put a handkerchief moistened with cold water).

Educator: now let's play a game (physical education minute). I will name insects for you, and you will clap your hands if you hear the name of a stinging insect; stomp your feet if you hear the names of other insects.

(Ladybug, grasshopper, bee, dragonfly, mosquito, locust, wasp, fly, beetle, bumblebee, butterfly, firefly, tick, caterpillar)

Educator: So you and I went out into a forest clearing. Look how many berries there are here. Let's collect the berries in a basket.

(Children take turns taking a picture, calling the berry, describing it).

Well done, you know a lot of wild berries.

(The teacher shows pictures of poisonous berries).

What are these berries called?

(Wolf bast, henbane, raven eye.)

Why are they dangerous?

(If the children find it difficult, the teacher tells).

When collecting wild berries in the forest, care should be taken to ensure that poisonous berries do not end up in the basket. In terms of their appearance, they are very beautiful, appetizing and do not cause fear, therefore they can end up not only in a basket, but also in the mouth of an inexperienced and ignorant collector, and this sometimes poses a mortal danger.

The basic rule is “If in doubt, don’t buy it!”

What else can you find in the forest?

Children: mushrooms.

Educator: what mushrooms do you know?

(Children list mushrooms)

What groups can we divide mushrooms into? (Edible and inedible).

Why are mushrooms called inedible?

Children: These mushrooms are poisonous and can cause poisoning.

Educator: Is it possible to tear it down and trample it? poisonous mushrooms?

Children: Poisonous mushrooms are needed by forest dwellers; they are treated with them.

Educator: There are many different mushrooms in our clearing, let's collect edible mushrooms and let's not touch the poisonous ones.

(Children collect dummies edible mushrooms, these mushrooms are called, and the dummies poisonous mushrooms don't touch).

Not all mushrooms are our friends. There are also enemies - poisonous mushrooms.

And if a person eats them, then severe poisoning will occur.

What should you do if you doubt whether a mushroom is edible or poisonous?

Children: Ask adults.

Educator: And if you still don’t know whether it’s edible or not, then don’t pick it.

What dangers in the forest did we talk about? What should we remember when going into the forest?

The forest expanses of Russia seem almost limitless. But even on such a scale, man is in the process economic activity, manages to inflict damage on them. Felling for the purpose of timber harvesting is becoming widespread in some places. Such intensive and unreasonable use gradually leads to the fact that the forest fund begins to deplete. This is noticeable even in the taiga zone.

The rapid destruction of forests leads to the disappearance of unique flora and fauna, as well as to the deterioration of the ecological situation. This especially affects the composition of the air.

Main causes of deforestation

Among the main reasons for deforestation, the first thing worth noting is the possibility of its use as a building material. Also very often, forests are cut down for the purpose of development or use of land for agricultural land.

This problem became especially acute at the beginning of the 19th century. With the development of science and technology, most of the cutting work began to be performed by machines. This made it possible to significantly increase productivity and, accordingly, the number of trees cut down.

Another reason for massive deforestation is the creation of pastures for farm animals. This problem is especially acute in tropical forests. On average, grazing one cow will require 1 hectare of pasture, which is several hundred trees.

Why should forestlands be preserved? What does deforestation lead to?

A forest is not only trees and shrubs and grasses, it is also hundreds of different living creatures. Deforestation is one of the most common environmental problems. With the destruction of trees in the biogeocenosis system, the ecological balance is disrupted.

Uncontrolled destruction of forests leads to the following negative consequences:

  1. Some species of flora and fauna are disappearing.
  2. Species diversity is decreasing.
  3. The amount of carbon dioxide () begins to increase in the atmosphere.
  4. Soil erosion occurs, which leads to the formation of deserts.
  5. In places with high level groundwater waterlogging begins.

Interesting! More than half of all forest areas are in tropical forests. Moreover, they are home to about 90% of all known animals and plants.

Statistics on deforestation in the world and in Russia

Deforestation is a global problem. It is relevant not only for Russia, but also for a number of other countries. According to statistics on deforestation, about 200 thousand km 2 of forests are cut down every year around the world. This leads to the death of tens of thousands of animals.

If we consider the data in thousands of hectares for individual countries, they will look like this:

  1. Russia - 4.139;
  2. Canada - 2.45;
  3. Brazil - 2.15;
  4. USA - 1.73;
  5. Indonesia - 1.6.

The problem of deforestation least of all concerns China, Argentina and Malaysia. On average, about 20 hectares of forests are destroyed on the planet in one minute. This problem is especially acute for tropical zone. For example, in India, over the past 50 years, the forested area has decreased by more than half.

In Brazil large areas forests were cut down for development purposes. Because of this, the populations of some animal species have declined greatly. Africa accounts for approximately 17% of the world's forest reserves. In terms of hectares, this is about 767 million. According to the latest data, about 3 million hectares are cut down here every year. Over the past centuries, over 70% of forests in Africa have been destroyed.

Deforestation statistics in Russia are also disappointing. Especially a lot of coniferous trees are being destroyed. Massive deforestation in Siberia and the Urals contributed to the formation large quantity wetlands. It is worth noting that most of the logging is illegal.

Forest groups

All forests on the territory of Russia, according to their environmental and economic importance, can be classified into 3 groups:

  1. This group includes plantings that have a water protection and protective function. For example, these could be forest belts along the banks of reservoirs or wooded areas on mountain slopes. This group also includes forests that perform sanitary, hygienic and health-improving functions, national reserves and parks, natural monuments. The forests of the first group account for 17% of the total forest area.
  2. The second group includes plantings in areas with high population density and a well-developed transport network. This also includes forests with an insufficient timber resource base. The second group accounts for about 7%.
  3. The largest group accounts for 75% of its share in the forest fund. This category includes plantings for operational purposes. Due to them, the needs for wood are met.

The division of forests into groups is described in more detail in the “Fundamentals of Forest Legislation”.

Types of fellings

Timber harvesting can be carried out in all forest groups without exception. In this case, all fellings are divided into 2 types:

  • main use;
  • care

Final fellings

Final felling is carried out only in plantations that have reached the period of maturity. They are divided into the following types:

  1. Solid. With this type of logging, everything except the undergrowth is cut down. They are carried out in one go. Restrictions on their implementation are imposed in forests of environmental and ecological significance, as well as in nature reserves and parks.
  2. Gradual. With this type of felling, the tree stand is removed in several stages. In this case, trees that interfere with the further development young animals, damaged and sick. Typically, between 6 and 9 years pass between cuttings. In the first step, about 35% of the total tree stand is removed. At the same time, the bulk consists of overmature trees.
  3. Selective. Their main purpose is the formation of highly productive plantations. During them, diseased, dead, windfall and other inferior trees are cut down. All thinnings are divided into the following types: clarification, clearing, thinning and passing. Depending on the condition of the forest, thinning may also be clear cutting.

Legal and illegal logging

All deforestation work is strictly regulated Russian legislation. In this case, the most important document is the “Cutting Ticket”. To complete it you will need the following documents:

  1. A statement indicating the reason for the felling.
  2. Plan of the area highlighting the area allocated for felling.
  3. Taxation description of cut down plantings.

A logging ticket will also be required when exporting already harvested wood. Its price is proportional to the cost of compensation for use natural resources. Cutting down trees without the appropriate documents is classified as illegal logging.

Responsibility for it is provided for in Article 260 Part 1. It is applicable only in cases where the amount of damage exceeds 5,000 rubles. For smaller violations, administrative liability is applicable. It implies the imposition of a fine in the amount of 3,000 to 3,500 rubles on citizens and from 20 to 30 thousand on officials.

Consequences of deforestation

The consequences of deforestation are a long-term problem. Deforestation affects the entire ecosystem. This is especially true for the problem of purifying and saturating the air with oxygen.

Also, according to recent studies, it has been found that massive logging contribute global warming. This is due to the carbon cycle that occurs on the surface of the Earth. At the same time, we should not forget about the water cycle in nature. In it the trees take the most active participation. Absorbing moisture with their roots, they evaporate it into the atmosphere.

Soil erosion is another problem associated with deforestation. Tree roots prevent erosion and weathering of the top fertile layers of soil. In the absence of a tree stand, wind and precipitation begin to destroy the upper humus layer, thereby turning fertile lands into a lifeless desert.

The problem of deforestation and ways to solve it

One way to solve the problem of deforestation is to plant trees. But she will not be able to completely compensate for the damage caused. The approach to this problem must be comprehensive. To do this, you must adhere to the following directions:

  1. Plan forest management.
  2. Strengthen protection and control over the use of natural resources.
  3. Develop a system for monitoring and accounting of the forest fund.
  4. Improve forest legislation.

In most cases, planting trees does not cover the damage caused. So, for example, in South America and Africa, despite all the measures taken, the forest area continues to decline inexorably. Therefore, to reduce negative consequences felling, it is necessary to take a whole range of additional measures:

  1. Increase planting area annually.
  2. Create protected areas with a special forest management regime.
  3. Dedicate significant efforts to preventing forest fires.
  4. Deploy recycling wood

Forest protection policy in different countries may differ significantly. Some impose restrictions on use, while others simply increase the volume of restoration plantings. But, a completely new approach to this problem has been developed Norway. She plans completely stop cutting down.

This country has officially announced that the so-called “zero deforestation” policy will be implemented on its territory. Over the years, Norway has actively supported various forest protection programs. For example, in 2015, it allocated 1 billion rubles to Brazil to preserve the Amazon rain forests. Investments from Norway and a number of other countries have helped reduce deforestation by 75%.

From 2011 to 2015, the Norwegian government allocated 250 million rubles to another tropical country – Guyana. And as of this year, Norway has officially announced “zero tolerance” for logging. That is, it will no longer purchase forest products.

Environmental experts say that paper can also be produced by recycling waste. And as fuel and building materials other resources can be used. The Norwegian state pension fund responded to this statement by withdrawing from its portfolio all shares of enterprises associated with damage to the forest fund.

According to the fund wildlife, every minute forests with an area comparable to the area of ​​48 football fields disappear from the surface of the Earth. This also significantly increases emissions greenhouse gases, contributing to global warming.

Lyudmila Ovchinnikova
Lesson summary “Forest dangers”

Subject: Forest dangers.

Introduction to a new topic.

Guys, I suggest you take a trip through the forest.

Slide number 2:

What is a forest for a person? Why do you go to the forest?

Student answers.

Do you think the forest can hide dangers? What could it be for you? dangerous? (Wild berries, mushrooms, insects)

– Why do you think we need to know what there are dangers in the forest?

Student answers: to apply this knowledge in life, to expand your horizons, so that in the summer it will be pleasant to be in the forest.

– Are you ready for discoveries? Let's go to the forest!

4. Study new topic lesson.

1. Forest dangers

2. Poisonous berries and plants

3. Inedible mushrooms

4. Stinging insects

I. Poisonous plants and forest berries.

Do you know what wild berries you can eat?

Guess the riddles.

1. What berries does a bear pick in the forest? (Raspberries)

2. I am a drop of summer on a thin leg,

They weave boxes and baskets for me.

He who loves me is happy to bow down.

And the name was given to me by my native land. (Strawberry)

3. In haymaking it is bitter, but in frost it is sweet, what kind of berry is it? (Kalina)

Well done! Today we will talk about berries and plants that you should avoid.

There are often reports in newspapers about poisoning of children and adults with herbs or berries, and sometimes this ends very sadly. It is obvious that children need constant supervision. But adults can often afford to taste a beautiful berry or chew a randomly picked leaf.

Of the thirty thousand plants found in our country, about a thousand are poisonous. How do you understand the word poisonous?

Student answers

IN explanatory dictionary Ozhegov gives such an interpretation to the word poison.

Poison is a substance that causes poisoning.

Poisonous plants are plants that produce and accumulate poisons during their life processes that cause poisoning in humans and animals.

Some plants contain poison. It may be contained in different parts plants (leaf, flower, root, berries.)

Now let's take a closer look at some of the poisonous plants that grow in our forests.

Slide number 4

You look at the pictures -

These berries, friends, cannot be picked in the forest!

There's poison in every one dangerous there is.

If you eat them once,

You can get seriously poisoned

And you will have to undergo treatment.

Pictures poisonous plants.

Slide number 5

1. Wolf's bast.

It's beautiful, but very dangerous plant . You can be poisoned by its bright red berries or the bark of branches that are torn off for beautiful, lilac-like flowers. Wolf bast juice contains poison - daphnin. When plant juice gets on the skin, pain, redness, swelling, then blisters and ulcers appear. In case of berry poisoning - burning in the mouth and throat, difficulty swallowing, stomach pain, indigestion, vomiting, and in severe cases - cardiac arrest.

Slide number 6

2. Crow's eye.

If you see four wide leaves, and between them a black round berry, this is a crow's eye plant. The large black-blue berry resembles a bird's eye. The berry is very beautiful, but do not put it in your mouth - it is poisonous. Toxic substances have a harmful effect on the heart, and mainly on the stomach and intestines. The plant has unpleasant smell and often causes headaches.

Slide number 7

3. Black henbane, datura, belladonna (belladonna).

Henbane is found in ravines, wastelands, and along roads. Poisonous plant.

Having tasted young sweet sprouts, seeds or tasted delicious berries, a person feels dry mouth, difficulty speaking and swallowing. His pupils dilate and vision is impaired, his pulse quickens, delirium and hallucinations are possible, and in severe cases, loss of consciousness.

Even animals do not eat this plant.

A story about belladonna.

Belladonna helped the residents of a Scottish village get rid of their enemies. The village was captured by Danish soldiers. Having drunk beer on the occasion of the victory, they turned from winners into losers. The poisonous juice of belladonna, which the villagers mixed into beer, turned the Danish soldiers from victors to vanquished.

Slide number 8. Common honeysuckle (wolfberry).

The height of the bush is from 1 to 2.5 m. It has yellowish-white flowers, and then dark red berries located on a common stem.

Slide number 9. May lily of the valley.

All parts of the plant are POISONOUS and care should be taken when growing and propagating. Even a vase of water contains poison. Lily of the valley leaves, grass and flowers contain cardiac glycosides. The leaves contain saponins, flavonoids, and organic acids, the alkaloid myline.

Slide number 10

More than 10 thousand species of poisonous plants are known in the world flora. Now let's see who was attentive and found the poisonous plants on the slide?

You carefully studied the material about poisonous plants and were able to correctly name them on the slides. All poisonous plants are very beautiful, but you need to be careful when dealing with them. Many poisonous plants have become rare, some of them are used in medicine in small doses. This: celandine, lily of the valley, etc.

In addition to those plants with which we have already become acquainted, there are plants that domestic animals do not eat. Why do you think? They are poisonous. These plants grow in the fields. Look at them carefully and remember.

Slide No. 11 - 14

Show pictures of plants: caustic buttercup, spotted hemlock, wild cherry, vekh.

Independent work: Drawing up a memo “How to avoid plant poisoning”

Independent work in a group.

What memo did you make? (One person from the group tells the memo).

So, what conclusion can be drawn from what we heard?

(do not eat any berries except raspberries and strawberries, do not collect unfamiliar plants and flowers in bouquets, do not try unfamiliar berries).

II. Poisonous and edible mushrooms.

Interesting creatures are mushrooms. These are neither plants nor animals. This is a whole separate kingdom. But not only edible mushrooms grow in our forests, but there are also poisonous ones, which are very dangerous to humans.

What edible mushrooms do you know? (children's answers)

Slide number 14. Edible mushrooms

Which inedible mushrooms You know?

Let's talk to you about inedible mushrooms.

Slide number 15. Fly agaric

And this handsome guy on a little white leg

He's wearing a red hat

There are polka dots on the hat.

The fly agaric is very beautiful. It is impossible to confuse it with other mushrooms - it is very noticeable. He dangerous to humans, the poison causes suffocation and fainting. But magpies and squirrels love to feast on them. And moose swallow these mushrooms whole, sometimes several at a time. It is believed that fly agarics are medicine for moose. Don't knock over the fly agaric, just pass by.

Slide number 16. Pale grebe.

A mushroom that, according to world statistics, causes greatest number fatal poisonings. The fruit body is completely covered with film. The cap is 5-15 cm, olive, greenish or grayish with white plates. The pulp is white, fleshy, does not change color when damaged, with a mild taste and smell. At the base of the leg there is thickening and thin white ring. Confused with champignon or russula

Slide number 17

2. White mushroom and gall mushroom.

I stand on a thick leg,

I stand on a smooth leg,

Under the brown hat

Snowy, velvet padding (boletus or porcini mushroom)

It has an inedible double porcini mushroom. This is a gall mushroom. That's what they are differ: The boletus has a white or yellowish cap at the bottom, and a pattern in the form of a white mesh on the leg. The gall mushroom has a pink cap underneath, a black mesh on the stem, the flesh turns pink when cut, but the real one remains white. IN gall fungus There is no poison, it’s just very bitter, like bile.

Slide number 18

3. Honey mushrooms and false honey mushrooms.

These friendly guys

Grow on a stump in the forest

They are called: (honey mushrooms)

False honey fungus is brick-red. This poisonous mushroom has a brighter brick-red cap, and the plates are gray or even black. Its flesh is yellow with an unpleasant odor.

Now let’s sit quietly in our proper places.

Mushroom poisoning is the most dangerous, it's called botulism.

Botulism is an extremely serious disease characterized by high mortality or mortality (60-70%) .

Considering the complex, often unfavorable environmental situation and the fact that mushrooms actively absorb and accumulate various substances, including poisonous ones (pesticides, heavy metal salts) you need to know that mushrooms must be carefully processed and collected in certain places. Do you think it is possible to pick mushrooms along the road?

When people are in the forest, they often knock down poisonous mushrooms with their feet and trample them.

Do you think it is possible to do this?

Student answers.

Now try again, together, to create a reminder for those who like to pick mushrooms in the forest.

Independent work: Drawing up a memo for a mushroom picker. Group work.

Checking the memo

Let's draw a conclusion from what we heard.

1. Do not collect mushrooms unknown to you, do not taste them.

2. You cannot collect old and wormy mushrooms.

3. You cannot pick mushrooms along highways; you must go deep into the forest 300-500 m from highways.

4. Don’t pick mushrooms in vain: Many animals feed on them.

5. When you come back from a walk, you should definitely wash your hands.

III. Stinging insects.

Slide number 19. Insects

Now let's talk about insects.

What insects do you need? beware in the forest? (children's answers)

Have you ever been bitten by stinging insects, and how did you feel?

Slide number 20.

Guess the riddles

Wasp and bee stings.

It's a pity, the bee enters small quantity poison. Many insects, even large birds and animals, die from this bite. Interestingly, the hedgehog does not react at all to bee venom. A bee that is unable to remove its stinger from its victim dies.

But the same bee venom is successfully used to cure some diseases. Medicinal preparations are made from bee venom.

A bee will not sting if you do not touch it or wave your hands.

Slide number 21

Hornets belong to the genus of large wasps.

They nest in hollows, in attics, and hang nests from tree branches.

Slide number 22. Ticks.

IN recent years significant The forest tick has become a danger, which also carries encephalitis, is a disease of the nervous system.

Greatest danger ticks are observed in May-June.

To prevent bites, select clothing that completely covers and fits the body; the neck and ears are protected with a hood. At home, a full examination of the body and clothing is carried out.

On one's own.

Game “Find the odd one out”.

- Fly agaric, russula, milk mushroom, butter dish.

– Currants, raspberries, crow’s eye, blueberries.

- Bee, fly, bumblebee, wasp.

V. Reflection

Our walk is over. Have we completed the lesson objectives?

Slide number 23

1) Pick mushrooms and berries that you know well.

2) Bees stinging insects, OS: Don't touch, don't disturb.

3) After a walk, be sure to:

4) Not in the forest.

Summer is the time for picnics in nature and trips to pick mushrooms and berries.
For a city child, going to the forest is both a holiday and a strange unknown. But such a hike is fraught with not only a number of interesting discoveries, but also many unexpected dangers. And it doesn’t matter that you are going into the forest where predatory animals and snakes have not been seen. Unpleasant surprises can await a child even in a forest park.

Branches. The baby, stunned by the abundance of space, flies forward, not making out the road, and may stumble upon branches sticking out in all directions. If you only warn him about this once, he will definitely forget and, at best, get ripped off, but in the worst case, I don’t even want to talk about it. Therefore, constantly remind him of this trouble.
Take it with you to the forest wet wipes, cotton wool and hydrogen peroxide so that you can disinfect abrasions and cuts if they could not be avoided.

Pits. They are not dangerous in themselves, but if you run around without looking at your feet, you can fall painfully. Warn your child that running in the forest is not allowed (and, of course, do not forget to remind him of this once again).

Inedible mushrooms and berries. Strictly speaking, everything a child can find in the forest is inedible. Even if it's an ordinary strawberry. Before the baby puts it in his mouth, an adult needs to confirm the origin of this berry, and it would be a good idea to rinse it with water. Keep in mind that children can call any berries strawberries, including wolfberries. Therefore, you should not take their word for it. Honestly warn your child that in the forest there are many poisonous plants, berries and mushrooms, and therefore, no matter how beautiful the fly agaric and sprinkled purple berries bush, tearing and tasting anything is strictly prohibited.
Remember both your own safety and the example you set for your children: if you doubt any mushroom or berry, feel free to throw it out of the basket. And there is no need to convene a “council of experienced mushroom pickers” and lick the cut mushroom. The banal truth is brilliant: health is more valuable.

Insects (mosquitoes, ticks, etc.). When going to the forest, generously coat your child with mosquito repellent cream, put on cool, but closed clothes (T-shirts and shorts are not suitable), sneakers instead of sandals, and be sure to wear a hat. For girls, it is better to put their hair in a ponytail or braid and hide it under clothes. Explain to your child that insidious ticks live on the branches of trees and bushes, so if he shakes or tears these branches, the ticks will end up on him. For the same reason, thickets of tall grass should be avoided.
When you return home, do not forget to examine the child’s body and clothes and comb his hair. If a tick is still found, smear the bite area with oil or rich cream and wait until it falls off on its own. If this does not happen, do not tear it off yourself, as this may only work halfway, but contact the clinic.
In general, seeing a doctor is the most best option in such a situation, since the child may need a vaccination.

Danger of getting lost. Well what can I say? Under no circumstances should you lose sight of your child, because children, even in two pine trees, can easily get lost. But if you get lost with your child in a really deep forest, don’t panic. Try to go to a road, power line or water (river, stream) and use them to get to settlement. If this fails, park, light a fire, use food and water sparingly, and wait for rescue.
It’s bleak, but you have to be prepared for anything, so when going into the forest, even for a short time, dress warmly and take with you a knife, matches, a supply of water and some provisions.

Don't be afraid of the forest and don't scare a child with it, but we must not forget about the dangers that may await you on such a vacation. Knowing certain rules behavior in the forest, all these troubles can be completely avoided and you will get from a walk not problems, but such a rare and useful pleasure for a city person.