Jessica Alba: “A husband is a friend! Cash Warren on his relationship with Jessica Alba: “She amazes me with her beauty every day” Jessica Alba and her husband.

Jessica Alba was born on April 28, 1981. The future childhood was characterized by frequent changes of place of residence. The fact is that Jess's father served in the United States Air Force, so he was often transferred to serve from one place to another. And before her ninth birthday, Jessica managed to live in different states - California, Mississippi, Texas. In the end, the family finally settled in southern California.

Personal agent at 12 years old

As a child, Alba was often sick and managed to suffer from pneumonia, asthma, collapse of the lungs (2 times!), a cyst on the tonsils and inflammation of the appendix, which was safely removed. In all other respects, she was no different from her peers - except for her clearly expressed love for the acting profession.

At the age of 11, after several days of persuasion, the girl managed to convince her mother to send her to a competition for young actors held in Beverly Hills. It turned out that it was not in vain. Baby took it main prize which they became free lessons acting skills. And already at the age of 12, Jess acquired her own agent.

Soon she leaves for the filming of a family comedy called “Camp Nowhere.” Initially, Jessica was hired for just a couple of weeks to play a low-profile role, but the filming ended up lasting for a couple of months. The fact is that one of the main actresses dropped out, and Alba looked like her - in build and hairstyle.

It seemed that fate smiled on Alba when she was invited to play a role in the drama “Leaving Las Vegas,” which later became an Oscar-winner. Unfortunately, the footage of the young beauty did not make it into the final version of the film.. The young actress gets upset and leaves for Australia. There she gets a role in the remake of the television series “Flipper”. Jessica enjoys the filming process and has a great time swimming in the open ocean with dolphins and diving.

From the age of 15 to 18, Jess starred in the film “Punks”, the drama “South Brooklyn”, and even appeared in the series “Beverly Hills” for several episodes.

Dark Angel made Jess popular

At the age of 18, Alba was destined to play her first truly significant role. But before that, she had to withstand incredible competition for the main role of Max Guevara in the series “Dark Angel,” which was to be directed by James Cameron himself. There were more than 1200 applicants for one single place! But James, as soon as he saw Jessica, realized that she was the ideal candidate. Jessica herself thinks differently:

“I had a great ass. And the producers loved that I had sexy lips.”

To perfectly prepare for the role, Jess spent several months in a row. Later, she even said that she became a victim of anorexia, starving herself. Nevertheless, she acquired a simply excellent figure.

“I was completely engrossed in it. I was so worried when I started transitioning from a girl's body to a woman's body with natural fullness in certain places."

The series was extremely popular, and at that time rumors began to actively circulate in the press that the 19-year-old actress and her 32-year-old partner on the set, Michael Weatherly - real romance. The actor diligently denied the rumors until it turned out that he and Jessica were already engaged. Looking ahead, we note that things did not come to a wedding - the couple broke up in 2003, having managed to maintain warm, friendly relations.

"Honey" and "Sin City"

And already in October 2001, Jess took first place in the ranking of the sexiest women on the planet, published by Maxim magazine.

Alba's "finest hour" has arrived. A worthy continuation was the tender and sensual side that Jessica revealed in the film “Honey.” There she plays the role of a coach teaching the art of dance to children from poor areas of the city. We give the floor to the actress:

“I have never danced a day in my life. But I thought: if I could learn to fight for Dark Angel, then I could learn to dance.”

Jessica's next significant work is the role of a stripper in the stunning film “Sin City.” To learn striptease, Alba visits strip clubs in New York and Los Angeles every day.. For the role, she also needed to be able to easily handle a lasso. Later, the actress, without hiding her smile, spoke about that period of her life:

“Almost every night while I was in Texas, in my room at the Four Seasons Hotel, wearing only my underwear and breaking chandeliers, I learned how to use a lasso.”

By the way, during filming Alba stripped down to only her underwear, remaining true to her own principle of not being naked. You will read about it below.

"Fantastic Four" and meeting my future husband

In 2004, Alba got the role of Sue Storm in the next Hollywood comic book adaptation. The film was called " Fantastic Four", and it was on its set that Alba met a man who would dramatically change her whole life. This is Cash Warren, assistant director and her future spouse. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. For now, we will only note that the lovers began dating at the beginning of 2005, and Jessica was full of praise for her boyfriend to journalists, saying that he was wonderful “in both form and content.”

A few months later, Alba entered the TOP 50 most beautiful people planet according to People, she is participating in an unusual photo shoot for this magazine. The peculiarity is that the actress starred without makeup. This did not bother her at all - on the contrary, Jess believes that over the years her attractive features - such as her body and lips - become even more seductive.

Breasts on display

In June 2005, a small and not very pleasant embarrassment for Jessica occurred. She came to the MTV awards ceremony. But the actress didn’t foresee that when cameras flashed, the fabric could show through. This episode upset Jess very much, and the photos, of course, spread all over the world within a few hours.

In the fall, the actress received one of the central roles in the film “Welcome to Paradise.” The audience really liked their favorite in a swimsuit, but Alba did not share their enthusiasm. According to her, she would much rather star in some low-budget film, demonstrating her acting talent rather than her body.

At the beginning of 2006, Jess's photo, unexpectedly even for her, ended up on the cover of Playboy.- despite the fact that she never collaborated with this magazine. It turned out that they simply used her photo from the promo for the above-mentioned film. Alba threatened to file a lawsuit, after which the owner of the magazine publicly apologized to Jess for the unpleasant incident and, at the request of the actress, translates a large sum money for children's aid funds.

In 2007, the sequel to “Fantastic Four” with Jessica was released. The actress's personality literally drew men to the cinemas - and in the first weekend the film managed to collect almost 60 million box office receipts.

Among Alba's iconic paintings for recent years It is worth noting the action movie “Machete” by Robert Rodriguez, “Valentine’s Day” (Jess starred in this film with Ashton Kutcher), and the psychological thriller “The Killer Inside Me.” And now screenings of “Sin City 2” have begun in cinemas. Viewer feedback is very positive.

But, nevertheless, for the last 6 years, Jessica has devoted much more time to her family rather than to cinema. It's time to move on to the story about her personal life.

Favorite Cash Warren

In December 2007, the world learned that Jessica was from Cash Warren. The wedding of the lovers took place in May in Beverly Hills in complete secrecy. Not a single guest was invited to the celebration. In response to misunderstanding on the part of society, wondering how Alba married an ordinary assistant director, sometimes even running for coffee or pizza for the film crew, and not some A-list star, Jessica replied:

“I met a man, it seems to me that I have known him all my life, and I think that we will spend the rest of our days together! We want to build a sincere, loving, wonderful family. I'm very traditional in this matter."

At the age of 27, the actress gave birth to her lover’s first daughter, who was christened Honor Marie.

Jess was completely immersed in the joy of motherhood. By the way, for the sake of such an occasion, the happy mother abandoned her principle of privacy and starred with her newborn daughter in a photo shoot for OK magazine. By the way, its owners paid the actress 1.5 million for the right to be the first to publish pictures of Alba and her baby.

If you look at the relationship of this couple from the outside, when they constantly hug and kiss, it may seem that they are at the initial stage of the relationship. But no - they just really love each other so much, and their relationship is full of romance! Here's what the actress says about this:

“Cash and I always know that the time when the girls fall asleep completely belongs to the two of us,” Jessica shared her secret family happiness. - We can even do nothing, just sit next to each other. We're turning off mobile phones and don't check email. It's taboo when we're together."

In 2011, Alba gave her husband another daughter, she was named Heaven.

10 Facts You Didn't Know About Jessica Alba

Jessica is not the only child in the family. She has a younger brother named Joshua. Together with Jess he played in the series " Dark Angel", he got the role of Crete. He made his film debut in the film “Alpha Dog”. Of course he acting career– not at all as successful as his sister’s career, nevertheless – he continues to act in film to this day.

For the first time, getting into the ranking of the sexiest women (immediately ending up in first place) from the world famous magazine "Maxim" in 2001, Jessica never left him again. She is the only one who has succeeded in this in 14 years of publishing the Top 100.

Alba is a successful businesswoman. Her company, TheHonest, supplies the American market with a wide range of household appliances and products designed for children, none of which contain toxins. Jessica's business partner says that they dreamed of achieving a unique ideal by releasing only completely environmentally friendly and safe products to the market. low price. After all, every baby deserves such efforts.

Jessica is not averse to drinking tequila. Tequila and nachos (a popular snack in Mexico) are Alba's favorite treats. At the same time, she knows when to stop: the snack does not reflect on the beauty’s impeccable figure, and no one has ever seen her drunk.

Alba has three tattoos on her body. On the red carpet they are, of course, almost invisible. So, on the back of her head Jess tattooed a daisy with a small ladybug, in the wrist area there is a well-known Sanskrit symbol, a lotus flower, and in the lower part of the back there is a bow.

And Cash Warren look like a harmonious married couple raising two beautiful daughters. But not so long ago no one believed in this novel - the difference in social status spouses. She is a popular and sought-after actress, and he is just an assistant director. And yet this love story promises to be happy.

From different worlds

At the time of meeting her future husband and children's father Cash Warren, Jessica Alba already had an unsuccessful marriage with a colleague. Jessica was only 19 years old when she first married actor Michael Weatherly, whom she met on the set of the TV series Dark Angel. At that time, the girl was not yet a big movie star, so this wedding did not cause much excitement. In 2003, the couple also quietly and peacefully divorced, and Alba decided to get serious about her career, and not about organizing her personal life.

In a couple of years, the actress managed to achieve noticeable success - Alba played in several feature films, and then received a role in the film “Fantastic Four”, based on the famous comic book. It was on the set of this film that she met a modest guy, Cash Warren. He worked as an assistant director, carried out small errands and even ordered and brought coffee for the film crew. In short, celebrities usually don’t pay attention to such “mere mortals,” but Jessica noticed her future husband right away.

At first, Jessica and Cash's romance seemed surprising

Apparently, an unsuccessful marriage with an actor made Alba become disillusioned with men in this profession, and the star was not at all embarrassed that she new chosen one is not a celebrity, does not attend social events and is not besieged by crowds of fans. On the contrary, Jessica was attracted by the possibility of a quiet family life- in the end, one star in a pair is quite enough!

At the same time, Jessica herself does not deny the fact that she and Cash seem to be from different worlds. In an interview, the actress said: “My husband and I are both very open and friendly. But I love movies, and he doesn’t. He doesn't like to cook, but I do the opposite. He’s a sports fan, and I... That is, I also love sports, but I’m not ready to watch 12 broadcasts a day, and then also sports news!”

From the outside, this marriage might seem like a misalliance, but the actress is sure that in reality this is not at all the case. Jessica says: “I'm very boring: ordinary person, an ordinary mother. People are disappointed by this. They want to see a star with an exciting life. So, this is not about me!”

Jessica and Cash eldest daughter Honor

Secret wedding

At first, Jessica and Cash diligently hid their romance, but when the paparazzi finally got to the bottom of the truth, the public’s surprise knew no bounds. From time to time, rumors appeared in the media that Alba and Warren allegedly broke up - the relationship between the popular actress and the assistant director seemed so incredible to everyone, which at first gave the impression of being “sluggish” - they were occasionally seen together in New York, and the actress did not give any comments. Therefore, when two years later it became known about the wedding of Cash and Jessica, and after the fact, the surprise was no less than when they started dating.

There were rumors that Alba was "inspired" by the wedding of her close friend and basketball player Tony Parker. Jessica arrived at the celebration with Cash and, seeing Eva in a white dress, allegedly insisted that she also have a wedding.

Be that as it may, Jessica Alba married the assistant director, despite all the prejudices and skeptical conversations that surrounded their relationship from the very beginning. Only after the secret wedding did the actress begin to willingly talk about her husband: “I met a man, it seems to me that I have known him all my life, and I think that we will spend the rest of our days together! We want to build a sincere, loving, wonderful family. I'm very traditional in this matter."

Jessica Alba tries to be a caring mother

Happy together

Despite family worries, Alba didn’t even think about finishing filming, but it’s still unclear what her husband’s job is. Cash Warren’s name is often labeled “producer,” but nothing is known about his successful projects yet.

“I won’t quit my job,” Alba says in turn. “This is a positive example for Honor: you can do what you love and still be a good mother.” Jessica really manages to keep up with everything - she is sometimes seen on a walk with her beloved husband and children, sometimes she is filming in “Sin City 2”, sometimes she participates in a fashion photo shoot... And in 2011, Alba gave her beloved husband a second child - daughter Heaven.

Alba's family looks very happy

“Cash and I always know that the time when the girls fall asleep completely belongs to the two of us,” Jessica shared her secret of family happiness. - We can even do nothing, just sit next to each other. We turn off our cell phones and don't check our email. It's taboo when we're together."

Warren, of course, helps his wife a lot in raising their children and at the same time is not averse to leading with Alba social life- he doesn’t hide from photographers and is always happy to go out on the red carpet with his wife.

If you look at the photos of this couple, who are constantly kissing and hugging, it seems that they just recently started dating. Jessica herself says that her relationships are full of romance, and she knows how to appreciate the undoubted merits of her husband: “Maybe because I’m 30, or maybe because I’m a mother, but romance for me is not always a candlelit dinner, although sometimes it can be very cute. I see romance in small things and actions. Recently, for example, I was filming in Atlanta, and Cash sent me a very beautiful bouquet of flowers. A simple gesture, but he let me know that he was thinking about me while I was not around. It's so nice. Or he takes the girls for a walk in the park without my asking, seeing that I need rest. That's what romance is to me."

Jessica Alba does not deny that she could have more children - she dreams of big family, and Cash fully supports her in this. Lady Mail.Ru hopes that this is exactly what will happen.

Looking at Jessica Alba, one involuntarily comes to mind: an athlete, a Komsomol member and simply a beauty. At 33 years old, the girl is one of the most popular actresses of our time, owns a share in the Honest Company, specializing in the sale of non-toxic household products and has the title of the most sexy woman planets. The actress’s personal life is also dominated by complete harmony: she has been a member for 7 years now happy marriage with film producer Cash Warren, raising two charming girls with him - Honor Marie and Haven Garner. It’s hard to believe, but all this might not have happened if Jessica had not made one important decision at the age of 20...

Relationship with Michael Weatherly

A real breakthrough for young Alba was main role in the television series "Dark Angel". And along with the first success came the first serious relationship with colleague Michael Weatherly. The lovers were not embarrassed by the 12-year age difference and for three years the couple was inseparable. And on Jessica’s 20th birthday, Michael proposed marriage to the girl, to which she replied “Yes!”

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However, a few months later, in August 2003, the couple announced their separation. A couple of years later, Jessica admitted that she had no idea why she got engaged to Weatherly, because the actress’s parents were not at all happy big difference at the age of the couple and breathed a sigh of relief upon learning of their breakup. At the same time, Jessica has repeatedly stated that she is attracted to older and wiser men than her peers.

Meeting with my future husband

A year after breaking up with Weatherly, on the set of Fantastic Four, Jessica met Cash Warren, son famous actor Michael Warren. In an interview, Jessica admitted that at first sight she felt a kindred spirit in Cash.

“Some time after meeting Cash, I called close friend and said that I feel like we have known him forever, and I want to get to know him in the future.”

Could Warren resist such a stunning beauty? Of course not. The young people began dating and already in 2006 announced their engagement. This time, Jessica was firm in her feelings and intention to be with this man for the rest of her life. A secret ceremony, to which even the closest friends were not invited, took place on May 19, 2008 in Los Angeles. At this moment, Jessica was on last month pregnancy, and on June 7, the couple’s first child, a girl, was born. The first photos of the baby appeared on the pages of OK! in July 2008

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Happiness of motherhood

After the birth of her daughter, Jessica admitted that pregnancy was the most important event in her life.

“And it doesn’t matter that now I have stretch marks and cellulite on my body, and my breasts have lost their former elasticity, it was worth it,” said the actress.

The girl also noted that she dreams of having more children. Soon her dream came true and in 2011, the family of Jessica and Cash welcomed their second baby, Haven Garner. And the star does not rule out the possibility of adopting one child in the future.

Despite all her cuteness, Alba is a strict mother. She carefully monitors her girls' daily routine and tries not to spoil them with unnecessary and expensive things. More than anything, the actress wants her daughters to live a quiet life, away from the hustle and bustle of Hollywood.

“Before the birth of my daughters, I devoted myself entirely to my career. But now that I have Cash and the girls in my life, I realized that there is nothing more important than family and it will always be a priority,” Jessica admitted.

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Strong Marriage Bonds

Despite the fact that the media sometimes flashes headlines about the impending divorce of Jessica and Cash, this is nothing more than a “duck”. The couple’s marriage is strong to the envy of everyone, and according to the spouses themselves, their feelings for each other only become stronger over the years.

So how do two busy people with brilliant careers manage to maintain tender, romantic relationship for over 10 years and raising two children? Jessica doesn't hide the secret to a successful family life: scheduling. She and her husband managed to establish the girls’ daily routine so that they go to bed at 7 pm. Thus, the spouses have free time, which they spend just the two of them. Couple enjoys watching on TV various shows or, leaving a nanny with the children, goes on a romantic date in the city.

"Relationships aren't always about crazy things (although sometimes they are great)," Jessica notes. “Over the years you begin to pay attention to small details. While I was filming in Atlanta, Cash surprised me by sending me to film set bouquet of flowers. This simple, but at the same time touching surprise reminded me that he misses and thinks about me at home.”

Jessica considers herself very lucky to have Cash: he is not only a loving and devoted husband, but also an incredibly caring father.

“When our girls were babies, Cash could easily get up in the middle of the night for another feeding. It's the same if girls are sick. He can easily go with them to the park without asking me, because he understands that sometimes I need a little break. All these little things make up our romance.”

Currently, Jessica Alba is not only a sought-after actress, one of the most beautiful women world and a successful entrepreneur. But by her own admission, her main role in life is far beyond Hollywood, in an ordinary home - where she loving wife and caring mother:

6 chosen

Tomorrow she will again become the subject of discussion/gossip/gossip/rumors/admiration on this side of the ocean, because her Russian fans will have the opportunity to appreciate all her talents and once again admire her beauty, because another film with her participation will start in Russian cinemas - Machete kills (2013)...

He will smile to himself once again, noting with pleasure what a desperate woman is next to him all this time...

They hid the main event in their lives even from their closest friends, but still continue to amaze Hollywood with their “constancy”...


Family Jessica Marie She moved often due to the fact that her father was a military man and served in the Air Force. Jessica was born in California, but before settling there permanently, he and younger brother Joshua had the chance to travel quite a bit around the country with his parents - living in Texas, Mississippi, Del Rio and God knows where else.

Frequent changes of place of residence had a very sad effect on the health of the future actress - as a child, she more often spent time in hospitals with various and sometimes very serious diagnoses than at school. But the situation was also aggravated by the fact that there were no friends around her who could support her and encourage her - simply because Jessica rarely stayed in one place for a long time and, due to illness, almost never appeared in class. Where can true friends come from?

But when the family settled in California, things began to improve. At that time she was only 9.

The girl decided everything about her acting future when she was five years old. And already at 12 she began to take more serious steps - she began taking acting lessons. Just nine months later she had her own agent.

Her film debut took place in 1994 thanks to the youth film Lost Camp(1994). This was followed by filming in advertising and independent films. But it was already clear that the girl was not going to do anything else in her life - she was determined.

Gradually, from just a charming girl, Jessica, in whose veins a mixture of Mexican-French-Canadian-Danish blood flows, turned into a spectacular, charming girl who could turn anyone’s head. And in 2000, her partner in the series Dark Angel, Michael Weatherly, could not resist her beauty.

On her 20th birthday, Michael proposed to Jessica, which intensified the already loud gossip due to their significant age difference (12 years). But it never came to the wedding - after three years serious relationship the couple broke up.

Jessica threw herself into her work and managed to appear in three big projects, and a year later, on the set of Tim Story's next blockbuster, she met Him...


Cash Garner was born in the heart of the acting Mecca - in Los Angeles in 1979 in the family of actor Michael Warren. At school his classmates were then future actress Kate Hudson And Baron Davis- again, a future NBA star. And after receiving a high school diploma, Cash entered Yale University and successfully graduated.

He always found himself somewhere “not far from the cinema” - due to related interests and his own. But his personal passions more often turned out to be in the field of documentary cinema (it was there that he found himself as an assistant director and as a producer). And yet, it was feature cinema that gave him a meeting with Fate - with Her...


In 2004 the studio 20th Century Fox still decided to film the comic book about the Fantastic Four superheroes, the rights to which were purchased 10 years ago (and the film was even put into production, but... was never filmed - the producers at that time did not intend to make this picture, and this whole performance with filming was organized for only one purpose - to get the rights to film adaptation in the future).

Many famous actresses were considered for the role of the invisible girl Susan Storm, including Kate Bosworth And Rachel McAdams, but it was Jessica who managed to sign the contract.

And the position of assistant director of the film was given to... Cash.

The young people did not particularly advertise their relationship. In addition, the public was skeptical about this novel - after all, Jessica by that time was already a very popular actress, a real celebrity, and even the ubiquitous journalists knew practically nothing about Cash.

Readers of glossy magazines considered their relationship to be sluggish and unpromising, even despite their public engagement in December 2006. Therefore, the news of the wedding (and after the fact!) became a real sensation... And provided a wave of new discussions on the topic of the fragility of such an “unequal marriage.”

And yet, on May 19, 2008, Jessica and Cash, secretly from everyone (even from their closest friends!) were legally married in a private ceremony at the courthouse in Beverly Hills. According to eyewitnesses, the newlyweds were no different from ordinary visitors - Jessica was wearing a simple blue dress and her hair was tied in a high ponytail; Cash appeared in a white shirt and brown trousers. The whole ceremony took 40 minutes.

Cash Warren is a very nice person by nature. It's rare that a Hollywood star wants to lead a modest and quiet life. Cash is just such a person who was able to meet a companion on his way with the same views on life. This is actress Jessica Alba.

Cash Warren: childhood and adolescence

The future producer and actor was born in 1979, namely on January 10. The birthplace of our hero is the city of Los Angeles. His father was the then famous actor Michael Warren. After spending the first few years of his life at home under the care of his mother, Cash goes to school in the Los Angeles suburb of Santa Monica. Why did the parents have such a choice? They wanted silence for their child, so that he could spend some time away from the stellar active life of his parents. It was this step of Michael Warren that had a great influence on the formation of a personality that, in its essence, can never get sick star fever, unlike the children of other Hollywood stars.

At school he was actively involved in sports and played basketball. A very strong team gathered there, which won many tournaments among school teams. It was here that Cash Warren met his friend, now famous NBA basketball player Baron Davis.

Of course, such a person could not help but go to university. In the early 2000s, Warren graduated

Cash's producing and acting work

Cash Garner Warren managed to work in both auxiliary and main positions in the hierarchy of film crews. For example, on the set of the film "Fantastic Four" in 2004, where he met his future wife Jessica Alba, worked as an assistant director.

Cash Warren (photo in the article) was an actor in two films. It's about about the 1995 series E! Live front the Red Carpet and "The Oprah Winfrey Show".

On at the moment Cash Warren is primarily a producer. Here are the 5 most famous films produced by our hero:

  • 2013 film" Bloody revenge";
  • year "Made in America";
  • TV series "Independent Lens" (1999-2009);
  • series “30 events in 30 years” (filmed from 2009 to 2015);
  • 2006 film Rising Son: The Legend of Skateboarder Christian Hosoi.

As can be seen from this information, Cash has been working quite actively in recent years to produce good feature films.

Family life

Our hero met his future wife Jessica Alba (at that time it was already quite famous actress) at the age of 25 years. Even though she was already famous person, but Warren wasn't big star, he immediately knew that Jessica was his person. They dated for about two years, and they managed to do this secretly from the ubiquitous journalists. The couple told the public about their engagement only at the end of 2006.

Today it is one of the happiest and most stable married couples Hollywood. They already have two charming daughters, whom their parents love with all their hearts. As far as we know, the couple is raising their children on their own, with virtually no involvement in educational process nannies

Alba and Warren, even after many years of marriage, love each other and believe that they were created to be together. Believe me, this is a rare happiness!