Sergei Bondarchuk Jr. Sergei Bondarchuk Jr.: such a son lives... Photo gallery: celebrating the creation of a family

Socialite, daughter of famous parents, smart and beautiful Tatiana Mamiashvili came into the spotlight of those interested in news from the world of show business after her marriage to the scion of the Bondarchuk cinematic clan -. Since then, Tata Bondarchuk has “registered” on the pages of glossy tabloids. The events of her life, family, and public appearances are tirelessly followed by the paparazzi.

Childhood and youth

Tatiana was born in Moscow in 1989. Father is Olympic champion, Greco-Roman wrestler and Master of Sports of the USSR Mikhail Mamiashvili. When his daughter turned 12 years old, the head of the family headed the Russian Wrestling Federation.

Tata Mamiashvili is the second child and second daughter of Mikhail and Margarita Mamiashvili. At the time of her birth, Tamara’s daughter was growing up in the family. 11 years after Tata, the third girl, Elizaveta, was born. Brother Vladimir appeared in 2012, when Tatiana turned 23 years old.

When asked about her nationality, Tata answers: “Georgian.” But she adds that both Ukrainian and Russian blood flows in her veins. My father was born in the Ukrainian Konotop, Sumy region.

They say about children like Tata Mamiashvili: “I was born with a golden spoon in my mouth.” The family of the Olympic champion, who headed CSKA for 4 years, and a prominent sports official, lived in abundance. The mother is the keeper of the home and raised the children, the father is the breadwinner and unquestioned authority for the family. Peace and harmony reigned in the house. Tata later admitted that her parents’ harmonious marriage served as an example of an ideal family for her.

Parents gave to children higher education: Tata Mamiashvili is a graduate of the prestigious Faculty of Journalism at MGIMO. According to unconfirmed information, the girl dreamed of a career in cinema, but her parents did not approve of the choice of a “frivolous” profession, insisting on going to college international relations.

In the capital's crowd, Tatu Mamiashvili was classified as an IT-girl - this is the name given to the daughters of wealthy parents, young socialites. And Tatiana is also a style icon. A slender girl with model parameters (height 1.70 m, no exact data on weight) looks equally organic and stylish in jeans and sneakers, and in a luxurious couture dress. Tata, who grew up in Rublyovka, knows her way around the world of fashion; she has dozens of idols in the fashion industry.

There is talk about rhinoplasty, which the girl resorted to, but Tatiana denies that she put herself in the hands of plastic surgeons. She admits that she is not very happy with the shape of her nose and does not rule out that she will change it in the future. But this will not happen before 35 years.

Personal life

In May 2012, the girl changed her last name to Bondarchuk. The wedding and relationship of two representatives of famous clans - Bondarchuk and Mamiashvili - were excitedly discussed by the tabloids.

Tatiana met Sergei Bondarchuk, her son and grandson, at the wedding of Sergei’s cousin in the early 2000s. Tata and Sergei were teenagers then, and Tatiana Mamiashvili was 2 years older.

The feeling between the two scions of illustrious families flared up later. For the first time, Bondarchuk Jr. presented Tatu as his beloved girl in Sochi in 2011, at Kinotavr. Let us remind you that then a tipsy Sergei Bondarchuk beat up a guy and burst out in the media loud scandal. Two years before this, young Bondarchuk was noted in a fight with.

But scandalous reputation Tatiana did not scare off her lover; the girl shared with journalists that she had known Seryozha for a long time and in fact “he is not what they write about him.” The girl called her boyfriend a real man, caring and attentive. With him she feels comfortable and under reliable protection.

The wedding cost the parents of the newlyweds $250 thousand. Representatives of the two famous families in the Kutuzovsky registry office of the capital, under the flashes of hundreds of cameras. After the ceremony, 700 guests gathered in the fashionable Rublev concert hall "Barvikha Luxury Village" to congratulate the newlyweds and celebrate the event.

The guests of the celebration were the head of Ingushetia, deputy chairman State Duma and a dozen more representatives political elite countries with famous surnames. From the creative elite, dozens of stars from show business, the film industry and the fashion world arrived at the wedding.

At first, the newlyweds lived in a luxurious rented apartment in the capital. Information was leaked to the press that the couple’s parents purchased a plot of land on Rublyovka next to their house, where construction of a family nest for the newlyweds began. After 2 years, Tata Bondarchuk and her husband moved to a new estate.

Tata Bondarchuk deliberately pushed her career into the background, declaring family her main priority in life. The young wife, for whom a strong parental marriage remains an example, shared that marriage is her first and last, and divorce is unacceptable. In 2012, Tata Bondarchuk gave birth to a girl, who was named Margarita. A year later, a second daughter appeared - Vera.

Tatiana – active user social networks. At Bondarchuk's page Instagram- an army of thousands of subscribers who closely monitor news in the life of the couple. Tata regularly posts photos of her little daughters, whom she calls queens, on her account, talks about their growing up and is open to communication with subscribers.

There are dozens of photos on Instagram of women that show excellent physical fitness Tata Bondarchuk. Tatiana does not hide what she wants to achieve perfect figure visiting a fitness club helps her and proper nutrition. Photos in open swimsuits with sea ​​holiday are not uncommon on the page and collect hundreds of enthusiastic responses.

Tata Bondarchuk gets along with her new relatives. She repeatedly appeared in public with her mother-in-law and socialite and famous father-in-law. After their divorce, Tatiana got along with Fyodor Sergeevich’s lover -. In the summer of 2016, two Bondarchuk couples vacationed together in Marbella, Spain.

Tata Bondarchuk now

The socialite and wife of Bondarchuk Jr. became famous for her sense of humor. The woman loves to joke and delights Instagram followers with unexpected comical stories from life. In the summer of 2017, Tata Bondarchuk shared a tragicomic event - a broken nose. The injury to the wife was caused by the husband, but not intentionally.

Tatiana did not hold back the intrigue, igniting the imagination of her followers, but immediately posted an explanatory text under the photo with a swollen bridge of her nose:

“I am Georgian. I'm supposed to have a hump. When my sleepwalking husband broke his nose in his sleep.”

Motherhood and family life did not become an obstacle to Tata Bondarchuk’s social events. But the woman not only appears at celebrity events, but also takes her first steps in advertising fashion brands. At the end of 2017, the beauty, together with younger sister Elizaveta Mamiashvili starred in outfits from the Russian brand Portal. The collection is dedicated to the New Year.

Sergei Bondarchuk Jr. was born on January 1, 1991 in the family of the eminent actor and director and head of the magazine “Hello!”, TV presenter and model Svetlana Rudskaya. In addition to Sergei, the family is bringing up youngest daughter Varvara, who suffers from cerebral palsy.

The successor of the film dynasty was named after his grandfather, the great Soviet director. Sergei Bondarchuk Jr. has been fond of sports since childhood: He was involved in wrestling and boxing.

More than once he was seen in fights that were discussed by the public. In 2009, he had a fight with Marat Safin, a famous tennis player. And 2 years later there were rumors that Bondarchuk’s son hit a passerby. The reason for this is the sidelong glance.

For some time, Sergei Bondarchuk Jr. lived in the USA, where he received training in directing. His plans were not to become an actor, he wanted to become a producer.

One day, Sergei got tired of papers with permission to film and decided that he wanted to be creative. He began studying at the directing department, and by the age of 30 he had made 3 films that became famous in the country.

In 2011, Sergius made his debut in the film “Cobweb Indian summer" It was a small role. The next film for Sergei’s acting career was “My Friend’s Bride,” followed by “The Housekeeper” and “”, in the latter series he played his own grandfather.

In 2013, he played in the film about the war “Stalingrad” in the image of Lieutenant Sergei Astakhov. It was a film by Fyodor Bondarchuk, but Sergei passed the auditions on a general basis. The father would never invite his son, because he is known for his principled character.

Bondarchuk Jr. was trained by Svetlana Efremova in the Maizner technique course. US actors use a similar technique. In 2 weeks, he managed to improve his acting skills and appear in front of the camera in the best light.

In 2015, Sergei Bondarchuk Jr. played in the film “Warrior”, the plot of which is based on the story of two brothers who are forced to meet again in the ring after for many years separation. His passion for MMA really helped him get used to the role. The actor brought himself to the required form: For 4 months I trained 2-3 times a day, 1 time I was in the gym for more than 7 hours.

Interesting notes:

In 2016, he starred in the film “Champions. Faster. Higher. Stronger." This is a domestic sports drama based on three short stories about three great Russian athletes. Sergei Bondarchuk Jr. appeared in the image of champion Alexander Karelin. Filming lasted for 2 years.

Sergei Bondarchuk Jr. has been married to Tatiana Mamiashvili since 2012. They had gorgeous wedding, and the bride's dress was made according to Hollywood standards. Today the couple are raising two daughters, Margarita and Vera.

Sergei is a calm family man who, after becoming a father, behaves balanced and intelligent. His wife notes that at home he is a touching, cheerful and gentle person. Sergey is interested in sports, or rather MMA. Conducts free time together with my daughters. They go to the cinema. Posts joint photos on social network Instagram.

Tatiana Bondarchuk (Mamiashvili) is the daughter of the famous Olympic champion Mikhail Mamiashvili. He is a Greco-Roman wrestler. On at the moment holds the post of president of the Russian Wrestling Federation. Mother Margarita Mamiashvili.
Tatiana was born in Moscow in 1989. She also has older sister Tamara, younger Elizaveta and brother Vladimir, who was born in 2012.

Tata graduated from MGIMO, where she studied journalism. Since childhood, she dreamed of becoming an actress, but her parents were against it. They believed that it was necessary to get a decent education, so the dream never came true.

Personal information

Parents are a real authority for Tatiana. She admires their family life and hopes that she can also keep her own family in harmony and happiness. The parents' long-term marriage began with Mikhail's first steps towards sports glory.

As Tata herself states, dad is the head, and mom is the neck. Her father is the breadwinner in the family, and her mother is the keeper of the hearth. Margarita devoted herself entirely to her family and only does housework and raising children.

Tatiana is a true style icon. She can easily wear jeans and sneakers, but most of all she prefers feminine clothes. She has many idols in the fashion world.

She also has a very slender body; a few months ago, subscribers were simply shocked by Tata’s beautiful forms. Bondarchuk showed pictures from her vacation in Vietnam, where she posed in a swimsuit. She owes her figure to fitness and proper nutrition.
Regarding sports, Tatitana really likes wrestling and not because her father is an Olympic champion. He never insisted on studying sports career, but always promoted healthy image life. Tata herself is a little lazy about going to the fitness club; she prefers proper nutrition.

Family life

Tatiana Mamiashvili married Sergei Bondarchuk in May 2012, but they had known each other for quite some time. Only close relatives and friends were invited to the ceremony. The newlyweds' wedding cost 250 thousand dollars.

It was thanks to her marriage to Sergei that she became a very famous person. She began to attend social parties more often and show off beautiful outfits.

At the moment, Tata and her husband are raising wonderful daughters – Margarita and Vera. For her, family always comes first, so she does not prioritize her career. Tatiana Bondarchuk does not hide her life from anyone and posts all her pictures on Instagram

Many people envy this beauty, or her financial situation, either a successful marriage, or even her family happiness. Sometimes a girl herself is not happy about such events in life, because constantly being in the center of attention is also very difficult, and sometimes even dangerous.

Biography of Tata Bondarchuk

Tatiana Mamiashvili was born in Moscow on August 14, 1989. Tata became famous as a child, because her family is not simple. The father is an Olympian, and the mother is a housewife who loves and protects her entire family.

When the girl turned 12 years old, her father headed the Russian Wrestling Federation.

Besides her, there were other children in the family. Tata had two sisters and a younger brother.

By nationality, the girl considers herself half Russian, half Georgian. Tata's parents never quarreled and found agreement in everything; each was a support for the other. This is where her ideal family model came from.

At school Tata Mamiashvili studied well, had great potential and always found common language with other guys. Even then, the girl dreamed of the role of a movie star, but her parents themselves ridiculed her for such thoughts and did not support her. She wanted to be famous, and Tata did not give up, although she entered the journalism department at MGIMO.

Today, photos of Tata Bondarchuk often appear in the press.

Family life

Tata met her future husband, Sergei Bondarchuk, at her cousin’s wedding. But then nothing seemed to pass between them, but a few years later feelings flared up in two hearts.

In 2012, she married Sergei Bondarchuk and took his last name. Despite the fact that there were bad rumors about him, the girl supported him in everything and gave interviews only from a positive point of view.

Tata was calm and not at all worried about her fate next to him, as if she had known him for thousands of years. And now they are raising their two girls: Vera and Margot. Tatiana Bondarchuk always actively maintains her blog and is not averse to communicating with subscribers. Even after giving birth, she managed to maintain an elegant thin waist.

What makes a socialite special?

In addition to the fact that she looks like a model, the mother of two interesting kids and the wife of a successful businessman, Tata Bondarchuk has a subtle sense of humor. The girl is open to her subscribers and attracts them with her own funny stories from your life.

Recently, due to carelessness, Sergei broke Tata’s nose, the paparazzi were unable to show it in a different light, since Tata immediately shared on the Internet how it happened, which only caused a smile from the viewers of her page.

Tata's other siblings are also very talented and gaining fame. For example, with her younger sister Lisa, the girl participated in several shows of famous brands.

Exists large number rumors about the barracks of Tatiana and Seryozha, as well as her appearance. Some say that the girl went under a surgical knife in order to be such a beauty. But socialite refutes this in every possible way.

Tata had to stand up for her father and husband more than once. Sometimes it seems that this girl is a steadfast support for all the men in her family, which her mother probably taught her.

Clans and dynasties exist in politics, economics and culture. In art, the “third generation elite” syndrome is most hypertrophied. Thus, a filmmaker gives his soul and heart to his profession from God, treats the audience with reverence and delicacy, and pays attention to his own reputation, so that his son, a strong professional, will continue his work, and his son’s experience will be taken over by his grandson, an actor who has nothing better to do. But sometimes a bright creative figure grows out of a rather mediocre artist. Be part of the famous family tree- a gift and responsibility that is given to a person from birth. But often people use the resources of this gift wastefully and extremely ineptly.


How the dynasty was created

Founder of a dynasty at work

Bondarchuk - perhaps only in the most remote taiga village have they not heard this name. The famous cinematic dynasty dates back to 1920: then the future People's Artist USSR Sergei Fedorovich Bondarchuk. In his seventy-four years, the mastodon Soviet cinema And consummate master He filmed battle scenes and starred in many films, including “War and Peace”, “Waterloo”, “The Fate of Man”, “They Fought for the Motherland”. But the contribution to cultural heritage He contributed to Russia not only with his film projects - Bondarchuk’s children and grandchildren also tied themselves to art. Cinema, theater and music. The exception is the eldest son Alexey, born from Rostovite Evgenia Belousova.

According to some sources, Sergei Fedorovich twice became the father of boys named Alexei. For the first time - in 1944, and much later - in 1987.

The genealogical branch of the Bondarchuk-Makarovs is, first of all, the second wife of the director Inna Vladimirovna Makarova, eldest daughter Sergei Fedorovich Natalya and two grandchildren - Ivan and Maria. In her youth, Natalya Sergeevna realized herself in an acting career, and in adulthood she preferred directing. Bondarchuk's grandson Ivan Burlyaev is known as a talented composer, and granddaughter Maria chose the acting path. Bonadarchuk lived with his second wife and lifelong muse, Irina Skobtseva, for 35 years. Just as Irina Konstantinovna idolized and admired the talent of Sergei Fedorovich, so their children - Alena and Fedor - treated their father with reverence and admiration from childhood. The cult of the head of the family largely predetermined them future fate. Aristocratic and unglamorous daughter Alena was an actress of rare organics. In 2009, she died of cancer. The actress became a mother only once, in 1985: her son Konstantin Kryukov was born in her marriage to a scientist. The ambitious young man grew up as a gifted guy - he wrote poetry from childhood and had a talent for painting.

The actor considers his main achievement in the field of painting to be the Franz Kafka Order for the series of paintings “Thought Forms”.

Kostya studied gemology and law, but makes a living as an actor. How did this happen? It’s just that one day Kostya’s uncle, Fyodor Bondarchuk, made the guy an offer that he couldn’t refuse. Now there are more than fifty roles in Kryukov’s filmography, and there are two stamps in his passport. However, the leadership in terms of authority in the dynasty and stability of ties with cinema rightfully belongs to Fedor. Fedor Sergeevich is officially youngest child Oscar-winning director. It is he who is now the central link in the family tree. He has proven his worth in many fields: music video director, actor, producer, TV presenter. Now Fedor is an influential figure in the film business, a true philanthropist and cinema fan. Fedor has two children with already ex-wife Svetlana. The youngest Varvara spends most of her time abroad for health reasons. And the eldest son Seryozha has recently been winning a place in the sun in cinema: apparently, the laurels of his famous grandfather haunt him too.
Rare photo from the home archive of the star family

Biography of Bondarchuk Jr. Early years

Met with future wife, Svetlana Rudskaya, young Fedor during one of his army leaves. At nineteen, he came to his parents with the decision to get married, which greatly surprised them. At first, the common-law spouses lived with friends, Fyodor filmed his beloved in his graduation projects. And only with the birth of Seryozha’s son, the daughter-in-law’s relationship with her husband’s parents developed.

It is noteworthy that in the male line of this clan the choice of name is predetermined: boys through the generation are called Sergei and Fedor. Fedor’s daughter-in-law Tatiana Mamiashvili admits that if a boy appears in her and Sergei’s family, he will become the next Fedor in the family tree.

In 1999, Fedor and Svetlana became parents for the second time. Daughter Varvara was born premature, and in infancy she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. And while efforts were being devoted to Varya’s rehabilitation, it became clear that the physically developed Seryozha was seriously stalling in intellectual development. In his first year of school, it was discovered that the child had difficulty concentrating. Over time, the situation did not change: the boy did not like to read and had an antipathy towards exact sciences. Seryozha compensated for these annoying disadvantages with his innate charm and artistry, this was especially noticeable in family interviews and programs with the participation of Bondarchuk. Studying at an elite school cost Fyodor Sergeevich a pretty penny, but even in his youth this did not bother Seryozha: he got from grade to grade and skipped classes for weeks. Fedor, how loving father, tried to influence his son, but more often he was forced to justify him in the eyes of others: they say, in his youth he himself was disorganized and flighty, he could do anything. In the interview, Fedor carefully created the appearance of an exemplary family. A film enthusiast spoke about life in country house, about an ideal day that begins with gentle communication with children, walks in the forest with dogs, family breakfasts. He talked about his son with gusto: he was a keen guy. He loves boxing, rides a bike, and is interested in cars.

Another representative of the “golden youth” was famous for his love of love.

Sergei’s school friend confirms that in his friendships with girls he behaved more like an oriental man - for example, at one time he dated three girls at the same time.

One day, while still at school, an incident occurred: two of his passions, who did not know about each other’s existence, unexpectedly turned up at Sergei’s dacha. The meeting ended in a brawl between the girls, and the object of their adoration decided not to interfere in the “heated debate” of her friends.
His son gave Fyodor many reasons to worry, but the family tried not to make it public

Today, Sergei, who has matured with the advent of children, admits that he had problems with communication. He did not know how to express his feelings and anxieties even with his loved ones and therefore often became a “partisan.” Maybe this is where the guy’s passion for fighting without rules comes from: there he could take out all the accumulated negativity. Parents often had to pick up their offspring from nightclubs and closed parties in a state of “altered consciousness.”

Today Bondarchuk is frank: he knows firsthand about the problem of fathers and children. Dialogue and mutual understanding were lost with Sergei for several rebellious years.

But either the father, with his democratic approach, at some point missed his son, or the son, torn by contradictions and the desire to break out from under the hood, did everything exactly the opposite. In 2009, an eighteen-year-old guy ended up in the tabloids: in one of the elite nightclubs, a conflict occurred between the company “Bondarya” - as his friends call him - and tennis player Marat Safin, which escalated into a fight. Eyewitnesses claimed that the incident was rather a cynical beating of Safin, since Sergei Fedorovich, in the company of several other heavyweights, methodically struck the “ex-first racket”. They wrote that the cause of the conflict was that Safin accidentally touched Bondarchuk Jr. with his elbow. The case did not come to court: in once again Father came to the rescue. Fedor undertook diplomatic maneuvers to save his son, but the family’s reputation was tarnished.

Marat Safin's father recalls this incident with a shudder and is surprised at the cruelty of young Bondarchuk.

It was clear that Bondarchuk Jr.’s irrepressible energy needed an outlet, otherwise the consequences risked being even worse. But Fyodor did not refuse his son anything: since childhood, he and his sister were surrounded by love and care. It is possible that the roots of Seryozha’s teenage nihilism stem precisely from the situation with his younger sister, and his rebellious antics are just an attempt to prevent attacks and ridicule from the outside. Judging by Sergei’s Instagram, now the relationship with Varvara is completely idyll. Sergei does not hide his tender feelings for his sister from his followers. So, on the girl’s seventeenth birthday, he published a touching photo in which he hugs and kisses Varya.
“Happy Birthday, beloved sister. I love you,” Sergey left a comment under the photo

Incident at Kinotavr

In 2011, a strong twenty-year-old man came to the annual film screening in Sochi. Sergei walked along the red carpet of Kinotavr in the company of his parents and arm in arm with Mikhail Mamiashvili’s daughter, MGIMO student Tatiana. The couple was seen together for the first time, and only the lazy did not think: twenty-two-year-old Tatiana, the daughter of the president of the Russian Wrestling Federation, is an advantageous match even for such an authoritative clan as Bondarchuk.

In addition, the son’s irrepressible temper had to be extinguished by something or someone. Seryozha’s case with Safin’s desecrated dignity did not teach him anything; he still continued to play tricks in the company of friends - guys of terrifying appearance and southern temperament. So I predictably ended up in the chronicle of Kinotavr events.

“Kinotavr” is known not only as a place of bright premieres and cultural discoveries, but also as a center of adrenaline madness: during breaks between screenings, filmmakers relax on beaches, discos and buffets, where food and drinks are provided by the festival organizers.

At the after-party of one of competition days Another embarrassment happened to Seryozha. Having filled himself with whiskey, Bondarchuk zealously courted famous actress Agnia Ditkovskite in one of the cafes. Later, the young people went to the embankment, and Sergei beat the man again. The guy didn’t seem to offend him in any way, but just somehow looked at Bondarchuk’s companion in the wrong way, and this became the reason for the conflict. A video has appeared online that captures the incident from the moment of the beating, but what preceded it is anyone’s guess. Newspapers then wrote: Bondarchuk Jr. terrorized people for a week, beat up an innocent guy...
22nd Open Russian Film Festival "Kinotavr" in Sochi

And again the father stood up for his son: he said that the conflict was completely initiated and paid for by the press, and the video reflected only the end of the incident. They say that his adult son has not yet learned to ignore provocations and he was not the instigator. Fedor even promised monetary reward for full version video report.

By the way, there were no people willing to receive financial rewards from Bondarchuk himself, and, accordingly, there was no uncut version of the video that my father was eager to see.

It seems that his parents poured their whole soul into their unlucky son: they sent him to study production at a famous film school in Los Angeles, and made him a co-founder of a business project back in 2008, but they received no return. Interesting fact: in an interview in 2015, Sergei recalls that studying the intricacies of producing was painful and boring for him, but the acting and directing course with cherished practical tasks then became the subject of envy and dreams. After studying producing for a year, Bondarchuk Jr. transferred to a parallel course. The choice in favor of creative film professions became a starting point for Sergei as an actor.

Wedding: save Private Bondarchuk!

After Kinotavr, not only photos of “fights without rules” appeared on the Internet, but also joint photos with the charming Georgian Tata. For almost a year, the famous Moscow thing and the representative of the illustrious clan met, especially without shining in public. And in April 2012, the press was excited by information about upcoming wedding Sergei and Tatiana. It is known that for the sake of Sergei, Tatiana broke off her previous relationship. Even the fact that the young man proposed to her and, as a sign of engagement, gave her a luxurious ring with a ruby ​​for several thousand euros did not stop the girl. Love for Sergei turned out to be higher and stronger. Another thing is interesting: when asked by journalists whether Tatiana’s parents immediately fell in love with their future son-in-law, the girl evasively answered that first they settled one nuance that was preventing her and Seryozha from sharing happiness. Having eliminated this pitfall, everything worked out by itself, including the relationship between the future son-in-law and father-in-law - Seryozha and Mikhail Gerazievich. On May 12, 2012, a solemn wedding ceremony of the couple took place in the Kutuzovsky registry office of the capital and the Barvikha Luxury Hall concert hall. The bride shone in a dress from Alexander Terekhov, those present were entertained by Ivan Dorn, and the number of influential representatives of the sports, business and cultural elite was simply off the charts! It was enough to look at the wedding car park - all elite cars!

By agreement of the parties, the celebration was sponsored by the groom's side, and the bride's father took care of purchasing a separate home for the young family. They say that the menu for each guest cost Fedor Sergeevich ten thousand dollars.

Photo gallery: celebrating the creation of a family

The grand celebration ended well after midnight

More than 700 guests attended the wedding!

The main part of the celebration and finest hour designer Alexander Terekhov

The bride wore a dress from Italian designers

Newlyweds cutting a cake

In December of the same year, the couple became parents and named their daughter Margarita. The grown-up Margot is a small copy of her dad, but at the same time the girl is very reasonable and smart. In 2014, the youngest daughter Verochka appeared in the Bondarchuk-Mamiashvili family. And you can easily discern the features of a charming mother in her. Tata says that the baby, like Sergei, loves to hug more than anything else. Bondarchuk Jr. traded club life for evenings with his beloved women and seems to be happy about it. Grandparents and nannies allow spouses to find time for each other. Sergei proudly emphasizes that his Tata’s priority is family, and trips to fashionable parties happen only when necessary.

Acting career and roles

2011 was a landmark year for the future actor: he not only fought, but also made his film debut. The role in Todorovsky’s big TV project “The Thaw” was episodic, but it was a bad start! Moreover, there Sergei tried on the image of his grandfather, with whom everyone notes an amazing portrait resemblance.

One of the significant events in Sergei’s personal life - the wedding with Tatiana Mamiashvili - coincided with his finest hour acting career. May-July 2012 saw the main filming of Fyodor Bondarchuk's epic military drama "Stalingrad", in which Sergei played one of the key roles.

Bondarchuk the son recalls that he went through all stages of the casting on a general basis. First, he came from Los Angeles for photo tests, and later for partner tests with Pyotr Fedorov and Mikhail Porechenkov.

Sergei gradually got used to his new role, so the first days of filming were “rocked” by his partners. In the edited version, Sergei's character got a decent amount of screen time, and this is the most irrefutable fact: the director was satisfied with the work of his actor. The box office of the film on the first weekend set a record in the history of new Russian cinema, and the name of Sergei Bondarchuk Jr. was heard for the first time without reference to the merits of his father and grandfather. In an interview, Sergei repeatedly emphasized that film set does not allow familiarity in relation to his father and in absentia calls him nothing more than “my director.” While the format of personal relationships with famous parent means fraternal. Immediately after filming “Stalingrad,” Sergei decided that it was time to master the theoretical basis of acting. No sooner said than done: the young man took mastery lessons using the Meisner method under the guidance of Svetlana Efremova, a teacher at the Los Angeles Film School.

In 2014, Sergei played in the sports drama “Warrior” by Alexei Andrianov, an adaptation American project"Fighter". The production was handled by Fyodor Bondarchuk's film concern Glavkino, and therefore the approval for the role of one of the boxing brothers Sergei was quite predictable. Sergei’s type and his sports background fit organically into the role, and his own father provided partner support in this film. Fyodor Bondarchuk admitted that after watching the American version, he immediately projected the story onto him and his son. In Andrianov’s film “Warrior,” Sergei played a stern guy forced to fight for victory in the ring with his own brother. Sergei is not betting on acting yet, but says that this profession will be present in his life, one way or another. For now, that’s what’s happening. The next time, Sergei was entrusted with the role of a person who not only really exists, but also has a title: in the film “Champions: Faster. Higher. "Stronger" he played Olympic champion Alexandra Karelina. The success story from director Artyom Aksenenko is a panegyric to Russian athletes. The film was released in April 2016. For this role, the already large Sergei gained fifteen kilograms! They also say that Karelin not only approved the directors’ choice in favor of Bondarchuk, but was also pleased with the final result. It is not yet known whether there was a place for his son in Fyodor Bondarchuk’s new project “Attraction”. One thing is clear: the famous guy will have new projects.

Photo: Sergei Bondarchuk in cinema and personal life

Rare joint photo Sergei and sister Varya

The Bondarchuk-Mamiashvili couple flew together again to the 27th Open Russian Festival “Kinotavr”. This time - to breathe in fresh cinematic air, communicate with colleagues and support Fedor’s new director’s brainchild - the film “Attraction”. Revelations and scandals for young Sergei are a thing of the past, the abyss of misunderstanding in relations with parents has been overcome, and in many ways this is the merit of the wife. Bondarchuk Jr. emphasizes that in his wife he sees not only his beloved, but also a sensitive friend and ally, ready to lend a shoulder if necessary. In harmonious relationships people change in better side. Well, love can work miracles!