What a feng shui house should be like. Feng Shui house: basic rules

Each person should have his own home: a place that provides shelter, warmth and comfort, as well as the opportunity to restore strength lost during the day. A properly arranged house charges a person with the positive energy he needs to continue living. Where does it come from in the house, and is there positive energy in all houses?

Unfortunately, such a blissful picture is not observed in every home. Residents of some homes often complain of poor health and chronic fatigue, without even suspecting that the cause of this condition is not a disease, but an extremely unfavorable energy situation in the house.

A catastrophic lack of positive energy, as a rule, is observed in cluttered, insufficiently lit, unkempt rooms.

How to correct the situation, fill your home with beneficial energy, make it a source of vitality and the basis for a prosperous and happy life for everyone who lives in it? The ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui will help correct the situation.

The area in which the house is located is of no small importance, since it can affect both the physical and mental health of a person. So, what area is considered suitable for the location of a residential building from a Feng Shui point of view?

  1. There should be no busy highways, swamps or places for storing waste (in other words, garbage dumps) near the site on which the house is located.
  2. The site should be planned in such a way that there is a sufficiently large open space, and behind it there were residential buildings, mountains, dense beautiful forest or a park. This is consistent with the subconscious desire of every person to have a reliably protected rear. It is desirable that all of the listed objects be located on a small natural elevation.

    There should be no slopes or cliffs on the back side of the house.

  3. Feng Shui experts say that any plants (even poisonous ones) are a source of life-giving qi energy. Therefore, an area planted with pears, cherries, plums and apple trees is a very favorable place to locate a house.
  4. The presence of a body of water (river, lake, sea or pond) is very important factor, from the point of view of Feng Shui. Its location on the site is no less important, since it should flow in front of the residential building itself, and not behind it.

    The best source of life-giving and pure chi energy can be a calmly flowing river with a winding shoreline and clear water.

  5. The garden plot should be spacious and not cluttered with a large number of outbuildings that block the path of life-giving energy.

By building a house with our own hands, we get the opportunity to build it for ourselves, taking into account our characteristics and preferences.

By starting construction from scratch, you can create a building that meets all the wishes of Feng Shui practice, thanks to which the life of the people who live in it will be full of harmony and well-being.

  • If you are just planning to build a house on an already purchased plot, take a closer look at it: finding a place with lush and bright grass (which indicates close proximity to groundwater), position the building so that this place is right in front of the entrance to the home. Thanks to this arrangement, the flow of positive energy will go directly into it. The area can be surrounded by shrubs that do not have sharp thorns.

Should be avoided fashion trend build a garage into the structure of the house, and even more so enter the living space through it, since as a result, the negative energy accumulated in the garage penetrates into the rooms.

  • Building a house according to Feng Shui also rejects another popular tradition of installing a swimming pool in the basement located under a residential building. This should not be done under any circumstances, because after some time the humidity in the house will be too high, which will immediately affect the health of the people living in it. It is better to build a pool outside the walls of a residential building. It is possible to build a bathhouse under the house, but you should not just place it under the bedroom or living room.

  • The practice of Feng Shui, dating back over five thousand years, recommends building houses from environmentally friendly and natural materials: wood and stone. Ideally, the most suitable for construction can be considered materials produced in the same area in which the house is being built, since this factor is a source of additional natural energy, beneficial both for the building itself and for the health of the people living in it.

The use of reinforced concrete and large amounts of metal in the construction of a house is extremely undesirable, since the inhabitants of such a home will constantly be surrounded by electric fields, which is unsafe for health.

The driveway to the house should be winding; it cannot be laid directly to the threshold: along its path you can place a miniature pond, a fountain or several small flower beds.

A house built taking into account all the requirements of Feng Shui will allow a person to merge very harmoniously with the environment, which cannot but affect his mental comfort and excellent well-being, and this, in turn, inevitably entails personal well-being and career success.

Find out more about Feng Shui in the bathroom, video:

  • The living room is a formal room in which not only all family members gather, but also many guests, so it should be quite spacious and bright. The size of the living room should make it possible to divide this room into several zones (by the fireplace, in front of the TV, before going out to the balcony), in which your guests and family members can comfortably accommodate without interfering with each other and without interfering with the circulation of life-giving qi energy.

Feng Shui at home for money

The wealth zone (according to the Bagua grid) is located in the southeastern sector of the house. You can activate it in the following ways:

1. Attract the energy of water and water symbolism.

  • Very in an efficient way attracting wealth to the house is an aquarium in which goldfish swim. According to Feng Shui requirements, it is desirable that there be at least nine of them, and one of the fish must certainly be black (this fish is destined to take on the negative energy present in the house).
  • The wealth zone is often activated with the help of artificial fountains, filling the room with a pleasant murmur.
  • To attract the energy of wealth, photographs or pictures depicting beautiful bodies of water (lakes, rivers, seas), waterfalls or fountains are quite suitable.
  • House owners who want to get rich can use water charged in a special way to activate the energy of wealth. To do this, during the new moon, a jar of clean water is left on the window. Charged water is used by all family members when washing their faces and for spraying their wallets.

2. Since the element of the wealth sector is wood, it should be used to activate the corresponding energy. It doesn’t matter at all what kind of trees are used for this: live or artificial.

  • You can place a pot with money tree, hanging several coins from its branches.
  • Instead of a living plant, you can place souvenir trees made with your own hands from salt dough, beads, beads or golden wire in the wealth zone. To more effectively attract wealth, their branches are hung with coins and paper bills, rolled up like pound cakes.

3. In the practice of Feng Shui, there are a huge number of talismans used to attract wealth into the home.

  • The most popular symbol is the figurine of Hotei - a cheerful fat man depicted with a bag of gold coins and money in his hands.

  • The second most popular talisman placed in the wealth zone is a toad holding a gold coin in its mouth. She can bring wealth to the house only if she is placed so that she looks inside the room, and not at the window or door. It is believed that in this case, wealth can “ride away” from home.
  • The zone of wealth is unthinkable without another traditional talisman: a bunch of Chinese coins held together with a red ribbon. It is often dropped into a fountain or fish tank, carried in a wallet, or placed under a money tree pot.

Feng Shui at home to attract your soulmate

Attracting a soul mate is a task that can be accomplished by the zone of love and marriage, located in the southwestern sector of the house. Traditionally, the love zone is decorated in brown, yellow and beige tones. Despite the fact that the ruling element of this zone is Earth, the action of this sector can be activated with the help of the element of Fire, which gave birth to the Earth.

  • When activating the love zone, it is necessary to use bright objects of red, pink and orange colors with pointed outlines. You can use pictures of flames or the sun.
  • To designate a love zone, it is not at all necessary to paint it red: you can limit yourself to adding a few bright objects, change the color of the bedspread, curtains, or simply use traditional Chinese lanterns.
  • In the love zone, you need to periodically light two red candles: this will enhance positive energy.

In the love sector, metal objects are unacceptable. When choosing talismans, it is better to give preference to crystal or stone figurines.

  • The love zone must be decorated with paired items and traditional Chinese talismans. The most popular of them are paired figurines of mandarin ducks, elephants and swans, which in reality have earned a reputation as reliable partners who create strong married couples.
  • In the zone of love and marriage there should be no indoor plants, no pictures depicting trees, since the element of Fire is destructive for them.

Look video tutorial Love Talismans according to Feng Shui:

  • Those family members who want to get married as soon as possible should place a postcard with the image of two wedding rings in the love zone, not forgetting to include a joint photo in it.
  • Those who have not yet met their chosen one are recommended to place heart-shaped objects in the love sector.
  • Sometimes, attracting love into your life is as simple as getting rid of old love letters or mementos.

Feng Shui house number

The practice of Feng Shui has always attached great importance to the role of numbers in human life. The number of a house can have a great influence on the fate of the people living in it. Since it is not in our power to change the numbering of houses, we can only calculate the number under the vibration of which the inhabitants of a particular house are located. It is necessary to know this in order to neutralize negative impact vibrations in case of an unfavorable situation.

To determine a house number according to Feng Shui, you just need to add up all the numbers in its address. If the house number has a letter, it is necessary to recognize it serial number in the alphabet, add it to the house number. By adding all the numbers one by one, we get a single-digit number, which will emit a certain vibration. Information about the meaning of each number can be found on the Internet.

Flowers for the home according to Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui experts, flowers in the house can improve the energy of any home if you choose them correctly and care for them accordingly.

Healthy and well-groomed flowers are a source of positive energy. The influence of plants that bloom or bear fruit profusely is especially beneficial.

Useful plants for home according to Feng Shui:
  1. A kind of indicator of the energy atmosphere in the house is tradescantia, the leaves of which begin to turn yellow and fall off if too much negative energy has accumulated in the home.
  2. A very useful plant is geranium, which has strong energy and spreads throughout the house essential oils, which have a beneficial effect on metabolism in the human body.
  3. Active absorber negative energy is fern.
  4. A true peacemaker plant can be considered ficus who is able to reconcile family members, neutralizing their anger and aggression.
Auspicious flowers for home:
  1. myrtle tree will fill the house with the energy of love and prosperity, and will also strengthen relationships within the family.
  2. Crassula, planted with your own hands, will bring prosperity to the house and strengthen financial prosperity.
  3. Bamboo – An excellent absorber and converter of negative energy. It is believed that by passing through the hollow bamboo trunk, negative energy becomes positive. But according to Feng Shui, where should you place bamboo so that it attracts good luck and wealth? Feng Shui experts say that to attract good luck, indoor bamboo it needs to be placed in the south-eastern part of the room, while you need to carefully look after it, water it on time and don’t forget to communicate with it and tell it about all your desires. In order for a useful plant to enhance its properties and attract wealth to itself, you need to place a three-toed frog next to it.
  4. lemon tree: when planted in a children's room, it fills the air with a mass of beneficial phytoncides, and also helps kids grow inquisitive and active.

Feng Shui experts say that all colors are capable of emitting one of five types of energy:

  • The energy of water.
  • Energy of the earth.
  • The energy of wood.
  • Metal energy.
  • The energy of fire.

Since each type of energy is responsible for a very specific area of ​​human life, with the help of colors in the interior of the house you can solve many problems that periodically arise in one area or another of life. To use this Feng Shui tool when choosing the color palette for your home, you need to become familiar with the meaning of each color:

  1. Black activates mystical, unknown forces and symbolizes the inner world, which is in a state of hibernation. Large quantity this color may indicate depression.
  2. Green means abundance, prosperity, development, indicates balance and inner harmony, as well as the availability of unused resources.
  3. Red– the color of passion, excitement, vital dynamics, strong will. Using this color promotes physical strength and can stimulate appetite.
  4. Yellow stimulates the development of intelligence and the desire to achieve success in scientific activities, promotes the ability to establish contacts with people.
  5. Blue– the color of inspiration, inner peace, contentment and self-control.
  6. White is the color of modesty, humility and purity. Using this color can promote spiritual growth and balance.

With the help of paintings, posters and banners you can significantly improve the energy of your home, since they affect not only emotional state and the well-being of the people in the room, but also form a certain atmosphere in it.

  • Dreary landscapes, paintings depicting water or predatory animals are completely unsuitable for the bedroom. Here it is better to use paintings made in bright and rich tones of a warm color scheme.
  • When planning a move, an important trip, or dreaming of moving up the career ladder, you need to activate the perspective zone with the help of road-themed paintings.
  • When dreaming of your own house or apartment, place an image of your dream home or a couple of interior photographs in the perspective zone.
  • To activate your office, you can use a sunny cityscape with a well-developed perspective and high, clear skies.

Attracting luck as a kind of positive energy that can bring success, health and prosperity to each family member is quite within the capabilities of Feng Shui practice.

Remember a few simple rules:

  • Make the entrance to your home inviting by clearing the threshold of a lot of unnecessary items: this will clear the way for the flow of good luck energy.
  • In front of the entrance to the house there should not be a single tree or pillar that can cut the flow of positive energy in two and provoke the emergence of negative energy.
  • The doors to the toilet and bathroom, as well as the toilet lid, should be kept closed so that the energy of good luck does not leave your home.
  • When planning the placement of your home, you should ensure that the sharp corners of neighboring buildings do not overlook it. When arranging furniture indoors, try to ensure that sharp corners are not directed towards you. workplace, nor on your bed.
  • Figurines of one or several elephants must be located at the front door. With their trunk they attract good luck into the house, bring happiness and protect the household. They also attract monetary success to the family if they stand on the window. An elephant figurine can bring good luck not only to adults, but also to children, if it stands on a table in a children’s room, turning its mighty trunk towards them. In this way, the elephant will improve your child's performance.

Firstly, you will be surprised how much your living space will increase as a result of getting rid of trash and junk. They say that if you don't use something for a year, you should think about the need to store it. Of course, this does not apply to your favorite childhood toys that guarded your dreams from kindergarten to high school, to your first grade diary, to your first love letters, etc. This is already a historical relic. But the inserts of the “Turbo” and “Love is...” chewing gums can be safely thrown away.

Corners, mezzanines, niches, cabinets should not be filled to capacity with things, especially those not in use. In such places you need to clean more often and throw away everything unnecessary. It is very important that the house is clean, as negative energy accumulates in dirty places, affecting the health and well-being of the family. Secondly, if you have broken appliances or broken things in your house, be sure to fix them. Even a small watch that has stopped and is now lying in the far corner of your desk drawer can negatively affect your life. Check for burnt out light bulbs in lighting fixtures. Do not keep broken, cracked or glued dishes in the house. Even if this thing is very dear to you, it is better to get rid of it.

Take a critical look at your flower “plantations.” Are there dry or dying plants in your home? If there are, then get rid of them without regrets, otherwise instead of the beneficial growth energy created healthy flowers, you will receive painful withering energy.

A compass will help you find luck

Now let's delve into the teachings of Feng Shui and get acquainted with the magical Bagua octagon. This is such a nice regular octagon, in each sector of which there is a trigram. According to Feng Shui, everything that happens in life can be divided into nine aspects of life: wealth, fame, love and marriage; family, health, children and creativity; wisdom and knowledge; career, assistants and travel. All these nine categories, combined together in a specific order, form Bagua. Each part has its own compass direction, its own color, its own element and its own trigram.

You can apply this magical octagon to the plan of your house, apartment, or even a separate room. This way you can determine where each Bagua sector is, what it means and how to activate it to achieve your goals.

To determine this or that zone of your home, you will need the most common compass, a scaled plan of your home and a Bagua grid (see table).

If you're ready, pick up a compass. Now you must determine the main parameter of your home from the point of view of Feng Shui - the direction of the front door. This is where you look from the house. Stand facing the front door and wait until the arrow calms down. Let me remind you that the red arrow always points north. Now mentally draw a perpendicular from the center of the compass to your front door. This imaginary line shows the true direction of your front door.

Now you need to draw the apartment plan into nine equal parts and align compass north with north on the plan. Are you oriented to the area? Amazing! Now carefully enter all the compass directions into the plan of your apartment and begin to evaluate the condition of the different zones of your apartment with the tenacious eye of a Feng Shui specialist.

A difficulty you may encounter is the problem of missing corners. After all, our apartments and houses do not always have the shape of regular squares or rectangles. Therefore, when applying the Bagua grid to the house plan, you may find out that one or even several sectors of the Bagua grid are missing. This negatively affects the quality of Feng Shui, but the missing angle can always be compensated, because Feng Shui corrects space not so much by changing the shape of the room, but by symbols.

So, as I already mentioned, each Bagua sector and each zone symbolizes one of the 9 aspects of life. Now you can determine which zone to tackle first in order to realize your most pressing desires.

Wealth Zone

As you can see from the Bagua grid, the zone of wealth is the southeast. If this sector is activated, Feng Shui promises abundance and prosperity. The color of this zone is green and purple, and the element is wood. To activate a tree, water is needed, as it nourishes it. The energy of water in Feng Shui is almost main symbol money. The most powerful representatives of this element of the elements in Feng Shui are sources of “living” water - waterfalls, fountains and aquariums. It is they, and especially the first two types (an endless variety of which you will find in stores), that are responsible for attracting additional funds and symbolically creating a source of wealth. If you want to use an aquarium for the same purposes, then it is better to choose one that you can keep open - the water hidden under the lid does not have the same force as that which is in direct contact with the air of the room. Make sure that the water in it is always clean, since dirty and stagnant water, instead of abundance, brings financial problems.

You can also activate the wealth zone with the help of talismans. One of them is a model of a sailboat. This is a wonderful talisman that attracts good luck in business. For him efficient work it is necessary that the sailboat faces the inside of the house, that is, it “sails” and provides you with uninterrupted cash flows.

Many successful businessmen do not hide the fact that they use Chinese coins to attract monetary luck. These round coins with square holes in the center, depicting hieroglyphs or magical animals can now be purchased at any souvenir store. The easiest way to use them is to tie three coins with a red ribbon so that the hieroglyphs are on top and place them in your wealth sector. And one more piece of advice: do not keep money in unfavorable places, for example in the toilet, otherwise you will constantly lose it in life.

Glory Zone

The fame sector in the south is responsible for success in life, achieving popularity and moving up the social ladder. The zone element is fire and the color is red. The most effective fire talismans are associated with open fire - fireplaces, candles and aroma lamps. For example, to enhance the energy of fire, you can use red candles. Just keep in mind that the energy is activated by the flame, and not by the candles themselves, so don’t be lazy about lighting them at least once a week.

Zone of love and marriage

In the southwest there is a zone of love and marriage. It contains enormous potential that can improve your love, sexual and social relationships with people. Its element is Earth and its color is terracotta. Traditional talismans of the Love zone are, first of all, paired items. They are great at activating romantic luck. It doesn’t matter what kind of pairs they are. A pair of pillows, for example, will work just as well as a pair of candlesticks with candles, and a pair of dolphins will be just as good as a pair of crystal eggs. This could be a photo of you, where you are together and happy, or figures of a boy and a girl kissing. Now, just don’t forget to periodically look at your “love corner”, imagining your dream realized, and your wish will surely come true. It is also desirable to have flowers - real or images - in the Love zone. It’s good to hang “wind chimes” here with heart-shaped pendants. Chocolate, chocolate candies and everything connected with them would be appropriate in the Love sector, because these are symbols of romantic relationships.

Children and creativity zone

This zone is located in the west of the Bagua grid. Its element is Metal and its colors are white, metallic, gold and silver.

Everything that has to do with children (yours, others, future and present) is presented here. The happiness of motherhood, caring for the health, development and well-being of children is a very important aspect in the life of every person. This is also a creative zone. If you feel the need to express yourself, then it is important to activate this sector. The traditional talisman for this zone is airy wind chimes. These jingling straws can be purchased at any gift shop. Just be careful: air bells must have full tubes, without sharp corners and sharp design details. Not everyone who makes “wind chimes” knows Feng Shui. Also, by the way, figurines (netsuke) of children are suitable for this zone. They symbolize happiness, heavenly protection and protection for young children.

Zone of assistants, mentors and successful travels

In the Bagua grid this is northwest. The element is metal and the color is white, metallic, gold and silver. This zone affects the owner of the house the most, and is also connected with people who help you on your life’s path: mentors, colleagues, managers. When properly activated, the sector helps you gain the favor of people important to you, as well as help from the most unexpected sources. This zone is also responsible for travel. Therefore, if you dream of going on a cruise, I advise you to pay special attention to it.

Traditional talismans for this zone are portraits of people and images of those whom you consider to be your earthly and heavenly patrons: figurines or paintings of angels, icons, portraits of true friends, portraits of people famous and authoritative for you.

Career and life path zone

This zone is located in the north. Its element is Water and its colors are black, blue and cyan.

Everything that has to do with your work and career is presented in this sector. Its activation will help you climb the career ladder, get the job you want, change your profession, and increase your earnings. Another interpretation of the northern sector is the path of life. This is why it is very useful to analyze this area. If in your house it ends up in a hallway lit by a dim light bulb housing your school-era bicycle, then most likely you will have difficulty achieving your goals.

The most common traditional talisman for the Career zone is considered to be a turtle - a symbol of heavenly support, protection, wisdom and longevity. She is considered the image of the Universe: her shell is the vault of heaven, and her belly is the earth's surface. It brings money and support from influential people. How more turtles in your home - the more luck!

To activate the energy of water, the “mistress” of the quarry area, you can turn to the already mentioned fountains, waterfalls and aquariums. Also, the element of water can be represented by a painting or photograph with a landscape of water.

Zone of wisdom and knowledge

In the Bagua grid, this is northeast. The element is earth and the colors are beige and all shades of brown. Helps achieve success in learning and retain acquired knowledge. Activating this zone will help you improve yourself, become wiser, and a sage can have everything, including money, power, and love. Traditional talismans of this zone: crystals and figurines or images of a snake. The latter is a symbol of perpetual motion and renewal of the universe. In the East it is also a symbol female beauty. “You are as beautiful as a snake” is a very flattering compliment for a woman. But most often the snake represents wisdom and deep knowledge. This sector can also be activated with the help of a globe, ceramic and porcelain vases and figurines.

Family zone

This zone is in the east. Its element is Wood and its color is green.

Family affairs and relationships of all members of the clan are represented in this sector. If you activate it, you can significantly improve the family climate and even help add to your family. The classic mascot of the zone is the green dragon. He personifies power, wisdom and kindness. An excellent talisman here can be family photographs where each family member looks content and happy.

Health zone

This zone is located in the center of the Bagua grid. Its element is earth and its color is terracotta.

Since this sector is in the center, it comes into contact with all other sectors, connects and unites them. And in fact, if there is no health, then there is no joy from anything.

Classic symbols of health and longevity are peaches. In China, it is believed that these fruits should be given to a sick person as a gift. Cranes are also a favorite symbol of this zone. Especially those depicted against a pine tree background. In the center of the house it is very useful to place all sorts of funny things and humorous pictures, books with cartoons, videotapes with comedies. Laughter is the best medicine. Also, if it is appropriate in your apartment, Feng Shui advises installing a large dining table. He will become a wonderful talisman.

Now think about what you want most. Don't have enough money to buy a new TV? Take on the Wealth sector. Can't cope with the overwhelming amount of work? The Helpers sector is at your service. Are your relationships with the opposite sex not working out? Activate the Love sector. Looking for a job? Pay attention to the Career sector. In general, there are no goals, aspirations and desires that Feng Shui cannot help fulfill. No wonder the wise Chinese have been using the knowledge of Feng Shui for thousands of years!

Create “good Feng Shui” in the bedroom

I think that one of your favorite places in the apartment is the bedroom. This is the most important room for health, since this is where you spend about a third of your life. How to achieve comfort and harmony in this room?

To begin with, of course, it is necessary to determine the main purposes of using this room. If you are more inclined towards relaxation and sleep, then it is better to decorate the bedroom in soft colors so that the relaxing yin energy can manifest itself more strongly. If, on the contrary, you want to make the most of the active use of your bedroom, so that you don’t even want to sleep, use bright yang colors that help you not succumb to fatigue. You may find it makes more sense to go with an overall pastel design with a little pop of color thrown in. If necessary, you can easily increase their number by using, for example, candles, flowers, or even “randomly” left clothes.

There are several taboos related to the bedroom. The number of plants should be kept to a minimum, especially all climbing plants should be excluded. According to Feng Shui, during sleep they take away energy from a person. Therefore, if your window sill looks like a botanical garden and is entirely covered with flowerpots with vegetation, then at night, isolate yourself from the window and greenery with thick curtains. In addition, you cannot place an aquarium or other “aquatic” objects in the bedroom - this has a detrimental effect on romantic luck. By the way, a computer and TV located in the bedroom, especially opposite the bed, have a similar effect. Therefore, Feng Shui advises ridding the bedroom of them first. According to Feng Shui, the same energy “vampire” in the bedroom is mirrors. Under no circumstances should you hang mirrors so that sleeping people are reflected in them. But, if you really need a mirror in the bedroom, then hang it with some beautiful scarf or just fabric. And be sure to remove the shelves above your bed and move it out of the corner - you’ll immediately start getting enough sleep, and the sex will become enchanting.

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Some tips on how the interior of an office should be arranged according to Feng Shui. A black table is calming, while wooden tables provide both support and growth potential. The table must be optimal size, not too large so that you can always reach the papers lying on it, but not small so that there is no feeling of cramping, which always negatively affects a person’s own energy. Square and rectangular tables provide soil support. Round and... >>>>>

Some tips on how furniture should be arranged in an office according to Feng Shui. In each office, one should be guided by the usual principles of arranging furniture, orienting it taking into account the bagua and the most favorable directions of the owner of the office. If the table cannot be positioned along the most favorable direction, it is necessary to at least avoid the most unfavorable ones. Furniture in the office according to Feng Shui. Tables should be positioned so that you do not have to sit with your back to the door. Position with your back to the window... >>>>>

Some tips on how different rooms should be arranged according to Feng Shui. If you are looking to improve your life through Feng Shui, you should apply the same principles to other areas of your home. Greenhouse A greenhouse usually serves not only as a place where plants are grown, but also as a very important space intended for relaxation and perhaps for meditation. If you are looking to strengthen the spiritual side of your life, then the most suitable place for a greenhouse is the north side... >>>>>

Let's look at some tips on how to properly Feng Shui stairs. From a Feng Shui point of view, spiral staircases are not the best option, especially if they are located in the middle of the room, as they encourage the flow of qi to corkscrew upward, rapidly moving from one floor to another. You can slow down the flow of chi by using musical pendants at the top and bottom of the stairs. If the staircase starts immediately from the main entrance, you need to try to make sure that the bottom... >>>>>

Some tips on how halls and corridors should be arranged according to Feng Shui. From the hallway, qi energy begins its movement throughout the house. Its flow through the halls and corridors is similar to the flow of qi along the energy meridians of the human body. And here, as in the human body, it is necessary to ensure unhindered, but at the same time calm movement of qi energy. The rapid flow of chi energy through long empty corridors can cause a feeling of lack of time and thus cause nervous tension... >>>>>

A few tips on how a hallway should be arranged according to Feng Shui. The entryway should be large enough to allow the chi energy to calm down and accumulate before moving through the house. This does not mean at all that the hallway must be huge, but if it is very small, then in no case should it be forced into anything and it must be well lit. Hallways and hallways should be kept clean and tidy, otherwise they will contribute to stagnation of qi energy, which can cause... >>>>>

Let's try to figure out how to draw up a room plan according to Feng Shui. Now we have reached the stage when we can work on individual rooms. Draw a room plan You should draw a room plan on a larger scale compared to the house drawing. Mark the location of doors and windows and orient the drawing to the sides of the horizon. Cleaning the Room Feng Shui does not allow clutter, as it clutters the middle of the room, which should always be left free, and prevents the smooth flow... >>>>>

Some tips on how to arrange screens, doors and curtains in your home according to Feng Shui. With the help of screens, you can deflect the powerful flow of sha qi and establish a more favorable balance. They are also used when several doors are located on the same straight line, which leads to too rapid movement of qi. In addition, thanks to screens, you can restore the correct shape of the room. Where there is a source of sha qi in the form of an open bookcase, it is possible to protect the inhabitants of the room from harmful influences... >>>>>

Some tips on how to place Feng Shui crystals in your home. Crystals are the ultimate symbol of soil and are therefore often used in the southwest, northwest and central areas. At the same time, there is extremely rarely a need to place them in the northern part of the house or room. Transparent crystals such as quartz are most often used, but natural minerals can also be used. Crystals enhance and diffuse natural light and therefore have a positive effect on chi energy, activating its beneficial... >>>>>

Some tips on how to properly arrange Feng Shui mirrors. The ability of mirrors to attract and transmit chi energy has a wide variety of applications. If any sector is missing in a house or room, you can use mirrors to visually fill in the missing part and thereby restore balance in the house. Mirrors are capable of reflecting sha chi and deflecting arrows, as well as facilitating the movement of energy along narrow passages and corridors. In addition, they can be used to disguise... >>>>>

Some tips on how candles should be placed in the house according to Feng Shui. Candles also serve as sources of light, but we should not forget that only the flame of the candle, and not the candle itself, affects the chi energy, so candles should be kept lit, and not just used as decoration. Since candles are a fire hazard, all safety precautions should be carefully observed and never leave burning candles unattended. Candles can be used in the north-eastern part of the house or room... >>>>>

Some tips on how light sources should be arranged according to Feng Shui. Light is a powerful way to activate chi energy both inside and outside the home. Light is used to enrich and stimulate chi energy, resulting in energy with greater positive potential. Since light is closely related to fire, its influence is strongest in the southern part of the house or individual rooms, but it can also be used in the southwest and northeast to support the properties of the soil. Regardless of your... >>>>>

You should return to the floor plans of the house according to Feng Shui and draw them again. It is necessary to arrange the bagua on the plan in such a way that each sector has as equal influence as possible, and the center of the bagua is in the middle family life Houses. The bagua should be precisely oriented to the sides of the horizon. Then you need to determine in which direction to change the balance of the elements, where to strengthen the influence of the element corresponding to the missing part of the house, and where to weaken the excessive influence in extensions and protrusions... >>>>>

Let's take a look at what an incorrect Feng Shui house looks like from an architectural point of view. Likewise, if there are depressions in the configuration of the house or some sector of the house is completely missing, this state of affairs also needs to be corrected. Chinese houses built on the principles of Feng Shui cannot have a courtyard in the center, since the absence of a central part of the bagua negatively affects family cohesion. Regardless of whether the imbalance is caused by protruding... >>>>>

Some tips on how to properly Feng Shui your home extensions. You have already drawn up a house plan and determined how various elements affect it. Next step Feng Shui for the home is to look at this plane in terms of the properties characteristic of the chi energy in each sector. The first thing to resolve is the issue of balance, since in many cases the house plan does not have perfect shape from a feng shui point of view. The house may have extensions, and at the same time some part of it... >>>>>

Let's look at some tips on how to make a house plan for Feng Shui. First, you need to make a rough sketch of the site where your house is located and mark the position of the house on it. Great precision is not required here, although it certainly wouldn't hurt. For now all you need to do is install general shape your site and how harmonious the position of your house looks on it. After this, a rough sketch of both floors of the house should be made, noting the positions of the doors and windows. On the side of the plan you must indicate the direction... >>>>>

Let's consider how important the balance of yin and yang is in the house. Once you have established balance in the environment, you should take care to establish it in each room. To do this, you need to evaluate the current state of affairs, decide what it should be, and determine what actions need to be taken to get closer to the ideal. We should not forget that it is not necessary in every case to strictly adhere to the middle, that is, an equal ratio between yin and yang. As a rule, in every... >>>>>

In the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, the correct position of the house relative to the sides of the horizon is important. If you keep a picture of your home in your head, then it will be easier for you to understand the next section, which is devoted to how to correct the situation and, if possible, bring it closer to the ideal. The position of the house relative to the sides of the horizon. Generally speaking, you can still relate the position of each celestial animal to the position on the left, right, back and front of the house. However, if additional... >>>>>

Let's look at how, according to Chinese wisdom, to determine the ideal place for a home. If all four celestial animals are represented in the landscape around your home, then this is a sure sign that the place is favorable. However, it is very important that the animals, in their symbolic embodiment, are in balance with each other, and each occupies its ideal place. Since you are looking to find the perfect place, xue, you should look for a very specific combination of hills and plains. The ancient Chinese perceived... >>>>>

Let's look at how to move correctly according to Feng Shui. When choosing a new residence, you need to familiarize yourself with the history (past) of the house and the place on which it stands. The following unfavorable characteristics of a location are best avoided: - location former cemetery or funeral home; - the place where the murder occurred; - the place where there was previously a landfill, cesspool or place where waste was burned; - a place where a large fire has ever occurred; - a place where, before the construction of houses, large... >>>>>

Some tips on how to carry out repairs according to Feng Shui. Apartment renovation requires very serious attention. At major renovation you can accidentally disrupt the flow of qi in the house. Therefore, monitor the progress of the repair work and follow the following rules: * Make sure that the time of year chosen for the repair does not contradict the dominant element of the owner (Autumn contradicts Wood, Winter contradicts Fire, Spring contradicts Soil, Autumnal equinox contradicts Water, Summer is contrary to Metal). *If there is a pregnant woman in the house,... >>>>>

Some tips on how to properly arrange Feng Shui interior decorations. Nowadays, it is customary to decorate homes with plants, vases, toys, antiques, stuffed animals, etc. All these things have a certain influence on the behavior and course of a person’s life. To ensure beneficial and healthy chi in your home, follow these basic rules: * If you want to decorate your home with outdoor plants, choose plants with rounded green leaves. ... >>>>>

Some tips on how to arrange an aquarium according to Feng Shui. People keep aquariums in their homes mainly for aesthetic purposes. But before you decide whether to purchase an aquarium, carefully consider whether it will disrupt the feng shui of your home. In the popular literature on feng shui problems, it is widely believed that an aquarium in any case helps to attract favorable qi into the house (especially an aquarium with an odd number of fish). However, the situation is more complicated, since the aquarium, symbolizing... >>>>>

Some tips on how to create a comfortable life using Feng Shui at home. The arrangement of furniture in a room can affect the qi of the entire home. Sometimes it happens that the interior of a house is created extremely aesthetically and is pleasant to look at, but the inhabitants are still unhappy because the flow of qi in the home remains unbalanced. The best shape for an apartment is a square or rectangle. A dwelling in the shape of an irregular polygon, the letter “Ъ” (the so-called “boot” or “knife”), the letter “U” or a rectangular... >>>>>

The creation of favorable Feng Shui, which does not require large amounts of effort and money, is achieved thanks to special Feng Shui objects placed in certain places in the home. Here two categories can be distinguished: 1) objects that are common in everyday life and serve mainly to ward off negative influences; 2) special Feng Shui talismans, with the help of which you can both reject negative influences and attract favorable qi. Below are the characteristics of the main tools and... >>>>>

In conclusion, we reiterate that Feng Shui is a cross between science and art. This is not a superstition or a new religion. In addition to the rules for arranging living spaces to achieve maximum comfort for the body and mind, the practice of Feng Shui also includes astrological and other “occult” aspects. In general, Feng Shui strives to find means to correct the unfavorable fate of each person. Unlucky properties individual destiny can be recognized and corrected... >>>>>

A mirror is used in Feng Shui to ward off misfortunes and correct defects in a particular place. But to achieve the desired result you need a mirror of a special size and shape. In addition, to install the mirror, you must choose a favorable date. Inspect the mirror carefully: there should be no cracks in it. A broken mirror not only does not save you from troubles, but, on the contrary, prevents you from completing the work you have started.... >>>>>

Feng Shui at home for beginners

Feng Shui is not a religion. Feng Shui is the centuries-old science of harmony in the home.

Harmony in our home helps in life and attracts good luck.

Internal is of great importance positive attitude and TALISMANS - helpers- activation of certain zones (sectors) in our home - which are responsible for one or another area of ​​our life (health, career, love, wealth, etc.) and attract good luck in this direction.

So, let’s tune in to the positive and decide what we need for happiness, harmony and well-being.

To begin with, it makes sense to activate exactly those sectors that are responsible for what is of primary and most important importance to us today. And gradually you can activate less important ones at the moment sectors.

The main thing is don’t fuss and don’t rush things!

We decided, activated the sectors and forgot about it. Live relaxed and calm!

All zones responsible for well-being in Feng Shui are distributed according to the cardinal directions.

To determine the cardinal directions in our home, it is necessary, of course, to acquire a compass.

Stand, if possible, in the center of the apartment and put the compass on your hand, determine the cardinal directions.

Some Feng Shui experts advise standing with your back to the front door to do this.

But from experience, it is more convenient to take measurements, after all, being in the center of the apartment.

The red arrow always points to the North!

Sometimes, when you are in an apartment or house, errors may occur in determining the cardinal directions (more often this happens in panel houses due to reinforced concrete structures).

Take a test measurement while outside.

Those. a small circle in the center is the Central sector, a large circle covers the entire apartment and it, without capturing the central sector, is divided into 9 sectors of equal size. Each of which is responsible for a certain area of ​​our life.

We have determined the cardinal directions, in which sector they fall, enter them there for accuracy.

It is in these parts of the apartment (house) that we will activate the sectors of luck that are necessary for us.

More detailed description See how to do this below.


The CENTER of an apartment (house) is always responsible for HEALTH and WELL-BEING









Determine the most important directions for you and your loved ones living in this house and activate them using Feng Shui methods.

I will immediately note, regardless of your interests and desires, zones HEALTH(center) and ASSISTANTS(northwest) are perhaps universally important for any person.

Because Without health, neither love, nor money, nor a career will bring joy and happiness to anyone.

And the active zone of assistants is capable of moving any stagnation in the area of ​​interest to us. The phrase “I achieved everything myself” is very relative and erroneous.

People help us, chance, higher powers, providence, God help us - whatever you want to call it, but something independent of us can always give or take away. Chance is a myth, there are no accidents, everything that happens is subject to some laws.

To make it easier to get everything you need, be sure to activate the assistant zone.

This is especially important if you have any crisis situation in your life.

You may not believe it at first, just do what Feng Shui advises - the results will not keep you waiting.

Another piece of advice that is universal for everyone without exception is that before activating one direction or another, dismantle the existing rubble in any house, especially if they are located in the area of ​​interest to you.

Rubble and dust- this is stagnant negative energy.

Clearing debris and cleaning sets energy forces in motion.

Go through things - things that have not been used or worn for a long time, throw them away, or better yet, give them to those in need or give them as a gift to someone. Good Feng Shui - things should serve, not lie. If a thing served you once, but is still quite suitable, let it serve other people.

By giving something away, you make room for new and more.

The same applies to money - if you don’t give, you won’t receive.

Feng Shui recommends spending the money you have with joy and never regretting your expenses. Be generous (as much as your financial capabilities allow) - give gifts, leave tips, donate to charity.

It is conventionally believed that it is necessary to give at least 10% of what we earn for these purposes, then much more will be returned to us. It's like payment to higher powers for what they received.

Just give for a good cause. Giving a drug addict his fix or simply throwing money or good things in the trash does not count.

Another important role in Feng Shui is played by our inner mood for better and more.

With the “I have enough, I am enough” mentality, don’t count on development and growth.

After all, if you have enough and practically don’t need anything else, why give it to you. In this case, this “something” is health, money, family happiness, large apartment, travel, etc. - they will give it to someone who doesn’t have enough, who wants this “something” more. If you need a little, then you will get a little.

Always strive for more and better, just demand more and more from life.

Tell the higher powers THANK YOU for what you have and for what they have given you or allowed you to earn, and “demand” even more.

Therefore, all affirmations for attracting positive energy in Feng Shui (affirmations are an internal mood for the best, a kind of auto-training) are written and pronounced as some kind of beneficial fact that has already been accomplished (although you are still striving for this).

If we lack health, we say “I healthy person, but I want to be and will be the healthiest,” if we want to be richer, we tell ourselves and others, “I am a rich person, but I want and will be very rich,” etc.
The main thing is I WANT and I WILL!


Flowers . Flowers should grow upward; Feng Shui does not welcome downward hanging plants and vines crawling along the walls. Our life and our well-being should strive upward, and not follow a sluggish existence.

There should be no limp, unhealthy flowers in the house, and especially no dried flowers (dead flowers do not really contribute to the life and development that we strive for).

It is better to have artificial flowers or pictures of flowers.

Use plants that are popularly carriers of any positive meanings.

Feng Shui is not welcoming cacti in the house. It is believed that they cut off energy with their needles. Place cacti only in the place you want to isolate yourself from - maybe a negative environment outside the window, a toilet or garbage disposal in an important sector, etc.

Then the cactus can do a good job and cut off the flow of negative energy or the loss of positive energy.

Paintings, Figurines. These principles of “up and on,” “life not death,” “joy not sadness” apply to all images or symbols in our home.

Figurines or paintings of an elephant or a horse, for example, should have their head and body raised, not lowered.

Images or symbols of people laughing and happy, not the other way around.

Water. The same applies to water in the house. Water is a symbol of life and an energetically very strong element.

Therefore, elements with water in the house are very important.

The water should be clean, fresh and should also tend upward.

Therefore, a waterfall with water flowing down or its image is not very good Feng Shui, and neither is an aquarium or flowerpot with stale water.

Some Feng Shui areas require the presence of water elements.

It is better that the elements of water or their image symbolize clean water, A better water in motion, or even better, water rushing upward.

Fountains (or images of them), not waterfalls. A clean river, a calm sea (or an image of them), and not a pond.

However, more water or objects symbolizing it, does not mean better.

There should be moderation in everything.

For example, it is believed that an aquarium in the bedroom is not very good.

Because water itself is a symbol of the elements and a very energetically strong element; a large aquarium on a metaphysical level can interfere with the rest of the owners of the house.

Light. Lighting in the house should be distributed so that there are no dark areas in the house. Especially if any of the important sectors fall on them.

In Feng Shui, fluorescent light and fluorescent lamps are not welcome; such light is considered cold and dead.

Crystal chandeliers and the use of various crystals and anything that gives a reflection, a rainbow or “bunnies” on the walls are very welcome.

This play of light symbolically increases what is acquired in the house, especially wealth and prosperity.


A door is the outer face of a house or apartment.

The front door should be beautiful and solid.

From the outside, the front door must be well lit and a number must be attached to it.

Otherwise, how will luck and wealth find us?

Another important requirement is that if there is a mirror near the entrance to the house, the front door should not be reflected in it.

Otherwise, everything acquired in the house seems to leave it.

Opposite the entrance to a house, apartment or office, it is recommended to hang an amulet against the evil eye - a peacock eye. Such amulets are brought from Turkey and they are sold in souvenir shops.

It is believed that the Fan also helps against the evil eye and negative influence other people.

This will help protect the house from the arrival of unkind people, and if they do appear on our doorstep, they will not be able to spoil the aura and good Feng Shui of our home.

If the front door definitely has any of the important Feng Shui sectors, this is also very bad.

This situation can be slightly corrected - hang a mirror on the outside of the door.

Thus, you will, as it were, cut off and reflect this territory.

Place the zone itself and the necessary accessories to activate it nearby.

In Feng Shui, such tricks are acceptable and even encouraged.

The main thing is that the mirror hangs so that the image of yourself is completely contained in it. tall man in the house. Otherwise, we symbolically cut off his life growth, in the sense of development.

This applies to all mirrors in the house. It's better to stretch a little than to squat a little.

In addition, hang wind chimes with hollow tubes at the entrance to your house. They will also cut off the exit of favorable energy from the house.


In order for what we demand from life and receive from it to linger and take root in our home and not slip away like sand through our fingers, it is necessary to do the following.

Every home has a garbage disposal or trash can, as well as plumbing connections.

IN Feng Shui is believed that along with water in the bathroom or toilet(also with garbage), the accumulated positive energy figuratively goes away (this applies to all areas of life - money, health, etc.).

Therefore, if any of the important zones clearly fall on the bathroom or toilet, this is very bad.

Use the “mirror” technique as described in the case of the front door.

It is believed that by placing these elements in such places, everything is symbolically washed away and leaves the house along with the water.

Make sure the toilet remains closed at all times!

The red ribbon symbolically blocks the release of positive energy and acquired values ​​of various types from the house along with water and garbage.


The kitchen in the house symbolizes the hearth.

In the kitchen there is a stove - a symbol of home warmth, a dining table - a symbol of unification, a refrigerator - a symbol of the well-being and satiety of the family.

Keep the kitchen, and especially these important family symbols, clean.

According to Feng Shui, it is very good to keep a bowl of nuts, sweets or fruits (even artificial fruits work) in your home or office - this is for money and well-being.

Good to place in money sector a vase with chocolates, oranges, or better yet, lemons. Or even better, a whole candy or fruit tree, even an artificial one. These are on sale now.

The kitchen should be well lit, as should all the most important sectors for your family.

Fridge. Periodically empty the refrigerator of stale or long-stored food.

It's very good to keep a bottle of champagne in the refrigerator, even if your family doesn't drink. Champagne in the refrigerator is a symbol that the house is always ready to celebrate another achievement or joyful event, and is also ready for the arrival of good guests.

Table. In Feng Shui, it is believed that a round table is preferable to a rectangular one.

In addition, the kitchen table must be solid and durable. Because the table is a symbol of family, well-being and unity. It is not recommended to place a table made of transparent glass in the kitchen.

It is bad if the table is pushed towards the wall and family members sit facing this wall.

This symbolically blocks the energetic growth and development of those sitting at the table. The expression “I hit a wall” is about such a case.

The same goes for our desk or our child’s desk.

You should always sit with your back to the wall and so that the front door is in our viewing area.

Plate. If space and financial capabilities allow, Feng Shui recommends installing a stove - a family hearth in the center of the kitchen, so that, like the table, all family members have free access. This will have a beneficial effect on the family atmosphere and the well-being of family members.

If there is stagnation in any of the areas of life, especially wealth and well-being, urgently “scrape” the stove. Believe me, it helps.


The bedroom is a place in our home where we should rest in order to recharge ourselves with strength and energy for future achievements.

Accordingly, everything in this room must meet this important principle.

There should be no rubble in the bedroom, no closets with a lot of unused things - negative stagnant energy.

Window. Opposite the bedroom window there should not be any sharp external objects or corners - a dry tree without foliage, a spire, a high-voltage line, a sharp corner of a neighboring house, a tower crane, etc.

Also, unfavorable objects in the surroundings of our home - monuments, highways or railway, cemetery or funeral home, water towers, garbage dumps, etc.

The same rule applies to other windows in the house or apartment.

For more information about colors and their impact on the human psyche, see the KRASSULA website in the “Color” section. From the history of color."

Large amounts of water or water elements are also not recommended for the same reason. Water carries strong energy, which does not promote relaxation.

Mirrors. In Feng Shui, a mirror is a water element and, accordingly, a carrier of strong water energy.

A large number of mirrors is not welcome in the bedroom.

Another requirement is that the bed should not be reflected in the mirror; the larger the reflection, the worse.

Bed. The bed should be comfortable, this is natural. It is recommended to sleep in a direction that is favorable for each person. It is determined by simple calculations according to Feng Shui.

The bed should have a free approach on both sides if you live as a couple and even more so if you dream and strive to find your match.

Above the bed it is recommended to place paintings or images of flowers (peonies, but not prickly roses), hearts, photos of happy couples and other symbols good family, loving people, love, romance, an image of a pair of swans, cranes or storks, etc.

There should not be any shelves, cabinets, beams, another tier, etc. above the bed. This “crushes” the positive energy of growth and does not contribute to relaxation. This is fraught with danger, albeit on a subconscious level.

According to Feng Shui, each of us has our own happy direction, which is recommended to be observed when planning your interior, in which direction the bed should stand or how to harmoniously arrange your workplace, etc. It is believed that following these simple rules brings good luck and focuses positive energy around us.

In addition to amulets and talismans of love Feng Shui you can find yours personal happy direction- this is like a “star” of your year of birth. To find your personal direction that brings you luck in love and marriage, you need to calculate your own “gua number”. The resulting number will help you determine favorable and unfavorable directions and sectors in your home.

My home is my fortress. The more comfortable, friendly and favorable it is, the more successful our life is. Undoubtedly, the goodwill of our fortress depends primarily on its household members. However, according to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, the auspiciousness of our home depends on the harmony of a person and the surrounding space. If this harmony exists, then your life is a constant non-stop flow - in your personal life, in health, in business. And if something goes wrong, you can contact a Feng Shui master, who will individually adjust the energy flows in your home, and harmony will return to life. But when there is no opportunity to contact a master - paid Feng Shui consultations do not fit into your cost planning - our advice can be useful. They are common and universal for everyone, and since all houses are individual, you still have to walk around the apartment with a compass. I would like to note that in the process of creating harmony at home, following the rules of Feng Shui, there are a lot of pleasant moments. For example, throwing out old things, moving furniture and decorating the apartment with beautiful and mysterious objects.

Start small - spring cleaning

Firstly, you will be surprised how much your living space will increase as a result of getting rid of trash and junk. They say that if you don't use something for a year, you should think about the need to store it. Of course, this does not apply to your favorite childhood toys that guarded your dreams from kindergarten to high school, to your first grade diary, to your first love letters, etc. This is already a historical relic. But the inserts of the “Turbo” and “Love is...” chewing gums can be safely thrown away.

Corners, mezzanines, niches, cabinets should not be filled to capacity with things, especially those not in use. In such places you need to clean more often and throw away everything unnecessary. It is very important that the house is clean, as negative energy accumulates in dirty places, affecting the health and well-being of the family. Secondly, if you have broken appliances or broken things in your house, be sure to fix them. Even a small watch that has stopped and is now lying in the far corner of your desk drawer can negatively affect your life. Check for burnt out light bulbs in lighting fixtures. Do not keep broken, cracked or glued dishes in the house. Even if this thing is very dear to you, it is better to get rid of it.

Take a critical look at your flower “plantations.” Are there dry or dying plants in your home? If there are, then get rid of them without regret, otherwise, instead of the beneficial energy of growth created by healthy flowers, you will receive the painful energy of withering.

A compass will help you find luck

Now let's delve into the teachings of Feng Shui and get acquainted with the magical Bagua octagon. This is such a nice regular octagon, in each sector of which there is a trigram. According to Feng Shui, everything that happens in life can be divided into nine aspects of life: wealth, fame, love and marriage; family, health, children and creativity; wisdom and knowledge; career, assistants and travel. All these nine categories, combined together in a specific order, form Bagua. Each part has its own compass direction, its own color, its own element and its own trigram.

You can apply this magical octagon to the plan of your house, apartment, or even a separate room. This way you can determine where each Bagua sector is, what it means and how to activate it to achieve your goals.

To determine this or that zone of your home, you will need the most common compass, a scaled plan of your home and a Bagua grid (see table).

If you're ready, pick up a compass. Now you must determine the main parameter of your home from the point of view of Feng Shui - the direction of the front door. This is where you look from the house. Stand facing the front door and wait until the arrow calms down. Let me remind you that the red arrow always points north. Now mentally draw a perpendicular from the center of the compass to your front door. This imaginary line shows the true direction of your front door.

Now you need to draw the apartment plan into nine equal parts and align compass north with north on the plan. Are you oriented to the area? Amazing! Now carefully enter all the compass directions into the plan of your apartment and begin to evaluate the condition of the different zones of your apartment with the tenacious eye of a Feng Shui specialist.

A difficulty you may encounter is the problem of missing corners. After all, our apartments and houses do not always have the shape of regular squares or rectangles. Therefore, when applying the Bagua grid to the house plan, you may find out that one or even several sectors of the Bagua grid are missing. This negatively affects the quality of Feng Shui, but the missing angle can always be compensated, because Feng Shui corrects space not so much by changing the shape of the room, but by symbols.

So, as I already mentioned, each Bagua sector and each zone symbolizes one of the 9 aspects of life. Now you can determine which zone to tackle first in order to realize your most pressing desires.

Wealth Zone

As you can see from the Bagua grid, the zone of wealth is the southeast. If this sector is activated, Feng Shui promises abundance and prosperity. The color of this zone is green and purple, and the element is wood. To activate a tree, water is needed, as it nourishes it. The energy of water in Feng Shui is perhaps the main symbol of money. The most powerful representatives of this element of the elements in Feng Shui are sources of “living” water - waterfalls, fountains and aquariums. It is they, and especially the first two types (an endless variety of which you will find in stores), that are responsible for attracting additional funds and symbolically creating a source of wealth. If you want to use an aquarium for the same purposes, then it is better to choose one that you can keep open - the water hidden under the lid does not have the same force as that which is in direct contact with the air of the room. Make sure that the water in it is always clean, since dirty and stagnant water, instead of abundance, brings financial problems.

You can also activate the wealth zone with the help of talismans. One of them is a model of a sailboat. This is a wonderful talisman that attracts good luck in business. For it to work effectively, it is necessary that the sailboat faces the inside of the house, that is, it “sails” and provides you with uninterrupted cash flows.

Many successful businessmen do not hide the fact that they use Chinese coins to attract monetary luck. These round coins with square holes in the center, depicting hieroglyphs or magical animals can now be purchased at any souvenir store. The easiest way to use them is to tie three coins with a red ribbon so that the hieroglyphs are on top and place them in your wealth sector. And one more piece of advice: do not keep money in unfavorable places, for example in the toilet, otherwise you will constantly lose it in life.

Glory Zone

The fame sector in the south is responsible for success in life, achieving popularity and moving up the social ladder. The zone element is fire and the color is red. The most effective fire talismans are associated with open fire - fireplaces, candles and aroma lamps. For example, to enhance the energy of fire, you can use red candles. Just keep in mind that the energy is activated by the flame, and not by the candles themselves, so don’t be lazy about lighting them at least once a week.

Zone of love and marriage

In the southwest there is a zone of love and marriage. It contains enormous potential that can improve your love, sexual and social relationships with people. Its element is Earth and its color is terracotta. Traditional talismans of the Love zone are, first of all, paired items. They are great at activating romantic luck. It doesn’t matter what kind of pairs they are. A pair of pillows, for example, will work just as well as a pair of candlesticks with candles, and a pair of dolphins will be just as good as a pair of crystal eggs. This could be a photo of you, where you are together and happy, or figures of a boy and a girl kissing. Now, just don’t forget to periodically look at your “love corner”, imagining your dream realized, and your wish will surely come true. It is also desirable to have flowers - real or images - in the Love zone. It’s good to hang “wind chimes” here with heart-shaped pendants. Chocolate, chocolate candies and everything connected with them would be appropriate in the Love sector, because these are symbols of romantic relationships.

Children and creativity zone

This zone is located in the west of the Bagua grid. Its element is Metal and its colors are white, metallic, gold and silver.

Everything that has to do with children (yours, others, future and present) is presented here. The happiness of motherhood, caring for the health, development and well-being of children is a very important aspect in the life of every person. This is also a creative zone. If you feel the need to express yourself, then it is important to activate this sector. The traditional talisman for this zone is airy wind chimes. These jingling straws can be purchased at any gift shop. Just be careful: air bells should have full tubes, no sharp corners or sharp design details. Not everyone who makes “wind chimes” knows Feng Shui. Also, by the way, figurines (netsuke) of children are suitable for this zone. They symbolize happiness, heavenly protection and protection for young children.

Zone of assistants, mentors and successful travels

In the Bagua grid this is northwest. The element is metal and the color is white, metallic, gold and silver. This zone affects the owner of the house the most, and is also connected with people who help you on your life’s path: mentors, colleagues, managers. When properly activated, the sector helps you gain the favor of people important to you, as well as help from the most unexpected sources. This zone is also responsible for travel. Therefore, if you dream of going on a cruise, I advise you to pay special attention to it.

Traditional talismans for this zone are portraits of people and images of those whom you consider to be your earthly and heavenly patrons: figurines or paintings of angels, icons, portraits of true friends, portraits of people famous and authoritative for you.

Career and life path zone

This zone is located in the north. Its element is Water and its colors are black, blue and cyan.

Everything that has to do with your work and career is presented in this sector. Its activation will help you climb the career ladder, get the job you want, change your profession, and increase your earnings. Another interpretation of the northern sector is the path of life. This is why it is very useful to analyze this area. If in your house it ends up in a hallway lit by a dim light bulb housing your school-era bicycle, then most likely you will have difficulty achieving your goals.

The most common traditional talisman for the Career zone is considered to be a turtle - a symbol of heavenly support, protection, wisdom and longevity. She is considered the image of the Universe: her shell is the vault of heaven, and her belly is the earth's surface. It brings money and support from influential people. The more turtles in your house, the more luck!

To activate the energy of water, the “mistress” of the quarry area, you can turn to the already mentioned fountains, waterfalls and aquariums. Also, the element of water can be represented by a painting or photograph with a landscape of water.

Zone of wisdom and knowledge

In the Bagua grid, this is northeast. The element is earth and the colors are beige and all shades of brown. Helps achieve success in learning and retain acquired knowledge. Activating this zone will help you improve yourself, become wiser, and a sage can have everything, including money, power, and love. Traditional talismans of this zone: crystals and figurines or images of a snake. The latter is a symbol of perpetual motion and renewal of the universe. In the East, she is also a symbol of female beauty. “You are as beautiful as a snake” is a very flattering compliment for a woman. But most often the snake represents wisdom and deep knowledge. This sector can also be activated with the help of a globe, ceramic and porcelain vases and figurines.

Family zone

This zone is in the east. Its element is Wood and its color is green.

Family affairs and relationships of all members of the clan are represented in this sector. If you activate it, you can significantly improve the family climate and even help add to your family. The classic mascot of the zone is the green dragon. He personifies power, wisdom and kindness. An excellent talisman here can be family photographs where each family member looks content and happy.

Health zone

This zone is located in the center of the Bagua grid. Its element is earth and its color is terracotta.

Since this sector is in the center, it comes into contact with all other sectors, connects and unites them. And in fact, if there is no health, then there is no joy from anything.

Classic symbols of health and longevity are peaches. In China, it is believed that these fruits should be given to a sick person as a gift. Cranes are also a favorite symbol of this zone. Especially those depicted against a pine tree background. In the center of the house it is very useful to place all sorts of funny things and humorous pictures, books with cartoons, videotapes with comedies. Laughter is the best medicine. Also, if it is appropriate in your apartment, Feng Shui advises installing a large dining table. He will become a wonderful talisman.

Now think about what you want most. Don't have enough money to buy a new TV? Take on the Wealth sector. Can't cope with the overwhelming amount of work? The Helpers sector is at your service. Are your relationships with the opposite sex not working out? Activate the Love sector. Looking for a job? Pay attention to the Career sector. In general, there are no goals, aspirations and desires that Feng Shui cannot help fulfill. No wonder the wise Chinese have been using the knowledge of Feng Shui for thousands of years!

Create “good Feng Shui” in the bedroom

I think that one of your favorite places in the apartment is the bedroom. This is the most important room for health, since this is where you spend about a third of your life. How to achieve comfort and harmony in this room?

To begin with, of course, it is necessary to determine the main purposes of using this room. If you are more inclined towards relaxation and sleep, then it is better to decorate the bedroom in soft colors so that the relaxing yin energy can manifest itself more strongly. If, on the contrary, you want to make the most of the active use of your bedroom, so that you don’t even want to sleep, use bright yang colors that help you not succumb to fatigue. You may find it makes more sense to go with an overall pastel design with a little pop of color thrown in. If necessary, you can easily increase their number by using, for example, candles, flowers, or even “randomly” left clothes.

There are several taboos related to the bedroom. The number of plants should be kept to a minimum, especially all climbing plants should be excluded. According to Feng Shui, during sleep they take away energy from a person. Therefore, if your window sill looks like a botanical garden and is entirely covered with flowerpots with vegetation, then at night, isolate yourself from the window and greenery with thick curtains. In addition, you cannot place an aquarium or other “aquatic” objects in the bedroom - this has a detrimental effect on romantic luck. By the way, a computer and TV located in the bedroom, especially opposite the bed, have a similar effect. Therefore, Feng Shui advises ridding the bedroom of them first. According to Feng Shui, the same energy “vampire” in the bedroom is mirrors. Under no circumstances should you hang mirrors so that sleeping people are reflected in them. But, if you really need a mirror in the bedroom, then hang it with some beautiful scarf or just fabric. And be sure to remove the shelves above your bed and move it out of the corner - you’ll immediately start getting enough sleep, and the sex will become enchanting.

Anna Valevskaya

What do you know about Feng Shui talismans? (this is interesting)

Feng Shui with talismans, symbols, tips has long ceased to be unfamiliar to us. We receive and give each other beautiful and unusual pyramids, bells, netsuke, money toads and other little things with wishes of happiness, prosperity and all those benefits that we ourselves need, and which we do not regret for our family and friends.

But often we do not understand the symbolism of Feng Shui talismans, we do not even know how to properly place the talisman in our home. It may happen that the apartment is a real museum of amulets, but luck and prosperity do not increase.

If you want to choose a Feng Shui talisman as a gift for the New Year, then don’t grab the first thing you come across that you like. First you need to figure out what exactly you are missing right now or what wishes you have for those people to whom you intend the talisman as a gift. And then study the meaning of the figure or object you like.

But this is not enough for the talisman to bring good luck. It is important to choose the right place for it. And to do this, you need to know which aspects of life correspond to the different zones in your home. Arm yourself with a compass, and Feng Shui will help you decide.

Center is a health zone, and the most traditional talisman for this zone is netsuke in the form of a wise old man. Fu-hsin, Lu-hsin, Shou-hsin - the figures of these elders symbolize prosperity and longevity. In this area you can place images and figurines of cranes, which according to Feng Shui symbolize a happy and long life.

Southeast considered a wealth zone. Here it is customary to lay out symbols of wealth - Chinese coins with a square hole in the center and hieroglyphs along the edges, which are best tied with a red ribbon (three coins are enough). There is also a place for a popular talisman - a money toad with a coin in its mouth, and it is best to place it on the desktop.

In the zone of wealth there is a perfect place for the symbol of good luck according to Feng Shui - a boat. It is believed that goods and money are transported on it, so you need to turn its nose towards the inside of the house, then good luck will come to you on this boat. Good luck is also represented by netsuke - figurines of Chinese gods and animals. The most famous of them is Hottei, the god of happiness, prosperity, fun and carefree. It is believed that if three hundred times

rub Hottei on the stomach, thinking about something good, your wish will definitely come true! Daikoku, the god of prosperity, also brings wealth. He is usually depicted with a mallet, a rat and a bag of magic rice.

In the wealth zone, according to Feng Shui, there is a place for figurines or images of a dog, bull, goldfish, wooden wind chimes or amethyst crystals.

South According to Feng Shui, it is considered a zone of glory. The energy of prosperity is activated by the symbols of glory and success placed in this zone. This is an image and figures of the Phoenix, the king of all winged creatures, a rooster, an eagle, and a peacock. According to Feng Shui, fame and fame are brought by images and figurines of horses and twisted shells.

Southwest According to Feng Shui, it is responsible for love and marriage. If you have problems in love or family relationships, buy paired talismans. This could be a pair of dolphins, pigeons or other birds. You can give the same gift to those to whom you wish success in love or a happy family life. In addition, you should know that according to Feng Shui, the romantic side of life is activated by the color red, so use red flowers, candles, stones, lanterns, hearts in this area - these bright elements will fill your home with love and happiness.

West- an area for children and creativity, and the traditional talismans for this part of your home will be air bells and wind chimes. And the continuous movement of the metal mobile will activate creative energy in your home. According to Feng Shui, netsuke figurines in the shape of babies will protect children from diseases and other ailments.

Northwest according to Feng Shui, the zone that is responsible for your travels and trips. In this side of your home it is best to place portraits of friends, loved ones, celebrities or those whom you consider your idols and inspirations, as well as images of saints. And Feng Shui symbols - angel figurines will give you strength and inspiration.

North This is the zone that, according to Feng Shui, is responsible for your career. A talisman depicting a turtle is traditionally a symbol of wisdom, provides support in endeavors and brings wealth. If a turtle figurine has three toads on its back, then this is a symbol and wishes for a long and happy life, full of wealth and prosperity.

Northeast- zone of wisdom and knowledge. The symbol of wisdom in Feng Shui is the snake. In addition to images and figurines of a snake, crystals, a crystal ball or a globe should be placed in this zone to attract good luck - they dispel negative energy and accumulate positive potential.

East- family zone. And the talisman - a dragon figurine, placed here, will protect your home from evil, accumulate kindness and understanding.

Lesson 38. Secret helpers of Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art, and that is why many of its recommendations and practices are based on the principles of the eastern calendar. Yes, we ourselves, when talking about our zodiac sign, often mention the year of which animal we were born.
If you are still in the dark, then the table at the end of this article will help you put everything in its place

According to Chinese teaching, everyone zodiac sign you have your own astrological friends with whom you can not only overcome fire and water, but also overcome mountains. It's very easy to find people like this common language, run a business, start a family, etc. Masters share four main groups of friends:

Pig - Goat - Rabbit
Dog - Horse - Tiger
Snake - Rooster - Bull
Monkey - Dragon - Rat

For example, it is easiest for a person born in the year of the Dog to establish relationships with the Horse and the Tiger.

In addition to astrological friends, everyone has secret helpers of feng shui. They are also calculated by eastern calendar, but they are activated according to the Bagua grid.

How do secret Feng Shui helpers work?

They bring good luck and easy victory to those who take advantage of their protection. Their influence extends most of all to the area of ​​well-being, that is, financial issues are resolved and problems that impede career advancement are eliminated. However, for some they also affect other areas, but in any case their purpose is to attract success!

Take an image or sculpture with an assistant and place it in the sector of your animal. Do not forget that Bagua is applied not only to an apartment or a separate room, but also to a shelf or desktop. That is, if you wish, you can place the assistant directly on the table at work (only in the right corner).

Your animal

Your sector (where to place the secret assistant)

Secret assistant











For example, if you are a Dog, then you need to place the Rabbit figurine in the northwest.

The masters say that secret assistant feng shui also works great if you carry a picture or pendant with his image with you. You can even hang it around your neck or attach it to a bracelet; in any case, their effect will not go unnoticed.

Anastasia Volkova, for the column

Year Animal of the Year Element of the year Color of the year
Jan 31 1900 Rat (Mouse) Metal White(gold)
Feb 19 1901 Bull (Cow) Metal White(gold)
Feb 08 1902 Tiger Water Black
Jan 29 1903 Cat (Hare, Rabbit) Water Black
Feb 16 1904 Dragon Tree Green
Feb 04 1905 Snake Tree Green
Jan 25 1906 Horse Fire Red
Feb 13 1907 Goat Fire Red
Feb 02 1908 Monkey Earth Brown
Jan 22 1909 Rooster Earth Brown
Feb 10 1910 Dog Metal White(gold)
Jan 30 1911 Boar(Pig) Metal White(gold)
Feb 18 1912 Rat(Mouse) Water Black
Feb 06 1913 Bull(Cow) Water Black
Jan 26 1914 Tiger Tree Green
Feb 14 1915 Cat (Hare, Rabbit) Tree Green
Feb 03 1916 Dragon Fire Red
Jan 23 1917 Snake Fire Red
Feb 11 1918 Horse Earth Brown
Feb 01 1919 Goat Earth Brown
Feb 20 1920 Monkey Metal White(gold)
Feb 08 1921 Rooster Metal White(gold)
Jan 28 1922 Dog Water Black
Feb 16 1923 Boar(Pig) Water Black
Feb 05 1924 Rat(Mouse) Tree Green
Jan 24 1925 Bull(Cow) Tree Green
Feb 13 1926 Tiger Fire Red
Feb 02 1927 Cat (Hare, Rabbit) Fire Red
Jan 23 1928 Dragon Earth Brown
Feb 10 1929 Snake Earth Brown
Jan 30 1930 Horse Metal White(gold)
Feb 17 1931 Goat Metal White(gold)
Feb 06 1932 Monkey Water Black
Jan 26 1933 Rooster Water Black
Feb 14 1934 Dog Tree Green
Feb 04 1935 Boar(Pig) Tree Green
Jan 24 1936 Rat(Mouse) Fire Red
Feb 11 1937 Bull(Cow) Fire Red
Jan 31 1938 Tiger Earth Brown
Feb 19 1939 Cat (Hare, Rabbit) Earth Brown
Feb 08 1940 Dragon Metal White(gold)
Jan 27 1941 Snake Metal White(gold)
Feb 15 1942 Horse Water Black
Feb 05 1943 Goat Water Black
Jan 25 1944 Monkey Tree Green
Feb 13 1945 Rooster Tree Green
Feb 02 1946 Dog Fire Red
Jan 22 1947 Boar(Pig) Fire Red
Feb 10 1948 Rat(Mouse) Earth Brown
Jan 29 1949 Bull(Cow) Earth Brown
Feb 17 1950 Tiger Metal White(gold)
Feb 06 1951 Cat (Hare, Rabbit) Metal White(gold)
Jan 27 1952 Dragon Water Black
Feb 14 1953 Snake Water Black
Feb 03 1954 Horse Tree Green
Jan 24 1955 Goat Tree Green
Feb 12 1956 Monkey Fire Red
Jan 31 1957 Rooster Fire Red
Feb 18 1958 Dog Earth Brown
Feb 08 1959 Boar(Pig) Earth Brown
Jan 28 1960 Rat(Mouse) Metal White(gold)
Feb 15 1961 Bull(Cow) Metal White(gold)
Feb 05 1962 Tiger Water Black
Jan 25 1963 Cat (Hare, Rabbit) Water Black
Feb 13 1964 Dragon Tree Green
Feb 02 1965 Snake Tree Green
Jan 21 1966 Horse Fire Red
Feb 09 1967 Goat Fire Red
Jan 30 1968 Monkey Earth Brown
Feb 17 1969 Rooster Earth Brown
Feb 06 1970 Dog Metal White(gold)
Jan 27 1971 Boar(Pig) Metal White(gold)
Feb 15 1972 Rat(Mouse) Water Black
Feb 03 1973 Bull(Cow) Water Black
Jan 23 1974 Tiger Tree Green
Feb 11 1975 Cat (Hare, Rabbit) Tree Green
Jan 31 1976 Dragon Fire Red
Feb 18 1977 Snake Fire Red
Feb 07 1978 Horse Earth Brown
Jan 28 1979 Goat Earth Brown
Feb 16 1980 Monkey Metal White(gold)
Feb 05 1981 Rooster Metal White(gold)
Jan 25 1982 Dog Water Black
Feb 13 1983 Boar(Pig) Water Black
Feb 02 1984 Rat(Mouse) Tree Green
Feb 20 1985 Bull(Cow) Tree Green
Feb 09 1986 Tiger Fire Red
Jan 29 1987 Cat (Hare, Rabbit) Fire Red
Feb 17 1988 Dragon Earth Brown
Feb 06 1989 Snake Earth Brown
Jan 27 1990 Horse Metal White(gold)
Feb 15 1991 Goat Metal White(gold)
Feb 04 1992 Monkey Water Black
Jan 23 1993 Rooster Water Black
Feb 10 1994 Dog Tree Green
Jan 31 1995 Boar(Pig) Tree Green
Feb 19 1996 Rat(Mouse) Fire Red
Feb 07 1997 Bull(Cow) Fire Red
Jan 27 1998 Tiger Earth Brown
Feb 16 1999 Cat (Hare, Rabbit) Earth Brown
Feb 05 2000 Dragon Metal White(gold)
Jan 24 2001 Snake Metal White(gold)
Feb 12 2002 Horse Water Black
Feb 01 2003 Goat Water Black
Jan 22 2004 Monkey Tree Green
Feb 09 2005 Rooster Tree Green
Jan 29 2006 Dog Fire Red
Feb 18 2007 Boar (Pig) Fire Red
Feb 07 2008 Rat(Mouse) Earth Brown
Jan 26 2009 Bull(Cow) Earth Brown
Feb 10 2010 Tiger Metal White(gold)
Feb 03 2011 Cat (Hare, Rabbit) Metal White (gold)