Who is Rotenberg by nationality? Rotenberg Arkady Romanovich, Russian businessman: biography, personal life, family, fortune





The ex-wife of Arkady Rotenberg filed a lawsuit against her ex-husband in a London court

The ex-wife of Arkady Rotenberg initiated trial in London in order to receive compensation from the billionaire, RBC found out. The case will be heard in February 2016 and is complicated by EU sanctions against the businessman

Arkady Rotenberg’s ex-wife, Natalya, from whom he divorced in 2013, initiated a process in England in order to sue the businessman for financial compensation, according to materials from a British court studied by RBC. The case regarding deductions in favor of the ex-wife will be considered in February 2016. This information was confirmed to RBC by the businessman’s Russian lawyer.

The ex-wife of Arkady Rotenberg filed a lawsuit against him

Natalya Rotenberg, from whom the businessman divorced two years ago, as RBC writes, intends to sue for compensation. The ex-wife now lives in the United Kingdom with two children from her marriage to an entrepreneur. The case itself will be heard in a British court next year. Until the dispute is fully resolved, Rotenberg must pay ex-wife interim alimony. Their size was determined by a Russian court decision, which the ex-wife did not appeal. Due to EU sanctions against the businessman, the payment of alimony turned out to be difficult. Any remittance, as the newspaper writes, should be frozen as soon as the money arrives in a British account.

The ex-wife filed a lawsuit against Arkady Rotenberg in a London court

Natalya Rotenberg filed a lawsuit in London against her ex-husband Arkady Rotenberg 60 demanding financial compensation, RBC reports citing materials from the British court

The case will be heard in February 2016. The information was confirmed by Arkady Rotenberg’s Russian lawyer Philip Ryabchenko. He noted that Natalya Rotenberg initially laid claim to a share of the businessman’s property, but the division of assets for the ex-wife was denied by the English court. On at the moment there is only talk about expected compensation. Ryabchenko does not undertake to estimate the amount of compensation, explaining that it will not be related to the businessman’s condition.

Natalia Rotenberg without a billion

“The trial in the case of the former Rotenberg spouses, which took place on September 4, 2013 in the Tushinsky Court of Moscow, can be called one of the most nervous and “long-lasting” in a series of similar cases. Starting at 10 am, it lasted almost 10 hours, about 10 lawyers participated in the process, and about 10 witnesses were questioned.

FLB.ru presents a report from the last court hearing.

We can start with the fact that, in a strange way, Rotenberg’s process was “blacked out” on the website of the Tushinsky court. If in other courts, according to new system access to information, every citizen can easily find information about court hearings, their start date, location, etc., then in the case of the Rotenbergs, this system, in a strange way, “failed.”

Arkady Rotenberg shares assets with ex-wife

She disputes marriage contract in court and, if lucky, will be able to claim half of Rotenberg’s property acquired since 2005

Vladimir Putin's friend, entrepreneur Arkady Rotenberg divorced his second wife Natalya. Lawyers on both sides spoke about this and was confirmed by one of the businessman’s partners (Vedomosti was unable to contact Rotenberg himself and his ex-wife).

Rotenberg began divorce proceedings back in March 2013; at the end of April, the magistrate judge of court district No. 160 dissolved the marriage, interlocutors say. The decision to dissolve the marriage was a joint one, says the businessman’s lawyer Philip Ryabchenko (senior partner of the Biel law firm).

Rating of star divorces 2014

It is known that Arkady Rotenberg literally won his place in the team of “two Jews and one crest” (Putin’s words). He owes three billion dollars and friendship with our top official not so much to dacha barbecues as to deft grabs and throws on the tatami. It immediately becomes obvious that his second wife Natalya took a great risk by filing an application with the court asking to declare the marriage contract invalid. But the loving bride signed the document with such a light heart! But at the end of the marriage, he seemed to her beggarly and unfair. According to our information, the billionaire is nobly trying to resolve the issue peacefully. And Natalya, to the disappointment of the yellow press, does not demonstrate outstanding fighting qualities: she does not speculate on children, and does not rinse the name of the owner of the sanctioned SMP Bank in European courts. The spouses negotiate without a mat or tatami. In the meantime, the blonde ex-Rotenberg is renting out the Moscow property she inherited from her husband and lives with her two children in a rented London house.

Potanin kept his divorce secret from the press

Potanin is not the only person involved in the Russian Forbes list, who filed for divorce in 2013. In August, the marriage of Arkady Rotenberg (No. 31 in the 200 ranking) was dissolved richest businessmen Russia across Forbes version, fortune - $3.3 billion) and his second wife Natalia. The ex-wife of the billionaire tried in court to have the marriage contract invalidated and the property divided in half, but she was unsuccessful. Representatives of either party did not disclose the full terms of the Rotenbergs’ marriage contract.

Rotenberg’s ex-wife failed to cut off half of the $3.3 billion.

Arkady Rotenberg divorced his second wife Natalya at the end of April 2013 by decision of the magistrate court district number 160 of the Tushinsky district of Moscow. According to the lawyer, the decision to divorce was joint. Natalya appealed this decision to the Tushinsky court, but it left the decision of the previous instance unchanged, and on August 2 it came into force. After this, Rotenberg’s ex-wife filed a lawsuit to invalidate the marriage contract. If her claim were satisfied, then the joint property acquired during the marriage could be divided in half.

Previously, Ryabchenko stated that a marriage contract can hardly be declared invalid, since it meets the requirements of the law and is concluded in notarial form. For her part, the lawyer of Rotenberg’s ex-wife, Kira Voronkova, said that the marriage contract does not meet the requirements of the law and deprives her client of 50% of the property jointly acquired with her ex-husband. The ex-spouses have two children, Voronkova recalled.

Natalia Rotenberg was forcibly and voluntarily divorced

“She is not satisfied with the situation in which her rights are violated. And this is not expressed in numbers"

Arkady Rotenberg was married twice. From his second union (with Natalya) he has two children. “By agreement of the parties, the children live with their mother outside the Russian Federation,” said Kira Voronkova, a lawyer at the Moscow Bar Association “Trunov, Aivar and Partners,” representing the interests of Natalya Rotenberg in court. “The father sees them regularly.” But the problem still exists.

The ex-wife filed a lawsuit against Arkady Rotenberg in a London court

Arkady Rotenberg's ex-wife, Natalya, filed a lawsuit in a British court to sue the businessman for financial compensation. RBC reports this with reference to court documents at the disposal of the publication. Information about RBC’s lawsuit was also confirmed by Rotenberg’s Russian lawyer, Philip Ryabchenko.

“The ex-wife [of Arkady Rotenberg] is not satisfied with the situation in which her rights are infringed. And this is not expressed in numbers"

After an unsuccessful appeal in the Tushinsky District Court on August 2, the marriage between Vladimir Putin’s judo sparring partner Arkady Rotenberg and his wife Natalya was dissolved. “The initiator of the divorce proceedings was the businessman himself,” senior partner of the BIEL law firm Philip Ryabchenko, who represented the interests of the businessman in court, told Ko. However, the lawyer noted, this decision is mutual.

Arkady Rotenberg was married twice. His son Igor from his first marriage headed the property department of Russian Railways OJSC in the mid-2000s. From his second union (with Natalya) he has two children. “By agreement of the parties, the children live with their mother outside the Russian Federation,” Kira Voronkova, a lawyer representing the interests of Natalya Rotenberg in court, told Ko. “The father sees them regularly.” But the problem still exists.

Natalya Rotenberg: the bitter fate of the wife of Putin's oligarch.

Arkady Rotenberg's ex-wife Natalya filed a lawsuit in London in order to receive compensation from the billionaire, RBC reports. The case will be considered in February 2016, the businessman’s lawyer confirmed.

Arkady and Natalya Rotenberg divorced back in 2013. The marriage was dissolved by the decision of the magistrate of court district N160 of the Tushinsky district of Moscow. Natalya unsuccessfully tried to appeal this decision, and after that she filed a lawsuit to invalidate the marriage contract. If her claim had been satisfied, the joint property acquired during the marriage since 2005 could have been divided in half.

She now lives in the UK with her two common children, and until the dispute between the former spouses is fully resolved, Rotenberg must pay interim alimony for the maintenance of her and the children. However, due to the sanctions imposed on Rotenberg by the European Union, the payment of alimony turned out to be difficult. Any money transfer from a sanctioned person must be frozen as soon as the money arrives in a UK account.

Arkady Rotenberg is a well-known businessman and billionaire in Russia. At the same time, he is a fairly prominent athlete, an honored coach Russian Federation. He also has merits in scientific activity: Doctor of Education degree, author of numerous works and methodological manuals on management and organization of the training process.

The meaning of personality

Arkady Rotenberg is also known for the fact that for more than 50 years he has been a member of close and even friendly relations with the current President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. They practiced judo together in the same section, and also mastered the basics of the national martial arts - sambo.

In this regard, many political scientists and experts name him among the people in Putin’s inner circle. Rotenberg is considered one of the most influential people in the country. A major businessman has repeatedly become a leader in obtaining government orders in a variety of industries. For example, in the period from 2008 to 2013, companies controlled by him and his brother received a number of contracts, the financing of which was comparable to the Moscow budget. To be more specific, in the amount of more than one trillion rubles.

According to the authoritative financial and economic publication Forbes, in 2015 the Rotenberg family took second place in the list of the wealthiest domestic clans in terms of the total value of the business they own. The Rotenbergs' total income then amounted to almost three billion dollars. The leaders of the list were the Gutseriev family, who earned a little less than four billion dollars, and the third were the Ananyevs with an figure of 2.7 billion.

Childhood and youth

Arkady Rotenberg was born in Leningrad in 1951. His parents were from an intelligent Jewish family. WITH early age they cared about the good physical development of their first-born. At first he was sent to acrobatics, at the age of 12 Arkady Rotenberg became interested in judo.

His mentor, Anatoly Rakhlin, emphasized that as a teenager he showed great promise and could achieve a lot in this sport. In particular, he was favorably distinguished from other peers by his energy and mobility, and he regularly won city-level competitions. Arkady Romanovich Rotenberg's coach is convinced that he had the makings to win the title of national champion.

In the army, the hero of our country served in a sports company, and when he returned to civilian life, he began coaching.

Meeting Putin

An important event in the biography of Arkady Rotenberg, which he, of course, did not suspect then, was his acquaintance with Vladimir Putin. This happened during one of Anatoly Rakhlin’s training sessions.

Current President was one year younger than the hero of our article, but at the same time they competed in the same weight category, so quite often they found themselves paired up on the tatami, fighting against each other. They often went to competitions together, in adulthood they became even closer, it turned out that they had a lot common interests.

Entrepreneurial activity

Having received secondary education, Arkady Romanovich Rotenberg became a student State University physical education in Leningrad. Having successfully completed higher education educational institution, since 1978 he began working as a coach in children's and adult sports sections throughout the city. He devoted a decade and a half of his life to this activity.

After the collapse Soviet Union prospects have appeared to start your own business in a variety of industries. It became turning point in the biography of Arkady Rotenberg. First of all, he creates a cooperative that specializes in organizing competitions in various martial arts.

At that time, their relationship with Putin continues. The current president of the country works in the mayor's office of St. Petersburg, while he strives to maintain excellent physical fitness, so he regularly returns to his favorite martial arts. During judo training, Putin almost always pairs up with Rotenberg. Classes are held at the School of Higher Sports Excellence.

The next stage in the development of the financial empire of businessman Arkady Rotenberg is the opening of a number of security companies, one of the largest being the Shield company. They say that it was Vladimir Putin who advised Arkady Rotenberg in 1998 to organize the Yavara-Neva judo club with the novice oil trader Gennady Timchenko. Putin is made its honorary head.

In 2000, almost immediately after the election of his old comrade to the post of president of the country, Rotenberg became a member of the management of several banking institutions and large companies. Among them are the Ufa-based Investcapital, Talion, Pipe Metal Rolling, Rostelecom, Northern Sea Route, Gaztaged, and the Latvian Multibanka.

But the main asset of the hero of our article, of course, is in the Gazprom corporation. In 2008, on the basis of five construction contracting companies, he created the Stroygazmontazh company. Arkady Rotenberg becomes its immediate leader, and he acquires the company from Gazprom. This holding in short time is becoming one of the most influential players in the Russian market. The company receives large orders, including for the construction of part of the Nord Stream gas pipeline; Rotenberg's structures are being built large number facilities for the Olympic Games in Sochi, a gas pipeline is being laid between Sakhalin, Khabarovsk and Vladivostok.

It is worth noting that the entrepreneur had interests in a variety of business areas for quite a long time. Among his largest assets, it is worth noting the acquisition of a share of the offshore company Kadina Ltd., which is the main holder of securities of the Novorossiysk commercial sea port, and also established the SMP-insurance company, which brings him significant income.

Olympic venues

During the preparations for the Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014, Rotenberg’s structures were among the main ones in the construction of Olympic facilities. In total, the hero of our article received contracts worth seven billion dollars. The largest among them were the construction of a coastal highway and an underwater gas pipeline. According to experts, the amount of contracts for these orders was inflated three times compared to the prices offered by other suppliers.

In January 2015, the Stroygazmontazh company became the only construction contractor Crimean Bridge. The corresponding order was signed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. In 2018, the work was completed and the bridge was put into operation.

Also, it is the Stroygazmontazh company that is leading the reconstruction of the huge international children's center Artek and building the facilities of the Power of Siberia gas pipeline commissioned by Gazprom. Recently, journalists have paid attention to the interest of Rotenberg’s structures in Domodedovo Airport. In 2017, it became known that the hero of our article had acquired a sports and entertainment district known as the “Park of Legends”.

Personal life

The billionaire is currently divorced. In the personal life of Arkady Rotenberg, the first significant changes occurred when he married Galina. From her he has two children - Lilia and Igor. The latter has already given his father three grandchildren. The children of Arkady Rotenberg from his first marriage own quite large assets, occupy high positions in influential companies, and his son’s career has been especially successful.

Currently, Igor, who was born in 1973, is the owner and co-owner of several large road construction, energy and gas companies. The largest among them are Mostotrest, Glosav, TPS-Nedvizhimost, Gazprom Burenie. Rotenberg's son's fortune is estimated at approximately $470 million. Currently, his main activity is related to the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the limited liability company Gazprom Burenie.

At the same time, Arkady Rotenberg’s fortune exceeds one and a half billion dollars.

Rotenberg's daughter, Lilia, is 40 years old. She has a higher education medical education. She currently owns the Vitalis-medical clinic, which is located in Berlin. At the same time, she lives permanently in Russia and practically does not delve into the details of her company’s activities.

In 2005, having already become an influential oligarch, the hero of our article married for the second time. This time, his new wife Natalya entered the family of Arkady Rotenberg. She was much younger than her husband. The couple had a daughter, Varvara, and a son, Arkady.

In 2013, the couple divorced. Since then, Arkady Rotenberg’s wife and children have lived in London.

The brother of the hero of our article, Boris, is also well known in Russia. He is a major entrepreneur, vice-president of the Russian Judo Federation. One of the main co-owners of the Northern Sea Route bank. It is noteworthy that Boris has Finnish citizenship. Arkady Rotenberg has only Russian citizenship.

The nephews of the hero of our article are prominent athletes. Roman Rotenberg, also known as Michael Oliver, first vice-president of the Russian Hockey Federation, has held one of the senior positions in the SKA hockey club since 2011, overseeing business development and marketing there.

Boris Rotenberg has dual citizenship - Russia and Finland, he is a professional football player. Since 2011, Dynamo Moscow has the rights to it; before that, it belonged to Zenit St. Petersburg, but most of the time he did not play for the team, but was on loan to other clubs. In 2016 he moved to the capital's Lokomotiv. Boris plays as a defender and has currently played 64 matches for various clubs in the Premier League. He played for the Finnish youth team. In 2015, he made his debut in the adult national team of this country in a friendly match against Estonia. The game ended in defeat for the Finns with a score of 0:2. Boris spent the first half on the field and was replaced during the break. He was not involved in playing for the Finnish national team again.


If we evaluate the main assets of the hero of our article, then one of the main ones is the Stroygazmontazh company, in which he is the controlling shareholder. Rotenberg also owns almost 37 percent of the shares of the Northern Sea Route bank (between them and his brother they have a controlling stake), 100% of the shares of the Ufa-based Investcapitalbank.

Until 2015, he and his brother controlled over a quarter percent of the shares of the Mostotrest company through an offshore company. However, he then transferred his stake to his son Igor. In 2011, he sold his stake in the Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port. In the same year, he acquired almost 80 percent of the shares of the open joint stock company"Minudobreniya", which is located in the city of Rossosh, Voronezh region.

Also currently, together with Mikhail Cherkasov, owns construction company called "Paritet", which is engaged in the construction of luxury housing in Tver, Kaluga and Zvenigorod.

Western sanctions

After the annexation of Crimea to Russia in 2014, American President Barack Obama signed a decree according to which a number of Russian officials and businessmen were sanctioned. Arkady Rotenberg and his brother were among them. First of all, the American government sought to put pressure on people from Vladimir Putin’s inner circle in order to try to influence foreign policy Russia. Among those who fell under sanctions in the first place were also Gennady Timchenko and Sergei Ivanov.

In July of the same year, this list was approved by the European Union. In this regard, Rotenberg’s property, which is located in Italy, was soon seized. In particular, it was an apartment in Cagliari, four villas, a hotel in Rome, and Arcadia companies located in Cyprus were also subject to sanctions. According to experts, the total value of the seized property was about 30 million euros.

In connection with these actions of the Americans in the Russian State Duma a bill was even discussed, which received the unofficial name of the “Rotenberg Law.” According to it, the losses of Russian citizens from the confiscation of their property abroad were to be compensated from the federal budget. However, this law was never adopted.

In November, the European Union Court partially approved the lawsuit filed by Rotenberg to have the sanctions lifted. Restrictive measures were partially lifted. It was separately noted that the EU Council was unable to substantiate the need to include Rotenberg himself on the sanctions list.

Sports achievements

Rotenberg has been involved in sports since he was 12 years old. At first he became interested in acrobatics. Came into martial arts in 1964. In the same group with Putin, he studied sambo and judo with coach Anatoly Rakhlin. In the early 90s, he was active in helping Putin continue to practice judo while he was chairman of the Committee on External Relations in the St. Petersburg City Hall.

In 2015, he became chairman of the board of the Russian Hockey Federation. Relatively recently, the Prosveshcheniye publishing house published an educational and methodological manual entitled “The Art of Judo. From Game to Mastery,” the authors of which were Putin, Rotenberg and master of sports in judo Alexey Levitsky.

In September 2016, he was among one hundred people to whom Putin expressed gratitude for the development of modern Russian sports and physical culture. Also spotted on set documentary film"Ippon - pure victory", which was dedicated to the preparation of the Russian judo team to participate in Olympic Games 2016.

Panama Papers

From time to time, Rotenberg's name finds itself at the center of scandals related to his business activities.

So, he was one of the Russian defendants in the so-called Panama Papers. This is an informal designation for confidential documents from a law firm registered in Panama that were leaked to the media in 2015. They ended up at the disposal of the influential German publication Suddeutsche Zeitung. For a whole year, a group made up of international journalists studied them. In April 2016, the results of this investigation were published. The main theme was the existence of hidden property among politicians, as well as the associated conflict of interest.

The dossier alleged that Rotenberg withdrew more than $230 million in 2013 to an offshore company located in the Virgin Islands.

The name of Arkady Rotenberg is often mentioned when talking about his good friend, Russian President Vladimir Putin. However, no high-ranking connections would have saved his reputation without a responsible and diligent approach to each business project.


Arkady Rotenberg occupies the 40th position of the richest Russian businessmen. But in addition to business projects, he has solid experience in coaching and scientific activities.

  • Full name: Rotenberg Arkady Romanovich.
  • Date of birth: 15.12.1951.
  • Education: Leningrad Institute of Physical Education named after Lesgaft.
  • Date of start of business/age: 1991, 40 years old.
  • Type of activity at start: sports cooperative "Owl".
  • Current activity: billionaire, owner of the Stroygazmontazh holding, equity participation in TPS Avia, Minudobreniya OJSC, SMP Bank.
  • Current status:$3,000 million, according to Forbes for 2018.

One gets the impression that when state orders are shouted out in front of an orderly line of oligarchs, oligarch Rotenberg, no worse than Gaidaev’s hero, constantly takes the initiative: “I. Me. And I’ll take this too.” It is intriguing to find out in more detail what is the secret of success in the history of the king of government contracts, Arkady Rotenberg.

Sports childhood

Arkady Romanovich Rotenberg was born into a Jewish family on December 15, 1951 in one of the Leningrad maternity hospitals. The national pragmatism of his parents showed itself: they made sure that he grew up to be a physically resilient boy, and therefore sent him to the acrobatics sports section. At the age of 12, Arkady became interested in judo, where after some time he met a boy named Vova Putin (a key place in the biography of our hero).

The guys quickly became friends and even often trained in the same pair. Sports became their common hobby for many years, and for Arkady it even grew into something more - a profession and even a whole science.

Our hero’s mentor Anatoly Rakhlin recalls: the teenager Arkady could well have received the championship title - he showed so much hope among the others, and besides, he always emerged victorious at city competitions.

Work as a trainer

After his army service, Arkady goes for higher education at the Leningrad Institute of Physical Education named after Lesgaft. He successfully completed it in 1978. The guy doesn’t even doubt his choice of path - the guiding star of sports promised to cover his future professional coaching activities.

Our hero devoted 15 years of his life to this work. And after the collapse of the USSR in 1991, he quickly found his bearings and organized the “Sova” cooperative, which specialized in holding competitions in various types of martial arts. Arkady taught children sambo and judo techniques, at one time he even served as director of the Youth Sports School.

Photo 1. The friendship between Putin and Rotenberg began out of love for judo.
Source: niklife.com.ua

By the way, communication with Putin resumed as an adult on the initiative of the future president. Returning from East Germany in 1991, he himself sought out Rotenberg and asked to become his sparring partner. Only now both were training in higher school sportsmanship.

Further business projects

In 1992, our hero's brother Boris receives advantageous offer conduct coaching work in judo in the Finnish capital. It is he who convinces Arkady to engage in barter deliveries of goods from the northern neighbor to the Russian Federation (fortunately, he had capital accumulated from the business of organizing competitions).

It all started with barter supplies for the construction of gas pipelines. Gazprom became the main partner (not without the support of an influential friend). To ensure security, Arkady opened security offices (JSC Baltic Business Partners, Grant, Shield, Rotna).

In 1998, V. Putin advised him to organize, together with Gennady Timchenko (then still an aspiring oil trader), a judo sports club “Yavara-Neva”. Vladimir Vladimirovich himself became the honorary head of the organization. By 2010, the organization had already won the European championships six times.

Interesting fact: A valuable plot of land on Bychiy Island was allocated for the construction of the institution. It is impossible not to note the quality of execution of the idea.

Another brief digression from the hero’s biographical chronology: many say that the development of a businessman’s career began with “protecting” trade tents. Which, in principle, is not without plausibility given his knowledge of combat sports. Allegedly (not officially confirmed anywhere), the aspiring entrepreneur was friends with many leaders of criminal gangs.

The year 2000 was a turning point in the career of the young businessman - from that time on, he was the head or co-owner of a number of institutions and companies (among them - Pipe Metal Rolling, Pipe Industry (both arose as a result of the decision of the presidential administration to find a single supplier for the monopolist "Gazprom"), "Talion", Ufa "Investcapital" and Latvian Multibanka However, the main profit still came from Gazprom.

And in 2008, Rotenberg, on the basis of five construction contracting companies purchased from Gazprom, created (“SGM-group”). The organization specialized in the construction of the same gas pipelines and power lines on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Photo 2. “SGM Group” immediately became an unconditional monopolist in the field of fulfilling government orders.
Source: vspro.info

The company immediately received a large contract for the construction of a gas pipeline without competition. The project went all over Black Sea coast, through Dzhubga, Lazarevskoye and Sochi. And in 2009, construction began on the Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok branch.

Photo 3. Rotenberg began to learn how to build large-scale objects.
Source: im2.kommersant.ru

"SGM-group" was a serious competitor to other contractors - for example, "Stroytransgaz". But, unlike the latter, Arkady never failed state projects.

In 2010, Arkady Rotenberg’s business was replenished with a couple more large acquisitions - Fuel and Energy Complex Mosenergo and the Northern European Pipe Project. In the same year, the businessman and his team joined the board of nine distilleries.

Further - more: in 2010, Rotenberg became a co-owner (of one of the largest companies involved in constructing the highway from Moscow to St. Petersburg). Interestingly, during the construction of the route, all prohibitions on deforestation in the Khimki forest were violated. Public protests were ignored.

Loyalty to power

In connection with growing opportunities, many increasingly questioned the Kremlin’s special predisposition towards the businessman. The billionaire denies such statements addressed to him. But the numbers speak for themselves: in 2008-2013 alone, the Rotenberg brothers received budget-funded contracts worth 1 trillion rubles.

Attention! This amount is commensurate with the annual budget of the capital of the Russian Federation!

Photo 4. There is a lot of talk about the connections between Arkady Rotenberg and the Kremlin.
Source: profi-forex.org

Actually, information about friendship with the President of the Russian Federation is not secret:

Own banking structure

The topic of financial turnover deserves special attention. Rotenberg felt the need for his own banking structure back in the early 2000s. To this end, in 2001, Arkady became a co-founder of SMP Bank (Sevmorput). A little later, Boris began to help him with this. In 2002, the brothers acquired control over MBTS Bank.

The bank immediately became popular among small and medium-sized businesses. For example, financial transactions with Rosspirtprom began in 2007. Another major client is Evrazholding.

Today this project can be called successful and dynamically developing. SMP Bank is today represented in 40 cities (which includes at least 100 branches and 900 ATMs). And in 2008, the Bashkir bank Investcapital also became the property of the Rotenbergs.

It is known that the entrepreneur had issues in a variety of areas of business - among his acquisitions was a share in the offshore company Kadina Ltd (this is the main holder of securities from the Novorossiysk ICC). Another project is the SMP-Insurance company.

Information about the latest projects

In 2011, the businessman acquired Minudobreniya OJSC through the company Laguz Management Limited, which he controlled. This asset represents largest manufacturer mineral fertilizers.

There are several other major acquisitions of the same period - joint ownership of the Moscow Hotel and the Paritet construction company (the latter's specialization is the construction of monolithic buildings).

In 2013, the billionaire became a member of the committee International Federation judo. In the same year, another significant event occurred - Rotenberg holds the post of chairman of the Prosveshcheniye publishing house. This company was once the largest supplier educational literature Soviet countries.

In 2014, he bought out his brother’s share in the Stroygazmontazh holding. In the same year, Arkady receives a general contract for the construction, which, according to the plan, should connect Kuban and Crimea. By the way, the cost of the project is equal to 228 billion rubles.

Photo 5. Bridge over Kerch Strait- a project of incredible scale.
Source: forum-ukraina.net

In the same year, Rotenberg also became the owner of a controlling stake in the Red Square group of television companies.

Other activities of a billionaire

Arkady Romanovich continues to develop in his teaching and coaching activities. The athlete defended his doctoral dissertation in pedagogy and became the author of 30 teaching aids, in which he described in detail issues related to the organization of the training process.

The Rotenberg brothers presided over the Dynamo football (Boris) and hockey (Arkady) clubs - both simultaneously left these institutions in 2015. Arkady decided to focus more on popularizing children's hockey - he even headed the board of the Russian Hockey Federation. And in 2018, the Russian team even won gold at the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang.

Member of one of the richest and most influential Russian families Roman Rotenberg, like his relatives, is a sports fan. Success in business is accompanied by participation in the country's hockey life. A love relationship the young oligarch is reminded of Mexican passions.

Childhood and youth

Roman's biography begins in the city on the Neva on April 7, 1981. In the distant times of perestroika, the boy’s father trained young judokas and taught self-defense lessons at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Mother Irina Haranen held a position in the city's trade department.

Roman has it younger brother, named after his father Boris. Like the rest of the Rotenberg men, the biography of Boris Jr. is inextricably linked with sports. True, unlike his older relatives, the young man plays football professionally.

The family is already in Soviet years occupied far from ordinary positions of ordinary people. Boris’s older brother is also involved in judo and conducted coaching practice. In addition, the current billionaire, the main person of Russian hockey, has often been a sparring partner since childhood.

Roman's mother had Finnish roots. In Leningrad, the boy entered school No. 204 near the Hermitage, the main distinctive feature which was the study of the Finnish language. Knowledge of the language served him well when the family immigrated to Helsinki in 1991. In Finland, a student went to a regular high school and eventually received citizenship of the country.

From childhood, his father instilled in his son a love of sports, and from the age of five he took Roman to training. However, the boy’s heart belonged to hockey, which he became interested in from the age of 11. After graduating from school, the young man entered a sports college, planning to continue his career as an athlete. My father warmly supported this decision.

In 1999, the teenager's parents separated, and Boris returned to St. Petersburg. Irina Haranen, who remained committed to economics and entrepreneurship, insisted on her son's education in London. Roman himself did not speak out against it, because, according to his admission, he understood that a diploma in economics was much more profitable for future profession. In London, Roman received a master's degree in international entrepreneurship.

Career and business

An excellent education, connections between his father and uncle in his homeland, a perspicacious mind and ambition opened the door for Roman to the world of young millionaires. In 2005, Rotenberg returned to Russia, where older family members had already achieved high status, being co-owners of SMP Bank.

However, Roman decided to build a career not in structures belonging to the dynasty. Following the advice of Rotenberg Sr., in 2006, the young businessman successfully passed an interview at Gazprom's subsidiary, Gazprom Export.

And in 2009, a businessman’s career began at Gazprombank, where Roman currently holds the post of vice president. To obtain a position young man I had to go through the procedure for restoring citizenship and receive a Russian economic education.

Despite the fact that Rotenberg did not become a hockey player, his life is associated with Russian hockey. Since 2015, the entrepreneur has been a member of the board of directors of the Continental Hockey League founded by A. I. Medvedev. Since 2011, by invitation, he has been vice-president of the hockey club of his hometown - SKA. And in 2014 he received the position of vice-president of the Russian Hockey Federation.

An enterprising, diplomatic entrepreneur, well versed in hockey and with many connections, brilliantly copes with the responsibilities of developing a marketing strategy and attracting funding for the national team.

It is not surprising that Rotenberg is developing directions own business directly or indirectly related to sports. In particular, Roman is the founder of a company producing Russian sports nutrition. Conducts business in the field of sports marketing and equipment. Roman developed and popularized the “Red Machine” brand in the symbols and attributes of modern hockey. Owns the Finnish stadium Hartwall Arena.

Personal life

A handsome, wealthy young man could not do without female attention and broken hearts. In 2010, the press exploded with the news that the top model from Latvia, Marta Berzkalna, became the wife of a businessman. The young people decided to legalize their relationship a few months after they met. Wedding dress the bride chose accelerated mode. A luxurious ceremony took place near Helsinki in Finland.

A detailed interview with the newlyweds in Tatler, accompanied by numerous photos married couple, unfortunately, did not remain relevant for long.

Soon, Martha, unable to bear her husband’s constant fans, left Roman, being in her fifth month of pregnancy. The girl left for the United States, where she is raising a child on her own. Of course, the young father did not abandon his responsibilities as a parent and financially supports ex-wife.

Eligible groom did not remain single for long after he divorced Martha. Soon he was seen in the company of model Galina Keda. Since 2012, young people have been living together civil marriage. In 2013, the beauty gave Roman a daughter, Arina, and in 2015, a son, Roman.

However, Rotenberg has another son, Robert, who was born in the same significant year of 2015 by another model, Margarita Banet. The entrepreneur’s children do not need anything and are fully provided for, just like their mothers.

It is noteworthy that the girls are aware of each other's existence. The press and subscribers are watching with interest the photos that appear with enviable frequency on the Instagram pages of both young mothers. One gets the impression that the beauties staged an unspoken competition.

The businessman was credited with an affair with a fatal beauty from the world rhythmic gymnastics. However, the girl explained in an interview that with Roman they just good friends and no amorous relationships arose between the young people.

Roman Rotenberg now

In 2018, the vice president of SKA is making optimistic plans for the development of the club. However, the performance of the players' hockey players' games at the beginning of the year leaves much to be desired. The team was eliminated from the competition for the Gagarin Cup.

Roman Rotenberg in 2018 in Pyeongchang

The victory of the national hockey team at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, according to Rotenberg, will be a new starting point for the development of Russian hockey. At the same time, the national team coach Oleg Znarok, who is also the head coach of SKA, leaves his post after the Olympic victory.

According to media reports, Roman Rotenberg is tired of the rudeness, arrogance and disrespectful attitude of the head coach. And Znarok himself said that he was tired psychologically. In general, the cards fell in such a way that the national team coach, like the SKA coach, changed. Ilya Vorobyov became the new mentor.

Condition assessment

On one's own financial condition Rotenberg's novel has not been evaluated by reputable economic publications. The young entrepreneur was not included in the lists of oligarchs and the wealthiest people in Russia and the world.

But the Rotenberg family, including Roman, has been included in the ranking of the richest dynasties in the Russian Federation for more than one year. In 2014, businessmen occupied first place according to Forbes estimates. Due to the sanctions policy in 2015, the Rotenbergs lost the title of the richest in the country and moved to second place, losing the position of leader to the Gutserievs’ business.

In the regiment eligible bachelors waned - 37-year-old Roman Rottenberg married model Galina Keda. The billionaire was born into one of the richest and most influential families. The father of Russia's main groom, Boris Rottenberg, is the vice-president of the Judo Federation.

Previously, Roman was already married to Latvian top model Marta Berzkalna. The couple got married six months after the start of a whirlwind romance, but the marriage did not last long - the wife left the oligarch when she was five months pregnant and returned to New York. And just a few days later, the nephew of Vladimir Putin’s former sparring partner, billionaire Arkady Rottenberg, shone in the spotlight of the Cote d’Azur with his new companion, model Galina Keda.

Six years ago, the girl gave her lover a daughter, Arina, but even the birth of the baby did not force the happy father to propose to his chosen one. 30-year-old Galina said her cherished “yes” to her lover only recently, and the day before she officially became his wife.

Unlike her predecessor, Keda was ready to put up with Roman’s adventures. So, during three of the six years of the relationship, the businessman simultaneously dated the model Margarita Banet, who gave birth to his son Robert. It is noteworthy that at the same time Galina also presented an heir to Rotenberg.

Both girls knew about each other’s existence, but they did not make any claims to the top manager of Gazprombank, competing only on Instagram, where they published luxurious gifts from Roman every now and then. True, Rotenberg’s face could only be found on Galina’s microblog, while Margarita had to be content with only publishing the hands and elements of clothing of her beloved man.

And now, three years later, the billionaire seems to have finally decided on his choice of life partner, having made his cherished proposal to Galina, to which she agreed.

By the way, the lovers never advertised possible conflicts, invariably appearing in secular society together. So, last August, Galina and Roman had fun at the wedding of Alexander Ovechkin and Anastasia Shubskaya. Previously, they could often be found both in the capital’s hot spots and at cultural evenings in St. Petersburg.