How to attract good luck feng shui. How to attract good luck according to feng shui

Anna Zakharova

Are you familiar with the situation when you seem to be exhausted, but you feel that there is no return in your work? Persistent efforts at work and even optimism do not help you achieve your cherished goal in full?

Do you have the same thought that something is missing in your personal formula for success? Perhaps some tips on how to attract luck and money into your life will help you.

No matter how skeptical you are against various sacred actions, the meaning of which you may not understand, simple and effective rituals to attract good luck in money help thousands of people step onto the streak of success and prosperity.

Home improvement: energy of wealth according to Feng Shui

The traditional Chinese art of interior design attributes the ability to influence such areas of a person's life as work, health, patronage and financial success to the special arrangement of rooms and furniture. Feng Shui ritual objects at a symbolic level attract wealth and money to their owner.

What attracts money and luck according to Feng Shui?

To activate the sector responsible for wealth, you should place one or more water symbols in the southern rooms:

  • a figurine of a water frog in black or dark blue;
  • an aquarium with live fish;
  • a picture depicting a waterfall, stream, river, etc.;
  • indoor fountain;
  • a figurine of Hotteya - the deity of money and luck;
  • “Wind music” - 4, 7 or 9 bells with hieroglyphs indicating water, wealth and success.

It is better to store savings and jewelry in the northern rooms - the energy of money and wealth multiplies in this sector.

Place a piggy bank here, a box with family jewelry and important papers related to the family income - all this will naturally increase thanks to the growth energy circulating in this sector.

The so-called money tree - ficus crassula - will also help increase income. The leaves of this plant are round in shape and symbolize coins “growing” in the house. You can put some coins in the tray of the flower pot of different denominations so that the plant attracts their monetary power to you.

How to handle money to increase it

Not only Eastern, but also Western traditions tell how to increase the flow of money to you. It is believed that special treatment to banknotes - bills and coins - can increase welfare.

How to attract luck with money:

  • Carry money in a red, black or gold wallet, without scratches, protruding threads or faulty fasteners. To receive a salary or interest on a transaction, prepare a special “income” wallet and always put your earned money in it, but you cannot spend money from it, it is better to transfer the money for purchases to another place. For especially large sum money, you can even buy a new wallet - it will become your talisman, charging your money with the energy of growth;
  • carry a scented napkin in your wallet essential oil mint - this aroma attracts money;
  • buy a Chinese coin with a square slot and a red silk thread with a special knot, carry a talisman in the coin compartment - it can attract small but pleasant amounts of money for you;
  • put the most large bill, you can use a dollar or euro, whatever you can afford, and don’t change it for as long as possible - such a bill will eventually become an amulet for good luck and wealth;
  • « hypnotize» the largest bill and imagine how you receive more and more income. It is believed that money loves when its owner admires it, and is naturally drawn to such a person. “Hypnosis” of money can be carried out on payday, but it is better if this ritual is combined with the phase of the moon - you need, of course, a growing one.

Luck in money matters favors those who are good at financial calculations. Remember that the best magic for money is accuracy. Money loves counting, so you should always know exactly your cash amount, the amount of savings, and all expense items down to the penny. The exception is the piggy bank, the contents of which cannot be counted until it is full.

Home Witchcraft for Prosperity

Hundreds of years ago, a set of household instructions and rituals was called home witchcraft, and every Slavic woman used it to preserve the well-being of her home and family. Valuable knowledge about the subtle essence of luck and money now exists in the form of signs and is considered more superstitions than reasonable rules, but is this so?

Perhaps you are negatively opposed to various superstitions and do not like to notice bad omens. However, note that most of the so-called signs do not exist to unexpectedly upset you.

In fact, these are recommendations based on the principle of contradiction. Behind every “not” is hidden “how to do it right”, and if you comprehend the information of the ancient signs in this way, you will get practical guide for a prosperous life.

The following tips help promote prosperity and good luck in money matters:

  • get rid of unnecessary things and garbage in the morning. Garbage washed out at night makes you financially vulnerable;
  • postpone the conversation about money, payments and debts until the morning or afternoon; in the evening such a discussion can bring unwise decisions;
  • Use one broom or broom in the house. If you have a separate broom for the yard or staircase, keep it in a utility room - toilet, pantry, balcony;
  • be a thrifty housewife, do not throw away food and leftover food that animals can eat, collect bread crumbs in a jar from which you feed the birds (preferably on Saturdays - this day of the week is dedicated to charity);
  • when giving clothes for a while or as a gift, wash them first, and your luck will remain with you;
  • make sure that the tables in your home are clean, have beautiful tablecloths, utensils or items for work; teach children and pets to sit in the right places - a person or animal sitting on the table in your house drives away good luck.

“He who gets up early, God gives him”

To attract good luck, it is very important to adjust your daily routine to the biorhythms of the planet. The sun protects luck and prosperity in all matters, so its energy must be accumulated daily. Morning time is the best time for this, as it instills confidence and helps a person successfully coordinate home, personal matters and work.

You can use the basic principles of Feng Shui for happiness and wealth. Everything matters: the use of special talismans and even the color scheme of the interior.

Money toad

  • Ideally, it should be made of gold or stone painted with gold paint
  • You need to insert a coin into the hole simulating a mouth to activate the talisman
  • You need to place the figurine in the south-eastern part of the apartment. Ideal if this place is a living room
  • If you have a decorative fountain at home, place the figurine next to it. The water element enhances the energy of abundance
  • It is very important that the money frog “looks” into the house and not towards the front door. If you place it “facing” the exit, money will start flowing away, there is no need to talk about prosperity
  • Forbidden places where the figurine cannot be placed: bathroom and kitchen
  • If you want to place several similar figurines at home at once, make sure that they differ from each other in shape or size

Followers of Feng Shui consider it a very powerful symbol that attracts strong flows of monetary energy into a person’s home.


  • They symbolize the water element, so they help attract money and financial well-being
  • You can put both decorative figurines on the shelves and have live fish. But don’t forget that the aquarium needs to be placed in the “money” area of ​​the apartment
  • This talisman does not tolerate loneliness, it must be paired - so buy even number figurines, paintings depicting fish or living sea creatures

This talisman is equally good for the zone of wealth and career. Therefore, they can be placed not only in the southeast, but also in the northern part of the house.

Decorative fountains

  • They bring good luck and financial well-being, so they can not only become an interior decoration, but also attract money to your family budget
  • It is very important that the water flow in the fountain is directed upward. According to Eastern teachings, this means that your financial affairs will always go uphill
  • Place indoor fountains in the living room or in the office where you do work.

You cannot place fountains in the bedroom - this will harm relationships within the family.

Chinese coins

  • This is one of the most popular oriental money talismans. But they are not placed in the apartment, but carried with them
  • There is no need to buy coins yourself, they will not work. Only a gifted talisman attracts monetary energy. You can also make it yourself
  • No one but you should touch the talisman. Someone else's touch destroys all the magical power of coins

Other Chinese money talismans

  • Money bowl - should be stored in a place securely hidden from prying eyes
  • Ship of wealth - placed at the entrance to the house, you can store jewelry in it and fill it with coins. The more precious things you put in the ship, the stronger the effectiveness of the talisman
  • Cash envelopes are red - you need to put several bills in them, and then place them in different sectors of the house. Then monetary energy will flow into space from all directions
  • - a symbol of wisdom, attracts not only money, but also helps to make the right financial decisions. It is placed on the windowsill so that the trunk faces outward

Watch a video on how to attract happiness and wealth using Feng Shui:

Very often people begin to go to extremes: they buy money talismans in large quantities and fill their house with them. But this approach is extremely incorrect - it is better to purchase just one oriental symbol, but place it perfectly correctly.

  1. Place no more than three talismans in the southeast of the apartment. If there are more of them, the flows of monetary energy will become “confused”, and you will get complete confusion in financial affairs.
  2. A prerequisite for activating cash flows is the presence of living plants in the house. So you have to learn how to care for them. Place at least one flower pot
  3. The mirror in the hallway should not look at the front door. It will ruin all your efforts

It is very important that there are no broken items in the house. This is especially true for plumbing: a dripping faucet, clogged pipes, a kettle with a broken spout - all this will cause money to “leak” from your family. Therefore, throw away what is already hopelessly damaged and repair everything that can still be restored.

At the beginning of each Lunar New Year, Hong Kong businessmen, following the principles of Feng Shui, conduct detailed consultations with an expert to find out...

Businessmen know that the spatial dimensions of Feng Shui are complemented by the temporal dimension. Timing calculations take into account complex formulas that offer numerological clues to the fortunes of buildings, as well as the cardinal orientation and location of those buildings. If you are running a business, you may want to seek out a Feng Shui wandering star practitioner to calculate the lucky times for your building, office, store or home for the next twelve months.

You only need to familiarize yourself with the gua tables to understand: circumstances may be unfavorable for you if your office, desk or front door is located in a specific sector where the stars foretelling failure are located. This is all the information you need and can find in a general introductory book like this one. For more detailed calculations of wandering stars in your office natal chart, you will either have to refer to my book on wandering stars (“ Chinese numerology in Feng Shui”), or use the services of an expert who can draw a natal map of your office or store building.

Attracting business luck

A simpler method of using Feng Shui to attract business luck is to do the standard educational recommendations. Developed by practicing professionals, these recommendations have proven their effectiveness over many years of work with many thousands of clients. Feng Shui enhancement techniques are usually based on symbolism and the application of the concept of the five elements. Good Feng Shui in any business starts with good Feng Shui for the boss. Who is the boss? This is the owner of a private company or the chief executive officer (president) joint stock company. The position and orientation of the boss's personal space, the placement of his (her) desk and the direction in which he (she) sits at work are three components of success.

Knowledge of Feng Shui should be treated as an additional control tool. This has been my approach for many years of corporate work. I almost always worked to create the most favorable Feng Shui for all my employees under the given conditions, especially when I worked in a Hong Kong bank.

Try to arrange for everyone who works for you and your company to sit in their own personal favorable directions. Just remember: compliance with all three basic principles is not necessary for every employee. But if every member of your team receives help from at least one core principle of Feng Shui, your entire team benefits from the overall harmonious interaction of energies.

Other aspects to consider, such as the position of your office and desk, were covered in detail in Part 3.

Awakening the energy of money luck

The presence of water in the form of miniature fountains and aquariums with goldfish is a typical feature of the offices of Chinese businessmen in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Private entrepreneurs, especially in Hong Kong, seriously practice Feng Shui. Most of them carefully follow the advice received from Feng Shui masters, especially advice related to material success.

Chinese businessmen place commercial and material success at the top of their list of human values. Because of this, fish and decorative water elements are considered invaluable additions to office decoration. There are several recommendations when it comes to water. Some advise placing water so that it is visible from the main entrance to the office, arguing that it is the sight of water that attracts monetary luck to the office. That's why there are offices where fish aquariums are located in the reception area, right opposite the entrance. Goldfish are extremely popular in Hong Kong, especially lionfish, which supposedly symbolize protection and prosperity. In Malaysia and Singapore, sea coral fish, which are found in huge quantities off the Malayan coast, are more popular.

Another popular fish, which is universally called the “fish of wealth,” is considered to be the expensive and highly prized arowana. Anyone who wants to take advantage of this Feng Shui fish as a carrier of great luck in business should look for it in the markets of the Far East. These fish are expensive, but you only need to buy one. Arrowana alone is quite effective. Note that the tail fin is not forked and the fish is shaped like a sword. This sword is said to crush all misfortunes and obstacles that come your way. Please note that for a businessman, arowana is a Feng Shui tool. If you are not running a business, you do not need this fish. There are easier ways to attract money luck!

Water placement

The Chinese school of natural philosophy, in the question of where water should be placed, is guided by the theory of the five elements, according to which water should be in the north (north is the angle representing the element of water). Water is believed to work most favorably when placed in the wood corners of the east and southeast, as water gives birth to wood in the creative cycle of the elements. Since in Feng Shui the southeast is considered to be the “money” angle, placing water here, and especially in cases where this place is located in the foreground of an office or store, is perceived as really very lucky sign.

Maintain a sense of proportion. Don't think what more water and the larger the aquarium, the better. When water becomes unbalanced, when there is too much of it, then it is said that the water overflows its banks, which turns good Feng Shui into bad. An element of danger involuntarily arises. This is exactly what happened to one of my friends. He was the CEO of a large company, and when he was told about the wonderful possibilities of water Feng Shui, he installed a giant freshwater aquarium. Aquarium completely dominated his entire floor, and it was no surprise that just three months later he lost his battle for voting rights on the board of directors and was thrown out. Therefore, never allow the water feature to dominate the space. Excessive amounts of water will simply drown you and/or your company!

Awakening monetary luck with coins

I recommended the coin method to this a large number people that I've lost count of. Each of those who at first, rather skeptically, followed one or another of the three recommendations focused on business success that I talk about here, managed to greatly improve their situation and turn into an ardent fan of Feng Shui. The Chinese have been talking for so long about the extraordinary luck that these ancient Chinese coins bring to the home and business that they have already become a custom in many families.

For many years, I put three Chinese coins in the bottom of my rice urn and faithfully replaced them on every Lunar New Year's Eve, as my mother once said long ago that it brought great luck to the entire family. Such coins are not difficult to find in the Far East and most Western Chinatowns. You must make sure that you have those coins that have a yang and a yin side. On the Yang side there are four hieroglyphs, and on the Yin side there are only two.

These coins are very thin and round. There is a square hole in the center. The combination of round and square shapes represents the auspicious unity of heaven and earth. It is not at all necessary that these coins be ancient, although those that have come down to us from the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the last Qin dynasty are valued quite highly, since this time is considered the most auspicious of the entire Manchu period.

You need to tie three coins together, yang side up, using red braid or red ribbon. This activates the “prosperity” potential that the coins have. There is no special method for tying coins. Just make sure all three coins are yang side up, making them exceptionally effective tools Feng Shui.

Taped coins on office folders

Glue three of these coins, yang side up, on all important contract folders and ledgers to boost your trading luck and sales. This is one of the simplest and most effective ways awakening the energy of business success that these coins possess. Distribute such coins to your sales and marketing staff, thereby awakening their commercial success. You can stick these coins on all important folders with contracts that “generate” income (profit). Glue them on the end as shown in the illustration on the left. This ensures that the coins are visible. The same method applies to cash boxes and safes, symbolically increasing the amount of cash contained inside. Moreover, I strongly recommend that every retail establishment introduce this element into their Feng Shui practice. The result can be quite stunning, since before your eyes your company’s business will go uphill. You can also glue these coins to the front doors of stores or in the store itself above the door.

Some Feng Shui experts recommend placing these coins under the mat placed at the front door inside shops and homes to attract good fortune in wealth. I know of one very prosperous and huge British chain of department stores and supermarkets in which these coins are hidden under the floor on each of the sales floors. I put them in my rice bin, tape them to all my important folders, hang them from my front door lock, and hide them under my Chinese God of Wealth.

Famous Feng Shui expert Lillian Tu continues his story about ways to attract business success. How to place a cash register in a store? What are Arrowana fish known for? What is the reason for the luck of Singapore and the Philippines?

Location of the cash register in retail establishments

In stores retail The most important angle is the one in which the cash register is located. First, take note of the areas where you should not place the cash register:

never place it directly under an exposed ceiling beam or directly opposite a protruding corner or sharp junction of two walls. The placement of the cash register should be given the same amount of care and attention as the placement of the front door;

do not place the cash register opposite the door, since the table should not be the first object that the visitor sees when entering the room;

Do not place it in front of the toilet, stairs, acute angle display shelf on which the product is displayed. To awaken the Feng Shui energy of a cash register:

hang a wall mirror next to it, which has the effect of doubling the store’s daily turnover;

hang a pair of hollow bamboo sticks tied with red ribbons over the cash register. This generates favorable energies due to the principle of the passage of qi energy. If there is a beam above the cash register, these two bamboo sticks will be able to deflect away from the cash register bad energy. Some experts use bamboo flutes and air bells. These are also auspicious objects and they work excellently. But don't overdo it. Decide which method is closer to you and use only it for a certain period of time. Remember that in Feng Shui you cannot grab onto everything at once and “exceed” the recommendations received.

Good Feng Shui for the Philippines and Singapore

Several years ago, a high-ranking friend in Hong Kong told me that Philippine President Ramos, determined to stem the tide of bad luck that had beset his country under his predecessor Cory Aquino, had consulted with a Hong Kong Feng Shui master. The Master told Ramos to do three things that would lead to the prosperity of the Philippines.

First, Ramos should have gotten rid of the three threatening trees in front of the Malacañang Palace. The trees were blocking the president's success, and if they were cut down, nothing would stand in the way of the president's success.

Second, Ramos should have exchanged Philippine five-hundred-peso notes. There were too many unlucky symbols on these banknotes.

Thirdly, Ramos had to change the symbolism of the presidential seal, since it also had too many unfortunate elements, including sea ​​lion with a curved tail.

We all know that Ramos's presidency has been extremely beneficial for the country. Was this due to feng shui? Who knows?

Even more interesting story from Singapore

A very influential man lives on the island of Singapore. He is educated and intelligent, and has great respect for Chinese traditional roots and culture. It is also said that he has a special relationship with Feng Shui, so the beginning of any important event he solemnly transfers it to a special day and a certain time of day. During important ceremonies, this person dresses in special colors, etc. he had a Feng Shui teacher in the person of a famous monk, an exceptionally venerable one, who passed away just recently. Before accepting any important decision the person about we're talking about, went for advice to the Hon.

So, around the time construction was going on on the island railway“Mass Railway Transit”, a one dollar coin came into circulation. Apparently the Venerable One told our pundit that the construction of the MRI tunnels had created bad Feng Shui on the island and the island's economic prosperity might end. Determined to push through this project at any cost, the pundit asked if there was any way to “cheat” bad Feng Shui.

“Yes,” replied the Venerable One, “but it is impossible to implement.” Nothing was impossible for our hero, so he told the Hon. “In any case, please be so kind as to tell me.” Then the Venerable One said that every house on the island should have a Bagua symbol, which is a regular octagon, well known to everyone who practices Feng Shui. Oh, no, the pundit objected, there will certainly be race riots!

How can you force the residents of all houses to purchase Bagua?

“Hehe,” answered the sage. “I can make sure that everyone wants to buy as much Bagua as they can.” This is how the Singapore one dollar coin was born. For those of you, dear readers, who are not from Singapore, ask someone to bring you a one dollar coin there and you will see that it looks like a Bagua.

This story has a continuation

As many of you may know, the country's economy did not really recover and the situation did not fully recover as expected, even after the introduction of the one dollar coin (remember the economic recession of 1985-1986), so it was necessary to apply again advice to the Hon.

This time, the Venerable One said that although the one dollar coin does symbolize Bagua, it does not have the desired effect because people carry such coins in their pockets. And since the Bagua is not exposed outside, how can it counteract the bad qi generated by all this tunneling? This is how I was born new idea– give a Bagua shape to a car sign indicating payment of road tax!

Previously, this sign was round, but now it has become octagonal, but it is still displayed by all citizens throughout the island. Is it really this simple trick explain the many years of flourishing Singaporean economy?

Naturally, all collapses and collapses associated with fluctuations in currency and stock exchange, which are shaking the region, cannot but affect Singapore. The hon. is no more. What will happen next?

To answer this question, just look at the Singapore fifty dollar bill. It depicts the President Shears Bridge, laid over the mouth of the Singapore River. I was told that when this bridge was being built, the mouth and upper reaches of Singapore's Merlion River were damaged, thereby provoking colossal troubles for the place. It was then, as the story goes, that the Venerable One gave his final advice. This was the legacy he left to the people of Singapore, for what he recommended should be for many years preserve Singapore's wealth.

The Venerable had his longtime friend insert a dragon into the upper right corner of the fifty dollar bill. The dragon will balance all the damage caused by the river mouth and bring eternal prosperity to the people of the island. In fact, if you look, you will see a dragon on every fifty dollar bill. The dragon spread over the entire territory of the island, promising prosperity and success.

The dragon is also considered a protective symbol. It protects against loss and poverty. I'm not too surprised that Singaporeans are taking stock market turmoil fairly well and will prosper in the future. This is what Feng Shui is!

Arrowan and I

I had five of these wonderful fish living in a huge aquarium in my living room. I kept them on a special diet so that they would quickly grow in length and acquire golden and pink scales, which are said to attract great wealth. At that time, I had just acquired a stake in the Dragon Seed department store chain in Hong Kong and became chairman of the board of directors of this company. I needed success at any cost. And my arrowans did not let me down.

Within 18 months, my partners and I successfully recovered the money in a leveraged buyout, allowing me to retire. I was planning to return home to Malaysia and was offered a fortune for five of my arrowanas. I turned down all offers to sell my precious fish and released them all, now 45 cm in length and fabulously beautiful, into Stanley Reservoir as a token of gratitude for all the monetary good fortune they had brought me.

Lillian Too
"Basics of Feng Shui"

The burning problem is improving one's financial situation and gaining personal and family happiness. Why in some houses - “ full bowl", prosperity, and in others there is a constant lack of funds and mutual understanding?

There are ways to increase your level of well-being, attract luck and money into your home, and preserve abundance and prosperity from outside interference.

How to attract finance to your home

Powerful Tools positive changes in life - affirmations.

Think positively, convince yourself of the reality of improving your well-being.

Lure treasured banknotes into your home with the help of affirmations (consciously repeated statements).

Their essence is conveyed by the following sentences:

  • I choose abundance in my life.
  • Every day brings more and more money into my life.
  • I became a real money magnet.
  • Every day my financial well-being is improving.
  • I make money easily because money loves me.
  • My thoughts attract wealth to me.
  • I am open to a new rich life.

Believe in what you say, but do not strive to get rich by ruining other people. There is plenty of abundance in the world for everyone, you just have to believe that it is meant for you.

Magic objects will help you focus on useful thoughts.

Use any or all of these methods to increase cash flow in your life:

  1. Dry grain in a bag made of soft red fabric.
  2. Four leaf clover image made of copper, alloys coated with green enamel. The second leaf from the stem of this plant brings wealth.
  3. During construction of a wooden house, place coins and handfuls of grain under the corners of the first logs as symbols of prosperity.
  4. In the house and apartment Place metal coins in secluded corners, behind baseboards.
  5. Improve your home. According to beliefs different nations only in this case the house and apartment will become a “full cup”.
  6. Don't store old unnecessary things, they “scare away” wealth.

Think about expensive purchases

Replace cheap things in your home and wardrobe with luxury items, the latest innovations worldwide famous brands. Many people think about this, but out of inertia they run to sales and rejoice at cheap fakes. Others live by the principle “less is more.”

How can you surround yourself with things that symbolize abundance without compromising your other needs (food, travel, entertainment)?

Psychologists are watching interesting feature related to thoughts about shopping. Wanting to buy expensive things, thinking about them makes a person feel happier than having bought them.

There is nothing wrong with dreaming about luxury acquisitions! Waiting brings pleasure; there is no need to deny yourself this weakness. But the desire to buy an expensive item causes many people to feel guilty for the supposed “spendthrift”.

Without noticing it themselves, such people buy cheaper, lower quality items for the same amount. It is better to buy valuables and successfully invest in them.

What should you do so that expensive purchases take their rightful place in the house and do not cause a feeling of remorse?

Before spending money on anything new and expensive, sell or donate household appliances and interior items to nursing homes for which you have found a more worthy replacement. When thinking about buying valuable things, at the same time make efforts to move towards your cherished goal.

A way that will help you become the owner of the required amount is interior items, additional income. You need to attract your talent to do something well or better than anyone else: write articles for websites on the Internet, knit, weave, sculpt souvenirs that can be sold, be a toastmaster at a wedding, repair plumbing and other activities.

Second point: “Pay yourself a salary” - set aside 10 - 20% of income, if it is a bonus, a win, then save 50% of this amount, be sure to thank higher powers for an unexpected gift.

Don't talk about lack of money

Stop speaking negatively about your financial situation. Complaining and moaning will not attract money and good luck to the house.

Focus on affirmations that carry healing vibrations. Your money situation will definitely improve if you harness the power of positive thinking.

Remember that “It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness” (K. Sagan).

Let financial wealth become a reality in your imagination. Be more active, make changes in your life, even if they introduce some inconvenience.

Say out loud and silently to yourself: “I do not lack funds.” Mentally imagine that you are already where you want to be in reality.

Lack of money may be due to the fact that your environment is having a bad effect on you. Your home or office needs cleaning. Not only with the help of magical rituals, but even general cleaning. Throw away items and items you haven't used in a year.

Strive for real income

Nothing enslaves a person’s thoughts more than debt. To attract luck and money to your home, you first need to get rid of debt. Maybe for this you will have to change your occupation. Think about your hobbies and interests; they can bring real income.

There are more than enough examples of income-generating business hobbies around.

Thoughts with love

The desire to get rich flows with a respectful attitude towards yourself and money. They rarely come to those who believe that they are honest and righteous life not compatible with wealth. You need to learn to think lovingly about money, as an indispensable helper in achieving stability, prosperity, freedom and even power.

It is customary to admire banknotes and count them from time to time. Once upon a time in countries Southern Europe There was even a tradition of wearing necklaces made of silver coins.

  1. Think about financial side life positively.
  2. Mentally thank money for having it.
  3. Help financially people who need it. Gratitude will protect you from negative energy.
  4. Don't ask to borrow money from greedy people.
  5. Don't talk bad about yourself financial condition, but don't brag about it either.
  6. Unfortunately, when passing coins and banknotes from hand to hand, negative energy can also pass through, so place them on the table.

Plan a good vacation

Vacations will be much more effective if you think about them in advance. Planning your day off and vacation helps you save time, which is so necessary to recuperate and get a charge of positive emotions.

Include fitness and sports activities, chatting with friends, visiting the theater, watching films and other types of pleasant leisure activities into your daily schedule. Gradually form the habit of thinking about your vacation and planning it on paper.

There must be a day when you are distracted from everyday activities and work. For this day, schedule interesting, enjoyable activities for yourself.

Planned fishing trips, a rock or ethno festival, or a ski trip will be especially bright and useful. It's good when you spend the whole day with your family, loved one, friends.

The essence of all the proposed methods is switching, which gives the body the opportunity to restore strength. Best vacation- this is a vacation.

Make the most of it with planning:

  1. Find out in advance about the price of tickets, purchase them before you start getting ready for the trip.
  2. Find out about the attractions of the place where you are going on vacation, write down the objects you want to visit in your plan.
  3. Think about what pleasant events await you during your vacation days.
  4. List all expected costs in your plan.
  5. Write down the names of the souvenirs you will bring from your trip.

The overall plan should remain open so that it can be expanded and supplemented. Many points will require clarification or cancellation. Don't be discouraged, your plan is not a dogma, but a creative list.

Lures in the wallet

All attributes related to money cannot be neglected. Respect coins, bills, securities, credit cards.

Don't throw them haphazardly into your wallet or throw them on the table. Always keep them in your wallet in descending order, facing you.

Citrine, a yellow rock crystal, is kept in the wallet. The mineral is known for its ability to attract abundance, prosperity, and business success.

There is a belief that a “house” for your money requires careful interior decoration in the form of red velvety fabric in a separate pocket. It may contain “lucky bills”.

The best dimensions for wallets are considered to be the size of your palm. Once upon a time, wallets in the form of “Saracenic pouches”, decorated with small silver bells and miniatures, were very popular.

There were unusual envelopes for money with numerous pockets, as well as omoniers in which change for alms was kept.

It is not customary to give to the poor from an ordinary wallet; it is believed that then the money will be transferred from the giver. For these purposes there must be a special purse-omonier. Its shape symbolizes intentions: the heart is sincere kindness, the seed is the fruits of mercy. On such a wallet you can make the inscription: “If you want to have it, give it away.”

How to attract money and luck into your home according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui can be used to attract wealth, prosperity and abundance. The technique will help if you yourself strive for the same goals. There are many tips and items that are used to increase the energy of wealth in the surrounding space.

Classic methods that have proven their effectiveness over the centuries:

  • vase of wealth;
  • plants for money;
  • Chinese coins;
  • figurine of a laughing Buddha;
  • images of a turtle, an elephant.

According to Feng Shui, water is a symbol of wealth. Home and office are decorated with aquariums with fish. Fountains and paintings, photographs depicting seas, rivers, springs, and waterfalls attract money. Particularly useful are images of foam appearing above the jets.

Plants for money and good luck should be healthy and lush green:

In Feng Shui, the shape and color of picture frames, furniture upholstery patterns, and wallpaper matter.
Images of trees, bright green leaves, grass, and natural landscapes are very popular.

The best Feng Shui colors are: green, brown, blue, black (earthly), yellow (sunlight). Red is used to activate individual zones.

Video: Secrets of Feng Shui

Useful signs

Mantras and magical rituals

Every culture has rituals to attract money, happiness and good luck. A significant place before their use is occupied by a special conspiracy that helps clear the space of evil energy.

Various items are used, among which is ordinary table salt, a very energetic substance. If trouble settles in the house, things go badly, then the reason may be the unkind thoughts and actions of neighbors and acquaintances.

In this case, sprinkle salt on the threshold and say: “You, unkind person, then you will find your way here when you pick up all the salt!”

To attract money, meditate on running water to the murmuring sounds of a river, spring, stream. Their currents represent the flow of money. Think about how there are many things in nature: birds in the sky, ants in the grass, leaves on the trees, ears of corn in the field.

Train your gaze so that it does not notice the absence of something, then abundance will come into your life.

Swipe magic ritual on candles:

Five green candles help in creating material wealth. You need to put a coin under each one. Green represents money, generosity, abundance.

  1. Sit comfortably and relax.
  2. Focus your attention on the candle flames and begin to create an image of your wealth in your imagination.
  3. To attract wealth, repeat the spell: “Now I am rich and earn... per week. I ask for money to come and help me (buy something, pay bills).”
  4. Imagine the banknotes you own.
  5. If your thoughts wander, then start the ritual again.

How to attract good luck

At work

Start improving your space and workplace from normal breaks in work so that they could bring maximum benefit. The body needs a 10-15 minute rest every 1.5-2 hours.

What you can do during this short break:

  • have a snack;
  • drink a cup of coffee or tea;
  • communicate with indoor plants, water or replant flowers;
  • listen to 2–3 musical compositions (you can use headphones);
  • meditate;
  • think about what to do on the weekend;
  • look at your photos from your last vacation and get inspired by their content;
  • start planning your next vacation;
  • look at photos of the place where you dream of relaxing.

Buy and decorate your home and workplace with a “lucky horseshoe” - a symbol of good luck. Decorate it with accessories in the form of bells, ribbons, coins, rhinestones, flowers; the “Lucky Horseshoe” is popular as a pendant or jewelry.

Many people do not pay attention to the location of this talisman. Should the horns point down or up? What “financial” signs are associated with a horseshoe?

A horseshoe with its horns facing up indoors or on a chain as a decoration means:

  • a vessel filled with the blessings of life;
  • full bowl;
  • protection from ruin.

Horseshoe with horns down:

  • above the front door - showers everyone who enters with happiness and wealth;
  • according to Feng Shui - attracts wealth;
  • ensures well-being

On the exam

  1. Don't pay attention to the opinions of others, say what you think.
  2. Don't wash your hair before the exam.
  3. If you received satisfactory marks on the previous test, wear the same clothes for the next test.
  4. Remember what actions you took before your successful answer. Do everything exactly before the next test.
  5. Ask your family and friends to scold you in absentia from time to time while you answer exams or write tests.
  6. Do not strive for an unattainable ideal; calculate your strength while preparing for the exam. Once completed, celebrate the event.

Happy periods, full of achievements and successes, alternate with streaks of failure during the 9-11 year cycle. The rise in vitality (3-4 years) is followed by an increase in benefits, prosperity, advancement career ladder(3 years). Activity gradually decreases, insurmountable obstacles arise in many areas (3-4 years).

The feeling of complete well-being is stronger after major acquisitions and accomplishment of grandiose tasks. Communication with pristine nature, family friends, relaxation, and successful purchases improves your condition and emotional background in any of these periods.

Video: The Secret of Wealth

The topic of using Feng Shui teachings in everyday life People are becoming more and more worried. But many thoughtlessly buy and place amulets, simply paying tribute to fashion.

But when using Feng Shui talismans and amulets in your life, it is extremely important to know not only their meaning, but the places where they should be placed.

The right place enhances the power of a Feng Shui amulet, and sometimes even modifies the direction of this force.

Water talismans are considered very important in Feng Shui. If a person is interested in success and luck in work, career advancement, then they should be located in the career sectors, that is, in the northern part of the room. To achieve wealth and attract money, according to Feng Shui, it makes sense to place water talismans in the southeastern part of the home. Those who want to live in love and harmony, to be healthy not only themselves, but also to improve it for all family members, need to keep them in the Health and Family sectors, that is, in the eastern zone of the home.

A pond with fish is a guarantee of well-being

– the most powerful talismans for health, career, wealth and family happiness.

As already mentioned, water talismans used to attract money to the family are installed in southeast zone dwellings. The choice of fish for these talismans is also important. The goldfish is the most popular sign of wealth. But other fish of golden or silver colors, as well as bright red ones, are also quite appropriate. An interesting fact is that the number of fish living in the aquarium plays an important role. The ideal amount that enhances talismans is considered to be equal to Gua number, belonging to the head-earner.

Three-legged toad to improve well-being

You can further activate these talismans to attract money using a figurine of a toad with a coin in its mouth. A figurine of a sunken ship with jewelry, a treasure chest, an ancient castle or a rock with a cave, at the entrance of which one can guess treasures and money, will decorate and increase the power of aquarium talismans. Of course, good care of the inhabitants of the aquarium, constantly clean water, beautiful plants will help the owners of such talismans.

This may be a “mystical knot”, the meaning of which is to attract a whole cycle of luck. This sign is most often bright red in color, so it is not recommended for use in the quarry area.

But this sign is very appropriate in the sectors of Fame, Wealth and, especially, Love. Indeed, red color stimulates love, passion, and sex most of all.

The second amulet, called “double sign of good luck,” is a pair of hieroglyphs. You can do them yourself and carry them with you all the time: in your wallet or in your inner pocket, on your chest or in your passport.

The teachings of Feng Shui say: for good luck, you can make a double sign with hieroglyphs in other colors, using white, black and blue - they symbolize water. It is also good to use wavy, winding, smooth lines.

“Double Sign” amulets in red are powerful Feng Shui talismans for attracting love.

Mandarin ducks

According to Feng Shui, the meaning of this talisman lies in fidelity and love, marriage and family happiness. After all, these birds choose a mate only once, remaining faithful to each other all their lives. The duck figures must be placed in pairs in the zone of Marriage and Love - in the southwest of the room.