When is the best time to vacation in Vietnam? Holidays in Vietnam - when is the best time to go?

A mysterious tropical country with incredibly beautiful nature, captivating everyone who sets foot on its soil, Vietnam is a state stretched like the Latin letter “S” along the eastern coast of the Indochina Peninsula, washed by the waters of the South China Sea. Read our article on the Tour Calendar and you will find out why the period from December to April is considered the best time to relax in this through the looking glass of Socialism.

Tourist season in Vietnam

Vietnam embarked on the path of tourism development relatively recently, since the 20th century was marked by a series of wars. However, after their end, the country quickly rehabilitated itself, and its economy began to gain momentum. Tourists have flocked here; the annual influx today is about 7.5 million people. Residents of the CIS countries also come to rest. About 87,000 tourists are citizens of Russia, who are treated here with great cordiality. Vietnam attracts with Asian exoticism, incomparable white beaches, a scattering of quaint islands and cheap shopping, as well as the fact that you can relax here all year round. However, the tropical climate makes its own adjustments, and for most tourists the most suitable time to stay in the country is the dry season, lasting from November to the end of April.

High season

The high season in Vietnam begins in winter, the most suitable time for beach holiday. Many pursue the goal of escaping from the European chilly winds and the kingdom of snow. Some tourists, deprived of a summer vacation, are finally breaking out of the hustle and bustle of work, wanting to make up for lost time, while others are fulfilling a long-standing dream of celebrating the New Year in a hot country. In general, there are a lot of reasons and everyone has their own. The peak of the high season, when there is a real tourist flood in Vietnam, occurs between December and early April. The main composition of foreigners at this time was represented by the French, Americans and Russians. Last fact This is partly explained by the fact that it is very easy for our tourists to get to the country: regular flights are carried out from some cities of the Russian Federation, and charters are launched in winter. The only downside to staying in high season- its high cost.

Low season

The low season coincides with the tropical rainy season, which runs from May to late October. However, there are plenty of fans of summer holidays in Vietnam, because it is much cheaper. Tour bookings open in winter, but there’s no need to rush. As summer approaches, tempting “hot” offers appear on the tourism market that are much more profitable early booking. At this time, travel agencies “throw out” tours for sale at cost, so as not to be at a loss. In addition, a short-term visa for a 15-day period is issued to citizens of the Russian Federation upon arrival at the country’s airport, so you can purchase a ticket even the day before departure, without worrying about the need for paperwork. It is worth keeping in mind that when choosing a holiday destination in low season must be taken very seriously, since in addition to tropical downpours, there is a great threat of destructive typhoons covering dozens of provinces.

Beach season in Vietnam

The beach season in Vietnam lasts all year round, but at certain times you can only swim at specific resorts. In winter, the south coast is usually preferred. Here the sea water temperature is about +26°C..+28°C. In summer, by the way, these indicators are almost the same. January and February are considered here velvet season when precipitation is least likely. But in the north and central coast it is not customary to swim in winter: firstly, during the day it is quite cool - from +15 °C to +20 °C, and secondly, the sea is no longer so warm. In the summer season, these levels rise to +26 °C..+28 °C, however, beach holidays in northern resorts can be overshadowed by the rainy season. Significantly less precipitation falls in the central regions, for example, in the resort of Hoi An, which is so popular at this time. In Da Nang swimming season lasts from May to July. However, from August-September, reasonable tourists begin to leave it, because it is this part of Vietnam that is subject to the most powerful attacks of typhoons.

Diving season

One of the reasons why Vietnam is so loved by outdoor enthusiasts is that it has the cheapest diving in the world. Despite the low prices, it is organized no worse than in expensive European resorts. The underwater world of the South China Sea is replete with a variety of colorful flora and fauna: fancy corals, colorful fish like watercolors, sea cows, huge green turtles, mysterious grottoes and much more. Both beginners and experienced divers will be satisfied. Almost every resort in Vietnam has its own diving center, but the most popular “spots” are the following: the Phu Quoc islands with pearl “plantations”, Uel with a turtle farm, the Con Dao archipelago with sunken ships, mainland Nha Trang, where the most beautiful bay in the world and Russian dive -center. General diving season: all months, with the exception of the period from December to February, characterized by excessively rough seas. Also, each dive site has its own best seasons. For example, in Nha Trang and Huel this is the period from February to October, in Phu Quoc - from November to May.

Surf season

Surfing as a sport in Vietnam is just beginning to gain momentum; today, some resorts even organize professional competitions. However, in general, surfing here is no longer aimed at beginners, but at those who feel quite confident on the board. The most favorable season on the southern coast of the country for kite, wind, SUP and classic surfing is considered to be the period between September and April. For those looking for more “modest” waves, the eastern resort of Vung Tau is suitable; from January to the end of March and from November to December, surfing is especially good here. There are several spots in Da Nang, where the season starts in September and ends only in December. However, there are no lifeguards on its beaches at this time. It is better to come to Mui Not for skiing from January to March/April and from October/November to December.

Fishing season

Vietnam is a real paradise for fishermen, as the local reservoirs are simply teeming with a wide variety of fish, including many endemics and “trophies” such as armored pike or angelfish. You can fish both on mountain rivers, fresh lakes, and in the open sea. The best time for this activity is the “quiet” season, when there are no winds or heavy rains, i.e. Summer is a bit of a taboo for fishing. By the way, to organize it, it is not necessary to turn to the services of specialized offices; almost every local resident will gladly provide you with all the necessary equipment and show you the best biting spots for a small fee.

Best time for excursions

Vietnam is associated with impressive temple complexes of civilizations that disappeared from the face of the earth, green carpets of rice fields, emerald bays, majestic waterfalls and rapid mountain rivers. Vietnam is a kingdom of exotic flora and fauna, as well as bustling markets and snake and frog delicacies. This country never ceases to amaze with things unusual for Europeans. It makes no sense to come here for less than two weeks (visa-free period), but in a good way you will need at least a month in order to explore at least a small fraction of its attractions. The best time for excursions is the “dry season,” or rather one of its periods, lasting from January to April.

Wellness season

In addition to beach holidays and sightseeing tourism, health-improving areas have become widespread in Vietnam. There are many hot springs gushing out of the ground scattered throughout the country; in addition, the nature of the local region is rich in mineral waters and healing mud. That is why almost every hotel has its own SPA salon offering a full range of services. There are entire specialized health centers and resort complexes. Treatment is also popular with healers who practice alternative medicine based on the use of tinctures on snakes, herbs and various underwater reptiles. Today, not many people go to Vietnam specifically for treatment. The majority of tourists simply combine a beach holiday with some course of health or SPA treatments, the possibility of which they only sometimes learn about upon arrival at the resort. But it’s still worth saying that summer is far from the best time for serious treatment.

It's time for holidays and festivals

Vietnamese holidays can amaze with their scope and colorfulness, or they can also be terrifying. After all, in this country it is very a complex system religions, and most of the population strictly follows numerous rituals, sometimes not harmless. But since Vietnam is also a socialist country, several quite civilized holidays are celebrated here, which are also known in Europe. These include Catholic Christmas, International Women's Day, Labor Day, Children's Day and Teacher's Day. Originally Vietnamese memorial dates: February 3 - the founding day of the Communist Party, April 30 - the anniversary of the liberation of Saigon or Victory Day, May 19 - the anniversary of the birth of President Ho Chi Minh, August 15 - Day of the August Revolution 1945, September 2 - Independence Day Vietnam. However, the majority of holidays do not have exact dates, as it is celebrated according to the lunar calendar. The most magnificent festivities unfold in Vietnamese New Year"Tet" falls on the 1st day of the first lunar month. It takes place over 4 days and usually falls between January 20 and February 20 (the dates are different every year). Very noteworthy is the Day of Remembrance of the Hung Kings - the founders of ancient Vietnam (10th day of the third lunar month). It is also impossible not to mention the “Hi Zha Zha” holidays, during which a black buffalo is sacrificed to the spirits, celebrated in Lao Cai province (in mid-June according to the lunar calendar), bull racing in An Giang province (late August - early October), Gautama’s Birthday Buddha (15th day of the fourth lunar month), Lantern Festival, coinciding with the dates of this day in China (15th day of the first lunar month), and the Thau Pagoda Festival with a fascinating puppet theater performance (5-7th of the third lunar month ). In fact, the list of traditional Vietnamese holidays is endless, so when you come to Vietnam, you are sure to attend one or another celebration.

Typhoon season in Vietnam

Typhoons in Vietnam are real threat human life, ""season"" starts at last days summer

Speaking of Vietnam, the fly in the ointment in a series of diverse seasons that promise only pleasant emotions is the very dangerous typhoon season, which claims the lives of tens of thousands of people, including many tourists. In general, it lasts from late summer to mid-November, sometimes, however, lingering for certain territories countries for a longer period. During this period, travel agencies try to send their clients to the southern regions, where the strength of typhoons weakens significantly, while avoiding selling trips to northern destinations. However, some offices only care about their own income, not hesitating to sell vouchers to absolutely any region of the country. So be careful, because typhoons are not strong winds, but powerful vortex air currents of crushing force, moving at speeds of up to 20 km/h. First of all, they fall on the central regions, for which the most dangerous period is the time from the third week of September to the first days of December. Therefore, it is better to avoid visiting the tourist spots located there, the list of which includes, first of all, Hue and Da Nang. Next, the north of the country with its capital Hanoi is attacked, where typhoon activity subsides in mid-to-late October. By the way, they lead not only to great destruction of cities, but also to great floods. Be extremely careful!

Climate of Vietnam

The territory of Vietnam has a fairly large meridional extent, and its landscape is characterized by varied topography. This gave rise to the formation of several types of climate in the country at once. The south is located in the zone of influence of the tropical monsoon climate, where the differentiation of seasons is carried out only taking into account the direction of the winds and the amount of precipitation. There is a tropical rainfall season, lasting from May to October, and a dry season, from November to April. The sea water temperature on the southern coast remains at +26 °C..+29 °C throughout the year. The north is located in the tropical climate zone, here the transition from one season to another is a little more clearly visible. Summer is hot and humid with big amount precipitation, and winter is cool and rainy, so the swimming season here is closed at this time. The central regions are a cross between the two types of climates previously discussed. Winters here are warmer than in the northern regions, and summers are less hot than in the south. Another feature of Vietnam's climate is the high level of humidity, reaching up to 80%, which, of course, makes it difficult to tolerate hot weather.

Vietnam in spring

From March to April in the south of Vietnam there are high temperatures, the sea is very warm, which does not bring much relief from the heat. In late April, the tropical rain season begins here, so the tourist flow noticeably decreases. In the central regions, March and April are characterized by moderate temperatures, ranging from +22 °C to +27 °C, it rains periodically, gradually gaining strength. It gets very hot here in May. In the north of the country, the weather is also characterized by high temperatures, but there is much more precipitation here than in central Vietnam. In spring you can swim on all the beaches of the country, since the water on both the northern and southern shores is very warm. You just need to focus on the amount of precipitation.

Temperature and weather in Vietnam in spring

Weather in MarchWeather in AprilWeather in May
Hanoi +23 +28 +32
Nha Trang +30 +25 +31 +25 +32 +28
Phu Quoc +32 +27 +33 +28 +32 +28
Phan Thiet +33 +26 +35 +26 +35 +29
Ho Chi Minh City +33 +35 +35

Vietnam in summer

The weather in Vietnam in summer varies quite widely - both in temperature and in the intensity of precipitation. Let's start from the south. In the summer months, the thermometer in the shade reaches +32 °C..+33 °C; in the sun these figures may be slightly higher. It falls here from June to August greatest number precipitation for the entire rainy season. The showers are very powerful, it feels like the sky just burst! Within a radius of half a meter absolutely nothing is visible. However, it rains for a couple of hours at most. In the evening it becomes easier to breathe, the air cools to +24 °C..+25 °C. In recent years, summers in the northern regions of the country have been slightly hotter than in the south. The breezes blowing from the sea bring some relief. It also rains here, after which the already imperfect roads are often washed out. The central regions are a more or less dry region, but in August it is literally flooded with rain when typhoons arrive here. After sunset, the heat as such does not subside. In Hanoi, the thermometer drops only to +27 °C. When traveling to the capital in summer, stock up good repellents, because at this time there are a lot of mosquitoes here. The average water temperature across the country ranges from +28 °C..+29 °C. Surprisingly, given the high level of humidity, summer weather in Vietnam is much easier to bear than, for example, in Turkey or Egypt.

Temperature and weather in Vietnam in summer

Weather in JuneWeather in JulyWeather in August
Hanoi +33 +33 +32
Nha Trang +33 +28 +32 +28 +33 +28
Phu Quoc +32 +28 +31 +28 +30 +28
Phan Thiet +33 +29 +33 +29 +33 +29
Ho Chi Minh City +33 +33 +33

Vietnam in autumn

The first two months of autumn in the south of the country are characterized by heavy rainfalls, usually occurring in the afternoon, and high air and water temperatures. Storms are also possible, but they do not occur as often this season as in other regions. In November the amount of precipitation decreases sharply, but it still rains. In the northernmost provinces of the country, there are fewer and fewer cloudy days in September, but typhoons can rage until mid-October, causing huge waves. In the central regions, including Hanoi, it is quite dangerous to travel in the fall, despite the sworn assurances of many guidebooks. Until the very beginning of winter, strong hurricanes make themselves felt here. Of course, not all provinces are affected by it, so in the “calm” areas at this time it is quite dry and very warm.

Vietnam has recently opened its doors to foreign tourists. But it has already managed to attract many travelers from all countries. There is fabulously beautiful nature, gentle sea and sun here. People come here to get acquainted with the history of the country, admire the most beautiful mountain landscapes, and engage in water sports. The beach and excursion season in Vietnam is open almost throughout the year. The country's territory is very extended. The climate in its individual parts at different times of the year can vary greatly. Knowing these conditions will help you organize your vacation correctly.

General information about the country

The state is located in Southeast Asia. About 60 nationalities and ethnic groups live here. But more than 80% of the local residents are Vietnamese. As for religion, Buddhism predominates here. Interesting fact: Recent population surveys have revealed that 81% of Vietnamese are atheists. Part of the population speaks French, English and Chinese. However, most residents speak Vietnamese language. Vietnam is an agricultural country. The main crop cultivated and exported here is rice. Vietnam is also a major supplier of coffee and tea. Industry in the state is developing slowly. Most of the country is occupied by mountains. The flat part is mostly cultivated. Pristine nature is preserved in reserves, sanctuaries, national park Batma Khaivan.


The holiday season in Vietnam is open all year round. However, those who want to spend their holidays there should choose the place and time wisely. If speak about temperature conditions, then it can be noted that the climate in this country is tropical and subtropical. Winter and summer are not very different from each other. Even in the cool season it is much hotter here than, for example, in Sochi or Crimea. The difference in seasons is especially noticeable only in the northern part of the country. Summer temperatures in Vietnam often rise to +50˚С. People who can handle the heat well will enjoy a vacation at this time of year. According to weather conditions, we can distinguish here a dry period and a rainy season. During heavy rainfall, the disadvantages of rest can be considered high air humidity and hordes of mosquitoes.

Rain season

Rainfall that lasts for weeks, huge streams of water... This is how the Vietnamese rainy season is presented in American films. However, this is somewhat different from the real natural phenomenon that can be observed here from May to October. The peak of the rainy season is from May to September. At this time, you can relax here, saving up to 80% of the money set aside for your vacation. What is a period of constant rainfall like? And when is the best time to go on vacation to Vietnam? The holiday season here is open all year round. However, tourists should be aware that during the rainy season it gets very humid. Many people endure this almost worse than the heat, which is replaced by daily downpours. But it's not all bad. It rains mainly in the evening or at night. And the duration of the rainfall hardly exceeds 30 minutes. Local residents have adapted well to this time. Bypass structures around settlements and the irrigation system in them minimize possible damage from the elements.

unforgettable vacation

The main tourist center of the country is the regions of Mui Ne, Saigon, and Phan Thiet. This is the south of Vietnam. It is perhaps the wettest region compared to other territories. From May to November the rainy season begins in Vietnam, more precisely, in its southern part. It has its own characteristic features. Showers here are very short-lived. Usually, heavy rain it takes 10-15 minutes in the afternoon. Many tourists prefer to travel to the south of the country during this period, since at this time there is no scorching sun. However, it is often not so much downpours that can cause inconvenience, but rather strong gusty winds, a sky completely covered with clouds, and high waves in the ocean. But in the southern part of the country, the rainy season is very short. This happens due to the proximity of this territory to the equator. It rains here for no more than one month. As a rule, this happens mainly in October. The water temperature here is +30 ˚С. December-April is the best here tourist season. In Vietnam, in its southern part, it is dry and sunny at this time. The weather during this period will not cause any unpleasant moments.

Northern Vietnam

Depending on weather conditions, this country can be divided into three zones: North, South and Center. All regions are examined here in detail from the point of view of the attractiveness of the climate for tourist trips. Holidays in Vietnam in April-May are considered the most interesting. This is a time of clear ocean, peace and quiet on the coast, sunny weather, active aquatic species sports. But it is better to go to the northern regions of the country (Ha Long, Hanoi, Sapa) a little later - in May-October. This is a period of active sun and good weather. From November to April, hotel prices fall, which cannot but please tourists. However, do not delude yourself. After all, it is quite cool here at this time. IN winter months At night the temperature drops to +10 ˚С, and during the day - to +20 ˚С. But these are not all the disadvantages of rest during this period. In winter, the region often experiences heavy rainfall. In the Hanoi area, about 80% of the annual precipitation falls during the rainy season. From August to February it is cold and cloudy. Frosts are common in the mountainous provinces of Lao Cai and Khao Bang. Strong winds will also not add optimism to vacationers. IN winter period Tropical typhoons are common in the north of the country.

Vietnam Center

You can vacation in this country at any time of the year. However, there are some subtleties that need to be taken into account so that later there are no unpleasant surprises and a well-deserved vacation is not spoiled by the train during the season in which it opens in May, is one of the most frequently visited places by tourists. In the central part of the country there are also such popular resorts as Dalat and Danang. The best time to holiday here is from May to October. During this period, the center of Vietnam is dry and hot, with a lot of sun. It gets humid closer to November. The rainy season begins. Moreover, from September to November there is a high probability of hurricanes. And in December-February there is a strong wind here. Typhoons occur frequently. The ocean is becoming turbulent. Swimming during this period can be very difficult due to large waves. Especially dangerous ocean maybe for surfers and scuba diving enthusiasts. Air temperature in winter time drops to +25 ˚С. In the mountains of the central region of the country, the coldest month is January. And precipitation here falls a little earlier than on the plain. The rainy period is September and October. From all of the above, it follows that it is better to plan a vacation in Vietnam in May, at least in its central part.

Excursion tourist places in Vietnam

Sapa. One of the most interesting places in this country. It is located in the north of Vietnam. People rarely come here for 2-3 weeks. Tourists often visit this small town, staying for 2-3 days. This place is surrounded by beautiful mountains, emerald-colored caves, waterfalls, and hot springs. Near the village there is the most high mountain Indochina - Fansipan. Near the city there are many villages where you can get acquainted with the life and way of life of the local population. Holidays in Vietnam in April can be simply unforgettable. If we talk specifically about the above-mentioned place, then this month there is a Festival in the Clouds. True, hotel prices at such times increase 5 times compared to other periods.

Hoi An. The place is located in central Vietnam. Here you can combine excursion holiday with beach

Hanoi. The capital of country. This city is also called the soul of Vietnam. Its history goes back more than 1000 years. There are many attractions here: museums, temples, mausoleum, beautiful lakes. What is most recommended for tourists to see? Of course, the Ho Chi Minh City mausoleum, in which the leader’s body rests. And also the lake of the returned sword with two islands and temples on them.

Ho Chi Minh City. It is a kind of economic capital of the country. He is recognized as the most great life This place is in full swing: skyscrapers are being built, new shops and hotels are opening everywhere. There are also historical sights here. But most of them are connected with the history of the past 20th century. As a rule, tourists come here to do shopping.

Dalat. A city located in the south of the state. This is a mountain resort. The air temperature here is slightly lower than in other areas. The place is famous for its picturesque landscapes. Low mountains, waterfalls, lakes and fields surround it. Dalat is called the city of coffee and winemaking. Tourists will also be amazed by the atmosphere of warmth and comfort, creativity and creation that reigns here.

Ha Long Bay. This place is often visited when traveling from Hanoi. As a rule, tourists are accommodated on the largest islands of the bay. People come here to admire the picturesque landscapes. In an area of ​​only 1,500 km², there are more than 3,000 beautiful islands. Their shape is very bizarre. Many of them have amazing caves with original rock formations. During the trip, tourists are taken on ships here, landing on the islands to visit caves.

Hue. If we consider the excursion season in Vietnam by month, it turns out that this place can be visited at any time. It is located in the center of the country. The whole city is a great attraction. It's definitely worth coming here. In its center is an extraordinary imperial citadel. Tourists in this area consider it their duty to visit the tombs of the emperors located near the city.

Beach resorts in Vietnam

In recent years, this country has become one of favorite places holidays for Russian tourists. Therefore, it’s worth telling a little about what the best vacation spots in Vietnam are called:

Nha Trang. This is the country's most popular beach resort. The city of Nha Trang is quite large. A beautiful beach area has been formed at its base. Here you can sunbathe, soak up the gentle warm waters of the ocean, have fun, and see some of the sights. Prices for tours to this area are among the lowest. Holidays in Nha Trang will be further proof that beach season in Vietnam it is open all year round.

Phan Thiet / Mui Ne. This resort area has already been chosen by our compatriots. There are probably more Russian tourists here than all other vacationers. The nearest town of Phan Thiet is only 5 km away. The resort stretches for 10 km along the beaches. This place is great for a beach holiday. However, in terms of attractions and tourist activity, this region is inferior to the resort of Nha Trang. The weather here is wonderful. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a dry season or a rainy season in Vietnam, Phan Thiet is the best place to relax, according to many of our compatriots. Prices here are quite low. There are many shops, restaurants, hotels that have everything a traveler needs. This is the best place in all of Vietnam to practice sports such as surfing, windsurfing and kiting. But lovers of snorkeling and diving should look for a more favorable area. Many of our compatriots regard this pastime as the best vacation in Vietnam. It gets very crowded here in May.

Phu Quoc Island. Located in the southern region of the country. There are very good beaches here, but few attractions. There is very little night entertainment. A big plus of the island is its wild nature, untouched by civilization. Prices are slightly higher than in other resort areas. It’s not worth coming here just to lie around. After all, the same pleasure will cost much less in other resort areas of the state. But if a tourist wants to explore the wild jungle, live in his own bungalow on a deserted shore or explore the underwater world of the island, then he cannot find a better place.

Danang. It is one of the largest cities in this country. Located in the center of Vietnam. Not a very popular holiday destination for tourists. There are no attractions here at all. The city is a commercial trade and port point. Its only plus is its excellent beaches.

Hoi An. The town is located near Da Nang. It is a good excursion and beach place at the same time. The city is very interesting. Famous for its ancient architecture. There are many buildings and monuments that have been preserved since the Middle Ages. Everything is permeated with a special romantic atmosphere. There are excellent beaches a few kilometers from the city.

Vung Tau. This city is the most important industrial zone of the country. There are no exotics or attractions here. But there are good beaches. Not very popular among foreign tourists. It is more in demand by local residents and visitors from neighboring areas, who come here to spend weekends and holidays on the beach.

Choosing the best time to visit the country

In order to find out when it is worth visiting this state, it is recommended to use the following table:

Resort season in Vietnam by month


Ha Long Bay

Phan Thiet/Mui Ne

“+” - acceptable period for rest;

"!" - the best time to visit.

Time of falling prices

Let's find out when the most economical holiday is in Vietnam. There are few tourists here in August. Therefore, prices are correspondingly lower. As a rule, a decline in the cost of tourist packages is observed from May to September. This is the best time to visit the country, see its sights and save some money. During this period, many local guesthouses and hotels offer good discounts on tourists staying in their rooms. Sometimes they can reach 30% of the cost. Also at this time there are many special offers from airlines selling flight tickets at a reduced rate. From May to September the weather in Vietnam will not bring any big unpleasant surprises. True, in the central part of the country (Nha Trang, Da Nang, Hoi An) hurricanes are possible during this period.

Best holiday time in Vietnam: reviews from tourists

The most truthful picture of a country can be formed by finding out the opinions of the people who were there. Despite the fact that Vietnam opened its doors to tourists not so long ago, it has already become one of the most frequently visited resort destinations. The prices here are quite affordable. This, in all likelihood, attracts many travelers from all countries. People note that it seems a little hot here at first. However, 2-3 days spent in this country allow the tourist to get used to the midday heat. Experienced travelers recognize that the best time to visit this country is March-August. At this time it is warm and sunny here. It is during this period that people often go on vacation to Vietnam. Holidays in March, reviews of which are often positive, may turn out to be the most unforgettable for every traveler. Our tourists liked Vietnamese cuisine. Lots of fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs, lean meat and fish - these are the main products that make up the menu of the inhabitants of this country. Positive reviews from our compatriots who have visited here include their statements about the cleanliness and order, calm and friendly atmosphere that prevails in most hotels. Foreign tourists here are amazed by the abundance of high-quality, but inexpensive goods that can be purchased. There are, of course, negative comments regarding holidays in this country. People note that flying to Vietnam is very tiring. The holiday season is open here all year round. But not everyone will like the heat and high humidity. People say that excursions can be difficult at this time. In addition, many note that traveling to historical places did not seem interesting to them. But the winding road to them among the mountains in the heat was very tiring. Some tourists really didn’t like the fact that hiring a Russian-speaking guide for excursions is only possible for a fairly high fee.

Useful information for tourists

Time in Vietnam is 3 hours ahead of Moscow.

There is no need to worry about using electrical appliances. Here we use two-pin sockets, the same as we have in Russia. Therefore, no adapters are required. The voltage in the electrical network is 220 V, just like ours.

The Internet in this country is available almost everywhere, and it’s free. Hotel guests can access the Internet at any time without any problems. At the reception there are most often computers with free Internet access. Also, in all tourist areas you can easily find Internet access points, from where you can call your family by international phone. The cost of a call is simply ridiculous - 2.5 rubles per 1 minute.

It is not profitable to use the services of Russian mobile operators in Vietnam. When roaming, connection fees can be significant. It is much more profitable to purchase a SIM card from a local operator and call home. Thus, you can count on a cost of 5 rubles per minute of conversation.

As a rule, a tourist’s passport in this country is collected from the hotel reception. And they give it back on the last day upon discharge.

Punctuality and the Vietnamese are incompatible concepts. Therefore, you can safely add at least half an hour to the appointed time of any event without fear of being late for it. This is especially true for bus arrival times. If you are assured that the tour will end at 18:00, then most likely it will last until 20:00.

Vietnamese are enterprising people. Therefore, you need to be careful when purchasing a sightseeing tour. You should definitely ask the guide what exactly is included in the cost of the trip. When selling a tour, many companies may simply forget to notify the tourist about additional fees, for example, for entry or lifting the cable car, and so on. And some practical guides, knowing that everything is already included in the excursion, may demand additional money from the traveler.

It's easy to know how soon it will rain. To do this, just look at the local residents. If they put on raincoats and start hiding goods in the markets, it means that it will rain in the next half hour.

The country's national currency is the dong. It is equal to 10 hao or 100 sou. You can exchange currency in banks, exchange offices and markets. The latter rate is somewhat more profitable. ATMs usually only dispense dongs. Dollars are accepted almost everywhere. In large cities, as well as in the capital of Vietnam, euros, baht, yuan, and yen are accepted.

Thus, we found out that a vacation from March to August is the best vacation in Vietnam. Tourists' reviews of it are often positive, and is one of the most popular places to visit by travelers from all countries.

Fans of holidays in Southeast Asia should definitely visit Vietnam. Vietnam's neighbors are China, Laos, Cambodia. The country's main tourist trump card is the South China Sea. The coastline is more than three thousand kilometers. The mild climate, mountainous terrain and warm sea attract a large number of tourists to Vietnam.

When to go to Vietnam

80% of Vietnam's territory is mountainous. The location of the mountains is from north to south, so the country is well protected from cold air masses from Central Asia. The climate of Vietnam is mainly determined by winds. In summer they bring rain, and in winter they bring dry air.

In Vietnam, the holiday season lasts all year round. But it is worth considering one important circumstance: in the northern part of the country there are sharp temperature changes, and in the southern part the difference between temperatures is about four degrees.

Vietnam resorts

Where to holiday in Vietnam? We recommend the town of Sapa for active tourists. It is located among the mountains, so the place was called the Tonkin Alps. Here you can go hiking in the mountains or go on a bike ride. Basic ethnic groups in Sapa they live in almost medieval conditions.

Ha Long Bay is another option for a wonderful vacation. It shares the same name with a town nearby. Rocks, cliffs, caves, islands will greet you with their beauty in the bay. The site is included in the UNESCO list and has also received the status of one of the new seven wonders of the world. Many caves in the bay are underground palaces with equipped lighting.

The city of Hue was the capital of Vietnam in 1802-1945. An excellent place for tourists who prefer a rich recreation program. Interesting excursions, sightseeing, hotels and restaurants with traditional cuisine await you in Hue. From here it is easy to get to any other city. The weather in Hue is due to the proximity of the mountains, so there are often clouds, rain and fog.

The city of Danang is an industrial city, the third most important city in Vietnam. It is located on the shores of the South China Sea. Da Nang has a developed infrastructure. There is an international airport, a railway station, and a seaport. Despite the abundance of resources, Da Nang is not popular, since there is nothing special to see here, and there are no beaches either.

Hoi An is a small town in the center of Vietnam. It is often chosen for relaxation. If you haven't decided where to vacation in Vietnam yet, go here. The sea coast is located near the city, and the city itself stands on the banks of the Thubon River. Hoi An is also on the UNESCO list. And tourists are attracted here by the preserved atmosphere of a medieval trading city.

Beach lovers can also stay in Hoi An. From the city center you can easily reach the beach by bicycle, motorcycle or taxi. Another option is to rent an apartment on the beach in a hotel. For meager sums, you can try delicious cuisine in local restaurants. For example, a glass of beer here costs only 6 rubles, and a truly luxurious lunch costs around 150 rubles.

Nha Trang is another holiday city in Vietnam. It is considered the oldest resort town. The beaches of Nha Trang stretch for six kilometers along the shores of the South China Sea. Tourists who like to go to bars, restaurants and night discos come here. In the vicinity of Nha Trang you can visit an amusement park, monkey island, orchid island, waterfalls and springs. For active recreation and health, there are healing springs and a diving center.

For mountain lovers, we can recommend the city of Dalat. It is very different from other resorts. You will be taken to special world, staying here. Around Dalat there are picturesque valleys, lakes, waterfalls, natural parks. 3here are the best routes for long hikes. Dalat is the central place of Vietnamese science.

Most Russians prefer to vacation in Phan Thiet and Mui Ne in Vietnam. These two words are the names of the city and the adjacent fishing village. Between them there are hotels. Snow-white sandy beaches await you right outside your apartment.

Islands for holidays in Vietnam

Phu Quoc is an island 48 kilometers long. It is located in the south of the country. It is often compared to Phuket. The beaches of the island are the cleanest and most beautiful in the world. Even in high season, you will find a secluded spot on the beach to yourself. There is plenty of entertainment here. For one or several days you can go to the mountains or jungle on an eco-tour. You can go fishing. At the same time, you can catch not only fish, but also squid, crabs and other sea inhabitants - exotic holiday for Russians. The cheapest diving in the world is also available on the island.

If you are going to relax on the island within fifteen days, you will be allowed in without a visa.

Lovers of a secluded, relaxing holiday should go to Con Dao Island. It is part of an archipelago and is located in the waters of the South China Sea. The main activities on the island are diving and relaxing beach holidays. There is little entertainment, as the infrastructure is only developing. It is better to take food with you from the mainland, since here you will have to shell out a decent amount of money for food.

Holidays in Vietnam with children

If you are planning to spend your holiday with children, Vietnam is the best choice. Amazingly clean beaches, the opportunity to relax at any time of the year, relatively low prices for all services - all this will provide an opportunity to spend a holiday with children on high level and make your trip memorable.

According to tourists' reviews, the best option for a holiday with children in Vietnam would be Phu Coc Island. Nha Trang is in second place in popularity. And, of course, the places beloved by Russians - Phan Thiet and Mui Ne - are also suitable for families with children. There are restaurants here with Russian cuisine, familiar to children, and the atmosphere is generally more relaxed.

Sanitary conditions

When traveling with children, special attention should be paid to compliance sanitary rules. Vietnam, like many Asian countries, is dangerous in terms of infectious diseases. Wash your children’s hands more often, and have hand sanitizers with you, since local catering establishments often do not have conditions for basic hygiene. Also process fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating. Do not eat or give your children large quantities of new fruits, so as not to cause allergies or poisoning and thus not spoil your holiday with children in Vietnam.

By the way, it would be a good idea to purchase health insurance. Just pay attention to the list of diseases that it covers. By insurance policy, which only includes accidents, will not be able to treat poisoning or sore throat for free.

When to vacation in Vietnam

Location, topography and other features made Vietnam wonderful place for a holiday in any season. What time of year to go on holiday to Vietnam? Everything will depend on the specific place you have chosen for your vacation.

Let's look at the holiday seasons by month. Vietnam is cool in January. You should not go to the northern part of the island. The air temperature here drops to 10 degrees, sometimes to zero. It is better to go to the resorts of the south. It's sunny, dry and hot here. Great option- Mui Ne, Ho Chi Minh City and island resorts.

In February the rainy season ends and good weather sets in in all parts of the country except the north, which is still cold here. In March the weather is excellent everywhere, in the north it is only cold at night. The ideal month for travel would be April. The rainy season begins in May, but it is not an obstacle to relaxing on the beaches.

Considering the holiday seasons in Vietnam by month, you should pay special attention to summer, especially June. True, it is better to go to Nha Trang, Danang, Hue. In the south at this time there are storms and the rainy season. In July, the heat and rain intensify even more. In August it is better to relax on the beaches in the center. There are showers in the south at this time.

In September, it is better to postpone your trip to Vietnam. October is a good time for lovers of active recreation. We vacation in Hanoi, Halong and Sapa. In November there are typhoons in the central part. Any vacation spot is suitable in December. Good weather in all parts of the country.

Vietnam hotels

Depending on where to vacation in Vietnam, you should choose a hotel. Fortunately, there are many options. Like many resorts, all-inclusive holidays are also available in Vietnam. In Nha Trang, for example, the five-star Vinpearl Resort hotel is at your service. The hotel's room capacity consists of 480 rooms of different types and prices. There are rooms with hill views, sea views, and garden views; rooms only include breakfast or lunch and three full meals a day. The hotel has several swimming pools, canoes, massage services and other services. The average cost of living is about 10,000 rubles.

Economical holiday

If you don’t know where to vacation in Vietnam more economically, go to Phan Thiet. Hotels good quality They offer their services here at reasonable prices. A good option is the Dynasty Mui Ne Beach Hotel. It fully justifies its three stars. This place offers you forty quiet and cozy rooms for your relaxation, a bar-restaurant, and a swimming pool for just 3,500 rubles.

All inclusive hotels

Mui Ne is home to one of the first hotels to offer an all-inclusive system. Sea Lion Beach Resort Mui Ne is suitable for a family holiday. 85 rooms are located in buildings and bungalows. Entertainment programs, animation activities for children. The hotel is located on the first line.

In the center of Dalat there is a hotel called La Sapinette. Very convenient location, you can quickly get to anywhere in the city.

Prices in Vietnam

Regardless of what season you choose for your holiday in Vietnam, prices here are significantly lower than at other resorts. The stores have all the products. So, you can buy a pineapple for 40 rubles, have a snack on pancakes for 50 rubles, and eat a portion of rice for 40 rubles. Breakfast in a restaurant will cost you 200 rubles, and lunch can cost 350.

Housing prices are also reasonable. Three or four “stars” here cost from 3,500 rubles per day, and for 10-12 thousand you can count on a five-star hotel.

Vietnam is now considered by many as an excellent alternative, because they are very close - in Southeast Asia. However, they are not at all similar. Let's figure out when and why to go to Vietnam.

  • benefits of holiday in Vietnam;
  • climate of the country;
  • what month to choose for vacation.

Why is Vietnam better?

If you love Asia, if you have known Thailand far and wide, if you want to see and learn something new, if you dream of untrodden places and interesting adventures, then welcome to Vietnam.

Despite the fact that it is located very close to Thailand, these are completely two different countries. Of course, there is a certain commonality of cultures and traditions, but still the difference is huge.

  • Firstly

Vietnam has had a very turbulent history. Only in the last 30-40 years has it not been shaken by destructive and bloody wars. As early as the 1st century AD there is evidence of its trade with Ancient Rome. Mongol yoke in the XIII-XIV centuries enslaved not only Russia, but also this country. Enormous Chinese influence exerted itself on Vietnam until the 19th century.

At the end of the 19th century, the French colonialists came here. The Soviet Union also had a great ideological influence on him. Vietnam is still on the bright path towards socialism. All this could not but affect the appearance of Vietnam. Most of the natives are sweet and kind, but you won’t see radiant Thai smiles.

  • Secondly

They love Russians here. At least the older generation who remembers friendship with the USSR.

  • Third

Vietnam has a completely different climate. Only part of the central and southern coast is suitable for a pleasant holiday. In the north "rain season" coincides with the warm period. The center is blown away by typhoons, and the south is subject to severe floods in places.

  • Fourth

Vietnam dreams of catching up with Thailand in terms of the number of tourists. Whether he succeeds or not, we'll see. But so far this is not a country too spoiled by the money of guests. Perhaps, we can name only a few places where tourism has already become firmly integrated into the infrastructure - Nha Trang, Halong, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Mui Ne, Phu Quoc Island.

  • Fifthly

Prices here are still cheaper than in Thailand. We take average value throughout the country, since in the above-mentioned places they can be much higher than Thai ones.

  • At sixth

Thailand is already well-trodden by travelers, but Vietnam is not yet. There are many places preserved where no tourist has truly set foot.

When is the best time to go on holiday to Vietnam?

The country is located in the tropical climatic zone. There is a lot of sun, warmth, as well as winds and rain. Unlike Thailand, you can’t always swim here and not everywhere.

  • North

The northern part of the coast and the hinterland are not very suitable for tourism, especially beach tourism. The sea temperature is above 23 degrees Celsius only from April to November. At the same time, from May to September it rains quite heavily. If you are not afraid of showers, floods and landslides, you can try to rest during this time. Indeed, despite the rains, the sun shines 2/3 of the days in the month.

In winter "dry" months here you can have a great time in active entertainment - hiking, excursions, cruises.

  • Center

The central coastline of Vietnam will please beach lovers more. Only January, February and March offer sea temperatures around 22-23 degrees. But also "rain season" here it is shifted towards autumn-winter. From September to January you have a chance to encounter heavy rain every other day . Quantity sunny days less than in the north - only 4-8 per month. In the autumn months there is a maximum risk of encountering a typhoon.

Nha Trang- tourist mecca of Vietnam. Starting from here and to the south there is a year-round beach season. It rains here, but much less. During 2 weeks of vacation, you risk getting caught in the rain only 1-4 times. The humidity here is not as high as in the north. But there is "hot spot"- river delta Mekong. It is constantly subject to floods and the onslaught of the ocean.

With all its advantages, Vietnam has one unpleasant feature. It is one of the most dangerous countries in terms of climate. And this must be taken into account. According to the UN, about one and a half percent of the country's GDP annually goes to the restoration of sites destroyed by natural disasters. What you might encounter here:

Not just rain, but tropical downpours. The north of the country and mountainous areas are most susceptible to them. The peculiarity of the local soil is such that it is easily eroded and washed away, causing destruction of roads, houses, and agricultural land;

The Pacific Ocean loves to play with typhoons. Vietnam often experiences this. A squally wind tears wires and breaks trees, as if showing man his place in nature. "Typhoon Season" lasts from August to the first days of November. The central coast is in first place in terms of their numbers, followed by the northern and southern ones.

  • drought

Tourists do not suffer much from this disaster, but local residents do quite often. Combined with heavy rains, this can destroy the rice crop - the main "of bread"

  • floods

Typhoons are dangerous in themselves, but coupled with rainfall they often provoke a rise in water levels. The Mekong Delta just recently experienced serious flooding, which was accompanied by a typhoon and tropical downpour. About 20 people died, hundreds of thousands lost their homes. Roads, administrative facilities and residents' houses were destroyed, communications were cut off. Such disasters occur in Vietnam almost every year.

Changes in global climate affect Vietnam more than many other countries. This is due to the special location and long length of the coastline - the main "risk factor".

Where to go in Vietnam?


  • Hanoi– the capital of the state, an original, interesting city in all respects. The best time is from October to April. In the winter months, daytime temperatures do not exceed 22-24 degrees.
  • Ha Long Bay- one of the wonders of the world. She is also called "Bay of a Thousand Islands" . This is true. The most pleasant time is from the end of November to April.
  • Mekong Delta- a unique ecosystem. Several thousand years ago, serious infrastructure was already built here. The site is at risk of extinction in the coming decades due to rising sea levels. You need to have time to see it.


The most popular beach holiday destination in Vietnam is the stretch of coast south of Nha Trang. It rains least from January to August. The temperature is comfortable for swimming. April is considered the best month.

  • Nha Trang– there is everything here – entertainment, shopping, and deserted beaches far from the city center. From here it is convenient to go on excursions in the southern and central parts of the country.
  • Phan Thiet– a favorite of surfers. Constant winds inflate the sails and create a good wave, especially during transitional periods. climatic periods. The longest beach season here is from November to April.
  • Mui Ne- Phan Thiet's neighbor. It was chosen by Russian tourists. Want to stay close to your roots even on vacation? Then this is the place for you. But be prepared to pay more for it.
  • Phu Quoc- a quiet tropical island, located in the waves of the shallow Gulf of Thailand. Here is the most warm water and hot nights. The best time to go here is from December to April.

We hope that our article was useful to you.

Have a nice trip!

Trips. Yes, the soul sometimes calls for a journey, long or short, it doesn’t matter. The world is big and I want to see it and learn more. When is the best time to vacation in Vietnam, at what time of year and where, if you choose this undoubtedly beautiful and culturally distinctive country for your vacation?

Why Vietnam?

Local travel

Some people prefer to move around within the country without stopping somewhere. A good route: start from the capital, by plane to Hanoi, then from there to Ha Long Bay, which has already become famous among tourists. Favorable time for such trips: the period from April to November, warm, sunny, although there are some rainy days, but in the summer this is a small problem. Further, from Hanoi you can go to Dalat in the summer, from there to Nha Trang, where there are wonderful places for traditional swimming and beach holidays.

It is more convenient to visit the south of the country from March to October - sunny, warm, a great time for a beach holiday, local excursions to Mui Ne or Phan Thiet, etc.

Why are tourists just exploring Vietnam, because it is a beautiful, wonderful and original country that has something to offer even the most experienced eye? Everyone dreams of seeing the Colosseum, the Louvre, or catching the English rains while admiring the view of London. After all, the world is truly huge and many corners are still waiting in the wings.

Experts believe the reason is the flight duration. If Vietnam suddenly moved and became Russia’s closest neighbor, then surely 80% of vacationers would rush there, since a visa is not needed, and 15 days allowed to visit the country are enough. After all, the flight, in addition to the duration, is also expensive.

Others note that Vietnam could spoil the impression with cheap consumer goods, who do not know the combination “Vietnamese market”, sociable local people, but you shouldn’t judge an entire country by its market. Vietnam is home to beautiful, ancient temples, fraught with a whole history, and many of the complexes shown to tourists on excursions were built by unknown civilizations; scientists are still arguing.

National parks, amazingly beautiful, healthy, inexpensive and tasty food, diving, which is considered the cheapest among other tourist countries (plus the abundance of inhabitants of local reservoirs, the sea, etc.), resorts where the service system is well developed, you can feel the French flavor, after all, there was previously a colony here France.

Reviews from experienced tourists

They will help you form a better opinion and plan your future vacation. These are stories about the brightest, most memorable moments of the trip, facts about the country through the eyes of tourists.

“Vietnam is wonderful, its weather is a special charm; you can really come here whenever you want, at any time of the year. But when planning a winter holiday, it is more convenient to fly to the resorts on the southern side, because the northern and central parts are quite cold in winter, the air there does not warm up above +20 during the day, the sea is naturally cold and strong winds create strong waves.

The best time is the high season, which for us falls in the winter months (New Year holidays, why not), only the tickets become more expensive. To save money, it is better to go in another, low season (these are the periods from May to October). Then the tours are cheaper, because the country is in the midst of the rainy season, with strong, tropical rains. However, for tourists, even downpours do not interfere and people still go, because it does not get cold, the weather is warm, you can swim. And the rains themselves do not fall for days, they are fleeting, like ordinary, warm summer rain. After them, the heat subsides for a short time, but the sea does not have time to cool down.

For diving enthusiasts, Vietnam is simply smeared with honey. Diving schools everywhere, in any of the major cities, operate without holidays all year round. Those who graduate there are given a certificate and can safely dive. Prices for local diving activities will be lower, which always pleases fans of this sport. Moreover, the level is unlikely to be inferior to other resorts. The underwater world delights with a variety of inhabitants and diving spots.

For lovers of excursions, entertaining trips, who want to find out better country It’s more convenient to choose the high season, although trips are more expensive. Fishermen too. By the way, there are many places for different types fishing: both mountain cold lakes and local rivers, and the open sea, where you can go on a rented boat. Local residents themselves will tell you where the best and richest fishing spots are, they can keep you company and give you equipment temporarily for rent.

The dry (aka quiet) season for Vietnam is the period from January to April. It’s also an extremely good time for vacations; people call it the velvet season. You can safely fly to any of the corners of the country you like, to any of the resorts.

A big plus is regular and numerous flights from Russia all year round.


From August to November is a dangerous time; it is better not to plan trips at all if you choose Vietnam. This is the time for strong typhoons, which can become a threat not only to recreation, but also to life."


“Many people are interested in Vietnam, everyone goes for something specific. If for the beach, then the velvet or high season is better, although of course prices jump. Tourists more often choose resorts from southern cities, it is warmer there, local beaches are pleasing with amenities, and in cities there is more adaptation for tourists - trips, comfortable hotels, cafes and restaurants. In October, the water is calmer, waves are rare, and so is the weather. Although sometimes it is cloudy. It is worth considering the constant tide schedule. This is nature. True, whoever visits Vietnam will immediately understand that this country is much more interesting than just places with good beaches. It’s good to swim and lie down enjoying the sand, but it’s better to diversify your vacation with excursions and walks, especially for your first trip.”


“In general, Vietnam can hardly be called a simple country; those who are used to seeing resort places will be amazed by its originality and rich culture. The ancient complexes are fascinating, the local nature is delightful, and the residents are truly friendly. Tourists, however, still travel more often to the south, especially if they go in winter, they want more warmth, because there is snow and storm at home. The climate here is tropical, rainy or hot. The best time, I think, is from December to March! Exactly winter holidays. The average temperature will be +28, normal"


“It rains there from April until October, although this does not mean that it rains everywhere. Yes, and the years are different. The rainy season is definitely not something to be afraid of, especially when the weather is around +28. Rain never hurts Russian people; they are used to harsher weather. Tourists love Vung Tau and Nya Trang, also Cam Ranh, visit Phan Thiet or Phan Rang."


"You don't have to use travel companies, I'll tell you. They regularly sell tours, but they add their own markup, and you don’t know whether you’ll like the hotel upon arrival or what kind of infrastructure is around. Sometimes they settle in an unknown place. Now there is Internet, you can open any city in Vietnam and find out the list of hotels, what changes they have in prices over the annual period and book rooms in the one you like. You can contact us through the phone numbers listed on the website or write by email, everything is much simpler. And you can buy tickets for where you need to go yourself. I traveled through a travel agency a couple of times, then I decided to visit Vietnam myself. We really already knew where we would stay, we saw the hotel in person. But it’s really cheaper and less hassle.

It’s easier to find out through websites what excursions and where are offered in the cities of Vietnam, although if you’re traveling for the first time, you can safely take any of the resort towns - everyone will have something to show you. Whether you start with Ho Chi Minh City to see the city through a sightseeing tour or prefer another one, it doesn’t matter. It has its own culture, it is ancient and has left a significant mark. I never tire of being amazed by her, perhaps she is what makes Vietnam so special. Well, of course, the beach of southern cities. Divers should definitely make a point to come here. There are so many diving spots and the local flora and fauna are truly diverse. Vietnam is not Europe, it is Asia, the mysterious East, with a tropical, pronounced climate"