Immunostimulating vitamins for children. Vitamins for children to boost immunity: which ones are best to take?

The birth of a baby is the most joyful event in the life of every parent.

From the first day, parents try to create for the newborn the best conditions for its growth and development. One of the important tasks of parents is to strengthen his immunity, because at the very beginning of his life his body is only at the stage of development.

For the normal functioning of all systems and organs, vitamins and microelements are required. And if these beneficial substances do not enter the body in the required quantities, then this threatens to reduce protective functions.

As a result, the baby will be susceptible to bacteria and infections that lead to numerous diseases.

Is it necessary and what pharmacy vitamins are best to give to a child to maintain immunity?

When the need arises

Immunity is the body’s ability to resist pathogens and viruses. When the protective system functions, antibodies are formed that resist the entry and proliferation of bacteria.

The stability of immunity is formed in childhood, which is why it is so important to carefully monitor your health during this period.

The formation of protective functions in a baby occurs in the womb. The influence is exerted by the mother’s diet during pregnancy, lifestyle, stress, etc.

After birth Immunity is strengthened by breast milk, which contains immunoglobulins and antitoxins. This process takes place during the first six months of life.

Own immunoglobulins begin to form in the child’s body by the age of 6-7 years.

When additional micronutrients are needed:

  • poor quality and unbalanced nutrition;
  • living in places with unfavorable ecology;
  • taking antibiotic drugs;
  • excessive psychological, mental and physical stress;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • lack of minerals and trace elements and minerals;
  • chronic diseases;
  • lack of daily routine.

A lack of nutritional components can also negatively affect the development of protective functions.

How to find out if your baby has problems with the immune system:

If your baby has these signs, there is no reason to worry. You need to contact an immunologist, who will prescribe effective vitamins for children to improve immunity, which can strengthen the body’s resistance to viral infections.

It is not recommended to independently select drugs that improve immune functions.

What does a child's body need?

During an epidemic, with poor nutrition, and a temporary decrease in immune functions, additional vitamins and minerals are needed.

Which ones can help you recover and improve resistance to disease? What vitamins are best to give to children to boost immunity?

Vitamin D is important for bone formation. Participates in blood clotting and strengthening the immune system.

Vitamin C. Belongs to the fat-soluble category. Able to strengthen and enhance the body's protective functions.

Helps with the development of viral infections. With sufficient intake of it in the body, vulnerability to allergens is reduced, wound healing is accelerated, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, tissue regeneration is improved, and resistance to cold is increased.

Retinol. Antioxidant. Retinol is able to directly protect the immune system and help strengthen it, restores material metabolism.

However, excess vitamin A is quite dangerous, so it is contraindicated to prescribe it to a child on your own.

E (tocopherol). It is an antioxidant (a substance that inhibits oxidation) and helps cope with multiple adverse processes in the body.

Helps maintain the normal structure of the cell membrane and the absorption of vitamin A. Participates in protein synthesis and is the main substance that helps strengthen children's immunity.

B2. Participant in chemical processes occurring in cells. Vitamin B2 enhances the process of tissue regeneration and restores liver function.

R. Its main task is to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and help vitamin C in all reactions.

B12. Normalizes liver function, restores the functions of the nervous system, and prevents oxygen starvation of the brain.

B5. Participates in carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism necessary for the synthesis of amino acids.

B6. Takes part in the formation of antibodies that resist infections.

Still needed:

  • iron – participates in the production of hemoglobin;
  • selenium – supports immunity;
  • zinc – improves the process of tissue regeneration, has a positive effect on the immune system;
  • magnesium – participates in the biochemical reactions necessary for the child’s body;
  • Omega 3 – improves the functioning of the nervous system and brain, reduces vulnerability to viral infections;
  • probiotics – help protect intestinal microflora;
  • calcium – participates in the formation of bone tissue, activates the work of enzymes.

Proper and balanced nutrition and lifestyle of the child contributes to the proper formation of immunity - hardening, moderate physical activity, frequent walks in the air, absence of emotional stress, etc.

The necessary substances are contained:

  • in food products - vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products, meat and fish;
  • in vitamin complexes of homeopathic origin;
  • in artificial preparations – tablets, capsules, syrups;
  • in injections – groups B and C.

All vitamin complexes are presented in the following preparations:

  • first generation - products containing one component;
  • second generation – drugs that contain several components;
  • third generation - a complex that can be combined with additional components.

Today, effective vitamins for boosting immunity for children are presented in abundance on the pharmaceutical market, but we will consider only the best (judging by the reviews).

Before purchasing, consult your pediatrician, since some drugs have their own contraindications and side effects.

Review of products with brief instructions for use

Children's complexes should be purchased depending on age, since different periods of life require different amounts of minerals and trace elements.

What are good vitamins for immunity for children to choose, and how to drink them? Let's look at the instructions for the following complexes:

  • Pikovit;
  • Immuno kids;
  • Vitamishka;
  • Alphabet;
  • Multitabs;
  • Vitrum baby;
  • Kinder-Biovital gel;
  • Supradin kids.
  • Pikovit

    The drug is prescribed for:

    • increased fatigue;
    • unbalanced diet;
    • lack of appetite;
    • after prolonged use of antibiotic drugs;
    • during the recovery period to strengthen the body's immune functions.

    The drug includes the following components:

    • B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, retinol, D3, C, P, PP;
    • phosphorus;
    • folic acid;
    • calcium.

    Available in the form of tablets and syrup.

    Tablets are taken from 4 to 6 years of age every 4-5 hours, from 7 to 14 - every 3-4 hours. The drug is completely absorbed.

    The course of treatment is 20-30 days. If you have no appetite, Pikovit is taken for 2 months.

    The syrup is intended for children from 1 to 3 years old. The product is taken 2 times a day in an amount of 5 ml. From 4 to 6 years – 3 times a day, from 7 to 14 – 4-5 times a day.

    The syrup is given from a spoon. It is allowed to add it to water, juice, puree.

    Contraindications: hypersensitivity, glucose and fructose intolerance, hypervitaminosis. Among the side effects, in rare cases a reaction in the form of an allergy is observed.

    When taking Pikovit, your urine may turn yellow. It is not recommended to take the drug simultaneously with other vitamin complexes.

    Immuno kids

    • A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, D3, N, K, C, P, RR;
    • iron, manganese, zinc, iodine, selenium, chromium.

    Shown for:

    • maintaining the functioning of intestinal microflora;
    • prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiencies;
    • prevention of the development of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections;
    • improved adaptation;
    • recovery in the period after illness.

    Contraindications include intolerance to the components of ImmunoKids. Side effects include possible allergic reactions.


    The vitamin complex includes:

    • retinol, B1, B6, B12, C, D;
    • folic and pantothenic acids;
    • choline, inositol, zinc, iodine, calcium, magnesium;
    • natural fruit juice.


    • strengthening immune functions;
    • enriching the child’s body with the necessary vitamins and minerals;
    • relieving feelings of fatigue;
    • strengthening bones and teeth;
    • intellectual development;
    • reducing the risk of developing acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections;
    • improving attention and memory.

    These vitamins, which enhance immunity, are produced in the form of bear-shaped lozenges that are attractive to children. It is recommended that children aged 3 to 7 years take 1 chewing stick 2 times a day.


    The composition of the drug includes the following components:

    • A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, D3, K1, C, RR;
    • molybdenum, ferrum, biotin, calcium, chromium, manganese, zinc, selenium, magnesium;


    • mental and physical stress;
    • avitaminosis;
    • strengthening immunity;
    • protection during periods of increased morbidity;
    • irrational and unhealthy diet;
    • deficiency of minerals and trace elements.

    The drug is produced in powder form for children from 1 to 3 years old, in the form of colored chewing candies - from 3 to 7 years old and schoolchildren.

    In the first case, one sachet is taken once a day. The powder is diluted with water.

    Vitacomplex Alphabet is not allowed if there is an excess of vitamins in the body and hypersensitivity.

    Among the side effects, in isolated cases an allergic reaction is observed. In case of overdose, signs of poisoning are observed.


    The composition of the medicinal product includes:

    • B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, retinol, E, D3, C;
    • nicotinamide;
    • selenium, manganese, iron, iodine, zinc, copper, chromium;
    • folic and pantothenic acids.

    Indications for use:

    • the period of recovery process after illness;
    • with increased mental, psychological and physical stress;
    • with improper and unbalanced nutrition;
    • if you need vitamins and minerals.

    Children aged 1 to 4 years should take the tablets with plenty of water, once a day with meals. The tablets are allowed to be crushed and added to food.

    Multitabs is produced in the form of chewable tablets.

    Not allowed for use in case of hypervitaminosis and hypersensitivity. Among the side effects, an allergic reaction is rarely observed.

    Vitrum baby

    The composition of the drug includes the following components:

    • B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, retinol, E, D3, K1, C;
    • nicotinamide, betacarotene, biotin;
    • pantothenic folic acid;
    • zinc, manganese, magnesium, molybdenum, iron, chromium, selenium, iodine, copper.


    • increased resistance to disease;
    • period of growth and development;
    • prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis;
    • during the period of recovery after illness;
    • decreased appetite;
    • unbalanced and unhealthy diet;
    • adaptation to mental and physical stress.

    The drug is available in the form of a gel and tasty chewable lozenges. Contains the following components:

    • retinol, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, D3, E, C;
    • niacin, iodine, lecithin, iron, zinc, choline, magnesium, copper, chromium, biotin, selenium;
    • pantothenic and folic acids.


    • psychological, physical, mental stress;
    • lack of minerals and trace elements;
    • strengthening immune functions;
    • protection during epidemics;
    • long-term treatment with antibiotics;
    • improper and irrational nutrition;
    • hypovitaminosis.

    Chewable lozenges should be taken by children aged 5-11 years, 1 tablet per day.

    Those who are older take 2 tablets 2 times a day. The drug is recommended to be taken with meals.

    Should be taken with caution in case of diabetes mellitus and hypervitaminosis.

Immunity is the body’s ability to resist pathogens, various viruses and microbes.

The immune system produces antibodies that resist infection. But when a failure occurs in the system, a disease develops, the body becomes defenseless against attacks from microbes and viruses.

Causes of a weakened immune system

Pediatricians name several main reasons for decreased immunity:

  • poor-quality or selective nutrition, when the child does not receive enough vitamins and minerals;
  • congenital or chronic diseases of the digestive organs, oral cavity, nasopharynx, allergies;
  • stress that provokes excessive moral and physical stress, frequent changes of place of residence;
  • medications (aspirin, antibiotics) destroy the vitamin composition.

Signs of decline

The following signs indicate that the immune system is weakened:

    After 3 years, an immunogram may be prescribed - a comprehensive analysis of venous blood, which will show the state of the immune system.

    The best vitamins for strengthening

    One of the conditions for strong immunity is a sufficient amount of nutrients in the diet. How to understand the huge selection of health medications, and how not to harm the child?

    Necessary substances for children's health:

    • A – protects against infections;
    • B2 – reduces the harm of toxic substances, saturates cells with oxygen, participates in metabolism;
    • B5 – responsible for the metabolism of nutrients, needed for the synthesis of amino acids;
    • B6 – needed for the production of antibodies that protect the body from infections;
    • B12 – needed for the production of red blood cells;
    • C, D3 – increases immunity;
    • E – binds free radicals.

    Most vitamins are not produced in the body but come from food. It is not always possible to obtain the required portion of nutrients, which causes vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis conditions.

    And then you can accept multivitamin complexes, which replenish the deficiency of nutrients.

    And you have the opportunity to learn how to teach a one-year-old child to fall asleep on his own.

    Multi-tabs baby

    Vitamins for children under one year of age to boost immunity and proper development:

    • A – responsible for normal cell development, visual function;
    • C – promotes cell formation, hematopoiesis, prevents the development of anemia, improves immunity,
    • D – substance for dental health and proper skeletal development, prevention of rickets.

    This set is contained in the drug “Multi-tabs Baby” (Ferrosan, Denmark). "Multi-tabs baby" is available in the form of drops.

    There are no dyes, fragrances, or preservatives in the composition, so the likelihood of an allergic reaction is minimized.

    The packaging is a bottle with a pipette, which simplifies dosing. Give the vitamin complex with food or after meals. The average price is about 350 rubles.

    Vitrum baby

    Vitamin complex (Unifarm Inc., USA) designed for children from 2 to 5 years old.

    The drug is in the form of multi-colored chewable tablets that resemble animals, which is interesting for kids. Taste – fruity-vanilla.


    • A, C, D3, PP, H, K1, group B (B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, calcium pantothenate);
    • minerals - copper, zinc, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, molybdenum, selenium, chromium.

    The product is given to the baby once a day after meals, 1 chewable tablet.

    "Vitrum baby" is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components, hypervitaminosis A and D, and for other ages.

    Price (30 tablets): about 450 rub.

    Pikovit Forte

    Vitamins to strengthen children's immunity (KRKA company, Slovenia) are created for different age categories.

    For children over 7, there is a complex that includes A, C, D3, E, PP, group B, folic, pantothenic acid.

    Multivitamins are available in the form of lozenges with a tangerine flavor. The absence of sugar allows the drug to be used with diabetes.

    But before use, it is better to read the instructions, because the product has many contraindications: the remedy is prohibited not only for hypervitaminosis, but also for certain diseases (gout, thrombophlebitis, ulcers, tuberculosis and others).

    Pikovit Forte is taken 1 lozenge after meals. The frequency of administration depends on the purpose of administration:

    • for treatment - every day;
    • for prevention - every other day.

    Multivitamins have side effects, especially when taken in high doses.

    Average price: about 470 rub.

    Alphabet "Kindergarten"

    The peculiarity of the vitamin-mineral complex is that it was created by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, and takes into account the needs of children in a particular region.

    Contains 11 vitamins and 8 minerals, including calcium, iodine, magnesium, zinc. Another feature - dosage regimen.

    The package contains three types of tablets:

    • “Iron+” with apple flavor – to prevent anemia and improve energy metabolism.
    • “Antioxidants +” with orange flavor – strengthen the immune system and promote normal mental development.
    • “Calcium D3 +” – for the health of the skeletal system and teeth.

    Having separated the components, the manufacturer took care of the hypoallergenicity of the product. To reduce the possibility of a hypersensitivity reaction, safe vitamin and mineral forms are used.

    The pills are distributed throughout the day in any order.

    If the baby forgot to take some part of the complex, then this can be done before bedtime by taking the necessary tablets at the same time.

    Average price: about 340 rub.

    Kinder Biovital Bearbugs

    "Kinder Biovital Bearbugs" (Bayer AG, Germany) prescribed for ages 3-13 years. These are gelatin bear-shaped chewy candies with fruit flavor.

    Contains: vitamins A, C, E, group B, nicotinamide, biotin, folic acid.

    The complex has some contraindications– allergies to components, hypervitaminosis conditions, increased calcium levels in the urine.

    The drug is prescribed in the following daily dosage:

    • 3-6 years – up to 2 pieces;
    • 7-13 years old – up to 3 pieces.

    Average price: about 350 rub.

    Centrum for children (Junior)

    Centrum Junior (Lederle, USA) designed to strengthen the immunity of children aged 4-12 years.

    The drug provides the body with useful substances that are necessary for children who are often ill.

    First of all, these are ascorbic acid, vitamins A, E, D3, K1, folic and pantothenic acids, biotin, nicotinamide, B vitamins.

    The complex is complemented by micro- and macrominerals - iron, selenium, manganese, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium.

    Preparation not prescribed for intolerance to components and phenylketonuria(hereditary disorder of amino acid metabolism). Average price: about 600 rub.

    Vitamin therapy begins before the onset of the “cold season”, in the off-season - May - June, September - October. Take vitamins in a course(usual duration of treatment is 2 weeks).

    The greatest benefit is achieved in combination with sports and hardening. After the course they take a three-month break.

    A pause is needed to avoid the accumulation of fat-soluble vitamins and hypervitaminosis, which is no less dangerous than vitamin deficiency.

    The drugs are available in traditional forms (capsules, tablets, drops), as well as lozenges, chewable tablets, marmalade, and lollipops.

    Kids like “fizzy drinks”, drinks made from powders dissolved in water, and gels. It is up to you to choose which vitamins to take for your child’s immunity, but after mandatory consultation and recommendations from a pediatrician.

    Pediatricians pay attention to the fact that you need to buy drugs that are certified in the country where the child lives. This is due to the characteristics of the diet.

    Thus, Americans eat more refined food and less fresh fruit from the garden. Therefore, the norm of nutrients in pharmaceutical preparations is different. Otherwise Possible overdose of certain substances.

    When choosing multivitamins, pay attention to the age category for which the product is intended in order to prevent dangerous concentrations of substances in the body.

    Multivitamin complexes are selected only by a pediatrician based on the results of the examination. Self-medication is contraindicated.

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Children are the flowers of life, and everyone needs proper care, regardless of age. With a balanced diet, it is sometimes necessary to use vitamins for children to increase their immunity and viral protection.

Immune system of babies

Immunity is the body’s ability to resist infections, bacteria, viral diseases, and remove toxic substances that poison the cells of the body.

In infancy, babies are provided with all the necessary substances. Vitamins for immunity are found in a balanced form in mother's milk or formula, in complementary foods. The only additional vitamin that should not be forgotten is D3 - water-based Aquadetrim, take 1-2 drops per day for the entire period of up to a year, except for the summer months, which fully meets the daily requirement.

If the baby’s diet is not sufficiently balanced or he eats poorly, the child gets sick quite often or suffers from chronic inflammation, then medications containing vitamins A, C, E, groups B, D, PP are used. Such complexes allow you to treat hypovitaminosis or will be a good prevention.

According to indications, it is possible to use boosting tablets for children under one year of age for immunity Multitabs-Baby in the form of drops with a measuring pipette or Pikovit in liquid form. Medicines contain vitamins: A D3, C.

What do children from one to three years need?

Vitamins for strengthening the immune system for children over 1 year old have a wider range of preparations.

From the age of two, children actively become acquainted with the world around them. And children's vitamins to improve immunity are aimed at increasing health resistance to viruses and bacterial infections due to the presence of pantothenic acid, which is involved in the synthesis of amino acids, and pyridoxine, which helps the production of antibody cells. Cyanocobalamin, which allows the active growth of red blood cells, tocopherol, which protects white blood cells from damage, retinol, which destroys harmful bacteria and viruses.

The required vitamins from 1 year are A, group B, D3, C, E, H, PP. All products are presented in liquid form - syrup, or powders to prepare suspensions.

At the age of 2 years, toddlers need the same types of active ingredients and mineral salts as in the first year of life, because the baby is constantly growing.

The form of release of multivitamins for two-year-olds is syrup and chewable tablets.

To strengthen your baby, you need to take vitamins that are richer in components. The main list must include: thiamine, riboflavin, B6.

  • Alphabet “Our baby”, “kindergarten”;
  • BiovetalseriesKinder;
  • Multi-tabs from "Baby", "Immunokids";
  • Finnish Sana-Sol;
  • Vitamins Immuno;
  • Vitrum "kids";
  • Pikovit line: 1 g, 3 g, Prebiotic.

You can also use vitamin forms for children 1 g, as they include the necessary components for full development and are designed for use up to three years inclusive.

Children will be provided with support and strengthening, and the correct growth and development of the baby.

Vitamins to boost immunity for a child by the age of five must have the entire necessary complex: A, group B, D3, C, PP; the main minerals allowed at this age include calcium and phosphorus. Vitamins for children 5 years old for immunity take into account the need of a growing body for the proper formation of the musculoskeletal system and chest.

The most common remedies for children aged 4 to 5 years are:

  • Vitamins;
  • Alphabet "Kindergarten";
  • Vitrum "kids";
  • Biovital "Kinder";
  • Multi-Tabs line of drugs: Classic, Baby Maxi;
  • Pikovit for children 3, 4 and 5 years old.

Since after 6 liters immunoglobulin begins to be produced, more complex complexes can be used. For children, immunity tablets contain not only vitamins (A, B2, B6, B12, D3, C, E), but also minerals (zinc, magnesium, calcium salts), as well as omega-3 fatty acids and probiotic components.

Vitamins for children 6 years old for immunity, which can improve health, should contribute to the normal formation of brain structures. The appearance of heavy loads on mental activity, active growth is underway, so folic acid and iodide salts are added to the main elements.

What is necessary for children's immunity from 7 years of age?

For children over 7 years of age, vitamins for protection are also developed taking into account the necessary components for the proper functioning of the brain, increasing resistance to fatigue due to increasing stress.

Children's vitamins for immunity from 7 years to 10 years old must meet the needs for the final formation and full functioning of the body systems: nervous, cardiac, bronchial-pulmonary. The components included in the composition improve intellectual abilities and resistance to infections. The structure of multivitamin complexes offers both the main types of components and pantothenic acids and copper salts.

Vitamins for children 10 years old for immunity are almost similar in composition to adult preparations. All elements are intended for normal physical, psychomotor and intellectual development.

The best products for ages 6 to 10 years will be:

  • Alphabet "Schoolboy";
  • Vitrum "Junior";
  • Multi-Tabs line: Schoolboy, Classic.

Vitamins that strengthen the immune system for children from 12 years of age during puberty are aimed at supporting the active activity of protective cells, for adaptation under stress, with heavy mental stress, aimed at increasing intellectual potential, to strengthen the body’s overall resistance to colds and infectious diseases:

  • Vitrum "Classic";
  • Centrum;
  • Multi-tabs "Immuno Kids".

Natural health aid

In addition to medications that are artificially synthesized, there are also natural drugs that stimulate the defenses.

One such remedy is Vitamama.

Vitamama syrup for immunity is created entirely from natural ingredients: berry juice, medicinal plant extracts. Aimed at strengthening the immune forces of the child’s body, it is a source of vitamins and microelements needed during the period of active growth. It will be a good help in preventing colds. Children over 3 years old can take the syrup.

Vitamama solution to strengthen the immune system

Immunity is a word that is familiar today, if not to everyone, then to very, very many. Parents who care about the health of their children also know it. This concept refers to the ability of our body’s defenses to fight harmful and dangerous viruses, infections and bacteria. The body produces immunoglobulins, or antibodies, which defend it.

Strengthening the immune system is especially important in childhood, since children’s own immune system is just beginning to develop during this period. What vitamins and nutrients are vital to protect and strengthen it? This is what this article is about.

Why is it necessary to support children's immunity?

During uterine development, the child is protected by antibodies produced by the mother's body. Later, during lactation, he receives them, as well as all the beneficial substances he needs, along with his mother’s milk.

However, with the cessation of breastfeeding, the supply of maternal antibodies in the baby’s body is exhausted. During this period, the baby’s own immune system is in its infancy; it is just beginning to form. This process is lengthy and will take the next few years. Hence its high vulnerability to the threats of infections and viruses.

From now on, vitamins and microelements, which he receives mainly with food, work on the child’s immunity. With an inadequate diet or malnutrition, their deficiency is discovered, which can seriously affect the state of the immune system and the health of the baby as a whole.

Such risks can be prevented with the help of vitamin-mineral complexes, which - unlike individual vitamins - are able to systematically and fully compensate for the lack of certain substances in the child’s body. One of these complexes is the ALFAVIT vitamin series, designed for different age groups.

Factors of decreased immunity in children

It was said above about the characteristics of the child’s immune system in the earliest, infancy years. What happens to it next and what are the factors that threaten its weakening?

Period from 2 to 5 years. This is the time when children begin to attend nurseries and kindergartens and actively communicate with peers. However, being in this environment becomes the first serious test for immunity - children often get sick, especially in the cold season, infectious and viral diseases in the group are transmitted from one to another.

A 6-7 year old child’s immunity is already quite hardened, but new challenges lie ahead - school with its high loads, new team, requirements and responsibilities. Intellectual and psycho-emotional stress often lead to stress, a permanent state of fatigue, apathy, and irritability, which also negatively affects the body's defenses. And if at this time it lacks the necessary nutrients that give strength to the immune system, the latter weakens - to the extent that some infectious diseases can turn into chronic ones.

Adolescence (12-17 years) is a time of active growth of the body, the final formation of all its systems. A radical hormonal change occurs and the formation of the reproductive system is completed. Adolescents have both new needs and new, very high mental, psycho-emotional and physical stress. And this, of course, can affect the state of the immune system in the most serious way.

What are the signs of a weakened immune system?

We list the most common signs indicating disturbances in the functioning of the immune system:

  • Frequent acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI).
  • Frequent complications of ARVI (otitis media, pneumonia, bronchitis, tonsillitis).
  • Fatigue, daytime sleepiness, apathy.
  • Periodic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, constipation).
  • A long recovery period after illness or surgery.
  • Deterioration of the condition of the skin, nails, and hair.
  • Allergic reactions.

Vitamin complexes can provide effective assistance in strengthening the immune system and its protective functions. If parents observe these symptoms for a long time, it is necessary to visit a doctor for consultation. In the absence of other causes of illness, the specialist will recommend those vitamin complexes that will have the most effective beneficial effect on the immune system.

Vitamins to improve children's immunity and prevention

Taking vitamin complexes is recommended not only in cases where the symptoms clearly indicate a malfunction of the immune system. It is also recommended for preventive purposes - to prevent such risks and strengthen the immune system. When are vitamins especially needed in such cases?

  • Incorrect, poor nutrition, unbalanced diet.
  • The child’s categorical refusal to accept certain products.
  • High stress - intellectual, emotional, physical.
  • Rehabilitation period after illness.
  • The period of active growth and puberty, hormonal changes.

Vitamin complexes are taken in certain courses, the duration of which and their dosage are determined only by a doctor. An excess of vitamins in the body (hypervitaminosis), as well as their deficiency (hypovitaminosis), can cause negative reactions in the child’s body.

  • they optimally maintain the balance of all the nutrients the child needs;
  • thanks to the combination of different components, the best absorption of nutrients occurs;
  • daily dosage indicators are indicated, which, if the recommendations are followed, excludes taking an ultra-high dose;
  • in general, such complexes are cheaper for the family budget, since there is no need to buy the necessary vitamins separately.

All of these advantages are offered by ALFAVIT vitamin complexes designed for different age groups of children.

Vitamins beneficial for children's immunity

The table shows the vitamins that have the greatest beneficial effect on children's immune system. All of them, taking into account age characteristics, are present in the ALPHABET series.

Vitamins Impact on the body
Vitamin a Promotes the growth and overall development of the body, works as a powerful antioxidant, protects cells from harmful free radicals, accelerates tissue healing, and has a beneficial effect on the condition of mucous membranes, which are a barrier to infection.
B vitamins
Vitamin B1 Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, helps improve metabolic processes, stimulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Vitamin B2 Participates in metabolic processes, reduces the risk of toxic effects on the body. has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, ensuring their normal regeneration in case of damage.
Vitamin B5 Stimulates the conversion of fats into energy sources, strengthens the nervous system, and participates in the production of protective antibodies.
Vitamin B6 Stimulates the activity of the hematopoietic organs.
Vitamin B9 Participates in the growth and development of the body, helps improve its overall tone and energy flow.
Vitamin b12 Stimulates metabolic processes, participates in the formation of red blood cells, normalizes blood clotting.
Vitamin c Strengthens the immune system and is a powerful antioxidant
Vitamin d Improves the body's immune defense, participates in the formation and strengthening of skeletal bones.
Vitamin e Shows powerful antioxidant properties, prevents the destruction of immune cells
Vitamin k After prolonged use of antibiotics, it restores the intestinal microflora. normalizes blood clotting.

The most beneficial microelements for the immune system

Along with vitamins, beneficial natural microelements also help strengthen the immune system and the body as a whole. We list the most important of them.

  • Iron. Promotes saturation of body cells with oxygen, participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin (oxygen carrier).
  • Iodine. It is part of the thyroid hormones, which regulate all types of metabolism in the body and the state of the immune system as well.
  • Magnesium. It is part of a large number of important enzymes involved in energy synthesis and metabolic processes, removing toxic substances from the body.
  • Selenium. Works as a strong antioxidant, protecting healthy cells from destruction and improves blood circulation.
  • Zinc. Stimulates the functioning of the immune system, activates cell regeneration processes.

All of them in the required quantity for a particular age of the child are also present in the ALFAVIT vitamin and mineral complexes.

Useful substances for immunity in children's diets

It is recommended to take vitamins in combination during meals or after meals, since beneficial nutrients from foods contribute to their better absorption. To strengthen the immune system, the following elements should be present in the diet.

Elements and substances useful for strengthening the immune system Products necessary in the diet of children with weakened immune systems
Plant proteins Soybeans, peas, beans and other legumes, oat and buckwheat cereals, cabbage.
Animal proteins Cottage cheese, beef liver, fish, veal.
Carbohydrates Honey, persimmons, bananas, pineapple, grapes, figs.
Fats Butter, as well as vegetable oils - sunflower, olive, mustard in moderate dosage.
Vitamin C Sorrel, leeks, lettuce, apples, citrus fruits, blackcurrants, blackberries, gooseberries, turnips, cabbage.
Vitamin b1 and b2 Coarse wheat bread, rye bread, nuts, cereals, cabbage, tomatoes, beef liver, veal, fatty fish.

However, such an optimally balanced and complete diet, alas, often remains only a desired ideal picture, and not the real state of affairs. In this case, vitamin-mineral complexes become the most effective solution to the problem, replenishing the lack of nutrients necessary for children's health.

ALFAVIT vitamin complexes, addressed primarily to children with weakened immune systems, fully cope with this task. They contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal growth and development of the child, while all components are divided into 3 doses (tablets) with an interval of 4-6 hours, the vitamins and minerals included in one tablet are completely absorbed and will not interact with the components of the following, which increases the effectiveness of replenishing vitamin deficiency by 30-50%, and the risk of developing allergic reactions is minimized. ALFAVIT complexes contain no preservatives or artificial flavors, which also reduces the risk of developing allergies.

For different age groups, daily dosages of vitamins and minerals correspond to the consumption standards established in the Russian Federation, and various forms of release are also provided - these are sachet powders for the little ones, tasty chewable tablets for children aged 3 years and older.

The Alphabet® series of vitamins contains vitamin complexes for the youngest and older children, as well as for teenagers:

  • Our baby (for children 1.5-3 years old)
  • Kindergarten (for children 3-7 years old)
  • Schoolboy (for children 7-14 years old)
  • During the cold season (for children 3-14 years old)
  • Teenager (for boys and girls 14-18 years old)

You can choose the one that is right for your child.

Correct intake of such vitamin and mineral complexes will allow you to overcome their imbalance in the child’s body, strengthen the immune system, “wake up” and actively use all its protective functions. This will also contribute to the overall health of the body.

Before purchasing, be sure to consult with a specialist regarding the optimal choice, dosage, and timing of the course.