Horoscope for May favorable days. Horoscope for May

If you value romantic relationships, be prepared to sacrifice something for them. Many people will find it difficult to find a balance between work and personal life in May; sometimes this can be a cause of serious distress. But experience and common sense will be useful. The advice to keep your cool may not sound very romantic, but it's worth heeding.

Taurus It turns out to be much more difficult to get along with yourself than with your loved one. To sort out your feelings, and they are sometimes extremely contradictory, you need time, calm and the ability to concentrate. But May is generous with events and changes, and you don’t always know how to react to them. That is why even in relationships that were previously very harmonious, difficulties can arise.

Fish They will spend a very pleasant and romantic month. Fleeting hobbies are most likely, but the awakening of real feelings is also possible. Not excluded office romances; such relationships will quickly become serious and will soon begin to play an important role in your life. Couples in love will occasionally quarrel, but will be able to avoid serious conflicts; tactful and delicate Pisces will do everything necessary in time to maintain peace.

May for the zodiac sign Cancer♋ will be a very productive and busy month in many areas of life. At the end of spring, a lot of surprises await representatives of this zodiac sign. Fortunately, as the horoscope for May 2018 predicts for the Cancer sign, they will only wear positive character and will bring many new and pleasant impressions.

Despite the fact that according to the horoscope Cancers are a little closed, this month they will be surrounded by increased attention from their close circle. This will allow you to show your communication skills and overcome unnecessary complexes. Luck will literally follow you on your heels, new opportunities will open up for you, don’t miss them!

Favorable days: 1, 5, 7, 8, 10, 13, 15, 16, 20, 25, 28, 29

Not favorable days : 3, 11, 18, 22, 27

Love horoscope for May 2018

A hurricane of passion awaits Cancer in the love sphere! However, if you don’t have to put much effort into your work, then love relationships will have to accept active participation. Love horoscope for May 2018, the Cancer sign promises a transition to a new stage of the relationship with its other half. Perhaps some will decide to legalize the relationship, while others will think about adding to the family.

For lonely representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign, the stars promise new and interesting acquaintances that can develop into long and strong relationships. Everything will depend on your desire.

In the last month of spring, Cancers may have a misunderstanding in their relationship with their other half. Astrologers warn that you should not give reasons for jealousy. Try to calmly discuss all problems that arise with your partner before they escalate into confrontation. In May, Cancers must show their chosen one that they can trust him.

Family relationship horoscope

In May 2018, family Cancers can expect some problems. Representatives of the sign will most likely have to deal with real estate transactions. You should not make rash and spontaneous decisions alone; consult with your partner on any issue. Approach the implementation of your planned tasks with a cool head and common sense. This will help you protect your positions and find a way out of any situation.

Pay great attention to checking documents - the position of the planets in May 2018 indicates that scammers are becoming more active this month. Be careful - the horoscope warns of the risk of becoming a victim of a fraudulent scheme.

In love, the horoscope promises representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign unprecedented harmony and passion, especially in mid-May. You should not hide your true feelings and emotions towards your other half. Otherwise, this may give rise to a lot of gossip and rumors about your family affairs.

Horoscope for May 2018 for women

Beautiful representatives of the sign will be especially romantic this month. Cancer women will gain complete harmony with yourself and with the world around you. May will bring you success in all your endeavors; at this time, the implementation of your plans is possible. The second half of the month will present Cancer women with meeting interesting people.

A peak in love activity is expected in the middle of the month. Nothing can stop single Cancer women, and they will definitely be able to find common language with representatives of the stronger sex. But you should be especially careful at this time, since ill-wishers, envious people and rivals may appear on the horizon. An optimistic and confident attitude will allow you to achieve your goals despite all the difficulties.

Horoscope for May 2018 for men

In May, Cancer men will experience an unprecedented rise not only in business, but also in love matters. This will have a beneficial effect on health and emotional state. This month, Cancer men will experience financial stability. In the middle of the month, you may receive a very profitable business offer. Don't give it up - the next chance won't come soon.

In love relationships, men born under the zodiac sign Cancer expect victory. These include new interesting acquaintances, romantic dates, vivid and memorable impressions. The stars do not rule out the possibility of misunderstandings with their partners. They can lead to major quarrels or separation. If this happens, then there is no need to be upset - you just met the wrong person.

Work and financial horoscope

Most Cancers in May will be able to show all their positive qualities in the work process. The unemployed will be able to find their dream job. Long-forgotten business connections can play an important role in this.

Some Cancers will have to go on a business trip. It can help strengthen business authority in the eyes of management. Hardworking representatives of the sign will receive a promotion, which they have long dreamed of. Cancer leaders may become disappointed in their business partners.

May 2018 will bring prosperity and stability to Cancer financial issue. Perhaps in mid-May, Cancers will be able to implement a money project that will bring big profits in the future. May is a great month for financial investments, purchasing property and obtaining loans. However, you should avoid purchasing small items. In most cases they simply won't be useful.

Horoscope of health and well-being

In May, Cancers will be energetic and healthy, which will allow them to cope with any difficulties not only in business, but also in love. The stars advise you to be especially careful with fire, both outdoors and at home.

The end of May may present minor health problems associated with allergic reactions and respiratory diseases. Cancers who are especially prone to allergies should take care to have the necessary medications in their first aid kit. In May, it is recommended to do muscle strengthening and breathing exercises.

Advice from Belshazzar: The success of Cancer largely depends on his charm, ability to gracefully get out of conflict situations, as well as from his natural mysticism. Find out if you have the ability for magic - at Valtazar.ru! Gardeners and gardeners who want to get a rich harvest should read. Simple conspiracies can significantly increase the productivity of your beds.

The long-awaited ones have finally arrived May holidays, when you can relax and enjoy watching how nature has almost woken up from hibernation. In spring there is a special atmosphere of joy and romanticism; in such times we want to know the future, to see what fate has in store for us, whether what we dream about will come true. Let's find out about this from astrologers and get acquainted with the horoscope for May 2017.

Failures at work and in the family can weaken you for a while, and it will suddenly seem to you that the whole world is conspiring against you. But it only seems so, in fact, if you can pull yourself together and persistently move towards your goal, then be sure that everything will work out.

Despite the fact that May this year will be quite difficult, you definitely need to find time for your inner world. After all, before conquering the peaks, you need to work on yourself and understand what is paramount in this life and what is not so important. It is then that it will become clear where to move next, how to solve pressing problems, how to organize your day in such a way as to achieve real success.

Career horoscope for May 2017

The first ten days of the month are preparing a good shake-up for you; problems and troubles will begin that need to be resolved urgently. The ability to organize yourself, curb all your emotions for the sake of a common cause, composure and determination - all these qualities will be your faithful companions in achieving success at work. This is exactly the case when fate tests you and strengthens your character, so you should not be afraid to show determination and independence.

Constant problems at the beginning of the month can unsettle you for a while; at some point it may even seem to you that you are out of place. And despite the fact that in the second half of May all problems will be resolved, the desire to leave work will not disappear. But don’t rush into such decisions, maybe you’re just tired and need rest. Take some time off and relax, gain strength, which, by the way, you will need during this period. And all because it is in the second ten days of the month that you will be especially productive - this is the ideal period for starting new projects, concluding contracts and deals, creativity and creating real masterpieces. Your creative potential is at its peak, and therefore it is worth working hard. Although it may seem to you that nothing will come of it, throw away unnecessary doubts, they only slow you down on the path to success. However, when solving everyday issues and negotiating with people, be vigilant, because in May of this year they will be the most active various kinds swindlers. When concluding any transactions, check everything carefully, and if you have any doubts, it is better to refuse joint cooperation.

Also, in addition to other problems, minor quarrels and disagreements at work with colleagues and superiors await you. And all because, due to the location of the planets, many will be subject to emotional swings, it will be difficult to contain everything within themselves, any little thing can make you angry. Try to control yourself, trust your own calmness and peace of mind much more important than any quarrels.

Family horoscope for May 2017

Quarrels await you in your family, and here you need to show special wisdom and the ability to smooth out conflicts. In particular, this applies to quarrels with children, because they are especially susceptible to the influence of planets. In this case, astrologers recommend not to rush to give your child advice if he does not come to you. They will only make you want to be stubborn and do the opposite. Try to show by example what is good and what is bad, spend more time with your child and take an interest in his life. This is the only way to become an authority, and over time he himself will begin to approach you for advice.

If disagreements arise with other family members, they will only be minor ones. There is no need to worry too much about this, soon everything will work out and be forgotten. Better concentrate on others important issues. Also, in any quarrels, try to avoid any loud and careless phrases. This will only increase the disagreement.

But in the relationship with your partner, oddly enough, everything will be smooth and calm. It is only important that you overcome all problems, conflicts and other troubles together, like a real team. Only then will it be possible to achieve harmony.

Love horoscope for May 2017

Your soulmate will be especially sensual and romantic in the first ten days of the month. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to make each other more joyful and happy. After all, these are the moments you will remember with special reverence. But be also careful, because conflicts will arise from an overabundance of emotions, so try to control yourself and not spoil the romantic atmosphere that will overwhelm you.

But it’s better to hold off on proposing marriage this month, just like with a wedding. According to astrologers, the month of May is generally not desirable for starting a family and any serious decisions related to the family. And it would also be extremely undesirable to get to know anyone; there is a risk of falling for a swindler or simply a deceiver.

Health horoscope for May 2017

Despite the May holidays and significant weekends this month, you will have to work a lot, and therefore it is important at such moments to observe the correct work and rest schedule. There is no need to devote yourself completely to work, your health will not thank you, and your immunity will weaken even more. And who wants to be sick on such a good day? spring weather, isn't it? It’s better to spend an extra hour in the park with your family than at home in bed with medications.

Also take care of your gastrointestinal tract, because this month it is at risk. Try to eat more vegetables, fruits, and after the holidays have a fasting day. Give your stomach a rest, which has been working so hard throughout the holiday period. If possible, try switching to fractional meals and eat in small portions, but often.

The horoscope for May 2019 predicts a rather controversial stage for all representatives of the zodiac pantheon. The first ten days will be the most unfavorable time. You should not make grandiose plans for these days, and it is also important to avoid large transactions with money, important steps in business and on your career path. Expensive purchases are also inappropriate. The second and third decades will be more successful times, which will bring positive changes in all areas of life. What other dangers and surprises are hidden in the last month of spring? A laconic astrological forecast will tell you how to avoid troubles and achieve what you want.

General significant points in the horoscope for May 2019

  • The period from May 6 to May 12, 2019 is marked by the waxing phase of the moon. This is the perfect time to strengthen your budget and self-realization. However, it is important not to overdo it; excessive activity is fraught with emotional fatigue.
  • The full moon falls on the 18th, the moon will have a tremendous impact on financial situation all zodiac signs. The main task is to competently and rationally distribute the resources you have. cash in order to maintain or achieve financial stability.


Aries, for you May is an ideal period for signing lucrative contracts, opening your own business and starting long-term projects. But do not forget to be careful when concluding financial transactions, the activity of scammers will be off scale

Start last month spring will be associated with some apathy and lack of initiative. The horoscope for May 2019 is encouraging: by the end of the first decade, typical Aries will feel a surge of vigor, and social and business activity will return.

The second ten days of May will bring increased leadership and oratorical qualities; those around you will begin to listen to you. Many people will become interested in something new; this is a good time for self-education and filling gaps in knowledge. These days it is possible active development in the field of business or work. And some representatives of the symbol will completely reconsider their usual way of life and bring noticeable changes to it. The stars advise you to focus on sports training, moderate loads will contribute to productivity and emotional stability.

And the end of the period will be the most harmonious time, Aries will be calm and reasonable. If you still have any confusing situations or unfinished business, then most of the issues will be resolved spontaneously and without any special movements on your part. Horoscope recommends staying away from any conflicts to avoid negative influence from the outside.

The third decade is simply created for family time and romantic leisure, pay attention to those you love.


Taurus, in May you need to avoid excessive physical activity - it can cause back pain. Take care of yourself

The beginning of May 2019, according to the horoscope, will be the most unfavorable time for Taurus: an exacerbation of chronic diseases is likely, problems in relationships with loved ones and business partners are possible, and your financial situation is also unlikely to please you. These days you need to show restraint, do not escalate the situation, take care of your reputation. Meanwhile, the first ten days is not a good time for large expenses and financial investments; there is a high risk of falling under the influence of scammers.

After the onset of the new moon, the affairs of typical Taurus will gradually go uphill, and by the middle of the month, representatives of the sign will be in excellent spirits and physical tone. This is an ideal moment for varied communication and business interaction. The stars promise you selfless support from friends or family; do not refuse the help offered.

The end of the period will be on the upswing. You can afford pleasant acquisitions, but you shouldn’t get too excited. Promising acquaintances are possible, some will find their soul mate.

The last decade is favorable personal growth, intellectual and spiritual activity. Don't waste time - learn new things and work on yourself.


Gemini, the stars warn: in last days May, be careful on the roads, watch your words and actions

According to the horoscope for May 2019, Gemini should slow down at the beginning of the month. The first ten days are favorable for a relaxed lifestyle and quality rest. Try to restore your physical strength and energy resources. If possible, refuse additional work responsibilities and take time off from household chores.

Meanwhile, the second ten days will be more productive and eventful. Typical representatives of your sign will feel an emotional uplift, and many will be visited by extraordinary ideas. At this time, your productivity will increase, you will crack everyday tasks like nuts. This is also an excellent moment for business trips and travel; the road will give you extremely positive impressions. The stars predict: now reading will become the optimal source of useful information, go for it!

The last ten days of May will be the most productive stage of the month. Careerists will be able to establish foreign connections, and unexpected prospects may open up in business. This is an ideal moment for intensive study and spiritual development.

At the very end, Gemini's creative potential will increase, you will find yourself in the center of attention. Loved ones and close people will become your support in all matters and endeavors. A important information will come into your hands.


Cancer, now in love you need to be careful: married people should watch their actions, otherwise you risk quarreling with your significant other for a long time; those who are not yet married can meet interesting personality, but there is a possibility that this person is driven by mercantile motives

As for Cancers, according to the horoscope for May 2019 significant events this period will not bring you any benefit. True, you shouldn’t relax completely, otherwise you’ll soon have to clear away the rubble both at work and in your personal life. Do not avoid your direct responsibilities, maintain internal discipline.

The middle of the month will be associated with the resolution of long-standing financial issues. At this time, unscheduled meetings and trips are likely, which promise you good results. But refrain from important financial manipulations so as not to fall for the bait of speculators.

The events of the third decade will be tied to the house of relatives. Typical Cancers will take care of solving some problems related to close relatives. And also many will take on the improvement of their apartment or dacha: purchases for these purposes will turn out to be profitable and successful, and the budget will quickly recover.

In the last days of spring, careerists can count on foreign business trips or support from foreign sponsors.


Leos, by the end of May many will feel a loss of strength, and the usual rest and sleep will not help. It is advisable to go on a short trip closer to nature, where no one will stop you from completely relaxing and gaining strength

The horoscope for Leo for May 2019 prophesies: in the first decade, fortune may turn away from representatives of the fire element. An exacerbation of chronic ailments is expected, and overall health may worsen. In addition, financial difficulties and failures in planned plans cannot be ruled out. The stars advise you to avoid risky actions in the field of career and business, and also to wait with important decisions on the love front.

The patient natures of your sign will be rewarded already in the middle of the month. The second ten-day period will bring success in your professional field, you will be able to strengthen your leadership position. This good time to take emergency training courses and replenish intellectual resources. By the 18th, the craving for physical activity And healthy image life, if you wish, you will quickly improve your health.

The end of spring may bring unusual acquaintances, which will ultimately become the key to your prospects. These days, Leos will achieve absolute harmony with their close circle, colleagues and business partners. Friendships will also be strengthened: do not refuse the sincere help of your comrades, then some of your grandiose plans will come true with lightning speed.


Virgo, you won’t have to worry about money in May: a stable financial situation awaits you, the main thing is to refrain from purchases that are completely unnecessary for you

The first days, as the horoscope for May 2019 indicates, will become an extremely apathetic and emotionally difficult stage for Virgos. Even the most familiar activities will put you in a depressive mood. But after the new moon phase, which falls on the 4th, you will be able to pull yourself together. By the end of this ten-day period, typical representatives of your symbol will entertain themselves with a valuable and long-awaited acquisition, and some will finally bring to mind issues related to real estate.

The beginning of the second decade is favorable for obtaining loans and installment plans, and the start of construction and repair work. Meanwhile, strengthening is expected in mid-May creative potential Virgo, which will contribute to greater productivity at work and in business. The stars promise you success in all areas of life, provided that you give your all.

In the end, some people of your symbol can count on making acquaintances and meeting like-minded people. And fortune will reward purposeful natures with career advancement, tempting offers in the field professional activities and increased income.

Meanwhile, the last days of spring promise lonely Virgos a fateful acquaintance with the opposite sex. Most likely, you will be similar and close to this person both spiritually and physically.


Libra, especially vulnerable in May nervous system and gastrointestinal tract, so it is important not to overwork and monitor your diet. Try switching to separate meals or go on a gentle diet limiting fatty and sweet foods

The first days of the month will be a very stressful period for Libra. The horoscope for May 2019 does not exclude the possibility of acute conflicts with friends, relatives and loved ones. At this time, it is worth monitoring your own emotions, otherwise serious strife and even breakups cannot be avoided.

After the new moon, which falls on May 4, the situation will begin to change in better side. Typical representatives air element will be able to restore relations with important people and make peace with the offenders. This is a favorable moment for strengthening family ties, and mutual understanding and tenderness will return to love unions.

The active and eventful stage will be mid-May. Libra will feel a surge of strength and will remain in in a great mood. Many will be able to overcome internal contradictions, which will have a positive impact on all areas of life.

Meanwhile, the third decade will make you worry again. Most likely, competitors or ill-wishers will become more active and try to provoke you into a conflict. The stars advise you to remain calm and cheerful. In the professional field, it is recommended to act quickly and confidently, then everything will work out in your favor.


Single Scorpios, don’t despair: a May acquaintance can happen under very interesting and unexpected circumstances, for example, in a stuck elevator

The horoscope for Scorpios for May 2019 predicts: the beginning of the period will be tense, your financial situation will be unstable, and your health may completely let you down. In addition, a flurry of official duties is expected under conditions of absolute time pressure. The stars suggest that you be patient and refrain from unreasonable expenses, try to look for a dust-free part-time job, additional income will not hurt now.

But the intermediate decade will be associated with gradual stabilization in all areas of Scorpio’s life. These days, your ideas and developments will finally begin to bear first fruit, and financial charges are possible. By the end of the second ten days, typical representatives of the sign can pamper themselves and their loved ones with pleasant little things.

The last decade is conducive to creative initiatives and self-education. Some will be able to make useful contacts that will contribute to success in business or career. At the end of May, spend time with your family and loved ones, don’t forget about your children and elderly relatives.

The end of spring can give Scorpios a joyful meeting with someone from the past. Perhaps you will see school friends or childhood friends.


Sagittarius, on the last weekend of May, be careful while driving, play it safe and follow all the necessary safety rules.

The beginning of the decade is unlikely to be successful for Sagittarius. The horoscope for May 2019 promises many minor conflicts in the family, with loved ones, neighbors and just acquaintances. And also this is not the right time for long trips. It’s important to keep your ears open until the 5th - negative impact from the outside can ruin your reputation. The last days of this ten-day period will bring understanding from your close circle and support from your allies, your self-esteem will noticeably increase.

The middle of the month will be the time for many acquaintances and meetings; typical Sagittarius will lead a public lifestyle. A special position in society can be achieved by polyglots, linguists, translators and simply individuals of your sign who speak various foreign languages on high level. This is a good time to attend social and cultural events.

The end of spring may not be as rosy as you had planned. The risks of major quarrels with your life partner increase, and friendly ties may be on the verge of breaking. The stars advise you not to make sudden conclusions and choose a wait-and-see approach.


Capricorns, at the end of spring you need to pay attention to the functioning of the liver - it is worth undergoing a full examination so that the potential disease does not take a chronic form

According to the horoscope for May 2019, the first few days of the month will be an incredibly troublesome time for Capricorns. Don’t even count on rest, because things will arise in front of you that require immediate attention. The stars do not advise carrying out large manipulations with finances at this time. After May 5, the tension will begin to subside, and you will be able to join the usual rhythm of life. Influential patrons will appear and unblurred prospects will open up; it seems that it is possible to draw up an action plan for the remaining period.

Meanwhile, the end of the first ten days is marked by amorous surprises: free Capricorns can count on a romantic acquaintance with a pleasant continuation.

In the middle of the month, good luck will accompany all representatives of the astrological circle. Typical Capricorns will achieve what they want in the professional field and in business. The most difficult issues will be resolved in short terms thanks to the support the right people. And family men will finally enjoy the tranquility of home.


Aquarius, at the end of May you may be inspired: you will want to make something with your own hands, for example, an exquisite culinary dish or a knitted toy... Don’t hold back your impulse, creativity can become a stable additional income

The first ten days promise all sorts of surprises for Aquarius: interesting meetings and acquaintances with like-minded people, material rewards at work, or unexpected profits from long-standing business projects. The main thing is not to relax, because from the 11th temporary difficulties on all fronts cannot be ruled out.

Mid-May will be mixed. Problems in the professional arena, force majeure on the road, negative trends in legal matters will be replaced by a white streak in the last days of the second decade, the accumulated troubles will quickly disappear without your active intervention. Romantic gifts and invitations to entertainment events are also likely.

The most productive stage will be the end of the month. The time has come for career advancement, development of business ideas, and strengthening of authority in business circles. Creative people will be able to realize their ideas.

At the end of spring, family Aquarians will be surrounded by care and attention, but disagreements may arise in newly formed unions.


Pisces, your health will not let you down in May. A runny nose due to hypothermia is the maximum that can happen

According to the horoscope for May 2019, the beginning of the period for Pisces will be very tense. Sharp corners will arise in almost all areas of life. On the personal front you will have to defend your rights, and on the professional path you will need determination and willpower.

The second ten days, on the contrary, will bring calm and harmony. Complete mutual understanding will reign in the romantic sphere and family, and the situation in business and career will stabilize. Careerists can go on a responsible business trip, which will bring positive results and pleasant emotions. Creative people will go shopping, meet like-minded people and probably enlist the support of a smart friend.

Some representatives of the sign will reveal themselves from a completely new side, and you yourself will be surprised by the abilities you didn’t even suspect about.

It is better to devote the beginning of the third decade to those closest and dearest. The arrival of relatives from afar is not excluded. And at the end of the month, typical Pisces are recommended to engage in self-improvement and information exchange.