Types of weapons and their names. All types of AK in different countries

It is generally accepted that the security and protection of citizens in the state is carried out by the police. But this does not mean that there is an armed law enforcement officer at every dark entrance, back alley, and private house. This is simply impossible.

And crime in our country can threaten the average citizen everywhere. In addition, criminal communities do not experience a shortage of firearms of criminal origin.

Against this background, the desire of law-abiding citizens to ensure their safety and the safety of their loved ones by any means (meaning only legal means) is quite understandable.

And there are not many of these ways. One of them is confronting a criminal armed with a firearm (usually a military weapon) with a legal firearm. The law prohibits ordinary citizens from owning a rifled “short-barreled” (pistol).

We will not discuss how right or wrong this is, or what projects are emerging to soften weapons legislation. This another story. The law is the law.

While it is in effect, any person (subject to certain conditions) can acquire several units of legal firearms and their analogues, produced specifically for the civilian population.

Of course, for example, it cannot be compared in effectiveness to any “ Tula Tokarev“, but still, an ordinary person with an injury in his bosom in an emergency situation will not meet an armed attacker with his bare hands.


All firearms Our legislation is divided into:

  • civilian samples;
  • service samples;
  • military hand weapon.

Combat pistols and machine guns are available only to such categories of citizens as military personnel, employees law enforcement agencies, representatives of other paramilitary state organizations (the weapons are in service with the special services). For this reason, we will not dwell on it in detail in this article, but will consider those types of firearms that are available to other broader categories of citizens.


The Makarov pistol is a prominent representative of service weapons

According to the law, service “firearms” are available to those officials who, by the nature of their activities, are obliged to protect the life and health of people, important objects, engage in environmental protection, and engage in collection.

Basic list of requirements:

  • should not fire in bursts;
  • visually detectable differences from combat samples small arms;
  • the magazine can hold a maximum of 10 rounds;
  • lead-filled bullets, hard metal cores are prohibited;
  • compliance with state standards of the Russian Federation.

They are produced in smooth-bore and rifled versions, with long and short barrels. Muzzle energy – maximum 300J. Private security companies can arm themselves.


Used by hunters, athletes, as a means of self-defense. The types of weapons that are allowed for civilian circulation on the territory of the state can be seen in special decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation.

These are the samples of Russian and foreign gunsmiths who received a certificate from the Russian Gosstandart.

The assortment of “civilian women” today is simply huge, and accordingly, the price for it can be different. There are also rare samples on sale, produced back in the 80-90s of the 19th century (for example, in the photo Webley Mars - “Desert Eagle” late XIX century).

Useful information: You can get comprehensive information about all types of modern and rare weapons on the Soldierweapons website. It can be called an encyclopedia, which presents the entire list of weapons.

Main types of civilian weapons:

  1. For self-defense:
  2. Sports in smooth-bore and rifled versions (small-caliber rifle, pistol or shotgun for clay pigeon shooting);

  3. Hunting is produced in smooth-bore, rifled or combined versions; among rifled ones, Russian “civilized” (a new invention of Russian gunsmiths, when a pin is driven into the barrel of a combat machine gun, a bayonet lug is sawed off, etc.), military weapons from the Second World War, inexpensive samples are in great demand foreign manufacturers, certified by government agencies of the Russian Federation;

  4. (rocket launchers), its device is simple, its purpose is to send a signal.

On store shelves are modern examples of Russian and Russian hunting weapons. foreign production with unpronounceable names coexist today with “fenced” military weapons.

For example, the first thing that comes to mind is the Kalashnikov assault rifle - real symbol of a bygone era! Any citizen who has permission to purchase a rifle can become its owner (though without a bayonet and with a smaller-capacity magazine).

Look interesting video TOP 10 about the most unusual species weapons in the world:

Small arms - This is a barrel weapon for firing bullets or other destructive elements. Currently there is next classification:
by caliber - small (6.5 mm), normal (6.5-9.0 mm) and large (9.0-14.5 mm);
by purpose - combat, sighting, training, sports and hunting;
according to the method of control and holding - revolvers, pistols, submachine guns, machine guns, rifles, carbines, machine guns and grenade launchers;
according to the source of the damaging element - firearm, pneumatic;
by method of use - manual, held directly by the shooter when shooting, and easel, used from a special machine or installation;
according to the method of service in battle - individual and group;
according to the degree of automation - non-automatic, self-loading and automatic;
by the number of trunks - single-, double- and multi-trunk;
according to the barrel design - rifled and smoothbore.
The classification according to the method of control and holding is of greatest interest, since it determines the actual types of firearms.

Revolver (from the English gevolve - to rotate) is a personal multi-shot non-automatic small arms with a rotating drum, designed to defeat the enemy at a distance of up to 100 m.
The appearance of revolvers dates back to the 16th century. Widespread since the 30s. XIX century With the appearance in the first half of the 20th century. self-loading pistols, revolvers gradually lost their importance and were withdrawn from armaments. However, due to its high reliability and constant readiness For use in the police, special forces, and also for sports shooting, revolvers are still used to this day. The caliber of combat revolvers is 7.62-11.56 mm, weight - 0.7-1.3 kg, drum capacity 5-7 rounds, rate of fire 6-7 shots in 15-20 seconds.

Gun is a personal firearm designed to defeat the enemy at a distance of up to 50-70 m (some samples - up to 200 m). Modern pistols are usually self-loading. Some samples can fire automatically. To increase stability when shooting, such models have an attached shoulder rest, and are also adapted for attaching a rigid (wooden or plastic) butt holster or are equipped with an additional folding handle.

Submachine gun - This is an individual automatic firearm designed for a pistol cartridge. It combines the portability of a pistol with the continuous fire of a machine gun. The first example of a submachine gun was created by the Italian A. Revelli in 1915. Wide Application they received during the Second World War. Currently in service special units, Ministry of Internal Affairs, police, airborne troops, crews of combat vehicles, etc.

Machine (from the Greek automatos - self-acting, the term "automatic" is used only in Russia; in other countries, weapons of this class are called automatic rifles or automatic carbines.) - this is an individual automatic small weapon designed to defeat enemy personnel. The assault rifle was first created in Russia in 1916 by V. G. Fedorov, chambered for a 6.5 mm Japanese rifle cartridge. The assault rifles are designed for a cartridge that occupies an intermediate position between a pistol and rifle cartridge, as well as for a low-impulse small-caliber cartridge.

Rifle - This is an individual small weapon with a screw thread in the barrel, designed to defeat the enemy with fire, a bayonet and a butt. The first examples of weapons with screw threads in the barrel appeared at the beginning of the 16th century. In Russia they were called screw arquebuses (until the 18th century), later screw guns, fittings, and since 1856 - rifles. After the Second World War, automatic rifles and carbines were mainly used. There are also sniper and sporting rifles. The automatic rifle provides for both automatic fire and single fire. Compared to a non-automatic (magazine) weapon, it has a higher rate of fire, provides less fatigue to the shooter and makes it easier to observe targets. The first project of such a weapon was proposed in 1863 by the American R. Pilon. In Russia, the first automatic rifle was created by D. A. Rudnitsky in 1886. Automatic rifles chambered for a small-caliber low-pulse cartridge have a mass of 3.0-3.9 kg, a rate of fire of 650 rpm (rounds per minute), a combat rate of fire of 30-200 V/m, magazine capacity 20-50 rounds, sighting range 300-800 m. Normal caliber rifles use a more powerful cartridge, they are 1-2 kg heavier and less accurate at automatic shooting. A self-loading rifle fires only single shots. It has a mass of 4-4.5 kg, a combat rate of fire of 30-60 v/m, a magazine capacity of 10-20 rounds, and an effective firing range of 500-1300 m.

Sniper rifles designed for high-precision shooting at the most important single targets using optical sight. When shooting at night, use a night sight or illuminated reticle of an optical sight. Sniper rifles can be non-automatic, magazine or self-loading. As a rule, special sniper cartridges with improved ballistics are used for shooting.

Carbine (from the French sagabine) is a lightweight and shortened rifle (gun). It was used to arm mainly cavalry and artillery personnel. It first appeared in the 14th century. There are smooth-bore and rifled carbines, repeating and automatic. Their weight is 2.5-3.5 kg, combat rate of fire is 10-40 v/m, magazine capacity is 5-10 rounds, sighting range shooting -1000 m.
Structurally, machine guns, automatic rifles and carbines are made according to classic scheme and according to the bullpup scheme. Weapons made using the bullpup design do not have a stock as a separate part. The butt plate is located on the rear of the receiver. The fire control handle is located in front of the magazine. This design makes it possible to reduce the size of the weapon with the same barrel length. Due to the fact that the axis of the barrel bore passes through the weapon's fulcrum (the shooter's shoulder), when firing, the recoil shoulder characteristic of weapons with a classical layout is eliminated. This eliminates the prerequisites for the weapon to “jump” when fired and increases the accuracy of fire. Reducing the size of a weapon makes it easier to transport and allows it to operate successfully in confined spaces (in a combat vehicle, in buildings, trenches, etc.).

Machine gun - this is an automatic small weapon for firing from a special support (machine, bipod), designed to hit ground, air and surface targets with bullets. The first machine gun was invented in 1883 by the American H. S. Maxim. to his appearance it resembled an artillery piece. The cartridges were fed using a canvas tape. To cool the barrel, water was used, poured into the casing, inside which the barrel was located. The machine gun was first used in combat in the Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902, where it showed fairly high combat effectiveness. At the beginning of the 20th century. light machine guns appeared, and in 1918 - large-caliber ones. Heavy and light machine guns were widely used during the First and Second World Wars. After the Second World War, new machine guns with high combat characteristics entered service with armies. Action of automation of the majority modern machine guns based on the use of recoil energy from the barrel or the removal of powder gases through a hole in the barrel wall. The cartridges are fed from a belt or magazine. Firing can be carried out in short (up to 10 shots), long (up to 30 shots) bursts and continuously. The barrel is usually cooled by air. The survivability of some machine guns is ensured by replacing the heated barrel during firing with a spare one included in the kit. Depending on the method (place) of use, design and purpose, machine guns are divided into hand-held (bipod-mounted), mounted, large-caliber infantry, anti-aircraft, tank, armored personnel carrier, casemate, ship and aircraft. They are usually used as anti-aircraft, tank, armored personnel carriers and ships. infantry machine guns, adapted to operating and installation conditions. Currently widespread received so-called single machine guns, which have a wide range of tactical applications.

Single machine gun allows you to fire both from a bipod and from a machine gun. It is in service with motorized rifle (infantry, motorized infantry) platoons and companies. Single machine gun caliber 6.5-8 mm, weight 9-15 kg (17-27 kg with machine gun), rate of fire 500-1300 v/m, combat rate of fire 100-300 v/m, belt capacity 50-250 rounds, sighting range 1000-2000 m.

Heavy machine guns used to destroy air and lightly armored ground and sea targets. They are in service with motorized rifle (infantry, motorized infantry) units. In addition, they can be installed on tanks, armored personnel carriers, airplanes, helicopters and ships. Their caliber is 9-14.5 mm, weight 28-50 kg, rate of fire 400-600 v/m, combat rate of fire 100-150 v/m, effective firing range up to 2000 m. Large-caliber machine guns used as anti-aircraft guns are used with universal machines or installations (anti-aircraft, turret), providing large elevation angles (up to 90 degrees) and all-round fire, using anti-aircraft sights (forward and collimator) for aiming.

Shooting from light machine guns conducted from a bipod and with the butt resting on the shoulder. Serviced by one or two people (gunner and his assistant). The caliber of light machine guns is 5.45-8 mm, weight 5-10 kg, rate of fire 600-750 v/m, combat rate of fire 150-250 v/m, sighting range 1000-1500 m.

Heavy machine guns They are group weapons and can be disassembled into several parts when carried. To ensure stability, ease of aiming and high accuracy of shooting at ground and air targets, they are installed on a special machine (wheeled or tripod). Belt feeding, massive barrels, their cooling or replacement make it possible to obtain a high combat rate of fire (250-300 vol. m) and conduct continuous intensive shooting (up to 500 shots) without changing the barrel to the actual fire range (up to 1000 m). Caliber heavy machine guns 6.5-8 mm, weight up to 15-20 kg (up to 46-65 kg with a machine), rate of fire 500-700 v/m, sighting range up to 3000 m.

Grenade launcher - These are primarily portable firearms designed to destroy armored targets, manpower and military equipment grenade.
Grenade launchers are divided into:
according to the operating principle - dynamo-reactive, active, reactive and active-reactive;
by frequency of use - single-use or multiple-use;

by design - hand-held, rifle (gun), under-barrel, easel (single or automatic fire), etc.;
by purpose - anti-personnel and anti-tank;
according to the barrel design - smooth-bore and rifled, with one-piece and folding barrels.
The first examples of hand grenade launchers appeared during the Second World War: the “Bazooka” (60-mm grenade launcher) in the USA, model 1942, and the “Faustpatron” (disposable grenade launcher) in Germany, model 1943.

Rifle grenade launchers are small arms (rifle, machine gun), adapted for firing rifle grenades using the energy of a blank or live cartridge. Initially, a special mortar mounted on the barrel of a weapon was used to shoot a grenade. In the post-war years, mortarless rifle grenades, mounted on the barrel of a weapon, became widespread. Effective firing range - 100 m.

Underbarrel grenade launchers - portable shooting devices attached to a rifle or machine gun, designed to throw grenades. The shots used for firing from under-barrel grenade launchers are unitary ammunition that combines a grenade, a powder propellant charge, an igniter primer and a cartridge case. Underbarrel grenade launchers first appeared in the United States in the mid-60s. They were successfully tested in the Vietnam War and were adopted by the armies of many countries. Effective fire range up to 400 m.

Hand grenade launcher Designed for hand-held or bipod shooting. It consists of a barrel with a sight and a firing mechanism. The caliber of hand grenade launchers is 30-112 mm. Effective firing range up to 500 m.

Easel grenade launcher adapted for shooting from a special wheeled or tripod machine.

Single shot grenade launcher consists of a barrel with a sight, a firing mechanism and a machine. Its caliber is 40-90 mm. Effective firing range up to 1000 m.

Automatic mounted grenade launcher designed to destroy enemy personnel and unarmored weapons with a fragmentation grenade. Caliber 30-40 mm, rate of fire about 350 v/m, combat rate of fire 100 v/m, firing range up to 2000 m. Firing can be carried out from a machine or from special tank, armored personnel carrier, helicopter, and ship installations.
In a dynamo-reactive (recoilless) grenade launcher, the initial speed of the grenade is imparted by the energy of the powder gases formed during the combustion of the starting charge in the barrel, and recoillessness is ensured by the reactive force arising from the outflow of powder gases through the open breech of the barrel.
In a rocket-propelled grenade launcher, when fired, the rocket-propelled grenade develops an initial speed in the barrel and then along the flight path due to the operation of its jet engine.
In active-reactive grenade launchers, the initial speed of the grenade is imparted by the starting charge, which burns in the barrel, which is closed from the breech with a bolt.

Weapons have now become technically very complex. Today, weapons are used mainly by the army, as well as the police. The use and even storage of weapons by citizens is strictly controlled by law. As for what kind of weapons there are, we note that there are several classifications: by purpose, by the category of persons using them, by the principle of destructive action, by mobility. And we’ll talk about what kind of weapons there are, based on the above criteria. Let's start with the most typical classification.

Classification of weapons by purpose

Weapons are divided into:

  • firearms
  • bladed weapon
  • traumatic weapon
  • air gun
  • incendiary weapon
  • throwing weapon
  • rocket weapons
  • torpedo weapon
  • artillery weapons
  • nuclear weapons
  • weapons of mass destruction
  • biological weapons
  • chemical weapons
  • unconventional, based on new achievements in physics. And here we will dwell on this in more detail.

New types of weapons that have appeared relatively recently are the following:

  • genetic weapon
  • infrasonic weapons
  • geophysical weapon
  • climate weapon
  • non-lethal weapon
  • laser weapon
  • ozone weapon
  • psychotronic weapon
  • plasma weapon
  • radiological weapons
  • accelerator weapon
  • ultra high frequency weapon
  • electromagnetic weapons.

Well, now, having considered modern views weapons by type, let's move on to classification by categories of people using weapons. Here any weapon is divided into:

  • combat - used to defeat the enemy during attack and defense;
  • service weapon - used by government employees. bodies and those employees who are permitted by law to carry, store and use weapons. Compared to military weapons, service weapons have a limited firing range and lethality. However, storage of such weapons requires special permits.
  • civilian - intended for self-defense, hunting and sports. Civilian weapons excludes firing in bursts and has a drum or magazine capacity of no more than 10 rounds. Civilian weapons, in turn, are divided into:
  • sports;
  • signaling - used to provide light, sound and smoke signals;
  • hunting;
  • cold blade - for wearing with national costumes and Cossack uniforms;
  • collectible.

According to the principle of destructive action

  • cold - used to hit targets by direct contact with them;
  • firearms - to hit targets at a distance;
  • pneumatic - for hitting targets at a distance, has a reduced damaging effect;
  • gas - used to temporarily defeat a target at a distance with tear or other irritating substances;
  • throwing - to hit targets at a distance using muscular force used when throwing;
  • incendiary;
  • rocket;
  • mines and torpedoes.

Finally, according to mobility, weapons are divided into:

  • small arms
  • towed
  • transportable
  • movable
  • self-propelled
  • stationary

Types of bladed weapons

The last classification we will talk about today is various types edged weapons. Very, very many people are interested in edged weapons, some even collect them. So, what kind of edged weapons are:

  • According to the purpose of use, edged weapons are divided, like all other types, into military, service and civilian.
  • According to the manufacturing method: factory-made (factory-made), home-made - made by master gunsmiths, artisanal - made without complying with any standards (prohibited weapons), converted - made in several ways.
  • Based on the place of manufacture, edged weapons are divided into domestic and foreign production.
  • According to standards, edged weapons can be standard and non-standard
  • According to the principle of action, edged weapons are divided into:
    • chopping (sabers and swords);
    • piercing (rapier, pike, dirk, bayonet, stiletto);
    • piercing-cutting (broadsword, scimitar);
    • piercing-cutting (knife, dagger, sword, bayonet);
    • shock-crushing (club, club, brass knuckles, flail);
    • throwing (dart, spear, shuriken);
    • combined action.

Also, edged weapons are divided according to their design into bladed and non-bladed. Bladed edged weapons, based on the design of the blade itself, are divided, in turn, into single-edged and double-edged. As for individual types of bladed weapons, it is worth noting that there are a great variety of them. Hunting weapons include such types as a knife, a dagger, a stiletto, a cleaver, a spear and a spear. Sports edged weapons: rapier, epee, saber, swords, spear, hammer. As for military weapons, then within the framework of this article it is simply not possible to even list all its types.

1. Basic concepts,
applied in this Federal Law
For the purposes of this Federal Law, the following basic concepts are applied: weapons - devices and objects structurally designed to hit a living or other target, to send signals; firearms - a weapon designed to mechanically hit a target at a distance with a projectile that receives directional movement due to the energy of a powder or other charge; the main parts of a firearm - barrel, bolt, drum, frame, receiver; edged weapon - a weapon designed to hit a target using human muscle power in direct contact with the target; throwing weapon - a weapon designed to hit a target at a distance with a projectile that receives directed movement using the muscular power of a person or a mechanical device; pneumatic weapon - a weapon designed to hit a target at a distance with a projectile that receives directional movement due to the energy of compressed, liquefied or solidified gas; gas weapon - a weapon designed to temporarily kill a living target by using tear or irritant substances; ammunition - weapons and projectile equipment intended to hit a target and containing explosive, propelling, pyrotechnic or expelling charges or a combination thereof; cartridge - a device intended for firing from a weapon, combining into one unit with the help of a cartridge case the means of initiation, the propellant charge and the projectile equipment; signal weapon - a weapon that is structurally intended only for delivering light, smoke or sound signals; trafficking in weapons and main parts of firearms (hereinafter referred to as weapons)
– production of weapons, trade in weapons, sale, transfer, acquisition, collecting, exhibiting, accounting, storage, carrying, transportation, transportation, use, seizure, destruction, import of weapons into the territory Russian Federation and its removal from the Russian Federation; production of weapons - research, development, testing and production, as well as artistic finishing and repair of weapons, production of ammunition, cartridges and their components.
Weapons do not include products certified as household and industrial products, sports equipment that is structurally similar to weapons (hereinafter referred to as products structurally similar to weapons).
2. Types of weapons
Detailed description weapons and ammunition are given in specialized literature and in the relevant reference books.
According to their intended purpose, handguns are usually divided into three types:
1. combat - machine guns, rifles, carbines, pistols, revolvers;
2. sports – small-caliber rifles, sports pistols;
3. hunting - smoothbore.
In forensic investigative practice, in addition, there are pneumatic weapons (sports pistols and rifles, the bullet in which is ejected with compressed air), homemade (homemade) or converted
(cuts). Sometimes there are also atypical weapons, i.e. made, for example, in the form of a writing pen or in other forms.
According to the length of the barrel, weapons are distinguished: short-barreled (50-200 mm), medium length barrel (200-300 mm) and long-barreled (450-850 mm). According to the design of the barrel, the weapon can be rifled, smooth-bore or combined. Important for forensic purposes is the classification of weapons according to the design of the combat mechanism. On this basis, it is divided into non-automatic, for example, a rifle of the 1892/1930 model; automatic (self-loading), for example, a TT pistol; automatic
(self-fired), for example, PPS, PPSh, etc.
Rifled and smooth-bore weapons are also distinguished by their caliber, i.e. along the internal diameter of the bore. IN rifled weapon caliber is indicated in millimeters and expresses the distance between opposite fields of rifling. The most common weapon is 5.6 caliber; 6.35; 7.62;
9.00 mm.
The caliber of smoothbore guns is indicated by the numbers 12,16, 20, etc.
According to the Federal Law “On Weapons”, there is the following classification of weapons.
Weapons, depending on the purposes of their use by the relevant entities, as well as according to their main parameters and characteristics, are divided into:
1. civil;
2. official;
3. combat hand rifle and cold.
2.1. Civilian weapons
Civilian weapons include weapons intended for use by citizens of the Russian Federation for self-defense, for sports and hunting. Civilian firearms must exclude burst fire and have a magazine (drum) capacity of no more than 10 rounds.
Civilian weapons are divided into:
1. self-defense weapons: smooth-bore long-barreled firearms, including those with cartridges traumatic effect, corresponding to the standards of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; domestically produced barrelless firearms with traumatic, gas and light-sound cartridges that comply with the standards of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; gas weapon: gas pistols and revolvers, including cartridges for them, mechanical sprayers, aerosol and other devices filled with tear or irritant substances approved for use
Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; electroshock devices and spark gaps of domestic production, having output parameters that meet the requirements of state standards of the Russian Federation and the norms of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
2. sporting weapons: firearms with a rifled barrel; smoothbore firearm; cold blade; throwing; pneumatic with muzzle energy over 3 J;
3. hunting weapons: firearms with a rifled barrel; smooth-bore firearms, including those with a rifled part length not exceeding 140 mm; combined firearms (rifled and smooth-bore), including those with interchangeable and inserted rifled barrels; pneumatic with muzzle energy no more than 25 J; cold blade;
4. signal weapon;
5. bladed weapons intended to be worn with a Cossack uniform, as well as with the national costumes of the peoples of the Russian Federation, the attributes of which are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
2.2. Service weapon
Service weapons include weapons intended for use by officials government bodies and employees of legal entities who are permitted by the legislation of the Russian Federation to carry, store and use these weapons for the purposes of self-defense or to use the responsibilities assigned to them by federal law to protect the life and health of citizens, property, nature protection and natural resources, valuable and dangerous goods, special correspondence.
Enterprises and organizations for which the legislation of the Russian
Federations are entrusted with functions related to the use and use of service weapons; they are legal entities with special statutory tasks (hereinafter referred to as legal entities with special statutory tasks).
Service weapons include domestically produced smooth-bore and rifled short-barreled weapons with a muzzle energy of no more than 300 J, as well as long-barreled smooth-bore weapons.
Service weapons must exclude firing in bursts; rifled service weapons must differ from military hand-held small arms in the types and sizes of the cartridge, and from civilian ones in the formation of marks on the bullet and cartridge case. The capacity of the magazine (drum) of a service weapon must be no more than 10 rounds. Bullets of cartridges for smooth-bore and rifled short-barreled weapons cannot have cores made of hard materials. Cartridges for service weapons must comply with the requirements of state standards of the Russian Federation.
2.3. Combat hand-held small arms and edged weapons
Combat hand-held small arms and edged weapons include weapons designed to solve combat and operational-service tasks, adopted in accordance with regulatory standards legal acts Government of the Russian
Federation into service with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation,
Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation, Federal service security of the Russian Federation,
Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation, Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation
Federation, Special Objects Service under the President of the Russian Federation,
State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation, Federal Tax Police Service of the Russian Federation, Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation
Federation, Federal Service of Railway Troops of the Russian Federation, troops civil defense, Federal agency government communications and information under the President of the Russian Federation, the State Courier Service under the Government of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as state paramilitary organizations), as well as manufactured for delivery to other states in the manner established by the Government
Russian Federation.
Samples of military small arms and ammunition for them, the design parameters of which relative to analogues already adopted for service do not increase their destructive power, as well as edged weapons, are accepted for service by the heads of state paramilitary organizations in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
The procedure for the circulation of military hand-held small arms and other weapons, ammunition and cartridges for them, as well as bladed weapons in state paramilitary organizations is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
3. Restrictions established on the circulation of civilian and service weapons
The following are prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation:
1. circulation as civilian and service weapons: long-barreled firearms with a magazine (drum) capacity of more than 10 rounds, having a barrel length or a barrel length with a receiver of less than 500 mm and a total length of the weapon of less than 800 mm, and also having a design that allows make its length less than 800 mm without losing the ability to fire a shot; firearms that have a shape that imitates other objects; firearms smoothbore weapons, manufactured for cartridges for firearms with a rifled barrel; flails, brass knuckles, shurikens, boomerangs and other items specially adapted for use as weapons with impact, crushing and throwing effects, with the exception of sports equipment; cartridges with armor-piercing, incendiary, explosive or tracer bullets, as well as cartridges with shot shells for gas pistols and revolvers; weapons and other objects, the destructive effect of which is based on the use radioactive radiation And biological factors; gas weapons equipped with nerve agents, poisons, and other substances not permitted for use by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, gas weapons capable of causing moderate harm to the health of a person located at a distance of more than one meter; weapons and ammunition for them, having technical specifications that do not meet the forensic requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Russian Federation, agreed with State Committee Russian
Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification; firearms without a barrel for self-defense, electroshock devices and spark gaps having output parameters exceeding the values ​​​​established by state standards of the Russian Federation and corresponding to the norms of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, as well as these types of weapons produced outside the territory
Russian Federation; bladed weapons and knives, the blades and blades of which are either automatically removed

Types of weapons and their main characteristics.
Weapons, depending on the purposes of their use by the relevant entities, as well as according to their main parameters and characteristics, are divided into:
1) civil;
2) official;
3) combat hand-held rifle and cold.
At the same time, it must be borne in mind that only those weapons that are manufactured in a factory by a manufacturer licensed to produce weapons can be considered civilian and service weapons.
Civilian weapons
Civilian weapons include weapons intended for use by citizens of the Russian Federation for self-defense, for sports and hunting. Civilian firearms must exclude burst fire and have a magazine (drum) capacity of no more than 10 rounds.
Civilian weapons should be purchased by citizens only in specialized stores that have a license to sell weapons. It can also be purchased from other citizens if these citizens previously purchased it in a specialized store. This rule due to the fact that gun stores will not sell homemade weapons or weapons whose output parameters exceed those established by various rules and instructions. For example: there is no hunting equipment on sale air guns with muzzle energy more than 25 J.
Civilian weapons are divided into:
1) self-defense weapon. This type of weapon includes:
- smooth-bore long-barreled firearms, including those with traumatic cartridges that comply with the standards of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
- domestically produced barrelless firearms with traumatic, gas and light-sound cartridges that comply with the standards of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
- gas weapons: gas pistols and revolvers, including cartridges for them, mechanical sprayers, aerosol and other devices filled with tear or irritant substances approved for use by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
- electroshock devices and spark gaps of domestic production, having output parameters that meet the requirements of state standards of the Russian Federation and the norms of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
2) sporting weapons. This type of weapon includes:

smoothbore firearm;
cold blade;
pneumatic with muzzle energy over 3 J;
3) hunting weapons. This type of weapon includes:
firearm with a rifled barrel;
smooth-bore firearms, including those with a rifled part length not exceeding 140 mm; combined firearms (rifled and smooth-bore), including those with interchangeable and inserted rifled barrels;
pneumatic with muzzle energy no more than 25 J;
cold blade;
4) signal weapons;
5) edged bladed weapons intended to be worn with a Cossack uniform, as well as with the national costumes of the peoples of the Russian Federation, the attributes of which are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. In particular, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 3, 2001 N 648 “On edged bladed weapons intended to be worn with a Cossack uniform” approved the Rules for recording and carrying edged bladed weapons intended to be worn with a Cossack uniform; and A list of types and descriptions of models of edged bladed weapons intended to be worn with a Cossack uniform. So, according to the above regulations, carry a bladed weapon, which includes the Cossack saber (blade length up to 815 mm, width up to 32 mm, wooden handle), Caucasian Cossack saber (blade length up to 795 mm, width up to 35 mm, with a handle made of bone plates) and a dagger (blade length up to 350 mm, width up to 40 mm) can only be carried out by members of Cossack societies. Accordingly, in order to wear bladed weapons, which are an attribute of any national costume, you must first belong to that nationality.
Service weapon
Service weapons include weapons intended for use by officials of government bodies and employees of legal entities who are permitted by the legislation of the Russian Federation to carry, store and use said weapons for the purposes of self-defense or to fulfill the duties assigned to them by federal law to protect the life and health of citizens, property, protection of nature and natural resources, valuable and dangerous goods, special correspondence.
Such officials include employees of the police, private security companies, federal postal services, paramilitary organizations (Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation, Foreign Intelligence Service Russian Federation, Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Special Objects Service under the President of the Russian Federation, Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control, State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation, Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, Federal Railway Service of the Russian Federation, Civil Defense Troops, Federal Agency government communications and information under the President of the Russian Federation and the State Courier Service of the Russian Federation), bailiffs supporting the activities of courts and judges, judges, and many others.
The right to carry and store service weapons specified officials and employees of legal entities have by virtue of federal laws, for example: Law of the Russian Federation of March 11, 1992 N 2487-I “On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation” (as amended on March 21, 2002, January 10, 2003 , June 6, 2005), Federal law dated February 10, 1999 N 31-FZ “On introducing amendments and additions to the Federal Law “On the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation” (as amended on August 22, 2004), Law of the Russian Federation dated April 18, 1991 N 1026-I “On police" (as amended and supplemented on February 18, July 1, 1993, June 15, 1996, March 31, December 6, 1999, July 25, November 7, December 29, 2000, July 26, 4 August, December 30, 2001, April 25, June 30, July 25, 2002, January 10, June 30, July 7, 8, December 23, 2003, July 20, August 22, 2004, March 21, 1 April, May 9, 2005), Federal Law of July 17, 1999 N 176-FZ “On Postal Services” (as amended and supplemented on July 7, 2003) and other laws, the list of which is very wide.
Enterprises and organizations entrusted by the legislation of the Russian Federation with functions related to the use and use of service weapons are legal entities with special statutory tasks (hereinafter referred to as legal entities with special statutory tasks).
Service weapons include domestically produced smooth-bore and rifled short-barreled weapons with a muzzle energy of no more than 300 J, as well as long-barreled smooth-bore weapons.
Service weapons must exclude firing in bursts; rifled service weapons must differ from military hand-held small arms in the types and sizes of the cartridge, and from civilian ones in the formation of marks on the bullet and cartridge case. The capacity of the magazine (drum) of a service weapon must be no more than 10 rounds. Bullets of cartridges for smooth-bore and rifled short-barreled weapons cannot have cores made of hard materials. Cartridges for service weapons must comply with the requirements of state standards of the Russian Federation.
Combat hand-held small arms and edged weapons
Combat hand-held small arms and edged weapons include weapons designed to solve combat and operational-service tasks, adopted in accordance with regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation for the arsenal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, the Federal Service Security of the Russian Federation, Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation, Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Federal Special Construction Service of the Russian Federation, Special Objects Service under the President of the Russian Federation, Federal Tax Police Service of the Russian Federation, State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation, the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, the Federal Railway Service of the Russian Federation, civil defense troops, the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation, the State Courier Service of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as state paramilitary organizations), as well as manufactured for supplies to other states in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Samples of military hand-held small arms and cartridges for them, the design parameters of which relative to analogues already adopted for service do not increase their destructive power, as well as edged weapons, are accepted for service by the heads of state paramilitary organizations in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
The procedure for the circulation of military hand-held small arms and other weapons, ammunition and cartridges for them, as well as bladed weapons in state paramilitary organizations is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. (The rules for the circulation of military hand-held small arms and other weapons, ammunition and cartridges for them, as well as bladed weapons in state paramilitary organizations were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 15, 1997 N 1314).