As a result of the summit, the SCO gained two more nuclear powers.

is a permanent intergovernmental international organization founded by the leaders of Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. On June 9, 2017, the leaders of the SCO member states announced the admission of India and Pakistan to the organization.

In June 2002, at the St. Petersburg summit of the heads of state of the SCO, the Charter of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization was signed, which entered into force on September 19, 2003. This is the basic statutory document that sets out the goals and principles of the Organization, its structure and main areas of activity.

An important step in strengthening the legal framework of the association was the signing in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) in August 2007 of the Agreement on Long-Term Good Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation.

In 2006, the organization announced plans to combat the international drug mafia as the financial support of terrorism in the world, in 2008 - active participation in normalizing the situation in Afghanistan.

In parallel, the activities of the SCO have also acquired a broad economic focus. In September 2003, the heads of government of the SCO member countries signed the Multilateral Trade and Trade Program economic cooperation, designed for 20 years. The long-term goal is to create a free trade zone in the SCO space, and in the short term - to intensify the process of creating favorable conditions in the field of trade and investment.

The highest decision-making body in the SCO is the Council of Heads of Member States (CHS). It determines priorities and develops the main directions of the Organization’s activities, resolves fundamental issues of its internal structure and functioning, interaction with other states and international organizations, and also considers the most pressing international problems.

The Council meets for regular meetings once a year. The meeting of the Council of Heads of State is chaired by the head of state organizing the next meeting. The location of the next meeting of the Council is determined, as a rule, in the order of the Russian alphabet of the names of the SCO member states.

The Council of Heads of Government (CHG) adopts the Organization's budget, considers and resolves major issues related to specific, especially economic, areas of development of interaction within the Organization.

The Council meets for regular meetings once a year. The meeting of the Council is chaired by the head of government (prime minister) of the state in whose territory the meeting is being held. The location of the next meeting of the Council is determined by prior agreement of the heads of government (prime ministers) of the member states.

In addition to the meetings of the CHS and the CST, there is also a mechanism for meetings at the level of heads of parliaments, secretaries of security councils, ministers of foreign affairs, defense, emergency situations, economy, transport, culture, education, healthcare, heads of law enforcement agencies, supreme and arbitration courts, prosecutors general. The coordination mechanism within the SCO is the Council of National Coordinators of the SCO Member States (SNK).

Two non-governmental structures also operate within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization: the SCO Business Council and the SCO Interbank Association.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization or SCO is a Eurasian political, economic and military organization that was founded in 2001 in Shanghai by the leaders of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. With the exception of Uzbekistan, the remaining countries were members of the Shanghai Five, founded in 1996; After the inclusion of Uzbekistan in 2001, member countries renamed the organization.

The Shanghai Five was originally created on April 26, 1996 with the signing of the Treaty on Deepening Military Confidence in Border Areas in Shanghai by the heads of state of Kazakhstan, the People's Republic of China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan. On April 24, 1997, the same countries signed the Treaty on the Reduction of Armed Forces in the Border Area at a meeting in Moscow.

Subsequent annual summits of the Shanghai Five group were held in Almaty (Kazakhstan) in 1998, in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) in 1999 and in Dushanbe (Tajikistan) in 2000.

In 2001, the annual summit returned to Shanghai, China. There, the member countries of the five accepted Uzbekistan into the Shanghai Five (thus turning it into the Shanghai Six). Then all six heads of state signed the Declaration on the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on June 15, 2001, noting the positive role of the Shanghai Five and seeking to move it to a higher level of cooperation. On July 16, 2001, Russia and China, the two leading countries of this organization, signed the Treaty of Good Neighbourliness, Friendship and Cooperation.

In June 2002, the heads of SCO member states met in St. Petersburg, Russia. There they signed the SCO Charter, which contained the organization's goals, principles, structure and form of work, and officially approved it from the point of view of international law.

The six full members of the SCO account for 60% of Eurasia's landmass, and its population accounts for a quarter of the world's population. Taking into account observer states, the population of the SCO countries is half the world's population.

In July 2005, at the fifth summit in Astana, Kazakhstan, with representatives from India, Iran, Mongolia and Pakistan attending the SCO summit for the first time, host country President Nursultan Nazarbayev greeted guests with words that had never before been used in any context: "Leaders of States ", sitting at this negotiating table are representatives of half of humanity."

By 2007, the SCO had initiated more than twenty large-scale projects related to transport, energy and telecommunications and held regular meetings on security, military affairs, defense, foreign affairs, economics, culture, banking issues and other issues that were raised officials member states.

The SCO has established relations with the United Nations, where it is an observer in the General Assembly, the European Union, the Association of States Southeast Asia(ASEAN), in the Commonwealth Independent States and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

SCO structure

The Council of Heads of State is the highest decision-making body within the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. This council meets at SCO summits, which are held every year in one of the capital cities of the member states. The current Council of Heads of State consists of the following members: Almazbek Atambayev (Kyrgyzstan), Xi Jinping (China), Islam Karimov (Uzbekistan), Nursultan Nazarbayev (Kazakhstan), Vladimir Putin (Russia), Emomali Rahmon (Tajikistan).

The Council of Heads of Government is the second most important body in the SCO. This council also holds annual summits where its members discuss issues of multilateral cooperation. The council also approves the organization's budget. The Council of Foreign Ministers also hold regular meetings at which they discuss the current international situation and the interaction of the SCO with other international organizations.

The Council of National Coordinators, as its name suggests, coordinates multilateral cooperation among member states within the framework of the SCO charter.

The SCO Secretariat is the main executive body of the organization. It serves to implement organizational decisions and decrees, prepare draft documents (for example, declarations and programs), has the functions of a documentary depository for the organization, organizes specific events within the SCO, and promotes and disseminates information about the SCO. It is located in Beijing. The current SCO Secretary General is Muratbek Imanaliev from Kyrgyzstan, former Kyrgyz Foreign Minister and professor at the American University in Central Asia.

The Regional Anti-Terrorism Structure (RATS), headquartered in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, is a permanent body of the SCO that serves to develop cooperation between member states in relation to the three evils of terrorism, separatism and extremism. The head of RATS is elected for a term of three years. Each Member State also sends permanent representative RATS.

Cooperation between SCO countries in the field of security

The activities of the Shanghai Security Cooperation Organization are primarily focused on the security concerns of member countries in Central Asia, which is often described as the main threat. The SCO opposes such phenomena as terrorism, separatism and extremism. However, the organization’s activities in the field social development its member states are also growing rapidly.

On June 16-17, 2004, at the SCO summit, which took place in Tashkent, a Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) was created in Uzbekistan. On April 21, 2006, the SCO announced plans to combat cross-border drug crime through counter-terrorism operations. In April 2006, it was stated that the SCO had no plans to become a military bloc, however, it argued that the increased threats of “terrorism, extremism and separatism” made full-scale involvement of the military necessary.

In October 2007, the SCO signed an agreement with the Treaty Organization collective security(CSTO), in the capital of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, in order to expand cooperation on issues such as security, the fight against crime and drug trafficking. Joint plans actions between the two organizations were approved at the beginning of 2008 in Beijing.

The organization also opposed cyber warfare, saying that the dissemination of information harmful to the spiritual, moral and cultural spheres of other states should be considered a “security threat.” According to the definition adopted in 2009, “information warfare” is, in particular, regarded as an attempt by one state to undermine the political, economic and social systems of another state.

Military activities of the SCO

In the past few years, the organization's activities have been aimed at close military cooperation, intelligence sharing and the fight against terrorism.

The SCO countries conducted a number of joint military exercises. The first of them took place in 2003: the first phase took place in Kazakhstan, and the second in China. Since then, China and Russia have joined forces to conduct large-scale military exercises in 2005 (Peace Mission 2005), 2007 and 2009 under the auspices of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

More than 4,000 Chinese soldiers took part in joint military exercises in 2007 (known as Peace Mission 2007), which were held in Chelyabinsk Russia around Ural mountains and were agreed upon in April 2006 at a meeting of SCO defense ministers. Air Force And precision weapons were also used. Russia's then-Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov said the exercises were transparent and open to the media and public. After successful completion of the exercise, Russian officials invited India to also participate in similar exercises in the future under the auspices of the SCO. More than 5,000 military personnel from China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan took part in the Peace Mission 2010 exercise, held September 9-25, 2010 in Kazakhstan at the Matybulak training ground. They conducted joint planning of military operations and operational maneuvers. The SCO acts as a platform for larger military statements by member countries. For example, during the 2007 exercises in Russia, at a meeting with the leaders of the SCO member states, including with the participation of then Chinese President Hu Jintao, Russian President Vladimir Putin took the opportunity to announce the resumption of regular Russian flights strategic bombers for the purpose of patrolling territories for the first time since cold war. “Starting from today, such flights will have to be carried out regularly and on a strategic scale,” Putin said. “Our pilots have been on the ground for too long. They are happy to start a new life."

SCO economic cooperation

All members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, except China, are also members of the Eurasian economic community. A framework agreement to enhance economic cooperation was signed by the SCO member states on September 23, 2003. At the same meeting in China, Premier Wen Jiabao proposed the long-term goal of creating a free trade zone within the SCO, and taking other more immediate measures to improve the flow of goods in the region. Accordingly, a plan consisting of 100 specific actions was signed a year later on September 23, 2004.

On October 26, 2005, during the Moscow SCO Summit, the organization's Secretary General stated that the SCO would give priority to joint energy projects, which would include the oil and gas sector, the development of new hydrocarbon reserves and the sharing of water resources. The creation of the SCO Interbank Council was also agreed at this summit in order to finance future joint projects.

The first meeting of the SCO Interbank Association took place in Beijing on February 21-22, 2006. November 30, 2006, as part of international conference SCO: results and prospects, held in Almaty, representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Russian Federation stated that Russia is developing plans for the SCO Energy Club. The need to create such a club was confirmed in Moscow at the SCO summit in November 2007. Other SCO members have not committed to implementing the idea. However, at the summit on August 28, 2008, it was stated that “against the backdrop of a slowdown in global economic growth, pursuing responsible monetary and financial policies, controlling capital flows, and ensuring food and energy security have acquired particular importance.”

On June 16, 2009, at the Yekaterinburg summit, China announced plans to provide a loan of 10 billion US dollars to the SCO member states in order to strengthen the economies of these states in the context of the global financial crisis. The summit was held together with the first BRIC summit and was marked by a joint Chinese-Russian statement that these countries want a larger quota in the International Monetary Fund.

At the 2007 SCO summit, Iran's Vice President Parviz Davoudi proposed an initiative that aroused great interest. He then said: "The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is a good place to design a new banking system that is independent of international banking systems."

Russian President Vladimir Putin then commented on the situation as follows: “We now clearly see the defectiveness of the monopoly in global finance and the policy of economic selfishness. To solve the current problem, Russia will take part in changing the global financial structure so that it can guarantee stability and prosperity in the world and ensure progress... The world is witnessing the emergence of a qualitatively different geopolitical situation, with the emergence of new centers economic growth and political influence... We will witness and take part in the transformation of global and regional security systems and the development of architecture adapted to the new realities of the 21st century, when stability and prosperity become inseparable concepts.”

SCO cultural cooperation

Cultural cooperation also takes place within the SCO. The ministers of culture of the SCO countries met for the first time in Beijing on April 12, 2002 and signed a joint statement to continue cooperation. The third meeting of ministers of culture took place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, on April 27-28, 2006.

The arts festival and exhibition under the auspices of the SCO took place for the first time during the summit in Astana in 2005. Kazakhstan also proposed holding a folk dance festival under the auspices of the SCO. Such a festival took place in 2008 in Astana.

Shanghai Cooperation Organization summits

According to the SCO Charter, summits of the Council of Heads of State are held annually in different places. The location of these summits follows in alphabetical order the name of the member state in Russian. The Charter also stipulates that the summit of the Council of Heads of Government (i.e., prime ministers) meets annually at a place previously determined by decision of the council members. The Council of Foreign Ministers summit is held one month before the annual summit of heads of state. Extraordinary meetings of the Council of Foreign Ministers can be called by any two member states.

Heads of State
June 14, 2001ChinaShanghai
June 7, 2002RussiaSaint Petersburg
May 29, 2003RussiaMoscow
June 17, 2004UzbekistanTashkent
July 5, 2005KazakhstanAstana
June 15, 2006ChinaShanghai
August 16, 2007KyrgyzstanBishkek
August 28, 2008TajikistanDushanbe
June 15-16, 2009RussiaYekaterinburg
June 10-11, 2010UzbekistanTashkent
June 14-15, 2011KazakhstanAstana
June 6-7, 2012ChinaBeijing
September 13, 2013KyrgyzstanBishkek
Heads of government
September 2001KazakhstanAlmaty
September 23, 2003ChinaBeijing
September 23, 2004KyrgyzstanBishkek
October 26, 2005RussiaMoscow
September 15, 2006TajikistanDushanbe
November 2, 2007UzbekistanTashkent
October 30, 2008KazakhstanAstana
October 14, 2009ChinaBeijing
November 25, 2010TajikistanDushanbe
November 7, 2011RussiaSaint Petersburg
December 5, 2012KyrgyzstanBishkek
November 29, 2013UzbekistanTashkent

Future possible members of the SCO

In June 2010, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization approved the procedure for admitting new members, although no new members have yet been admitted. Several states, however, have participated in SCO summits as observers, some of which have expressed interest in joining the organization as full members in the future. The prospect of Iran joining the organization has attracted academic attention. In early September 2013, Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan said during a meeting with his Chinese counterpart that Armenia would like to receive observer status in the SCO.

SCO observers

Afghanistan received observer status in 2012 at the SCO summit in Beijing, China on June 6, 2012. India currently also has observer status in the SCO. Russia has called on India to join this organization as a full member because it sees India as a critical future strategic partner. China “welcomed” India’s accession to the SCO.

Iran currently has observer status in the organization, and the country was scheduled to become a full member of the SCO on March 24, 2008. However, due to sanctions imposed by the United Nations, Iran's admission to the organization as a new member is temporarily blocked. The SCO has stated that any country under UN sanctions cannot be admitted to the organization. Mongolia became the first country to receive observer status at the 2004 Tashkent Summit. Pakistan, India and Iran received observer status at the SCO summit in Astana, Kazakhstan on July 5, 2005.

Former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf spoke in favor of his country joining the SCO as a full member during a joint summit in China in 2006. Russia publicly supported Pakistan's intention to gain full membership in the SCO, and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin made a corresponding statement at the SCO meeting in the Konstantinovsky Palace on November 6, 2011.

SCO dialogue partners

The position of dialogue partner was created in 2008 in accordance with Article 14 of the SCO Charter of June 7, 2002. This article concerns a dialogue partner as a state or organization that shares the goals and principles of the SCO and wishes to establish relations of equal, mutually beneficial partnership with the Organization.

Belarus received dialogue partner status in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in 2009 at the group's summit in Yekaterinburg. Belarus applied for observer status in the organization and was promised Kazakhstan's support in achieving this goal. However, then Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov expressed doubts about Belarus's possible membership, saying that Belarus was a purely European country. Despite this, Belarus was accepted as a dialogue partner at the SCO summit in 2009.

Sri Lanka received the status of dialogue partner in the SCO in 2009 at the group’s summit in Yekaterinburg. Turkey, a NATO member, was granted dialogue partner status in the SCO in 2012 at the group's summit in Beijing. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that he had even jokingly discussed the possibility of Turkey refusing to join European Union in exchange for full membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

Relations of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization with the West

Western media observers believe that one of the first goals of the SCO should be to create a counterbalance to NATO and the United States, in particular in order to avoid conflicts that would allow the United States to interfere in the internal affairs of countries bordering Russia and China. Although Iran is not a member, former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad used the SCO platform to launch a verbal attack on the United States. The United States submitted an application for observer status to the SCO, but it was rejected in 2006.

At the Astana summit in July 2005, due to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and uncertainty regarding the presence of American troops in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, the SCO called on the United States to set a time frame for the withdrawal of its troops from SCO member states. Shortly thereafter, Uzbekistan asked the United States to close the K-2 airbase.

The SCO has not yet made any direct statements against the United States or its military presence in the region. However, some indirect statements at recent summits were presented in Western media as a veiled criticism of Washington.

Geopolitical aspects of the SCO

For recent years There has been much discussion and commentary about the geopolitical nature of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Matthew Brummer, in the Journal of International Affairs, tracks the effects of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization's expansion in the Persian Gulf.

Iranian writer Hamid Golpira said the following: “According to Zbigniew Brzezinski's theory, control of the Eurasian continent is the key to world domination, and control of Central Asia is the key to control of the Eurasian continent. Russia and China have paid attention to Brzezinski's theories since they formed the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in 2001, ostensibly to curb extremism in the region and improve border security, but most likely the real goal was to balance US and NATO activities in Central Asia."

At the 2005 SCO summit in Kazakhstan, the Declaration of the Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization was adopted, which expressed their “concerns” regarding the existing world order and contained the principles of the organization’s work. It included the following words: “The heads of member states note that, against the backdrop of the controversial process of globalization, multilateral cooperation based on the principles of equal rights and mutual respect, non-interference in internal affairs sovereign states, non-confrontational way of thinking and consistent movement towards democratization international relations, promotes general peace and security, and calls on the international community, regardless of its differences in ideology and social structure, to form a new concept of security based on mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and interaction."

In November 2005, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov confirmed that the SCO is working to create a rational and fair world order and that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization provides us with a unique opportunity to take part in the process of forming a fundamentally new model of geopolitical integration.

A Chinese daily newspaper expressed this issue in the following terms: “The declaration states that SCO member countries have the opportunity and responsibility to ensure security in the Central Asian region, and calls for Western countries leave Central Asia. This is the most visible signal that the summit gave to the world."

Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao concluded that the US was maneuvering to maintain its status as the world's sole superpower and not give any other country a chance to create a problem for them.

An article in The Washington Post in early 2008 reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin allegedly said that Russia could send nuclear missiles to Ukraine if Russia's neighbor and former sister republic in the Soviet Union joined the NATO alliance and installed elements of the system missile defense USA. “It is terrible to say and even terrible to think that, in response to the deployment of such objects on the territory of Ukraine, which theoretically cannot be ruled out, Russia will aim its missiles at Ukraine,” Putin said at a joint press conference with then-Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko. who was on a visit to the Kremlin. “Imagine this, just for a second.”

The International Federation for Human Rights has recognized the SCO as a “vehicle” for human rights violations.

Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) - regional international association, which includes Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Observers in the organization are Mongolia, India, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Belarus (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Bangladesh, Syria and Sri Lanka also submitted applications). In September 2014, India and Pakistan submitted formal applications for full membership in the organization. Iran and Afghanistan are also vying for full membership in the SCO.

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Nepal, Türkiye and Sri Lanka have the status of SCO dialogue partner.

What part of the earth's landmass is occupied by the SCO countries, what are their economic indicators and how states interact in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization - in the TASS material.

Republic of Kazakhstan

The country is the founder of the SCO. It is one of the states that signed the declaration on the creation of the organization on June 15, 2001. Previously, since 1996, Kazakhstan was a member of the Shanghai Five, and since 2000 - of the Shanghai Forum.

The Shanghai organization, combining Islamic, Christian and Confucian civilizations, is a worthy example of effective cooperation, harmony and mutual understanding in a vast area from Eastern Europe to the southern borders of Asia... The SCO embodies a new culture of interstate relations, which in the future will determine the appearance and character of our region"

Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan. Background information

  • Territory: 2.7 million sq. km.
  • Population (2014): 17.3 million
  • Capital: Astana.
  • State structure: presidential republic; Since April 24, 1990, the president of the country has been Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev.
  • GDP (2014): $76.139 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 6.04%.
  • Exports (2015): mineral products, including oil and gas condensate (71.6%), metals and products made from them (13.1%), products chemical industry (7,1%).
  • Imports (2015): machinery and equipment (40.6%), chemical products (14.9%), metals and products made from them (13.2%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2015): for export - Italy, China, the Netherlands, Russia; for imports - Russia, China and Germany.


Kazakhstan participates in all areas of SCO activities. Representatives of the republic have repeatedly come up with various initiatives. In 2011, Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Karim Masimov proposed to the SCO countries to create an interstate reserve bank. On December 6, 2013, Kazakhstan signed a memorandum on the creation of the SCO Energy Club. On September 12, 2014, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev at the SCO summit in Dushanbe announced the need to create an SCO Coordination Council, which will replace the existing mechanism of meetings of national coordinators with representatives of observer countries in the organization. On March 15, 2016, Kazakhstan ratified the Agreement on cooperation and interaction of member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on border issues.

Kyrgyz Republic

The country is the founder of the SCO. It is one of the states that signed the declaration on the creation of the organization on June 15, 2001. Previously, since 1996, it was a member of the Shanghai Five, and since 2000 - of the Shanghai Forum.

Today we can confidently say that the SCO is a significant and influential international association that sets itself the tasks of developing effective mechanisms of interaction, maintaining peace and stability in the region, strengthening trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian cooperation

Almazbek Atambayev, President of Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan. Background information

  • Territory: 191.8 thousand square meters. km.
  • Population (2014): 5.84 million
  • Capital: Bishkek.
  • State structure: parliamentary-presidential republic; Since December 1, 2011, the president of the country is Almazbek Sharshenovich Atambayev.
  • GDP (2014): $7.404 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 4%.
  • Export (2015): gold (50%), food products and tobacco products (11.5%), machinery and transport equipment (11.4%).
  • Imports (2015): industrial goods for various purposes (32%), mineral products (20%), machinery and equipment (19%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2015): for export - Switzerland, Kazakhstan, Russia; for imports - Russia, China, Kazakhstan.


The main areas of cooperation within the SCO for the republic are the security and economic spheres, primarily attracting investments in the transport industry and hydropower. Kyrgyzstan came up with the idea of ​​creating a Regional Anti-Terrorism Structure (RATS) within the SCO. The republic is currently discussing with its SCO partners the possibility of implementing a number of large economic projects in the country. One of these projects is the construction of a railway that should connect the north and south of Kyrgyzstan. On June 1, 2016, the Kyrgyz Parliament ratified an agreement on cooperation and interaction between SCO member states on border issues.

People's Republic of China

The country is the founder of the SCO. It is one of the states that signed the declaration on the creation of the organization on June 15, 2001. Previously, since 1996, China was a member of the Shanghai Five, and since 2000 - of the Shanghai Forum.

The “Shanghai Spirit”, which permeated the entire development process of the organization, has become a valuable asset that ensures the development and strengthening of the organization... Now our planet is going through a period of great development, great changes and great transformations, all countries are faced with unprecedented chances and challenges... We are ready, adhering to the "Shanghai spirit", to take advantage of opportunities together and meet challenges together, to act in the same direction, carrying out development and innovation, and build a new model of regional cooperation.

Hu Jintao, Chairman of the People's Republic of China in 2003-2013.

China. Background information

  • Territory: 9.563 million sq. km.
  • Population (2014): 1.364 billion people.
  • Capital: Beijing.
  • State structure: socialist republic; Since March 14, 2013, the Chairman of the People's Republic of China (head of state) has been Xi Jinping.
  • GDP (2014): $10.354 trillion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 8.6%.
  • Exports (2015): machinery and transport equipment (50.2%), textile and knitwear products (8.4%), chemical products (8.1%).
  • Imports (2015): machinery and transport equipment (46.6%), mineral fuels (11.9%), chemical products (9.5%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2015): for export - USA, Hong Kong, Japan; for import - USA, Taiwan, Japan.


China takes part in all formats of cooperation within the organization. Pays special attention to security issues. He advocates the creation of a center for responding to security challenges and threats on the basis of the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorism Structure. On December 6, 2013, China signed a memorandum on the creation of the SCO Energy Club. In December 2015, Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China Li Keqiang said that the SCO member countries would work on the issue of creating a free trade zone.

Russian Federation

The country is the founder of the SCO. It is one of the states that signed the declaration on the creation of the organization on June 15, 2001. Previously, since 1996, Russia was a member of the Shanghai Five, and since 2000 - of the Shanghai Forum.

Our organization is based on clear and precise principles. Among them are mutual trust, open discussion of any problems, resolution of issues without any pressure, but through consultations... Now, when allegations about supposedly insurmountable cultural and civilizational differences between states are being revived, the Organization demonstrates an excellent example of equal partnership in the Eurasian space. Partnerships whose strategic goal is to strengthen regional security and stability, promoting economic process and integration processes while preserving the national and cultural identity of each state

Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation

Article "SCO - new model successful international cooperation", "Russian newspaper", June 14, 2006

Russia. Background information

  • Territory: 17.125 million sq. km.
  • Population (2015): 146.267 million
  • Capital: Moscow.
  • Government structure: presidential republic; since May 7, 2012, the president of the country is Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (served as president in 2000-2008).
  • GDP (2014): $1.86 trillion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 2.86%.
  • Exports (2014): mineral products (70.5%), metals, precious stones and products made from them (10.6%), chemical products (5.9%).
  • Import (2014): machinery, equipment and vehicles(47.6%), chemical products, rubber (16.2%), food products and agricultural raw materials (13.9%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2014): for export - the Netherlands, Germany, China; for import - China, Germany, USA.


Russia takes part in all formats of cooperation within the organization. Cooperation within the SCO is one of the main directions of Russian foreign policy in the Asia-Pacific region. Within the SCO, the priorities of the Russian Federation are the political consolidation of the organization, the development of common approaches to current international problems, expansion of practical interaction with leading multilateral organizations and associations, primarily the UN. In 2006, the President of the Russian Federation took the initiative to create the SCO Energy Club (the corresponding memorandum was signed on December 6, 2013). In 2015, Vladimir Putin proposed organizing, on the basis of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) of the SCO, a Center for countering threats and challenges to the security of member states of the organization.

Republic of Tajikistan

The country is the founder of the SCO. It is one of the states that signed the declaration on the creation of the organization on June 15, 2001. Previously, since 1996, Tajikistan was a member of the Shanghai Five, and since 2000 - of the Shanghai Forum.

The potential of the SCO is great. Our common task is to reveal it fully in the interests of the peoples of the participating states

Emomali Rahmon, President of Tajikistan

Tajikistan. Background information

  • Territory: 139.96 thousand square meters. km.
  • Population (2014): 8.3 million
  • Capital: Dushanbe.
  • Government system: presidential republic; Since November 16, 1994, Emomali Rahmon has been the country's president.
  • GDP (2014): $9.242 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 7.1%.
  • Exports (2015): base metals and products made from them (26.1%), precious and semi-precious stones and metals and metal products (23.3%), mineral products (22.9%).
  • Imports (2015): machinery, equipment and vehicles (21.7%), mineral products (16.6%), food plant origin (11,2%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2015): for export - Türkiye, Switzerland, Kazakhstan; for imports - Russia, China, Kazakhstan.


The main areas of cooperation within the SCO for the republic are the security sphere and the economy. On December 6, 2013, Tajikistan signed a memorandum on the creation of the SCO Energy Club. In May 2014, the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of Tajikistan organized a scientific and practical conference on the topic “Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Ensuring Regional Security: Problems and Prospects.” The forum brought together heads and representatives of relevant research institutes from member states, observer states and dialogue partners of the SCO.

Republic of Uzbekistan

At the summit in Shanghai on June 14, 2001, she joined the Shanghai Forum association. It is the founding country of the SCO. Uzbekistan was among the states that signed the declaration on the creation of the organization on June 15, 2001.

In a relatively short period, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has become an influential international structure playing a prominent role in world politics

Islam Karimov, President of Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan. Background information

  • Territory: 425.4 thousand square meters. km.
  • Population (2014): 30.76 million
  • Capital: Tashkent.
  • Government structure: presidential republic; Since March 24, 1990, Islam Abduganievich Karimov has been the president of the country.
  • GDP (2014): $62.644 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 8.2%.
  • Exports (2015): energy resources and petroleum products (25.9%), food products (10.2%), ferrous and non-ferrous metals (6.4%), cotton (5.7%).
  • Imports (2015): machinery and equipment (40.5%), chemical products (17%), food products (12.8%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2015): Russia, China, Kazakhstan, South Korea (official data on the main exporters/importers have not been published).


The priority areas of cooperation within the SCO are maintaining regional stability and developing economic and investment cooperation. After the summit in Ufa in July 2015, the presidency of the SCO in 2015-2016. passed to Uzbekistan.

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Received the status of an observer state with the SCO in 2012. The corresponding decision was made by the heads of member states of the organization on June 6-7, 2012 at the summit in Beijing.

Afghanistan. Background information

  • Territory: 1.629 million sq. km.
  • Population (2014): 31.6 million people.
  • Capital: Kabul.
  • State structure: Islamic republic; Since September 29, 2014, Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai has been the country's president.
  • GDP (2014): $20.03 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 6.4%.
  • Exports (2014): carpets (45%), dried fruits (31%), medicinal plants (12%).
  • Imports (2014): petroleum products (33%), machinery and transport equipment (15%), food products (14%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2014): for export - Pakistan, India, Russia; for import - Pakistan, Russia, Uzbekistan.


As an observer, Afghanistan is present at meetings of heads of state and government, ministerial events, meetings of secretaries of security councils that take place within the SCO, as well as at the Peace Mission military exercises held within the SCO.

Since its formation, the SCO has been paying priority attention to the development of the situation in Afghanistan, instability on whose territory threatens all member states of this association. In addition, within the SCO there is an active fight against drug trafficking from Afghanistan. On November 4, 2005, a protocol on the creation of the SCO-Afghanistan contact group was signed in Beijing.

On December 6, 2013, Afghanistan signed a memorandum on the creation of the SCO Energy Club. On May 27, 2015, the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorism Structure (SCO RATS) and the Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs signed a protocol of intent on cooperation in the field of security.

At the SCO summit in Ufa on July 8-10, 2015, Afghanistan applied to become a full member of the organization.

Republic of Belarus

Received the status of an observer state with the SCO in 2015. The corresponding decision was made by the heads of member states of the organization on July 10, 2015 at the summit in Ufa. Prior to this, the republic had been a dialogue partner for five years (memorandum dated April 28, 2010).

Belarus. Background information

  • Territory: 202.91 thousand square meters. km.
  • Population (2014): 9.47 million
  • Capital: Minsk.
  • Government structure: presidential republic; Since July 20, 1994, the president of the country is Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko.
  • GDP (2014): $76.139 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 3.5%.
  • Exports (2015): mineral products (29.9%), chemical products, rubber (21.3%), food products and agricultural raw materials (16.3%).
  • Imports (2015): mineral products (31.1%), machinery, equipment and vehicles (23.4%), food products and agricultural raw materials (14.6%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2015): for export - Russia, Great Britain, Ukraine, the Netherlands; for imports - Russia, China, Germany, Poland.


The Memorandum on granting Belarus the status of a dialogue partner dated April 28, 2010 set out the main areas of cooperation: creating favorable conditions for trade and investment, intensifying interaction in customs affairs, partnership in matters of regional and global security, and developing dialogue on foreign policy issues.

With the support of the SCO Business Council, Belarus equal conditions participated in the creation project prototype the first multi-purpose marine unmanned complex(the Belarusian side developed the software). Also, interaction within the SCO made it possible to create a high-tech park in Belarus, offering high-quality software and IT services. The project of the Chinese-Belarusian industrial park “Great Stone” is under development, which is focused on the development of mechanical engineering, fine chemistry, biomedicine, production of household appliances and electronics.

Republic of India

India. Background information

  • Territory: 3.287 million sq. km.
  • Population (2014): 1.295 billion people.
  • Capital: New Delhi.
  • State structure: parliamentary republic; Since July 25, 2012, the country's president has been Pranab Kumar Mukherjee.
  • GDP (2014): $2.049 trillion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 7.2%.
  • Exports (April 2015 - February 2016): precious and semi-precious stones and metals (15%), mineral fuels and products (11%), land transport and equipment (5.4%).
  • Imports (April 2015 - February 2016): mineral fuels and products (25.7%), precious and semi-precious stones and metals (15%), electrical machines and equipment (9%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (April 2015 - February 2016): for export - USA, UAE, China; for imports - China, USA, Saudi Arabia.


Representatives of India are present at meetings of heads of state and government, ministerial events, meetings of secretaries of the security councils of SCO member countries, as well as at the Peace Mission military exercises held within the SCO. On July 25, 2008, India signed a protocol on the transfer of data on terrorists to the SCO anti-terrorism center. On December 6, 2013, the country signed a memorandum on the creation of the SCO Energy Club. In September 2014, India applied for membership. During the summit in Ufa on July 8-10, 2015, a procedure was launched to grant the country the status of a full member of the organization.

Islamic Republic of Iran

Received the status of an observer state at the SCO in 2005. The corresponding decision was made by the heads of member states of the organization on July 5, 2005 at the summit in Astana.

Iran. Background information

  • Territory: 1.629 million sq. km.
  • Population (2014): 78.1 million people.
  • Capital: Tehran.
  • State structure: Islamic republic; since June 4, 1989, the leader of Iran (head of state) is Ali Khamenei; Since August 3, 2013, Hassan Rouhani has been the president (the head of the executive branch, representing the country at SCO summits).
  • GDP (2014): $425.3 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 1.2%.
  • Exports (2014): oil and gas (82%), plastics (5%), chemical products (3.6%).
  • Import (2014): machinery and transport equipment (26%); iron and steel (14%), chemical products (11%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2014): for export - China, Japan, Türkiye; for imports - UAE and China.


As an observer, Iran is present at meetings of heads of state and government, ministerial events, meetings of secretaries of security councils that take place within the SCO, as well as at the Peace Mission military exercises held within the SCO. On July 25, 2008, Iran signed a protocol on the transfer of data on terrorists to the SCO anti-terrorism center. On September 19, 2014, at a meeting of the SCO RATS Council, documents regulating the interaction of RATS with the competent authorities of Iran were approved. In March 2008, Iran applied for membership in the SCO.


Received the status of an observer state with the SCO in 2004. The corresponding decision was made by the heads of member states of the organization on June 17, 2004 at a summit in Tashkent.

Mongolia. Background information

  • Territory: 1.564 million sq. km.
  • Population (2014): 2.9 million people.
  • Capital: Ulaanbaatar.
  • State structure: parliamentary republic; Since June 18, 2009, Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj has been the country's president.
  • GDP (2014): $12.016 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 11.1%.
  • Exports (2015): copper concentrate (49%), coal (12%), gold (9%).
  • Imports (2015): machinery and transport equipment (45%), mineral fuels (19%), food products (13%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2015): for export - China, Great Britain, Russia; for import - China, Russia, Japan.


As an observer, Mongolia is present at meetings of heads of state and government, ministerial events, meetings of secretaries of security councils that take place within the SCO, as well as at the Peace Mission military exercises held within the SCO. On December 6, 2013, Mongolia signed a memorandum on the creation of the SCO Energy Club.

Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Received the status of an observer state at the SCO in 2005. The corresponding decision was made by the heads of member states of the organization on July 5, 2005 at the summit in Astana.

Pakistan. Background information

  • Territory: 796.1 thousand square meters. km.
  • Population (2014): 185 million people.
  • Capital: Islamabad.
  • State structure: parliamentary republic; Since September 9, 2013, the country's president is Mamnoon Hussein.
  • GDP (2014): $243.6 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 3.4%.
  • Exports (FY 2014-2015): textiles and products (52%), food products (16%), machinery and transport equipment (11.6%).
  • Imports (FY 2014-2015): mineral fuels and products (26%), machinery and transport equipment (22%), chemical products (16.5%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (fiscal year 2014-2015): for export - USA, China, Afghanistan; for import - China, UAE, Saudi Arabia.


As an observer, Pakistan participates in meetings of heads of state and government, ministerial events, meetings of secretaries of security councils that take place within the SCO, as well as in the Peace Mission military exercises held within the SCO. On July 25, 2008, Pakistan signed a protocol on the transfer of data on terrorists to the SCO anti-terrorism center. In September 2014, Pakistan applied to join the SCO. During the organization’s summit in Ufa on July 8-10, 2015, the procedure was launched to grant the country the status of a full member.

Azerbaijan Republic

Has the status of a dialogue partner of the SCO. The decision was made on July 10, 2015 at the summit in Ufa, the memorandum on granting status was signed on March 14, 2016.

Azerbaijan. Background information

  • Territory: 82.7 thousand square meters. km.
  • Population (2014): 9.54 million
  • Capital: Baku.
  • Government structure: presidential republic; Since October 31, 2003, the country's president has been Ilham Aliyev.
  • GDP (2014): $75.198 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 3%.
  • Exports (2015): oil (76.7%), petroleum products (6.6%), natural gas (2.5%), fruits and vegetables (1.02%).
  • Imports (2015): vehicles (23.6%), machinery and equipment (21.1%), ferrous metals and products made from them (16.3%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2015): for export - Italy, Germany, France; for import - Russia, USA, Türkiye.


Azerbaijan's dialogue with the SCO began in 2012, when the country's President Ilham Aliyev sent an official letter to the SCO granting Azerbaijan observer status with the SCO. Currently, Azerbaijan is involved in the implementation of important regional communication projects, such as the New Silk Road transport corridor with the participation of China, and the North-South transport corridor with the participation of the Russian Federation. The Azerbaijani side also shows interest in interaction with the SCO member countries in the energy sector, the fight against terrorism, separatism and extremism.

On March 14, 2016, at a meeting between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov and Secretary General SCO Rashid Alimov agreed on the main areas of cooperation: the fight against terrorism, separatism and extremism, strengthening regional peace and security, transport and energy projects.

Republic of Armenia

Has the status of a dialogue partner of the SCO. The decision was made on July 10, 2015 at the summit in Ufa, the memorandum on granting status was signed on April 16, 2016.

Armenia. Background information

  • Territory: 28.47 thousand square meters. km.
  • Population (2014): 3 million
  • Capital: Yerevan.
  • Government structure: presidential republic; Since April 9, 2008, the president of the country is Serzh Azatovich Sargsyan.
  • GDP (2014): $11.644 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 4.2%.
  • Exports (2015): mineral products (28.7%), food products (20.7%), base metals and products made from them (15.4%), precious and semi-precious stones and metals and products from them (13.9%) .
  • Imports (2015): mineral products (19.8%), machinery and equipment (12.5%), food products (10%), chemical products (9.2%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2015): for export - Russia, China, Germany, Iraq; for imports - Russia, China, Germany, Iran.


Armenia applied for observer status in the SCO in 2012. In July 2015, at a summit in Ufa, the President of the Republic Serzh Sargsyan said that cooperation with the SCO should “ensure in the future access to new level implementation of large infrastructure and transport projects, such as the construction of the Iran-Armenia railway." This railway will provide access to the EAEU countries through the Persian Gulf to Indian Ocean. Armenia also considers the priority areas of cooperation with the SCO to be “attracting investments, using transit opportunities, opening new transport communications and entering Asian markets.”

Kingdom of Cambodia

Has the status of a dialogue partner of the SCO. The decision was made on July 10, 2015 at the summit in Ufa, the memorandum on granting status was signed on September 24, 2015.

Cambodia. Background information

  • Territory: 181 thousand square meters. km.
  • Population (2014): 15.33 million people.
  • Capital: Phnom Penh.
  • State structure: constitutional monarchy; Since October 29, 2004, the head of state (king) is Norodom Sihamoni.
  • GDP (2014): $16.78 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 7%.
  • Exports (2014): textile materials and products (68%), footwear, hats and parts thereof (9.8%), food products (4.9%).
  • Imports (2014): textile materials and products (23%), mineral fuels and products (15%), machinery and vehicles (13%).
  • Territory: 147.2 thousand square meters. km.
  • Population (2014): 28.17 million people.
  • Capital: Kathmandu.
  • State structure: parliamentary republic; Since October 29, 2015, the country's president has been Bidhya Devi Bhandari.
  • GDP (2014): $19.77 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 4.5%.
  • Exports (2014): textile materials and products (36%), food products (16%), base metals and products made from them (13%).
  • Imports (2014): mineral fuels and products (20%), electrical machinery and equipment (12%), base metals and products made from them (11%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2014): for export - India, USA, Germany; for import - India, China, Hong Kong.


On September 16, 2015, representatives of Nepal took part in a meeting of ministers of the SCO member states responsible for foreign economic and foreign trade activities.

Republic of Turkey

Has the status of a dialogue partner of the SCO. The decision was made on June 7, 2012 at the summit in Beijing, the memorandum on granting status was signed on April 26, 2013.

Türkiye. Background information

  • Territory: 783.6 thousand square meters. km.
  • Population (2014): 75.8 million people.
  • Capital: Ankara.
  • State structure: presidential-parliamentary republic; Since August 28, 2014, the country's president has been Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
  • GDP (2014): $799.5 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 5.4%.
  • Exports (2015): machinery and vehicles (27%), manufacturing products (19%), livestock products (9%).
  • Imports (2015): machinery and transport equipment (31.5%), mineral fuels (18.2%), chemical products (13.9%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2015): for export - Germany, Great Britain, Iraq; for import - China, Germany, Russia.


In 2011, the SCO became an active participant in the Istanbul Process initiated by Turkey, the goal of which is to strengthen regional security and cooperation for the stable development of Afghanistan. On December 6, 2013, Türkiye signed a memorandum on the creation of the SCO Energy Club.

Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

Has the status of a dialogue partner of the SCO. The decision was made on June 16, 2009 at the summit in Yekaterinburg, the memorandum on granting status was signed on May 6, 2010.

Sri Lanka. Background information

  • Territory: 65.6 thousand square meters. km.
  • Population (2014): 20.77 million people.
  • Capital: Colombo.
  • State structure: parliamentary-presidential republic; Since January 9, 2015, Maithripala Sirisena has been the country's president.
  • GDP (2014): $78.82 billion.
  • Average GDP growth (2010-2014): 6.9%.
  • Exports (2014): textile materials and products (48%), food products (24%), including tea (17%, the largest exporter of tea in the world), plastics and products made from them (9.6%).
  • Imports (2014): mineral fuels and products (22%), aircraft, land transport means and equipment (19%), electrical machinery and equipment (11%).
  • Main foreign economic partners (2014): for export - USA, UK, India; for import - India, China, UAE.


On December 6, 2013, Sri Lanka signed a memorandum on the creation of the SCO Energy Club. Representatives of the republic have repeatedly taken part in meetings within the SCO, including a meeting of ministers of agriculture on October 9, 2014, a meeting of the expert working group on the development of cooperation in the field of tourism on March 24, 2015, etc.


Shanghai Cooperation Organization, SCO

Flag/Coat of Arms:


regional international organization

Structural divisions:

Council of Heads of State (CHS);
Council of Heads of Government (CHG);
Council of Foreign Ministers (CMFA);
Meetings of heads of ministries and departments;
Council of National Coordinators (CNC);
Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS);
The Secretariat is a permanent administrative body headed by the Secretary General (since 2012 - representative of the Russian Federation D.F. Mezentsev).
Interbank Association (IBO)


In 2003, the heads of government of the SCO member countries signed the Program of Multilateral Trade and Economic Cooperation for 20 years. In September 2004, the SCO Council of Heads of Government in Bishkek approved an action plan for the implementation of this program.

The plan includes over a hundred specific projects, topics and areas of cooperation, and also provides mechanisms for their implementation. The emphasis is on the following areas - transport communications, energy, telecommunications, agriculture, tourism, water management and nature conservation.

Official languages:

no official

Participating countries:

Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, China.


The prerequisites for the creation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization were laid back in the 60s of the 20th century, when the USSR and the PRC entered into negotiations to resolve territorial disputes. After the breakup Soviet Union new participants in the negotiations appeared in the person of Russia and the states of Central Asia. After the PRC resolved territorial disputes with neighboring CIS countries (Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan), the opportunity arose for further development of regional cooperation.

In 1996, the Shanghai Five was formed. Subsequent annual summits of the Shanghai Five were held in Moscow in 1997, Almaty (Kazakhstan) in 1998, Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) in 1999 and Dushanbe (Tajikistan) in 2000. By the time of the Bishkek summit, the creation of permanent mechanisms cooperation: meetings of ministers and expert groups. A new international organization began to take shape. There are national coordinators appointed by each country.

In 2001, a meeting was held in Shanghai. Then five participating countries accepted Uzbekistan into the organization, which led to the renaming of the organization to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization or the “Shanghai Six”.

The first documents adopted by the SCO were the “Declaration on the Establishment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization”, the “Shanghai Convention on Combating Terrorism, Separatism and Extremism” and the “Joint Statement on the Connection of Uzbekistan to the Shanghai Five Mechanism”.

The meeting of heads of state in June 2002 in St. Petersburg continued the institutionalization of the SCO. The declaration on the creation of the organization was practically embodied in the signing of two acts - the Declaration of the Heads of State - members of the SCO, called the final political document by the Russian Foreign Minister, and the SCO Charter - the basic statutory document.

As a result of the Moscow summit (May 28-29, 2003), the SCO Secretariat with headquarters in Beijing and the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) were created (the agreement on its creation was signed a year earlier in St. Petersburg). The heads of the participating countries touched upon the issues of combating terrorism and extremism, in particular they paid special attention to the activities of Hizb ut-Tahrir. Among the 30 documents signed then were provisions defining the functioning of the organization's bodies - provisions on the Council of Heads of State, the Council of Heads of Government and the Council of Foreign Ministers.

As a result of the Moscow summit, the organizational period of the SCO ended, and on January 1, 2004, it began to function as a full-fledged international structure, which has its own operating mechanisms, personnel and budget.

As a result of the Tashkent summit (June 2004), the Tashkent Declaration following the meeting, the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the SCO, as well as a number of other documents were signed. The composition of the organization expanded due to the admission of a new member - Mongolia - as an observer.

At the meeting of the heads of state of the SCO held in 2005, in addition to a new package of treaties and conventions, a Declaration of the heads of state members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization was signed, which recorded further consolidation of efforts and strengthening of coordination.

The main outcome documents of the Bishkek summit (August 2007) were the Treaty on Long-Term Good Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation of the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Bishkek Declaration of the Heads of the Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The forum was also attended by the presidents of two observer countries to the SCO - President of Mongolia Nambaryn Enkhbayar and President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Two more observer states of the Organization were represented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan Khurshid Kasuri and the Minister of Petroleum and natural gas India Murli Deorom.

In 2009, at a meeting in Yekaterinburg, the heads of the SCO member states decided to grant the status of an SCO dialogue partner to Sri Lanka and Belarus.

On April 28, 2010, a Memorandum was signed on granting the Republic of Belarus the status of an SCO dialogue partner, officially formalizing this status for Belarus.

On June 7, 2012, the leaders of the SCO member countries also signed a decision to grant Afghanistan observer status in the SCO and a decision to grant Turkey the status of a dialogue partner.


The observer states of the SCO are: Afghanistan, India, Iran, Mongolia and Pakistan.


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Last updated - 06/23/2016

On June 23, the leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) countries gather in Tashkent for the 15th summit. The event will take place on June 23-24. All heads of the organization's countries confirmed their participation in it. About 1 thousand representatives of the SCO countries, international organizations and foreign media will also arrive in Tashkent to participate in the event.

The leaders intend to discuss what steps need to be taken to improve the organization’s activities, consider cooperation in the economy, security and counter-terrorism, and discuss current international issues.

11 documents have been prepared for signing for the summit. It is expected that the main document following the summit will be the Tashkent Declaration of the 15th anniversary of the SCO, which will reflect the approaches of the organization’s members to the prospects for its development, the SCO’s position on the current international and regional situation, and solving current security problems.

Article on...

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History of the SCO

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is a regional international organization founded in 2001 by the leaders of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. With the exception of Uzbekistan, the rest of the countries were members of the Shanghai Five, founded as a result of the signing in 1996-1997. between Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Russia and Tajikistan confidence-building agreements in military field and about mutual reduction armed forces in the border area.

The total territory of the SCO countries is 30 million km^, that is, 60% of the territory of Eurasia. The total population of the SCO countries is 1 billion 455 million people (2007), a fourth of the planet's population. The PRC economy is the second largest in the world in terms of GDP after the United States (it is also inferior to the total GDP of the European Union).

The SCO is not a military bloc (like, for example, NATO) or an open regular security meeting (like, for example, the ASEAN ARF), but occupies...

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The SCO - the Shanghai Cooperation Organization - includes six states: Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. In addition to them, India, Iran, Mongolia and Pakistan are participating as observers with the intention of later joining the organization. The SCO was founded on June 15, 2001. The main residence is located in the capital of the People's Republic of China, Beijing. The main objectives of the organization are to strengthen mutual trust and good neighborly relations between the participating states, and to establish cooperation in the political, trade, economic, scientific, technical, and cultural fields. The main goal of the organization can be considered to ensure regional security, the fight against terrorism, extremism and...

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The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is a permanent regional international organization founded in June 2001 by the leaders of Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Prior to this, all countries, with the exception of Uzbekistan, were members of the “Shanghai Five”, a political association based on the “Agreement on Strengthening Confidence in the Military Field in the Border Area” (Shanghai, 1996) and the “Agreement on the Mutual Reduction of Armed Forces in the Border Area” (Moscow, 1997).

These two documents laid down a mechanism of mutual trust in the military field in border areas and contributed to the establishment of truly partnership relations. After the inclusion of Uzbekistan in the organization (2001), the “five” became the “six” and was renamed the SCO. In addition, currently five countries - Afghanistan, India, Iran, Mongolia and Pakistan - have observer status in the organization, and three - Belarus, Turkey and Sri Lanka - have dialogue partners.

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MOSCOW, June 24 - RIA Novosti. The heads of state of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization signed memorandums of entry into the organization for India and Pakistan at a summit in Uzbekistan. According to summit participants, this will take the SCO to a new level.

In the declaration adopted at the end of the summit, the parties reflected their approaches to further development associations and expressed a consolidated opinion on topical issues international agenda. In particular, the leaders of the SCO countries noted the increased geopolitical tension and the importance of the fight against terrorism.

Fight against terrorism

Following the summit, the participants adopted the Tashkent Declaration of the fifteenth anniversary of the SCO. One of the main topics of the document was the fight against terrorism and extremism, which pose a growing threat to all countries of the world.

“The rapidly changing situation in the world is characterized by increased geopolitical tensions, the growing scale of terrorism, separatism and extremism, which negatively affect the entire...

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Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization or SCO is a Eurasian political, economic and military organization that was founded in 2001 in Shanghai by the leaders of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. With the exception of Uzbekistan, the remaining countries were members of the Shanghai Five, founded in 1996; After the inclusion of Uzbekistan in 2001, member countries renamed the organization.

The Shanghai Five was originally created on April 26, 1996 with the signing of the Treaty on Deepening Military Confidence in Border Areas in Shanghai by the heads of state of Kazakhstan, the People's Republic of China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan. On April 24, 1997, the same countries signed the Treaty on the Reduction of Armed Forces in the Border Area at a meeting in Moscow.

Subsequent annual summits of the Shanghai Five group were held in Almaty (Kazakhstan) in 1998, in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) in 1999 and...

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Integration (connection, rapprochement) is one of the processes typical for the modern world. All states have long realized that international isolation does not lead to anything good. That is why countries unite into various organizations on the basis of economic, political, cultural or military-strategic cooperation. This article will discuss what the SCO and BRICS are. When did these organizations arise, and what states are part of them today?

SCO: decoding and general information

This Eurasian association was formed in beginning of XXI century by six states. The issue of reducing the number of military personnel in areas of common borders is what became the prerequisite for the formation of the SCO.

The decoding of the name of this organization is simple: Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Why Shanghai? It's very simple. The fact is that the backbone of this association was five countries that, back in 1997, became part of the so-called Shanghai Five, signing...

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SCO - Shanghai Cooperation Organization


What is the SCO

The SCO is a permanent regional international organization founded in June 2001. The SCO grew out of the “Agreement on Strengthening Confidence in the Military Field in the Border Area” (Shanghai, 1996) and the “Agreement on the Mutual Reduction of Armed Forces in the Border Area” (Moscow, 1997).

SCO member countries:

The SCO directly includes 6 states: Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan. SCO observers are 5 countries: Afghanistan, India, Mongolia, Iran, Pakistan. In addition, 3 countries are SCO dialogue partners: Belarus, Türkiye, Sri Lanka.

SCO summits

The SCO regularly holds annual summits to discuss current problems, decisions are made and multilateral documents are signed. So, in 2015, Ufa will host the next international summit of the SCO, as well as the summit of the BRICS countries....

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The growing influence of such international organizations as NATO, the UN, forces economically developed countries different parts world to consolidate for joint cooperation in order to effectively counter the growing security threats and economic problems. One of such international associations was the SCO. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is a young international association of six Asian countries, which includes Russia. This is not an economic union, with a single trade space, and not a military bloc, with common troops and bases. In terms of its tasks and goals, it is somewhere in between, covering both components not on a global scale, preserving the individuality of all states.

History of the SCO

The SCO was initially informally called the Shanghai Five. The nineties were quite a difficult time for the states of Central Asia. Terrorist activity has increased, territorial claims have accumulated in bordering areas...

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About the organization

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is a regional international organization founded in 2001 by the leaders of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. With the exception of Uzbekistan, the rest of the countries were members of the Shanghai Five, founded as a result of the signing in 1996-1997. agreements between Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Russia and Tajikistan on strengthening confidence in the military field and on the mutual reduction of armed forces in the border area. After the inclusion of Uzbekistan in 2001, the participants renamed the organization.

The total territory of the SCO countries is 30 million km2, that is, 60% of the territory of Eurasia. Its total demographic potential is a quarter of the world's population, and its economic potential includes the most powerful Chinese economy after the United States.

One of the features of the SCO is that, in terms of status, it is neither a military bloc, like NATO, nor an open regular...

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Today in Tashkent there will be a meeting of the Council of Heads of State - members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the creation of this association, in which the Russian delegation led by Russian President Vladimir Putin will take part.
The day before, within the framework of the SCO summit, a meeting of the board of the SCO Business Council “New realities. New opportunities”, in which the chairman of the national part of the SCO BC from the Russian Federation, Sergei Katyrin, took part. The participants discussed, in particular, the state of development of project cooperation within the framework of the activities of the SCO BC; a presentation took place promising projects.

For information
The SCO Business Council was established following the SCO summit in Shanghai in 2006.

The national parts of the SCO Business Council are headed by organizations representing the interests of business - national chambers of commerce and industry and associations of entrepreneurs. The Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry headed the Russian national part of the Business Council...

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The anniversary 15th SCO summit ended today in Tashkent. The leaders of Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan in the final declaration advocated expanding trade and economic cooperation and strengthening the fight against terrorism. Also in the capital of Uzbekistan, a decisive step was taken for India and Pakistan to join the organization.

The official events of the SCO summit in Tashkent began when it was still early morning in Moscow. The leaders of the states that are members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization arrived in Tashkent yesterday. In the evening they had the opportunity to communicate in an informal setting, and today everyone gathered at the negotiating table, first in a narrow format, and then in an expanded format with the participation of delegations from observer states.

President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov greets guests at the entrance to the meeting room. While they were waiting for Chinese President Xi Jinping, a lively conversation ensued. Journalists noticed that Nursultan Nazarbayev was actively doing something...

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This shaky structure, founded in 2001 in Shanghai, is a political-economic bloc, which, in addition to China and Russia, includes several republics of the former USSR, and even those are not fully and without much desire. The essence of the SCO is the concept of “Guys, let’s live together,” not to cause incidents on the borders, to reduce border weapons and, in general, to trade, cooperate in every possible way, and at the same time look askance at NATO. In 2015, India and Pakistan joined the SCO, having still not resolved the territorial dispute over Kashmir.

List of countries that are members of the SCO for 2015: Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, India, Pakistan.

Mongolia, Belarus, Iran and Afghanistan are observers.

The abbreviation SCO stands for Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

This fragile structure, founded in 2001 in...

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