Horoscope for September Taurus new. Love horoscope for the sign of Taurus for September

Mercury is in Taurus' house of love. He is also the patron saint of September. Does such a coincidence have any significance for love predictions? You can only find out about this from an accurate horoscope for Taurus, compiled by astrologers for September 2019.

Love horoscope for Taurus for September 2019

Start autumn time Taurus will remember it as a very positive time. In September 2019, for Taurus, the likelihood of disagreements with their chosen ones is minimal. On the other hand, the calm can be provoked by the fading of feelings, which is so likely during retrograde Mars.

September - best time to check the seriousness of your partners' intentions. The most unexpected discoveries await Taurus in odd days months, except on the 9th, 17th and 25th. These September dates are ideal for making plans. Those who have long dreamed of expressing all their thoughts to their loved one should hurry up. There will be no other opportunity when he understands you the way you would like.

Don't be surprised, Taurus, if your chosen one suddenly has a desire to have a child in September. This will be the most significant proof of his love for you. It will not be easy for Taurus, but it is better to make an exact decision before the end of the month.

Creating a family at a time of fading nature - great idea for Taurus! The stars will react favorably to such a decision, especially since after the 17th Mars will change its direction, and all the radical changes in life will benefit the signs of the Zodiac.

Love horoscope for Taurus women for September 2019

In September 2019, Taurus women can only hope for the best. At this time, there is a high probability of meeting your one and only. Close relationships at the beginning of autumn are likely to bear fruit, and you will finally receive a marriage proposal from the person dearest to you.

In September, Taurus will be able to feel needed and loved. Even if you have been married for a long time, the beginning of autumn is a time of change and the return of old feelings. A spark will fly again between the spouses, family life will become a real fairy tale. Crises in September are very unlikely, and if there are any problems, they will not cause fatal changes.

The only thing that Taurus girls may be dissatisfied with is the sexual sphere. In the first month of autumn, the stars do not prepare bright adventures for them, so receiving divine pleasure will have to be postponed until later. late date. Astrologers strongly recommend that Taurus not try to change the course of events and not look for adventures on their own. It’s better to wait out September, because feelings are now much more important than bodily pleasures.

Love horoscope for Taurus men for September 2019

September 2019 will mark the beginning of a new relationship for Taurus men. Feelings that have long been tested for strength will also undergo a reboot. Even in family life men, a radical restructuring will begin.

Single Taurus men born under this zodiac sign will be able to relax in September. Beautiful girls they will look for you themselves. Fascinated by your intelligence, they will not simply give up their intentions. Don't be surprised if you find yourself at the registry office at the end of the month. Hasty decisions at the beginning of autumn will not negatively affect fate. Rather, on the contrary, the stars welcome the quick reaction of Taurus to serious changes in the life line.

In addition to increased attention from female fans, Taurus men will experience a lot of pleasant things in sex in September. The physical embodiment of the love of beauties will not take long to arrive. Astrologers recommend that Taurus be extremely reasonable and not start affairs with several women at the same time.

Love horoscope for Taurus for other months of 2019


Love for Taurus is a complex combination of sensitivity and rigidity. To the outside world, he seems to be a self-sufficient, composed person, but inside he is a hopeless romantic. His needs are basic, so Taurus needs a stable, affectionate partner in whom he is 100% confident. However, it is difficult to find. Maybe Taurus will study the love horoscope for September with attention and take advantage of some important tips?


When falling in love, a Taurus woman always knows how to behave. Anyone will envy her radiant look and willingness to do anything for the sake of her loved one. But first she will carefully study the object of passion to make sure whether it is worthy.

According to the September horoscope, this woman longs to be loved, but has a deep-rooted fear of getting hurt. You will have to try hard for it to bloom. A man should regard a love union with her as a great blessing and surround such a woman with care.

Taurus is a sign ruled by Venus, the planet of female sexuality, or more precisely, sensuality. Orgasm is not first on the list of her priorities, this woman wants a man to caress her, kiss her and love her with everything possible ways. In September, a spiritual connection with a partner comes first, and the love horoscope for September Taurus makes it clear that if she does not receive it, she will become cold and distant.

As the horoscope says, there is no mystery, it is stable, understandable for a partner, but not boring. September, under the influence of Venus, is the month when her sensual nature becomes more tender. Touching hands and kissing can lift her to the pinnacle of bliss.

In September, pamper yourself more, visit spa treatments, sign up for a relaxing massage. This way, women and men will restore the internal flow of energy and increase their vitality.

Surprising an earthly person is simple; it is not necessary to perform a feat. She's had enough romantic dinner in a cozy restaurant, this woman is smart and easily concludes whether she needs a love affair with you or not. As the horoscope advises at the end of summer, closer to September, go together to an Italian restaurant, not far from home. She loves delicious food very much. Don't forget to buy flowers and borrow a jacket when she gets cold. This will win over the Taurus woman.

According to the horoscope, in order to better understand a representative of this sign, understand what key character traits she has:

  • reliability and inner strength;
  • compassion;
  • sincerity;
  • fear of emotional pain.

The Taurus woman is distinguished by practicality and strength of character. Having chosen a love partner, she is ready to calm down, give birth to a bunch of kids and maintain the hearth. If this is what you need, go for it.

Earth sign women are often closed off due to fear of emotional trauma. A man needs to gain trust and convince a woman of his own reliability.


In September, according to accurate horoscope, Taurus man is looking for a wife. One of its main tasks is to put down roots. Taurus is deeply convinced that family is the best thing that can happen to a person. She is the rear, and family members are assistants in any matter. This indicates monogamy of the representatives air element. They find variety exclusively in things: new dishes, items of clothing, etc.

September will provide an opportunity to charm Taurus. An interested woman will build a love union with him without difficulty if she allows herself to be adored and gives what Taurus asks of her. You need very little, but you will find one of the most reliable companions.

Lonely Taurus is always in “search” mode. He has a matching checklist against which he tests every woman he meets. If he finds an ideal along the way, he will pursue it no matter what. He imagines himself as some kind of prince, whom it is naturally difficult to refuse.

The horoscope says that life with a Taurus man is comfortable and safe. If you are tired of the frivolity of men's intentions, you passionately desire to gain strong family, you should pay attention to such a man. After the marriage comes, he will begin to build long life with you, full of comfort, carefree relaxation and endless gifts.

According to the horoscope, the month is characterized by increased attention from the opposite sex. The intelligence and inner potential of Taurus fascinate girls, so the likelihood of ending up in the registry office is quite natural.

At the beginning of autumn there is a possibility of making hasty decisions. This will not negatively affect your Destiny. On the contrary, the stars encourage serious changes in life in September.


There may be problems with money. Mars and Pluto line up in the sign of Taurus. The influence of diverse planets will influence impulsive, unnecessary purchases. Beware of expensive boutiques, unless you decide to treat yourself to something special.

The horoscope for 2017 states that you will have a close relationship with elderly relatives. If you are awaiting payment from an insurance claim or an inheritance settlement, be prepared for obstacles before everything is finalized. According to the horoscope prediction, legally savvy persons will be required. Don't refuse expert advice, even if your character opposes it.

In September, a cozy bed looks more appealing than working out. Your laziness is making itself felt. Lonely Taurus has a great opportunity to meet a pretty woman on morning jog. The horoscope foretells a long-term, rapidly developing love relationship. Don't miss your chance this month.

The Moon in the first decade of Taurus strengthens connections with other people. Love feelings can develop with one of your friends. Romantic notes can be diluted business etiquette with the person you least imagine yourself with. This September, Capricorns are not indifferent to the sign. Despite the stubborn character of both, there is a possibility of creating a strong love relationship.

“The relationship between Taurus and Capricorn is not ideal. However, judging by the characteristics of the signs, they complement each other perfectly. Both zodiac signs are reliable and stable in relationships. General element The earth does not allow you to waste your time on petty feelings. Therefore, this union is recommended by the horoscope, especially this year.”


Learning something new or going on a trip are the main concerns of Taurus in September. Finally, you can pursue your passions in life. According to your horoscope, you can benefit from a hobby or quickly achieve heights in a new business. Stop being stubborn that you don't need it. Take a step forward and everything will go by itself. The arrival of Saturn on September 2 in the constellation Virgo will bring special luck.

If you haven't already scheduled your annual physical, now is the time to do so. According to the horoscope, there is a possibility of deterioration physical condition, falling in October. A good sign from the stars for those who are watching their weight; in September they will be able to find the right diet.

The horoscope for 2018 warns that you can expect a serious love relationship. But be careful! Stability - important priority men are Taurus. It's easy to get into the wrong rut in September. What you think is a strong love union can turn out to be a huge burden; you are capable of marking time alone.

There is no need to rush in September, but there is no need to delay either. Love horoscope Taurus also forms under the symbol of new acquaintances. This predicts the arrival of a new friend or even family member. Eat reverse side medals - you can remain completely alone, but it will not depend on you.


The current state of affairs contributes to the end of the alliance with new passions. Women feel like they are not valued. And the shortage cash only makes the situation worse. An accurate love horoscope advises Taurus to do what is most convenient for him, even if this means the end of a long-term love affair. If in doubt, wait until October to decide.

Make every effort to achieve your dreams in September. Even if it's not easy for you, it will at least be easier to keep your target in sight when the time comes. The horoscope for 2019 promises the dominance of Mars, giving Taurus strength in fulfilling his plans. By looking at the horoscope forecast by date of birth, you can better understand at what time to make your maximum effort.

September is one of best months year for love and friendship. Women and men with Taurus in their couples can enjoy his love and sudden eloquence. The horoscope warns that misunderstandings can destroy what you have built together for so long. Think before you speak and don't jump to conclusions.

A man’s desire to find love can be fulfilled in a place completely unexpected for him. Your hobbies and pastime rarely bring anything useful to life, so in September it is better to change frequently visited places to completely unexpected ones. Theaters, parks, and museums are fraught with surprises for Taurus. Imagine what a surprise it will be for them when they meet you.

What does September 2017 have in store for the Taurus man?

Whether Taurus men will advance in September will depend on diligence and effectiveness. career ladder. They will have plenty of opportunities for this. They should be careful about making colleagues, so there is no need to brag about their successes to them. In love, single men are not destined to start a relationship this month, but married men should think about how to renew old feelings.

Love horoscope for Taurus Men

The intentions of representatives without couples to start a serious relationship this month are disrupted due to heavy workloads. All the efforts made to meet the girl you like will lead to nothing. The stars tell Taurus not to be upset, because little depends on them in terms of love this month.

Married men will feel that they are moving away from their spouse. Most likely, the question of breaking up the relationship will arise, but you shouldn’t rush into it too much. In the near future, many couples have the opportunity to regain their former passion and love.

Love horoscope for September 2017: Taurus The man will feel that it is worth postponing making serious decisions for an indefinite period.

Finance and work

The stars foreshadow Taurus career growth this month. Of course, all successes and achievements will directly depend on their efforts and achievements. Most likely, they will begin new collaborations with several firms, which will expand their professional knowledge and open up many opportunities. They shouldn’t brag to their colleagues and reveal all their work secrets, otherwise it could end badly. The financial situation in September will be excellent, and expenses will be stable. Perhaps representatives will receive financial assistance or some kind of one-time additional income.

Health and leisure

Taurus men must say goodbye to their bad habits. The stars recommend visiting a clinic in September to check the condition of your liver. You should also do physical exercise and strengthen the muscles of the body. For relaxation, a trip to the bathhouse or sauna with friends is perfect. This will have a good effect on your health and general well-being.

Taurus will successfully overcome even an incredibly difficult set of circumstances, thanks to the sincere disposition of his colleagues and management towards him, says the horoscope for September 2019. Taurus will probably be forced to once again return to some ideas or issues that were previously given up on. And this time, most of these projects will be completed, which will further increase Taurus’s authority in the professional field.


The last ten days of the month will be very successful for those who are in active search work. Send out your resume, go to interviews. If you are offered a job with probationary period, agree. Not only will you be paid for the time worked, but you will be able to get a position for which you did not apply even in your wildest dreams. Now all that’s left to do is confirm that your employer has not made a mistake about you.

If you have a business meeting, try to schedule it for the last ten days of September. It is during this period that the influence of Mars will be most powerful, and the stars will not allow you to be below your best, and your optimism and determination will do their job 100%. Information obtained in a casual conversation will help you resolve a relationship problem with one of your colleagues. And, most likely, you will make a good friend in him.


The Moon will be in the sector of your home and family from the very beginning of the month, and with the help of the influence of this planet you will be given many opportunities to bring about positive changes within the walls of your home. During this same period, you will strengthen your relationships with your relatives, especially older sisters and brothers. Communication with them during this period will not only bring pleasure, but will also bring some material benefit.

In the middle of the month, an unexpected visit from friends or distant relatives is possible. This is not to say that this visit will please you, but everything will actually not be as scary as you imagined. You can have a great time, and later even re-evaluate your attitude towards unexpected visitors.

It is better not to make large purchases during this period. If you have some amount of money on hand, put it aside until better times. Soon you will feel that you acted rationally.

Pets can cause a lot of trouble. Get ready for a visit to the veterinary hospital, or better yet, take the necessary safety measures when keeping pets. Taurus is sincerely attached to his pet; the pet’s illness negatively affects the mood and even the well-being of the representative of the zodiac house.

Taurus woman

Your responsiveness and sensitivity towards others will play a cruel joke on you, warns the horoscope for September 2019. A Taurus woman should keep her ears open, because an unscrupulous person can take advantage of these spiritual qualities of hers for profit. Of course, after this you will not stop believing that the good given to people is returned a hundredfold, but you will still have to experience some disappointment and annoyance. After some thought and soul-searching, you will still come to the desire to make the world a better place, but the lesson learned now will definitely fall into the treasury of your everyday experience.

In the last five-day period of the month, some Taurus women will have to prove themselves as skilled speakers. And, although the result will not suffer from this, being in the center of attention, the representative of the sign will feel extremely uncomfortable.

Taurus Man

In mid-September 2019, some rough edges will inevitably arise in relationships with family and close friends. The outcome of problems will depend entirely on your determination and desire to solve them, says the horoscope for September 2019. Taurus man, try not to get hung up on what you cannot change; it is better to take control of what you can easily turn in your direction.

The last five-day period will be remembered for the constant confusion and even some comicality of what is happening, so try not to take any important decisions. Be patient, you will get it soon important information, and some problems will resolve on their own. Dedicate your weekend to thinking about the great and contemplating the beautiful.

Taurus Children

Taurus children are actively exploring the world, and they are making incredible progress in this field. Many students will need parental help to improve their knowledge. Try to provide it as much as possible. Spare no time and effort on this, and explain to your baby that in life, things rarely fall into your hands. In order to achieve some result, you need to make an effort. Taurus loves easy victories, but, unfortunately, they also have to work hard.


The physical health and psycho-emotional state of Taurus are at their best. Therefore, they should not fear for their health; the disease is unlikely to incapacitate them during this period. But despite this, now is the time to prevent diseases. The Achilles heel of many representatives of the sign is overweight. Against the background of increased body weight, many Taurus people develop dangerous diseases in adulthood - hypertension, diabetes mellitus, liver and heart diseases. Obesity is a systemic disease, so almost all organs and systems of the body suffer to one degree or another. Turn the situation around before it's too late. Start leading an active lifestyle, go in for sports or exercise, limit your consumption of light carbohydrates - potatoes, buns, sweet water. Taurus are big pedants, so a diet that involves counting the calories of food consumed is suitable for them. A nutrition consultant or nutritionist will tell you the daily calorie intake for your gender, age and initial weight.

Anyone can envy Taurus' tenacity in achieving their goals. The first month of autumn will be somewhat chaotic for representatives of this zodiac sign. How to improve everything and find harmony in relationships? The love horoscope for Taurus for September 2017 will help you use your time and energy to benefit your personal life.

Many single people born under the sign of Taurus may be somewhat surprised by the events taking place around them in the first weeks of autumn. Unexpected signs of attention from the opposite sex will distract you from solving pressing issues in September. This state of affairs may even confuse free Taurus a little, but it will not be possible to lead them astray from the planned path. The love horoscope for September advises Taurus not to give up making new acquaintances and romantic encounters during this period, but they should not postpone their plans for long.

Romance and love feelings to spouses in September 2017 may fade a little into the background amid other concerns. However, this most likely will not spoil Taurus’ relationships with their loved ones this month. In some couples, jealousy and resentment may occur due to the interest of the opposite sex in Taurus. The stars warn that September for representatives of this zodiac sign will be quite full of favorable and not so favorable emotions. In order to maintain a warm atmosphere with their significant other and other household members in September, Taurus will have to distribute their time so that it is enough for communication with their family and for business.

Love horoscope for Taurus women for September 2017

The close interest of the opposite sex will pursue free Taurus girls throughout September. At some points, it will even interfere with the usual routine of representatives of this sign. A truthful love horoscope for September for Taurus advises girls born under this zodiac sign to be more attentive to new acquaintances. Perhaps among them there is that person who will become a life partner in the future. Of course, it’s still too early for girls to plan a wedding, but the transition in September to serious relationship will be successful.

Taurus women differ from representatives of other zodiac signs in their determination and desire to avoid sudden changes. Their personal life in September will most likely delight in its consistency. Many married women born under the sign of Taurus will be completely satisfied with their communication with their spouse and other family members in September 2017. You should not expect violent manifestations of feelings at this time, but this will be quite to the liking of the Taurus ladies. During this period, older family members may require attention; it is better not to wait for requests from them, but to show attention and care without reminders.

Love horoscope for Taurus men for September 2017

Most of the single Taurus men at the beginning of autumn will be in the mood for easy communication with the fair sex without harsh actions. Calm and gradual development relations will completely suit the representatives of the Taurus constellation, leaving them time to resolve other issues that arise. The love horoscope for Taurus for September 2017 recommends that they follow their plans and not succumb to girls’ tricks aimed at making quick decisions.

The family life of Taurus men in the first month of autumn will be marked by pleasant manifestations of tenderness and flirtation from their other half. Love relationships men born under this zodiac sign with their chosen one in September may be distinguished by special depth and sensuality. Many Taurus, in addition to the attention of their spouse, can feel interest from strangers. An accurate love horoscope for September recommends that Taurus families not react to provocations, so as not to cause quarrels and break-ups with their other half.