Horoscope for today Taurus May. Horoscope for May

IN last month In spring, many Taurus people celebrate their birthday. What will May bring for representatives of the earth element and the favorites of the mysterious Venus? The horoscope for Taurus for May 2018 is full of contradictions: fatigue at the end of the annual cycle takes its toll, and the emotional sphere is unstable. Let's consider the question: what to expect during this period in the personal, financial and business spheres?

Absent-mindedness and fruitless dreams - these are the moods that will prevail in Taurus in May. You need to try to pull yourself together and wait for your cherished birthday in order to be filled with new energy for the upcoming annual cycle. There is no need to indulge in sadness about unfulfilled dreams - life is not over. You have new victories and achievements ahead, because Taurus is a tireless worker and a responsible family man and employee.

The natural charm of Taurus always comes to the rescue, so interesting meetings and events are expected in May. Don't spend your evenings watching TV - go out in public more often. Even family Taurus do not need to sit around the fireside; it is better to go for walks with the family. Walking in nature will help nervous Taurus survive the unfavorable period at the end of the annual cycle.

If you don't control your emotions, you will make new problems and even enemies.

Try to tune in to a positive wave, even if cats are scratching at your soul and you want to destroy someone’s cozy little world. Touch trees, walk barefoot on grass and earth - this will help relieve excess tension and free yourself from negative energy. IN family relationships You also need to show wisdom and not strive to take control of every step of your significant other - reasonable freedom and trust will serve you well in your personal field of intra-family relationships.

Business and work

In May, excessive arrogance and ambition can ruin a lot in the business field. You shouldn’t go too far and put all the problems on your shoulders at once - you might not be able to stand it and break. Astrologers advise being more tolerant of other people's shortcomings and not suffering from perfectionism - it will backfire. Show loyalty, close your eyes to errors - and you will see how beautiful the world is in its diversity.

At the beginning of the month, misunderstandings may arise between colleagues. This is a normal work environment, so you shouldn't be reckless. It is necessary to clarify controversial issues and come to a consensus. From mid-May the situation will become calmer and more favorable for fruitful cooperation. Taurus will begin to think about the prospects for promotion career ladder. This dream can come true if you don’t ruin your relationship with your colleagues at the beginning of the month.

The new moon is considered an unfavorable day for resolving serious issues - it falls on May 15th.

Don't make appointments, sign contracts, or make important decisions. It is better to spend this day in solitude or simply step away from all matters. Meditation, a walk in the park, visiting the pool or sauna - best solution for a given day.

Love and relationships

Surprisingly, pets of the goddess of love Venus can completely forget about their personal lives and immerse themselves in work. Time for business - time for fun? This saying doesn’t always justify itself; you can end up alone. Therefore, do not get lost in work, but improve your personal life. May— great time for romantic meetings and picnics, you just need to find the desire to leave the house or not stay at work overtime.

Women can update their wardrobe, buy new perfumes and perfumes, and dye their hair a contrasting color. These small changes can create a whole whirlwind positive emotions which will be beneficial. Do not try to demonstrate your independence and self-confidence - this does not make a woman beautiful. It is better to choose the role of a defenseless stranger in need of support and guidance - it works flawlessly. Let your man feel strong and influential - this will give him courage and self-confidence.

In May, Venus will be favorable to her pets and will give a chance to restore lost relationships. If you regret breaking up with your ex-lover, there is a chance to return everything to normal. Family Taurus should try to strengthen relationships with their other halves, and not shock them with eccentric antics. Moderate your ardor or find something you enjoy so that you have less time for intra-family conflicts.


Taurus is constantly searching and finding stressful situations, if they don’t exist, he persistently creates them. However, stress is a direct path to illness, so conflict situations should simply be avoided. If there is an unhealthy atmosphere at work, it is better to drink herbal soothing teas or motherwort extract. Soon the tense atmosphere will end and everything will return to business as usual - and you will save your nerves.

The body can react to stress by developing skin diseases, which cannot be eliminated immediately. Pay attention to the daily menu - it should include dishes from natural products. Don't get carried away with the delicious food, but unhealthy food. The skin is a large organ related to excretory system. With any malfunction in the body, this organ begins to react with rashes and inflammation.

Pay attention to adequate sleep. A person needs a night's rest of at least 6 hours, not 3 or 4 hours. Adjust your rest and work schedule so as not to become hostage to cumulative stress. This is especially true for representatives of the fair sex:

  • do not indulge in snacking between main meals;
  • exclude carbonated drinks and tonics from the menu;
  • break the habit of eating junk food.

Summer is coming, and your figure should match your idea of ​​beauty. Otherwise, the fashionable swimsuit will have to be put aside in the back of the closet. Drink more mineral water without gas and herbal teas- they remove toxins and excess water from the body. Salads made from fresh vegetables help cleanse the body, if you do not cover them with a thick layer of harmful mayonnaise. Minimum fat, more vegetable proteins - this best diet for Taurus.

If you cannot cope with nervous tension on your own, visit a psychologist. Sometimes a couple of sessions a good psychologist can replace a bunch of expensive tranquilizers. Everything is in your hands.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Haven't you corresponded with your friend for a long time? It's time to meet and discuss over a cup of coffee everything that has accumulated in your soul. Don’t be afraid to talk, show emotions - you need to speak out. It’s not for nothing that they say that the best psychologist is a friend with a bottle. You don't have to get drunk, but you can try karaoke to relax in good company. Gather your friends, you can play some interesting game. If you don't add bright colors into your boring and gray everyday life, you risk dying of boredom. And nothing will help you, nothing at all. Even your favorite movie will start to irritate you, and this is the final stage. There is no need to take valerian, especially in liters. It is better to focus on your personal life as well as your career.

IN lately you are increasingly captured by unnecessary doubts and thoughts. If you are determined to move forward, then do not waste precious minutes, there should be no hesitation. Taurus is a loner by nature; you are a lady and strive to exercise total control over your partner. But not every man will be able to withstand this pressure with dignity, so restrain yourself, otherwise you will continue to shoot your eyes around to no avail. Cupid is on his way to the rescue, this prankster will help lift your spirits and give you some good options.

The main thing is rich inner world, remember this. If you ask about the financial situation of your companion, he will simply get scared and run away from you. The questions should be as correct as possible, and even more so if you like the man. One can only envy Taurus’s workaholism; you can safely conduct master classes and tell them how to achieve success in a matter of months. It's time to bring all your creative ideas to life. The mission is possible, you just need to put in a little effort. Health problems are haunting you, try to dress for the weather and if the first symptoms of the flu appear, go to the doctor.

Favorable days in May 2018 for Taurus: 2, 4, 5, 6,8,10, 14, 18,20,22, 27, 31.

Love horoscope for May 2018 Taurus

Those born under this zodiac sign are going through hard times. Taurus is bogged down in work, instead of improving his personal life. Get yourself together and quit the habit of staying late every day at work. Taurus consoles himself, since there is no personal life, it means he can spend precious minutes sorting out papers in the office. Start going on dates, Cupid suggests registering on a dating site. A great idea that will inspire you and allow you to look at relationships differently.

Meeting a new young man will give you confidence, you will want to update your wardrobe and just enjoy life. Don't be upset if your next boyfriend doesn't live up to your expectations. You deserve better, keep searching. The problem with the Taurus woman is that she strives to show herself in all her glory: strong, independent and confident. Most men are afraid of such people; they are at risk. An artistic and charismatic young lady attracts a lot of attention, how can you date someone like that? Compared to her, you will always look like a stupid, insecure representative of the stronger sex. Slow down, you can sometimes pretend to be weak and defenseless and ask a man for help. They love this, the main thing is not to miss the cherished moment.

Positive emotions and new acquaintances are just what you need. The influence of Venus will help you renew old relationships, if you care about ex-lover, maybe it’s worth establishing contact with him? It's up to you to decide. Married couples are experiencing a crisis in their relationship, you need to find an activity that will captivate you. A wonderful option is to go on vacation, at least for a week, together without children and numerous relatives. Try to be gentler in arguments, otherwise all your close and dear people will run away, no one will tolerate your impulsive antics for long.

Finance horoscope for May 2018 Taurus

A little self-discipline and attentiveness will not hurt you. Start treating your assigned tasks with maximum responsibility, otherwise you will have to start your climb to the Olympus of your career from the very beginning. Study the documents you draw up and sign more carefully. There should be no mistakes, otherwise, as a “pleasant” bonus, you will receive a reprimand from your superiors.

The beginning of the month promises disagreements with your business partner, try to sort out the conflict situation, don’t act out of your hand. Otherwise, you risk being left without a friend and support. Financial collapse awaits Taurus who trusted dubious people. Don't expect anything good from such individuals, they are using you. You need to trust only actions, no long speeches or promises.

The second half of May 2018 promises to be rich in interesting meetings, you will be able to relax a little and think about further advancement in your career. Try to limit yourself to large acquisitions, no unplanned expenses, especially when it comes to real estate. Buying or selling an apartment is a very serious matter and it is better to seek help from a specialist, do not forget about a lawyer. You will have to make friends with this person, whether you want it or not.

Do not schedule business meetings on May 15, the day of the new moon. It does not bode well, remember this when you plan your work and free time. Telley can achieve a lot, but he needs motivation and praise. Only in this situation will he be confident in himself and continue to overcome new difficulties.

Health horoscope for May 2018 Taurus

Representatives of this zodiac sign are in a special risk zone. Taurus may become a hostage to their own fears and not seek help from a doctor in time. Due to constant stress and nervous tension There is a risk of skin diseases at work. You should tidy up your diet and sleep patterns. Any malfunction in the body manifests itself on the skin, and radical methods will be needed to correct the situation. You need to sleep not 3-4 hours as usual, but 6-8 hours of full sleep. What to do if the peak activity is in evening time and always want to eat before bed? Fight your addiction; if you really want to, you can rearrange your daily routine. The old saying goes: the earlier you get up, the more you get done. Isn't that right?

Keep yourself in shape, lately Taurus has become interested in snacking and junk food. You, young lady, must put yourself in order. Summer is coming, and you will need to show yourself in all your glory in shorts and skirts. Food poisoning is only possible if you eat strange foods without reading the information on the labels. The expiration date must be in order; buying products that will become unusable after just a few days, you risk going to the hospital. On the one hand, this is very sad and sad, but on the other hand, you can lie down, think about your life and come to the appropriate conclusions.

On May 29, on the day of the full moon, no consultations with the doctor; if possible, you should generally stay at home. Lounge in a warm bed, get some sleep - restoring the balance of energy and strength.

You need to take care of your health every day, not only when something hurts. Do you often stay in bad mood? Urgently go to a psychologist, he will help you cope with your emotional distress.

Read the horoscope for May 2018 for other zodiac signs:

May 2019 is unlikely to change anything in your professional field. But every cloud has a silver lining - it supports the horoscope for May 2019. This month Taurus will be able to properly build social contacts and form new relationships in the work team. In this process, a subtle understanding of how to act correctly in a given situation will come to your aid; balance will be achieved through the already accumulated experience and high concentration of attention, even to seemingly insignificant details.


Most likely, in order to achieve better results and not miss what has already been achieved, you will have to add a little creativity to your activities, but you will certainly cope with this. In May, many representatives of the zodiac house will change some outdated schemes and approaches to solving professional problems.

Towards the end of the month, the prospect of improving your financial situation emerges. But for this, you shouldn’t walk over corpses and pull the blanket over yourself. A selfish approach to business can deprive you loyal allies and assistants, which will lead to the fact that the assigned task will not be completed on time, because in this situation you will have to do everything yourself.

In May, it is better to abandon all major investment transactions, especially long-term ones. You won't get the support and help you expected from stakeholders. There will be a more appropriate time for this. And very soon.


In May 2019, the Yellow Pig in the family relationships of Taurus will create practical rather than romantic situations in which the representative of the sign will be able to demonstrate his affection and respect for his partner. In the first ten days of the month, the Moon will contribute to pleasant acquaintances and a beautiful date for single representatives of the sign, and married couples will provide an opportunity to enjoy a flash of feelings caused by some event that is important for two. The same Moon will emphasize the importance of the sexual side of relationships in family life. In the last ten days of the month, the horoscope recommends Taurus to control himself, be kind and warm relations the family is under threat - the relationship can be harmed by the excessive emotionality of the sign’s representative.

The horoscope recommends that Taurus reduce their social circle to a minimum in May. Let only your most devoted friends and family members remain in it. This will have a double benefit - you will be able to avoid troubles associated with ill-wishers and once again allow your loved ones to be convinced that you care about them!

Taurus woman

Representatives of the fair half of humanity belonging to this horoscope sign in May 2019 will have to be convinced more than once that the affection of friends and the feeling of a friendly shoulder are very important things. In the second ten days of May, many Taurus women will need friendly support. Many of them may have the impression that the whole world is at war against them. Problems at work, especially in personal communication with colleagues and management, breakdown household appliances, a series of annoying delays and oversights - these are the unpleasant moments that will haunt the lovely ladies for almost the entire month. There is no need to be upset or panic, the best tactic of the month is “Language is silver, and silence is gold!” This will help you survive the unfavorable period with minimal losses, especially since it is very short-term.

Taurus Man

For Taurus men, May 2019 will begin quite chaotically, and the first half of the month will be extremely full of contradictions. This month, most likely, they will not be able to resolve a single issue from the block of issues that have accumulated by this time. Unfortunately, this period will not be successful for planning the future - this will not allow the unimportant psycho-emotional background of the representatives of the zodiac house. What can men of this sign do in May? And you don’t need to do anything special! Relax and go with the flow, it’s not very often that Taurus gets this opportunity. Soon the stars will become more merciful to you, and everything will begin to work out even without your participation!

Taurus Children

Unlike adult representatives of the sign, Taurus children will become bold in their actions and desires in May 2019. This month they will be able to strengthen their authority in children's team, and sometimes take leadership positions. Junior children school age may show increased interest in educational process. It is important for Taurus parents not to miss this moment and be sure to encourage the little representative of the sign. In addition, they should devote more time to conversations with the child on moral and ethical topics.

Taurus teenagers will have to finally make their choice in May 2019 future profession. If there is such a need, then you should start attending courses to familiarize yourself with the specialty.


The health of Taurus is directly related to their mood, and in May their mood leaves much to be desired. This will cause headaches, jumps blood pressure, stomach pain. Representatives of the sign should pay attention to the symptoms that appear; this will help prevent the development of diseases and their progression into a chronic form. For most Taurus, using recipes will be enough traditional medicine, but if this does not bring relief within a week, then it is still better to contact a specialized specialist.

Pay attention to the quality of your sleep. If you have difficulty falling asleep, wake up several times a night, and do not feel rested in the morning, then you may want to temporarily start taking sedatives before bed.

Horoscope for May 2019, Taurus is advised to abandon long-term investments.
The Taurus woman may have the impression that the whole world is at war against her, but this period will soon pass.
The horoscope recommends that Taurus minimize their social circle in May 2019.
Horoscope for June 2019, Taurus.

With the onset of spring, the Yellow Dog already feels like a full-fledged mistress of the year and is not wasting any time. In May, amazing opportunities will open up for the signs of the Zodiac. There will be a chance to bring your plans to life, so dream boldly. The key to success is positive thinking. Clear your mind of oppressive, heavy thoughts and notice how your life will change. You will find the horoscope for May 2018 for Taurus women in our article. Any troubles that arise will be easily resolved. Possibly missing nearby close person. But even parting with a loved one is not a reason to sprinkle ashes on your head and give up later life. For a while, Cupid decided to leave you alone. The curly-haired baby thinks that you are not ready for a new relationship. The horoscope recommends not focusing on loneliness, but spending more time with friends; communicate with by different people, visit museums and fun parties. For couples who have been together for several years, the Dog offers to legalize the relationship. So, see below for the year of Taurus.

Horoscope for Taurus Women for May 2018

In May, you may experience uncollected thoughts and absent-mindedness, especially at times when you need to be active and inventive. If you dream of success, you will have to not give up on your intentions if you don’t want someone else to take advantage of the results of your work. Moreover, towards the end of the month you will unexpectedly get a good result or see new prospects at work. May will be rich in trips, meetings and new experiences, but not all Taurus will be ready for them. Laziness and fatigue can make you again leave the center of events and contemplate what is happening around. To restore your strength, try to balance your diet. Fatty and high-calorie foods can not only provoke apathy, but also lead to chronic diseases. Try not to overindulge in confectionery products and beware of foods that are heavy on the stomach - they will not do you any good. In May, it is better to complete the things you started and plan new ones. However, if you didn’t manage to do everything right away, don’t worry, everything will definitely work out, but not right away. Show persistence and act actively, this will help you achieve results, both in communicating with people and in your personal life or work.

Horoscope for May 2018 for Taurus woman

Many Taurus women will feel out of place. Venus ruling your sign will create unfavorable combinations, and this is not better position for your planet. Inharmonious aspects of the stars will make you afraid of conflicts and avoid them at all costs, so you risk losing your position in some way - both in work and in personal affairs. The talisman of the month is a comb, a hairpin, any hair accessory. Favorable days: May 1, 9, 20, 29. Unfavorable days: May 7, 13, 19. The priority of interests is relationships, love, self-expression, creative plans.

Love horoscope for Taurus woman for May 2018

You will be extremely popular with the opposite sex, but you should not take this seriously; now only flirting is appropriate. You will feel the echo of last year's love passions. But this is temporary - in a week everything will return to normal. By mid-May, the mood for love will begin to decline. You will become secretive and may feel sad deep down. Taurus will begin to think more constructively. For example, take care of urgent financial issues.

Health horoscope for Taurus woman for May 2018

Now you are in a fruitful period. It is recommended to visit a cosmetologist; you can even undergo anti-aging procedures. During this period, it is better not to experiment and not introduce anything new into your life. Do your usual sports, eat what you usually eat, and then there will be no unpleasant surprises in your life. In the second half of May, Taurus is extremely impressionable. Try to communicate only with those who treat you well and like you. Your attitude and well-being will change radically. You will want to move more. Walking on fresh air It won't hurt you either.

Work and financial horoscope for Taurus woman for May 2018

Horoscope for Taurus for May 2018 women

May will be favorable for Taurus - all circumstances will be in your favor, and no matter how much you would like to create problems on your own, this will not happen. Relax and enjoy a period of peace. In their personal lives, everything is also going well, family Taurus will have the opportunity to strengthen their union, and singles will have a new amazing acquaintance. Perhaps one of your close friends will decide to take your personal life seriously, although the possibility of a chance acquaintance cannot be ruled out. Don't miss the opportunity, because in May you can meet your destiny! Career promises Taurus new business meetings, acquaintances and great deals. All of this can be good for your career if you take matters into your own hands. You may even have to take some risks. Believe me, May will favor you in all your endeavors, so take risks and try, don’t miss your luck! In the second half of May, Taurus may get the idea great idea to improve your financial situation.

In May 2016, Taurus has the opportunity to decide on plans for the whole year. In addition, the full moon this month has strong energy and can influence representatives of the sign. In situations related to the family or personal relationships of Taurus, the powerful inner strength of the representatives of the sign can play an important role: it will help to cope with all the difficulties that arise.

General horoscope for May 2016 Taurus

The May 2016 horoscope for Taurus considers May 3 a favorable day for activities with children or creativity, as well as resolving issues related to purchasing or renting real estate.

In May 2016, Taurus can conclude important financial contracts and resolve accumulated issues regarding home and everyday life. Suitable days for this are May 6 and 7. In addition, Taurus can successfully use this period to gain self-confidence and discover talent.

In May 2016, Taurus will receive the necessary support from his partner or loved one. So, on May 14 and 15, the concentration of energetic and moral strength will be at its most high level, and Taurus will finally be able to feel a sense of self-worth and enjoy it.

In May 2016, Taurus needs to be careful due to the influence exerted by Mercury retrograde. Thus, some work situations and transactions may seem confusing, and Taurus in such cases will need to understand their reasons each time before making a decision.

Taurus may only have to worry about Mercury retrograde in May 2016 on May 13th and 15th. So, when taking documents for signature, it is better for Taurus to once again familiarize themselves with their contents, and, if possible, postpone this until May 23. Clarity will come when the retrograde of the planet Mercury ends.

Career and money horoscope for May 2016 Taurus

In May 2016, Taurus will feel like a full-fledged master of his life, understand that only he is responsible for his destiny. This month, the main issues for Taurus will be family and home, while career will take a secondary place and be of much less interest than before. The horoscope for May 2016 for Taurus on the days 6, 7, 14 and 15 of May predicts that representatives of the sign will have a clear understanding that close and loved ones are capable of helping in achieving any heights, including in their careers.

In May 2016, Taurus will have to devote more time to himself and his family than to work.

The movement of the planets in May 2016 for Taurus, as well as the full moon on May 21-22, can have a powerful impact on representatives of the sign, and can also create conflict situation. At this time, Taurus may be required to resolve not only their own issues, but also the financial problems of family members. Only after May 22 can the situation be resolved safely.

Favorable days for career and financial affairs in May 2016 for Taurus: May 23-30.

Love horoscope for May 2016 Taurus

Taurus in May 2016 will have very powerful sexual energy and attractiveness throughout the month, which at times can even be excessive. The horoscope for May 2016 for Taurus considers days from 6 to 7, from 13 to 15, as well as from May 29 to 30 the most favorable for love relationship.

Taurus in May 2016 should be especially attentive on May 22. On this day, a situation may arise related to the finances of a family or partner, requiring Taurus to take responsibility or become more disciplined and economical. By the end of the month - May 29, Taurus may have to distract himself from family and everyday issues and devote more time to work.

During the period from May 24 to 28, the other half of Taurus may be ready to work hard in order to be able to achieve the joint high goals outlined by Taurus.

In May 2016, Taurus may be affected by strong impact retrograde Mars. The peculiarity of this time will be that both Taurus and his half can talk about their doubts about the need to continue the relationship, about the role of each in them. It is very important to understand that such difficulties are temporary, wait and not ruin the relationship.

The Black Moon will be in the sign of Scorpio from May 22 until the end of the year. In this regard, May 2016 will bring powerful sexual energy for Taurus. In addition, this position of the planets gives Taurus freedom in sexual preferences, fantasies and experiments.

Favorable days for love relationships in May 2016 for Aries: May 6, 7, 13 - 15, 29 - 30.

Health horoscope for May 2016 Taurus

Taurus in May 2016 may need to make some financial investments in their health. Fortunately, the stars predict that Taurus will most likely not be concerned with issues of treatment or examination, but most likely with health improvement. So, for representatives of the Taurus sign, May is a great time to decide where to relax in the summer and restore their strength.

At the end of the month, Taurus should save their energy and not overexert themselves at work.