Dinner for two meat recipes. Romantic candlelight dinner at home! What to cook, how to decorate, how to spend

Valentine's Day, also known as St. Valentine's Day, is one of the most controversial holidays of the year. Why ambiguous? I judge by the fact that many consider this holiday frivolous, unreal and almost imposing some incomprehensible values ​​on us.

On the other hand, for most lovers, this holiday is another reason to show their feelings for each other, which is never superfluous. And, as we all know, for a couple in love, the best way to spend time together is (dammit!) a romantic dinner. However, if February 14 is still far away, you can arrange a romantic dinner for two on any day, as long as you have the desire. In this article we will talk about how to prepare a romantic dinner at home, pleasantly surprising your chosen one.

Rules for a romantic dinner

So, what do you think the perfect romantic dinner should look like? Let's highlight the main points that distinguish a romantic dinner from an ordinary one.

  • Situation. This is perhaps the defining moment. Candles, dim lighting, a beautifully set table, soft relaxing music - you can arrange it on your own. And, of course, no TV, even if there is some kind of romantic comedy on there.
  • Just the two of us. If you have children, place them with your grandmother; if you live with relatives, buy them theater tickets or think of something else, otherwise your romantic dinner may, for obvious reasons, go down the drain.
  • Dishes. A romantic dinner is the best moment to subtly impress your loved one with culinary skills that he/she didn’t even know you had. For this reason, the dishes you prepare for a romantic dinner should—even must—be gourmet. And also not very difficult, both in preparation and in digestion.
  • Drinks. Of course, the only drink appropriate for such a dinner is wine. First, you should decide on the menu for a romantic dinner, and then choose the wine to go with it (if you are not very well versed in wines, it is best to go to a special store, find a seller, tell him the dish and indicate your budget). You can start a romantic dinner with a couple of glasses of champagne or prosecco, just don’t overdo it!
  • Surprise. The best romantic dinner is a surprise dinner. Try to prepare everything in secret from your other half, and your reward will be her or his enthusiastic reaction to this unexpected but pleasant surprise.
  • Mood. This is a special evening and a special moment in your life. While you are preparing for a romantic dinner, you will probably have time to soak in the solemnity of the moment, so the main thing is not to “burn out.” And you shouldn’t expect too much: it’s better to be pleasantly surprised than to be severely disappointed.

If you have mastered the theory of organizing romantic dinners, I suggest moving on to practice. If my site was about psychology and personal growth or the basics of tantric massage, I would probably talk about something else. But as the popular proverb says, who is talking about what, and Onegin is again about food. So, recipes for the perfect romantic dinner.

As we have already decided, a romantic dinner should be simple, but with a twist, so forget about the usual and boring dishes right away, they will kill all the romance. When else will you have the opportunity to demonstrate that you know how to do more than just make cutlets or cook pilaf?!

Let's aim for the very heart and prepare something tasty, unusual and spectacular. This collection contains recipes for romantic dinners that will impress, but the main thing is that even beginners in cooking can prepare most of them.


A romantic dinner should start with an appetizer, cold or hot. It could be a light salad, pate with toast, bruschetta or anything else of your choice. Ideally, it is better to prepare the snack in advance so as not to be distracted at the most crucial moment.

First, let's go through snacks in bruschetta format- An ideal accompaniment to a glass of wine, the preparation of which is within the power of everyone.

Salads- a simple solution, but their lightness and freshness fit perfectly into a dinner for two.

If you and your other half are free from prejudices, pay attention to Tartarus— this appetizer is conducive to romance and will serve as a refreshing start to any dinner. The recipe is up to you, but as a tip, I can recommend cutting everything in advance and combining just before serving.

Let's start with recipes for those who consider themselves a novice cook. In this case, you should play it safe and prepare something simple and unmistakable.

I would like to include several risotto recipes in this collection, but, alas, it is not suitable for a romantic dinner: standing at the stove all evening is not an option. But would be a great choice- a light and tasty main course. A good solution would be to prepare the sauce in advance, and at the decisive moment simply add it to freshly boiled pasta.

To those for whom meat is a synonym for the word “food”, I dedicate the following block:

I am convinced that all the most romantic dishes are prepared seafood, but there's a possible catch: they're usually prepared just before serving, and you and I want to be in the living room, not the kitchen. But something can still be done.

. — you can put it in the oven in advance, the main thing is not to forget to take it out on time.
. — here everything can be done in advance, but you still have to leave to quickly fry the shrimp.
. - simply add the mussels to the hot sauce a few minutes before serving.

Finally, what you have been asking for so long: romantic vegetable dishes, without meat, fish and all that other stuff.

. is an unexpectedly delicious way to prepare this healthy vegetable.
. - yes, that's exactly what you thought.
. - a vegetable dish that is easy to prepare and looks nice.
. - Spanish rice dish in which vegetables play the main role.


The compulsory program is over, and dessert in the format of a romantic dinner is now part of the free program - although those with a sweet tooth may not agree with me. In any case, I advise them not to overdo it with desserts, because dinner is often just the beginning of the evening.

And again let's start with simple recipes for those who, like me, know nothing about making desserts, but want to get a delicious result.

On the eve of Women's Day on March 8, men will certainly have a question about how to spend the evening with their beloved. And often the idea comes to arrange a romantic dinner for your loved one at home, without anyone disturbing you.

And here there are several options:

It’s good if they live alone, then the only question will be, what to cook for a romantic dinner?

And if you have children, what should you do? There is a way out - send them to their grandparents for the evening. It’s a joy for both children and grandparents. After all, it’s not always possible to communicate with your grandchildren.

But what if they live with their parents and have no children yet? It doesn’t matter either, you can arrange for the parents to be sent somewhere, for example, to the theater. I think they'll like it.

It is more difficult, of course, if there are children and parents live together. How to arrange a romantic dinner? You can also find a way out of the situation: either invite your beloved to a restaurant, cafe; or rent an apartment for a day and have a romantic dinner there; or a room in a hotel or campsite. It all depends on the funds that you, dear men, have at your disposal.
And if someone has a dacha or can borrow it from friends, then that’s absolutely gorgeous! In general, men, think!

Well, we have decided on the venue for a romantic dinner, now we just need to decide on the menu. And I’m ready to help you with this so that the dishes are tasty, easy to prepare and not too expensive.

And since dinner takes place late, it should be light and satisfying at the same time, so the romantic dinner menu includes: salad, appetizer, dessert and drinks. Instead of a salad and appetizer, you can serve a hot appetizer with vegetables, which will also be great.

Today in my selection are the following recipes:

Hot snacks



For little princesses

  1. Strawberry cocktail
  2. Fresh cocktail mix”
  3. Peach cocktail

For a romantic dinner

  1. Cocktail “April Flirt”
  2. Cocktail “Innamorati”
  3. “Spring mood”
  4. Cocktail “Big Ecstasy”
  5. “Key Largo” - a classic Hollywood cocktail
  6. Cocktail “Long Sleep”


  1. Surprise for your beloved

Deep-fried beef balls for a romantic dinner

We need:

  • 400 g beef (shoulder)
  • 1 piece carrot (medium)
  • 150 g flour
  • 1 egg
  • 40 ml sour cream 20%
  • 5 g salt
  • 1 g (1/4 tsp) ground black pepper
  • 250 g vegetable oil


  1. Wash the beef, remove films and veins and pass through a meat grinder. Place the minced meat in a zip bag and beat it on the work surface.

If you forgot to take meat out of the refrigerator, don’t worry, you can get minced meat by grating frozen meat on a coarse grater.

2. Grate the peeled carrots. Mix with minced meat, add egg, salt and pepper.

3. Mix this mixture with flour and sour cream.

5. Let's start forming balls. To do this, take two dishes: pour water into one to wet the spoon and hands, and 3 tablespoons of flour into the second. Take a spoon, dip it in water, scoop up the minced meat and roll it into a ball with your hands.

put it on the board. Roll into several balls, roll in flour and start frying.

6. Heat a saucepan or deep frying pan with oil, when the oil boils, add the balls. The oil should cover them. Fry for 3-4 minutes.

Place the finished balls on a paper towel and let cool.

7. Serve with herbs, vegetables and any sauce for meat (see how to prepare soy sauce below).

Meat rolls with bell pepper simple recipe

We need:

  • 350 g beef (shoulder)
  • 2 pcs red bell pepper
  • 2 cm ginger root
  • 1 lemon
  • 3 stalks green onions
  • 55 ml vegetable oil
  • 5 g salt
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1/2 tsp. ground black pepper

For the sauce:

  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 cup (250 g) soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
  • grated ginger

For decoration:

  • 2 medium tomatoes
  • 2 fresh cucumbers
  • a couple of lettuce leaves


  1. Cut the meat into slices 1 cm thick. Take a piece, cover it with cling film, and beat it with a hammer from the middle to the edges. And so is all the meat.

To slice meat thinly, you need to freeze it slightly.

2. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon.

3. Peel the ginger and grate it on a fine grater.

4. Cooking marinade: you need to mix lemon juice, 1/2 part grated ginger, 2 tsp. salt, 1/4 tsp. ground black pepper, vegetable oil.

5. Place the meat in the prepared marinade, massage it and leave for 10-15 minutes to marinate. Remove and dry with a paper towel.

6. Peel the bell pepper from the stalk and white membranes, cut into strips 0.5 cm thick. Place in a frying pan with oil and fry. Fry the pepper for 3-4 minutes until half cooked. Then place on a paper towel and cool.

7.Cooking sauce: Pour soy sauce into a saucepan. To it add a clove of garlic, squeezed through a garlic press, apple cider vinegar and the remaining ginger, mix everything and put it on the fire. From the moment the mixture boils, cook for 2 minutes. Remove from heat and cool.

Be sure to strain the sauce to avoid any pieces of ginger and garlic.

8. Place a frying pan on the stove and grease it with oil.

9. Cut off the white part of the green onions, pour boiling water over the feathers, then transfer them to cold water. This is done in order to make the feathers soft and not lose color.

10. Form rolls. Take chopped and marinated meat. Place four strips of bell pepper on the side of a piece of meat so that the ends peek out on both sides, and wrap it in a roll. Tie with an onion feather and trim off the excess. And so is all the meat.

Fry in a frying pan until golden.

11. Place the finished rolls on a paper towel and cool.

12. Before serving, pour the sauce over the rolls. Place chopped tomato and cucumber on lettuce leaves.

Original meat in cheese batter

We need:

  • 500 g pork
  • 4 cloves garlic or finely grated onion
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 50 g butter
  • flour for breading
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • 1 lemon


1. Pork cut across the grain, as if into meatballs, is beaten through cling film. Salt, pepper and roll in flour.

2. Coat the meat with squeezed garlic.

3. Finely grate the cheese and beat with the eggs. We made cheese batter.

4. Heat the oil in a frying pan.

5. Dip the chopped pork in cheese batter, bread it again in flour and place it in a frying pan. Fry until golden.

For the second breading of meat, you can use breadcrumbs instead of flour.

6. Place the meat on a greased baking sheet and sprinkle with lemon juice. Place a little butter on each piece and cook in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until done. Keep in the oven for 8-10 minutes.

7. Serve with vegetables.

Smoked brisket with nuts and prunes

We need:

  • 300 g smoked brisket, spread wider
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • 50 g pitted prunes
  • 200 g walnuts, coarsely chopped
  • wooden skewers


  1. Cut the cheese into rectangles, the width of the brisket.

2. Cut the prunes into strips.

3. Cut a slice of brisket. Add cheese, prunes and nuts.

The filling can be anything, for example: strips of pickled cucumber and boiled carrots; hard cheese and dried apricots.

If the brisket is not very wide, wrap it diagonally, placing the filling closer to the inner edge.

4. Wrap it in a roll and fasten it with a skewer.

5. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 5-10 minutes, or in the microwave for 2-3 minutes.

Romantic dinner – dish “Veal with cherries”

We need:

  • 700 g veal
  • 1/3 cup pitted cherries (can be in your own juice or frozen)
  • 1/3 cup cherry juice
  • 2 tbsp. butter
  • cinnamon, salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 tbsp. starch


  1. In washed and dried meat, we make punctures along the fibers.
  2. Salt the meat and stuff (into the punctures) with cherries.

3. Place the meat in a container, pour in butter, sprinkle with cinnamon, and pour 1/2 cup of water or broth. Place in the oven for 25 minutes. Temperature 180 degrees.

4. Then take it out, pour cherry juice over the meat, lightly sprinkle with flour and simmer for another 30 minutes until cooked.

5. Serve the finished meat, cut into portions, with the sauce in which it was stewed. To do this, drain the sauce and mix with 1 tbsp. starch for thickening.

Minced meat balls are tasty and fast

The meatballs turn out very tasty, and if you don’t know what they’re made from, you can’t tell them apart from meat balls. It turns out tasty and fast.

We need:

  • 500 g of any minced meat
  • 2 eggs
  • 5 tbsp. flour for breading
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • a pinch of dried Provençal herbs (optional)


  1. Salt and pepper the minced meat to taste. Beat it (take it in your hand and throw it into a bowl). The minced meat should be elastic, not liquid. If we see that the minced meat is “floating”, we need to drain the water and add 1/2 tbsp of breadcrumbs.

Eggs are not added to the minced meat!

2. Break the eggs into a bowl and beat lightly

3. Pour flour into a plate.

4. Prepare water to wet your hands.

5. Let the frying pan with oil heat up.

6. Take the minced meat with a moistened spoon and form balls with wet hands. We also moisten the board with water. From the balls we form little balls no more than 1 cm thick.

7. Using a spatula, transfer to flour and roll on both sides. Transfer the meatball into the eggs and dip on both sides. Put it in the frying pan. Fry for 2-3 minutes on each side, until golden.

Remove excess fat on a paper towel.

8. Serve with any side dish or vegetables.

Of course, a glass of good wine will be an excellent addition to the appetizers.


Fruits in chocolate

We will need:

  • 500 g strawberries (bananas, tangerines, etc.)
  • 1 bar of dark chocolate
  • 1 bar of white chocolate
  • 200 g of any nuts (coconut flakes)
  • toothpicks


  1. Grind the nuts in a blender.
  2. Strawberries should be washed well and dried with a paper towel.
  3. Chop each chocolate individually and melt it in a steam-water bath. We put on the fire a pan of a larger diameter than the one in which we will melt the chocolate, with water, when the water boils, we put the pan with chocolate in it. And while stirring, melt the chocolate.

It is very important that the pan with chocolate does not come into contact with water.

4. Then, we put the strawberry, from the tail side, on a toothpick and carefully dip it into the chocolate.

Let the excess chocolate drip off. Then - into nuts and onto a plate covered with parchment paper. You can sprinkle with coconut flakes.

5. We do this with all the strawberries, changing the chocolate one by one. You can also make a drawing on dark chocolate - white, or vice versa. As your fantasy tells you. To harden the chocolate, place in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes.

6. We can also do this with other fruits: bananas (cut them into 5 cm pieces, or half), tangerine slices, oranges, apples.

If desired, we pack chocolate-covered fruits in a beautiful box and present them to your loved one.


Non-alcoholic cocktails for little princesses

Strawberry cocktail

  • You will need: 0.5 kg of strawberries; 1 glass of sugar; 2 yolks; 200 ml milk.


1. Grind washed and peeled strawberries with sugar.

2. Add yolks, milk to this mixture and beat with a mixer until the mass is homogeneous.

3. Serve in glasses.

Cocktail “Fresh mix”

  • You will need: 6 tbsp. fruit syrup, any; juice of 1 lemon; 0.5 l of kefir; 50 g chocolate; 2 bananas.


1. Peel the bananas and grate the chocolate on a fine grater.

2. Combine bananas, syrup, lemon juice, kefir - blend in a blender.

3. Before serving, pour the cocktail into glasses and sprinkle with chocolate. Decorate to your liking. Drink through a straw.

Peach cocktail

  • You will need: 2 oranges; 2 peaches; 2 tbsp. Sahara; 200 ml natural yogurt.


1. Peel and remove membranes from oranges. Wash the peaches, dry and cut into small pieces.

2. In a blender, beat the fruits with yogurt into a homogeneous mass. Serve in glasses.

Alcoholic drinks for a romantic dinner

Cocktail “April Flirt”

  • Ingredients for 2 servings: 60 ml of vodka; 60 ml dry vermouth (martini extra, dry); 150 ml tonic, juice of 1 lime; ice.
  • Preparation: mix all ingredients, shake twice (preferably in a shaker). Serve in large glasses with a slice of lime and a straw.

Cocktail “Innamorati”

  • For 2 servings: 120 ml vodka; juice of 1 lemon; 1 tsp Sahara; ice; 2 cherries.
  • Preparation: mix lemon juice with vodka and sugar. Then add ice and blend in a blender. Serve in narrow, thin glasses, garnishing the rim with a slice of lemon and a cherry in each glass. Drink through a straw.

“Organika” - a cocktail with fruit and berry flavor

  • For 2 servings: 60 ml vodka; 100 ml cranberry juice or fruit drink; 100 ml fresh orange juice; ice.
  • Preparation: mix everything, beat in a mixer. Pour into tall glasses and strain first. Decorate the edges of the glass with a circle of orange. Serve with a straw.

“Spring mood”

  • For 1 serving: 50 ml Martini Bianco; 50 ml vodka; ice and 1 green olive with pit.
  • Preparation: shake the ingredients, pour into a glass and add olive. Drink in small sips, without a straw.

“Dolce Vita” – for those with a sweet tooth

  • For 2 servings: 120 g vodka; 40 g amaretto liqueur; juice of 1 lemon or lime; ice.
  • Preparation: mix everything, pour into tall stemmed glasses, garnish with a slice of lime. Serve with straws.

Cocktail “Big Ecstasy”

  • Products: 30 ml amaretto; 100 g vodka; 100 g of creamy ice cream.
  • Preparation: mix all ingredients and beat. Serve in a tall glass, with straws if desired.

“Key Largo” – a classic Hollywood cocktail

  • For 2 servings: 30 ml vodka; 60 ml peach liqueur, 200 ml orange juice; ice.
  • Preparation: mix all ingredients, beat. Serve in a tall glass, garnish with orange. Drink through a straw.

Cocktail “Long Sleep”

  • For 1 serving: 35 ml vodka; 25 ml dark rum; 100 ml Coca-Cola; ice.
  • Preparation: mix all the ingredients and pour into a tall glass (highball). Straw optional.


How to decorate an apartment for a romantic evening

Video: Surprise for your beloved

I hope you liked my selection of recipes and you can have a romantic dinner at its best.

Have a nice romantic dinner!

Of course it's a candlelight dinner! Therefore, it is worth stocking up on this simple accessory. You can choose simple or scented candles. The latter, depending on the smell, will fill the room with a relaxing or stimulating aroma. Grapefruit, neroli, sage will help your man to cheer up after a tiring day, and rose and lavender will help relieve stress. Incense sticks and essential oils have also been invented for this purpose. It is better to light candles or incense sticks in advance, for example, 20 minutes before your loved one arrives, so that the aroma has time to spread throughout the house. Essential oil gives this effect immediately.

What to cook for a romantic dinner?

You should answer this question while still at the supermarket so that you can definitely find everything, even down to the little things like beautiful skewers for appetizers! First, look at the fruit department and opt for the most famous aphrodisiacs: strawberries, bananas, pineapples, avocados, grapes. At the pastry shop, grab some cream (both whipped and regular) - it will definitely come in handy! To ensure that the dinner lasts longer and the communication does not end in severe intoxication, opt for champagne or light semi-sweet or dry wines. After them, both you and your chosen one will be in a better mood. Seafood, meat and fresh vegetables are a must in your grocery basket.

Recipes for a romantic dinner

In order for the evening to take place, and your loved one to be full of more than just love, you must prepare several dishes, and there should not be too many of them: leave space on the table for rose petals and vases with floating candles. The meat dish should not be heavy and fatty, so that your loved one does not think about sleep after a hearty “lunch” (in our case, dinner). So, let's start preparing a romantic dinner for your loved one!

We suggest starting with the hot dish: while it is cooking, you can make a salad and appetizers. Chicken with honey sauce will not leave your stomach heavy, but at the same time will amaze your loved one with its original taste. Rub the cooled breast with salt and pepper and fry in vegetable oil on both sides, this will take no more than 10 minutes. Pour a little apple cider vinegar into the juice from the chicken that remains in the pan, heat it, and then add a couple of tablespoons of liquid honey and half a glass of water. 5 minutes is enough for the sauce to thicken properly. The chicken can be cut into portions and poured over the sauce, and then garnished with a sprig of parsley (by the way, a well-known aphrodisiac) and halves of cherry tomatoes.


Ideas for a romantic dinner will perfectly complement hearty salads with seafood. So, for starters - shrimp salad. Fry finely chopped tomatoes and green bell peppers in a frying pan for three minutes, add 300 g of shrimp and wait another 3-5 minutes. Sprinkle cilantro and dill, salt and pepper on top. The salad is ready! You can eat it warm or cold - it will be delicious in any form. The second option is Norwegian salmon salad. Cut the vegetables: tomatoes into slices, cucumbers into slices, and red bell pepper into strips. Mix vegetables with parsley, dill or Chinese salad, place on a plate, and roll a piece of salmon on top into an elegant roll. Lemon slices are suitable as decoration.

And now it’s time for appetizers to replenish your collection of simple and festive recipes for a special dinner. The most delicious and simple ones are canapés with cheese: brie cheese and grapes; tilsiter (or whatever you like best), a couple of olives and a leaf of parsley; two types of cheese separated by cherry tomatoes and olives.

The final chords are played not only by the music (which should be pleasant and relaxing at the beginning and exciting at the end of the dinner), but also by the desserts. Traditional strawberries and cream are very easy to prepare: beat 30% heavy cream fresh from the refrigerator with a blender, adding powdered sugar at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 100 g of cream. Place the thickened cream in a beautiful bowl or wine glass, then a layer of strawberries, then cream again. Ready! Place the fruit beautifully on a plate, perhaps in the shape of a heart. And here you can play: blindfold your loved one and, having dipped the fruit in cream, ask him to guess what it is.

The relationship between two lovers is always full of romance. And where, if not during a romantic evening, is it better to express your feelings, confess your love, and even, perhaps, propose marriage!

Today I will share with you tips on how to make a romantic evening unique and unforgettable. First of all, they are intended for men who are thinking about how to arrange a romantic evening for a girl.

Do you need a reason?

Imagine that you really want to surprise and please your chosen one and you even know how to do it, but you can’t think of a reason. This happens often!

In fact, lovers do not have to wait for any date or reason - a romantic evening is already a holiday in itself!

Romantic Friday

First, decide what you would like to have: a romantic evening or a night dinner? Or maybe lunch or breakfast time is exactly what you need?

Traditionally, lovers choose dinner, because the evening atmosphere is conducive to relaxation, regularity and romance.

Think how nice Friday or Saturday evenings are - you don’t have to rush anywhere tomorrow and you can sleep peacefully later!

Suite, rooftop and granny's attic

Where can you have a romantic evening and how to make it unforgettable?

  • You might think about dinner at a nice restaurant.
    But it’s better to go there for reconnaissance in advance to avoid confusion with the menu, pricing policy of the establishment and music.
  • I also suggest considering the option of a date at the dacha, where nature itself will be your ally.
  • A luxury hotel room can also add a new touch to the evening.
    After all, everything is familiar at home: from the decor to the smells!
  • Extreme sports enthusiasts may be happy to meet on the roof of a city high-rise building or in the attic of a grandmother’s country house.
  • And nature lovers will long remember a forest clearing with a self-assembled tablecloth.

But if you are a fan of a traditional romantic evening for two at home, then there are options for romantic solitude:

  • Living room
  • Kitchen
  • Bedroom
  • Bath

The main thing here is that the place for a romantic meeting is cozy and conducive to love and tenderness.

When preparing for a date, you need to think through to the smallest detail the decor, lighting, musical accompaniment and, in fact, the dinner itself.

What helps create a romantic mood?

Light, color and flowers

Let the lighting be calm and slightly dim. After all, soft twilight always creates the right mood.

Only don't say that candles are trivial! A lot of candles - this is definitely in bad taste.

But there is another way to play with light and shadows - choose red and blue light bulbs. I'm sure it will turn out well!

Choose dishes and tablecloths in a calm, solid color.

Avoid bright, flashy colors, even if you really like them. You will later find a worthy use and reason for them.

Of course, every young man or man in love will think about flowers.

Only do not give a huge bouquet this evening - it will be disharmonious with the tenderness of the atmosphere. It is better to choose a small but original composition.

Such flowers will definitely delight and be remembered!

You can include a fresh bouquet in the table decoration.


Music is perhaps the main element of a romantic date.

Light, quiet compositions will not distract from a pleasant conversation, but will create the right atmosphere for the evening.

I advise you to prepare two different playlists:

  • Some melodies will accompany your couple during the meal. And such music should be exclusively background.
  • Others will bring the couple together by dancing. Here you can rely on your taste.

But when choosing, be sure to take into account the tastes and preferences of your loved one. Imagine how excitedly a girl will react when she hears familiar melodies!

If you don’t have enough time to prepare a personal playlist, take advantage of the Internet: it’s not difficult to find a station that broadcasts romantic music online.

Romantic table


Think carefully about your table decor.

If the romantic party is themed, then the tablecloth and dishes should also correspond to the moment.

But don’t forget the rule: during the meal nothing on the table should prevent you from seeing each other and communicate freely.

Treat or feed?

My next advice applies, rather, to the fair half. Many people love and know how to cook delicious food. And that's good!

But when preparing for a romantic dinner, try to maintain the golden mean: calculate your strengths and capabilities so as not to look tired and exhausted by the evening.

Now let's move on to the dishes.

We remember that food for a romantic meeting should be:

  • light,
  • low-fat,
  • and contain less flour.

Because after an overly rich meal you won’t want to have intimate conversations, much less dance. You will most likely be drawn to the sofa to watch the TV and just sleep.

Our task is different - only to treat, and not to feed the guest to the fullest. Well, if you are organizing an evening for your wife or husband to refresh your relationship, then it would be all the more unreasonable to reduce everything to a banal meal.

Menu ideas for a romantic evening

  • Prepare simple but original salads with squid, shrimp, meat, and herbs.
    Let them be in edible tartlets - convenient, beautiful and tasty.
  • Meat and more meat!
    A man is a man to enjoy stuffed chicken or fried pork like a child. But, Don't forget that we are only planning a light evening snack.

So let there be meat! Only in the form of julienne, gravy or thinly sliced ​​plates for sandwiches with greens.

Although you can get out of this situation in another way: I suggest baking a good piece of pork or beef in the oven, and then do what you want with it: pieces, rolls with the same convenient skewers, etc.

The most convenient food for a romantic table - canapés on skewers or mini sandwiches. Decorate them in the shape of hearts or boats - that's romance for you.

There are a great variety of canapés: with meat, cheese, herbs, vegetables, fruits, etc.

  • Sweet table for sweet relationships - fruits, chocolate, sweets and champagne.
  • A light dessert - fruit jelly and strawberries with whipped cream - ideal for a romantic evening.
  • If you plan for the meeting to last as long as possible, then aphrodisiacs will help with this: coconut, dates, avocado, vanilla, bananas, strawberries, shrimp, etc.


Choose light drinks: champagne, delicate liqueur or weak wine, low-alcohol cocktails.

Strong drinks are so strong that they can spoil the charm of a romantic meeting.

Don’t forget to find out in advance your partner’s preferences in both food and drinks.

A few additional tips for a man who has decided to have a romantic evening:

  • If you don’t know how to cook, order light snacks at a restaurant.
  • A bouquet is perhaps the most obligatory attribute of the evening.
  • Do you want to surprise? Flower petals on the table and in the room will touch a woman’s soul.

But you don’t have to buy armfuls of roses or tulips for this. Many flower shops sell petals from roses that are starting to fade. It costs very little, but it will definitely have an effect!

And once again about flowers.

What's the best way to invite a girl on a romantic date? You can just call...

But I advise you to do this: buy a small but very original bouquet or bouquet-basket, and then send the flowers by messenger to your beloved.

Don't forget to include an invitation note!

I’ve heard that some young people, inviting them to a romantic evening, meet their chosen one at the entrance, then blindfold her and only in the apartment surprise her with an unusual surroundings.

Option? I think yes. But not everyone is able to appreciate such extreme sports!

So experiment very carefully.

If the couple is already several years old

Even if you have been together for a long time, romantic evenings should not remain a thing of the past.

After all, they are the ones who will give here the spark of love and romance that absolutely everyone needs.

You can remember some memorable day of your relationship and organize a small themed holiday for yourself: the day you met, the day of your first kiss...

At the forefront is mutual joy!

Each couple will choose the most suitable option for a romantic evening idea.

Some days a light dinner and watching an exciting movie will be enough; others will enjoy a bath for two with relaxing music.

There will be those who will come up with something new: remember about grandma’s attic and roof?

It doesn’t matter where or what you come up with for a romantic evening. The main thing is that the evening turns out to be festive, and that you have the most pleasant feelings from it.

Here's an hour of romantic music, enough for the whole dinner.

On the eve of the holidays, I especially want to please my other half with an unusual treat and a beautifully set table. From our article you will learn how to create a menu for a romantic dinner for Valentine's Day, how to prepare food for two and how to create a truly festive atmosphere. There are days when you don’t feel like going to a restaurant at all, and our selection of recipes and useful tips will allow you to spend time at home, enjoying equally elegantly decorated dishes.

But before moving on to specific recipes for a romantic dinner for two, let’s remember a few main points about serving, serving and creating a menu, because not all products will be welcome guests on it.

Preparing a romantic dinner: essential ingredients


This applies to both the preparation of dishes and the menu. Do not overload the table with an abundance of plates of appetizers and canapés. There will be enough salad or snack sandwiches, hot food and dessert.

Let the salad also be served not in a common salad bowl, but on a separate plate, this will give the table restaurant sophistication.

Dinner dishes for two should be simple and easy to prepare. Having spent more than one hour “assembling the table”, there is simply no strength or desire left to continue - we remember that the main thing is not to have a big dinner, but to get in the mood for a romantic mood.


Everything that ends up on the plates should be easy not only in preparation, but also in its composition. It is better not to prepare fatty, fried, legume dishes at all, but to present salted and smoked dishes in limited quantities.

We leave behind Mexican and mountain cuisine, giving preference to light European and Oriental dishes.

It is better not to use sharp seasonings, for example, fresh onions and garlic, as well as sharp aromatic cheeses, especially if you are not sure that your “other half” will appreciate it. We’d rather use Provençal herbs, herbs, different types of peppers and nutmeg.

Strong alcohol is also not the best assistant in creating a pleasant atmosphere that is conducive to further continuation. Let's replace it with a couple of light, low-alcohol cocktails.


What will make a table truly romantic? Of course, special decor!

You shouldn’t overuse details; after all, this is not a children’s party. A couple of candles in tall candlesticks or several tablet candles are enough.

To create an atmosphere, it is good to use plain napkins to match other elements, for example, decor on plates or candles. Confetti in the shape of hearts on a glass table can look interesting and cute, but just a little.

If the surface of the table does not allow you to leave it open, it is better to choose a plain tablecloth, and place accents on decorated dishes and beautifully served plates. And some more detailed advice from Povarenok.

So, now that we already know what the table should roughly look like, all that remains is to think through the menu in detail.

Aphrodisiac products on a romantic dinner menu

It has long been known that some foods contain substances that enhance love attraction, called aphrodisiacs. To ensure that the continuation of the romantic dinner is no less bright than the meal itself at the decorated table, we focus on using the following products in preparation.

  • Caviar, seafood, chocolate, coffee
  • Avocado, bananas, celery, dates
  • Mushrooms, almonds, strawberries, sesame seeds, eggs

Now that we know what is best to make appetizers and main courses from, we offer a choice of three menu options for a romantic dinner, where the main course will be seafood, meat or poultry. We select other dishes, including desserts, according to the degree of their correspondence to the main dish.

Dinner for two: menu option No. 1

Romantic shrimp salad

  • Fry 8-9 large shrimp without shell in olive oil with salt and spices.
  • Add cayenne pepper, nutmeg and turmeric to give it a beautiful golden hue and a pleasant aroma.
  • Place on a paper napkin to cool, and fry 15 g of crushed almonds in the same oil. Keep on medium heat for 4-5 minutes, stirring continuously, and add to the shrimp - let the excess oil be absorbed.

In the meantime, let's prepare the “green” components.

  • We wash several spinach leaves (5-6 per plate) and 150 g of salad mixture - lettuce, iceberg, chicory. Blot with a towel to remove any excess moisture and arrange beautifully on both plates.
  • Peel the avocado, cut it in half and remove the pit. Cut each half into slices 2-3 mm thick. Place on top of lettuce leaves.
  • Next we lay out the shrimp.
  • Sprinkle everything with almonds and 15-20 g of dried cranberries, salt, pepper and serve!

If desired, this salad can be seasoned with olive oil, but this is not necessary; on its own it is already quite juicy.

Light salads with shrimp for a meeting of lovers

Other shrimp salads can be found at our links; they would also be appropriate for dinner.

Trout with mushrooms on the romantic dinner menu

This baked fish, in addition to looking very impressive, is also a very healthy dish.

How to cook trout for a romantic dinner

  1. Fry 150 g of washed chopped champignons in a frying pan along with chopped onions and chopped carrots (1 piece of each)
  2. We wash 2 small or 1 large trout, gut them, leave the fins and head - this way the dish will look better. Rub the inside with salt, and make several longitudinal cuts on the back, putting 1 slice of lemon into them.
  3. Place the filling inside and secure with toothpicks or sew with thread.
  4. Spread foil on a baking sheet, grease with oil and lay out the fish. Bake at 200°C for half an hour until done.

Remove the fish and serve immediately.

Trout fish dishes on the menu for Valentine's Day

And here are a few more recipes with trout.

Curd and berry cake “Tender Kiss”

Despite the complicated name, this dessert is quick and easy to make; its main advantage is that it can be prepared the day before. In addition, the cake looks very beautiful and unusual.

Berries can be replaced with canned or fresh peaches, bananas and oranges.

We will stock up on a silicone mold or several in advance, into which we will pour the dessert to harden.

How to make a romantic dessert at home

  • Wash or defrost 150 g of berries: blueberries, raspberries, strawberries. Let it drain in a deep sieve.
  • Soak 2 tbsp. gelatin, as indicated in the instructions, but not in water, but in cream, so the texture of the treat will be denser, it will harden faster and will hardly melt. Leave until swelling for 30-40 minutes.
  • Combine 150 g of cottage cheese with the same amount of natural yogurt and 4 tbsp of sugar. Beat until smooth.
  • We heat the gelatin in a water bath so that the lumps disappear, but under no circumstances bring it to a boil.
  • Strain and pour into the curd mixture. Mix with a spoon without whisking.

Place the berries in molds or in one, fill them with the mixture and put them in the refrigerator. Keep for 2-3 hours and serve. An amazing berry dessert is ready!

Original sweet recipes on the lovers' menu

For those who like to enjoy fluffy desserts, here are some more interesting recipes.

Menu No. 2 for a romantic dinner for your loved one

Turkey salad

Of course, instead of turkey meat, you can use chicken meat, the taste will not suffer at all.

First, let's prepare the sauce:

  • combine 40 ml of red wine in a saucepan, heat it up and add 3 tbsp. sour cream.
  • stir quickly until the mixture becomes homogeneous, then add ½ cup mustard.
  • Add some salt and whisk again to separate the lumps.

Once the sauce becomes smooth, set it aside to cool.

  1. In a frying pan, fry 250 g of turkey or chicken breast fillet, cut into slices, in vegetable oil until golden brown. We will not chop them additionally for the salad, so we immediately select the size that suits us.
  2. Salt, pepper and place ready to cool on a wire rack lined with a napkin to remove excess fat.

Now you can start laying out the salad:

  • On two large serving plates, first place the washed and dried leaves of Chinese cabbage and green salad - 2-3 pieces each. for each.
  • then, sun-dried tomatoes (5 pieces per serving),
  • then lay out the slices of meat,
  • and finish with cheese cut with a figured knife (40 g on each plate).

Pour the sauce from the saucepan over everything and that’s it! The salad can be considered ready.

A selection of salads for a romantic meeting at home

Chicken skewers “Favorite”

Since the salad turns out to be quite satisfying, you can cook tender chicken meat without a side dish as a main dish. For example, chicken kebab in a frying pan.

We’ll stock up on small wooden skewers in advance, choosing the right size for the deep frying pan.

How to cook hot food for Valentine's Day

  • Cut 4 skinless chicken breasts into small pieces (about 4 by 4 cm) and soak in ½ cup of kefir.
  • Add garlic pressed from a press (2 cloves) and onion cut into rings (1 small onion) to the marinade.
  • Salt and leave in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. In principle, if there is absolutely no time, you can keep the meat in the marinade for 40 minutes, the chicken will have time to soak.
  • When everything is ready, wet the skewers with water and thread the meat onto them.
  • Fry in a deep frying pan in vegetable oil for 3 minutes on each side, without using a lid.

Serve the finished kebab on lettuce leaves. Bon appetit! Well, there are also several options for you to choose from.

Other unusual hot recipes on the menu for Valentine's Day

Cream with cherries and almond crumbs

The dessert prepared according to this recipe turns out to be exquisite and unusual. Making it is not as difficult as it seems, but the taste is worth it!

Step-by-step preparation of a delicious dessert for a romantic dinner

  1. Combine 1/3 cup almond petals with 1 tbsp. liquid honey, spread on baking paper, spread into as thin a layer as possible and bake for about 7-8 minutes at 200°C. The cake should be browned.
  2. Place 200 g of pitted cherries or cherries in a saucepan, pour in ½ tsp. almond extract or 1 tsp. amaretto liqueur and 2 tbsp. water.
  3. Add 1 cup of sugar and cook until the grains are completely dissolved, about 5 minutes.
  4. Transfer the resulting berry syrup into a deep bowl and leave to cool. You can do this by placing it in ice water.
  5. Crumble the almond honey cake.
  6. Whip ¾ cup of heavy cream with a mixer along with 2 tbsp. brown sugar and vanilla until stiff peaks form.
  7. Combine with a third of the cherry syrup, but without mixing too much, to get a nice marbled mixture.

Place in bowls, sprinkle with almond crumbs and pour over the remaining syrup. Cool for at least half an hour and serve!

If you are more interested in baking as a dessert, then you will be interested in the following simple recipes.

A selection of original homemade desserts on the couple's menu

Romantic dinner at home: menu option No. 3

Since the hottest of all three options will be the highest in calories, it is better to make the salad lighter.

Egg salad with spinach “Easy”

  • To begin, set the eggs to boil - 2 chicken or 8 quail. After boiling, keep them in water for no longer than 5 minutes, let them remain a little damp inside, this will make the salad juicier, and the eggs will look more attractive due to the bright color of the yolk.
  • We drain them, leave them to cool in cold water and clean them.
  • Cook 200 g of green beans in boiling salted water for 7-8 minutes. Place in a colander, let drain and cool.
  • Meanwhile, wash 200 g of a mixture of salad leaves - lettuce, chicory, iceberg, green and 50 g of spinach. Dry everything and place it on serving plates.
  • We wash the bell pepper, it is better to take it with a bright yellow color, so the salad will turn out even more delicious, wash it, remove the stalk, and cut it first into halves, then into slices across. Place on top of the greens.
  • Now lay out the green beans, and finally place the quail eggs cut into halves or chicken eggs into quarters into each plate.
  • Sprinkle everything with a mixture of olive oil, natural yogurt and mustard, taking equal parts of each component.

Season everything, add some salt and serve.

Original meat salads on the menu for a romantic dinner at home

If this salad seemed very simple to you, we suggest preparing the original Wood Grouse Nest salad - it can replace a hot dish or other salads of your choice.

Beef medallions

This dish turns out to be so satisfying and tasty that when serving it you can easily do without a side dish. Instead of veal, pork and lamb are also suitable.

It is best to choose beef tenderloin for making medallions - it contains the softest and most tender meat.

How to quickly cook something hot for Valentine's Day

  1. Cut 400-500 g into portions 2 cm thick, beat them a little, but so that the meat does not lose its shape, and wrap each strip of bacon so that they fit perfectly in width (about 4-5 slices will be needed). Secure with toothpicks.
  2. Salt and pepper the meat, sprinkle with basil, thyme and rosemary.
  3. Melt 30 g of butter in a frying pan and fry the medallions for 2 minutes on each side, paying special attention to the sides.
  4. When the meat is browned, turn the heat to very low, add another spoonful of oil if necessary and place the onion cut into half rings and a couple of garlic cloves from the press into the frying pan.

We keep the meat on each side until done, checking it with a toothpick - if the juice is clear, then the medallions can be served.

Decorate the finished ones with a sprig of parsley or put them together with the salad.

For lovers of meat dishes, we offer several more hot options.

Other hot options on the romantic dinner menu

Chocolate mousse: a recipe for a romantic dessert

This dessert turns out to be quite rich in taste and aroma, but at the same time, light. It will also be easy to prepare.

Step-by-step preparation of dessert for lovers

  • In a water bath, melt a bar of dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 50%.
  • Finely grate the zest of 1 orange, combine with three yolks and beat.
  • Beat the whites with a couple of grains of salt until stiff white foam.
  • Combine all ingredients, mix well and place in bowls.

Cool well and decorate with chocolate chips and fresh berries.

You can also prepare other unusual jellies, recipes for which you will find in the following links.

A selection of desserts on the menu for Valentine's Day

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in preparing a romantic dinner at home for two. The main thing is to take care in advance not only of creating a menu, but also of creating a festive atmosphere.

We wish you a great mood and a wonderful romantic evening for two!