Stanislav Duzhnikov: “I was shocked by the strength of my wife’s spirit. Kristina Babushkina: personal life I want to play romance and tenderness

Kristina Babushkina is a Russian theater and film actress, leading role in the television films “Primadonna”, “ National treasure", "The Banker's Girlfriend", which made the actress popular among Russian viewers.

The girl was born and spent her childhood in Irkutsk. Kristina Babushkina comes from musical family. Mom Olga Stanislavovna directed the chamber choir at the local philharmonic and also taught at a music college. Father Konstantin Stepanovich was a member of the regional governor's orchestra, in which he was a musician and played the oboe.

The parents wanted to see their daughter opera singer, especially since the ear for music and beautiful voice passed on to the girl by inheritance. But Christina was not interested in the arias and scores. Despite the fact that she graduated from music school, Christina early years dreamed of becoming a film actress. As Babushkina later recalled, when she was still a little girl, she would gather children in the yard and read her favorite stories from books. Moreover, the girl voiced each character in her own way, even then trying to get used to the images and characters of literary heroes.

After school, secretly from her relatives, Kristina entered the Irkutsk Theater School. The girl reported this only after her official enrollment. Babushkina was an excellent student, but when she entered her fourth year, tragedy struck. Christina got into car accident, received a severe leg injury, due to which she could not move normally. The girl was expelled from the school due to professional unsuitability.

But Christina did not submit to fate. The girl made incredible efforts, partially restored her health and started all over again. Christina went to Moscow and tried to enroll in various theater universities. And she was accepted into most of them. Babushkina chose the famous Moscow Art Theater School. This decision turned out to be correct, because already in her second year the young actress made her debut on the professional stage of the Theater, which was the artistic director of Babushkina and at the university.

The first production in which Kristina Babushkina participated in the theater group was the 2001 play “At the Lower Depths.” For her work, the girl was awarded the Debut Prize. For the role of Tatiana in the production of "Physticians" in 2004, she received an award from the Moskovsky Komsomolets publication. Every year, 2-3 new performances are released with the participation of the actress. The actress’s repertoire includes works in the plays “Terrorism”, “Oblomov”, “Vassa Zheleznova”, “Ghosts”, “Precipice”, “The Threepenny Opera”.


At the beginning creative biography Kristina Babushkina starred in small roles in the television series “Truckers”, “Maroseyka, 12”, “Moscow. Central District". She could also be seen in a series of films based on the works “Shukshin’s Stories” and the adventure film comedy “Large-sized”.

Kristina gained widespread fame among Russian viewers after the release of the melodrama “Prima Donna,” and the actress strengthened her popularity with the help of the musical comedy “National Treasure” and the drama “The Banker’s Girlfriend,” which became a logical continuation of “Prima Donna.”

After this, projects intended primarily for female audiences began to appear in Babushkina’s filmography. First of all, this is the melodrama “The General’s Wife”, where Christina reincarnated as the heroine Raisa, the crime film “I am Angina!” about the girl Marusa, who goes to help her husband Vasily (), simultaneously helping the opera Igor () make peace with his wife. Kristina Babushkina’s repertoire includes the popular TV series “Zemsky Doctor,” the drama, and the comedy “Husband on Call.”

The actress also has a lyrical comedy “Female”, in which Christina plays a wife Bigfoot, crime drama " Migratory birds" In addition to lyrical images, the actress copes well with the role of typical heroines. Kristina transformed into a shot thrower in the detective story “Doctor Tyrsa”, a saleswoman Valentina in the series “Back in the USSR”, and a champion in martial arts in the crime film “ Silent hunt", as well as a physical teacher in the second part of the comedy "The Most best film».

Notable works were supporting roles in the crime film about the post-war period “Black Wolves” and in the war film “Yalta-45”.

In a series of detective stories based on the novels “From Heaven to Earth,” “Uncut Pages” and “One Day, One Night,” Kristina Babushkina embodied on the screen the image of the absent-minded writer Mani Polivanova, the lover of the writer Alex Shan-Girey (). A common hobby for young people is investigating intricate detective cases. In the films of Peter Amelin, the actress had to speak French, fight with “bandits” without an understudy, and even participate in the scene where Manya almost gets hit by a knife. Fortunately, the artist’s health was not in danger - the last scene was edited.

Christina considers herself an older actress, who is only gaining momentum over the years. Babushkina’s height is 185 cm, and her weight fluctuates periodically. The artist is prone to being overweight, but arranges fasting diets for herself, after which she feels better.

Personal life

Kristina Babushkina met her future husband, an actor, shortly after arriving in Moscow. At first, colleagues were tied up purely friendly relations which gradually developed into a romantic passion that ended in a wedding. In 2007, Stanislav and Christina had a daughter, who was given the Old Slavic name Ustinya.

The relationship between Babushkina and Duzhnikov was considered excellent among many acquaintances, the spouses were called perfect couple. And indeed, the actress adored own husband, and he appreciated his wife, gave flowers and gifts, and helped around the house. But when the actors began to play in the same theater, the relationship began to deteriorate, and after a while the young people divorced. However, ex-spouses They maintained warm friendly relations, and Stanislav continues to participate in raising his daughter.

July 29, 2017 Kristina Babushkina. The actress’s chosen one was a person who has nothing to do with cinema and show business. Christina’s second husband, Andrey Gatsunaev, holds the position of chief of staff of the chairman of the board of directors at Energostroyinvest-Holding. The newlyweds met two years before the wedding and almost immediately began to live together. All this time, Babushkina hid the details of her personal life from the public. After the wedding joint photos with Andrey began to appear in personal " Instagram» actresses. Christina accompanies her photographs with touching poems.

Kristina Babushkina now

Now the actress is on a wave of success and continues to appear in new high-rated projects. In 2016, in the melodrama “My Favorite Mother-in-Law,” Christina played a friend main character Tatiana (), who is trying to cope with family difficulties. A year later, the second part of the series was released.

Kristina Babushkina and Evgenia Dmitrieva in the film "My Favorite Mother-in-Law"

And in the 2017 drama by Alexei Popogrebsky, Babushkina embodied on the screen the image of the rustic barmaid Tamara. On February 22, 2018, the next premiere will take place with the participation of Kristina Babushkina - the comedy “What Men Talk About. Continuation". The actress will appear surrounded by a star cast that has won more than one audience’s heart. It's about about the participants of the “Quartet I” theater.

Christina will also make her contribution to the creation of the drama “Bloody Lady” about the life of (), a landowner famous for her cruel inclinations. The film is expected to be shown in the near future.


  • 2002 - “Shukshin Stories”
  • 2005 - “Diva”
  • 2007 - “The Banker’s Girlfriend”
  • 2009 - “The Best Film-2”
  • 2010 - “Zemsky Doctor”
  • 2010 - “Doctor Tyrsa”
  • 2011 - “Yalta-45”
  • 2011 - “The General’s Wife”
  • 2013 - “I am Angina!”
  • 2015 - “Spiritless 2”
  • 2015 - “From heaven to earth”
  • 2016 – “My beloved mother-in-law”
  • 2017 – “Optimists”
  • 2018 – “What men talk about. Continuation"

Kristina Babushkina was born and raised in Irkutsk. The girl’s parents dreamed that she would connect her life with music. And this is not at all surprising. Dad, Konstantin Stepanovich, was an oboist in the regional orchestra. Mom, Olga Stanislavovna, led the chamber choir at the city philharmonic, while simultaneously teaching conducting to students at the local music college.

Christina had a natural ear for music and a very beautiful voice, but this profession did not interest her at all. Although, she still graduated from music school.

Since childhood, Grandmother dreamed of becoming an actress. When she was still little, she would go out into the yard, call all the children together and read them her favorite stories from books. Christina voiced each character in a different voice, trying to get used to the role.

After graduating high school, the girl entered the Irkutsk Theater School. The girl’s family found out about this only after she was officially enrolled. Christina liked her studies, she tried hard and received straight A's. But in the 4th year, trouble happened.

Kristina Babushkina had an accident and was seriously injured: a severe leg injury, several operations, and almost 2 years in a hospital. Doctors said the mobility of the limb was unlikely to be restored. She was expelled from the school due to professional unsuitability.

But Christina did not give up, she began to work out and develop her leg. Having made titanic efforts, she slowly began to walk. Babushkina firmly decided that she needed to try to enroll in theater universities in the capital.

The ambitious girl applied to many theater educational institutions, most of whom were glad to have her among their students. Christina chose the famous Moscow Art Theater School, where her artistic director became famous. And I was right. Already as a second-year student, the aspiring actress performed on the stage of the Tabakov Theater.

The first performance with Babushkina’s participation was the production “At the Lower Depths” (2001). For this work, Christina was awarded the Debut Prize. The image of Tatiana in the play “Philistines” was embodied simply brilliantly by Christina. In 2004, for this role she was awarded by the Moskovsky Komsomolets publication. The actress's repertoire includes:

  • "Ghosts";
  • "Oblomov";
  • "Break";
  • "Terrorism";
  • "Vassa Zheleznova";
  • "The Threepenny Opera"

Several new theatrical performances with the participation of Kristina Babushkina are released annually. The beginning of the actress’s film career was traditional: modest roles in the television series “Truckers”, “Moscow. Central District", "Truckers", participation in the films "Shukshin's Stories" and "Large".

Christina gained popularity and love from the audience thanks to her leading role in the melodrama “Diva”, a worthy continuation of which was the film “The Banker’s Girlfriend.” Work in the comedy “National Treasure” only strengthened Babushkina’s position in Russian cinema.

Following this, the actress began to receive numerous offers to star in various films. Melodramatic film “The General’s Wife” (role of Raisa), “I am Angina!” (the image of Marusya), the series “Zemsky Doctor”, the drama “Duhless 2”, the comedy film “Husband on Call”, the films “Female” and “Birds of Migratory”.

Babushkina manages to perfectly perform the images of not only lyrical heroines, but also typical characters. Shot thrower in the detective film “Doctor Tyrsa”, saleswoman Valya from the series “Back in the USSR”, mixed martial arts athlete in the film “Silent Hunt”, physical education teacher in the sitcom “The Best Film 2”.

The projects “Black Wolves” and “Yalta - 45” became successful and memorable supporting roles for the actress. Babushkina actively starred in TV series based on books famous Tatiana Ustinova:

  • "From heaven to earth";
  • "One day, one night";
  • "Uncut edges".

According to Christina herself, she is an older actress who is only gaining momentum over the years. Babushkina is quite successfully starring in new projects.

The beloved melodrama “My Favorite Mother-in-Law” was released in 2016, and a year later the viewer saw the second part of the series. The actress plays the role of the friend of the main character Tatyana, who seeks to resolve family troubles.

Interesting notes:

In 2017, the film “The Optimists” was released, where Christina played the role of an ordinary canteen worker Tamara. On February 22, 2018, the premiere of the comedy “What Men Talk About” will take place. Continuation”, where Babushkina starred together with the actors of the “Quartet I” theater.

Personal life

The actress's first husband was Stanislav Duzhnikov, known to viewers from the television series "". The young people met back in the late 90s; they were united by work and friendship. But in the end, the matter ended with a wedding, and in 2007 the couple became the happy parents of a beautiful daughter, Ustinya.

The couple was considered ideal, but when the couple began performing on the same stage, the family boat began to leak. The relationship between Christina and Stanislav began to deteriorate, the couple decided to divorce. They remained friends, and Duzhnikov accepted active participation in my daughter's life.

Christina’s second husband was Andrei Gatsunaev, he is far from cinema and show business. New husband Kristina Babushkina is the chief of staff of the chairman of the board of directors of the Energostroyinvest holding. The solemn event took place on July 29, 2017, two years after they met.

Filmography of Kristina Babushkina

Year Movie Role
2001 Truckers

Valentina (Episode 18 “Force Majeure”)

2002 Star
2002 Shukshinsky stories (short story “Gena Proydisvet”) Nyura
2003 Hello, capital! Jackdaw

Moscow. Central district

2005 Large

Masha Myshanskaya

2005 Diva

Zoya, Zhanna's friend


National treasure

2007 Banker's girlfriend Zoya
2007 Father's shadow Xenia
2007 Teacher in law Tatiana
2007 Listening to the silence Angela
2008 Sleeper and beauty Julia
2008 Nobody knows about sex 2: No sex Volobueva
2008 Local fight Nastena
2008 Girl Zoya Ustinova
2008 Postman
2009 The best movie-2 physical education teacher
2009 Mistress of the taiga Masha
2009 Annushka Aunt Galya
2009 Sparrow Mother
2009 French doctor Mother
2010 Frozen

The ex-wife of Stanislav Duzhnikov, Kristina Babushkina, told the site about the car accident she experienced, work and family.

In 1998, Christina came to conquer the capital with one suitcase; she decided to become an actress at all costs. Few people know what trials she had to go through before this...

“In 1995, there was a car accident with very serious consequences,” says Babushkina. – I was 17 years old, I studied at a theater school in Irkutsk. The consequences of the accident were such that I practically did not get out of bed for two years; becoming disabled and realizing it at that age is very difficult. I had all sorts of thoughts, I was shuddering because this could be forever... Then I thought that life was over. The doctors, of course, did not give any comforting forecasts. At some point I decided that I would never give up and fought with all my might. I had many operations, the last one was in April, and in May I left to enter a theater university in Moscow. My attending physician was horrified, he said: “Lord, where are you going! Who will you play there - Baba Yaga without makeup?! Wherever it takes you, so you arrange for your parents...”

But the girl with a stern Siberian character did not give up on her goal.

– When I came to Moscow, I was an absolute Joan of Arc, I had either black or white, a clear moral code, my own foundations. Now I understand that I need to give in somewhere, and not go ahead, not be so categorical. Maybe if I had been more flexible, my career would have turned out even better. Nevertheless, I was very lucky to get into the Moscow Art Theater School on the course of Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov. No matter how trite it may sound, he became a second father to me. To this day I work for him in Moscow art theater them. Chekhov.

Works in the same theater ex-husband Kristina Stanislav Duzhnikov, star of the series “Voronin”. The couple lived together for 7 years. In 2007, their daughter Ustinya was born. Close couples say that their relationship began to deteriorate after Stas moved from the Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Theater to the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, it’s still not easy to be together both at home and at work. However, artistic director Oleg Tabakov really liked their union; he helped the young family purchase a two-room apartment on the banks of the Moscow River, in historical center capital, on Taganka. Christina lives there now. Whether her heart is free is unknown; the girl herself keeps an intrigue, but fans write that the actress is having an affair with a doctor. Stas is not alone either - since 2013 he has been dating florist Katerina Volga. Despite everything, Duzhnikov and Babushkin were retained good relationship after the breakup.

“Manipulating children is a utopia,” Christina is sure. “I won’t hide: it’s very difficult to turn everything into friendship after a divorce, but I feel more comfortable this way, especially since we work on the same stage,” Christina is sure. “You can’t blame anyone for what happened, you can’t make claims against each other, you have to throw everything away and move on.” Honestly, now my friendly relations with Stas are very valuable to me. He can see Stesha whenever he wants (that’s what the actress calls their daughter Ustinya. - Author), she often visits her dad.

-Who does she look more like?

- At me! It's clear that she has characteristic features Stas are present, they are rather similar internally, but externally they are absolutely me.

– What is your daughter interested in?

- Stesha is 9 years old, and she is such a creative girl: first she wanted to become an architect, then a librarian, then a cook and a singer, but recently she asked: “Mom, can I go to a theater studio?” In general, I decided to try myself in acting. Well, what can you do? If my daughter makes such a choice, then I won’t lie flat; of course, I want her to have some other profession. But if my daughter says, take it out and put it away, there’s no escape. But I’m definitely not going to make her a pop star or a famous artist. Our family has different principles. For example, I don’t allow her to register on social networks, at least after she’s 13 years old, but she’s already asking for a Facebook page. I understand that physically I don’t have time to keep track of what they write to her and what she reads. Therefore, I try to switch it to another type of activity. She often comes with me on set - so typical acting child, who will help spread the text, will bring water to everyone. Every summer Stesha always flies to Irkutsk, it’s very beautiful nature, Lake Baikal. We have a big family, so she doesn’t get bored there, I also go there periodically, depending on how the filming schedule allows.

Kristina Babushkina with her daughter Ustinya / Ali Magomedov / Global Look Press

Kristina was born into a family of musicians, her parents have been divorced for a long time, both live in Irkutsk. The heroine of our publication has a brother Arseny, he is 28 years old, and a sister Svetlana, she is 25 years old. My brother graduated from MGIMO in Moscow, but then decided to go into business and returned to his hometown, and my sister lives in Irkutsk, working as a translator from Korean.

Babushkina has more than fifty film roles under her belt; her debut work was a small role in the TV series “Truckers” in 2001. Since then, her track record has been replenished with famous films: “Zemsky Doctor”, “Teacher in Law”, “Silent Hunt”, “Shukshin’s Stories”, “The General’s Wife”. Recently, all cinemas showed the premiere of Roman Prygunov’s drama “Spiritless 2” (starring Danila Kozlovsky), where Kristina played junior justice adviser Oksana Maslova.

– Now in Moscow they are filming a new series by Alexei Popogrebsky “Optimists” for the channel “Russia 1”.

This is a story about the work of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the 60s, building relationships with other countries (they say that film set Maria Zakharova visited, official representative Russian Foreign Ministry, she liked the idea of ​​a new film. - Auth.). The film stars wonderful actors: Egor Koreshkov, Vladimir Vdovichenkov, Galina Polskikh, Evgenia Dmitrieva. My heroine’s name there is “Queen Tamara”, I can’t say anything more for now...

Actors Stanislav Duzhnikov and Kristina Babushkina have been together for five years. Their daughter Ustinya is three and a half. Stas and Kristina told OK!

Photo: Irina Kaydalina

If the statement that children are the mirror of the family is true, then we have before us an exemplary couple. Three-year-old Ustinya, or Stesha at home, the daughter of actors Kristina Babushkina and Stas Duzhnikov, is such a sunny and radiant child that it seems that without her, our shooting would not have turned out so positive. She read us poems, sang folk songs and ditties, and in every possible way, but not on purpose, distracted attention from our parents. And it was also difficult for the parents themselves to concentrate on the camera: it is clear that they themselves are terribly interested in watching their daughter. Although the childish spontaneity in this family is overall quality. In their relationship, simple and unfeignedly sincere, you immediately feel that spiritual warmth, which not everyone manages to preserve. Maybe the secret is that they didn’t have crazy love at first sight, but, on the contrary, the relationship developed gradually and therefore harmoniously? Kristina and Stas met at the birthday party of a mutual friend, actor Andrei Merzlikin. Then they met for almost two years friendly parties, which gradually began to pay attention to each other. Once at a barbecue, actor Alexander Bukharov began taking photographs of the two of them and suddenly said: “Guys, how big and beautiful you are! Can you imagine if you have children?!” These words turned out to be prophetic.
The daughter of actors, by definition, must be artistic. Stesha sings beautifully - we are convinced of this. Is she probably already giving performances at home?
Christina: Certainly! And for a long time. Was very funny incident, when she was two years old: she stood by the window, stretched out her hands to the sun and said with feeling: “Oh, how I want to fall in love!” And then she barely spoke yet. The poor dad shuddered then. He started pestering me: “Who does she want to fall in love with? Are these thoughts already at two years old?” I then calmed him down for a long time, which the child probably heard on TV and became an idiot. Yes, she is our artist. And the fact that she sings is hereditary. Yes, Stasya?
Stanislav: Yes. Both mother and mother-in-law sing... The child does not need a music school - we have a music school at home.
TO.: My mother is a conductor. And I studied vocals as a child.
Do you want to take your daughter to the cinema?
TO.: I don't know yet. I feel sorry for her. No one will forbid her, but we will not deliberately “take advantage of the situation.”
WITH.: This profession is wonderful, of course. So much happens to a person in it! In one life you live tens and even hundreds different lives. But there are many challenges in this profession. And those that we go through together, and those that we have already gone through alone. Would you wish this for your own child?
Why do all the actors say the same thing? It turns out that you have chosen your destiny, which to a loved one would you like it?
TO.: But when did we wish for this fate for ourselves? When we ourselves were children and did not yet know anything about the tests. And our parents didn’t bring us by the hand to the theater. Moreover, when teachers told me: “If you think that the acting profession is a fanfare, then you are deeply mistaken,” I thought that it would be different for everyone, but for me it would definitely be different.
Kristina, you began playing at the Moscow Art Theater immediately after graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School, and this was Stas’s first season in the theater. Have you decided not to leave work?
WITH.: It didn’t work out to be closer to my wife: we don’t intersect. I don't even see her working here.
Why did you move here?
I received an offer from artistic director Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov, which certainly flattered me. Working in a theater that is the first not only in the country, but also in the world, is a great success for any artist.
TO.: I was incredibly happy when Stas moved to the Moscow Art Theater, although his transition added to my excitement. Here at the recent premiere of “Marriage”, where Stas main role- he plays Podkolesin - I was probably more nervous than the artists, and even more than the director. My palms were wet, I worried about Stas’s every step. Then we thoroughly analyzed all the scenes.
WITH.: You don’t need to say this - Igor will be offended ( Igor Zolotovitsky, director of the play. - Approx. OK!), will say that my wife and I are analyzing the scenes, and not with the director. ( Laughs.)
Do you often analyze roles at home?
TO.: No, not often. And I’m very glad that we don’t have this madness - talking about work everywhere and everywhere. When a play is being released, then, of course, we discuss everything, it’s even necessary. There was a moment when Stas read Alexander Mindadze’s script and didn’t understand it, so he asked me to read it. Mindadze has a difficult language, I convinced Stas that he definitely needed to act. I also consult if in doubt.
Creative people are often absolutely helpless in everyday life. Who cooks for you and runs the house?
I don’t know about other creative people, but Christina is an excellent cook. Stesha has a saying: “Mom prepared the restaurant.”
TO.: We are both economical. For example, for once it’s Stas’s weekend, but he won’t lie in a sun lounger at the dacha, but will do household chores: pay the bills, finish the pipes.
You've been together for five years. Has there already been a crisis in the relationship?
WITH.: He was, is and will be. “Darlings scold - they just amuse themselves.”
TO.: Everyone can have their own point of view, and sometimes you have to defend it. We are both strong and self-sufficient, so we often argue and prove that we are right.
Is this a crisis?
WITH.: Are you talking about “divorce and maiden name”? "I don't love you." - “And I don’t love you!” - “Well, go.” - “Go there yourself.” Such dialogues happen to us periodically. We go to different corners, puff there, then someone says: “Sorry, it was a hard day.” And always in response: “And forgive me.” And that's it - the divorce is cancelled. ( Kisses his wife on the cheek.) I don’t believe that there are families where people love each other so much that they can’t breathe, they blow away specks of dust.


The actress spoke about women's wisdom and the terrible accident that almost put an end to her career.

Kristina Babushkina.

Gennady Avramenko

Our meeting is scheduled at an artistic cafe on Kamergersky Lane opposite the Moscow Art Theater. Everyone is already accustomed to the fact that people and distinguished people drop by here for a cup of coffee. However, when Christina flies into the hall, it seems that for a few moments the roar subsides - and all eyes turn to her. Easily and naturally, she immediately filled the entire space around her. They say about such people: “A real Russian beauty.” Tall, stately - you can feel the breed. However, Christina, even though she comes from Siberia, is half a foreigner.

Kristina Babushkina:“My mother is Polish. After the war, grandfather ended up in Russia, and stayed that way. That's why they called me Christina. Mom has a twin sister, Wanda. So, when Aunt Wanda gave birth to a girl, they gave her Russian name, and my grandfather strictly ordered me to be called only Polish. Mom was given a choice of three names: Malgorzata, Bronislawa and Kristina. Mom chose the last option - although exotic at that time for Irkutsk, but not as much as the first two. As a child, I reproached my mother: “Can’t you call me normally?” But time passed, and I even liked my name. It turned out to be such a strange combination - Kristina Babushkina.” (Laughs.)

Do you often travel to your hometown?
“Every summer I go to Irkutsk region. In addition to taking my daughter Stesha to my parents, I definitely need to swim in Lake Baikal. This is a sacred act for me. I really get energy from him. I ask a lot from the lake. I make wishes. There is a belief that you need to enter Baikal entirely, washing away everything negative. Just getting your feet wet in the lake is blasphemy. Even if the water is cold. I follow traditions. And if suddenly for some reason I am unable to visit my homeland, it seems to me that I am exhausted.”

Is it difficult to go on stage?
“Yes, because you give away energy. And although you feed off of the audience, and on stage you forget about all your ailments, your native places are restored even better.”

I know that your parents are involved in music. Dad plays the oboe in an orchestra, and mom leads a chamber choir. Perhaps they thought you would follow in their footsteps?
“Yes, absolutely right. There was a lot of music in my life, since I was at rehearsals with my dad, then with my mother, then in the orchestra, then in the choir. And ultimately I was overfilled with it. At some point I told my parents: “Yes, play your own Mozart!” I'm all mine free time I’ll give it to the sport.” True, I only studied for six months. And then I decided to become an actress. And secretly from my parents I entered the Irkutsk Theater School.”

Why in secret? Did they not like this profession?
“Mom and dad were against it, they said it was a very difficult and dependent profession. Even their friends kept telling me to get the whim out of my head. And I took it and did it! My friends, whom the whole country knows today, helped me with this. In particular, my childhood friend Sasha Bukharov - it was he who persuaded me to enter the theater. So in the summer, without telling my parents anything, I passed the round and entered college. And I didn’t go to the eleventh grade anymore, joyfully notifying my dad and mom that I was a first-year student.”

Have you ever regretted your choice?
“I don’t understand what I would do if it weren’t for theater. Sometimes I think: if I were a good teacher, could I still achieve good results while continuing to study music?.. Yes, I am often dissatisfied with myself or with my circumstances! But I’m sure that this is my right path.”

Well, are your parents proud of you now?
“They are not my enthusiastic fans. We discuss my work very often, they make comments to me, point by point, laying out what they like and what they don’t. Since they are also creative people, I listen to their opinions. Although for me today my mother is an authority primarily in technical terms.”

In terms of?
“My mother is amazingly advanced in computer gadgets. She even teaches to international students via Skype. It turned out this way. One day I called her, and she wrote to me: “Wait, I don’t have time, I have Germany in touch!” She is active, businesslike, and I am very happy about that. Sometimes I ask her which button to press when we are establishing communication.”

You entered the Irkutsk Theater School easily. However, you were expelled. Why?
“I was expelled for my professional unsuitability.”

How? Why? What was it?
“This happened when I was in my second year. I got into trouble car accident. In a word, everything turned out so well that I had to stay in the hospital for two years. And the question was about changing professions. They assured me that I needed to choose an easier job, not related to physical activity. But I by volitional decision After the last operation, I came to Moscow in May and began to enroll in all theater institutes at once.”

But in the end you chose the Moscow Art Theater School?
“When you understand that you can study with the master of the national theater school, Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov, what choice can there be? Moreover, if they say to your face: “Come to us!” “You don’t have to go anywhere else,” and then the decision comes naturally.”

Did Tabakov tell you this?
“No, the professor who was at the entrance.”

But did Oleg Pavlovich notice you?
"Yes. From the third round he sat and looked at his future students. After we had already been enrolled, he gathered us and made a speech: “Guys, I believe that you should not study poorly at the Moscow Art Theater. Firstly, you really wanted to get here, secondly, you will enjoy this profession, and thirdly, if you study with excellent marks, you will receive an increased scholarship, plus a sponsorship scholarship and another scholarship from me". And this was an argument, I would even say, a very significant argument, for graduating from theater with honors. (Laughs.) And I finished!”

At the Studio School, did they no longer remember the sentence of “unfit for profession” that was handed down to you in your native Irkutsk?
“But no one knew. But, I admit, this “unsuitability” hung over me like a sword of Damocles. I was afraid that at some point they would tell me that my leg wasn’t healthy enough and that I shouldn’t pursue acting. That's why I hid everything. I tried to study the subject “scene movement” better than anyone else.”

Gennady Avramenko

How did life in the capital begin for you?
“I came to the capital in 1998, and it seems to me that she accepted me. But I immediately immersed myself in my studies, spent all my time at the Studio School - and I didn’t have any other life. I was very lucky. I did the same to many of my colleagues and friends. They were no less talented. But it's always the wheel of Fortune. She smiles at some and not at others. At that moment she smiled at me. And the fact that I entered Oleg Pavlovich was also a huge success. We go through life with him.” (Smiles.)

Do you keep in touch with your classmates?
"Certainly! The only pain is our Riga guys. We had a Russian-Latvian course, and many left. But we still don’t lose contact. Not long ago we celebrated the tenth anniversary of our graduation from school. Oleg Pavlovich and all the teachers have arrived.”

You started acting in films and acting in the theater quite early...
“I started working seriously in Tabakerka in my second year, and acting... This, of course, is a strong word. (Laughs.) But more or less noticeable works appeared in the fourth year.”

Weren't the teaching staff against cinema?
“We have the following philosophy at the institute: in the first years it is quite problematic to be allowed to shoot. But in senior years, teachers meet students halfway. The only thing is that Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov and Mikhail Andreevich Lobanov always asked us to tell them where and with whom we were going to film.”

You were married to Stas Duzhnikov, and your couple seemed very harmonious. However, unexpectedly for everyone, you suddenly decided to get a divorce...
“I won’t say much. Only the main thing. So, Stas has a wonderful family today. And we have friendly relations with him. We are always in touch. After all, we have a wonderful daughter growing up, whom we both love. We are raising her together. When she gets sick, Stas helps as best he can. In general, everything is great. And besides, we serve in the same theater! We play plays and support each other.”

How do you see your daughter? You will, like your parents, dissuade her from the acting profession ifwill she suddenly express such a desire?
“I’ll answer this: it doesn’t matter at all who I see her, the main thing is who she wants to become herself. I will support her in all her endeavors and help her in any way I can. I won’t impose anything. Moreover, she now has such funny swings. At first she wanted to become a cook, then a librarian, now her dream is to be an architect. In general, she is a very creatively developed girl.”

What are her hobbies?
"Studying foreign languages. This year, in addition to English, I also added Chinese. She really likes it. We draw something in the evening, go to art school. In a word, healthy child- healthy children’s hobbies: he will draw, and sing, and go skating.”

Gennady Avramenko

Well, what are your hobbies outside of theater and cinema?
“And I really love skiing. This is my childhood: Irkutsk, mountains. By the way, I also tried to bet Stesha on alpine skiing— I wanted to instill my love in her. We haven’t made much progress yet, but getting up is already an achievement!”

Well, do you like to cook something at home? Are you a housewife who makes you feel comfortable, or do you faint if, for example, a light bulb suddenly burns out?
“I cope with everything normally, but for me this is a disaster! I'm here for myself younger brother I say: “Senechka, that’s it, we need to buy a new refrigerator! This one doesn’t freeze anything.” Senechka comes up, turns some lever in the refrigerator, closes the door and says: “That’s it, consider that you have a new refrigerator!” It turns out that the regulator needed to be set to a colder mode. And this is how I approach all problems. (Laughs.) The faucet is leaking - dear mother, a flood? Do you need to make repairs? It turns out that there is no need for repairs, just change some kind of gasket. For example, only six months ago I learned how to pour liquid into the windshield washer reservoir in a car. So it’s always some kind of comedy “Christina and her everyday problems!”

Appearance is an important tool for an actress. How do you take care of yourself?
"In addition to the wonderful cosmetic procedures which a lot of salons offer in Moscow, I really love the bathhouse. And this is my main SPA treatment. Still, I try to stick to my roots - and in Siberia, a bathhouse is mandatory! Well, if you also know how to steam, then this is simply indispensable body care. I also discovered one thing amazing place. I visited a SPA hotel in Gagra and realized: here you can relax no worse than abroad. I received such a level of service that I was in shock for some time. Was designed for me individual program. I drank some infusions, underwent procedures that were also suitable only for me, ate dishes prepared taking into account the needs of my body. Imagine what an approach! These are not foreign SPAs, where much is still unified; here everything is tailored to each guest. So now I’m an ardent fan of Gagra and have already encouraged some of my friends to go there.”