The son of the famous singer Tatyana Bulanova can feed his family. Tatyana Bulanova: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo Tatyana Bulanova's son Nikita

For more than 20 years, he has been delighting audiences with his songs. The artist is quite closed in her personal life - entries on her blog are available only to those whose subscription is approved by the singer. Recently, Tatyana satisfied the burning interest of fans by answering Lera Kudryavtseva’s questions in the studio of the “Secret to a Million” program.

The singer recalled how her romance with Vladislav Radimov began. At that time, she was married to her producer Nikolai Tagrin, but insoluble problems had long accumulated in the family.

According to Tatyana, she did not immediately tell her first husband about her affair with Vladislav. When it became clear that the new relationship put an end to her marriage, the singer confessed everything to Nikolai Tagrin. The husband agreed to the divorce and forgave the artist. To this day, Nikolai Tagrin is Tatyana Bulanova’s sound engineer and producer.

The eldest son of Tatyana Bulanova, Alexander Tagrin. Still from the program “Secret to a Million”

Despite the fact that Tatyana maintained a friendly relationship with her first husband, the divorce hit them hard common son. Nikolai Tagrin could not forgive the fact that Alexander quickly became friends with Vladislav Radimov. The father considered this behavior of his son to be a betrayal and broke off communication with him for seven years.

25-year-old Alexander Tagrin also appeared in the studio of the “The Secret is Not a Million” program. Tatyana Bulanova’s eldest son explained that in the last two years the ice between him and his father has been gradually melting, and he hopes to establish closer communication with Nikolai.

At the beginning of spring, the singer said that she bought an apartment for her eldest son with a mortgage. Alexander Tagrin graduated from the University of Trade and Economics with a degree in food technology, but now works as a barista. According to the singer, purchasing an apartment for her eldest grandson was the last will of her mother, who died last August. Nina Pavlovna put a lot of effort into raising her grandson while her daughter went on tour, and dreamed of helping Alexander with housing.

Honored Artist of Russia - Tatyana Bulanova was able to win the sympathy of a large audience and carry it through the years. The singer “felt” her fans, so she immediately realized that the image of the “crying” performer began to become boring. After such conclusions, Bulanova decided to radically change not only the lyrics, but also change her image. And it worked, the listener approved of this course of events.

Her collection contains a huge number of awards and prizes. The songs of the pop singer have repeatedly taken first place in the charts and music television shows.

In her interviews, the singer admitted more than once that she was on a diet only as a student; her weight always “lost” by a maximum of five to six kilograms. So let's find out what her height, weight, age is, how old Tatyana Bulanova is. The artist's height is average - 160 centimeters, weight corresponds to the norm - 53 kilograms.

Tatyana Bulanova - photos in her youth and now differ significantly: hairstyle, makeup, clothes. Many critics note that today the 49-year-old singer looks much more attractive than at the dawn of her youth.

Biography of Tatyana Bulanova

Many listeners will be interested to know where the biography of Tatyana Bulanova originates. The future star was born in Leningrad. Her father, Ivan Petrovich Bulanov, was a military man, her mother, Nina Pavlovna Bulanova, worked briefly as a photographer, but then decided to become a housewife in order to devote more time to Tanya and her older brother, Valentin.

Little Tanya graduated from a regular school and, at the insistence of her parents, became a student at the Institute of Culture, her profession is a librarian.

After studying there for three years, Tatyana leaves the institute and enters the Music Hall. It is here that Nikolai Tugrin notices her talent and invites her to the group “ Summer garden" Almost immediately the team becomes popular. Their songs were heard almost everywhere. In the early nineties, albums were released one after another, and cassettes became the most sold-out albums in Russian cities.

Since 1996, Tatyana Bulanova began training solo career. Her songs are heard in the TV series popular at that time: “Streets of Broken Lanterns” and “Gangster Petersburg”.

Since the beginning of 2014 he has been participating in the show “Exactly the Same”

Tatyana Bulanova continues her career as a singer and at the same time tries herself as a TV presenter.

Personal life of Tatyana Bulanova

The personal life of Tatyana Bulanova is, one might say, happy and not happy at the same time. The People's Artist was married twice, both marriages lasted a little more than ten years, but in the end they broke up. However, thanks to her marriages, she became the mother of two sons.

The singer’s personal life cannot be called stormy. In her youth, she devoted all her time to study, although at the very peak of her popularity, Bulanova was repeatedly credited with having affairs with her colleagues.

Currently, Tatyana's heart is not occupied. Admirers of Tatyana's work are confident that the singer will definitely meet a person she will love, and this feeling will be mutual.

Family of Tatyana Bulanova

Family of Tatyana Bulanova - on at the moment these are her two children, older brother and mother. Tatiana often recalls her happy childhood, trips with parents to the carousel. She is grateful to her brother, who taught her to play the guitar.

Tatyana loved music since early years, but she liked modern music, so she disliked the music school to which her parents sent her a little and had difficulty graduating. She is a “fan” of the Forum group and its lead singer Viktor Saltykov. I also enjoyed listening to Vladimir Kuzmin’s repertoire.

Children of Tatyana Bulanova

The children of Tatyana Bulanova are absolute copies of their fathers. Alexander and Nikita love and respect their mother. The eldest son supported the singer when she decided to divorce her husband, believing that she had no right to tell Tatyana what to do.

In turn, the performer is ready to do anything for her sons, because children are the meaning of her existence, her everything. Fans are confident that Tatyana will be able to raise them correctly, they will become the real pride of their mother.

The children's fathers maintain close contact with them, take an interest in their lives, and help when something is needed.

Son of Tatyana Bulanova - Alexander Tagrin

Tatyana Bulanova’s son, Alexander Tagrin, appeared in March 1993. While pregnant, Bulanova performed on stage until the end and went on tour. As she herself admitted, her colleagues did not know about her for up to six months. interesting position. Literally a week after returning from the next city, the singer gave birth to her first child.

Even with the birth of a child, creative family did not take a break: the people's artist and producer continued to delight fans with new videos and songs. Tatiana's parents were involved in raising Alexander.

The singer’s son is already quite an adult young man. He plans to become a musician, fortunately he has talent. However, Alexander now works as an ordinary barista in a small cafe. He takes an example from his mother, wants to achieve success in life himself, without using his mother’s popularity for his own purposes.

Relatives and friends of the family do not understand this state of affairs, but the star mother supports her child in everything, without trying to put pressure on him in choosing his favorite activity.

Son of Tatyana Bulanova - Nikita Radimov

The son of Tatyana Bulanova, Nikita Radimov, was born in his second marriage; he is fourteen years younger than his older brother. Despite the fact that they are siblings only on the mother’s side, they have excellent relationships and mutual understanding.

Nikita just recently started school, so it’s too early to talk about his preferences in choosing a profession. However, given that his father works as a football coach, it is unnecessary to voice the child's favorite game.

IN free time Tatyana reads a lot, her favorite author is Somerset Maugham. Once, in an interview, she admitted that the children wanted to teach her to play computer games, but, alas, they gave up - it didn’t seem like an exciting activity to her.

Tatyana Bulanova's ex-husband - Nikolai Tagrin

Tatyana Bulanova’s ex-husband, Nikolai Tagrin, was the leader of the “Summer Garden” group. He was looking for a soloist for the team for a long time, until his colleague Mikhail Vayman - he taught at the Music Hall - advised him to audition Tatyana. Nikolai liked the girl’s gentle voice and her appearance. Without thinking twice, after a secret audition, the producer offered Bulanova a vacant position. This is how it began not only creative career girls, and personal life.

After recording the first song, feelings flared up between the young people. This relationship grew into true love and, in 1992, they formalized the relationship. The couple spent all their time together: concerts, tours, recording new albums.

Despite the fact that they were practically inseparable, many called their family strange when they learned one interesting detail from their life together. The fact is that they did not have a family budget as such. Tatyana Bulanova was financially independent: she bought clothes herself, bought an apartment herself, and even when she took money from her husband, it was then deducted from her fee.

Be that as it may, they had a son, Tatyana and Nikolai lived together for thirteen years.

Some people cite the appearance of the singer’s new lover as the reason for the divorce. However, Tagrin is still a producer and sound engineer for his ex-wife.

Former husband of Tatyana Bulanova - Vladislav Radimov

Tatyana Bulanova’s ex-husband, Vladislav Radimov, is a fairly famous football player who played for the Russian national team and is currently a coach. Vladislav is six years younger than his wife, but this is not noticeable, because the singer looks great.

They got married in 2005, almost immediately after Tatyana broke up previous relationships. Two years later, the singer gave birth to her second child - a joint son.

It would seem that everything is fine with them, happy family. But after some time, rumors about scandals in the family began to leak into the press. Various reasons were voiced: Vladislav’s jealousy - although Tatyana never gave a reason, his lack of understanding of the singer’s financial independence. It got to the point that they began to assume that they lived separately. Bulanova and Radimov did not comment on this information.

Last year, the singer officially announced her intentions to divorce. The reason was her husband’s betrayal, and, according to rumors, it was close friend Tatiana.

Bulanova found the strength to survive the unpleasant situation, and even said that if Vladislav needed any help, she would provide it.

A photo of Tatyana Bulanova in Maxim magazine would look organic. There was a note on the Internet that, apparently, at the peak of her fame, she was offered good money for a photo shoot, but whether this is true or just another fiction is unknown.

Photos of the singer from various shows, in which she took part more than once, too conservative people can be classified in the section - candid photos. As arguments, they sometimes begin to criticize too much open outfits Tatiana.

Bulanova does not like to advertise her behind-the-scenes life. Sometimes it is very difficult to find pictures of her relaxing in nature or in a cafe, and even more so, somewhere on the seashore in a swimsuit.

Those people who were lucky enough to communicate with the singer personally or those who closely follow her biography claim that Tatyana Bulanova and naked are two incompatible things.

Instagram and Wikipedia Tatiana Bulanova

Instagram and Wikipedia of Tatyana Bulanova are officially registered pages on the Internet. There are more than forty-five thousand subscribers on Instagram, but the account, unfortunately, is closed. You can read on the official website short biography singer, see where and when Bulanova’s next concert will take place.

The work of Tatyana Bulanova is still popular; her songs are sung with pleasure at karaoke and included in the playlist of various events. All that remains is to wish the People's Artist of Russia more for a long time to delight the listeners who loved her with all their hearts.

Honored Artist of Russia - Tatyana Bulanova was able to win the sympathy of a large audience and carry it through the years. The singer “felt” her fans, so she immediately realized that the image of the “crying” performer began to become boring. After such conclusions, Bulanova decided to radically change not only the lyrics, but also change her image. And it worked, the listener approved of this course of events.

Her collection contains a huge number of awards and prizes. The songs of the pop singer have repeatedly taken first place in the charts and music television shows.

Height, weight, age. How old is Tatyana Bulanova

In her interviews, the singer admitted more than once that she was on a diet only as a student; her weight always “lost” by a maximum of five to six kilograms. So let's find out what her height, weight, age is, how old Tatyana Bulanova is. The artist's height is average - 160 centimeters, weight corresponds to the norm - 53 kilograms.

Tatyana Bulanova - photos in her youth and now differ significantly: hairstyle, makeup, clothes. Many critics note that today the 49-year-old singer looks much more attractive than at the dawn of her youth.

Biography of Tatyana Bulanova

Many listeners will be interested to know where the biography of Tatyana Bulanova originates. The future star was born in Leningrad. Her father, Ivan Petrovich Bulanov, was a military man, her mother, Nina Pavlovna Bulanova, worked briefly as a photographer, but then decided to become a housewife in order to devote more time to Tanya and her older brother, Valentin.

Little Tanya graduated from a regular school and, at the insistence of her parents, became a student at the Institute of Culture, her profession is a librarian.

After studying there for three years, Tatyana leaves the institute and enters the Music Hall. It is here that Nikolai Tugrin notices her talent and invites her to the “Summer Garden” group. Almost immediately the team becomes popular. Their songs were heard almost everywhere. In the early nineties, albums were released one after another, and cassettes became the most sold-out albums in Russian cities.

Since 1996, Tatyana Bulanova began pursuing a solo career. Her songs are heard in the TV series popular at that time: “Streets of Broken Lanterns” and “Gangster Petersburg”.

Since the beginning of 2014 he has been participating in the show “Exactly the Same”

Tatyana Bulanova continues her career as a singer and at the same time tries herself as a TV presenter.

Personal life of Tatyana Bulanova

The personal life of Tatyana Bulanova is, one might say, happy and not happy at the same time. The People's Artist was married twice, both marriages lasted a little more than ten years, but in the end they broke up. However, thanks to her marriages, she became the mother of two sons.

The singer’s personal life cannot be called stormy. In her youth, she devoted all her time to study, although at the very peak of her popularity, Bulanova was repeatedly credited with having affairs with her colleagues.

Currently, Tatyana's heart is not occupied. Admirers of Tatyana's work are confident that the singer will definitely meet a person she will love, and this feeling will be mutual.

Family of Tatyana Bulanova

Tatyana Bulanova’s family - at the moment these are her two children, older brother and mother. Tatyana often recalls her happy childhood, trips with her parents to the carousel. She is grateful to her brother, who taught her to play the guitar.

Tatyana loved music from an early age, but she liked modern music, so she didn’t like the music school her parents sent her to and had difficulty graduating. She is a “fan” of the Forum group and its lead singer Viktor Saltykov. I also enjoyed listening to Vladimir Kuzmin’s repertoire.

Children of Tatyana Bulanova

The children of Tatyana Bulanova are absolute copies of their fathers. Alexander and Nikita love and respect their mother. The eldest son supported the singer when she decided to divorce her husband, believing that she had no right to tell Tatyana what to do.

In turn, the performer is ready to do anything for her sons, because children are the meaning of her existence, her everything. Fans are confident that Tatyana will be able to raise them correctly, they will become the real pride of their mother.

The children's fathers maintain close contact with them, take an interest in their lives, and help when something is needed.

Son of Tatyana Bulanova - Alexander Tagrin

Tatyana Bulanova’s son, Alexander Tagrin, appeared in March 1993. While pregnant, Bulanova performed on stage until the end and went on tour. As she herself admitted, her colleagues did not know about her interesting position until six months later. Literally a week after returning from the next city, the singer gave birth to her first child.

Even with the birth of the child, the creative family did not take a break: the people's artist and producer continued to delight fans with new videos and songs. Tatiana's parents were involved in raising Alexander.

The singer’s son is already quite an adult young man. He plans to become a musician, fortunately he has talent. However, Alexander now works as an ordinary barista in a small cafe. He takes an example from his mother, wants to achieve success in life himself, without using his mother’s popularity for his own purposes.

Relatives and friends of the family do not understand this state of affairs, but the star mother supports her child in everything, without trying to put pressure on him in choosing his favorite activity.

Son of Tatyana Bulanova - Nikita Radimov

The son of Tatyana Bulanova, Nikita Radimov, was born in his second marriage; he is fourteen years younger than his older brother. Despite the fact that they are siblings only on the mother’s side, they have excellent relationships and mutual understanding.

Nikita just recently started school, so it’s too early to talk about his preferences in choosing a profession. However, given that his father works as a football coach, it is unnecessary to voice the child's favorite game.

In her free time, Tatyana reads a lot; her favorite author is Somerset Maugham. Once, in one of her interviews, she admitted that the children wanted to teach her to play computer games, but, alas, they gave up - she did not find it a fun activity.

Tatyana Bulanova's ex-husband - Nikolai Tagrin

Tatyana Bulanova’s ex-husband, Nikolai Tagrin, was the leader of the “Summer Garden” group. He was looking for a soloist for the team for a long time, until his colleague Mikhail Vayman - he taught at the Music Hall - advised him to audition Tatyana. Nikolai liked the girl’s gentle voice and her appearance. Without thinking twice, after a secret audition, the producer offered Bulanova a vacant position. This is how not only the girl’s creative career began, but also her personal life.

After recording the first song, feelings flared up between the young people. This relationship grew into true love and, in 1992, they formalized the relationship. The couple spent all their time together: concerts, tours, recording new albums.

Despite the fact that they were practically inseparable, many called their family strange when they learned one interesting detail from their life together. The fact is that they did not have a family budget as such. Tatyana Bulanova was financially independent: she bought clothes herself, bought an apartment herself, and even when she took money from her husband, it was then deducted from her fee.

Be that as it may, they had a son, Tatyana and Nikolai lived together for thirteen years.

Some people cite the appearance of the singer’s new lover as the reason for the divorce. However, Tagrin is still a producer and sound engineer for his ex-wife.

Former husband of Tatyana Bulanova - Vladislav Radimov

Tatyana Bulanova’s ex-husband, Vladislav Radimov, is a fairly famous football player who played for the Russian national team and is currently a coach. Vladislav is six years younger than his wife, but this is not noticeable, because the singer looks great.

They got married in 2005, almost immediately after Tatyana broke off her previous relationship. Two years later, the singer gave birth to her second child - a joint son.

It would seem that everything is fine with them, a happy family. But after some time, rumors about scandals in the family began to leak into the press. Various reasons were voiced: Vladislav’s jealousy - although Tatyana never gave a reason, his lack of understanding of the singer’s financial independence. It got to the point that they began to assume that they lived separately. Bulanova and Radimov did not comment on this information.

Last year, the singer officially announced her intentions to divorce. The reason was her husband’s betrayal, and, according to rumors, it was Tatyana’s close friend.

Bulanova found the strength to survive the unpleasant situation, and even said that if Vladislav needed any help, she would provide it.

A photo of Tatyana Bulanova in Maxim magazine would look organic. There was a note on the Internet that, apparently, at the peak of her fame, she was offered good money for a photo shoot, but whether this is true or just another fiction is unknown.

Photos of the singer from various shows in which she took part more than once can be classified as candid photos by too conservative people. As arguments, they begin to criticize Tatyana’s sometimes overly revealing outfits.

Bulanova does not like to advertise her behind-the-scenes life. Sometimes it is very difficult to find pictures of her relaxing in nature or in a cafe, and even more so, somewhere on the seashore in a swimsuit.

Those people who were lucky enough to communicate with the singer personally or those who closely follow her biography claim that Tatyana Bulanova and naked are two incompatible things.

Instagram and Wikipedia Tatiana Bulanova

Instagram and Wikipedia of Tatyana Bulanova are officially registered pages on the Internet. There are more than forty-five thousand subscribers on Instagram, but the account, unfortunately, is closed. On the official website you can read a short biography of the singer, see where and when Bulanova’s next concert will take place.

The work of Tatyana Bulanova is still popular; her songs are sung with pleasure at karaoke and included in the playlist of various events. All that remains is to wish the People's Artist of Russia to delight the listeners who loved her with all their hearts for a long time. Article found on

From the first steps of her eldest son, Tatyana Bulanova was sure that he would be a musician. But in life it turned out differently to music; he was practically indifferent. Therefore, he decided to try himself in something else, and the chosen profession brings not only income, but also pleasure. And relatives always have the opportunity to try exclusive dishes. Mom is very proud of her sons' success

Tatyana Bulanova son: the path to success

Tatyana Bulanova was born in St. Petersburg in 1969. The parents of the future singer are her father, a submariner, and her mother, a photographer. IN school years the girl was interested in gymnastics and music, but surprisingly she chose the profession of a librarian. But three years later she switched to the vocal department.

Big changes in career life came after meeting Nikolai Tagrin. Who led the “Summer Garden” group. After meeting this man, Tatyana left her studies and began touring with the group. For short time the group became famous, and in 1996 Tatyana left the group and began a solo career. Changing the style, image.

Tatyana Bulanova son: personal life

In 1992 the couple Tatyana and Nikolai Tagrin married and a year later the couple had a son, Alexander. The family lived and enjoyed life for 13 years, and then separated. The reason for the divorce, as the singer herself admitted, was an affair with a football player.

The singer’s second husband was football player Vladislav Radimov, who is 7 years younger than Tatyana. The situation in which we met was Tatyana interviewing an athlete for a magazine. A romance blossomed between them. The couple had a son, Nikita. Family life was not easy, the couple often quarreled. There was news in the media that the couple had separated. And so in 2016, the couple divorced. Despite this, they continue to communicate well and celebrate joint holidays.

Tatyana Bulanova son: childhood and hobbies of sons

The childhood of Alexander, Tatyana's eldest son, was not easy. His parents often toured and left him with his grandmother. And after the divorce, Tatyana’s mother took her grandson to live with her. At this time, I was focusing on myself and my career. Mom toured and arranged her personal life. Little Alexander, seeing his mother on TV, left the room.

Nikita was a little luckier; when he appeared, Tatyana was less involved in work. But the main role in raising the grandson again fell on the grandmother.

The eldest son graduated from the Faculty of Economics, but does not plan to work by profession. He really likes to cook, and is already student years he worked in a coffee shop. Now Alexander independently cooks at home for the whole family. Likes to experiment and listens to the advice of elders. His best food is Italian cuisine.

Nikita is studying at school. And he is not thinking about his future profession yet.

Tatyana Bulanova loves her sons madly and will support them in all their endeavors.

49-year-old Tatyana Bulanova is still a popular singer and a great-looking woman. The artist became the heroine of the “Secret to a Million” program, for the first time talking in detail about her difficult relationship with husbands who are already ex-husbands. The singer was married twice. Her first husband was her producer Nikolai Tagrin, with whom Tatyana lived together for 13 years and gave birth to the man’s son Alexander. Gradually their relationship faded away. Bulanova began to get involved with other men and once even almost left the family:

The breakup was my initiative. Then Vlad appeared in my life, and it literally blew my mind. It was some kind of obsession. Of course, Kolya was shocked, he was very worried. A few years before this, I had another short-lived affair. The man's name was Sergei. It was a great passion, I even told my husband that I had decided to leave him. Then Kolya’s attitude towards me changed, I literally became the center of his Universe. As a result, we lived in marriage for another six years, but the meeting with Radimov changed everything,” Bulanova shared her memories. Nikolai Tagrin was able to forgive his wife for her passion for another man, but he considered the fact that his son became friends with his mother’s new chosen one to be a betrayal.

Tatyana lived with football player Vyacheslav Radimov for 11 years: the couple seemed happy, they gave birth to a son, Nikita. However, in 2013, information appeared in the media that the athlete was cheating on the singer with another woman. A certain Irina Yakovleva, a fitness trainer by profession, began appearing on various talk shows, talking about her secret relationship with Radimov. The footballer himself, says Bulanova, denied everything.

However, it later turned out that even Radimov’s mother communicated with Irina, this served as the last straw.

This girl really talked to his mother, the moment was caught on camera. I asked him this question - he says that this is complete nonsense. He really knows her, and there really were some correspondence with her, but he also with my ex-girlfriend is still being rewritten, and with ex-girlfriend. Well, he’s the kind of person: he needs this all the time, but I’m sick of it. Well, how much is possible? I didn't conduct any investigation. Just at some point I realized that I needed a “chick” - that’s all,” admitted Bulanova.

Tatiana says that she and Vladislav managed to save good relationship, simply “the passion has faded away.” They still live in the same apartment.

He pays the rent and sometimes buys Nikita something. Let him live, we have a wonderful relationship,” the singer said, “it seems to me that even now, when we are divorced, the relationship has become better. If before there was some kind of mistrust, now everything is completely calm: do what you want, you are a free person and I am a free person. Some clashes ceased to exist altogether. Even on household level. There are five rooms. Vlad is sleeping in a separate room. We meet in the kitchen, and sometimes he even cooks for me. We are absolutely normal friendly relations, - she smiles through tears.

At some point, the singer actually cried: it was obvious that the breakup with ex-husband didn't come easy to her. In addition, just nine months ago Bulanova lost her mother: the elderly woman had a serious diagnosis.

Just recently he wrote to me “I love you,” Bulanova said, speaking about Radimov. - I answered with an emoticon. I'm not sure anything can come of this. In any case, we communicate well and don’t quarrel. Of course, the divorce was very difficult, but I believe that it was necessary.