Enter staffing correctly. Why do you need a staffing table and how to draw it up

Personnel documentation calls large number questions. Often they show interest in the correctness of the design and drafting of the documents in question.

What is staffing?

The schedule is necessary in order to form the staff structure in the organization and its number. When forming, attention is paid to the compliance of the document with the charter of the institution.

It includes information regarding structural divisions, names of professions, and a list of employee positions. The act must indicate the number of staff required for the functioning of the organization.

When compiling, a form approved by the State Statistics Committee is used. The importance of the document in question lies in streamlining the work process and optimizing it. The document performs the following functions:

  • a visual structure of the institution is created;
  • state units are indicated;
  • control of the quantitative and qualitative composition of workers;
  • tracking the amount of bonuses paid, payment systems;
  • When vacancies appear, the selection of an employee is simplified.

For the employer positive aspects document lies in the possibility of using it in a court hearing regarding the reduction. It is also used to explain refusals to hire.

In the event of inspections of the company by authorities in charge of taxation or social issues. insurance – this act is necessary. Despite the fact that it is not necessary to have a document, inspectors require the act to be able to verify the correct accrual of money to employees.

The photo shows an example:

Example of T3 form

For different institutions

The act drawn up regarding institutions operating in the cultural sphere has specific drafting features. As well as other varieties of this document. Cultural institutions include:

  • clubs located in the city/village;
  • cultural centers;
  • cultural centers;
  • auto club;
  • propaganda team

The authority to draw up the paper is vested in the founders of the listed institutions. Among the specialists cultural organization distinguish: director, director, screenwriter, sound engineer, music director and others.

Establishment staffing table is interconnected with the number of people living in locality, the number of organizations operating in the city for 12 months.

Also important is the presence in our locality of groups that have the title of national or exemplary.

After assessing the volume of labor and specific operating conditions, by agreement with the founder, additional positions may be included in the document. Sufficient funding is also a prerequisite for inclusion.

The manager is entrusted with the functions of distributing the required number of employees, taking into account the size of the payroll fund.

The photo shows an example of an act:

Example of a drafted act

In relation to a limited liability company, it can be said that the deed is required for the following purposes:

  • establishing a personnel structure;
  • analysis of the quality and quantity of work performed;
  • the feasibility of continuing cooperation with existing personnel or recruiting new ones;
  • confirmation of the correctness of the payments made to the budget;
  • pension contributions;
  • arguing controversial issues in favor of the enterprise.

A person cannot be hired for a position that is not included in the document. When the act does not include a list of positions, it is considered an obstacle to staff reduction.

In a situation where an individual entrepreneur has two or more employees, he needs to draw up a staff act. This is due to the need to conclude employment contracts, which specify qualification requirements and set the salary.

Relatively construction organization The schedule has distinctive features:

  • the institution is not given the authority to voluntarily introduce job titles that are associated with hazardous production (professional directories with tariffs are used to draw up the act);
  • the presence of a special structure.

Example of a construction company's staff

The schedule must reflect charges for harmful and hazardous conditions workers' labor.

Regarding HOAs, no special instructions are established for drawing up the act in question. Thanks to the schedule in in a visual form you can see how much cash is spent on one employee and on the organization as a whole.

The document does not indicate the names of persons holding a particular position, which is due to the possibility of staffing after drawing up the act. Arriving at the interview, the janitor should immediately have the opportunity to set the salary and make a decision on employment.

Schedule in the HOA:

An example of an act in a HOA

The schedule for the store is drawn up in relation to the number of employees. This could be a small kiosk with only one salesperson, director and accountant, or a large supermarket with a decent number of staff.

An employment agreement is concluded for each employee. It indicates the position and category in which the person is employed.

Also in the field of trade, an agreement on financial liability for the employer's property. The employee is obliged to ensure the safety of the valuables that were transferred to him in connection with the conclusion of the employment contract.

The schedule may contain the following lines:

Examples of information in a document

In catering establishments, the document looks something like this:

For the catering industry

Drawing up a schedule in a healthcare institution, for example, in a clinic, is the responsibility of the manager or an employee authorized by him. Standards for the number of staff are given in the orders of the Ministry of Health.

At the legislative level of the region where the clinic is located, a provision is established regarding the ability of the manager to draw up and approve the document.

The titles of positions included in the schedule must correspond to occupational reference books. There may be exceptions in individual cases. If you have rights to benefits - this fact to be included in the schedule.

The regular act of the beauty salon states:

  • hierarchy of departments;
  • number of staff units;
  • wages;
  • list of positions;
  • allowances and additional payments;
  • accrual procedure.

Example of an act for emergency services:

For emergency service

Educational institution:

For educational institution


For hotel

Step-by-step instructions for compiling

An act is drawn up according to the following steps:

Who does this?

The legislator does not indicate who is responsible for drawing up the staff document. In practice, it is established that these can be:

  • persons holding leadership positions;
  • a group of persons specially created for this purpose;
  • HR employee;
  • economic department;
  • legal department;
  • department for labor organization and wages.

It is required that a specialist from the economic department take part in the preparation of the act.

How long does it last?

The periods for storing documentation are established by the Federal Archive. According to the acts developed by this department, the storage period will be three years. The countdown of the period begins from the moment the document ceases to be valid.

When does it change?

According to the directory, which indicates the qualifications of the positions of employees, subordinates and superiors, responsibility for registration rests with the labor economist. Considering the fact that not all companies have the specified position, management makes a decision regarding the performance of the work in question.

Sample order for amendments

As a rule, when drawing up an act, it is used production tasks and the amount of work. According to the specified data, staff is recruited and the funds required to pay advance payments established at the legislative level are calculated.

The structure of an enterprise is not eternal, since adjustments are made to it, it changes and develops. Changes may be associated with an increase in the number of zones, service by the organization, adjustment of the types of activities in which the enterprise is engaged.

Due to the presence of such circumstances, the form changes labor activity, which may entail a change in the size of the company towards an increase or decrease.

The introduction of adjustments is also associated with changes in tariff rates. Regarding the minimum wage, changes in legislation are regularly adopted to increase it. In this case, the employer, based on its financial capabilities, has the right to increase the salary.

Adjustments are made to the act on the basis of documentation developed in the accounting department.

For wartime

Institutions and organizations various forms have the right to accept a schedule for a period of time considered military. Drawing up and filling out the act does not cause difficulties, since it is carried out in the same way as the standard procedure.

The basis for the process under consideration is the mobilization task received from the military registration and enlistment office and other structures, for example, the Ministry of Emergency Situations. According to the received documentation, the number of staff is calculated, after which the information is entered into the act.

The hospital inpatient unit received a task for the war period regarding the installation of additional beds in the amount of 250 units.

After reviewing the requirement, managers decide how many workers they will need to serve patients. Next, a schedule is drawn up and approved by issuing an order.

Structural unit

The first column of the document in question is called “Name of the structural unit.” When the schedule is made for commercial organizations, then there are no restrictions regarding the names of departments.

Only terminological requirements are taken into account, indicating that giving a name to a unit that is little-known a foreign word not advisable.

In some organizations, the name of the department affects the employee's receipt of benefits due. Examples include healthcare and education institutions. In this case, the personnel department employees take on the task of correctly indicating the name of the department.

In order to facilitate the work of the HR department, classifiers regarding hazardous industries and other lists have been created. Names are entered in relation to group affiliation:

  • the manual is initially indicated;
  • production;
  • auxiliary.

Is this necessary for individual entrepreneurs?

Legislative acts do not establish an obligation individual entrepreneurs on drawing up a staff document.

However, despite this provision, individual entrepreneurs are not advised to neglect drawing up the act. This is primarily due to the fact that the entrepreneur employs employees with whom an employment contract has been concluded.

Regardless of the form of the current taxation system, drawing up a schedule makes it possible to eliminate the imposition of a fine for the absence of this act. As an exception, they consider the situation when the entrepreneur has no employees.

Job categories

For 2019, the legislator has not developed rules regarding the uniform formation of job titles in the schedule. The norms prescribed in the standards are subject to compliance in certain working conditions and in structures of state importance. Many companies follow their own rules when naming positions.

An example of a trendy job title in an organization would be manager. In fact, this is the same cleaning lady. However, the position is called cleaning service manager. This name is used to encourage people to work.

When the number of staff in an organization is small, one person can occupy two positions at once.

Explanatory note

This act is required when a new schedule is approved, which indicates previously unused positions. The note provides the rationale for the adoption of these changes. The same rule applies to cases where the number of employees is reduced.

Example of an explanatory note

The note is drawn up by the management of the unit where the innovations took place. The adjustments made must be justified. The document bears the visa of the head of the organization, which gives reason to believe that he agrees to such adjustments.

Regional coefficient

Compilers of the staffing table should keep in mind that the columns regarding tariff rates indicate the amount of payment, which corresponds to the salary established by the company in the collective agreement.

Regional coefficients must be indicated in the supplement column. Such payments are established in accordance with state regulations.

The schedule must indicate for which bonuses are paid.

Although this type of personnel documentation is not mandatory, most organizations draw up and are guided in their activities by this act. This is due to the functionality of the paper.

Staffing table- a regulatory organizational and administrative document of the organization, with the help of which the structure is drawn up, the staffing and number of the enterprise are approved, indicating the amount of wages depending on the position held.

The staffing table contains a list of structural units, names of positions, specialties, professions indicating qualifications, as well as information on the number of staff units.

Staffing form

To draw up a staffing schedule legal entity or an individual, who is an individual entrepreneur, is provided with a unified form N T-3 (approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 N 1 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment”).

This form is not mandatory for use, but is only advisory.

Who makes the staffing schedule?

The staffing table can be drawn up by any employee who is assigned such a function.

Such persons may be the head of the organization, the head of the personnel department,.

Information specified in the staffing table

The staffing table contains the following information:

    name of structural divisions;

    names of positions, specialties, professions;

    number of staff units;

    salary and (or) tariff rate;

    availability and size of the allowance;

    other information.

The procedure for entering information into the staffing table

Information is entered into the unified form N T-3 according to the following rules:

    the name of the organization is indicated in strict accordance with the constituent documents;

    OKPO code contains an 8-digit identification code of an enterprise or organization. Information about it is contained in information letter state statistics body;

    "Document number". When initially compiled, the staffing table is assigned N 1, and subsequently continuous numbering is used;

    The date of compilation is indicated as current. It should be borne in mind that the date of preparation and the time from which the staffing table is put into effect may vary;

    in the line “For period” the period of validity of the staffing table is indicated, as well as the date of its entry into force;

    The document’s approval stamp includes the details of the order for the main activity that approved this document, and below it is indicated total quantity staffing units of an organization or enterprise.

In this case, the following fields are filled in:

    column 1 "Name of structural unit";

    Column 2 “Code” involves indicating the numbers of departments in an order that allows you to determine the subordination and structure of the entire organization;

    Column 3 "Position (specialty, profession), rank, class (category) of qualifications." Positions are indicated in nominative case no abbreviations;

    Column 4 “Number of staff units” indicates the number of staff units provided for in this organization, including incomplete ones;

    in column 5 "Tariff rate (salary), etc., rub." depending on the remuneration system adopted by the organization, it is necessary to pay either a fixed amount of remuneration for employees in rubles, or percentages or coefficients;

    columns 6, 7 and 8 "Additional allowances, rub." the employer can fill it out based on the wage system adopted in the organization, as well as the peculiarities of the organization of work or working hours;

    Column 9 “Total per month” can be filled out if the salary and bonuses are indicated only in rubles, without indicating percentages and coefficients. When the salary is set in rubles, and bonuses are set as a percentage of the salary, it seems difficult to calculate the total amount. In this case, a dash is placed in this column, and a link to the documents establishing them is indicated in the note;

    Column 10 provides for entering any information related to the staffing table, for example, links to local regulations of the organization establishing the types of allowances and their amounts.

Who signs the staffing schedule?

The unified form N T-3 provides for the following signatures:

Head of Human Resources;

Chief accountant.

The staffing table may be signed by other employees.

In this case, additions are made to the form to include the signatures of other employees.

The staffing table may consist of several sheets. In this case, the staffing table should be stitched and numbered.

Persons signing it sign only on the last sheet in the corresponding line.

If it is necessary to sign each sheet, the form is supplemented with lines for signature.

It is not necessary to put a stamp on the staffing table.

Approval of staffing

The staffing table is approved by an order signed by the manager or an authorized person.

At the same time, the right to publish documents on approval of the staffing table must be enshrined in the constituent documents.

Timeframe for approval of staffing schedule

The law does not establish the number of staffing levels that an employer must have, nor specific deadlines or periods for changing it.

Thus, the employer can regulate this issue independently.

As a rule, if changes were made to the staffing table during the year (in the form of additions), then at the beginning calendar year taking into account these changes, a new staffing table is approved in order to make it easier to use in work.

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Staffing: details for an accountant

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Drawing up staffing >>>

Signing and approval of the staffing table >>>

Retention periods for staffing tables >>>

Making changes to the staffing table >>>

Submission of the staffing table to the inspection authorities >>>

Extract from the staffing table >>>


The staffing table is an organizational and administrative document in which the structure, staffing and number of the organization, a list of job titles, professions indicating qualifications and salaries, as well as possible allowances for each position are drawn up.

1. Staffing form

For the convenience of drawing up a staffing table by a legal entity or an individual who is an individual entrepreneur, a unified form N T-3 is provided (approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for the accounting of labor and its payment” dated 01/05/2004 N 1) . This form is not mandatory for use, but is only advisory. Despite this, it is recommended to use this form in your work, since it contains all the necessary details.

It must be borne in mind that many organizations carrying out supervisory and control functions (for example, labor inspectorates or judicial authorities), when conducting inspections or requests, require the submission of a staffing table (clause 91 of the Methodological Instructions on the procedure for appointing, conducting documentary on-site inspections of policyholders on mandatory social insurance and taking measures based on their results, approved by Resolution of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated 04/07/2008 N 81).

When conducting documentary checks by territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, it is also possible to request the provision of a staffing table ( Methodical recommendations on organizing and conducting a documentary verification of the reliability of individual information provided by policyholders work experience and earnings (remuneration), income of insured persons in the public pension insurance(approved by Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated January 30, 2002 N 11p)).

In addition to the listed bodies, tax inspectorates often include in the list of documents required for a comprehensive audit the staffing table as a document confirming the application of tax benefits.

Also, the staffing table serves as a document that summarizes data on wage costs, as well as the number of employees of the organization.

Unified forms, including Form N T-3, apply to all organizations regardless of their legal form. The exception is forms for recording working hours and settlements with personnel for wages, which are not used in the work of budgetary institutions.

1.1. Indication of freelance positions in the staffing table >>>

2. The procedure for entering information into the staffing table >>>

3. Staffing of branches >>>

The staffing table can be drawn up by any employee who is entrusted with such a function (the head of the organization, personnel officer, accountant). Before drawing it up, it is necessary to determine the general structure of the organization for the further distribution of human and material resources depending on the direction of activity and the purposes for which the organization was created.

In some organizations, it is customary, first of all, to describe the structure of the organization without indicating salaries and a specific number of staffing units, in the form of a table in which all proposed divisions and their subordination are indicated and on the basis of which the staffing table itself is drawn up.

However, the enterprise structure is not a mandatory document and can only be considered as an auxiliary document.

In accordance with the Instructions for the use and completion of primary documentation forms, in column 5, the employee’s monthly salary at the tariff rate (salary) is entered in rubles. Since wages workers whose wages are set at an hourly rate depend on the amount of time worked; they do not have a fixed salary as such. Therefore, it is not possible to correctly fill out the staffing table for such employees.

In this situation, we recommend column 5 “Tariff rate (salary), etc., rub.” and column 9 “Total per month, rub.” do not fill out, but in column 10 “Notes” indicate: “Payment at an hourly rate” and provide a link to an internal document that regulates the amount of remuneration (for example, a regulation on the remuneration of employees of an organization).

2. Approval of staffing >>>

2.1. Placing a stamp on the staffing table >>>

3. Familiarization of employees with the staffing table >>>

4. Time frame for approval of staffing >>>

1. Persons signing the staffing table

For correspondence on the development and change of staffing schedules - 3 years (Article 73).


The staffing arrangement (staff replacement, staff list) is used in the work of the person conducting personnel work in the organization. The form of this document is not established by law and is developed, as a rule, on the basis of Form N T-3 with the addition of a column in which the last names, first names, and patronymics of employees holding certain positions are entered. For convenience, this document can be compiled as follows: electronic form, and on paper. The use of such an arrangement helps, first of all, to track the presence vacant positions, as well as filling staff positions when hiring a part-time worker or if one position is divided between several employees. If a personnel accounting program is not used, then all information about employees is entered into such a form (compiled in the form of a table) (for example, the date of return from long-term vacations or the presence of disability, etc.), which allows you to create a report on various requests from management.

2. Exclusion of vacant positions and structural units from the staff list >>>

3. Exclusion from the staffing table of staff units or structural units when reducing numbers or staff >>>

3.1. The procedure for making changes to the staffing table when reducing staff or numbers >>>

4. Changes in salaries in the staffing table >>>

5. Renaming positions and departments >>>

Changes to the staffing table are made on the basis of a decision made by the employer, fixed by order. Changes may be of the following nature:

Elimination of vacant positions or entire departments due to organizational changes in the work of an organization or enterprise;

Introduction of new staffing positions if it is necessary to expand production or increase the services provided;

Reduction of staff units associated with a reduction in the number or staff of an organization or individual entrepreneur;

Changes in salaries;

Renaming departments and positions, etc.

Changes to the staffing table can be made in two ways:

Issuing an order for the appropriate change;

Approval of the new staffing table.

The employer independently decides on the method of making changes to the staffing table. When carrying out measures to reduce staff or numbers, the law also does not oblige the employer to introduce a new staffing table, i.e. he has the right to make changes to what is already in force by order. Thus, the employer can have one staffing table throughout the entire activity of the organization and only regulate the number of positions or structural units by orders.

Important! The employer is obliged to submit information on the availability of vacant jobs (positions) monthly to the employment service authorities (Clause 3, Article 25, Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 N 1032-1 “On Employment of the Population in the Russian Federation”). Part 1 art. 8 of Moscow Law No. 46 dated October 1, 2008 “On employment in the city of Moscow” contains a similar rule. The employer provides information about the need for workers (availability of vacant jobs, positions) in accordance with the procedure approved by Decree of the Moscow Government dated June 23, 2009 N 579-PP.

1. Adding new positions and structural units to the staffing table

If it is necessary to add a position to a structural unit or an entire unit within the organization, an order should be issued to make appropriate changes to the staffing table, i.e. on the introduction of new units. There is no unified form for such an order, so the employer has the right to develop it independently. This order is signed by the head of the organization or an authorized person. The date of introduction of the new position may not coincide with the date of issue of the order, i.e. changes may be introduced later (for example, the date of issue of the order is November 28, 2009, and the position is introduced from December 15, 2009). When adding to the staffing table, the employer is not obliged to familiarize employees with the changes being made.

Since the order to exclude units from the staffing table is drawn up in a form developed by the employer independently, it is not necessary to indicate the salary or wages in it, unlike the order to introduce a staffing unit.

After the employer makes a decision to change the salary level, it is necessary to issue an order to amend the staffing table, drawn up in any form, which is signed by the manager or an authorized person.

For more information, see the HR Guide. Changing the terms of the employment contract ".

If the employer decides to rename a structural unit or a specific position, it is necessary to issue an order to amend the staffing table signed by the manager or other authorized person.


An extract from the staffing table can be issued, for example, to inspection authorities, upon a request made properly, or to an employee after his written request to the employer in accordance with Art. 62 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If an employee applies, the extract from the staffing table must reflect only information about his position and related payments. The salary amounts of other employees are not allowed to be indicated in the statement according to the norm of Art. 88 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on the protection of personal data regarding their transfer.

See a sample of filling out the statement.

Signed for seal

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Employees are hired in accordance with the staffing schedule. It is approved by order of the head of the organization or by another authorized person by order or power of attorney.

Pay attention to the surcharge section. The specifics of the enterprise may be reflected here. Bonuses can be for trade secrets, employee experience, harmfulness, special services to the organization, academic degree, etc.

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How to correctly fill out the staffing table on form T-3

The staffing table is used to formalize the structure, composition of the staff, its number in accordance with the current Charter of the organization. The staffing table is approved by the manager or a person authorized by him (and drawn up by them, since the required position of a labor economist, who is required to draw up the schedule, is not available at all enterprises) and contains the following information:

List of existing positions at the enterprise;
- number of units in the state;
- monthly wage fund;
- amounts official salaries and allowances;
- list of structural divisions.

It should be remembered that the employee’s position in the employment contract must fully correspond to the position in the staffing table, and its name is not abbreviated when entered in the document. And the positions themselves are entered there based on the Classifier of Occupations, because any discrepancy may lead to difficulties when applying for a pension. Positions are recorded in descending order, starting with the most important one.

The schedule is drawn up for a specific date, indicating the period of validity and in one copy, which is located in the accounting department of the enterprise. In addition, the document is stitched and sealed with the signatures of the manager, chief accountant, and then the company seal. Errors made in this document cannot be corrected using a proofreader. Most of them are done in salaries. The situation can be corrected by carefully crossing it out, writing the correct numbers and signing the person compiling the staffing table. Other changes (for example, entering a position if you forgot to indicate it, or correcting it if you indicated it incorrectly) occur with the help of orders from the manager.

If we talk about the direct purpose of the staffing table, then it is to present the data indicated there in court in the event of any controversial situations. Therefore, if the document is drawn up correctly, you can always count on winning the court case.

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The work of each enterprise is based on legislative acts of various levels of subordination. Local documents, adopted and published for the enterprise itself, play a major role in the life of any organization.

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Local documents also include staffing. Below are the features and design features of this important document.

What kind of document is this?

Staffing table – normative act of a local nature. Based on the Charter of the enterprise.

For unification, the State Statistics Service approved the T-3 form.

At enterprises it is used to register the number of employees, their composition and structure.


  • Name of departments, assigning a code to them.
  • Name of positions, specialties, professions, category, qualification class.
  • Number of employees, salary, benefits.

The staffing table is designed to:

  • Form organizational structure enterprises.
  • Form the number of departments and staffing units.
  • Create a system for remunerating employees.
  • Set allowances and their size.
  • Facilitate the selection of personnel for vacancies.

What does the law say?

Regulatory framework

  • Labor Code. Art. 15 and 57 contain references to staffing. This is due to the fact that the responsibilities, rights and remuneration of the employee are based on the staffing table.
  • Instructions for . It is indicated that all entries are entered into work book based on staffing schedule.

There is no normative act that specifies the obligation to maintain a staffing table. Despite this “hole in the law”, all control services request this document.

With its help, information about employees, remuneration for work done, etc. is checked and collected. Therefore, its absence is a violation of labor law and entails a fine.

Conclusion: every enterprise must have a staffing table.

Responsible persons. Who signs?

The head of the enterprise, the heads of the personnel and accounting departments have the right to sign the staffing table. This means that employees of these services are responsible for drawing up, processing, and making changes.

The signature is placed at the end of the document. If the staffing table consists of more than one page, signatures are placed on the last page in special signature lines.

During the initial development of the staffing table, a column for signatures can be entered on each page of the document.

When and how to make changes?

Whether changes need to be made every year or not is decided by each manager individually. This is pla new document and it is advisable to update it annually.

Annual updating will allow coordinating the quantitative and qualitative composition of employees.

If it is necessary to introduce or remove positions, abolish or add departments, a new document can be approved less often or more often.

Changes can be made in several ways:

  • Overall change. It is assigned a new registration number and ratified by order (instruction).
  • Selective change. Should be registered in an order or instruction. This method possible if the adjustments are not significant.

Changes made to the staffing table affect existing personnel; accordingly, adjustments should be made to labor documents those employees they concern.

This could be a change in position, department, additional responsibilities, change,.

If a position changes, the employee must be informed in writing two months in advance.

Thus, making changes consists of stages:

  • The employee’s consent to make adjustments to the schedule that affect him.
  • Writing and accepting an order (instruction) to make adjustments.
  • Writing and accepting an annex to the employee affected by the changes.
  • Recording the changes received in the work book.

How to draw up a staffing schedule correctly?

Procedure, stages and rules for filling

When writing a staffing table, you should refer to the organizational structure of the enterprise.

This is due to the fact that when drawing up a schedule, it is necessary to indicate the divisions that are part of the enterprise. Next, fill out a standardized form.

Stages of entering data into a standardized form:

  • Indicate the name of the company according to constituent documents. If there is an abbreviated name, it must also be indicated - in brackets or a line below.
  • Specify the OKPO code.
  • Specify serial number, according to the Document Flow Log. When making multiple adjustments, you should enter a separate numbering (for example, with a letter value).
  • The date of preparation of the document is entered in a special column. May not always coincide with the time it comes into force. In this regard, in the unified form there is a column indicating the date from which it comes into force.
  • In the column “Staff in the number of... units” the number of official units is entered.
  • The fields are filled in.

Sections, graphs and their features

Section 1 “Name of structural unit”

Departments, representative offices, and branches are included.

Data is entered from top to bottom.

The first line indicates the management of the enterprise. This is followed by the financial department, accounting, personnel, and economic affairs department.

After filling out the columns with departments of the first level of subordination, it is necessary to enter production data.

All workshops and areas are indicated. After this level, data about service departments (warehouse, for example) is entered.

Section 2 “Structural unit code”

With the help of this section, the hierarchical structure of the enterprise is clearly visible.

To make it easier to fill out this column, you should use industry classifiers.

Anyone structural unit a specific code is assigned to facilitate document management.

Assignment starts from large to small. For example, department - 01, departments in the department - 01.01, 01.02, etc., in the department group 01.01.01, etc.

Column 3 “Position (specialty, profession), rank, class (category) of qualifications of the employee”

The section is filled out based on the Classifier of workers' professions, employee positions and tariff categories.

For organizations that are funded from the federal budget, the use of a classifier is an integral part of the document flow process.

Data is entered into this column in accordance with the characteristics of the activities of each enterprise.

Section 4 “Number of staff units”

Contains data on the number of work units. Staffing units budgetary organization approved by higher organizations.

In a non-budgetary enterprise, staffing levels are determined by its needs and economic feasibility. If the enterprise has staff members working at 0.5 or 0.25 rates, then when filling out this section, the shares are indicated.

Vacant jobs are included in the number of vacant staff units.

Example of a staffing table with a rate of 0.5:

Section 5 “Tariff rate (salary), etc.”

This section contains data on salaries by position.

Using the tariff rate, employees are remunerated for duties performed in accordance with employment contract. This payment method is actively used on state enterprises and organizations. When calculating salaries, it is necessary to refer to the Unified Tariff Schedule.

Salary is a fixed remuneration for performing duties that are directly specified in the employment contract.

The salary is formed over a certain period of time (month, quarter, half-year).

The establishment of salaries for employees of budgetary organizations is based on the Unified tariff schedule. Enterprises of private ownership are based on financial capabilities, but not lower than the minimum wage, which does not include bonuses, allowances, payments for special working conditions, etc.

Data is indicated in rubles.

Section 6-8 “Allowances and surcharges”

Contains data on incentive payments, compensation (bonuses, ), established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (“northern”, for an academic degree) and introduced at the discretion of the organization (related to working conditions).

For enterprises and organizations that are financed from the state budget, the amount of allowances is established by the Government of the Russian Federation, for private ones - by the management of the enterprise.

Allowances are set as a percentage of the salary. Additional payments are a fixed payment.

Section 9 “Total”

Columns 5 - 8 are summed up. All expenses during the month are indicated.

Section 10 Note

Changes and clarifications are made to the column according to the staffing table.

When is it compiled and approved?

A staffing table is drawn up when opening a new enterprise, branch, subsidiary, etc. and when making significant changes.

Due to the fact that wages are paid monthly, it is most correct to set the effective date on the first day of the month.

The staffing table is approved on the basis of an order or instruction signed by the head of the enterprise or an authorized person.

Also in the staffing table, the corresponding details should be entered in the “Approved” column. Next, the data is entered into the Registration Journal, after which the number is entered into the order. Then, after the approval procedure, the staffing table is sent for storage.

Sample filling 2019:

Important nuances

Rounding of staff units

When introducing staffing levels, the staffing table may contain whole units and fractional ones.

There are two options for rounding staff units:

  • Rounding is carried out for each division.
  • Staffing units are rounded up across several departments.

In this case:

  • Bets less than 0.13=0, i.e., are rejected.
  • Rates of 0.13–0.37 are equivalent to 0.25 full-time positions.
  • Bets 0.38-0.62 are rounded up to 0.5 bets.
  • Regular rates of 0.63-0.87 are equivalent to 0.75 rates.
  • Over 0.87 - full rate.

Drawing up staffing schedules for individual entrepreneurs

According to the law, an individual entrepreneur can hire workers. From the moment the employees are hired, he becomes the employer and must maintain a staffing table. The exception is cases when the responsibilities and form of activity of the employee are described in detail in the employment contract.

Staffing helps to get rid of the difficulties of unpredictable situations when working with staff.

When drawing up a staffing table for individual entrepreneurs, it is worth adhering to the same principles and rules as for large companies.

But at a minimum, it is worth filling out Columns 1-5.

Development of a staffing table in a budgetary institution

Staffing is an integral part of the work of any budget organization. It is also compiled according to the standardized T-3 form in accordance with all of the above principles and features.

However for budgetary institutions It is mandatory to use:

  • All-Russian classifier of workers' professions, employee positions and tariff categories.
  • Qualification reference book for positions of managers, specialists and other employees.
  • Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (UTKS).

When drawing up and introducing staffing levels at state-owned enterprises, it is necessary to refer to industry regulations.

Employee familiarization

In regulations relating to labor issues, it is stated: the employer is obliged to familiarize employees with the internal labor regulations, as well as other local regulations that directly affect his work activities.

Familiarization is carried out against signature. Accordingly, if the staffing table is a local normative act, then familiarization with it should be carried out in the same way.

From the above, we can conclude that it is necessary to maintain a staffing table at any enterprise. To simplify work with staff, a standardized T-3 form has been adopted. Its use will simplify work and interaction with regulatory authorities.