Numerology of numbers by date of birth. Numerology of fate, marriage, love, wedding date, character, first name, last name by date of birth

A person always strives to know the future and learn to influence it. This is precisely the reason for the question of how to find out your number. Why does human consciousness seek help in numbers? Even in ancient times they were given special magical meaning. Learned people those with knowledge of numbers and mathematical laws were very rare. Their understanding of the world was unique. And everything that is not accessible to the broad masses is always frightening and is considered magic, witchcraft. In addition, in the Middle Ages, science coexisted with pseudo-sciences, which is why the most direct associations of a happy future and numbers, magic and numbers were made. All this has survived to this day. Faith in numbers remains, and who knows whether it carries true knowledge. So far no one can confirm or refute this theory on a realistic level. Therefore, knowledge about how to find your number is passed down from generation to generation.

Calculating your lucky number

It's very easy to do. You must write your date of birth in digital format. For example, your birthday is March 31, 1971, then we add up all the numbers - 1+9+7+1+3+1+0+3 = 25. But 25 is not your lucky number, but the sum of the numbers in double digit number: 2+5=7. So your talisman is number 7. What should you do with it? It turns out that you now have a lot lucky numbers, these are all derivatives of sevens: 61, 52, 34, 43, 25, 16. As many as six numbers! At least play Sportloto! If important event is appointed on the 16th day of the month, then it should bring you good results. If you bought an apartment and its number is 7, then this is also yours happy apartment. For example, you live in house 4 and apartment 48, add up all the numbers of the address and get 16, add up the numbers up to the first ten and get 7! So this is also your lucky address! You can engrave your lucky number on jewelry, embroider it on napkins, in short, do everything to surround yourself with a talisman number.

Number for good luck, luck in business and in business

To attract luck into your affairs, you need to know how to calculate your lucky number by last name, first name, patronymic. It's the same simple process. First, we give a list of numbers and indicate which letters of the Russian alphabet correspond to them.

  • Unit - a * and * s * b.
  • Two – f*ck*t*s.
  • Three - in *k * y* b.
  • Four – g*l*f*e.
  • Five – d*m*x*y.
  • Six is ​​f*n*t*i.
  • Seven – e*o*h.
  • Eight – f * p * w.
  • Nine – z * r * sch.

Now on one line write your first name, middle name and last name, on the next line - the numerical value of the letters. It will look like this.


3111412 6137416317 838316

Now you need to add up the numbers of these three words separately. It turns out like this.

Now we sum up these three numbers, we get 81. We add up both digits of this number and we get 9. Consequently, Comrade Pupkin has his own lucky number of luck in his affairs - 9. The number is very good, strong. In addition to her, six more are added to the lucky numbers, as you remember, these are 81, 18, 27, 72, 36, 63, 45 and 54.

Knowing which lucky numbers relate to a particular figure, you can plan your affairs so that they are completed successfully. Each number corresponds to several numbers of the month. They are distributed like this.

  • Number 1 corresponds to the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th of the month.
  • Number 2 – 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th number
  • 3 – 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th
  • 4 – 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st of the month
  • 5 – 5th, 14th, 23rd
  • 6 – 6th, 15th, 24th
  • 7 – 7th, 16th, 25th
  • 8 – 8th, 17th, 26th
  • 9 – 9th, 18th, 27th.

Each number also corresponds to lists of things to do that will be especially successful these days.

  • Dates under the number one are days for good money transactions, when you can settle disputes in your favor.
  • Dates numbered two are days of analysis and planning. A day of calm.
  • Dates under three are days for travel, trips, shopping, entertainment.
  • Days marked 4 are passive time, don’t start anything new.
  • Days numbered 5 are days of surprises and new things to do. Success comes these days.
  • Days with the number 6 are days of harmony, housekeeping, do not take risks and do not show uncertainty.
  • Days with the number 7 are suitable for study, creativity, happy days.
  • Days numbered 8 – important days, you can start and accomplish a lot, everything will be successful and bring profit.
  • Days numbered 9 – for art and finance – are the most favorable days.

How to calculate gua number

If you are wondering how to calculate your gua number, you need to compare your birth date with lunar calendar. The year may not be the same. When you find out the lunar year of birth, discard the first two digits of the year. And add the second two numbers. If you get a number that is not in the top ten, then add them up again. For example, you got the number 7. Next, you need to subtract the resulting number from ten: 10-7 = 3. Your personal “gua” number is 3. But this is if you are a man and you were born before 2000. If after, then you need to subtract from 9. If your gender is female, then you need to add 5 to the resulting number. If you were born after January 1 after 2001, then you need to add 6. Gua number can tell the future, help you determine the type of occupation that suits you, tell you about your character. It comes with tables that are easy to find on the Internet.

Lucky number of the year

You can also calculate your personal number that will be lucky in a particular year. You need to act the same way as in the first example, but add the coming year to the amount. So, if you were born on November 25, 1993, and want to find out the lucky number in 2013, then add all the numbers of the date of birth and the coming year 2013. We get 37. Add 3 and 7, resulting in 10. So the lucky number is 1.

On this page you can free calculate Name Number And Destiny Number and understand how numerology influences your life.

Name Number

Name Number indicates what a person is capable of. The Number of the Name reveals the forms of self-expression to which he resorts due to the development of his inclinations, skill, talents, knowledge, observation, etc. Being Number of Self-Expression, it indicates a person’s vocation - at least, the general orientation of the activity that he should be able to do best.

Usually relatives and friends call a person simply by name. In some circles they call him by his last name. It is written in the passport full name. For numerology, what is important is the “public name” by which strangers know him. Most often, a public name is a first and last name. In Russia, this is the name and patronymic, which are important when establishing working relationships.

You can calculate both the first name number and the full name number, including last and middle names. Women in this case can trace how it affected or will affect Name Number as a result of marriage and change of surname. Name number– the sum of the numbers of your full birth name - is calculated according to the table: A is 1, B = 2, C = 3, etc. All numbers are added to a simple number (for example, if you get 48, add 4+8=12, then 1+2=3, i.e. your number is 3.) If the number 11 or 22 appears in the intermediate results, it is not add with other numbers.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Destiny Number

Destiny Number is obtained from the summation of all numbers of the date, month and year of birth. In the Western tradition it is called the life path number. For example, for a person born on April 3, 1978, the path number will be 3+(0+4)+(1+9+7+8)=32=3+2=5. There is an exception to this rule: if, when adding, you get the numbers 11, 22, 33, then they should not be reduced to a single sum, since they are special numbers.

Destiny Number shows what your nature is and what abilities you have to directly fulfill your destiny. The Soul Number is under the influence of the Destiny Number. The interaction can be either harmonious or disharmonious.

Destiny Number means a life lesson that a person needs to learn; this is the true goal of his current incarnation, the experiences through which he needs to go, as well as the way to seek harmony in relation to other people, phenomena and circumstances. If Destiny Number exceeds the Heart Number, then the lesson will be difficult. This relationship between the two numbers implies that a person's ideals are below the spiritual level of the life lesson intended for him. On the other hand, if the Destiny Number less number Hearts, a person is quite idealistic enough to rise above everyday experiences and not be very sensitive to them.

Calculate Number of Name or Full Name

Calculate Date of Birth

Your name: Birthday:
Your last name: Birth month (date):
Your middle name: Year of birth (4 digits):
When all fields are filled in, it will be automatically calculated. Name Number And Destiny Number. Meaning your numbers you can find out by clicking on your result or using the links below.

When Destiny Number coincides with Name Number, we can assume that a person is endowed with innate abilities that will allow him to easily learn the lesson of life - in other words, his life path will be quite smooth. If the vibration of the Destiny Number is lower in frequency than the Name Number, this indicates that the path of life will run through life circumstances and areas of communication that are limited in social and financial opportunities. On the other hand, if the Destiny Number more numbers Name, then circumstances will change in such a way that a person will certainly be able to achieve success in the field where his talents will lead him - of course, if his ideals are lofty and his will is strong enough. The vibrations of the Destiny Number have a kind of attractive force, that is, they attract other people and life circumstances to a person in accordance with the spiritual level of these vibrations and the qualities with which they are associated.

Destiny Number more important than Soul Number And Name Number. The soul can desire anything, but fate gives only what a person really deserves. It is connected with a person’s past karmas (deeds) and comes into full force after 35 years. It allows us little freedom of action, but it gives us great freedom to reap the fruits of our own actions.

Destiny Number not subject to any external influences. If it's bad, you can't fix it, but you can change the name to Name Number To partially mitigate the effect of the Number of Destiny, prepare an appropriate talisman and engage in charity work. Then the person will still have to go through what fate has destined for him, but this path will be easier for him.

Soul Number

Soul Number is the date of birth. According to the Soul Number, you can determine how a person feels in society, whether he needs a partner, what his needs, ambitions and desires are. The calculation uses the same technology of reducing the sum of numbers to a single number. (if the number 11 is dropped, it remains that way). In the Vedic tradition, if a person is born 2 hours before sunrise, the previous date is taken into account.

Planetary influence on human soul can be easily understood if you know Soul Number. This number remains in effect throughout human life and especially shows its strength at the age of 35-40. After 35 years, another number comes into play, which is called the Destiny Number. The Soul Number, however, does not lose its importance.

Heart Number

In order to calculate Heart Number, you need to mark the vowels of the name with the corresponding numbers, then reduce them to one number and add them (remember that the numbers 11 and 22 do not add and are written separately). The total amount represents the Heart Number.

The Heart Number is an esoteric, subjective and internal number that indicates the vibrations of the innermost Self, individuality, and the “superconscious” mind of the practical psychologist. It expresses ideals, goals, aspirations, spiritual impulses and impulses aimed at the most important problems being. These are the aspirations and dynamic vibrations of the soul, its ideas about life, its spiritual need to express itself in action and form, and in its own way, in a way that is characteristic of it.

Personality Number

Personality Number is obtained by adding the numbers that correspond to the consonants of the name, after which this sum is reduced to a single digit.

Personality Number symbolizes exoteric, objective vibration. It indicates the external manifestations of individuality - how a person looks in the eyes of others. This is a clear expression of a person’s mental activity - his thoughts, feelings, desires, will and vitality. It indicates the activity of the conscious and subconscious mind, the manifestation of individuality, or character, in a person’s behavior and habits.

Number Gift of Fate

Number Gift of Fate comes from two last numbers year of birth. For example, for a person born on April 3, 1978, the gift number will be (7+8)=15=1+5=6. There is an exception to this rule: if, when adding, you get the number 11, then you should not reduce it to a single sum, since it is a special number.

Number Gift of Fate- this is a gift from birth, additional bonus abilities given at birth.

Transition Number

Destiny Number added to Full Name Number is yours Transition Number. This number can be influenced by changing your name, through education, initiation into spiritual practices, marriage, etc.

If the number of your full name is 2 and the number of your date of birth is 7, then your Transition Number- 9 (2+7). There is an exception to this rule: if, when adding, you get the number 11, then you should not reduce it to a single sum, since it is a special number.

The meaning of numbers in numerology

The main rule of numerology is: all numbers are good. Each number has different energetic aspects that manifest in people as strong and weak, attractive and disgusting qualities.

Practice shows that some numbers are good as Soul Numbers, but bad as Destiny Numbers, while for others it’s the other way around. To get accurate information about a person, one number is not enough. Most numerologists claim that it is absolutely necessary to know all your Numbers - all your vibrations.

Mathematicians say that numbers are the language of the universe. Numerologists went even further and said that it is the numbers in your life that determine you and your actions. With simple calculations, you can determine five key numbers with which you can understand the essence of your life.


Finding your Life Path number

    The meaning of the number. Number Life path is considered the most important key number. It describes potential events in your life, the path you will have to take in life, and the things that will shape this path. This number is in general outline will tell you about the lessons you will learn, the challenges you will face, and the opportunities you will receive. Of course, you have the right not to listen to the instructions of this number, but in numerology they believe that a brighter future awaits you if you follow the number of your Life Path.

    • Any positive traits The character associated with this number will manifest itself in the form of unique skills and abilities that will help you in all aspects of your life.
    • Negative character traits associated with each number will appear as your shortcomings. Although they will rather point to moments in your inner and external life, which are worth paying attention to in order to find balance.
  1. Calculate your Life Path number. Basically, you need to add each number in your birth date together until you are left with one digit. However, we will use a rather specific summation method. Let's take December 17, 1986 as an example. (Note: Check the section at the bottom of the page for additional information for each number you calculate).

    • Separately add up the month, day and year until one number remains. Summation alone may not be enough. In this case, continue adding the numbers until one digit or master number remains.
      1. Month: 12 = 1+2 = 3
      2. Day: 17 = 1+7 = 8
      3. Year: 1986 = 1+9+8+6 = 28 = 2+8 = 10 = 1+0 = 1
    • After that, take the resulting three digits (or master number) and add them too: 3+8+1 = 12 = 1+2 = 3 .
    • As a result, we determined that for December 17, 1986, the life path number is the number “3”.
  2. Take master numbers into account. Containing many stable values– often about great purpose and power – the numbers 11, 22 and 33 are considered master numbers. In numerology, it is customary to convert November (the 11th month), as well as the 11th and 22nd days of each month, into the numbers 2, 2 and 4, respectively. But when calculating life path and birth numbers, there are exceptions.

    • For example, if the date in the previous example is replaced with November 17, 1986, we end up with the following expression: 11+8+1 = 20 = 2+0 = 2 , when the life path number is the number “2”.
  3. Please note that we do not add the numbers in one fell swoop (1+2+1+7+1+9+8+6). Instead, the month, day, and year are added individually first, and then with each other. This is done for a reason and is connected with life cycles, which divide your life into three branches of growth, core meaning and challenge.

    Finding a Number Expressions

    1. Uncover your innate talents and shortcomings. Also known as the Destiny number, the Expression number highlights the talents and imperfections you bring into this world. If the Life Path shows the road you are walking, then the Expression number reveals the peculiarity and nature of your steps. From the point of view of reincarnation, the Life Path number is akin to the lesson you must learn on this earth, while the Expression number reflects your nature, including personal history all your previous reincarnations that you brought with you to earth. A name is used to calculate this number because it represents innate property personality, as well as what was given to you at birth.

    2. Add up the letter sizes in your full name using the table below. Similar to calculating the Life Path number, you must first separately sum up the meanings of the letters in each name, and only then add the results together. This honors the individuality of the various facets of your name (and personality) before revealing their combined meaning.

      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
      A B IN G D E Yo AND Z
      WITH T U F X C H Sh SCH
      Kommersant Y b E Yu I

Your birthday is also considered in numerology analysis. Each number has its own special quality. In the East it is becoming increasingly common to induce labor on the day that parents consider most favorable for the birth of their child.

Birth date number meaning

The ideas associated with your birthday are not as important and strong as those of your life path number. Your birthday can change some characteristics of your life path. For example, people with a life path number of 7 tend to be calm and introverted by nature. But if they were born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th, they will acquire the sociability and emotionality characteristic of a life path number 3, and will be more sociable than other people with a life path number 7.

Birth number meaning 1

People, first born numbers receive the pure first energy of the month. They are characterized by:

  • analytical skills;
  • logical thinking;
  • energy;
  • independence;
  • enthusiasm.

They are leaders by nature and at any opportunity they are ready to show what they are capable of. They are afraid of appearing weak, so they tend to hide their feelings from others.

Birth number meaning 2

People born on the second day:

  • friendly;
  • loving;
  • responsive;
  • dreamy;
  • emotional;
  • with developed intuition.

Their mood is sometimes changeable. They love to communicate with other people, but feel uncomfortable in large groups. They tend to get discouraged and then they need the support of friends and family. At work, they prefer to collaborate with someone rather than conduct business independently.

Birth number meaning 3

People born on the third day:

  • friendly;
  • endowed with a rich imagination;
  • good conversationalists.

They strive to experience all the pleasures of life. Often very popular. They are good at proposing ideas rather than implementing them. They are also restless in love. Tendencies to change partners frequently. They are good speakers, so they make good managers, teachers, etc.

Birth number meaning 4

People born on the 4th are well organized. They easily solve difficult situations and are strongly attached to home, family and country. These people are conscientious and can work hard and for a long time to achieve their goals. They tend to be stubborn. Decisions made they very rarely change.

Birth number meaning 5

Those born on the 5th are friendly and versatile. They want to experience a lot in their lives, so they need to learn to concentrate their strength. They like to communicate with like-minded people. Often these people become businessmen. By nature they are scrupulous and reserved. They need variety in life and freedom.

Birth number meaning 6

Such people are caring, cheerful and generous humanists. They like to help others. IN family life they take all responsibilities upon themselves. They have a lively mind, acute sensitivity and strong emotions. They are open to other people.

Birth number meaning 7

People born on the 7th are reserved and impressionable. They have good intuition and prefer to work for themselves. They love to spend time on their own exploring and studying. They have their own way of doing the job. Very attached to their friends. However, building relationships with them is difficult.

Birth number meaning 8

Those born on the 8th are born businessmen. They like to work in financial sector, brilliant ideas are born in their heads on how to make money. They are purposeful, ambitious, practical, and can work hard if they know that their efforts will bring results.

Birth number meaning 9

These people are humanists by nature. These are creative people with a rich imagination, patient idealists. They give more than they receive in return. This quality is often taken advantage of by others. People born on the 9th are unhappy in marriage.

Birth number meaning 10

Those born on the 10th are considered determined, cheerful and creative people who know how to effectively present their ideas and themselves to others. They can quite successfully do several things at the same time. Sometimes they need to be reminded that in addition to work, they also need to rest. They are ambitious, independent, self-confident people who prefer to hide their feelings from others.

Birth number meaning 11

These people often have worthwhile ideas, but they are rarely able to bring them to life. They have excellent abilities and developed intuition, and can inspire others with their ideas. Due to their hot temper and nervousness, it is sometimes difficult for them to achieve their goals. Very often they rush from one extreme to another.

Birth number meaning 12

Those born on the 12th receive the energy characteristic of 3, since 1+2=3. They are also characterized by qualities 1 and 2. They have more complex character than people born on the 3rd. They know how to present themselves favorably to others. They are good and cheerful conversationalists, have a special charm and a rich imagination. They tend to embellish events in their lives. They have every opportunity to use their potential in creativity. Their main disadvantages include impatience and the desire to get everything at once.

Birth number meaning 13

These people are hardworking and careful, and have every chance of achieving success. Persistent and disciplined, they pay increased attention to detail, which is sometimes detrimental to the overall picture. They can be stubborn and suspicious. They are not always satisfied with the results obtained.

Birth number meaning 14

They are courageous and enterprising, able to adapt to different conditions, love variety and are always on the lookout. They are naturally given good intuition. They can be followers. They like to work in pairs with someone. They can work long hours if necessary. Everything is always done efficiently.

Birth number meaning 15

People with this birth date are loyal and sensitive. They have creative abilities, especially when it comes to music. They intuitively sense when others need help and are always ready to provide it. They:

  • caring;
  • emotional;
  • very sociable;
  • benevolent;
  • responsible;
  • conscientious;
  • responsive.

They value their independence.

Birth number meaning 16

These people are suspicious, withdrawn and reserved. Sometimes it is difficult for them to tell others about how they feel and what they want. When in difficult situations, they withdraw into themselves. It is difficult for them to build relationships. Life experiences shape their deep faith and philosophical views. They are interested in science. Often they connect their lives with her.

Birth number meaning 17

Those born on this day know how to make money. They pursue their goals with special tenacity. They always achieve what they want. Reliable and self-confident, they have all the data to cope with major tasks.

Birth number meaning 18

These people are essentially humanists and good leaders. They:

  • patient;
  • benevolent;
  • sensitive;
  • They use a creative approach to solve problems.

Many of them make careers in the field of charity. Although they always strive to help others, there are often problems in their family life. It is important for them to understand that mercy is needed not only by other people, but also by loved ones.

Birth number meaning 19

These people:

  • ambitious;
  • responsible;
  • multilaterally developed;
  • with idealistic views.

They don't like it when others interfere with their work. Sometimes their emotions dominate logic, which can fail them at a crucial moment.

Birth number meaning 20

Those born on the 20th are friendly and sociable and get along with people easily. They express their thoughts clearly. Sometimes it’s easier for them to write than to say. They prefer a quiet life, avoiding fuss and excitement. Prone to mood swings, need support from loved ones.

Birth number meaning 21

Funny, smart and creative - these are main characteristic people born on the 21st. However, they tend to worry about trifles, which is why they sometimes become despondent. They can reach “extraordinary heights”, and a minute later “fall into the abyss”. They have good oratory skills.

Birth number meaning 22

The number 22 is the cardinal number, so people born on this day experience ups and downs. And all because they have access to different types energies that others do not encounter. Because of this, they sometimes suffer from physical and nervous exhaustion.

Despite their well-developed intuition, they often worry about and without reason. But still, such people are able to achieve much more in life than others.

Birth number meaning 23

These people are sensitive, benevolent and independent. They have natural sensitivity and love to help others. They are diversified and easily cope with difficult life situations.

Birth number meaning 24

People born on the 24th are purposeful and caring. They have a lot of energy. Their positive approach to problem solving helps them achieve their goals quickly. What takes others months, they can solve in five minutes.

Birth number meaning 25

These people have good intuition. They need to spend time on themselves and developing their abilities. They are easily wounded and meek. When people or circumstances touch their heartstrings, they stop communicating with anyone and withdraw into themselves. They have a hard time getting along with other people. But if you are lucky enough to be friends with a person born on the 25th, then know that this friendship is for life.

Birth number meaning 26

People with a strong, stubborn, but purposeful character. They know how to make money from scratch. They can be very generous to relatives and friends. They inspire confidence in people, so many turn to them for advice or help.

Birth number meaning 27

Those born on the 27th are trusting, quick-tempered and determined people. They like variety and change. They are responsible and are always ready to help their neighbors. Give great value emotional background, they love a calm and peaceful environment.

Birth number meaning 28

These people are freedom-loving and loving. They are smart, interesting and sensitive. Sometimes they lose self-confidence and tend to become despondent. At such moments they need support loved one. They do not tolerate being bossed around and are happy working for themselves.

Birth number meaning 29

These people receive the energy characteristic of the numbers 2 and 9, so they are given the potential of the number 11. These numbers also influence luck in their lives. Having great potential, which is visible to everyone around with the naked eye, they don’t even know about it. They are dreamers by nature. It is often difficult for them to bring their cherished ideas to life.

Birth number meaning 30

Creative, intelligent and loving - these are the qualities people born on the 30th possess. They often lack motivation. When achieving something, they use their charm, not their abilities. They can achieve success by collaborating with a person who encourages and praises them.

Birth number meaning 31

Such people have good managerial and organizational skills and achieve success in business. They often start from the lowest positions and slowly but surely rise to the top. They true friends, always help those who need it. They have good memory. People who treated them badly or, on the contrary, helped them out difficult situation, they never forget.

Video: numerology - karma by date of birth

The ancient Greeks, based on their research, established that every number has a magical meaning. A certain combination of numbers certainly influences a person’s fate and daily life. Modern numerology, using numbers from 1 to 9, provides a simplified code for deciphering the meaning of number combinations

The meaning of the numbers.

Zero is associated with gullibility and naivety.

One is the number of a leader striving for his goal, helps a person in business, brings good luck in business, attracts wealth and frequent winnings. One is the number of ambitions. Happy day is Sunday.

Two is the number of compromise; it combines “black” and “white,” positive and negative. The number of harmony helps to open strong and weaknesses personality. Symbolizes the feminine principle. Happy day is Monday.

Three is a symbol masculinity. An unstable sign, like a triangle, where each angle pulls the palm towards itself. Associated with birth, life and death. It is not without reason that the number “three” is often found in religion - for example, the Holy Trinity. The word Amen is repeated exactly three times at the end of the prayer. A person with a three in his date of birth seems to be constantly in search of the truth. Happy day is Thursday.

Four is the number of stability, balance, it is close to “ideal”, it combines four elements - Fire, Water, Earth and Air. Happy day is Sunday.

Five is a number associated with risk, with the ability to rush headlong into the pool. People with a five in their date of birth are the most unpredictable, but at the same time, the number five always accompanies a successful marriage, since it is simultaneously a symbol of masculine and feminine principles. Happy day is Wednesday.

Six is ​​a symbol of reliability and self-confidence. The number six helps solve the problems of even and odd numbers due to the harmonious combination of the qualities of both. Happy day is Friday.

Seven is the number of secrets, everything unknown. People with the number six have excellent intuition, which is very important in our lives, they easily study and understand the psychology of other people, and are often associated with extrasensory perception. Magic number. Happy day is Monday.

Eight – associated with the symbol of infinity, associated with wealth and prosperity, as well as trust and honesty. The number eight closely borders on absolute stability, as it is symbolized by a double square. Happy day is Saturday.

Nine - strives for success, well-being and achieves it. These people are capable of warm feelings for their loved ones, they are brave and active. A nine's lucky day is Tuesday.

Numerology is the science of numbers in human life and their influence on destiny.
Numerology by date of birth will determine the influence of the date of birth on fate - the so-called destiny number; numerology of the first and last name determines the so-called name number - that is, the influence of the name on a person’s destiny.
Compatibility of name and date of birth is also important.

Numerology of fate, destiny number

Destiny numerology will help us understand ourselves, our purpose and our natural abilities. How to develop your abilities, how to build relationships with other people, love partners, spouses, children, colleagues? The meaning of the date of birth from the point of view of numerology is the number of fate or the number of the Life Path. Numerology calculates the number of fate - most important number in a person's life. The compatibility of fate numbers will show the potential of relationships between people - spouses, colleagues, friends.

Numerology - number of fate. The easiest way to determine the destiny number is to add all the digits of the date of birth into a simple number from 1 to 9. It is believed that prime numbers from 1 to 9 have energy; vibrations emanate from them, which determine a person’s destiny.

What does the number of life, the code of fate, the number of fate mean?

Destiny number 1 – Units are ambitious, strive for fame and power. Always first, leaders. They purposefully gradually move towards their goal. People with destiny number 1 can achieve a lot.

Destiny number 2 is both contrast and balance at the same time. Two strives for dualism, harmony and balance. People with the number 2 are diplomatic, seek compromises, and avoid conflicts. Twos are good negotiators and diplomats.

Destiny number 3 - triplets adapt well, are trainable, flexible, and have very developed intuition. Threes are cheerful, sociable, love easy ways, and strive for entertainment. They do a lot of things easily. People with number 3 can achieve success if they do not look for easy ways, do not avoid difficulties and strive for the goal.

Destiny number 4 – Fours are always reliable, stable, strong. Such people are very honest, careful, hardworking, and good performers.

Destiny number 5 – Fives are adventurers, freedom-loving natures, independent, love to travel, always on the move. They have good adaptability, have an ability for languages, are full of optimism, and resourceful.

Destiny number 6 - reliable and honest, sixes are good family men, they value coziness, comfort, stability and reliability in relationships.

Destiny number 7 is a symbol of mystery and knowledge. Developed intuition, rich imagination, good intellectual abilities. Sevens are loners by nature, hermits.

Destiny number 8 – symbol material well-being. Eight people are enterprising and achieve success in business and work. Reliable, strong-willed people with strong character.

Destiny number 9 is a symbol of success, high achievements and abilities. People with the number 9 have high potential, often 9 is outstanding personalities, great scientists, musicians, inventors, discoverers.

Numerology of Pythagoras and date of birth

Pythagoras is rightfully considered the founder of numerology. Pythagorean numerology believes that many events and phenomena can be expressed by simple numbers from 1 to 9. Each such number has its own energy and affects the fate and character of a person. One of the most important determining dates is the date of birth according to Pythagoras.

Numerology date of birth of Pythagoras. For numerological analysis, you need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth. Date of birth 09.14.1980 Sum of numbers 1+4+9+1+8+9=32. 32 is the first number. The second number is a prime number of the sum 32 3+2=5 Now you need to subtract from the first number the first digit of the date of birth, multiplied by 2. 32 – 1*2=30 The fourth number is a prime number from the third number 3+0=3 Numerology date of birth of Pythagoras - we have four working numbers 32, 5, 30, 3. Now we need to write together the date of birth and four numbers 09/14/1980 32 5 30 3

In the table you need to enter the numbers from the line of the date of birth and working numbers, except for zeros.

Pythagorean table by date of birth Pythagorean square by date of birth

11 4 - 2 5 8 333 - 99

What does Pythagorean square numerology mean?

1 – a very selfish person

11 - less selfish

111 – calm person, makes compromises and concessions.

1111 – strong-willed person, powerful person

11111 – tough, very strong-willed and powerful person

111111 - rare, characterizes an outstanding personality

2 characterizes the supply of energy from the surrounding world.

2 - actively takes energy from the outside.

22 – a person shares energy with others, such people can be healers

222 – characterize extrasensory abilities

Outstanding psychics have a number of 2 greater than 3.

3 characterizes decency, accuracy, pedantry.

3 – it all depends on your mood

33 – disciplined, capable of doing science

333 – neat, precise, disciplined, high level aptitude for science

3333 or more people do not develop

4 – characterizes health

4 and 44 – good health

5 characterizes intuition; the higher the 5, the more developed it is. With 555 or more people with the gift of clairvoyance.

6 characterizes commitment to physical labor.

7 characterizes talent. The more 7, the more talented person.

8 is responsibility.

9 – intellectual abilities. 9 is absent from stupid people.

9 – average intellectual abilities

99 – intellectual abilities above normal.

999 – high level of abilities

9999 - very high level of mental development

Name numerology and name number

Name and date of birth numerology suggests that all numbers and letters can be reduced to prime numbers from 1 to 9. Each prime number has certain crucial characteristics. The numerology of the first and last name reveals the individuality of a person. There are many ways to convert dates, first names, last names into prime numbers from 1 to 9. The simplest and most common is adding numbers to get a prime number from 1 to 9.

Numerology name number - each letter of your last name and first name must be assigned a number from 1 to 9, according to the table. The number of the name must be calculated for the name you use, for example, for a child this is the first and last name, for an elderly person the first name, last name, patronymic.

So, to determine the number of your name, you need to determine a number for each letter of your name, surname, and patronymic, then add them up to obtain a prime number.

For example, for the name Andreev Andrey.

1 +6+5+9+6+6+3+1+6+5+9+6+2=65 The result is a sum with the value 65. Next, we transform this sum into a prime number 6+5=11, 1+1= 2 As a result, the number of the name is 2.

The number of vowels of the name means the number of the heart. The number of consonants in the name means your external manifestation, how others treat you.

Numerology assumes that the number of the name and date of birth mean and show the natural and acquired abilities, temperament, and character of a person. The number of the date of birth is the natural data of a person. Developed abilities characterizes the number of the name.

How do birth number and name number relate? If the number of the date of birth exceeds the number of the name, the person develops only his natural inclinations. If the number of the name is greater than the number of birth, then the person is ambitious, purposeful, and creates his own abilities and conditions. The rare coincidence of the name number and birth number characterizes harmonious development.

1 – aggressiveness, ambition, desire for leadership, purposefulness and ambition. People with the number 1 gradually, without deviating from the goal, achieve what they want.

2 – poise, gentleness, search for compromise, dualism, balance, striving for harmony. People with number 2 are good family men

5 – characterizes unpredictability, riskiness, adventurism, resourcefulness, optimism, cheerfulness. People with the number 5 are freedom-loving and independent, very active in achieving their goals.

9 is the most large number from prime numbers, people with the number 9 are strong and successful individuals, have high intellectual potential, achieve high position and status, material well-being, recognition

Numerology of the last name

Numerology of a surname analyzes how a person expresses himself externally and characterizes his developed abilities. For analysis, you must use your first name, last name, patronymic, depending on how you use them. For example, to plan business meetings, you need the numerology of your first name, last name, and patronymic, if in business or at work you introduce yourself and they call you by your first name, patronymic, and last name. To plan personal affairs, analyze the compatibility of spouses and friends, we calculate the number for the first and last name that your loved ones call you. Analyze your nicknames, nicknames, diminutives, the meanings of the numbers will show how others see you, what traits of your character they notice.

Parents, calling a child by any name, endow him with a certain energy. Last name and patronymic name are inheritance from parents, ancestors, clan. The surname contains the knowledge and energy of your ancestors, father, and his family.

How to calculate the number of a surname? Each letter of the last name, first name, and patronymic must be assigned a number from 1 to 9, according to the table. We calculate the number of first name, last name, patronymic for those that you use, for example, for a child it is only the first and last name, for an elderly person it is first name, last name, patronymic.

To determine the digits of a surname, you need to assign a digit to each letter, then add them to get a prime number.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V

For example, for the name Andreev Andrey Andreevich.

1 +6+5+9+6+6+3+1+6+5+9+6+2+1+6+5+9+6+6+3+1+5=107 The result is a sum with the value 107 Next, we convert this amount into a simple number 1+7=8 As a result, the number of the last name, first name, patronymic is 8.

In numerology, it is believed that the number of the date of birth characterizes the natural characteristics of a person. Developed abilities are characterized by the number of the surname and the number of the name.

If the number of the date of birth exceeds the number of the surname and name, the person develops only his natural inclinations. If the number of the last name and first name is greater than the number of birth, then the person is ambitious, purposeful, and creates his own abilities and conditions. A rare coincidence of the name number and birth number characterizes harmonious development.

What does the number of first name, last name, patronymic mean?

1 – aggressiveness, ambition, desire for leadership, purposefulness and ambition. People with the number 1 gradually, without deviating from the goal, achieve what they want. Goals must be clear, understandable, and achievable in direct ways.

2 – poise, gentleness, search for compromise, dualism, balance, striving for harmony.

3 - people with this number are talented, easily adaptable, optimistic, they have well-developed intuition, 3 is a symbol of a triangle, it also symbolizes imbalance

4 - stability, balance, reliability, strength, risk avoidance, hard work

5 – characterizes unpredictability, riskiness, adventurism, resourcefulness, optimism, cheerfulness. People with the number 5 are freedom-loving and independent, very active in achieving goals

6 is a symbol of reliability, people with the number 6 are honest, reliable, stable, fair, friendly.

7 is a mystery, a desire for knowledge. People with number 7 are very talented and intellectual. Well suited for profession sevens - researcher, teacher, lecturer.

8 – strong-willed strong people, successful in business, characterized by determination, rigidity, strong-willed character, sometimes even merciless, often achieve high material well-being, status and success, a symbol of reliability and stability

9 is the largest number of prime numbers, people with the number 9 are strong and successful individuals, have high intellectual potential, achieve high position and status, material well-being, and recognition.

Compatibility of name and date of birth

Numerology helps determine the compatibility of partners. By analyzing names and dates of birth, you can obtain data about a person’s temperament and abilities, and about his fate. This knowledge will help you better understand another person, avoid conflicts, and achieve mutual understanding. You can determine compatibility by numbers of date of birth, compatibility of name and date of birth.

How to calculate compatibility by date of birth? First you need to determine your and your partner’s destiny number. We add all the digits of the date of birth into a sum and transform it into a simple number from 1 to 9. For example, she is 08/13/1980, he is 07/11/1980. The fate number for her is 1+3+8+1+9+8=30 3+0=3 The fate number for him is 1+1+7+1+9+8=27 2+7=9 It is necessary to find out the compatibility of the fate numbers 3 and 9.

1 – leaders, managers, value independence. Birth number compatibility with 2, 8, 9.

2 – non-conflict, soft, reliable, often shy. Compatibility of people by date of birth with 1, 2, 6, 9

3 – romantic and cheerful, love adventures and travel. Compatible with 3, 5, 6, 9

4 - stable and reliable, very practical. Compatible with 2, 4, 8

5 – freedom-loving and independent, always on the move, constantly striving for something new. Compatibility of partners by date of birth from 1, 7

6 – very responsible, loyal. 2, 6, 8, 9 will do

7 – intellectuals. Suitable 1, 7, 9, 2

8 – responsible, practical, organized. Good partners 1, 6, 8

9 – active, kind, cheerful. Suitable partners 1, 3, 6, 7, 9.

Thus, numerology allows you to predict the compatibility of partners by date of birth. Knowing the characteristics of character and temperament, we can better understand a loved one and skillfully build relationships with him.