The hottest places on earth. The hottest and coldest place in the world The hottest point

Extremely high temperatures, merciless scorching sun, hot sand and a thirst that seems impossible to quench are far from the most comfortable conditions for traveling. But those who decide to conquer the hottest spots on Earth will be fully rewarded.

For the most heat-resistant, our selection of the hottest spots on the planet.

The hottest desert

In the Iranian desert of Dasht-Lut, a satellite recorded a record temperature on the Earth's surface - 71 degrees Celsius!

The hottest place on Earth cannot be ordinary and unremarkable. Attractions natural origin extend over 50,000 square kilometers in the central Iranian Plateau. In Dasht-Lut there is one of the highest dunes in the world, whose height is 407 meters. The desert resembles the landscapes of Mars with its yardangs, dunes, salt marshes, kevirs and pyramidal dunes that arose in the desert under the influence of the wind. This is an ideal place to walk under a myriad of stars, spend the night in a tent and watch the sunrise, because Dashte Lut, unlike many deserts, has warm nights without sudden temperature changes.

How to get there

By train

A safe way to see the desert is to buy a train ticket. You can enjoy the Martian landscapes through the window of the carriage. The Tehran-Yazd train departs every evening. Travel time – 6 hours.

By car

Getting to the desert by car is difficult. The route of the Yazd-Tabas highway is clearly marked on the map, but in reality drivers are faced with an almost virgin desert, which rarely meets travelers on wheels. Due to the incredible heat, cars are overheating. Under no circumstances should you undertake such a trip alone!

Qatar, Arabian Peninsula

The hottest country in the world

Qatar has rightfully earned the title of the hottest country in the world. The air temperature reaches 50 degrees in the shade, and average temperature in summer – +41.

The largest city in Qatar and at the same time the capital, Doha is the epicenter of exotic entertainment. Here every traveler will find an adventure to suit his taste. For the most sophisticated tourists, Qatar has prepared camel races with robot jockeys!

The spectacle is extremely fascinating. Al-Shahaniya Sports Club, where the races are held, is located 20 kilometers from Doha. In fact, the camels are controlled by people, but the rider is a robot. The job of the robot jockey is to guide the horse using the reins, push it with blows of the whip, and get to the finish line first. This robot is controlled from a remote control.

Races are held only in spring and winter. You can follow the schedule on the website.

How to get there

Drive along the Dukhan Highway towards the city of Ash-Shahaniyah. When approaching Al-Shahaniya Sports Club, you will see a sign indicating the direction. At the roundabout, take the first exit. You are there!

Death Valley, USA

Hottest place in the USA

Death Valley - national park in the continental United States, the lowest point of land above sea level and the second lowest hot desert in the world (of course, after Dasht-Lut). The average temperature in July is +41°. However, lifeless foreign expanses, moving stones and fossils with a 500-year history attract tourists from all over the world every year.

In addition to natural attractions, the park (in the valley in the vicinity of Furance Creek) is home to the Timbisha Indian tribe, which moved to these places about a thousand years ago. "Timbisha" means "stone paint" in Indian. The name of the tribe is no coincidence. Mining red ocher is the main industry of this people.

IN national park Scotty's Castle, or Death Valley Ranch, is the only surviving Gold Rush villa. Its owner, Chicago millionaire Albert Johnson, invested a fortune to create his own piece of paradise in the desert.

How to get there

From Las Vegas, the journey will take no more than three hours along the scenic US-95 highway. At the entrance to the park you will be given a guidebook with detailed description locations of all attractions.

El Azizia. Libya, Africa

The hottest city in North Africa

The Libyan town of Al-Azizia is one of the five hottest cities on the planet. The maximum temperature in the shade was recorded here - +58 degrees Celsius! If you find yourself in these barren lands, do not hesitate to go to the Libyan “pearl” - the Qasr al-Hajj vault.

About a thousand years ago, the Bereber people created a storage facility for domestic purposes - storing and storing food. This is an architectural structure made of stone, plaster and alabaster, in which the most valuable and necessary for the survival of the Berebers were kept.

How to get there

The storage facility is located 150 kilometers from Al-Aziziya. Getting there by car is quite easy. Head southwest to a place called Shakshuk, keep left and follow the signs to the left towards Qasr al-Hajj.

Fire mountains in Tien Shan, China

Highest temperature in the mountains

On the territory of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Okrug In China there are the Fire or Burning Mountains. This is one of the spurs of the Tien Shan Mountains, which stretch for more than 97 kilometers and whose height reaches 832 meters above sea level. The temperature record recorded here in 2008 reached 66.8 degrees Celsius.

At the foot of the mountains is the city of Gaochang, an important settlement during the Silk Road. It was once a very rich and prosperous city, one of the first centers of the emergence of Buddhism. Now very little remains of its former splendor, but the Chinese government has allocated huge funds for its reconstruction and opened access to visitors. You can stroll along the ancient streets and look into palaces and the only underground Buddhist temple in China.

How to get there

Gaochang City is 40 kilometers away. from Turfan. By car, take the G7 highway. At the entrance to the ancient city, you will meet a sign indicating a right turn to the foot of the Fire Mountains.

Kebili, Tunisia

The hottest oasis

Oases are often associated with a place of escape from the sweltering heat, but this is not the case with the Kebili oasis, which is located in the center of Tunisia. Here the temperature rises to 55 degrees.

The first inhabitants settled in the oasis thousands of years ago. Today Kebili is modern city, accessible to tourists. Not far from the city is the main attraction - the largest salt lake and saline depression in Southern Tunisia, Chott El Djerid. In summer, the lake practically dries up and is covered with a thick salt crust. During this period, ghostly mirages often appear here - an optical phenomenon.

How to get there

You can get to the salt marsh from the town of Kebili along an asphalt road that crosses the salt marsh. By the way, the road appeared here thanks to the military. Commander Rommel successfully led a whole tank army, so tourists will definitely be able to get there too.

Danakil, Ethiopia

The most inaccessible hot place

The Danakil desert has been called the strangest, the brightest, the most terrible, the most dangerous, the most mysterious and unusual. You can be sure of one thing for sure - this area has the highest average annual temperature - +31.

In the Danakil Desert, which is located on the territory of Ethiopia, there are many toxic gases, sulfur lakes and volcanoes, but the most colorful and worthwhile natural monument is the Dallol volcano. The unusualness of the volcano lies in its shape - the crater is surrounded by hills that rise fifty meters above the plains of salt, and in the color palette - it is painted by nature in white, red and yellow colors. The view is unearthly and mesmerizing.

How to get there

Only the most courageous travelers will be able to reach the volcano. In the north of Ethiopia, where the volcano is located, there are no roads. There is only a caravan route, which is used to transport salt. Moreover, this place is uninhabited and located far from the nearest populated area. But there is still a chance to get there – on a rented camel!

We believe that people middle zone lucky with the climate. You'll think we're joking or laughing at you, but we're completely serious. After all, we can catch a frosty day with a shining dazzling sun, and incredible freshness, and the smells of spring, and feel the warm embrace of summer. And finally, enjoy all the colors and gifts of autumn. Isn't it a miracle? But today we will talk about completely opposite places on the planet. Places where it is always very hot and there is not even a hint of cold weather or snow. What are the hottest places on Earth?

1. El Azizia (Libya).

The desert near the small town of Azizia is considered perhaps the hottest place in the world. Temperatures could reach 58°C, according to the World Meteorological Organization. Such a case was recorded in September 1922, but some meteorologists question this figure. However, we can confidently say that you will not freeze - a daily temperature of 48 °C is guaranteed.

2. Death Valley (USA).

It is located in California and is considered the driest place in America. In July 1913, a record high was set - 56.6 °C. In a normal summer, the temperature ranges between 46-47 °C. In this region, as you might guess, life is not in full swing, but some vegetation and animals are still present. Death Valley is surrounded by mountains. Moreover, it is 86 meters below sea level, which explains such a high degree. You can get there in about 3 hours from Las Vegas. Stop by if you're nearby, just choose more reliable transport.

3. Dallol (Ethiopia).

The site is located 116 below sea level in the Denakil Depression, which is very similar to the location of Death Valley. The hottest places on the planet may be habitable. That is why, unlike Death Valley, people even live in Dallol. The average temperature here is 34.7°C, the highest in the world for settlement. If the situation doesn’t seem hot enough for you, visit the Dallol volcano, the lowest on Earth. It is more advisable to do this in .

4. Dasht-Lut (Iran).

On this desert plain without a hint of life, the highest temperature for the year was set at the beginning of 2000 - 70.7 °C. I would like to believe that meteorologists got something wrong, but so far no one has refuted this figure. In terms of temperature, Dashte Lut can only lose to the Atacama Desert (Chile), where not a single creature (even bacteria) survives. You can get to Dasht-Lut with nomads, for example, from the city of Yazd. It borders the desert and is rightfully considered the driest city in Iran.

5. Kebili (Tunisia).

The hottest places in the Sahara are represented by the record holder Kebili. Even though the city is a desert, you can still see local residents here. And the reason for this is palm trees, under which you can hide from the merciless sun, and water, which brings you back to life. By the way, the temperature in this area is about 55 °C.

6. Bangkok (Thailand).

Most hot city on the planet. But since Bangkok is still a city, the temperature here is moderate compared to other “burning” places - about 30 °C. IN spring months rises to 35°C with air humidity of 90%, which makes staying in the city unbearable due to extreme stuffiness and smog.

7. Wadi Halfa (Sudan).

In fact, this part of the land experiences almost no rainfall and temperatures reach 40°C. In April 1967, the air was heated to 53 °C - this became a record for the area. By the way, important fact: Wadi Halfa is considered the sunniest desert. The annual amount of inexorable here is 4300 hours per year, i.e. For about 12 hours a day, people are exposed to bright, hot light, from which there is nowhere to escape.

8. Tirat Zvi (Israel).

It is a populated place with 790 inhabitants. The highest temperature was recorded in the summer of 1942 – 54 °C. Tirat Zvi is a commune located in the Beit Shean valley (220 meters below sea level). By the way, now the usual summer temperature for this settlement is 40°C. Luckily, people have the opportunity to cool off a bit by taking a dip in the nearby ponds. It's amazing how the hottest places on the planet are home to so many people!

9. Fire Mountains (China).

These are sandy hills that literally glow both visually (they are red) and in reality. On top of that, in this place in China in 2008, the air temperature reached incredible levels of 67°C, and the ground can heat up to an impossible 82°C. With such a name for the area, the figure, of course, is not surprising, but it is shocking.

10. Rub al-Khali (Arabian Peninsula).

This desert, in principle, is no different from the previous ones - it is just as hot and dry here. Temperatures can reach 56°C, with an average of 45°C. The desert occupies a huge territory (1000 km in length and about 500 in width), on which there is almost no vegetation, people (although scientists believe that people and cities existed here several thousand years ago), and the sand heats up to 70 °C. Animal world presented more richly: from the expected camels, snakes or scorpions to antelope.

Earth is a planet of contrasts. Various elements are united here and coexist different peoples... There are many different and contradictory things here, but this is precisely where its unique harmony lies. If at the Vostok station, which is located on the mainland of Antarctica, the temperature is -55°C, then in another place it must certainly be +55°C. This is the law of nature...

City: Dallol

Mainland: Africa
Country: Ethiopia
Today it is a ghost town, but back in the 60s of the last century it was the center of the mining industry. The city is located in an active volcanic region. Many hydrothermal springs have been discovered on its territory. Dallol was included in the list of the hottest cities on the planet due to the fact that from 1960 to 1966. A record average annual temperature was recorded - 34.4°C.

Region: Al Azizia
Mainland: Africa
Country: Libya

By 2012, this place - with a record temperature of 58°C - was considered the hottest in the world. But recently the World Meteorological Organization refuted these data. Despite this, the second position in our ranking belongs to Al-Azizia, because the average annual temperature here reaches 48.9°C.

City: Kebili
Mainland: Africa
Country: Tunisia

Imagine an oasis in the desert, bright and very colorful. A place in the middle of the wild desert where life abounds. This is what the city of Kebili looks like, where a record temperature even for Africa was recorded - 55°C.

Desert: Rub al-Khali
Mainland: Eurasia
Peninsula: Arabian

One of the largest sandy deserts in the world - the third part Arabian Peninsula. It occupies the territory of four states: United United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen. I don’t recommend planning an excursion to this desert - it is extremely hot (often the temperature reaches 56°C), the climate is dry, and the annual precipitation level is less than 3 cm. As you can see, rain is a very rare guest here.
Intermountain Basin: Death Valley
Country: USA (California)
Mainland: North America

In addition to being the hottest and driest place in North America(the highest temperature recorded by scientists is 56.7°C), Death Valley is the place full of secrets and mysteries... They claim that the stones here somehow move, leaving behind traces. But no one has ever been able to observe the process of their movement.
Despite the harsh climatic conditions, quite a lot of animals live here: foxes, lynxes, bighorn sheep and various rodents. And if rain comes to the Valley, then after it beautiful bright flowers bloom throughout the entire depression.

Desert: Badlands
Country/Continent: Australia

You probably know that Australia is the driest continent on Earth. Most of its area is occupied by deserts. The highest temperature was recorded here in 2003 - 69.3°C.
Religious kibbutz (commune): Tirat Zvi
Country: Israel
Mainland: Eurasia

In 1942, a record temperature (even for Asia) was recorded in Tirat Zvi - 53.9°C. The kibbutz is located in the Beit Shean Valley, near the Jordan River. But even such placement cannot prevent the area from drying out in the summer. To escape the heat, the local population has to install awnings near their houses to provide shade. And the only source of water during such periods are ponds fed by groundwater.

City: Timbuktu
Country: Mali
Mainland: Africa

Not long ago, the city of Timbuktu was the center of Islam and science in all of Africa. But unfortunately further development The settlement is hampered by its geographical location (at the intersection of trade routes in the Sahara Desert) and climatic conditions (the air temperature sometimes rises to 55°C). The Sahara seems to be devouring him - entire dunes periodically grow on the streets of the city, and houses disappear under the cover of sand.

Mountains: Fire
Country: China
Mainland: Eurasia

The Fire Mountains are part of mountain system Tien Shan. The topography of the mountains is predominantly composed of red sandstone, which has led to the formation of a landscape reminiscent of flames. The highest temperature recorded in the Fire Mountains was 66.8°C.

Desert: Dashti Lut
Country: Iran
Mainland: Eurasia

So we have reached the hottest point on our planet - in 2005, a temperature of 70.7°C was recorded here. In addition to being the hottest place in the world, the Dashti Lut Desert is also famous for its incredibly beautiful dunes, the height of which is up to 500 m.

On one of the sunny and dry days summer days you might hear someone say, “It must be a hundred degrees even in the shade.” And in some places on our planet this may be close to reality. The hottest place on Earth is currently around 70°C. If you are one of those who like it hot, we have prepared for you top 10 hottest places in the world.

10. Wadi Halfa, Sudan, 52.8 °C

This city is located on the shores of Lake Nasser and is home to approximately 15,000 inhabitants. Historically, it was a very important trading post due to its location on the road between Sudan and Egypt.

The city is sometimes forced to endure stormy dust storms. This phenomenon is known as haboob and precedes a strong thunderstorm.

The highest air temperature recorded in this area is 52.8°C. She was celebrated in April 1967. IN summer period The average temperature in Wadi Halfa is around 40 °C.

9. Tirat Zvi, Israel, 53.9 °C

This is a religious kibbutz founded near the Israeli-Jordanian border. Thanks to the maximum temperature set in 1942, Tirat Zvi became the hottest place in Asia. However, due to the proximity of the Jordan River, the kibbutz area remains fertile.

About a thousand people live in Tirat Zvi, and the kibbutz is considered largest producer dates in the country. It has 18,000 date trees.

8. Timbuktu, Mali, 54 °C

In the south of the Sahara Desert there is an ancient city with one of the most high temperatures on Earth. Its highest temperature reading topped a scorching 54 degrees Celsius.

Timbuktu was an important center for the spread of Islamic doctrine in Africa. It is home to three important mosques for Muslims and houses one of the largest collections of ancient manuscripts in the world. Due to its architectural features, the city was declared a World Heritage UNESCO.

7. Kebili, Tunisia, 55 °C

This city is famous for its ancient archaeological finds. The oldest of them were created about 200,000 years ago. Additionally, Kebili is known for its extreme temperatures, with summer maximums reaching 55°C. And at night the temperature can drop below zero.

At the same time, there are about 10 hotels in the city, one of them is five-star. Whether you should prefer the hot summer haze of Egypt instead of the most - decide for yourself.

6. Ghadames, Libya, 55 °C

A city in western Libya, located on the border with Algeria and Tunisia - where caravan routes once crossed. It is known as the "jewel of the desert" and has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

One of the main features of the old city is its multi-story adobe buildings. These houses have a good reason for existing in the Sahara: they are cool in summer and warm in winter. And summer in Ghadames is very hot - temperatures range from 40 to 55 °C.

In addition to providing protection from the desert sun, walkways have been built between the adjacent ground floors and the open terraces of the houses located on the upper floors. They are traditionally used by women to move from one area to another.

5. Death Valley, California, USA, 56.7 °C

This desert valley in eastern California, on the border with Nevada, is often called the hottest place on Earth. And although this is not entirely true, Death Valley is undoubtedly the hottest and driest spot in the United States. Summer temperatures range between 46 and 50 °C, and on September 16, 1913, the highest temperature in the area was 56.7 °C.

To understand the origins of the valley's name, we need to go back in time to the Gold Rush era. This was between 1849 and 1850. Some gold miners tried to cross the valley and found their death instead of the precious metal. However, the valley continued to attract profit seekers, as it was very rich in gold and silver.

Every year, Death Valley attracts tourists from all over the world who want to admire its amazing landscapes. One of the most striking sites in this area is Zabriskie Point, composed of ancient lake sediments, salt mud and gravel that combine to create a beautiful, surreal landscape.

4. Al Azizia, Libya, 58.2 °C

In the north-west of Libya is the city of Al-Aziziya. In 1922, the air temperature in the shade was recorded there at 58.2 C, and for a long time  it remained the highest temperature in the world. However, in 2012, experts from the World Meteorological Organization questioned these data because they considered that they were obtained using insufficiently reliable means of recording temperature. On ordinary days, the air in Al-Azizia warms up to an average of 33 degrees.

The city is also very inhospitable due to the strong wind, which reduces the temperature to twenty degrees in a few hours. Because of this, the weather varies from scorching hot to uncomfortably cold over very short time. Despite this, the population of Al-Azizia exceeds 300,000 people.

3. Turpan, China, 66.7 °C

Located in the northeastern part of China, Turpan City is located at an altitude of 154 m below sea level. It is the hottest place in China and also the third hottest place on the planet.

Despite the heat, groundwater and fertile soil have made Turpan a real oasis in the desert. The water system of this area consists of a series of vertical and horizontal wells connected to underground channels. This system ensures uninterrupted water supply throughout the year.

2. Queensland, Australia, 68.9 °C

This state is located in the northeast of the Australian continent. In 2003, a year of severe drought, a NASA satellite recorded internal area Queensland temperature is 68.9°C. This area can be as dangerous as it is exciting; this is a region of rodeos, theme parks, lush tropical forests and various tourist attractions. A " business card» Queensland is considered one of the Great Barrier Reef.

1. Dasht-e Lut, Iran 70 °C

Here is the answer to the question, where is the highest temperature on Earth. This hellishly hot region is located on the Iran-Afghan border, and is the twenty-fifth largest sandy desert in the world. Its length is 400-450 km from north to south and from 200 to 250 km from west to east.

Dasht-e Lut is an extremely arid desert with very high summer temperatures. This is proven by measurements made by the MODIS instrument installed on NASA's Aqua satellite. Between 2003 and 2005, the device showed that in the Iranian wasteland the temperature rose to 70.7 °C. This absolute record for our planet. Thanks to this, Dashte-Lut has earned the title of “the hottest place on Earth.”

In spring it rains in this area, but for a very short time, and the ground dries out quickly. And strong and constant wind moves sand dunes up to 300 m in size. So Dashte Lut is not the place where you want to spend your summer holiday.

The long-awaited summer has finally arrived, and many of us have already enjoyed it so much that we don’t want to leave an air-conditioned room voluntarily, unless you’re spending time with your significant other or family circle at a luxury seaside resort. But no matter how much the thermometer with a mark of 30 °C degrees Celsius scares us, there are much hotter and searing places on our planet in which people live ordinary people(the same as you and me). Although it’s hard for you and me to imagine how we can call this life. Today we will talk about such, I’m not afraid of this word “scorching” places.

Australia. Odnadatta town

This city is located near the Simpson Desert, its residents are not familiar with such concepts as the heating season, warm clothes and shoes, winter tires for a car, anti-freezing liquid in the windshield of the average person and much more that is familiar to us in winter time, since this hottest place starts our hit parade.

Absolute temperature maximum, which was recorded in this city was + 50.7 °C, and the average annual temperature here is + 37.7 °C. This city in southern Australia was originally a settlement for railway workers who served the trains passing north. Soon, local aborigines began to buy out the houses of the workers who had left. The service sector and gas production keep the city afloat. Little by little life is getting better, gas stations have appeared, grocery stores, pharmacies, etc.

Sudan. Vali Halfa city

Another city claiming to be the hottest place on earth is located not far from the border with Egypt. Here the summers are no less warm, although the average annual temperature is only + 27 °C; from May to September inclusive, the average maximum exceeds + 40 °C. The absolute maximum in the city, home to 15,000 residents, was +53 °C. The city of Vali Halfa is a newly rebuilt city, at a distance of 2 kilometers from the lake.

The original city, which had such a name, suffered a tragic failure; it was completely flooded by the waters of the reservoir. The city is dominated by small one-story houses, and the city is also an important commodity transport hub of the country. On Lake Nasser, there is an operating ferry that connects with Egypt, and that’s all the infrastructure that keeps this hottest place afloat.

Iran. Ahvaz city

Ahwaz is an Iranian city where temperatures of +53.5 °C were recorded. Ahwaz is one of those places for people who complain about all seasons except summer. It is impossible to recommend it to your friends and acquaintances; the local air was also recognized as a record holder for pollution throughout the world. This truly the hottest place in the world is home to 2,000,0000 people.

The city of Ahwaz, which is located on the left bank of the Karuna River, was considered a winter residence in ancient times Persian kings. The city was built from the stones of the ruins ancient city, now these ruins represent the remains of mounds that stretch for 17 km (hewn slabs, bricks, stones, terracotta are scattered).

Kuwait. Car tire dump

Another hottest place on the planet is a creation human hands, which is visible from space. This is the world's largest junkyard car tires near the city of El Kuwait. The historical maximum temperature recorded here was + 54 °C. As for the average temperature, from May to October it does not fall below + 47 °C.

This place can break all world records in an instant (even if you sum them up), the fact is that if a fire occurs here, it will end not only in huge temperatures, but also environmental disaster. For Kuwait, this landfill has become a huge problem; it can easily be called the most disgusting and dirty place on our planet.

Timbuktu. Azawad. (Mali)

The capital of the self-proclaimed republic of Azawad, which is located near the Sahara Desert, is a truly hot place, the maximum to which the air warmed up here was + 55 °C degrees.

May and June are considered the most hellish time of the year here; the mercury column of the thermometer at this time does not fall below + 35 °C degrees. Instead of snow, the streets of the capital often have to be cleared of sand dunes. Just over 1,295,000 Tuaregs live on the territory of this self-proclaimed state.

Kebili. Tunisia

In one of the oldest settlements on our planet, in the oasis city of Kebili, it was recorded maximum temperature+ 55 °C. According to archaeologists, the first human settlements appeared here 200,000 years ago, although much of the data is disputed.

Now at 22 thousand. sq. meters live about 150 thousand. Human. Rarely for such an area, water here flows from 20 sources at the same time, and flows into two natural pools. An amazing fact is that strong winds blow here 120 days a year, and the temperature at night can drop below zero. Undoubtedly, we can say that Kebili is the hottest place in the world.

Dalol Settlement

The geographical location of this settlement is unique, Dalol is located in the Afar pocket in Ethiopia, and confidently holds first place in the world for the highest average annual temperature ever recorded.

From 1960 to 1966, the average temperature in this beautiful and pretty place was 34.4 °C. The numbers are not impressive until you realize that the heat in this region is not the worst on the planet, but does not subside for almost the entire year.

Everything happens because the heat comes not only from the sun, but also from below the earth, since the Afar Basin is a volcanically active region located near the Dalol volcano. This area is also another record holder; it is not only the hottest place on earth, but also the most remote settlement. There are no roads, no ferry crossings, no airports. You can get here only through a few caravan routes.

Death Valley. USA

California Death Valley, has on its account temperature record at + 56.7 °C. Due to the fact that it is located 86 meters below sea level, the average annual temperature here does not fall below +47 °C, it should also be noted that from November to February, in the Death Valley it gets cold to -9 °C. This place is also famous for its stone blocks, which constantly move in a chaotic order along the bottom of the dry lake.

Libya. El Asia

The top three is opened by the Libyan city of El Asia, with a record temperature in the shade of +58 °C. In this city, sunstroke and heatstroke are not at all uncommon, so during the peak of the day, local residents prefer not to show themselves on the street and wait out the hot hours sitting at home.
The Mediterranean Sea, which is very close, provides relatively normal humidity, which makes this area suitable for human life. Thanks solely to its cool winters, this is the hottest place on earth, average annual temperature at + 34 °C. Most likely due solely to the living conditions, this city has about 4,000 inhabitants who lead a lifestyle directly related to the resort and commercial plateau on which the city of El Asia stands.

China. Fire Mountains

In China, there is a place where, according to one legend, a heavenly furnace fell, forming mountains of fire. The maximum recorded temperature is + 66.8 °C. For many hundreds of years, volcanoes have been actively erupting here, red sandstones against the background of frozen flowing lava, which give the mountains the appearance of flames in hot weather - hence the name “Fire Mountains”.

They stretch for 98 kilometers, and at their widest point the mountains are 9 kilometers. In turn, the most high mountain rises 832 meters above sea level. This hottest place on earth was formed more than 50 million years ago.

Iran. Dasht-Lut Desert

A desert stretches over an area of ​​100 thousand square kilometers, in which, according to scientists, there is not a single living creature, not even bacteria. The only attraction of this place, besides the colossally high temperatures, are sand dunes up to 500 meters high. The hottest place on our planet, and the undisputed record holder, where the peak temperature is + 71 °C, is the Dasht-Lut desert, located in eastern Iran.

Those who have been here at least once can say with certainty that they have been in real hell, although you are unlikely to meet anyone willing to go there voluntarily.

Perhaps that's all... Lovers of active and extreme recreation, let them choose at least one place from our list. By visiting it you will receive a huge amount of positive emotions and impressions, because such places cannot but surprise.