China Post. China Post Registered Air Mail Tracking

In this article we will look at the delivery method of Via China Post Registered Air Mail on Aliexpress.

Delivery methods to Aliexpress diverse and there are more of them every time. Click on the button on the product description page "Delivery" and you will be shown all possible ways to receive goods from this seller.

Via China Post Registered Air Mail- this is one of the possible ways delivery to Aliexpress. Let's talk about him.

Via China Post Registered Air Mail – translation

This is one of the most popular methods of delivering goods to Aliexpress. It can be found at most sellers on the site.

This method is often suggested when ordering large and expensive goods, when neither the store nor the buyer wants unnecessary problems. The advantage of this method is that each shipment is assigned an international tracking number. Therefore, you will be able to monitor the parcel throughout its entire journey.

Track China Post Registered Air Mail: how to track a parcel on the official website and where to receive a parcel with free delivery from Aliexpress?

Parcel tracking from Aliexpress, sent Track China Post Registered Air Mail possible by several methods, since the track number is provided internationally. It looks like this:


You can track your parcels on the official website China Post. The biggest disadvantage of the service is that it does not have translation. That is, the site is predominantly Chinese. To translate information on the site, use Google translator.

More simple method is tracking of goods in personal account Aliexpress. Information about the parcel appears 5-7 days after the goods are sent. For tracking in "My orders" select next to the desired purchase "Tracking Check".

In addition, you can track your parcel via Global Order Tracking. The service shows information about the location of items sent by different methods.

You can also track after customs clearance on universal tracking sites:

China Post Registered Air Mail – time and delivery times from Aliexpress to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan

Delivers parcels and provides the ability to track them with Aliexpress Chinese government service. As a rule, the recipient picks up his goods from the post office within 24-39 days.

China Post Registered Air Mail delivery service - delivery reviews

In general, this shipping method with Aliexpress not bad, since everything comes whole. The biggest drawback is the long delivery time, which can reach 60 days. And this leads to situations when the time to protect the transaction is already coming to an end and they come to open a dispute to get their money back.

It often happens that after the money is returned, the package still reaches the buyer and he receives it, although he experiences inconvenience, and the seller loses his money.

This article is devoted to the work of the national postal operator of China - China Post. The main focus of the article is a description of the work of China Post from the point of view of the buyer in online stores in China. Only issues related to sending and tracking international mail are considered. The factors influencing the speed of delivery of international mail from China are also described.

The first mention of postal services in China dates back to the Shan Dynasty in the second millennium BC. In his modern form China Post has been around since 1949. China Post joined the Universal Postal Union (UPU) in 1914.

China Post is state enterprise and the national postal operator of the PRC, both in terms of providing services for the reception, delivery and issuance of domestic mail, and for delivery international mail.

Currently, China Post's infrastructure includes more than 82 thousand post offices and more than 230 mail processing and sorting centers throughout the country. The postal staff is about 860 thousand employees.

The largest international mail sorting centers in China are located in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou. The first two are the largest and most modern. As a rule, sorting at these centers occurs relatively quickly. The situation is the opposite with sorting in Shenzhen and Guangzhou. Here, international mail processing processes are slower. In addition, the main flow of export mail is coming through the international airports of Beijing and Shanghai. This should be taken into account when making purchases. Typically, sellers and online stores do not hide in which provinces their warehouses are located and where they ship from.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the process of processing and sending mail. Like many postal services around the world, China Post allows you to process shipments remotely. Those. the seller can process the shipment and receive a tracking number for it without leaving home. In this case, the buyer can receive a track number literally an hour after payment is made.

Some sellers arrange delivery offline - at post offices. Naturally, in this case, several days may pass from the moment of payment for the order to the moment of dispatch.

Large companies that sell at various markets stand apart in this matter. trading platforms China or online stores. Due to the huge volume of orders, they use the services of various logistics services, which are essentially an intermediary between the store and the post office and perform only one function - delivering packages prepared for shipment to the post office and processing these items.

After receiving the parcel directly by China Post, it goes through standard procedures for sorting, customs clearance and preparation for export. Next, the export itself is carried out, i.e. physical sending of the parcel from China in the direction of the recipient's country. This can be either direct delivery or transit delivery (read more about this in the section “Features of shipments from China”)

Since China is part of the Universal Postal Union, the work of the national postal operator China Post is also regulated by UPU standards, according to which items weighing up to 20 kg can be accepted for sending by regular mail, and up to 31 kg by EMS.

All international postal items (IPO) from China, according to the UPU principles, are divided into two main categories:

  • Parcels(over 2 kg)
  • Small packages(up to 2 kg)

MPOs are also divided into:

  • Registered(with tracking capability)
  • Unregistered(not trackable)

Parcels, as well as any shipments via EMS China Post, are always a registered shipment, but small packages can be either registered or unregistered.

A registered IPO in China is assigned a unique 13-digit tracking number, which can be used to monitor the movement of the IGO from sender to recipient using China Post tracking services, tracking services of postal operators in destination countries, or independent tracking services.

The tracking number for registered small packages always begins with a letter R(Registered).

Parcel tracking number starts with a Latin letter C.

Number for EMS tracking departures begin with a Latin letter E.

The last 2 letters in the tracking number indicate the country in which the item is accepted for shipment. For China, if sent via China Post, all tracking numbers will end in Latin letters CN.

Examples of tracking numbers:

RA123456785CN- small package

CD123456785CN- package

EE123456785CN- dispatch EMS

You can learn more about the structure of international tracking numbers in a separate article dedicated to tracking issues.

Often, when shopping in online stores in China, we see an offer free shipping all over the world. But here you should not think that China Post works for free and does not charge the sender for delivery. The whole “secret” lies in the fact that the seller simply takes into account the cost of postage in the cost of the goods. But the tariffs for sending international mail in China are not high. The basic rate for sending a small package up to 100 g to European countries is only 18 yuan. And another 15 yuan is charged for every additional 100 g of weight.

For reference: 1 US dollar ≈ 6.1 yuan

After exporting a shipment from China, it is advisable to carry out tracking on the websites of national postal operators of the destination country.

According to the standards of the Universal Postal Union, international postal items can be delivered from the country of origin to the country of receipt in transit through third countries. Naturally, the country of departure tries to minimize the cost of mail transportation and, whenever possible, uses postal containers in the forward direction. But with an increase in the overall flow of postal exports, the question arises of a sufficient number of direct transport links between countries. If we are talking about air shipments (and they are the majority), then the possibility of direct delivery will depend on the load of aircraft on direct flights and on the sheer number of such flights.

If there are still opportunities for direct mail when sending mail from China to Russia, then when sending mail to Ukraine and Belarus, in lately, such possibilities are almost exhausted and very large number shipments are delivered in transit.

Let's briefly look at how this happens. For example, there is a parcel from China to Ukraine (or Belarus). The parcel passes through customs in China and is processed for export. But it cannot be loaded onto the next direct flight due to lack of free space in the luggage compartment of an airplane. In this case, there may be two scenarios. The first is that the package will still have to wait a few more days for direct shipping. Secondly, it will be sent in transit, say through Europe. In this case, the parcel may arrive, say, at Frankfurt airport. There she will be sorted and will continue to wait for a free seat on the flight to Ukraine. And if it is not there, it can be sent again in transit, say to Hungary, Austria or some other European country, where the same sorting procedure will happen to her with a search for an empty seat on a flight to Ukraine. Naturally, such transit only increases the delivery time of the parcel, although with properly organized logistics and the availability of carrying capacity on flights, the postal item can reach all major European airports within just 2-3 days.

We’ll look at how transit is displayed in track number statuses a little later.

China Post statuses when tracking international mail.


  • Collection, 收寄局收寄 (Acceptance) - Acceptance of mail by China Post.
  • Opening- Arrived at the transit point. There may be several of these statuses.
  • Dispatching, 出口总包互封封发 - Processing of shipment, preparation for export.
  • Departure from outward office of exchange, 出口总包直封封发 (Total export package/Export) - The parcel has passed customs clearance and is sent for export.

Additional and transit statuses:

NULL- this status is worth mentioning separately, because It is this that raises the most questions among users. In fact, this is not even the status of the shipment at all, but a designation of the fact that the status affixed by China Post simply does not have a translation into English language in this tracking system. The fact is that the procedure for processing export mail in China is somewhat different from the generally accepted one in the presence of additional stages and actions. So that the mail would not be accused of taking a long time to send, China Post introduced several additional statuses, but in internal system accounting they are entered on Chinese. And there is simply no translation into English. Therefore, when displaying statuses, we first see the word NULL (as a designation of the absence of translation) and only then the status of the shipment itself, indicated by hieroglyphs. They can be different and mean various actions. Google translate usually helps you read what these hieroglyphs mean without any problems. For example:

  • 已收到, PVG(has been received) - The parcel has been received by Pudong Airport (Shanghai Airport) for dispatch.
  • 启运,PVG- Start of shipment at Pudong Airport.

And the status record itself will look like this: NULL, 已收到, PVG, RU

Three latin letters, standing after the hieroglyphs indicating status - this is the international designation of the airport where the operation took place . The three-letter code for international airports can be found on the IATA website. To do this, in the top drop-down menu Search by, select the Location code value, in the bottom field enter the three-letter designation of the airport and click the Search button. In the field that appears below you will see the name of the city and the name of the airport.

The last two Latin letters in the status are the designation of the country of the recipient of the shipment. In our example, RU is Russian Federation. For Ukraine, the letters UA will appear, and for Belarus - BY.

When delivered in transit through third countries, the statuses will be displayed in the same way, but the code of the airport where this status was assigned will change. For example: NULL, 启运, FRA, RU

Please note that shipment statuses with a NULL value are displayed only when tracking in Chinese tracking systems, or when using specialized programs. On the Russian Post website only the main statuses will be displayed - acceptance and export.

There are often cases when the export status appears in tracking systems, but the shipment is still physically located in China. And again it may end up at some sorting center. There, the mail container prepared for shipment will be disbanded, re-sorted, and the mail container will be re-formed and prepared for export. In this case, a second export status may appear in tracking systems (see example in the figure).

Every postal service in the world has peak periods when the postal service operates at its maximum capacity. As a rule, these are national holidays. There is also a globally difficult period common to all services in the world - this is new year holidays. Moreover, delivery delays begin from the end of November - beginning of December, and more or less the work of postal departments returns to normal only by the end of January. During this period there are very large delays in delivery, which can reach 2-3 months. Separately, it is worth noting the celebration of the New Year in China. lunar calendar- during these periods, China Post works extremely unstably, and often does not work at all. In China, during this period the New Year holidays begin and almost no one works for 2-3 weeks in February. Much the same thing happens on other national holidays in China.

It is especially worth noting such a period of time as the congress Communist Party China. At this time, the country is taking maximum security measures, all incoming and outgoing shipments are controlled with special care, and restrictions are introduced on international shipments separate groups goods (for example, devices containing lithium batteries). Such actions on the part of the authorities also practically paralyze the work of China Post.

It is also worth noting a factor that also affects the timing of sending mail from China, such as the ever-increasing activity of online stores in China and the ever-growing demand for Chinese goods from online shoppers. According to representatives of China Post, the volume of postal exports associated with the development of online commerce increases annually by 20-25%. In addition, as a rule, most Chinese online stores claim free international delivery. In 99% of cases these are unregistered shipments without tracking numbers. And this, in turn, further increases the load on the postal service of both China itself and the postal services of recipient countries.

China Post is now experiencing absolutely the same difficulties as, for example, Russian Post. The postal department's infrastructure is simply not ready for such a volume of postal exports. There is not enough space for sorting centers and carrying capacity on international flights. Often, a shipment with export status can in reality simply be in a sealed mail container at the departure airport and wait for its turn for loading for several more days...

All of the above naturally leaves an imprint on the delivery time of mail from China. If literally a year and a half ago, parcels and small packages from China to Russia were delivered in a maximum of a month, and to Ukraine in 2-3 weeks, then this year delivery times have increased significantly. According to statistics, the average delivery time for a regular shipment from China to Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus is now about 55-60 days, and can often exceed this time norm.

The reasons for this are mainly due to the increased workload both on China Post itself and on the postal services of receiving countries.

Only EMS China shows more or less acceptable delivery times. Here, delivery times may vary, and on average are about 10-25 days.

In this article we will talk about the China Post Registered Air Mail delivery service with Aliexpress

If you have already fallen in love with inexpensive shopping in Chinese online stores, in particular on Aliexpress, then you probably want to always be aware of where at the moment your parcel is located. Although almost every seller on the site offers customers to choose one of several types of delivery, the most popular and most often free is China Post. It is worth noting that most parcels are sent through it.

China Post Registered Air Mail on Aliexpress - what kind of delivery?

If you speak at least a little English, then you definitely guessed that we are talking about China Post. As soon as the goods are shipped from Aliexpress, the seller will provide you with a tracking number. Registered Air Mail in this case, it means that the shipment is registered and is also sent by air, on an airplane.

Each such parcel has a tracking number the following type: RJ444213101CN. Using this number you can find out what status the parcel has, as well as where it is currently located.

It seems like they paid for the product and received a tracking number, but for some reason it is not tracked. This happens if the seller ordered simple air delivery and the most that can be found out by the track number is that the parcel was sent and crossed the border. But it will no longer be tracked within your country.

Although parcels began to be sent in this way less and less often, since Aliexpress requires sellers to provide track numbers with full tracking. This measure allows us to reduce the number of parcels lost at the post office, when they actually get lost or are stolen by dishonest sellers. In addition, buyers and sellers themselves will not be able to cheat and claim that the package has not been received or sent.

Therefore, for the most part, sending registered items, which are called, is used. This allows you to track parcels along their entire route.

How to track a China Post Registered Air Mail parcel from Aliexpress?

So, let's start tracking the parcel from Aliexpress The first question that arises is: how and where to do this?

Monitoring goods poisoned through is not at all difficult and the first service is China Post official website.

It is made entirely in Chinese, so tracking products in it is not very convenient, but it is still possible, especially if your browser has a built-in translator. Or you can use online services, for example, Google or Yandex.

When the parcel is registered within your country, its delivery will already be handled by internal mail. Accordingly, if you ordered goods to Russia, then further tracking is possible on the website Russian Posts. So, for Ukraine it will be Ukrposhta, for Belarus - Belposhta, and for Kazakhstan - Kazpost.

There are more simple ways tracking of goods.

The first is to use special services, called trackers. They allow you to track your parcels no matter how many services are handling them. For example, in our case the parcel is coming two different services, respectively, in order to track it, you need to use two services. And the tracker allows you to do this in just one place. One of the most popular services is:

It works very simply. Immediately on the main page you are asked to indicate your track number and follow it.

Another way is a personal account Aliexpress. You just need to go to "My orders" and click next to purchase "Tracking Check".

On the new page you will immediately see all the data about the location of your product. As with the tracker, only one service is used. And you don’t even have to look for anything.

How long does it take for China Post Registered Air Mail parcels from Aliexpress?

Parcels with Aliexpress, shipped via usually take 20-30 days on average. This is due to the fact that the shipment is registered. Sometimes you have to wait longer, but this is rare.

The final delivery time depends largely on your location, so some people receive the goods faster, while others wait a long time.

Video: How to track a product on AliExpress?

Tracking parcels from China and other countries

4.4 (87.91%) 1651 ratings.

Don't know where your package is? We offer you a list the best tools to track parcels from any stores, including Aliexpress standard shipping and Ebay.
Modern postal services provide tracking number postal item so that the recipient can track yourself where is the parcel located? Let's look at how this can be done using the example of tracking mail items by ID from China.

How to find out where your package is online:

Enter the track code, click “track” and find where your parcel is located.

Where is my package? Manual parcel tracking option

If you want check tracking numbers with maximum convenience, and find out where your parcel is currently located, then universal online trackers for searching postal items will help you:

Advanced package tracking option

In principle, no special meaning update the status of parcels more than once a day. But if you want to track your parcel as accurately as possible, you can do the following:
1. If sent by Airmail (China post Registered Airmail) then first track the parcel before import:
ChinaPost (China Post) -
HongkongPost (Hong Kong Post) -
SingaporePost (Singapore Post) -
and after import you continue to track (until receipt) here:
Post office -
2.If sent via EMS (EMS China Post Express Mail Service), then we also divide the procedure into two stages.
Track to import (check whether shipped from China or not):

after import:

In addition, if the parcel is delivered by the EMS service, you can always call their operators and clarify current data about the parcel by calling 8-800-200-50-55 (24 hours a day, free calls from anywhere in Russia)

Statistics of shipment times

Information on delivery times for parcels can be viewed on the statistics server

Bonus! Parcel tracking programs

Do you want to find out where your package is without going to websites? You can install a parcel tracking program on your computer that will automatically check the status of an unlimited number of track codes!

This option (it seems a little ineffective to me, but oh well) suggests installing a special program on your computer (connected to the Internet).
I won’t describe this option in detail, I’ll just provide links and screenshots:


Tracking postal items via mobile devices:

Track your parcel using mobile devices.
The official Russian Post application is available for devices and .

Frequently Asked Questions

What does NULL status mean (response from user nickname CTRL-F)
As China Post explains to its customers, the introduction of new statuses in tracking international shipments is intended to remove the accusation against China Post of unreasonably increasing the time it takes for parcels to arrive in Russia, etc. NULL status – the parcel is not in China (it has already cleared customs and is interpreted as an airplane departure). Next entries after NULL - information about transit movement at airports along the route of the parcel (airport coding according to IATA). Example PEK - Beijing, PVG - Shanghai, FRA - Frankfurt. And the last entry is the destination country code. This information was sent to me by my regular supplier from China.
And with the help of this tool (), you can check the correctness of the track number, as well as calculate the verification code using the known track number of your parcel.

Wonderful site " Where is the Parcel a" to track postal items. Very convenient and easy to use.

As you can see, on the main page there is a huge field for entering the tracking number of the parcel.

For tracking, the service offers 180 postal services. Among them are the mails of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, as well as China, Sweden, Germany and many other foreign countries.

“GdePosylka.Ru” also provides notifications by E-mail about the delivery status of your order. You can register on their website and then you will be able to store your trackers in your personal account. This is very convenient, especially if you have a lot of orders.

Plus, messages will also be sent to “EMAIL” about changes in the location of the parcel.

TRACKBOT - an excellent service for tracking parcels from Aliexpress and other stores.

UPS - an excellent international service for tracking cargo and parcels, there is a Russian language.

UPS- international postal tracking service. A very interesting site where you can not only track, but also send parcels yourself, both small and large.

Now everything is in order, go to the site and see a map on which we need to indicate the part of the world in which you live.

This is the site, in my opinion, it is made with high quality. Everything is clear, it is possible to track postal items, as well as send them. But to do this, you must register in this service. For sending, there are online tools that will make it easy and convenient to send a parcel in one click.

There is also online calculator to calculate the cost of shipments and, of course, full information about the location of the parcel. If you are a seller and send goods by mail, then this service is definitely for you!

MY PACKAGES - an excellent tracking service that even explains what happened to the parcel.

Tracking service “MY PACKAGES” are partners.

The site has two versions: Russian and English. Here you can track your goods using the parcel tracking number.

And one more nice bonus: checking the seller on Aliexpress. Just insert a link to the product or store you want to check and they will show you the reliability of a particular seller as a percentage. A very useful thing!

They also have an extension for Google Chrome And Mozilla FireFox, with the help of which orders from Aliexpress are saved in the service for further tracking of the parcel. This is very convenient, you don’t have to enter data, you just look for a parcel that needs to be tracked in your personal account and calmly look after it.

POST OFFICE - tracks parcels from China to Russia well.

Tracking your parcel through Russian Post is as easy as shelling pears. Visit the official website RUSSIAN POST, here you will immediately see the TRACK section, it’s hard not to notice it.

Enter the track number of your parcel in the window and click search. It’s all so simple, I think there won’t be any difficulties. Moreover, from August 10, 2017, all postal items from Aliexpress will be registered, you can talk about this

On the RUSSIAN POST website, tracking information is provided as accurately as possible and in a good format. You will see not only those points that the parcel has passed, but also those that still need to be have to go through.

POST OF BELARUS - you can track parcels from China to Belarus.

To track your parcel to Belarus, open HERE THIS PAGE to track shipments on the Belposhta website. Enter your order tracker in the line and click search.

Please note that this section contains various information, for example, on the delivery of orders, on the status of postal items.

Also here you can ask a question to the Minsk customs or arrange for the parcel to be redirected, for example, to the nearest post office at your place of residence. And all the information on postal items, so there shouldn't be any questions.

UKRAINE POST - here you can track your parcel from China to Ukraine.

Let's go to this one POSTAGE TRACKING SECTION. Here we have a simple website and everything is in Ukrainian. At the very bottom of the page there is a field for entering a tracker, and examples of entering international or domestic shipments are also given.

Everything is quite simple and easy.

POST OF KAZAKHSTAN - through this site you can track a parcel from China to Kazakhstan.

To track a parcel at the Kazakhstan post office, go to the post office website and the section immediately catches your eye FIND PACKAGE:

Enter your tracker and click search... That's all the actions. It is very easy to track your orders at your country's post office.

17TRACK - Chinese service for tracking parcels, there is a Russian language.

The service has versions in several languages, including Russian. In the tracking field, you can enter up to 40 order tracking numbers, each on one line.

Still at the service parcel tracking 17 TRACK There is mobile app in order to always be aware of the status of your orders!

Despite the fact that this is a Chinese site, you can also track parcels from other countries there. So enjoy it to your health!

GLOBAL - a super duper tracking service that Aliexpress itself uses. The only languages ​​spoken are Chinese and English, but what do you understand there?

Chinese site GLOBAL will track any of your parcels from Aliexpress:

The Global parcel tracking service has two versions: in English and in Chinese. But don't be afraid of this. Just enter up to 30 trackers in the field provided, each in one line, and look for where your orders are currently located.

This site will find your package no matter where it is, since the search is distributed throughout the globe!

TRACKGO - a good site for tracking Chinese parcels.

Tracking your parcel on TrackGO is also not difficult; here is a screenshot of the main page of their website:

On the right you can see the word CASHBACK - this is a service by the way, they have a good return - 7,5% , I recommend it for use :)

The site supports over 300 tracking services. You can track any parcel: USA, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan or Ukraine. This is how convenient and easy it is to use TRecGo to see where your package is, will it arrive soon?

GDETOEDET - the service with the appropriate name “Going Somewhere” can also track parcels from Aliexpress and other stores.

Track your parcel at " GOING SOMEWHERE" simply and easily. Find out your order track number and click FIND DEPARTURE, EVERYTHING is all action.

You can register on the site and be able to save your trackers so you don’t have to enter them every time. You will also receive notifications on email about changes in order status.

How to track a parcel from Aliexpress using the order number?

If you are trying to track your package for the first time, you may have questions about how to do this? Where to find the tracking number of the parcel and so on.

Where can I find the tracking number on Aliexpress?

We go to the aliexpress website and go to the section MY ORDERS (Before doing this, you need to log in to the site), click the CHECK TRACKING button to the right of the product:

Here we see a section that shows us our tracking code (highlighted in yellow)

Right there (on the right, highlighted in green) they offer us website where you can track your order. (read the link.) And you can immediately see the tracking track. Here's how to find the tracking number on Aliexpress, it's very simple.

If for some reason it didn’t work out here, then read on, I’ll tell you about many other similar services...

Let's try to do this. When you follow the link, the first difficulty arises - CHINESE LANGUAGE.

But don’t be afraid, you can click on the English inscription in the upper right corner to read the essence of the message at least in English. Or you can simply translate all this into Russian:

It’s simple, we are warned about following an external link, feel free to click on the orange square with hieroglyphs and go to the site

There is this field in the upper left corner of the site: enter our tracking number and click on the red TRACK button. And let's see where my polishes are stuck:

You don’t need to know English to understand that my varnishes are now in Moscow, at Vnukovo airport, getting ready to fly to Minsk, I believe 😉 There are still 20 days, I think they will have time to fly.

But if you are not fluent in English, you can use website in Russian. To do this, click on the LANGUAGE button in the upper right corner and select Russian.

If you're too lazy to look for it, here's the address. You can bookmark it to keep with you.

But this is not the only way to track your parcel, you can also do this on the website of the RUSSIAN POST or another country, everything will be there in your language from the very beginning.

To track your parcel via Russian Post, you need to go to this address - Aliexpress Russian Post tracking. Here the TRACK field is staring at us:

We insert our tracking number and see where our package is, in this case my polishes.

Hmmm, the new website of the Russian Post works great, if only the post office itself would work that way 😉 As you can see in the picture, the information is the same, but presented in a better format, it even shows which points are still waiting for my parcel.

Here we act in a similar way, only now we go to the Belarusian post office website, here is a direct link to the desired section of the site - track goods from China to Belarus.

This site has such an “elegant” design, a lot of unnecessary information, and a search field at the very bottom. I would fire the designer. Enter our tracker, check the box “ Tracking international shipments and EMS"and look where my polishes are:

Here you have the Belarusian post office, and I also scolded the Russian one, it turns out that everything can be much worse! There is almost nothing about my polishes; according to this data, they flew out of China and hovered somewhere in the air!s

Conclusion: It is better for residents of Belarus to use RUSSIAN POST to track parcels!

I would like to write briefly about how to track a parcel to Ukraine and Kazakhstan, here everything happens according to the same scenario:

Look for the UKRAINE POST website, or the KAZAKHSTAN POST website, or any other country, and also look for the section where trackers track.

Ukrainian Post tracking of postal items

The Kazakhstan Post did not find my parcel; it only takes into account those parcels that go to Kazakhstan or through Kazakhstan.

Yes, there is such a program! I deliberately didn’t write about it at the beginning, otherwise you wouldn’t have read the article to the end 😉

This program is called TrackChecker and you can download it from this site -

We install the program and check it in action, again on my varnishes:

The program is good, it showed everything correctly, but I foresee that it will be much more difficult for a typical user to use it than the Russian Post website. If you work professionally with Aliexpress and have a lot of orders, then the program will be very useful for you!

As you can see, tracking parcels from Aliexpress is not difficult; there are many services for this, some good and some so-so. But what if the parcel is not tracked anywhere?

Why is sometimes my parcel not tracked?

A few clarifications: it happens that Aliexpress sellers deceive and give invalid tracking number, in this case, no service will track your parcel. Just wait for it and if it doesn’t come, then just open a dispute and return the money.

If the parcel is for a normal amount and the tracker is not tracked, then it may be that they are trying to deceive you. But don’t be afraid, three days before the expiration of the warranty period you need to open a dispute, and rest assured, you will easily get your money back! The only thing you will lose is TIME!