Name of lizards. Legless lizards: types, structure, lifestyle

In reptile science, there is the concept of “family of true lizards.” This term does not mean that such animals are the most typical representatives of their species. It’s just that this is the family that scientists found and studied first. The green lizard, as this genus of animals is called by scientists, is a representative of the “real” family. This article will provide answers to questions about the habits and habitat of such reptiles.

What do they look like?

The green lizard is a relatively large reptile, whose body length reaches fifteen centimeters. A reptile's tail is usually about twice as long longer than body. It is quite fragile, the animal easily throws it off in a moment of danger. There are several scutes on the head of the green lizard. One of them - the premaxillary - reaches the nostril or is separated from it by a bridge. Usually these animals have only one zygomatic shield, while postnasal ones have two or three. There are also upper labial scutes. They are located in front of the anterior orbital in the number of four, less often - three or five. Between the superior ciliary and supraorbital scutes there are usually up to fourteen grains. It also happens that there are no grains at all. The reptile's head is also equipped with temporal scutes, the upper of which are usually found in number of two, and the middle ones are sometimes more pronounced in size than the rest. The green lizard also has a tympanum, which is sometimes almost invisible. There is a throat fold on the reptile's neck, and there is also a luxurious scaly, impressively jagged collar.

Almost the entire body of the green lizard is covered with scales. The midline of the reptile's throat is decorated with scales, the number of which ranges from 16-27. On the back, the scales of the animal have an elongated hexagonal shape and well-developed ribs. The middle of the reptile's body is framed by 40-58 scales. The anal scute is partially surrounded by six to ten perianal scutes, the middle pair of which is usually wider than the others.

What color are they painted?

It would seem that the answer to this question is hidden in the very name of the animals. However, everything is not so simple. Adults are not at all monochromatic and are often colored in shades of black, yellow and even (in places) blue.

Young lizards are usually single-colored, brownish-brown or brownish-gray with sparse speckles turning into small white spots on the sides. With age, the animal's back turns green, and longitudinal white stripes appear on the sides of the lizard. Adults are dark or bright green in color, dotted with many yellow or black spots on top. Because of them, the lizard sometimes looks almost black with yellow and green splashes. There are reptiles with dark spots irregular shape in a light edging, located along the ridge. The green lizard has a brownish or emerald head with white or yellow splashes and dashes. During the breeding season, the throat of males becomes bright blue, and that of females - bluish or greenish with marbled streaks. The belly of the former is bright yellow, the belly of the latter is white.

Where do they live?

The green lizard is found in Southern and Central Europe. She also lives in Asia Minor, its northwestern part. A similar reptile is found almost throughout the entire territory of Moldova and in the southwestern part of Right Bank Ukraine. The area of ​​distribution of the animal in the Dnieper valley reaches Kyiv, in the middle reaches of the river it spreads to the left bank, where it reaches Poltava.

The green lizard loves sunny and dry places, often inhabits rocky areas in river floodplains, on hilly slopes with sparse forests and shrubs, in gardens, vineyards, borders, forest clearings. On average, you can spot one animal per 250-1000 meters of the route. The reptile finds refuge in piles of stones, piles of brushwood, crevices in rocks, spaces under tree trunks lying on the ground, and long specially dug holes.

What time are they most active?

The green lizard, photographs of which are presented in this article, has different periods activity. In the southern part of Ukraine, the reptile leads a busy lifestyle from March to October, in middle lane- from May to September. During the hottest period, the animal sometimes goes into summer hibernation. The warm season is marked by a two-vertex peak of activity in the green lizard. In the morning hours she hunts energetically. At midday - from 12.00 to 16.00 - most reptiles disappear into secluded shelters and cool, shaded areas. Then the lizards come out of their hiding places again. During a hunt or sudden danger, animals usually climb trees and bushes, where they easily move from one branch to another, and also jump down from a fairly large height. If the lizard has found a reliable shelter, then it is not easy to lure it out of there. Even strong blows hitting the ground with a stick will not produce the desired effect.

What do they eat?

Green lizards are predators. The diet is dominated by spiders, hymenoptera, caterpillars, bugs, orthoptera and beetles. Moreover, gastronomic preferences depend on the time of year. Waking up from hibernation and for some time after it (in spring and in the first days of summer), reptiles actively eat spiders and beetles. In autumn and in the second half of summer, lizards happily feed on caterpillars and orthoptera. They sometimes supplement their diet with mollusks, phalanges, centipedes, dragonflies, dipterans and other insects. Sometimes these animals feed on plant foods, and sometimes they eat smaller lizards.

How do they reproduce?

A large green lizard breeds in mating season, which lasts from May to June. At this time, fierce battles between males take place. The pregnancy of fertilized females lasts six to eight weeks. After this, in the second half of June and until the end of July, (5-13 pieces), burying them in the soil to a depth of seven to eight centimeters. Young individuals hatch from eggs in late summer and early autumn. As a rule, they lead an independent lifestyle. Puberty in lizards it occurs two years after birth.

Lizards are the largest group of reptiles. In everyday life, lizards are often referred to as all reptiles with legs (excluding turtles and crocodiles), but in the scientific community this title is borne mainly by representatives of the family of true lizards and several other species. These will be discussed in this article, and other related species - skinks, geckos, agamas, iguanas, monitor lizards - will be considered separately.

Pearl or Ornamented Lizard (Lacerta lepida).

True lizards are mostly small to medium sized. The largest representative of the family - the pearl lizard - reaches a length of 80 cm, other species usually do not exceed 20-40 cm, one of the smallest are numerous foot-and-mouth lizards, their length together with the tail is no more than 10 cm. A distinctive feature of real lizards is movable eyelids ( the main difference from snakes, whose eyelids are fused), oblong, thin body with a long tail and medium-sized paws. In desert species, the paws have long fingers with lateral teeth, which allows the lizard not to fall into quicksand. Another one interesting feature lizards have the ability to autotomy (self-mutilation). Of course, lizards do not mutilate themselves without reason, but in case of danger, they can, by contracting their muscles, break the spine in the tail part and throw off the tail. The tail continues to wriggle and distract the enemy's attention; over time, the lizard grows a new tail.

The tail always breaks in the same “programmed” place; if the growth point is disturbed, then the lizard can grow two tails.

The coloring of real lizards is always a combination of several colors, usually green, brown and gray. Desert species have a yellowish color, exactly imitating the texture of sand. At the same time, many species have bright areas of the body (throat, abdomen, spots on the sides) colored blue, azure, yellow, and red. Lizards have weakly expressed sexual dimorphism: males are slightly larger than females and brighter in color (although the pattern is the same in both sexes), the pattern of young individuals is different from adults. Lizards are voiceless and do not make any sounds with the exception of the Stechlin and Simon lizards Canary Islands, these species squeak in moments of danger.

Pushing, or common lizard(Lacerta agilis).

True lizards live only in the Old World - Europe, Asia and Africa. They are not found in southern Asia, the Indian Ocean islands, or Madagascar. Several species were introduced to North America, where they successfully spread to the western United States. The habitats of lizards are varied; they can be seen in meadows, steppes, deserts and semi-deserts, forests, gardens, bush thickets, mountains, on river banks and cliffs. Lizards stay on the ground or climb low bushes, grass stems and tree trunks. All species are capable of moving along vertical surfaces, clinging to cracks in the bark and uneven ground, but mountain species have achieved particular perfection in this. Rock lizards and species close to them can run along bare sheer rocks and jump from a height of 3-4 m.

The long tail not only does not interfere with the lizard, but also helps it maneuver between the stems of grass.

These animals are diurnal and only representatives of the family of nocturnal lizards (close to real ones) are active mainly at night. In any case, lizards prefer to go hunting in the morning and at sunset; at noon they are less active. Lizards live alone and adhere to permanent habitats. They live in burrows, cracks in the soil, bark, and crevices between stones. These are very active and cautious animals; they usually sit and look around the surroundings; when they see suspicious movement, they freeze for a short time, and when an enemy approaches, they take to their heels. They run very quickly, alternately rearranging all their limbs; some desert species can run several meters on their hind legs or bury themselves in the sand. In addition, in deserts, lizards are often forced to raise their legs one at a time to avoid burns from the hot sand.

The reticulated foot-and-mouth disease (Eremias grammica) lives in deserts; its long toes help it move along the sand.

Lizards feed almost exclusively on invertebrates; only the largest individuals can catch a small rodent, snake, or eat bird nesting. Typically, lizards hunt insects and spiders, and they catch quite mobile species (butterflies, locusts, grasshoppers, etc.), less often they eat snails, slugs, and worms. These animals do not have special devices for hunting (sticky tongue, poison). The lizards first sneak up on the prey, and then with a sharp throw they overtake and catch it with their mouths; when eating, they first chew and crush the hard wings of insects, tear off inedible parts, and then swallow. Some species from time to time eat the fruits of plants (prickly pear, cherries, sweet cherries, grapes, viburnum).

Stehlini's lizard (Gallotia stehlini) eats prickly pear fruits.

Small species reproduce several times per season, large ones - once a year. The breeding season occurs in spring and early summer and depends on the habitat (the further north the habitat, the later the mating season begins). The males look out for the female and chase her at a run. If two males meet each other, they approach their opponent sideways, trying to appear larger. The smaller one gives up and gives in; if the rivals are equal in size, then they begin to bite, and their fights are fierce and often accompanied by bloodshed. The winner most often grabs the female by the abdomen near the hind legs and mates with her. The mating ritual of the three-lined lizard is rather strange: the male grabs the female by the back of her body, lifts her above the ground so that she rests on the ground only with her front paws, and begins to run with the female in his mouth. In rock lizards and other mountain species, the sex ratio is sharply disturbed, the proportion of males in the population is 0-5%, so females lay eggs without fertilization. This method of reproduction is called parthenogenesis.

The female lays from 2-4 (in small species) to 18 (in large species) eggs. The eggs are buried in the soil forest floor, hiding in holes, under stones. The duration of incubation depends on the ambient temperature and the species; it lasts from 3 weeks to 1.5 months. Parents do not care about clutches and offspring. Young lizards immediately after hatching begin an independent life and are able to obtain food themselves. Viviparous lizards give birth to live young after 3 months of pregnancy; in the north of the range, embryos can occasionally even overwinter in the mother’s body, and in the extreme south of the range the same species lays eggs. The lifespan of lizards usually does not exceed 3-5 years.

Viviparous lizard (Lacerta vivipara, or Zootoca vivipara).

In nature there are many enemies of these animals. They are hunted by snakes, storks, cranes, kingfishers, crows, shrikes, small falcons, and hoopoes. For protection, lizards use different ways: fast running with sharp unexpected turns, burying in sand or forest floor, freezing (a hidden lizard cannot be thrown from a bush), simple camouflage (a lizard, for example, can hide with reverse side tree trunk, furtively watching the pursuer). When a lizard is caught, it throws off its tail or bites; holding this nimble animal in your hands is not so easy. But numerous mountain species of lizards (rock, Armenian, etc.) when caught, sometimes grab themselves by the hind leg and curl up in a ring. This pose is not accidental, because the main enemy of these species is snakes, which always swallow prey from the head, but a snake cannot swallow such a living ring.

Lizards do not harm people, but they do provide benefits. These animals destroy harmful insects and are themselves an integral link in the food chain. A number of species with a very narrow range are listed in the Red Book; their numbers are negatively affected by plowing and fires.

Do you believe in the existence of dragons? If not, then be sure to read our article. It may shake your confidence. Indeed, in fact, on the distant island of Komodo lives so big lizard that the locals confidently call her a dragon. And not only locals. The name “Komodo dragon” is scientific and is also used by professionals.

You will learn about how the largest lizards in the world live from our material.

Historical reference

These giants were first discovered in 1912 on Komodo Island. It’s easy to guess that this has something to do with the name of the large lizard.

Since then, these creatures have been the object scientific research. Scientists have found that the evolutionary history of this species is connected with Australia. From a historical ancestor Varanus separated about 40 million years ago and emigrated to this remote continent. For some time, giants lived in Australia and nearby islands. Later, for various reasons, monitor lizards were pushed to the islands of Indonesia, where they settled. Scientists suggest that this is due to changes in relief and seismic activity. Komodo Island itself, by the way, is also of volcanic origin. It is worth noting that the resettlement of bloodthirsty giants to the islands saved many representatives of the Australian fauna from complete extermination. The large lizard has conquered new territories and dominates there to this day.


What sizes can it reach? komodo dragon? It’s hard to imagine, but the Komodo dragon lizard is comparable in size to a young crocodile.

Scientists took measurements of a sample of 12 individuals and described them external features. The studied monitor lizards reached a length of 2.25-2.6 meters, and their weight was 25-59 kilograms. But these figures are average. Several much more outstanding cases have been recorded and described. The length of some lizards reaches 3 meters or even more, and the largest known specimen weighed more than one and a half centners.

The skin of the monitor lizard is dark green, rough, often covered with small yellowish spots and leathery spines. These animals have a powerful build, strong short legs with sharp claws. At first glance, powerful jaws with large teeth reveal this animal as a fierce predator. A long and mobile forked tongue completes the picture.

Features of the view

Despite its impressive dimensions and apparent clumsiness, the dragon lizard is excellent swimmer, runner and climber. Komodo dragons are excellent tree climbers, they can even swim to the neighboring island, and on short distances no potential victim can escape from them.

The Komodo dragon is not only an excellent tactician, but also a brilliant strategist. If this predator has its eye on a prey that is too large, it may use more than just brute force. Varan knows how to wait, he is able to trail behind a dying animal for weeks, anticipating the coming feast.

How do dragons live today?

The large lizard does not like the company of its relatives and avoids them. Monitor lizards lead a solitary lifestyle, and contact with their own kind only during the mating season. These contacts are by no means limited to love pleasures. Males wage bloody battles among themselves, disputing the rights to females and territories.

These predators are diurnal, sleep at night, and hunt at dawn. Like other reptiles, Komodo dragons are cold-blooded and do not tolerate temperature changes well. And from the scorching sun rays forced to hide in the shadows.

Birth of the Dragon

Many Interesting Facts about lizards are associated with the continuation of the species. After a bloody fight, which often ends with the death of one of the fighters, the winner receives the right to start a family. These animals do not form permanent families; in a year the ritual will be repeated.

The winner's chosen one lays about two dozen eggs. She guards the clutch for about eight months in order to small predators or even the closest relatives did not steal the eggs. But from birth, dragon children are deprived of maternal affection. Having hatched, they find themselves face to face with the harsh island reality and at first survive only thanks to the ability to hide.

Differences between monitor lizards of different sexes and ages

Sexual demorphism in these creatures is not very pronounced. Large sizes are characteristic of dragons of both sexes, but males are somewhat larger and more massive than females.

The cub is born inconspicuous, which helps it hide from predators and hungry relatives. Growing up, the large lizard acquires a rich color. The young have bright spots on their bright green skin, which fades with age.


If you are interested in interesting facts about lizards, this issue requires the most careful study. On the islands there is no natural enemies, they can safely be called the top link of the food chain.

Monitor lizards hunt almost all of their neighbors. They even attack buffalos. Archaeologists who have established that the islands were inhabited several thousand years ago do not rule out that it was some species of large lizards, related to the modern Komodo dragon, that became the reason for their complete extermination.

Giant lizards do not disdain carrion. They happily feast on those thrown out by the sea. underwater inhabitants or the corpses of land animals. Cannibalism is also common.

Modern giants lead a solitary lifestyle, but when hunting they can spontaneously form bloodthirsty packs. And where their powerful muscles, teeth and claws are powerless, they use more sophisticated weapons that deserve special attention.


About the behavioral features of these amazing creatures has been known for a long time. Scientists have found that monitor lizards sometimes bite their prey and then wander after it without showing aggression. The unfortunate animal has no chance, it weakens and slowly dies. It was once believed that the cause of the rapid spread of the deadly infection was pathogenic microflora, which settles in the oral cavity of monitor lizards while eating carrion.

But recent studies have proven that this creature has poisonous glands. The venom of a monitor lizard is not as strong as that of some snakes; it cannot kill instantly. The victim dies gradually.

By the way, it’s worth mentioning one more record here. The Komodo dragon is not only the largest lizard in the world, but also the largest venomous creature.

Danger to people

The status of a rare species and mention in the Red Book raises the question of who is more dangerous to whom. Komodo dragons are rare species, hunting them is prohibited.

But one cannot count on reciprocal pacifism. There are known cases of monitor lizards attacking humans. If you do not go to the hospital in time, where the patient will be given comprehensive treatment, the poison will be neutralized and an antibiotic will be administered, there is a high risk of death. Monitor lizards are especially dangerous for children. They often attack human corpses, as a result of which it is customary on the island to protect graves with concrete slabs.

In general, humans and the largest lizard in the world coexist quite peacefully. On the islands of Komodo, Rincha, Gili Motang and Flores, unique parks are organized, where many tourists come every year to admire the unusual and amazing reptiles.

Pets living with us in the same apartment or house are becoming more sophisticated and interesting. The classic ones are becoming less and less common: cats, dogs and birds. Increasingly, people are bringing in various insects, arachnids and reptiles. Various kinds of lizards are especially common, and this is not surprising, because many of them are very cute and friendly, which allows each of them to become a replacement for the notorious cat or puppy.

There are a lot of lizards suitable for home habitat. IN this material Some of the most popular ones have been collected. With a description of their features, as well as photo materials for each type.


  • Yemen chameleon– quite popular, often found as pet, view. The reason for such love for the Yemen chameleon was its unpretentiousness in housing conditions and nutrition. Appearance: Adults often reach up to 60 centimeters in length (females are slightly inferior). A chameleon's color changes during periods of stress and pregnancy. Containment conditions: contain this type it is necessary to do it alone, giving the lizard a large terrarium with ventilation. Chameleon feeding small insects.
  • Three-horned chameleon- not yet so common, but a very bright and noticeable representative of lizards. Appearance: the chameleon justifies its name with its extraordinary appearance; the three-horned chameleon has a bright green color. There are three horns on the head, one straight and two curved. Curved tail used as a hook. Conditions of keeping: the individual should be kept in the same conditions as other chameleons: a large, vertical terrarium, with good ventilation, and solitary.


Monitor lizards

  • Black and white tegutypical representative lizards of South America. Appearance: this individual often reaches sizes of up to one and a half meters. This representative of the monitor lizard is a predator, emerging from its hole during the day, eating small and large animals that it can catch up with. Conditions of keeping: to keep this in captivity you will need a truly gigantic terrarium, or better yet a whole pen. The lizard's diet must include chicks, locusts, and rats. Just look at the photo of this “dinosaur” to understand that everything is serious.


  • The fat-tailed gecko is a very small and even cute representative of the lizard family. In nature, it leads a rather secretive lifestyle. Found throughout West Africa. Appearance: The size of the gecko rarely exceeds 30 centimeters. Due to its “compactness”, the fat-tailed gecko easily fits even into a small terrarium. Conditions of detention: hundreds of liters are enough to accommodate three females and one male. You cannot put two males in one terrarium. This will lead to constant struggle for territory. These lizards feed on small insects and artificial, vitamin-rich reptile food.
  • Leopard lizard- another representative of geckos. Larger, but at the same time more popular among exotic lovers. Appearance: This lizard is not easily called the namesake of the leopard. It is the similar spotted color that causes similar associations and sets it apart from other geckos. The spotted gecko reaches an average of 30 centimeters in length. The gecko is captivating at first sight, take a look at the photo below to see for yourself. Housing conditions: as in the case of the fat-tailed gecko, you can get by with a small terrarium of 60-90 liters and calmly plant a couple of geckos there. These lizards do not need soil.



  • Blue tongue skink– a very patient and homely lizard, which, despite its “angry” appearance, can be the best choice for beginners. Appearance: large animal light color with large scales. Distinctive feature, based on the name, became the language of blue color. Conditions of detention: this species lives in Australia and is prohibited from being exported from there. At the same time, the lizard is available for sale with us, and it feels great at home. A terrarium 100 centimeters long and 50 centimeters wide is perfect.

Domestic lizards

LIZARDS (Lacertilia, Sauria), suborder of reptiles of the squamate order; includes 20 families, including true lizards, geckos, agamas, iguanas, monitor lizards, serpentines, chameleons; in total more than 3900 species.
The body of lizards from 3.5 cm to 3.5 m long (Komodo dragon) is covered with keratinized scales. The body is flattened, laterally compressed (or cylindrical), of various colors. The tongue of geckos and agamas is wide, fleshy, while that of monitor lizards is long, slightly forked, thickened at the end. The eyelids are movable or fused (in gologlins), forming “spectacles”. Most limbs are well developed, some are reduced or absent altogether. Many species of lizards are capable of throwing off their tails (autotomy). Some are poisonous (venomous teeth).

Lizards live on all continents except Antarctica, mainly in the tropics and subtropics; in steppes, deserts and forests. Most lead a terrestrial lifestyle, some live in the soil, on trees, on rocks; marine iguana lives near the water and goes into the sea. Some are capable of gliding flight. Small lizards feed on invertebrates, mainly insects, and sometimes small vertebrates; herbivores or omnivores are less common. The giant Komodo dragon attacks various mammals.
Lizards are mostly oviparous, but they are also viviparous. Some species are characterized by parthenogenesis. Lizard meat is edible, and the skin is used for various crafts. 36 species and subspecies of lizards are listed in the IUCN Red List. Lizards are kept in horizontal or cubic terrariums in conditions as close as possible to their natural habitat.


A genus of lizards from the Iguanidae Family.
One of the largest genera of iguana lizards, numbering about 200 species.
Distributed in Central America and the Caribbean, several species have been introduced into the southern United States. They live in humid tropical forests, most species lead an arboreal lifestyle, only a few live on the ground.
Small, medium and large lizards from 10 to 50 centimeters in length. They have a long thin tail, often longer than the body. Coloration varies from brown to green, sometimes with blurred stripes or spots on the head and sides of the body.

A characteristic display behavior is the inflating of the throat pouch, which is usually brightly colored and varies in color among different types. The largest species, the knight anole (Anolis equestris), reaches 50 centimeters. Other species are much smaller. One of the most known species This genus is the North American red-throated anole (Anolis carolinensis). Representatives of this species reach a length of 20 - 25 centimeters.
It is better to keep anoles in groups of one male and several females, in a vertical terrarium, the walls of which are decorated with bark and other materials that allow the lizards to move along vertical surfaces. The main volume of the terrarium is filled with branches of various thicknesses. You can place live plants in the terrarium to maintain humidity.
Temperature 25 - 30 degrees. Necessarily ultraviolet radiation. High humidity is maintained using a hygroscopic substrate and regular spraying. Anoles are fed insects by adding chopped fruit and lettuce.

Red-throated anole

Red-throated anole (Anolis carolinensis)
Its color is highly variable: one can observe all stages of transition from yellow and bright brown to bright green above and brown or silvery-white below. The strongly developed throat sac of males is bright red.
The red-throated anole is a small lizard, reaching 20-25 cm including its tail.
During the breeding season, brightly colored green males, inflating their protruding red throat sac and strongly squeezing their body from the sides, flaunt their outfit, engaging in fierce fights when they meet. At first, they slowly circle in place for some time, trying to keep their side to the enemy and opening their mouths to intimidate. Then, taking off from their place, they rush towards each other and, clinging into a ball, soon roll off the branch onto the ground, where they scatter to the sides or, returning to the previous battlefield, continue the battle.
More often, however, after the first fight, the weaker male takes flight, often losing his tail and bleeding. There are cases when such tournaments even ended in the death of one of the opponents.
In June-July, the female, descending from the tree, digs a shallow hole with her front legs, into which she lays 1-2 eggs, covering them with loose soil. The young hatch after 6-7 weeks and, having climbed to the surface, immediately climb trees, where at first they stay together, separately from the adults.


Fusiformes (lat. Anguidae) is a family of reptiles from the order Squamate, which includes 12 genera, which include about 120 species. Veretenits are found in Eurasia and the New World.

Fusiformes are a diverse family of lizards. Among them there are both snake-like, legless species (for example, brittle spindle), and ordinary species with four limbs, which have five fingers. In all spindles, the scales are supported by small bony plates.
Many species have a stretchable fold of skin on both sides that facilitates swallowing food and breathing, and also helps with egg laying. Like real lizards, the spindle tail easily falls off and after some time grows back, but not completely.
Unlike snakes, spindles have movable eyelids, as well as auditory openings.
In spindles strong jaws, in most cases with blunted chewing teeth. The food of most spindles is insects, mollusks, as well as other lizards and small mammals. Some species are distinguished by viviparity.
in adults and young people, the sides are darker than the back and belly (fragile spindle).

Yellow Tummy

YELLOWBELLY (Ophisaurus apodus) or capercaillie is the largest representative of the spindle family. It reaches a length of 120 cm.
Limbs are completely absent; they are only reminiscent of a pair of barely noticeable scaly outgrowths located near the anus. The length of the yellowbell's tail is equal to half the total body length.
The distribution area of ​​the yellowbell covers the south of the Balkan Peninsula, some islands Mediterranean Sea, Southern coast of Crimea, Caucasus, Asia Minor, Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Southern Kazakhstan, Southern Turkmenistan, Southern and Western Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Throughout this vast territory, the yellowbell is found in large and small varieties; river valleys, on foothill plains overgrown with grass and shrubs, in sparse deciduous forests, on various cultivated lands - in orchards, vineyards, abandoned cotton and rice fields.
Females lay 8-10 oblong, relatively large eggs in June - early July. Young yellowbellies, about 10 cm long, appear at the end of August, but lead a hidden lifestyle and are very rarely seen in the fall.
Yellowbellies feed on various insects, among which large beetles predominate - dung beetles, beetles, darkling beetles, golden beetles, bronze beetles and ground beetles. A significant place in their food is occupied by snails, which they eat by first crushing the shells. In the spring and after the rains, yellow-bellied large quantities exterminate naked slugs. They often eat small vertebrates - lizards, small snakes, rodents, eggs and chicks of ground-nesting birds, as well as sweet fruits, in particular apricot carrion and grape berries. Adults sometimes hunt for their own young. By exterminating a significant number of pests, yellowbellies bring undoubted benefits to humans.


GECKOS (grass-toed) (Gekkonidae), family of lizards; about 70 genera and 700 species.

Distributed on all continents except Antarctica, mainly in tropical and subtropical, less often temperate regions.
On the head of geckos there are numerous granular or small polygonal scutes; big eyes without eyelids, covered with a fixed transparent membrane; wide tongue, with a small notch in front, covered on top with small papillae; most species are nocturnal; capable of making sounds.
Geckos, with the exception of two New Zealand genera - Naultinus and Hoplodactylus and one species of the New Caledonian genus Rhacodactylus (Rhacodactylus trachyrhynchus), are oviparous, the remaining several species are viviparous.

Skink gecko

The skink gecko or Common skink gecko (lat. Teratoscincus scincus) is a species of lizard from the genus Skink geckos of the gecko family.

Medium sized geckos. A large, wide and high head with a blunt muzzle and very bulging eyes. They produce a characteristic squeak, as well as a crackling sound from rapid movements of the tail, which occurs when the nail-like plates on it rub.
Lives in sandy areas. Activity is strictly nocturnal. Skink geckos are territorial and aggressive, and male fights are common during mating season.
Wintering from late September - early November to northern March - early April.
Sexual maturity is reached 18-20 months after hatching from the eggs, with a body length of about 70 mm. They dig holes. Mating in late April - mid-May, egg laying in early June, 1-2 eggs per clutch.

They feed on insects and arachnids.

Broad-tailed felsuma

Broad-tailed felsuma (Flat-tailed felsuma, Madagascar flat-tailed gecko lat. Phelsuma laticauda) is a species of gecko from the genus Phelsuma. They live in the north of Madagascar and the Comoros Islands. Later the species was introduced to the Seychelles, Hawaii and some tropical islands. They are also popular as pets. The body length reaches 13 cm, about half of which is the tail. The female lays from 2 to 5 eggs per incubation period
Phelsumas are diurnal, feeding mainly on insects and flower nectar; their color changes depending on temperature and lighting.
There are two subspecies:
Phelsuma laticauda laticauda (Boettger, 1880)
Phelsuma laticauda angularis (Mertens, 1964)


Iguanas (lat. Iguanidae) are a family of relatively large lizards that have adapted to dry climate conditions.
Relatively recently, there has been a revision of this family, whose representatives were previously identified as the subfamily Iguaninae. By modern classification The family includes 8 genera and 25 species.

Iguanas are common in Northern, Central and South America, in the Antilles, Galapagos and Fiji Islands
family, length of the common iguana ( Iguana iguana) reaches 2 m. For comparison, the length of the desert iguana (Dipsosaurus dorsalis) usually does not exceed 14 inches. Distinctive feature families are pleurodont teeth, which are not observed in the iguana-like lizards of the Old World - agamidae (Agamidae) and chameleons (Chamaeleonidae). Iguanas have a number of synapomorphic characters, among which septa in the large intestine can be noted. Some iguanas lead a terrestrial lifestyle, such as desert iguanas (Dipsosaurus), ring-tailed iguanas (Cyclura), chuckwells (Sauromalus), black iguanas (Ctenosaura). Others live primarily in trees (true iguanas Iguana, brachylophus Brachylophus). Arboreal species rarely descend to the ground, most often to lay eggs.

Common iguana

Ordinary, or green iguana(lat. Iguana iguana) is a large herbivorous lizard of the iguana family, leading a diurnal arboreal lifestyle.
Lives in Central and South America. Initial natural habitat covers a significant area from Mexico south to southern Brazil and Paraguay, as well as the islands of the Caribbean. In addition, several populations whose ancestors were domestic pets emerged in some areas of the United States: in southern Florida (including the Florida Keys), in Hawaiian Islands and in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas.

The body length from the nose to the tip of the tail in adult individuals usually does not exceed 1.5 m, although individual individuals have been known in history to be more than 2 m long and weighing up to 8 kg.
Thanks to its bright colors, calm disposition and easy-going nature, common iguanas often bred and kept indoors as pets. However, their maintenance requires proper and careful care, among the requirements is a specially equipped terrarium with plenty of space, maintaining acceptable humidity, temperature and illumination.

Helmeted Basilisk

The genus Basilisk (Basiliscus) in the iguana family, which has more than 700 species, consists of 4-5 species. Terrariums usually contain common and helmeted basilisks. Helmet-bearing, perhaps even more often.
In nature, these large lizards live in tropical wet forests Panama and Costa Rica. They prefer to live on trees growing along the coasts of water bodies. They are excellent at swimming and diving.
Appearance helmeted basilisk very original: this large lizard emerald green in color, reaching 80 centimeters in length (three quarters of which is the tail).

On the head of the male there is a growth resembling a helmet or crown, like its mythical prototype, and along the back and tail there is a crest. Blue spots are scattered throughout the body, and under the throat there is a special blue-yellow throat pouch - males inflate it when sorting out relations with an opponent or in a fight for territory.
The basilisk feeds on various animals: cockroaches, crickets, fish, mice.
Daylight hours for a basilisk are 12-14 hours. The illumination may not be very high, but extra light will not hurt. Daytime background temperature is 26-33°C (under a heater - up to 35°C). Like many other reptiles, basilisks require local heating.

Round heads

Roundheads (lat. Phrynocephalus) are a genus of lizards from the Agamidae family.

Medium and small-sized lizards, body length with tail up to 25 cm. Wide, strongly flattened body. The occipital and dorsal crests are not developed; short head, rounded in front, no throat pouch, transverse skin fold on the throat; the tail is rounded, capable of curling over the back; the ear opening is hidden under the skin; preanal and femoral pores are absent.

Distributed in the arid zone of southeastern Europe, Central Asia, northwestern China, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, northern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. In the fauna of Northern Eurasia (that is, countries former USSR and Mongolia) - 14 species, in Russia - 4 species, in Kazakhstan - 6 species.
Diurnal lizards that live in deserts and semi-deserts. Capable of digging holes. Some species are capable of plunging into the sand in case of danger or at night using rapid lateral movements of the body. They feed on insects and other invertebrates.
Most species of roundheads are oviparous, with a clutch of 1 to 7 eggs. There are 4 viviparous species (P. forsithii, P. theobalcli, P. vlangalii, P. zetangensis), the range of which is limited to the Tibetan plateau.

Long-eared roundhead

The long-eared roundhead (lat. Phrynocephalus mystaceus) is a species of lizards from the genus Roundheads of the Agamidae family.

Lizard average size- body length reaches 11.2 cm, weight - 42.5 g. The head, body and tail are noticeably flattened. Front edge muzzle descends sheerly to upper lip, so the nostrils are not visible from above. The body is covered on top with ribbed, keeled scales. The top is sand-colored with a grayish tinge. Against this background, a complex, patterned pattern of small dark lines, spots and dots is visible. The underparts are milky white, with a black spot on the chest. Juveniles have creamy underparts, without spots. There may be a dark marbled pattern on the throat. The tail is somewhat flattened, with a black tip.

Inhabits areas with predominantly bare sand dunes. It digs burrows on the slopes of dunes, in the form of a straight passage with a slight expansion at the end. It protects the immediate surroundings not only from individuals of its own species, but also from other lizards. It often spends the night outside the burrow, burrowing into the sand when pursued with quick movements of its body and legs. In cases where it is impossible to hide from persecution, it takes a frightening pose - it tenses its body, spreads its legs, puffs up and at the same time opens its mouth wide, the mucous membrane of the mouth becomes filled with blood and turns red. If it doesn’t help, he jumps towards the enemy, sometimes using his teeth. Appears after hibernation from late February to April. IN winter shelters hiding in October. Active during the day.
It feeds mainly on various beetles and ants, as well as caterpillars, termites, wasps, bees, ticks, spiders, and small lizards. Sometimes it also feeds on flowers.
The first clutch of eggs is in late May - early June, the second - in late June - early July. Eggs are laid in burrows or simply buried in the sand. In one clutch there are 2-6 eggs 2.1-2.7 cm long. Young ones begin to appear from the end of July. Sexual maturity occurs at the end of the second year of life.


Skinks or Skinks (lat. Scincidae) is a family of lizards. The most extensive family of lizards, including about 130 genera and more than 1,500 species.

A characteristic feature of skinks is smooth, fish-like scales, which are underlain by bone plates - osteoderms. The scales on the dorsal side of the body, as a rule, differ little from the scales on the belly. Only a few species have scales that are tuberous, keeled, or equipped with spines. The head is covered with symmetrically arranged scutes. The underlying osteoderms fuse with the bones of the skull, closing both temporal fenestrae. The skull usually has well-developed temporal arches. The premaxillary bones are partially fused. There is one parietal bone, with a large opening for the parietal organ.
The teeth are pleurodont, fairly uniform, conical, laterally compressed, slightly curved. In herbivorous and molluscivorous forms, such as blue tongue skinks(Tiliqua), teeth widened and flattened, with a rounded apex.

The eyes have a round pupil and most often have separate movable eyelids. Some species have a transparent “window” in the lower eyelid, allowing the lizard to see even with closed eyes. Holo-eyes have fused eyelids, forming transparent lenses, like those of snakes. The family demonstrates the whole series of transition to legless forms: there are skinks with normally developed limbs and fingers, forms with shortened limbs and a normal number of fingers, forms with shortened limbs and a reduced number of fingers, and serpentine legless ones. Arboreal species, like geckos, may have special plates on the inside of their toes that help them climb leaves and smooth tree trunks. The tail is usually long, but can be short (short-tailed skink Tiliqua rugosa) and used for fat storage, or prehensile (grain-tailed skink Corucia zebrata). Many species have a brittle tail and can shed it when threatened. The discarded tail twitches for a while, confusing predators and allowing its to the former owner buy time to escape.
Most skinks are dimly colored, but there are also quite variegated species. Sizes small, medium and large. Various representatives families reach a length of 8 to 70 cm.
Skinks are cosmopolitan and distributed on all continents except Antarctica. They live mainly in tropical regions, but also settled quite far north and south of the equator. Skinks are most diverse and richly represented in Australia, on the islands Pacific Ocean, V South-East Asia and Africa. Skinks live in a wide variety of biotopes: both in deserts and in humid forests, in the tropics and in temperate latitudes.

Most skinks are terrestrial lizards, but among them there are quite a few species that lead a burrowing lifestyle, as well as semi-aquatic and woody species. Some desert skinks are able to “swim” in quick sand.
Skinks eat a wide variety of foods. Most are predators, eating insects and other invertebrates, as well as small vertebrates such as other lizards. Some species are omnivores (blue-tongued skinks, Leiolopisma), capable of eating carrion. A small number of species are predominantly herbivorous (short-tailed skink, prehensile-tailed skink)
There are oviparous, ovoviviparous and true viviparous species. U viviparous species blood vessel walls yolk sac The embryo approaches the vessels of the walls of the uterine section of the female's oviduct and the so-called vitelline placenta is formed. In this case, nutrition and gas exchange are carried out largely at the expense of the mother’s body. In casque-headed skinks (Tribolonotus), a partial or complete reduction of the left oviduct is observed, apparently caused by a decrease in the number of eggs laid or embryos developing in the oviducts. Some species of skinks are characterized by caring for offspring - the female protects the clutch and hatched cubs.


MABUJA, a genus of lizards of the skink family.

Length up to 22 cm. All have a slender body with well-developed five-fingered limbs and a moderate length tail. The color is brown with light longitudinal stripes and dark spots, in tropical species it has a metallic sheen.

They live in Africa, Madagascar, South, Southeast and Southwest Asia, South and Central America, and the Antilles.
They are among the mobile, fast-running lizards; they climb bushes, trees, and rocks very well. Many dig deep holes. Most species are ovoviviparous, and only a few lay eggs, the number of which reaches 20 or more in one clutch.