Komodo dragons: description and photos. Komodo dragon - the largest predator lizard Monitor lizard habitat

Australian giant monitor lizard- this is a reptile animal belonging to the “Scaly” order and joining the “Varanova” family.

This species of lizard is the largest that has ever lived in Australia, the 3rd or 4th largest individual in the world fauna.


The upper part of the monitor lizard is colored dark coffee, the sides and back have black spots.

The belly is colored light cream. To distinguish a young individual from an old one, just look at its belly; a young monitor lizard will have a clear, pronounced pattern, while an old one will fade over time.

The head is elongated, in the animal’s mouth there are sharp teeth that are capable of tearing the flesh of prey. The paws are short and have sharp, curved claws.

The body length of the animal, including the tail, is 2.6 meters, weight is about 25 kg. But this is rather an exception, since the body length of most adult individuals does not exceed two meters. Local zoologists sampled animals to calculate the average weight and length of the reptile.

14 adults + total weight 5.1 kg + length 1.67 cm;

21 individuals + weight 2.05 kg + length 1.3 cm;

Based on these experiments, we can conclude that the melon species of reptiles is inferior in size.



The animal leads an exclusively terrestrial lifestyle, living in cracks and holes in rocky terrain. Also, if he feels his life is threatened, he can quickly climb up a tree trunk and end up on a branch.

It is almost impossible for an ordinary inhabitant of the continent to find a monitor lizard in nature; the animal is in every possible way a supporter of man and his home. He has reasons for this. Previously, the Aborigines hunted them. Some other desert tribes used the flesh of monitor lizards for medicinal purposes.

If an animal sees a person, it tries to immediately escape from the field of view; if it nevertheless reveals itself, then, being resilient and physically prepared, it can run fast, reaching a speed of more than 35 km/h. But that's not all, he can run not only on four limbs, but also on two, the speed does not change from this. It may well overtake a person who is not involved in athletics.

If the giant monitor lizard is caught by surprise, it can provide decent resistance. He has a fairly powerful tail, which can break the bones of a large dog and knock down an adult man with one blow.

The attack is accompanied strong bites, and can also cause serious injuries with its powerful paws with sharply curved claws. The wounds inflicted can be fatal. Animals have the habit of often standing on their hind legs, resting on their tails and observing what is happening within the limits of visibility.

Hunting and food

Monitor lizards are cold-blooded predators, so they can limit themselves in the amount of food they absorb, which cannot be said about mammals that have similar anatomical similarities. The Australian monitor lizard can hunt from ambush and by pursuing prey; its most common diet is as follows:

  • Centipedes;
  • Insects;
  • Birds;
  • Snakes;
  • Rabbits;
  • Kuzu;
  • Rats;
  • Including similar relatives;

Unfortunately, the diet of these animals is little known to humanity, but it is known for certain that an adult often eats vertebrates. Also, monitor lizards living on Barrow Island eat eggs and young green turtles or can catch Australian gulls.


  1. There are cases where monitor lizards attack large prey such as; kangaroos, wombats and dingoes.
  2. In another case, the animal died trying to swallow an adult echidna.

There is a suspicion that the monitor lizard's body is immune to the bite of Australian snakes, but no one has conducted special experiments. The fact is that the giant monitor lizard hunts a snake called “mulga”, and this has been noticed more than once.

Australian giant monitor lizard on a tree.

Reptiles do not disdain carrion, including eating relatives that are hit by cars. They are a kind of orderlies, they play a very important role in food chain animal world of Australia.

Having identified the victim, the monitor lizard attacks it with lightning speed. Clutching it with strong jaws, it begins to shake the prey, breaking bones and turning flesh into jellied meat. After that he tries to swallow it whole. If it doesn't work out, thanks to its powerful neck, it tears the dead animal apart with sharp teeth and strong paws, and swallows pieces of flesh.

Varan and man

From the above-described habitats of humans and this reptile, it simply cannot harm a person. But history knows cases when a predatory animal attacked domestic dogs, cats and birds.


The mating season begins in January and lasts until the end of February. During the mating period, males fight fiercely against each other, inflicting deep, long-healing wounds on each other. The female Australian monitor lizard lays eggs measuring from 1.7 to 2.2 centimeters in length and weighing up to 70 - 85 grams, in a hole specially prepared for incubation.

Giant monitor lizard photo.

A clutch can contain from 30 to 40 eggs. After all the procedures, she digs a hole. The incubation period is very long, approximately 10 to 12 months.


Scientists conducted research on the presence of a lizard in the oral cavity toxic poison and were quite surprised. Before research, after a monitor lizard bite, it was generally accepted that the swelling and accompanying pain were the body’s reaction to an infection from the animal’s oral cavity. Based on the above material, it can be argued that the mildly toxic poison that the lizard is endowed with is to blame.


On average, the Australian large monitor lizard lives no more than 35 years. But there have been cases that in captivity he can live up to 50 years.

  1. Currently, monitor lizards are exterminated by poachers in some countries for their valuable skin and tasty meat.
  2. Some lizards are capable of killing their victims with a mildly toxic poison.
  3. More than thirty-five thousand species of lizards are known, which are depleted into twenty families.
  4. Most huge monitor lizard lived on earth in 1937, its length was more than 3.10 meters, and its weight was more than 167 kilograms.

Komodo dragon- this is the largest reptile animal of the living lizards belonging to the “Scaly” order and directly related to the “Varanova” family.

This species of lizard can reach more than three meters in length; can you imagine a reptile longer than an ordinary small car? To be honest, it’s a bit difficult for us :-).

The world first learned about them in 1912, and before that time, local residents neighboring the island of Komodo, where these huge lizards currently live, called them terrestrial.

Sharp claws on its powerful paws and an elastic 1.5 tail make the victim tremble at the mere sight of this ruthless and ferocious predator.


Unlike its fellow giant, the Komodo lizard is much larger, stronger and more cunning. Females of this species are slightly smaller than males. The length of an adult male can reach up to 3 meters, but these are rare specimens, usually the average size is no more than 2.6 meters.

The weight of an average male does not exceed 95 kg, the weight of a female is 78 kg. The largest male with a body length of up to three meters can weigh up to 147 kg, but we must take into account the fact that he could have had a good lunch before weighing, so the real weight will be when we subtract from total mass 17-20 kg.

The body color of the island giant is dark rusty with amber spots mixed with specks. Young animals are slightly lighter in color, have reddish-orange spots on their ridges, and they reluctantly merge into thin stripes on the neck and tail.

On the front and rear edges of its teeth, which are laterally compressed, have serrated and cutting edges. This shape of the teeth helps it tear out large pieces of meat from a dead carcass.

The long forked tongue plays the most important role in searching for food. He is able to recognize the scent of a potential victim at a distance of more than 9.5 kilometers.

Its four limbs are well developed, moreover, they are equipped with curved claws about 10 cm long, capable of inflicting mortal wounds even on such a formidable animal as.


This species of reptile lives only on the Indonesian islands. Let's be a little more specific and call all the islands by name:

  • Gili Mota;
  • Komodo;
  • Rindja;
  • Flores;
  • Padar;
  • Ovadi Sami;

Some islands are located close to northern Australia. Scientists have suggested that this species of lizards previously lived in Australia, then, for unknown reasons, migrated to the aforementioned neighboring islands about 900 years ago.


All the islands on which this reptile species lives have a mountainous and rocky structure, and there is also a minor tropical jungle with a cultural landscape.


The Komodo dragon leads a solitary lifestyle, prefers to sleep at night, having found dill, dry and warm place, and in the morning, when the warm rays heat his body to the required temperature, he goes out fishing.

An undisturbed animal moves slowly, raising its head slightly upward, and its tail is in an elevated state. If you try to catch it, it immediately becomes aggressive, delivering numerous blows with its powerful tail trying to knock down the enemy.

He is an excellent sprinter and can compete in short distances With . It can also easily catch up with a running person. The speed while chasing prey can reach up to 23 km/h. On maximum speed he cannot move for long, so he prefers to guard his prey in ambush and attack it at the most opportune moment for him.

Juveniles spend a lot of time in trees. It is difficult for adult lizards to climb a tree due to their enormous body mass, but if they need to catch prey, they can his tail, on which he operates while climbing, can help with this.

After a meal, young animals spend time in trees and tree hollows, while adults and old animals give their preference to rocky crevices or wet holes in the tropical forest.


The diet of this animal is quite varied, and it does not disdain carrion. The daily menu of an adult animal includes:

  • Deer;
  • Birds;

In addition to the above diet, young individuals can also eat small birds.


We have already briefly mentioned the fact that adults run fast, but only over short distances; young animals, due to their low weight, are much more resilient and faster.

For hunting, this species has developed special tactics that allow them to get a wonderful meal with minimal energy consumption. Having approached the prey as close as possible, it freezes and waits for the prey to approach it.

Then it lunges at the victim and knocks it to the ground with its powerful jaws. Having fixed the animal with your teeth and paws, shaking your head in different sides, he tears off large pieces of meat and immediately swallows them. It’s curious, but after the animal is satisfied, it licks the remaining part of the carcass with its bloody tongue. This is probably the behavior of the animal that is associated with the stories about the “fire-breathing dragon.”


The mating season of monitor lizards begins at the end of June. During this period, fierce fights occur between males, during which they can injure their opponents, even to the point of death. This is justified, because the better the male’s territory, the greater the likelihood that the female will go to him.

A fertilized female lays more than 30 eggs in the ground at the end of July, and then carefully buries them for more than 8 months. The sun will do the rest of the work, its rays heat earth's surface to the desired temperature. After eight months, small lizards no more than 27-30 cm long hatch. Once out, the tiny lizards become vulnerable because they can safely dine on them:

  • And even large individuals of a related species;

The young are quite timid; the slightest rustle makes them hide under stones and in trees. Having survived three summer period, its body length is more than one meter in length, and it no longer has to be so timid. By the age of five, the length of his body has doubled and he is ready to mate.

Red Book

This taxon is not currently threatened. Let's assume this is due to the fact that there are no people living on the islands. The approximate number of monitor lizards living on all the islands combined reaches more than 5,100 individuals.


On uninhabited islands, the monitor lizard lives from 24 to 37 years.

  1. The largest Komodo dragon lived at the St. Louis Zoo. its length was more than 3 meters and 15 cm, and its weight reached 167 kg.
  2. One adult lizard can eat a large deer alone, but after that it takes a whole week to digest it.
  3. The appearance of the egg of this lizard resembles that of a goose, but it is covered with a leathery surface.
  4. The length of the tail of this predator is exactly half of its total length.
  5. If several monitor lizards gather near the prey, then a complete hierarchy reigns among them.

Do you believe in the existence of dragons? If not, then be sure to read our article. It may shake your confidence. Indeed, in fact, on the distant island of Komodo lives so big lizard that the locals confidently call her a dragon. And not only locals. The name “Komodo dragon” is scientific and is also used by professionals.

You will learn about how the largest lizards in the world live from our material.

Historical background

These giants were first discovered in 1912 on Komodo Island. It’s easy to guess that this has something to do with the name of the large lizard.

Since then, these creatures have been the object scientific research. Scientists have found that the evolutionary history of this species is connected with Australia. From a historical ancestor Varanus separated about 40 million years ago and emigrated to this remote continent. For some time, giants lived in Australia and nearby islands. Later, for various reasons, monitor lizards were pushed to the islands of Indonesia, where they settled. Scientists suggest that this is due to changes in relief and seismic activity. Komodo Island itself, by the way, is also of volcanic origin. It is worth noting that the resettlement of bloodthirsty giants to the islands saved many representatives of the Australian fauna from complete extermination. The large lizard has conquered new territories and dominates there to this day.


How big can a Komodo dragon reach? It’s hard to imagine, but the Komodo dragon lizard is comparable in size to a young crocodile.

Scientists took measurements of a sample of 12 individuals and described them external features. The monitor lizards studied reached a length of 2.25-2.6 meters, and their weight was 25-59 kilograms. But these figures are average. Several much more outstanding cases have been recorded and described. The length of some lizards reaches 3 meters or even more, and the largest known specimen weighed more than one and a half centners.

The skin of the monitor lizard is dark green, rough, often covered with small yellowish spots and leathery spines. These animals have a powerful build, strong short legs with sharp claws. At first glance, powerful jaws with large teeth reveal this animal as a fierce predator. A long and mobile forked tongue completes the picture.

Features of the view

Despite its impressive dimensions and apparent clumsiness, the dragon lizard is an excellent swimmer, runner and climber. Komodo dragons are excellent tree climbers, can even swim to a neighboring island, and at short distances not a single potential victim can escape from them.

The Komodo dragon is not only an excellent tactician, but also a brilliant strategist. If this predator has its eye on a prey that is too large, it may use more than just brute force. Varan knows how to wait, he is able to trail behind a dying animal for weeks, anticipating the coming feast.

How do dragons live today?

The large lizard does not like the company of its relatives and avoids them. Monitor lizards lead a solitary lifestyle, and contact with their own kind only in mating season. These contacts are by no means limited to love pleasures. Males wage bloody battles among themselves, disputing the rights to females and territories.

These predators are diurnal, sleep at night, and hunt at dawn. Like other reptiles, Komodo dragons are cold-blooded and do not tolerate temperature changes well. And from the scorching sun rays forced to hide in the shadows.

Birth of the Dragon

Many interesting facts about lizards are associated with the continuation of the species. After a bloody fight, which often ends with the death of one of the fighters, the winner receives the right to start a family. These animals do not form permanent families; in a year the ritual will be repeated.

The winner's chosen one lays about two dozen eggs. She guards the clutch for about eight months in order to small predators or even the closest relatives did not steal the eggs. But from birth, dragon children are deprived of maternal affection. Having hatched, they find themselves face to face with the harsh island reality and at first survive only thanks to the ability to hide.

Differences between monitor lizards of different sexes and ages

Sexual demorphism in these creatures is not very pronounced. Large sizes are characteristic of dragons of both sexes, but males are somewhat larger and more massive than females.

The cub is born inconspicuous, which helps it hide from predators and hungry relatives. Growing up, the large lizard acquires a rich color. The young have bright spots on their bright green skin, which fades with age.


If you are interested in interesting facts about lizards, this issue requires the most careful study. On the islands there is no natural enemies, they can safely be called the top link of the food chain.

Monitor lizards hunt almost all of their neighbors. They even attack buffalos. Archaeologists who have established that the islands were inhabited several thousand years ago do not exclude the possibility that it was some species of large lizards, related to the modern Komodo dragon, that became the reason for their complete extermination.

Giant lizards do not disdain carrion. They happily feast on those thrown out by the sea. underwater inhabitants or the corpses of land animals. Cannibalism is also common.

Modern giants lead a solitary lifestyle, but when hunting they can spontaneously form bloodthirsty packs. And where their powerful muscles, teeth and claws are powerless, they use more sophisticated weapons that deserve special attention.


About the behavioral features of these amazing creatures has been known for a long time. Scientists have found that monitor lizards sometimes bite their prey and then wander after it without showing aggression. The unfortunate animal has no chance, it weakens and slowly dies. It was once believed that the cause of the rapid spread of the deadly infection was the pathogenic microflora that settled in the oral cavity of monitor lizards while eating carrion.

But recent research has proven that this creature has poisonous glands. The venom of a monitor lizard is not as strong as that of some snakes; it cannot kill instantly. The victim dies gradually.

By the way, one more record is worth mentioning here. The Komodo dragon is not only the largest lizard in the world, but also the largest venomous creature.

Danger to people

The status of a rare species and mention in the Red Book raises the question of who is more dangerous to whom. Komodo dragons are rare species, hunting them is prohibited.

But one cannot count on reciprocal pacifism. There are known cases of monitor lizards attacking humans. If you do not go to the hospital in time, where the patient will be given comprehensive treatment, the poison will be neutralized and an antibiotic will be administered, there is a high risk of death. Monitor lizards are especially dangerous for children. They often attack human corpses, as a result of which it is customary on the island to protect graves with concrete slabs.

In general, humans and the largest lizard in the world coexist quite peacefully. On the islands of Komodo, Rincha, Gili Motang and Flores, unique parks are organized, where many tourists come every year to admire unusual and amazing reptiles.

Komodo dragon- the biggest lizard in the world! It is also called the Indonesian monitor lizard, and some individuals are simply amazing in their size. Varan can reach a length of 3 meters and a weight of 80-85 kg. One such representative is listed in the Guinness Red Book, weighing 91.7 kg from Komodo Island. Where does this huge lizard live and what does it eat in nature? How long can he live? This is exactly what we will talk about today, starting with the life expectancy of a monitor lizard.

How long does a Komodo dragon live?

Komodo dragons As a rule, they lead a solitary lifestyle; they can unite in a small group during the breeding season or while hunting. Their activity occurs during the daytime, but they can also be awake at night. Huge to hunt lizard goes out during the day, and in hot weather stays in the shade. They spend the night in their shelter, and in the morning they go hunting again.

How many years can a Komodo dragon live?

The Komodo dragon can live in nature about 50 years old. It was also recorded that one of the representatives lived for 62 years! By the way, interesting fact The peculiarity is that the female lives 2 times less, i.e. female lifespan averages 25 years.

Where does the Komodo dragon live?

Komodo dragon can be found on the Indonesian islands: Gili Motang, Komodo, Flores, Rinch. The inhabitants of the island call it a land crocodile. The facts indicate that monitor lizard appeared more than 40 million years ago in Asia, then in Australia. And 15 million years ago it was discovered on the island of Timor, between Australia and Southwest Asia. Varan lives in well-sunny areas, for example, tropical forests, arid plains, savannas. During the hot period, is located near dry river beds, hunts in the water, and is excellent swimmer. Komodo dragon color dark brown with small yellow spots over the body. On skin small osteoderms (secondary cutaneous ossification). Monitor teeth pressed from the sides, they have sharp cutting edges, which allows them to open large prey. Likewise, on paws You can see long claws that help in hunting.


What does the Komodo dragon eat?

Juveniles feed snakes, birds, civets. They have no enemies as such in nature, except for humans, their relatives and saltwater crocodiles. Also, komodo dragon readily feeds on insects, fish, rats, sea ​​turtles, lizards, livestock, cats and dogs, baby crocodiles. More large individuals at 50 kg they hunt deer and wild boar. Scientists have proven that not so much sharp teeth and long claws help in hunting, as much as there is poison in the mouth lizards and bacteria that cause a rapid inflammatory process in the victim.

Interesting facts about the Komodo dragon

1. A long and forked tongue allows you to catch the scent of the victim

2.Varan bites the victim and waits for him to die from blood poisoning

3. At one time, vanan can eat 80% of its own weight

4. Mating monitor lizards occurs from May to August, the female can lay about 30 eggs

5.Monitor lizards have excellent vision, can see prey at a distance of 300 meters

6. After eating monitor lizard belly increases

7. Komodo dragon It feeds not only on living creatures, but also on the skin of the victim, its bones and even its hooves.

VIDEO: Komodo monitor


The Komodo dragon (giant Indonesian monitor, Komodo monitor) (lat. Varanus komodoensis) is the largest in the world. The predatory reptile belongs to the order Squamate, superfamily Varanidae, family of monitor lizards, genus of monitor lizards. The Komodo dragon, also called the “dragon of Komodo Island,” got its name from one of its habitats.

Seasoned and strong monitor lizards can easily cope with more impressive prey: wild boars, buffalos, and goats. Often, the teeth of adult Komodo dragons fall into the teeth of livestock, those who came to water bodies to drink, or those who accidentally met on the path of this dangerous lizard. The Komodo monitor lizard is also dangerous for humans; there are known cases of these predators attacking people. If there is not enough food, large monitor lizards can attack smaller relatives. When eating food, the Komodo dragon can swallow very large pieces due to the movable joint of the lower jaw bones and a capacious stomach, which tends to stretch.

Hunting Komodo dragon.

The hunting principle of the Komodo dragon is quite cruel. Sometimes a large predatory lizard attacks its prey from ambush, suddenly knocking down its “future dinner” with a powerful and sharp blow of its tail. Moreover, the force of the impact is so great that potential prey often suffers broken legs. 12 out of 17 deer die on the spot when fighting with a lizard. However, sometimes the victim manages to escape, although he may suffer severe injuries in the form of torn tendons or lacerations in the abdomen or neck area, which leads to inevitable death. The monitor lizard's venom and bacteria contained in the reptile's saliva weaken the victim. In large prey, such as buffalo, death can occur only 3 weeks after a fight with a monitor lizard. Some sources indicate that the giant Komodo dragon will chase its prey by scent and traces of blood until it is completely exhausted. Some animals manage to escape and heal their wounds, other animals fall into the clutches of predators, and others die from wounds inflicted by the monitor lizard. An excellent sense of smell allows the Komodo dragon to smell food and the smell of blood at a distance of up to 9.5 km. And when the victim does die, monitor lizards come running to the smell of carrion to eat the dead animal.

Venom of the Komodo dragon.

Previously, it was believed that the saliva of the Komodo dragon contained only a harmful “cocktail” of pathogenic bacteria, to which the predatory lizard has immunity. However, relatively recently, scientists have determined that the monitor lizard has a pair of poisonous glands located on the lower jaw and which produce special toxic proteins that cause decreased blood clotting, hypothermia, paralysis, low blood pressure and loss of consciousness in the bitten victim. The glands have a primitive structure: they do not have canals in the teeth, like, for example, in snakes, but open at the base of the teeth with ducts. Thus, the bite of the Komodo dragon is poisonous.