Habitat of the iguana. Green iguana (Iguana iguana)

Anolis bahorucoensis. This species is found in montane tropical forests Dominican Republic. Males are 16 cm long and slightly larger than females.

They are inhabitants of trees and shrubs; dense vegetation is necessary for their well-being. Animals are kept in humid tropical terrariums.

Animals mating all year round, and the females bury soft-shelled eggs in the ground near the plant. Daytime temperatures should remain between 25-28 °C and at night can drop to 20 °C.

Anolis equestris. This is one of the largest Anolis species. With a length of approximately 45 cm, these animals accordingly require a large terrarium.

Moreover, it must be at least 1 m3, and a height of one meter should be taken as the minimum. Animals need large tree trunks located both vertically and horizontally.

Vegetation should consist of strong and powerful plants. When mating, the female is held by the back of her head with her teeth. During the laying period, females lay one egg every two weeks, which is buried in the ground. It should be removed from the ground and placed in an incubator.

The egg should not be turned over as this will cause the death of the embryo. The young are devoured by the adults and are therefore raised separately.

Anolis trinitatis. The species is ubiquitous on the island of St. Vincent in the Caribbean. Although the species is not tied to any specific biotope, however, in depth tropical forests it is extremely rare. Rather, the animals prefer the very edge of the forest.

In addition, they are quite common in plantations, gardens and hotel parks. Keeping a male with several females corresponds to natural conditions. This species is kept in a well-planted terrarium. Animals do not harm even graceful plants.

Like many other Anolis, they love bananas. True, they mainly require animal food. They eat both crickets and larvae with equal pleasure. Males have a large yellow spot on the throat.

Anolis marmoratus. This is, without any doubt, the most beautiful of the Anolis species. Animals live on the island of Guadeloupe in the Caribbean Sea, namely on east coast from the city of Basse-Terre.

Very common in banana plantations. In parks, this Anolis species prefers large, free-standing trees.

Like most representatives of this group of lizards, he also needs a spacious, light and airy terrarium, with not very dense vegetation.

Animals can be kept in pairs or groups of one male and several females. Two males do not get along with each other. In the greenhouses of the Arnheim Zoo you can observe this species almost in natural conditions.

Basilicus plumifrons. The distribution region of this species extends from Panama to Guatemala. Animals live mainly near bodies of water with running water.

They are also able to swim across large bodies of water using their hind legs. The male is easily distinguished by the high crest on his head and the crest on his back. Due to their size (up to 90 cm), they need a lot of space. They love arm-thick branches, which should be placed vertically and horizontally in the terrarium.

Lizards need high relative humidity, which is achieved by frequent spraying or sprinkler installation. Females bury soft-shelled eggs in soft soil. At a temperature of 30 0C, the cubs take about 60 days to hatch.

Ctenosaura clarki. These lizards represent a group of black iguanas. But with a total length of approximately 32 cm, they are still classified as small species. Their habitat is temperate montane forests in western Mexico. Here they are found both on rocks and trees.

They need temperatures above 30 °C, which locally reaches 40 °C during the day. At night it can drop to room temperature. Animals need to create conditions for diapause once a year for a period of one and a half to two months at a temperature of 20 ° C.

In addition to a variety of fruits, they definitely prefer animal food. Iguanas eat crickets, house crickets, locusts, larvae, and newborn mice.

Crotaphytus collaris. There are several species of necklace iguanas found in the United States. They are predominantly inhabitants of deserts and semi-deserts.

Animals grow up to 35 cm, with females remaining somewhat smaller. Lizards in a terrarium need elevated temperatures, which locally can reach 42 °C. In winter, animals should be able to hibernate.

This requires a temperature of 8 °C. After the winter break, the animals begin to mate. Females bury three to five soft-shelled eggs in soft soil

Cophosaurus texana. This iguana lives in the arid sandy semi-deserts of the southern United States and northern Mexico. At night, the animals hide, half covering themselves with loose sand. During the day, they like to sit on a hill, overlooking the surroundings.

If they are properly heated at a temperature of 35-40 ° C, they become extremely nimble. For this reason, the terrarium must have large area. Females can produce several clutches during the year.

Soft-shelled eggs are buried in wet sand. At an incubation temperature of 30 °C, the young hatch in just 38 days. While the eggs are gestating, the female develops orange spots on her sides.

Opulus cyclurus. With a total length of 25 cm, this species of iguana is one of the smallest in Madagascar. It lives in the south and southeast of Madagascar, mainly in dry, sparse forests.

In addition, this species is found on the island of Grande Comore. Animals live in trees, and when the slightest danger arises, they hide on the back side of the trunk or in a hollow. In most cases, the animal hides before it is noticed. For breeding, animals need to create a winter diapause of approximately two to three months.

This is followed in most cases by mating. At an incubation temperature of 26-28 °C, the 5 cm pups hatch in about 70 days.

Green iguana remains one of the most popular terrarium animals. It reaches a length of up to 180 cm and requires a spacious and durable terrarium.

Since animals also love water very much, they should have a spacious pool at their disposal. In nature, iguanas live high in trees. Very often they are found near bodies of water. In a terrarium they need thick, strong branches, mostly in a horizontal position.

Green iguanas mate at any time of the year. After two to three months of gestation, the female hides the clutch in a cave dug with her own hands. Large females can lay up to 80 eggs.

Phrynosoma platyrhinos. This entire genus of lizards is somewhat capricious in its maintenance. The biggest problem is feeding, since these lizards feed mainly on ants.

Otherwise, they devour everything they can. At temperatures around 8°C, animals must hibernate for at least three months over the winter. Then the temperature slowly rises to 25-30 °C. Under a heater it can rise to 35 °C.

A few weeks after mating, the females become restless and dig several test holes. During laying, they are completely buried in wet sand. As soon as the eggs begin to show through the sand again, they are removed and placed in an incubator.

Stenocerus melanopzgus. In this species there is a strong difference between individuals of different sexes. Males grow up to 30 cm in total length, while females remain significantly smaller.

The animals are found in the highlands of the Peruvian Andes. During the day it is very warm there, but at night it is piercingly cold. Lizards can be kept in an open terrarium all summer. However, it is necessary to ensure that on very cold days the heater supplies the necessary heat.

Since lizards live in rocks, the equipment of the terrarium must meet these conditions. Females bury up to eight soft-shelled eggs in damp sand.

Tropidurus peruvianus. The distribution area of ​​these iguanas extends from Ecuador to Chile, and the coastal strip is mainly inhabited by lizards.

In Peru, this is a desert along the coast, but animals are also found on the plateaus in the Andes at an altitude of up to 1800 m. Some lizards even live on cliffs in the sea right in the surf. These iguanas barely reach a total length of 22 cm. Thus, the terrarium should be equipped as a dry rocky one.

Under the influence of a heater, the temperature can locally rise to 45 °C. At night it can drop to room temperature. Females lay four to six eggs in wet sand.

Source: "Terrarium animals"

Extraordinary and pretty large reptile The Green iguana species attracts a huge number of people, and therefore it is worth telling everyone who is interested in keeping it at home about the peculiarities of its maintenance. Due to the fact that the popularization of this species as a pet has reached very large proportions, the problems that are a consequence of improper maintenance of these animals in captivity are becoming more and more every day.

Meanwhile, it is worth noting that the green iguana is an exotic animal and in order to decide to keep this reptile in captivity, you need to arm yourself with a huge amount of knowledge. And this article does not pretend to be exhaustive instructions for keeping these unusual and beautiful animals, but is intended to encourage future or current owners of the green iguana to carefully study everything that may be associated with this lizard.


The species Iguana iguana or the common iguana is a fairly large representative. The average body size of an adult individual including the tail is 1.5 m, however, there are also individuals more than 2 m long. Moreover, the size of the individual depends not only on the age, but also on the sex of the individual. So males are larger than females. But it's not the only sign dimorphism.

Sexual characteristics of green iguanas begin to develop at about 12 months of age (provided good nutrition and keeping in comfortable conditions). However, sexual characteristics become more pronounced by the age of 3-4 years of life of green iguanas. First, the males' femoral pores begin to expand, and whitish plugs appear in each of them, which become especially noticeable during the mating season. There is a theory that during this period, males, with the help of protein mucus secreted from the pores, leave traces in order to mark the territory. In females, most of the femoral pores remain unchanged and only 3-5, which are located in close proximity to the anus, may be slightly open.

At about 14-16 months of age, males begin to develop a small, soft swelling in the area of ​​the future reproductive organ. The pronounced throat pouch that distinguishes adult males is not yet pronounced at this time, however, tiny cuts can already be seen in the lower edge of the folds. The most pronounced and massive back ridge also makes it possible to distinguish an adult male from a female, but only if both individuals have the same origin, because The back crest of females from some regions may be higher and more massive than the crest of males from other regions.

IN lately Exotic animals have become popular as pets. Instead of the usual fish, parrots and turtles, mothers and fathers buy their children giant spiders, snakes, lizards. The iguana animal is also on the list of favorite pets.

Those who have ever seen an iguana in a pet store probably know that it seems to be thinking about something all the time: it freezes in one position and only occasionally blinks its eyes. How does this animal behave in conditions wildlife? What does it eat and where does it live?

The common iguana, also called the green iguana, is a reptile belonging to the order Squamate, family Iguanaidae.

What does a green iguana look like?

Among all the representatives of his family common iguana the biggest. The length of its body can reach 1.5 meters, while an adult weighs on average 7 kilograms.

The body of the animal has a variety of colors, despite the name “green”. The common iguana can be bluish, lavender, pink, red, bluish and even black. The iguana is a cold-blooded animal. Therefore, it is very susceptible to temperature changes.

As for the sense organs of this reptile, we can note excellent hearing and acute vision in bright light. In addition to two eyes, the animal’s head is also equipped with a third one, located on the top of the head. Thanks to this eye (it looks like white scales), the iguana detects the approach of the enemy in time and hides. Iguana – excellent swimmer, a rather flexible tail helps her in this. The tail also serves as a defensive weapon - with it the animal deals heavy blows to the enemy.

It is impossible to say that iguanas are only green. Their color can be very varied

Where do common iguanas live?

The habitat of this animal is quite wide. The green iguana is found almost throughout the territory Latin America, in some countries South America(for example, in Brazil), and also inhabits some US states. In addition, this representative of the iguana family gets along well on the Caribbean islands.

Iguana lifestyle

The green iguana is an arboreal animal: most of its life activity takes place in the trees. For its residence it chooses tropical rainforests and woody thickets, but is also found in open sea ​​coasts.

Active during the daytime. When the weather becomes inclement, the iguana comes down to the ground and spends time there, this helps it better maintain the temperature balance of its body.

What does the tree iguana eat?

The common iguana is an exclusively herbivore. As food, she chooses shoots, flowers and fruits of plants growing in tropical zones.

Iguana breeding

Mating season for these reptiles it occurs in January–February. At this time, males become quite aggressive; iguanas can often fight in the fight for a female, although in ordinary life this animal is quite peaceful.

65 days after mating, the female digs deep hole and lays from 20 to 70 eggs in it. The eggs have a soft but very durable shell. After 3–4 months (if the temperature throughout the incubation period was 30–32 degrees), small iguana cubs are born. Outwardly, they are very similar to adult iguanas, differing only in size. The cubs are quite independent. But for the first year of their lives, all hatched “babies” try to stay close together in order to be able to protect themselves from enemy attacks. In the third or fourth year of their life, iguana cubs reach full maturity, including sexual maturity.

Scientists have noted that in the natural environment animals are able to live only up to 8 years, while in quality pet An iguana can live two and a half times longer.

Due to the fact that in urban conditions a person is surrounded by infrastructure and various communications, the opportunity to relax and connect with nature is not presented very often. In such a situation, pets come to the rescue: flowers, fish, animals. Recently, you can have not only a cat or a dog in your apartment, but also some exotic animals, for example, an iguana. This huge lizard is calm and unpretentious, and quickly gets used to its owner.


How to tame an animal like an iguana? At home, this reptile will be happy to frequently communicate with its owner. Contact with the pet involves feeding and bathing. To teach an animal to trust a person, you need to regularly hold him on your arms and shoulders. Keeping an iguana requires devoting a significant amount of time to it, so before getting such a pet, you should adequately weigh your options. Veterinarians warn: despite the fact that an iguana at home quickly gets used to a person, it can bite. Therefore, care should be taken when handling it and, if possible, wear leather gloves.

Optimal conditions for an iguana

These huge lizards live in tropical climate, mainly on the shores of Southern Argentina and Canada, as well as on several islands off the coast of South America. In this regard, the exotic pet must be provided with conditions similar to its natural environment habitat. The terrarium should be selected based on its ability to simulate wet conditions tropical forest. At the same time, it must be clean, ventilated and convenient to use. A young iguana at home will feel comfortable in an aquarium with a volume of 100 to 150 liters. It is recommended to install vertical terrarium, since these reptiles spend most of their time at high altitudes. As the animal grows, a reservoir is selected large sizes, and environmental conditions also change. If it is not possible to install a waterproof cap, a metal mesh cover will suffice. It is necessary to choose a stainless mesh, since humidity is constantly maintained in the terrarium. To allow air exchange there, several small holes are drilled in the walls. An iguana at home, as well as in nature, does not like drafts, so the holes should be located on one side or on top.

Ultraviolet lighting

Also special attention It is necessary to pay attention to heating the terrarium. For this purpose, special incandescent lamps are installed. A young animal (iguana) will feel great if there are two light sources, alternately used for day and night heating. To maintain the optimal temperature, you should install three thermometers, evenly placing them over the area of ​​the terrarium. When adjusting the power of incandescent lamps, you need to strive for the following thermometer readings: on the first - from 31 to 35 degrees Celsius, on the second - from 27 to 28 degrees, on the third - at least 25. For the purpose of night heating, colored lamps are used. They do not provoke the pet’s nighttime activity, which can subsequently affect its health. The lamps should be installed in such a way that the animal cannot get closer than fifteen centimeters to them, otherwise there is a high probability of getting burns.

Arrangement of a comfortable terrarium

Any living creature, whether it is a cat, a parrot, a hamster or an iguana, should feel most comfortable at home. Since our pet is a tropical dweller, he needs to be surrounded by greenery and plants. It would be optimal to plant small shrubs and flowers with hard, dense leaves in the terrarium. The soil for them (it should not be loose, not wet or dusty) must be covered with stones. Then the moisture will not stagnate, and bacteria will not be able to multiply, which will provide hygienic conditions for the animal. Of course, the terrarium must be kept clean, so disinfection is carried out regularly, always with low-toxic ionophores. Feeders and drinkers should be washed two to three times a week using laundry soap.

An iguana at home has limited movement. In nature, she loves to climb branches. Therefore, conditions should be created in the terrarium close to natural environment habitat, equipping it with wooden rods. In this case, it is recommended to give preference to branches that are larger than the pet itself. You can get them in the forest, then treat them with chlorine bleach and rinse thoroughly in running water. During the installation process, it is necessary to carefully grind and secure the wood, excluding the presence of cracks and holes, since if a tail or finger gets in there, there is a high probability of injury to the animal. An iguana at home, as well as in nature, needs its own shelter where it can hide. To satisfy this need, in addition to branches, a small house or hut is installed, as well as shelves for resting and ropes for climbing. Reptile experts recommend giving preference to oak products for terrariums. This material has not only high strength, but also antiseptic properties.

The most common type

The green iguana is most commonly found in pet stores. She feels comfortable in high humidity. They need to get water for drinking from several sources. different sources. Access to life-giving moisture is provided through drinking bowls. Some of it goes into the feed. Bathing plays an important role, during which the required amount of moisture enters through the skin. Need to take into account important point: The green iguana, like some other species, must notice the movement of liquid or the reflection of light in it in order to approach the drinking bowl. It must be remembered that for the pet’s comfort, the air humidity should be at the level of eighty percent. This indicator is measured by a hydrometer. At the same time, stagnation of water and a swamp in the terrarium are absolutely unacceptable: a favorable environment is created for bacteria, as a result of which fungus appears on the skin of the iguana.

Basic rules of care

Before getting this exotic animal, it is important to familiarize yourself with some aspects. First, keeping a reptile is radically different from caring for cats and dogs. Adult individuals sometimes reach two meters in length, so it is necessary to have a huge terrarium in which the iguana could move freely. The price of a pet varies from one and a half to twelve thousand rubles and more. The cost depends on the age of the reptile: the older and larger, the more expensive. Keeping a pet is not an easy task. Therefore, before you buy it for your child, you should think carefully and decide whether you agree to take on such responsibilities. You can’t really count on children, since they won’t be able to care for such an animal due to lack of strength and knowledge. Many people, when buying an iguana, are negligent about the issue of maintenance. This leads to various diseases of the animal, which sometimes occur unnoticed by the owner. Unfortunately, quite often they turn to the veterinarian in advanced cases when it is not possible to save the reptile.

Danger Lurking

Sometimes an iguana can be a carrier of such dangerous infection, like salmonellosis, while the pet itself may not get sick. In this regard, after contact with an animal, careful personal hygiene is mandatory. For the same reason, this reptile should be kept away from the kitchen and human food.


There is an opinion that domestic iguanas are predators by nature, so the basis of their diet should be insects, spiders and worms. Large specimens can even eat small vertebrates, for example, lizards. Only common iguanas, upon reaching adulthood, consume exclusively plant foods. Also, some believe that for better development, you should feed your pet animal food with a high protein content. The opposite is true: such a selective approach to feeding can cause disease. Veterinarians assure that digestive system reptiles are designed to eat plant foods. The main menu of such pets should consist of salads, herbs, vegetables and fruits. The main thing is that the greens are enriched with calcium. Clover, dandelion, spinach, and lettuce are perfect. Alfalfa is an excellent addition to the diet. You can diversify your pet's menu with fruits: figs, citrus fruits.

What to look for when purchasing

If a person nevertheless decides to buy such an unusual animal as an iguana, the price is not at all the main indicator of the reptile’s health. First of all, it is recommended to carefully examine appearance future pet. The eyes should be open, clear, without any discharge or dry crusts. Skin- bright. Dark color is a sign that the iguana cannot molt normally. The oral cavity should be pink color, without the presence of plaque, purulent discharge and swelling. The nail pads of a healthy reptile are clean, the nails are even, without breaks. The limbs are symmetrical, the skin is smooth and without growths. The base of the animal's tail must be thick; any protrusions of the skeleton and its parts are not allowed. It is not easy to catch a healthy iguana, so when the animal goes into your arms without any problems, this is a sure sign of illness.

As a rule, when buying pets, people are interested in the age and gender of the future pet. In the case of iguanas, determining the exact age is not so easy, since they do not breed in captivity. IN natural conditions babies are born in the spring. Therefore, if a seller accurately states the age of a reptile or offers a three-month-old animal at the end of winter, this is a reason to think about the reliability of the information.

After purchasing an iguana, it is important to give it time to adapt. The very fact of moving to a new home is stressful for an animal, so there is no need to rush into “visits”; it is better to give the pet a few days of rest.

Iguana(aka bull iguana, green) is a large lizard that lives mainly on trees and trunks and is awake during the daytime.

Cats, dogs, parrots have become such familiar animals that they won’t surprise anyone. Many people are thinking about purchasing an exotic pet - a snake, spider, lizard.

Iguanas have been in great demand for several decades now. s - large lizards native to South America. They attract attention with their original appearance, calm character and non-standard behavior. When purchasing such a pet, you should understand that keeping an exotic animal will require a lot of time and money. The slightest mistake in care can lead to the most tragic consequences.

Iguana family: description, types, photos

The iguana family belongs to the suborder of reptiles. These are some of the most large lizards on the planet. Currently, about 38 species are known, which are divided into 8 large groups. They differ in size, color and lifestyle.

  1. Marine They live only on the Galapagos Islands. They are able to spend a lot of time underwater.
  2. Desert- the most miniature. Maximum length body including tail - 40 cm.
  3. Real iguanas- the largest, growing up to 2 m in length. Divided into 2 types. Ordinary ones are purchased for maintaining a home. Meat and eggs are eaten, and crafts are made from the leather.
  4. Fijian tabbys are characterized by spotted colors.
  5. Konofols, as well as marine iguanas, live only in the Galapagos. They differ in color - brown body and yellow head. Listed in the Red Book.
  6. Chuckwells live in the USA and Mexico. Lizards are small in size (no more than 1 m) with a dull color.
  7. Ringtails live on the islands of the Caribbean. There are 8 varieties.
  8. Black- the largest group, with 15 species. In lizards, sexual dimorphism is clearly visible.

Common iguanas are purchased as pets. They eat plant foods, have bright colors, a phlegmatic and accommodating character.

Green iguana: appearance

Common iguanas are called green, but their colors can be any - red, black, purple. It all depends on the environment. Lizards are large in size - up to 1.7 m in length. Interestingly, almost a third is the tail. It grows up to 42 cm. Weight is variable - from 1.5 to 12 kg. The drier the climate, the less body weight.

The iguana has a memorable appearance:

  • long tail, which serves as a serious weapon and helps to swim;
  • longitudinal ridge from head to tip of tail;
  • rough folds on the body and a “bag” on the neck;
  • short paws with sharp claws;
  • body covered with dense scales.

Common iguanas do not have webbed toes, so they are not well suited for life in water.

Iguanas have a third eye on the crown of their head, covered with a translucent film. Scientists still cannot determine its purpose and consider it a rudiment inherited from distant ancestors. But according to some studies, this organ responds to changing light conditions during the day.

Animals are very sharp teeth, which they can bite painfully. If a lizard loses a tooth, a new one quickly grows in place of the old one. A sharp crest, claws and a long tail serve as protection from enemies.

Iguanas have a very unique metabolism. Excess potassium salts are excreted from the body not through genitourinary system, and when sneezing. Many lizards have another unique property- the ability to catch odors with the tongue and see ultraviolet rays.

Habitat and lifestyle

In nature, green iguanas prefer to live in humid, warm climates. Their habitat covers the tropical forests of the South and a small part North America, islands in the Caribbean.

They settle in places with dense vegetation, mango thickets or near water bodies(sea shores, rivers, streams). They are active only during daylight hours. During the day they bask in the sun, maintaining body temperature. At night they rest on the lower branches of trees. Life expectancy in natural conditions is approximately 8 years.


Green iguanas are vegetarians. Their body is not able to digest animal protein. Insects or their larvae can enter the lizard's body only by accident - along with the leaves and fruits of plants.

Some researchers claim that a hungry or captive iguana can eat a small animal. This is true. But constant consumption of food, rich in protein, does not lead to anything good.

In its natural environment, the lizard feeds on leaves, fruits and flowers of tropical plants:

  • Jamaican plum;
  • incense tree;
  • thecomoy;
  • Merremia.

In total, there are more than 100 plants that the iguana eats.


Green iguanas reach sexual maturity at 3-4 years of age. The mating season begins in January or February. At this time, males become very aggressive. In the struggle for territory and the female, they often engage in fights, inflicting damage on each other. terrible blows tails. Weak animals prefer not to enter into conflict, but immediately flee.

The female carries eggs for a little more than two months and lays them in a dry sandy area, leaving her usual habitats. This process sometimes takes several days. One clutch can contain from 20 to 70 eggs. Incubation period lasts from 3 to 4 months (depending on ambient temperature).

Immediately after birth, the cubs are very similar in appearance to adults. They are distinguished by independent behavior, but during the first months of life they prefer to stay in a small group. A newborn iguana weighs about 12 g and has a body length of 15 to 25 cm.

Natural enemies

The iguana has many enemies in its natural environment - birds of prey, some types of rodents, big snakes. Their prey in most cases is young, old or sick animals.

The adult individual, due to its coloring, often goes unnoticed in the dense green foliage of the tropical forest. It often flees from snakes or larger lizards. Only wounded animals show aggression. The rest prefer not to get into a fight.

Iguana and man

The relationship between iguanas and humans goes back hundreds of years. The ancient tribes of South America worshiped large lizards, they were deified and sometimes sacrificed. This cult gradually disappeared with the arrival of the conquistadors.

In Mexico and some other countries, meat is used for cooking. The most famous dishes:

  • roast guisado;
  • birria;
  • coconut stew.

Iguanas have been very popular pets lately. However, their sale is controlled to avoid extinction of the species.

To keep a reptile at home you need to purchase a terrarium. It should be spacious and well ventilated. As the lizard grows, its size should also increase.

Air temperature is of great importance. Iguanas are cold-blooded animals, so the climate greatly affects their health. The terrarium must be equipped with heaters. The optimal air temperature is from 26 to 35˚С.

It is necessary to purchase an ultraviolet lamp complete with the heater.. Basking under its rays, the pet will receive the necessary amount of vitamin D. This element promotes digestion and absorption of calcium. Insufficient lighting levels lead to the development of bone diseases and death of the animal.

In addition, the terrarium must be equipped with a small pool with warm water, thick tree branches. There it will be easier for the lizard to bask under the lamp. All accessories can be purchased at a pet store or from a breeder.

What to feed

In its natural environment, the common iguana feeds exclusively on plant matter. At home, it is recommended to feed her the same food. Your pet will benefit from:

  • green;
  • asparagus;
  • dandelions;
  • bean and bean pods;
  • vegetables and fruits.

Some claim that captive iguanas happily eat meat and insects. The lizard can eat these foods. But a diet rich in protein often causes kidney failure. and subsequent death of the animal.

Before buying a green iguana, you should think about whether you have enough time and patience to care for an expensive and exotic pet.