Types of viviparous aquarium gourami fish and care for them. Aquarium gourami fish - all the details of care and breeding

Gourami (Gourami or Trichogaster) are freshwater fish belonging to the osphronema or gouramic family. Labyrinth gourami fish are able to use air for breathing, which is passed through a special labyrinth organ.

Description of gourami

Gourami fish are also very well known under the names trichogastra and threadfish.. They belong to the large subfamily Luciocephalinae and the order Perciformes, and therefore have a very characteristic, attractive appearance.


All representatives belonging to the genus of tropical labyrinthine freshwater fish from the macropod family are distinguished by their not too large body size. Average length an adult individual can range from 5-12 cm, and the size of the largest representative of the family, the serpentine gourami, reaches a quarter of a meter in natural conditions.

Thanks to a special labyrinth or epibranchial organ, such fish are perfectly adapted to living in waters with fairly low oxygen levels. The labyrinthine organ is located in the epibranchial part, which is represented by an expanded cavity with the thinnest bone plates, covered with an abundant vascular network and mucous membrane. This organ appears in all fish older than two or three weeks.

This is interesting! There is an opinion that the presence of a labyrinth organ is necessary for fish to easily move from one body of water to another. A sufficient supply of water is collected inside the labyrinth, which promotes high-quality hydration of the gills and prevents them from drying out.

Distribution and habitats

Under natural conditions, gouramis live in Southeast Asia. Popular among aquarists, the pearl gourami inhabits the Malay Archipelago, Sumatra and the island of Borneo. Large quantity The moon gourami lives in Thailand and Cambodia, and the serpentine gourami is found in southern Vietnam, Cambodia and eastern Thailand.

The spotted gourami has the widest distribution range, and is found en masse from India to the territory of the Malay Archipelago. Blue gouramis also live in Sumatra.

This is interesting! Almost all species belong to the category of unpretentious, therefore they feel great both in flowing water and in small streams or big rivers, and white and spotted gouramis are also found in tidal zones and brackish estuarine waters.

Popular types of gourami

Today's most popular species kept in home aquariums include pearl, marbled, blue, gold, moon, kissing, honey and spotted, and grunting gourami. However, the popular genus Trichogaster is represented by the following main species:

  • pearl gourami(Trichogaster leeri) is a species characterized by a tall, elongated, laterally flattened body of silver-violet color with the presence of numerous pearlescent spots reminiscent of pearls. An uneven stripe of pronounced dark color runs along the body of the fish. Males are much larger than females, have a brighter body color, as well as an elongated dorsal and anal fin. The male has a bright red throat, and the female has an orange one, which makes sex determination much easier;
  • moon gourami(Trichogaster miсroleris) is a variety distinguished by a tall, slightly elongated and laterally compressed body, painted in a uniform, very attractive bluish-silver color. The length of aquarium specimens, as a rule, does not exceed 10-12 cm. This popular variety can be kept with almost any other peaceful aquarium inhabitants, but it is recommended to select neighbors with similar body sizes;
  • spotted gourami(Trichogaster trichoterus) is a variety characterized by an attractive silvery color with a faint lilac tint and covered with not too noticeable lilac-gray transverse stripes of irregular shape. The sides of the fish have a pair of dark spots, one of which is located at the tail base, and the second in the middle of the body. The tail and fins are almost transparent, with pale orange spots and a reddish-yellow border on the surface of the anal fin.

Also in aquarium conditions contains brown gourami (Trichogaster restoralis) - the largest representative belonging to the genus Trichogater. Despite its large size, brown gourami is very unpretentious and does not require special attention.

Image and life expectancy

Gourami were first brought to the territory of our country by the nineteenth-century Moscow aquarist A.S., very famous in certain circles. Meshchersky. All types of gouramis are diurnal and, as a rule, stay in the middle or upper layers of water. When creating optimal, comfortable conditions, average duration The lifespan of aquarium gourami does not exceed five to seven years.

Gourami is currently one of the most popular species aquarium fish, which are characterized by unpretentiousness in maintenance and ease of independent breeding. These are the kind of fish that are perfect for keeping at home not only for experienced, but also for beginning aquarists, including schoolchildren.

Requirements for an aquarium

It is advisable to keep gourami in not too deep, but voluminous aquariums, up to half a meter high, since the breathing apparatus requires the fish to periodically rise to the surface to receive another portion of air. Aquariums must be covered with a special lid to prevent your unpretentious pet from jumping out of the water.

Gourami prefers fairly dense aquarium vegetation, but the fish should be provided with a large amount of free space for active swimming. Gourami will not harm plants, so an aquarist can easily afford to decorate the fish’s home with any, even the most delicate, vegetation.

It is preferable to fill in a special, dark soil. Among other things, it is advisable to place several natural driftwood inside the aquarium, which release substances that make the water similar to the natural habitat of exotic fish.

Water requirements

The water in the aquarium must be clean, so the fish need to be provided with high-quality filtration and aeration, as well as regular, weekly replacement of a third of the total volume. It should be noted that regular aeration is generally not used if the aquarium contains only labyrinth fish. The temperature must be constantly maintained within 23-26°C.

This is interesting! As practice shows, a short-term and gradual increase in water temperature to 30°C or a decrease to 20°C aquarium gourami tolerated without any problems.

Labyrinth fish, when kept in captivity and in the natural environment, use atmospheric air for breathing, so it is advisable to close the lid of the aquarium tightly enough, which will allow the air to warm up to the most comfortable temperature levels.

Gourami are, as a rule, undemanding about the basic parameters of water and can quickly get used to both very soft and hard water. An exception to this rule are pearl gouramis, which feel best with water hardness within 10° and an acidity value of 6.1-6.8 pH.

Gourami fish care

Traditional care aquarium fish consists of systematically performing several simple, standard activities. Gourami, regardless of the species, require weekly water changes, even if the aquarium has a high-quality and reliable filtration system.

As practice shows, it is enough to replace a third of the total volume of water with a fresh portion once a week.. Also, during the weekly cleaning of the aquarium, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the walls from various algal fouling and the soil from contamination. For this purpose, a special siphon is most often used.

Nutrition and diet

Feeding gourami does not create problems. As evidenced by reviews from experienced domestic aquarists, such fish are not at all picky, so they most often feast on any food they can find. Along with other types of aquarium fish, gourami grow best and develop well in the presence of a varied, nutritious diet, consisting of dry and live food, represented by bloodworms, tubifex and daphnia.

In natural habitats, labyrinth fish actively eat various small insects and larvae malaria mosquito and a variety of aquatic vegetation.

This is interesting! Completely healthy and sexually mature individuals can very easily go without food for almost two weeks.

Feeding aquarium fish must be of high quality and correct, completely balanced and very varied. Characteristic feature Gourami have a small mouth, which must be taken into account when feeding. In addition to dry special food, gouramis need to be fed with frozen or live finely chopped food.

Gourami breeding

Males of all gourami species are monogamous, so for every mature individual there should be approximately two or three females. It is considered ideal to keep a flock of twelve or fifteen individuals, which from time to time are transplanted for breeding into a separate, pre-prepared aquarium.

In such a space, the female can calmly lay eggs, and the male is engaged in fertilization. Of course, all varieties of gourami are quite unpretentious, so they are able to reproduce even in a community aquarium, but this option is very risky, and the young can be eaten immediately after birth.

The bottom of the jigging aquarium should be densely planted with low aquatic vegetation and algae. In an artificial spawning ground, it is very desirable to place several shards of pottery utensils and various decorative elements, which will become the optimal shelter for both the female and the young that are born.

In the process of courtship, the male clasps the female with his body and turns her belly up. It is at this moment that the eggs are thrown and their subsequent fertilization occurs. The female lays up to two thousand eggs. The head of the family is a male gourami, sometimes he becomes very aggressive, but he looks after his offspring well. After the female lays eggs, she can be placed back in a permanent aquarium.

From the moment of spawning until the mass birth of fry, as a rule, no more than two days pass. The artificial spawning area should be as comfortable and convenient as possible for the reproduction of aquarium fish. Such a jigging aquarium should have good lighting, and the water temperature can vary within 24-25 o C. After the fry are born, it is necessary to spawn the male gourami. Ciliates are used to feed the fry, and planting the young in community aquarium carried out after the brood is a couple of months old.

Important! Small and rather weak fry, for the first three days they receive nutrition from the yolk bladder, after which for the next five to six days ciliates are used for feeding, and a little later - small zooplankton.

Compatibility with other fish

Aquarium gouramis are very peaceful and calm fish that can very easily make friends with any other harmless species of fish, including botia, lalius and thorn. However, you need to take into account the fact that too fast and overly active fish species, which include swordtails and shark balus, can cause injury to the gourami's whiskers and fins.

It is best to use acidic and soft-water varieties as neighbors for gourami. All in all home aquarium Young and adult gouramis are very often housed not only with peace-loving large fish, but also with small, timid fish, including cichlids.

This type of aquarium fish has a wide variety of subspecies. Beautiful and unpretentious, they have become one of the most popular inhabitants of aquariums. You will find a detailed description of gourami fish, as well as photos of these representatives of the labyrinth family, in our article today. You will also learn how to distinguish a male from a female, compatibility with other fish and a lot of useful information.



The homeland of gourami is Southeast Asia. These small fish live in both stagnant and flowing fresh water bodies near Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand and adjacent islands. These aquatic inhabitants came to Europe at the end of the 19th century. Their exotic origin and attractive appearance have made them popular among aquarists.

These tropical fish have taken root well at home, so species such as grumbling gourami, golden gourami, spotted gourami and their other relatives have become welcome residents in aquariums. In the following photographs you will see gourami in the aquarium and in natural environment habitat, and our article will allow you to get acquainted with the subspecies of fish and the characteristics of their maintenance.

This fish, depending on the species, can vary significantly in size. Representatives of this family grow from 3 to 12 cm, and the serpentine gourami reaches 20 cm in length. The gourami fish also has another name - the thread-carrier. Their pelvic fins look like strings; they perform a tactile function. With their filamentous fins, fish feel food and objects around them; this organ helps them navigate in space.

Aquarium gourami fish have another feature. Since in nature they live in warm water, devoid of sufficient oxygen, they therefore need atmospheric air. A special organ, the labyrinth, is responsible for breathing, which is why this subspecies of freshwater inhabitants is called labyrinthine.


Modern aquarium hobby includes many species of thread-carriers. Here are the most common ones:

  • golden gourami;
  • spotted gourami;
  • blue gourami;
  • chocolate gourami;
  • grumbling gourami.

And this is just a small part of all existing species gourami, photos of which you will find below in the gallery. In fact, the name of these fish is conditional and unites fish from 5 different genera. Most of them were obtained as a result of breeding work.

  1. Spotted gourami is a species of aquarium thread carrier that is closest to its tropical ancestors. These fish, up to 12 cm long, have a silvery-white color, weak dark spots on the body and white spots on the fins. This subspecies served as the basis for the breeding of threadtails of other colors.
  2. One of these varieties is the golden gourami, or solar gourami, as it is also called. This fish has a very beautiful golden-orange color.
  3. Honey threaders are another subspecies; they are small in size, up to 5 cm, have a yellow color, but during the spawning period the males acquire an orange and even red tint.
  4. Chocolate gourami, also small in size, colored brown with white or golden transverse stripes.
  5. The blue gourami is very similar to the spotted one, but has a brighter color, with a blue tint. The tiger gourami, as you might have guessed from the name, is orange in color with black stripes.
  6. A striking representative of the labyrinths is the kissing thread bearer. The secret of their kisses is simple - this is how the fish help each other brush their teeth, which are located outside of them.
  7. A very interesting subspecies is the grumbling gourami. The fish got this name for the sounds that the males make during the courtship period. Grunting gourami is considered one of the most common species.

Want to hear for yourself why grumbling gouramis deserve their name? You will hear the characteristic sounds of these fish in the video (by Reiseumdiewelt).

What attracts gourami breeding is its simplicity. Caring for and maintaining these fish is not difficult even for beginner aquarists. In order for the fish to feel comfortable, it is necessary to create conditions for them that are close to natural. How long gourami live depends on the conditions of detention. In a comfortable environment they live peacefully for 5-7 years.

The aquarium does not have to be large: a volume of 40 liters is quite enough. The water level should not exceed 30-35 cm, since our labyrinths need air above the surface of the water. Due to this feature, there is no need to aerate the water. Take care of the temperature: in order for threadworms to live and reproduce comfortably, the water should be warm, from 24 to 28 degrees.

It is necessary to have plants in the aquarium: it is better to plant them in groups, leaving room for free swimming. Floating algae is also needed. In them, the male and female will build a nest where they will have offspring. Make sure that the aquarium is lit for 12 hours a day. That's all the tricks for arranging a home for Asian labyrinth fish.


So, you’ve bought yourself some fishtails, set up an aquarium, and a logical question arises: what to feed the gourami? These babies are content with any type of food, the only thing you need to take into account is that the food should be small, because the mouth of these fish is very small. Interestingly, threadworms calmly survive the lack of food for 1-2 weeks. So your pets will take your business trips or vacations calmly.

Moreover, it is recommended to arrange so-called fasting days for these fish. Once a week, or maybe more often, you don’t have to put food into the aquarium at all. As we have already said, these small fish can easily tolerate longer periods of hunger, so it is better not to feed them too much than to overfeed them.

However, even with such unpretentiousness, you should not lose sight of the power system. If you decide to give your fish only dry food, remember: it is convenient, but not entirely healthy for the fish. Because of such nutrition, the inhabitants of the aquarium lose their bright colors and become duller. So live food should appear regularly in their diet.

Who do they get along with?

One of the issues that is important to consider when buying fish is their compatibility with other inhabitants of the aquarium. This aquarium fish has a peaceful character, so it does not create problems when added. For example, dwarf gourami get along well with the same small fish. But there are also aquatic inhabitants who are hostile to our labyrinth fish. Among them are cichlids, goldfish, guppies, and parrots.

And here is a list of those fish that have ideal compatibility with thread carriers:

  • angelfish;
  • swordtails;
  • mollies;
  • catfish family;
  • barbs.

Males of some species of threadworts are often cocky, especially during courtship. However, they show aggression towards their own relatives due to competition. Compatibility between males of the same species is influenced by the ratio of males to females. To avoid conflicts, there should be 2-3 females per male.


Most often, labyrinthine animals encounter diseases such as chylodonellosis, hexamitosis, and lymphocystosis. The latter disease is considered the least dangerous, since the fish can get rid of it themselves and subsequently acquire immunity. Thread carriers are susceptible to another disease - dropsy. It occurs in those fish that experience lack of air and oxygen starvation. Most diseases can be prevented by carefully monitoring the condition of the aquarium and its nutrition.


When the time comes to reproduce, the male threadworm begins to build a nest. He makes it from foam, hiding between floating plants. The female lays eggs there, about 2000 eggs. After this, the parents need to be separated, that is, the female needs to be placed in another aquarium. After a couple of days, when the emerging fry begin to swim, the male needs to be removed.


To ensure that gourami spawning occurs without incident, it is better to breed fry not in a common aquarium, but in a separate one. After 2-3 weeks, gourami fry become completely independent and can be placed with relatives. Until this time, they need to be fed with ciliates and nematodes.

Determining the sex of the fish

For proper maintenance, it is important to know how a female gourami should differ from a male gourami. The difference between them can be determined in several ways. The most obvious sign is the brightness of the color. The female always has a less pronounced color. In addition, females are smaller in size, and dorsal theirs is shorter.

The difference between a female and a male can be understood if the fish are placed against the light: at this moment their body becomes translucent and the internal organs become visible. In females, behind the bladder, the ovaries are visible in the form of a yellow sac, while in males such an organ is absent.

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Photo gallery

Video “Threaders during the spawning period”

You will learn how labyrinth fish reproduce in the following video (by Andrey Simokhin).

Gourami is the collective name of fish belonging to the families Macropodidae (scientific Osphronemidae), Creepers or Anabass (scientific Anabantidae) and Helestomidae (scientific Helostomatidae). The word “gourami” itself is of Javanese origin and loosely translated means “fish that sticks its nose out of the water.” Widely distributed in Southeast Asia and the Hindustan Peninsula. They inhabit small, well-warmed bodies of water, rich in aquatic vegetation, but very poor in oxygen.


All types are similar to each other. They have large, laterally compressed dorsal and anal fins that stretch from head to tail. The pelvic fins are modified and resemble thin threads. They are dotted with sensitive receptors with the help of which the fish explores the surrounding space. In nature, they help navigate among dense thickets of plants.

A characteristic feature of this group of fish is the presence of a Labyrinth organ - this is something like lungs, which is a system of bone plates covered with a mucous membrane and penetrated by tiny capillaries. It helps to survive in conditions of low oxygen content; for this, the fish periodically floats to the surface and swallows atmospheric air. If access to the surface is blocked, the Gourami may die.

History of gourami

Problems arose from the very beginning with the delivery of this type of fish to European aquarium hobbyists. Caught in Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia, they were placed in wooden barrels filled to the brim with water. But gourami fish survived in these conditions until the barrels with them were placed in the holds of ships. Fishermen tried to deliver live goods to consumers again and again, but the result was the same - the complete loss of their catch. Not understanding why this was happening, people classified gourami as a problem and stopped trying to spread it for a couple of decades.

And at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, one of the Europeans noticed that under natural conditions these fish from time to time float to the surface of the water to swallow an air bubble. The Indonesian guide advised him to fill the transparent vessels only two-thirds full with water and not seal them. Thanks to such measures, during the transportation of this batch, which included spotted gourami, not one of them died. This happened in 1896.

Gourami also reproduced without problems, so they quickly spread among European aquarists. The first fish of this species were brought to Russia in 1912.

Natural habitats of gourami

Under natural conditions, these fish live in Southeast Asia and on nearby islands. Moreover, different types - in different territories. An example is some thread-bearing gouramis (genus Trichogaster):

  • Pearl gourami prefers Sumatra, Borneo and the Malay Archipelago.
  • Lunar - Cambodia and Thailand.
  • Serpentine - southern Vietnam, eastern Thailand and Cambodia.
  • The spotted gourami is distributed much wider, from the Malay Archipelago to India.
  • Blue - Sumatra.

At the same time, thread-bearing gouramis and representatives of other genera of the gourami family live in both flowing and standing water bodies, both large and small, and species such as brown and spotted gouramis feel good in tidal zones and brackish estuaries.

After purchasing the fish, it may seem that their scales have become faded. This is not a disease, but stress - when they get used to their new home, their body color will return. It is better to quarantine a new pet for two weeks, this procedure It is important to investigate the health status before introducing into a general tank.

This aquarium fish can grow up to 15 cm in size, so the tank for it should be at least medium in size. For a couple of fish you can use an aquarium with a volume of 100 liters or more. The top should be covered with a lid, but not with glass. Pisces prefer warm water. It is important that the temperatures of the atmospheric air and water are the same. From time to time, your pets will take in air from the surface of the water, so there should be a gap between the lid and the surface of the water.

The permissible temperature of the aquatic environment should be 22-26 degrees Celsius; a significant decrease in temperature is harmful to health. Water hardness up to 16 dGH, acidity 6.0-7.0 pH. Every week you need to replace 25% of the water with fresh water. Aeration is necessary because it prevents the oxidation of organic matter.

Aquarium gouramis love a lot of vegetation where they can hide. The natural biotope will be reminiscent of floating plants and Java moss. It is necessary to install the decorations so that the fish have somewhere to swim. The upper and middle layers of water are their permanent space. Dark soil is suitable as a substrate, preferably bright lighting - 10 cm distance from the LB lamp to the surface of the aquarium. You can place wooden driftwood in the tank, which releases humic substances, which are also beneficial for the health of pets. At favorable conditions With proper maintenance and regular care, the fish will live 5-10 years.

It should be placed in a common tank with peaceful and small fish that can swim in the lower layers of water. Predators, even small ones, can pluck their fins or physically destroy them. Suitable aquarium neighbors:

  • Angelfish;
  • Barbs (partially);
  • Danio;
  • Mollies;
  • Boots;
  • Corridors;
  • Rainbows;
  • Rasbory;
  • Labeo;
  • Swordtails;
  • Tetras.

Wild gouramis are omnivorous fish; in freshwater bodies they eat zooplankton, insects, and sometimes plants and algae. They have a small mouth, so food must be crushed. Aquarium fish species can eat live and frozen, artificial food, and plant foods. It is recommended to give bloodworms, tubifex, daphnia, ciliates, crushed snails, finely chopped earthworms. Sometimes you can add lettuce leaves or food containing spirulina. It is better to give food 1-2 times a day in very small portions; it is important not to overfeed, otherwise the fish will become constipated.

Arrangement of the aquarium

Aquarium. Regarding the choice of container size, you can find conflicting recommendations in sources. Some authors recommend taking a vessel with a volume of 100 liters or more and believe that the larger it is, the better. Others claim that 40 liters will be enough for 2-3 fish. I stick to the golden mean and consider a 70-liter aquarium to be the most optimal (for a flock of one male and three females). To protect from cold air and drafts from above, the aquarium must have a lid, but not glass! It does not allow air to pass through, which is vital for gourami.

Water. These labyrinths are undemanding to water. There is an opinion that any water will suit them, the main thing is not to pour it straight from the tap, but to let it sit for a while. But still optimal conditions a temperature of 24-27 degrees is considered (can withstand short-term temperature changes without harm to health), pH 6.0-7.0 and hardness no more than 16. It is advisable to change a third of the water weekly.

Filtration and aeration are desirable, but not required. Aeration should not create a strong current.

Lighting bright is better. In the first half of the day you can use natural. But if it is not enough, then it can be replaced with artificial one. 24/7 is not required.

Priming It is better to choose dark. River pebbles and stones work well.

WITH algae Don't overdo it, there should be room for swimming. Three types of seaweed can be used:

  • those that float on the surface, such as duckweed or riccia;
  • those that grow on the bottom, such as Java moss;
  • those that require rooting in the ground, for example, cabomba, cryptocoryne.

Decor. You can decorate the aquarium with driftwood. They are not only beautiful, but will also provide humic substances to the water, creating an environment close to natural and maintaining the health of the fish.

What to feed gourami?

These macropods are omnivorous. Dry, live, vegetable and frozen varieties of food are taken without problems. There are even cases when they feasted on cottage cheese, processed cheese, scalded semolina porridge, crushed canned green peas and scraped meat. But they especially love bloodworms, tubifex or daphnia, rich in amino acids and protein.

Basic rules when feeding:

  • Gourami have a small mouth, so food pieces should be small;
  • it is necessary to diversify the diet;
  • do not overfeed;
  • It is worth remembering that these fish can endure a hunger strike of 1-2 weeks without harm to their health.


Calm, peace-loving fish, but this primarily applies to females. Males are not very friendly to each other. During the breeding season or in conditions of lack of space (overcrowding of the aquarium), aggression is possible, and also towards other species. Therefore, the most acceptable option is to keep them in a spacious aquarium in the ratio of one male to several females.
It is worth noting that some species, such as Macropods, are extremely warlike and are usually kept alone.


Breeding gourami is a simple process; you just need to know when they are ready to breed and where to place them during the spawning period. Of course the best way to acquire fry - install a separate spawning tank. Raising the temperature in it to 28-29 degrees, bringing the hardness to 10 o, the acidity of the water to pH 6.5-7.0. For several weeks before spawning, you need to feed a couple of fish with live food containing protein. A few weeks after preparation, the female will become round and eggs will develop in her. Next, the producers are released into the aquarium with clean water, but not a strong current. The tank should have floating plants and shelters. In labyrinths, it is usually the male who builds the nest, and he also takes care of the eggs. Some species are distinguished by peculiar premarital behavior, but often the breeding rules are general. The male builds a nest from bubbles and plants, holding the “structure” together with saliva.

During spawning, fish may make sounds reminiscent of the purring or croaking of frogs. This is a consequence of the work of the labyrinthine organ located under the gills. The male invites the female to his nest and begins to dance with her, helping her to free herself from the eggs. Then he fertilizes it and transfers it to the nest, returning the fallen eggs to their place. Some representatives of gourami produce 200-300 eggs, the female serpentine - up to 1000 eggs or more. The incubation period is from 24 to 72 hours depending on the water temperature.

After spawning, the female can be removed immediately, and the male can be left until the fry hatch. First, they eat the contents of the yolk sac, and later they will begin to swim on their own in search of small food. Starter food – ciliates, liquid food for fry. Later you can give brine shrimp larvae, but make sure they are small. Children also need access to atmospheric oxygen For proper development labyrinthine organ. Fish become sexually mature at the age of 6-12 months.

What do gourami suffer from?

This rarely happens. They can become infected from already sick fish or suffer due to poor nutrition. Patients need to be isolated. The most common diseases are:

  1. Lymphocytosis. Open wounds, nodules and swelling appear on the body, and a flour coating forms.
  2. Pseudomonosis. It appears as darkened spots, gradually turning into ulcers.
  3. Aeromonosis. The reason is overpopulation of the aquarium. Signs: refusal to eat, sinking to the bottom, ruffled scales, swollen and bleeding abdomen.









Dwarf gourami

Gourami are one of the most beautiful and unpretentious fish in aquariums for both amateurs and professionals. Gourami is native to Southeast Asia - Indochina, Indonesia, and the Malacca Archipelago. They got their name - Trichogaster - for their thread-like pelvic fins. They are not some unnecessary processes, but are organs of touch in muddy water. Gourami breathe atmospheric air, therefore it is impossible to completely block air access to the surface of the aquarium.

Description of typical gourami and by gender

Gourami are small fish, only 5-10 cm long. The largest type of gourami - serpentine - reaches a length of up to 25 cm. But in an aquarium, all fish grow no more than 10 cm in length. Males have brighter colors, which is also a sign good health. The body of the fish is elongated. Pectoral fins have a thread-like shape. They serve as organs of touch. When a mustache breaks off, it grows back. Since gouramis breathe atmospheric air, they have an epibranchial organ - a labyrinth. The labyrinth organ appears in gourami 2-3 weeks after birth, and therefore needs oxygenated water.

Nutrition of gourami, what and how to feed gourami

In nature they feed on insects, larvae, and invertebrates. In the aquarium they feed with daphnia, both dry and live, bloodworms, and tubifex. You will learn more about the nutrition of gourami fry from the paragraph below.

Gourami breeding

Gourami reach sexual maturity at 8-12 months. After 14 months it is not possible to get a litter. This is such an insignificant and important period in the life of these fish.
Next, we will talk about the process of gourami reproduction, how to hatch fry from eggs, what to do for this, how to continue feeding and caring for them.
Firstly, I would like to say that everything that will be written below refers to the ideal option, when what is said, events develop according to plan, as planned. There can be deviations in almost everything. The male has not made a nest, the female is hiding from the male, etc. etc. In this case, you will only need patience and various variations with the fish that ended up in the spawning aquarium. And so, let's start everything in order.
As we already mentioned, you need a spawning tank and two mature gouramis, a male and a female. The aquarium should be quite large, at least 20 liters for each fish. The hardness of the water should correspond to that in which the fish grew and lived. The aquarium must have plants, preferably with a root system and floating. Next, we transplant mature fish. If the normal temperature for keeping fish is 24-26 degrees, then for spawning it should be higher, up to 28 degrees. That is, we slowly, about 2 degrees per day, raise the temperature to spawning temperature. Next, the male must begin building a nest. In fact, this is a kind of “cloud” on the surface of water made of small bubbles.

The bubbles do not burst and do not fall apart because... their shell is made up of the saliva of the male gourami. However, the nest is quite delicate and can easily be damaged, ruining the entire spawning process. That is why it is necessary to adjust the compressor to minimum aeration, and maybe even look for some alternatives to completely protect the air from escaping to the surface from the spawning site. Spawning without a nest will significantly reduce the survival rate of fry.
Then, after building the nest, the male will try to force the female to him. At the same time, it will try to squeeze the eggs out of it. The eggs will come out of the female, at which time fertilization will occur.

Some of the eggs will float, some may fall to the bottom. The male will try to collect all of them and place them in the nest.

There will be up to 200 eggs. There may be several approaches to the nest (5-6), but after a considerable time - 10-12 days. Therefore, it is worth placing the female back, but leaving the male in the spawning aquarium for now. It is he who will monitor the nest and the eggs in it.
The eggs develop quite quickly. So within 24 hours the first fry may appear. Of course, they will still be helpless and unable to independently move in the right direction. At this time, keep an eye on the male, as his parental instinct may fade, but the excitement of profit may open up. Now it is better to remove the male from the spawning aquarium as well. Gradually the nest will dissolve (2-3 days), and the fry will begin to try to swim on their own. On day 3-4 the fry will most likely be free swimming,

but on days 5-7 they will begin to swim purposefully.

As soon as the fry swim and their yolk sacs are empty, you need to start feeding
Here it is worth significantly reducing the water level in the aquarium to 15-20 cm, to saturate the water with oxygen, and also seat the fry as much as possible so that they get as much clean oxygen-enriched water as possible. Do not turn off the compressor and lights. There should also be plants in which ciliates and other plankton, which are natural food for the fry, will be bred. Fry can also be fed with crushed tubifex, dry food, grated yolk and cottage cheese. Do not overdo it with fertilizing, so as not to affect the purity of the water. From the 10th day, the fry will have a labyrinthine organ responsible for respiratory system in fish. The fish will begin to take in air from the surface.
Keep an eye on the fry. Remove dead fry from the aquarium, set aside the weak ones so that they are not “pecked” by the strong ones. Since spawning occurs in stages, as we said over several approaches, make sure that the large fry do not eat the small ones. After about a month, the fry can be released into the main aquarium.

An aquarium for gourami can be low with a water level of up to 50 cm. Good water filtration and regular replacement of a third of the aquarium’s water volume are necessary. The water temperature should be between 23-26 degrees Celsius. Hardness up to 16 units, pH 6-7 units. Good lighting is required. A large amount of algae does not frighten gouramis, just like driftwood. Aeration of water is not required, since gourami breathe atmospheric air. However, the aquarium should be covered with a net or glass, since gouramis are good jumpers.

Varieties of aquarium gourami fish

Pearl gourami.

The color of the fish is silver with a pearl tint. During spawning it begins to predominate purple. The body is laterally compressed, oval in shape. The dorsal and anal fins are large.

Moon gourami.

Body color is silver with a blue tint. The filamentous fins are orange-red. In natural conditions, the fish reach a size of 18 cm, in an aquarium no more than 12 cm.

Serpentine gourami.

This is the largest species of gourami. It grows up to 25 cm, in aquariums up to 15 cm. The body is elongated, the back part is slightly curved upward. The body color is mainly brownish-green, with a dark horizontal line on the sides.

Spotted gourami.

The color of the gourami is silver with a purple tint, with purple stripes across the body. The fins and tail are transparent with pale orange spots. In nature it can grow up to 20 cm, in aquariums up to 12 cm.

Marbled gourami

Compatibility of gourami with other aquarium fish

Gourami are well compatible with angelfish, barbs, danios, loaches and mollies, pelicia, catfish, iris, rasboras, labeos, swordtails, and tetras.
Limited compatibility with discus and eels, guppies and shrimp.
Incompatible with bettas, cichlids, goldfish, Koi carp, and astronotus.

Description of gourami




Gourami - aquarium fish

For beginners in aquarium affairs, guppies, cardinals, swordtails or catfish are considered the most suitable. All these fish, of course, are cute and unpretentious, but they do not cause much delight. If you want a larger fish and a more original color, pay attention to gourami. Despite their size and unusual appearance, these fish are easy to care for, they will eat almost anything and have a very pleasant, friendly character.

Gourami in nature

A little history

What do gourami look like?

Species diversity

Who should you choose as your neighbor?

What to look for when purchasing?

How long do gouramis live?

Naturally, at home, gourami live longer than in the wild - the environment is conducive. The lifespan of gourami is 5-7 years; with very good care and favorable conditions, they can live up to 10 years. Lifespan marbled gourami, more capricious in breeding, can reach 8 years - this is a strong fish, rarely gets sick and, unlike its brothers, can withstand low temperatures. The behavior of gourami during illness or before death is expressed in the fact that the fish folds its fins and floats sluggishly along the bottom of the aquarium.

In order for your fish to live long, you need to follow several rules:

  • the presence of a small aquarium with a water level of no more than 35 cm;
  • clean water, which must be changed little by little;
  • compliance temperature regime– not all types can withstand temperature fluctuations;
  • bright but not hot lighting;
  • feeding regime – you should not overfeed the fish, you need to feed them a variety of foods, but little by little, 2-3 times a day;
  • dark soil, driftwood, presence of plants in the aquarium;
  • neighbors with similar character and close in size.
Reproduction and nutrition of gourami

The male is responsible for reproduction in gourami. He builds a nest from foam and plants, cares for the female and squeezes eggs out of her, fertilizes her, makes sure that the eggs get into the nest and remain in it until the fry emerge from them. The female is capable of laying several thousand eggs. Gourami eggs look the same as those of other aquarium fish - the fry look like a string with eyes and a tail.

Gourami and others

Gourami are carnivorous fish, that is, they can be called predators. In nature, they feed on invertebrates and mosquito larvae. At home, they have adapted more to vegetarian food, but they are happy to feast on daphnia, bloodworms, and tubifex worms. Gourami can eat a neighbor who wants to seize their territory or, when angry, a rival, and can destroy their own fry, but this is typical for many fish. Gourami – calm fish, only males can be pugnacious.

Predators at a stretch, gouramis get along well with other fish, including angelfish and barbs. Gouramis will not make friends with goldfish and viviparous fish, but not because of their character, but because of the difference in the desired water temperature.

Arrangement of the aquarium

What to feed gourami?

Gourami breeding

What do gouramis get sick with?


Domain: Eukaryotes;

Kingdom: Animals;

Type: Chordata;

Class: Ray-finned fish;

Squad: Perciformes;

Family: Macropods;

Genus: Trichogaster;

International scientific name: Trichogaster Blochet Schneider, 1801;

Other names: Gourami, Trichogaster, Colisa, Sphaerichthys, Spherichthys, Coliza, Helostomy, Trichogaster, Threadbearer.

Gurashi are one of the popular inhabitants of our aquariums, gurashi admire their plasticity despite their size, it is especially interesting to look at them when they rise up, from the bottom of the aquarium and down, from the top of the luminous lamp, and the race of the male after the female is also a spectacle to behold it is possible indefinitely.

Gurashi have labyrinthine breathing, that is, they can breathe atmospheric air using the gill labyrinth, so they do not need oxygen supply. The body reaches a length of 10 to 12 cm and looks quite impressive; these fish are not picky about feeding; their diet includes almost all foods, alive, dry and vegetative, they eat both from the top of the aquarium and from the bottom, the catfish are in shock.

Two weeks without food, this is not a problem for them at all, they endure the hunger strike with a bang. In my opinion, to fully enjoy the joy of life, they need an aquarium of at least 100 liters, after all, the individual is quite large, as for compatibility, then gurashi in general peaceful fish but during spawning they become aggressive, driving other inhabitants of the aquarium into a corner, but it does not come to the point of killing them.

Well, here's the most interesting thing Gurashi breeding, in general, an aquarium from 30 to 40 liters is recommended for these purposes, well, I have them breeding well in a spawning tank of 12 liters.. In general, they often say one thing, but you see another, I even tried it in a bucket, but the female refused for a cut, apparently she needs there was a male chasing her.

Distinguish a female from a male gourami You can use the upper fin; in the male it is larger and longer. The male and female do not differ in size; closer to spawning, females have a more rounded abdomen, and so does the process of reproduction. We set up an aquarium, place the male in it, then feed the female a little at a time with frozen bloodworms, in a day the male will build a nest of small bubbles, the temperature in the aquarium is 28 degrees, then in a day spawning will occur and you can see the eggs, the female should be removed, the male should not In any case, it should be planted as soon as the first fry appear; all this time it will carefully monitor the eggs.

Compatibility with other aquarium fish

Types of gourami

Marbled gourami

Marbled gourami is an aquarium fish obtained by crossing spotted and blue gourami. Its color resembles polished marble. The fish is large, calm and peaceful. Her majestic slow movements calm and pacify the observer, no matter how stormy his day has been.

  • The view is unpretentious. It does not require constant aeration of the water, which makes it suitable for keeping in an aquarium located in the bedroom, since there is no noise from the compressor. Its peaceful disposition makes it possible to keep it with many other species. And the endurance and unpretentiousness of marbled pets make it possible to recommend it to novice hobbyists. A couple of gurash fish can be kept in a 15-20 liter container about 40 centimeters long. But it is better to keep it in an oblong aquarium with a capacity of 50 liters or more. In such a container you can keep 6 – 7 fish. The aquarium must be covered with a lid or at least glass. The distance from the surface of the water to the glass is approximately 5 - 8 centimeters. This is necessary because fish breathe atmospheric air. And if the air in the room has a temperature much lower than the water, then by taking in this cold air, they can catch a cold.

    As soil you can use small pebbles, granite chips, coarse river sand and even quarry seeding. It is advisable that the soil be of a dark shade, on which the color of the fish will greatly benefit. At the bottom, it is advisable to arrange small shelters from large stones or shards of pottery flower pots.

    Plants should form fairly dense thickets along the rear and side windows. You can use cryptocorynes, pinnately, hornwort, elodea, and vallisneria. Plants such as riccia, duckweed, and pistia should float on the surface.

    When breeding gurashi, you need to keep in mind that interspecific crossing occurs relatively easily. However, the coloration of hybrids is usually worse than that of pure lines. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid crossing, for example, marble gourache with pearl gourache.

  • About a week before the expected spawning, the males are separated from the females and the spawners are generously fed with live food. They usually spawn in pairs, but since not every male is able to fertilize eggs, group spawning is sometimes practiced. But in this case, the aquarium must be of sufficient size so that the males do not fight among themselves for territory.
  • Gourami propagation: what should you pay attention to?

    Male gourami are monogamous, so for each of them there should be about 2-3 females in the aquarium. A flock of 12-15 individuals is considered ideal, which from time to time need to be transplanted into a separate aquarium. This is done so that the female can calmly lay eggs, and the male can fertilize them. Of course, gourami are quite unpretentious and can breed in a community aquarium, but there are often cases when females refuse to spawn and eventually die.

    Therefore, it is best to transplant the pair into a separate aquarium, long and shallow. It is important that its bottom is densely planted with low algae. However, they should not grow chaotically, but in “beds”, between which it will be most convenient for females to spawn. Pottery shards and various decorative elements should also be placed in an artificial spawning area. They can become an excellent refuge for a female, who, during the period of laying eggs, can be attacked by a male, who often shows aggression.

    In gourami, the male is rightfully considered the head of the family, so after that. Once the eggs are spawned, the female must be returned to the general aquarium. The male remains to look after the future offspring and does this with special care. No more than 48 hours pass from the moment of spawning to the appearance of the fry, and during this period the male needs to be provided with the most comfortable conditions. The aquarium should be well lit, the water should be at +24-25 degrees.

    These requirements must be met, since a picky gourami dad can easily destroy the fertilized eggs if he feels that the conditions created are not particularly favorable for the babies. After the fry appear, the male gourami should also be returned to the general aquarium, as he may become aggressive towards the offspring.

    The fry are fed with ciliates, which can be purchased at any specialized store. After about 2 months, the fry will have grown enough to join the “adult” gourami family.

    History of gourami


    How to care for gourami?

    Gourami are small freshwater fish of the Macropod family, suborder Labyrinth fish. Natural environment Habitats: Southeast Asia and adjacent islands. The pearl gourami species is found in the Malay Archipelago, Sumatra and Borneo. Sometimes it is caught on the island of Java, in Bangkok, but they appeared here due to the carelessness of aquarium hobbyists. The moon gourami lives in the waters of Cambodia and Thailand, the serpentine gourami lives in southern Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia.

    The spotted gourami is found in freshwater rivers of India and the Malay Archipelago, and the blue gourami lives in Sumatra. Some species of these fish were mistakenly introduced into freshwater bodies of other continents - North and South America. Fish love still waters, with slow flow, so they look for small rivers and small streams to live in. Brown gourami has mastered estuaries with brackish water. Nowadays, keeping these species is possible in a home aquarium.

    General characteristics

    The maximum body size of gourami in the natural environment is 60 cm in length, but in captivity the body length reaches no more than 15 cm. The character of the fish is unpretentious, friendly, special features for each species. For example, kissing gouramis may assume a kissing position and remain in it for some time.

    Keeping and caring for the fish will not create any trouble even for a novice aquarist. It’s a pleasure to watch these pets – each has a unique color and behavior. They are mobile and easily reproduce in home spawning grounds. To create good living conditions in an artificial reservoir, you need to make the maximum amount of effort. Then they will reward the owner with a beautiful appearance and a long life span of 5 to 10 years or more.

    Feeding rules

    High-quality maintenance and care is impossible without proper feeding. All macropods are unpretentious in food, but the diet should be varied. In an aquarium, they can be fed with live food, artificial food, or frozen food. Sometimes it is allowed to feed with cottage cheese and oatmeal. The main food is daphnia, bloodworms, tubifex, mosquito larvae, earthworms, shrimp meat. They have a very small mouth, so food must be crushed. Feeding – 1-2 times a day, in small portions.

    When the fish are about to spawn, they are transferred to protein-rich food. However, you should not overfeed, it will harm your health. They tolerate hunger more easily than overeating; they can live without food for 2 to 10 days, which in some cases makes caring for them easier. You can go on a diet occasionally, but don’t overdo it. Like all pets, they love treats in the form of special food that can be found in a pet store.

    Look at the biotope aquarium with gourami.

    Compatibility with other fish

    Although labyrinth fish differ in their exemplary behavior in a general aquarium, they can perceive small fish as food. Shrimp and other crustaceans are also incompatible with them. Sometimes they come into conflict with each other, if the aquarium is not spacious, there are few shelters in it. You should not place gourami with predatory and large representatives underwater world, since they pose a threat to life.

    The best neighbors: angelfish, rasboras, catfish corydoras, minors, zebrafish, botsiya, mollies, platies, iris, plecostomus, labeo, tetras.

    Keeping with active and aggressive fish is not allowed: some types of barbs, cockerels, large African and South American cichlids, goldfish, astronotus, koi carps. Macropods have the following feature: the ventral fins are long and thread-like. With their help, they feel the space, touching both plants and fish. At first the neighbors may not like it, but later they will get used to it.

    How many fish can you put in a 40 liter aquarium?

    In preparation of this material Internet assembly was used, well, my own experience in relation to the fish with which I was dealing. It is worth noting that the list below is idealized, that is, compiled without taking into account the area and size of the aquarium (on which many things depend), in addition, the list is compiled without taking into account compatibility and without taking into account the aquarium layer of fish habitat, which also affect the number of fish in the aquarium .

    Simply put, you cannot plant it in a 150 liter aquarium with a length of 50 cm. 60 pink daneos, as well as 60 speckled catfish in an area of ​​0.5 sq.m.

    To find out how many fish you can put in an aquarium, you will only need to calculate their percentage for a specific volume of the aquarium.

    For example,

    10 guppies = 100%

    6 swordtails = 100%

    5 guppies + 3 moths=100%


    How many fish can you put in a 40 liter aquarium?

    As much as possible Guppy in a 40 liter aquarium - 16 pcs.

    As much as possible Swordbearers

    As much as possible Mollienesium sphenops

    As much as possible Pecilius in a 40 liter aquarium - 4 pcs.

    As much as possible Shark Baloo

    As much as possible Barbusov sharks

    As much as possible Barbusov scarlet (Odessa)

    As much as possible Barbusov Arulius in a 40 liter aquarium - 1 pc.

    As much as possible Barbus cherry in a 40 liter aquarium - 4 pcs.

    As much as possible Eight-bar barbs

    As much as possible Long-striped barbs in a 40 liter aquarium - 4 pcs.

    As much as possible Barbus green

    As much as possible Barbus of the Crusades

    As much as possible Barbus linear in a 40 liter aquarium -0 pcs.

    As much as possible Fire barbs in a 40 liter aquarium - 2 pcs.

    As much as possible Barbusov oligolepis in a 40 liter aquarium – 2 pcs.

    As much as possible Barbus Sumatran in a 40 liter aquarium - 4 pcs.

    As much as possible Danio leopardidae

    As much as possible Zebrafish pink in a 40 liter aquarium - 8 pcs.

    As much as possible Danio rerio in a 40 liter aquarium - 8 pcs.

    As much as possible Cardinals in a 40 liter aquarium - 8 pcs.

    As much as possible Labeo bicolor

    As much as possible Labeo green in a 40 liter aquarium - 1 pc.

    As much as possible All varieties of goldfish in a 40 liter aquarium -0 pcs.

    As much as possible Wakin in a 40 liter aquarium - 0 pcs.

    As much as possible Water spyhole

    As much as possible Veiltails in a 40 liter aquarium - 0 pcs.

    As much as possible Zhemchuzhin in a 40 liter aquarium - 0 pcs.

    As much as possible Zvezdochetov in a 40 liter aquarium - 0 pcs.

    As much as possible Calico (Shubunkin) in a 40 liter aquarium - 0 pcs.

    As much as possible Comet in a 40 liter aquarium - 0 pcs.

    As much as possible Orand in a 40 liter aquarium - 0 pcs.

    As much as possible Ranchu in a 40 liter aquarium - 0 pcs.

    As much as possible Riukin in a 40 liter aquarium - 0 pcs.

    As much as possible Telescope ov in a 40 liter aquarium - 0 pcs.

    As much as possible Karpov koi in a 40 liter aquarium - 0 pcs.

    As much as possible White gourami in a 40 liter aquarium - 3 pcs.

    As much as possible blue gourami in a 40 liter aquarium - 3 pcs.

    As much as possible pearl gourami in a 40 liter aquarium – 3 pcs.

    As much as possible Golden gourami in a 40 liter aquarium - 3 pcs.

    As much as possible Lunar gourami in a 40 liter aquarium - 1 pc.

    As much as possible Honey gourami in a 40 liter aquarium - 4 pcs.

    As much as possible Marbled gourami in a 40 liter aquarium – 4 pcs.

    As much as possible Gourami commercial in a 40 liter aquarium - 0 pcs.

    As much as possible Kissing gourami in a 40 liter aquarium - 0 pcs.

    As much as possible Chocolate gourami in a 40 liter aquarium - 8 pcs.

    As much as possible Ctenopus leopardidae in a 40 liter aquarium - 1 pc.

    As much as possible Green labiasis in a 40 liter aquarium - 1 pc.

    As much as possible Lyaliusov in a 40 liter aquarium - 8 pcs.

    As much as possible Macropods in a 40 liter aquarium - 4 pcs.

    As much as possible Petushkov Betta in a 40 liter aquarium - 13 pcs.

    As much as possible Tetradon biocellatus ov in a 40 liter aquarium - 0 pcs.

    As much as possible Tetradon dwarf in a 40 liter aquarium - 4 pcs.

    As much as possible Tetradon red-eyed in a 40 liter aquarium - 1 pc.

    As much as possible Parrot (hybrid) in a 40 liter aquarium - 0 pcs.

    As much as possible Akar turquoise in a 40 liter aquarium - 0 pcs.

    As much as possible Apistogramma cockatoo in a 40 liter aquarium - 0 pcs.

    As much as possible Apistogramum Ramirez (Chromis butterfly) in a 40 liter aquarium - 4 pcs.

    As much as possible Astronotuses in a 40 liter aquarium – 0 pcs.

    As much as possible Discus red in a 40 liter aquarium -0 pcs.

    As much as possible Discus green in a 40 liter aquarium -0 pcs.

    As much as possible Discus blue in a 40 liter aquarium -0 pcs.

    As much as possible Discus brown in a 40 liter aquarium -0 pcs.

    As much as possible Angelfish in a 40 liter aquarium -0 pcs.

    As much as possible Diamond cichlasmosis in a 40 liter aquarium -0 pcs.

    As much as possible Eight-lined cichlamosis (bee) in a 40 liter aquarium - 0 pcs.

    As much as possible Cichlamosis severum in a 40 liter aquarium -0 pcs.

    As much as possible Cichlamosis Sedzhik (rosyfin) in a 40 liter aquarium -0 pcs.

    As much as possible Black-striped cichlamosis in a 40 liter aquarium - 0 pcs.

    As much as possible Blue dolphins in a 40 liter aquarium - 0 pcs.

    As much as possible Melanochromis aureus in a 40 liter aquarium - 1 pc.

    As much as possible Princesses of Burundi in a 40 liter aquarium - 1 pc.

    As much as possible Pseudotropheus zebra in a 40 liter aquarium - 1 pc.

    As much as possible Pseudotropheus lombardo in a 40 liter aquarium - 1 pc.

    As much as possible Chromis the Handsome in a 40 liter aquarium - 1 pc.

    As much as possible Julidochromis regan in a 40 liter aquarium - 1 pc.

    As much as possible Neon blue

    As much as possible Neon red in a 40 liter aquarium - 16 pcs.

    As much as possible Neons ordinary in a 40 liter aquarium - 16 pcs.

    As much as possible Neons black in a 40 liter aquarium - 16 pcs.

    As much as possible Ornatusov in a 40 liter aquarium - 16 pcs.

    As much as possible Common piranha in a 40 liter aquarium -0 pcs.

    As much as possible Rhodostomus in a 40 liter aquarium 20 pcs.

    As much as possible Ternetius in a 40 liter aquarium - 4 pcs.

    As much as possible Tetra of Bloody Minors in a 40 liter aquarium - 8 pcs.

    As much as possible Copper tetra in a 40 liter aquarium - 8 pcs.

    As much as possible Tetra von Rio (Fire Tetra)

    As much as possible Lanternfish, Chemigrammus ocelifera in a 40 liter aquarium - 8 pcs.

    As much as possible Acantophthalmus Külya in a 40 liter aquarium - 2 pcs.

    As much as possible Acantophthalmus myers in a 40 liter aquarium - 2 pcs.

    As much as possible Ancistrus vulgaris in a 40 liter aquarium - 2 pcs.

    As much as possible Botsii modesta in a 40 liter aquarium -0 pcs.

    As much as possible Corydoratus speckled catfish in a 40 liter aquarium - 4 pcs.

    As much as possible Mystus striped in a 40 liter aquarium -0 pcs.

    As much as possible Platydoras striped in a 40 liter aquarium -0 pcs.

    As much as possible Sacbranch catfish in a 40 liter aquarium -0 pcs.

    As much as possible Tarakatumov in a 40 liter aquarium -0 pcs.

    As much as possible Badisov in a 40 liter aquarium - 0 pcs.

    As much as possible Aravan South American in a 40 liter aquarium -0 pcs.

    As much as possible Black knives in a 40 liter aquarium -0 pcs.

    Gourami breeding

    Reproduction of aquarium gourami fish

    If male gouramis begin to build a foam nest, they are ready to breed. Usually this happens at the age of one year. The male can and should be helped. Firstly, the water level in the aquarium during this period should not exceed 15 cm. Secondly, it needs building materials - therefore it is advisable to put small floating plants in the spawning tank. They will also help the female to hide from the annoying advances of the male after spawning.

    Gourami can also breed in a community aquarium. But if this does not happen, then reproduction must begin with the “moving” of the male from the main aquarium to the spawning area. In a spawning tank with a volume of 15-20 liters there must be standing water so that the built nest does not collapse, the water temperature is heated to 28-29°C.

    The male spends all his time around the nest, the diameter of which reaches 7 cm. This is the future place for offspring. When the male has already acquired such a place, the female is transplanted to him.

    A pregnant gourami looks like other pregnant fish - it has a rounded abdomen. And the male sees this. If the female is ready for spawning, then he immediately begins to court her in every possible way, changes color and becomes especially beautiful. If the female is not ready, she can drive her until she loses her tail and fins, or even to death. Before spawning, spawners are heavily fed.

    Gourami mating process

    Raising gourami fry

    After spawning, it is better to immediately remove the female, otherwise the angry father, protecting his nest and offspring, may take out his aggression on her. The male gourami actually raises the fry. The eggs stay well in the foam nest, but if they suddenly go to the bottom, the male immediately reacts and returns them back. After a day or two, the fry hatch. The incubation time depends on the water temperature, which must be constantly monitored: if the male senses something is wrong, he can stop caring for the fry and destroy them. Also during this period he is not given any food. The father is left in the aquarium until until the offspring learns to calmly float around the aquarium. The hungry dad “moves” back to the common aquarium, the nest begins to collapse without him, but the little gouramis no longer need it. Gourami fry should be fed ciliates and zooplankton.

    Reproduction of pearl gourami, one of the beautiful views, is a little more difficult. During the spawning period, it is recommended to be very sensitive to what is happening in the spawning area and under no circumstances disturb the fish.

    Reproduction of other varieties - marbled, blue, honey, etc. gourami follows the same scenario.