The name of the place where the Yenisei begins 5 letters. The magnificent and mighty Yenisei: tributaries, description

Section: Attractions / Date: March 23, 2017 at 8:33 am / Views: 1569

Yenisei (Tuv. Ulug-Khem) is a river in Siberia, one of the greatest rivers in the world and Russia. Flows into the Kara Sea of ​​the North Arctic Ocean. Length - 3487 km. River slope - 0.15 m/km/
The name comes from the Evenki “Ionessi” - big water. Siberians often call the river the epithet “Yenisei-father”.
The length of the river from the confluence of the Big Yenisei and the Small Yenisei is 3487 km (with the Small Yenisei - 4287 km, from the sources of the Big Yenisei - 4092 km). The length of the waterway: Ider - Selenga - Lake Baikal - Angara - Yenisei is 5550 km. In terms of basin area (2,580 thousand km²), the Yenisei ranks 2nd among the rivers of Russia and Eurasia (after the Ob) and 7th among the rivers of the world. The Yenisei basin is characterized by sharp asymmetry: its right-bank part is 5.6 times larger than the left bank.
The Yenisei is a natural border between Western and Eastern Siberia. The left bank of the Yenisei ends the great West Siberian Plain, and the right bank represents the kingdom of mountain taiga. From the Sayan Mountains to the Arctic Ocean, the Yenisei passes through all the climatic zones of Siberia. Camels live in its upper reaches, and polar bears live in its lower reaches.
Actually, the Yenisei begins from the city of Kyzyl, where the Big Yenisei and the Small Yenisei merge. The height of the source is 619.5 m above sea level. For the first 188 km, the Yenisei flows under the name Upper Yenisei (Ulug-Khem), within the northern side of the Tuva Basin, in the west the river breaks into branches, the channel is replete with rifts, the width ranges from 100 to 650 m; depths on the reaches are 4-12 m, on the rifts no more than 1 m. From Shagonar, the Sayano-Shushenskoye reservoir begins, formed by the dam of the Sayano-Shushenskoye hydroelectric station. Having accepted the Khemchik River on the left, the Yenisei turns north and for 290 km breaks through the Western Sayan Mountains and the Minusinsk Basin. Below the dam of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, the small Mainskoye reservoir begins, ending at the Mainskaya hydroelectric power station. After the confluence of the left tributary - the Abakan River - the Krasnoyarsk reservoir begins (length 360 km), formed by the dam of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station, located near the city of Divnogorsk, at the intersection of the Yenisei spurs of the Eastern Sayan. The width of the valley here is 5 km, the channel is more than 500 m. Between Krasnoyarsk and the mouth of the Angara, the Yenisei valley expands again, the river loses its mountainous character, but there are still underwater ridges in the channel - a continuation of the spurs of the Yenisei Ridge. Below the confluence of the Angara, the character of the valley and bed of the Yenisei changes dramatically. The right bank remains mountainous, the left bank becomes low and floodplain. The width of the Yenisei valley at the mouth of the Lower Tunguska is about 40 km, at Dudinka and Ust-Port up to 150 km, the riverbed is 2.5-5 km; the minimum depths of the entire lower Yenisei range from 5 to 8.5 m. Below Dudinka, the prevailing depths are 20-25 m, the channel is divided into branches, the islands reach a length of 20 km. From the mouth of the Kureyka River, where tidal fluctuations in level are already felt, the mouth section of the Yenisei begins. The site of Cape Sopochnaya Karga is taken as the mouth section. Below the village of Ust-Port the Yenisei delta itself begins. The Brekhov Islands divide the Yenisei channel into many channels, of which four main branches stand out: Okhotsk Yenisei, Stone Yenisei, Big Yenisei And Maly Yenisei; the total width of the channel here is 50 km. Below the Yenisei flows in one channel, in the “throat”, forming the Yenisei Bay Kara Sea.
The Yenisei belongs to the type of rivers of mixed feeding with a predominance of snow. The share of the latter is slightly less than 50%, rain - 36-38%, underground in the upper reaches up to 16%, and decreases towards the lower reaches. Freezing of the Yenisei begins in the lower reaches (beginning of October). The Yenisei is characterized by intensive formation of inland ice and autumn ice drift. Freeze-up occurs in the lower reaches from the end of October, in mid-November in the middle reaches and near Krasnoyarsk, and in late November - December in the mountainous part. In some areas, thick ice deposits appear in the riverbed. Most of the Yenisei is characterized by extended spring floods and summer floods; in winter there is a sharp reduction in flow (but levels drop slowly due to the development of floods). The upper reaches are characterized by extended spring-summer floods. The flood on the Yenisei begins in May, sometimes in April, on the middle Yenisei somewhat earlier than on the upper Yenisei, on the lower Yenisei in mid-May - early June. Spring ice drift is accompanied by congestion. The range of fluctuations in the Yenisei level in the upper reaches is 5-7 m in expansions and 15-16 m in contractions; in the lower reaches it is larger (28 m at Kureika), decreasing towards the mouth (11.7 m at Ust-Port). High water occurs in the spring.
Yenisei - the most important waterway Krasnoyarsk Territory. Regular shipping - from Sayanogorsk to the mouth (3013 km). The main cargo flows go from Krasnoyarsk to Dudinka. Main ports and marinas: Abakan, Krasnoyarsk, Strelka, Maklakovo, Yeniseisk, Turukhansk, Igarka, Ust-Port. Sea vessels rise to Igarka. A unique ship lift was built to transport ships from the lower tail of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station to the upper. In the Republic of Tuva on the Yenisei there is local shipping (the main pier is Kyzyl).
Hydroelectric power plants (downstream location): Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, Mainskaya HPP, Krasnoyarsk HPP.
Timber rafting is carried out along the Yenisei.
IN late XIX century, the Ob-Yenisei Canal was built, connecting the Ob with the Yenisei. The canal is currently unused and abandoned.
After the construction of the Krasnoyarsk and Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power stations, serious environmental consequences occurred.
The Yenisei in the area of ​​Krasnoyarsk, Divnogorsk, Sayanogorsk has stopped freezing, in particular, the extended ice-free polynya below Krasnoyarsk can be up to five hundred kilometers long. The official website of RusHydro connects the formation of such an extensive polynya “not so much with the operation of hydroelectric power stations, but with the discharge of warm water.” waste water in Krasnoyarsk." The climate has become milder and the air more humid, thanks to the huge amount of water that accumulates in the Krasnoyarsk reservoir.
In addition, the cascade of Yenisei hydroelectric power stations flooded large areas valuable lands, led to the destruction of archaeological monuments, biocenoses, fish resources, and the forced relocation of a significant number of the population. In 2001, a memorial cross was erected on the mountain in the place where water hid the village of Byskar at the bottom of the Krasnoyarsk reservoir.
After the construction of a mining and chemical plant in Krasnoyarsk-26 in the 1950s, two direct-flow nuclear reactor for the production of weapons-grade plutonium (plutonium-239). The reactors had direct-flow cooling, that is, after water was taken and the reactor was cooled, the water was discharged back into the Yenisei without purification - which led to radiation pollution Yenisei.

Its length from the confluence of the Big (Biy - Khem) and Small Yenisei (Ka - Khem) is 3487 km, and from the beginning of the Big Yenisei 4090 km. The Yenisei is the most abundant river in the country. This river is natural boundary between and Eastern Siberia. The Yenisei is considered one of the most abundant rivers in the world. In terms of water content, it ranks fifth in the world after,,. The most powerful hydroelectric power station is located on the Yenisei. Its power is 6400 MW.

Geographical position of the Yenisei

Yenisei River on the map

The Yenisei River is located in the east of the West Siberian Lowland. The river begins in the southern part of Siberia in the Sayan Mountains. The Yenisei flows from south to north to. It belongs to the Yenisei basin and flows through the territory of the Republic of Tyva, Khakassia, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, which is part of the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) region. Autonomous Okrug. The Yenisei flows in the south through the territory of mountain and foothill steppes, then larch - pine forests dark coniferous taiga, in the north along the tundra territory.

The source of the Yenisei is the confluence of two mountain rivers, the Big and Small Yenisei. Receiving left and right tributaries, the Yenisei flows into the Kara Sea in a wide estuary, forming the wide bay of the Yenisei Bay.

Source coordinates: 51 degrees 43 min 41 sec N. and 94 degrees. 27 min. 07 sec. e.d.

Mouth coordinates: 71 degrees 49 min 46 sec. north latitude and 82 degrees. 42 min. 57 sec. e.d.

First information about the Yenisei

The first mention of the Yenisei River was in 1598 after and began to Russia. Its first description was made by the Cossack explorer Kondraty Kurochkin in 1601, when he reached the mouth of the Yenisei. In 1607, the Cossacks who arrived in, along the Turukhan River went to the Yenisei, so they were Cossacks. They founded the first Russian settlement on the Yenisei, Turukhansk. Later, in 1619, the Yenisei fort was founded, now the city of Yeniseisk, and in 1628 Andrei Dubensky founded the fort Krasny Yar, now the city. Later, Ilimsky, Abakan and other forts were founded. Many campaigns along the Yenisei and adjacent territories began from the forts.

River name

The name “Yenisei” was given by people who have long lived on its banks. So from the Evenk “Ionessi” - “big water”, from the Khakass “kim” - river. The Tuvans called the river “Ulug-Khem” - “ great river", Nenets "Ene - Sai", "Ensya" - "mother river". People showing special love, sometimes the river is called “Father Yenisei”


The source of the Yenisei. Confluence of B. and M. Yenisei

The source of the Yenisei is the confluence of the Big Yenisei and Small Yenisei rivers in the Sayan Mountains region on the territory of the Tuva Republic near the city of Kyzyl (Geographical Center). In the area of ​​the source, the banks are composed of bedrock rocks spurs of the Sayan Mountains and the Central Siberian Plateau, therefore in the uppermost reaches of the river there are rapids, for example, Osinovsky, Kazachinsky and others, and there are waterfalls. For the first 188 km, the river is called the Upper Yenisei (Ulug - Khem). In the channel, riffles up to 1 meter deep alternate with depths in reaches of up to 4 – 12 meters.


The Yenisei, flowing into the Yenisei Bay, has a width at the mouth from 20 to 50 km. There are great depths at the mouth. This makes it possible for sea vessels to move upstream to Ust-Port. The mouth is divided by the Brekhov Islands into branches and channels. The largest branches are the Okhotsk Yenisei, Kamenny Yenisei, Big Yenisei and Small Yenisei. Below, the Yenisei flows in one channel "throat", forming the Yenisei Bay. In the lower reaches, the depth of the river in some places is up to 50 m. This allows sea vessels to rise upstream 700 km and reach Igarka. In the area of ​​the mouth of the Yenisei there is the only one in the world and.

Yenisei basin

The area of ​​the Yenisei River basin is about 2.6 million square meters. km (more precisely 2,580,000 sq. km). The Yenisei basin, like that of the Ob, stretches from north to south. All of its large right tributaries flow along the Central Siberian Plateau, and the left ones are not very long along the lowlands. The right bank of the basin is 5–6 times larger than the left bank part.


About 500 fairly large tributaries flow into the Yenisei, their total length is 300,000 km. 226 tributaries are more than 100 km long. In addition, many small rivers flow into it. The largest right tributaries: Us, Syda, Kebezh, Tuba, Sisim, Mana, Bolshoi Pit, Kan, Angara (with Biryusa - Ona and Chuna), Podkamennaya Tunguska, Bakhta, Syda, Lower Tunguska(with tributaries Vivi, Enbenchime and Tembenchi), Bakhta, Kureyka, Dudinka, Khantaika.

The left tributaries are fewer in number and inferior in length to the large right tributaries. Left tributaries: Khemchik, Kantegir, Abakan, Kas, Kem, Sym, Elogui, Dubches, Turukhan, Bolshaya Kheta, Malaya Kheta, Tanama, Gryaznukha.

The largest tributaries of the Yenisei are the Angara, Podkamennaya Tunguska, Lower Tunguska, Turukhan, Elogui, Kass, Kem, Sym.

Character of the shores

In the upper reaches of the Yenisei, both banks are mountainous and composed of hard rocks. After the confluence of the Angara River, the left bank becomes lowland with heights generally ranging from 100 to 200 meters, while the right bank has higher heights.

Features of the flow

The direction of the river flow is predominantly north. According to the nature of the flow, the Yenisei has three parts: upper current, middle and lower.

Upper Yenisei

The Upper Yenisei (Ulug - Khem) starts from the confluence of the Big and Small Yenisei to the city of Abakan.

Upstream Yenisei is a typical mountain river with fast current and relatively shallow depth. The river cut its way 280 km long in the western part of the Sayan Mountains, composed of hard rocks. The width of the river here does not exceed 100 meters. In the upper reaches, the width of the Yenisei ranges from 100 meters to 600 meters. Depths on the reaches range from 4 to 12 meters, and on the rifts 1 to 2 meters.

Rapids on the Yenisei

There are 6 large rapids known in the upper reaches. The most famous Great Rapids. There are smaller thresholds. Current speed is 25 – 40 km/h. Tributaries in the upper reaches of the Yenisei are Khemchik, Kantegir and Us. In the place where the Yenisei crosses the western spurs of the Eastern Sayan, the width of the valley is 5 km, and the channel is 500 meters. In the upper reaches of the river there is the greatest slope and the highest flow speed.

Middle Yenisei from the mouth of the Abakan River to the mouth of the Angara. Here the current is either fast or calmer. In the Minusinsk basin, the current slows down, which is why islands 5–8 km long have formed in the channel. When the Yenisei crosses the Eastern Sayan, the rocky riverbed narrows and the speed increases. Between the mouth of the Angara and Krasnoyarsk there is a large Kazachinsky rapid. Between Krasnoyarsk and the mouth of the Angara, the valley and bed of the Yenisei will expand from 700 meters to 2.5 km. The river flow becomes calmer.

Lower Yenisei starts from the mouth of the Angara. From here the river bed widens greatly to 3–4 km, and the width of the river valley to 15 km. The river depth is up to 15 meters. After the Lower Tunguska flows into the Yenisei, the current becomes calmer, and sandy islands appear in the channel. The maximum depth of the river at the Osinovsky rapids is 66 meters, also in the delta 65 - 70 meters.


The Yenisei has a mixed type of nutrition, but the main one is snow nutrition, a smaller proportion of rain, and a small proportion of ground nutrition. The share of snow supply is about 50%, rain - 36 - 38%, and ground - up to 16%.

River discharge and annual flow

On the Yenisei, as on other rivers of Siberia, the flow in high-water years reaches up to 120 - 130% of the average level. And in low-water years, the flow is 70 - 80% of the average. More than 50% of the total annual flow of the Yenisei falls on the Angara, Lower and Podkamennaya Tunguska rivers. In the Yenisei there is a large fluctuation in water consumption according to the seasons of the year. The minimum winter water flow in the Yenisei near the mouth is 250 m3/sec. The maximum water flow during the flood period is 130,000 m3/sec. Average flow rate is 19,800 cubic meters per second. The maximum water flow of the Yenisei is 154,000 m. cubic/sec near the city of Igarka.

It carries six hundred cubic kilometers of water per year into the Kara Sea. This is three times more than the flow of the Volga, and more than all the rivers of European Russia carry into the sea.

Table. The average water consumption of the Yenisei in different areas

The Yenisei carries more than 623 cubic meters of water into the Kara Sea per year. km. This is three times more than the annual flow of the Volga. In terms of annual water flow, the Yenisei ranks first among Russian rivers and fifth in the world after,.

Regime of the Yenisei River

On the Yenisei, like on most rivers in Russia, there is an annual freeze-up. During severe winters, some of the tributaries freeze to the bottom, which leads to the formation of ice dams. on the Yenisei it starts from the north. In the lower reaches the ice appears on October 10, in the middle reaches at the end of October, in the upper reaches on November 30. The ice cover of the river remains for a long time.

Ice drift on the Yenisei

The harshest period on the Yenisei is spring – summer. At this time the river opens up. Since the lower soils remain frozen for a long time, their absorption of water is very slow. During this period, the Yenisei overflows heavily, flooding vast areas. Flood on the Yenisei begins in the south on April 10 - 20, in the middle reaches on May 10 - 20, in the lower reaches on May 30 - early June. During the flood period, the Yenisei receives the largest portion of its nutrition. Since the flood begins from the south, ice jams occur on the Yenisei, which leads to a strong increase in the water level in the river. The floods on the Yenisei are long, and floods occur in the summer. During a flood, the water level in the upper reaches rises to 5 - 7 meters in wide parts of the river, in narrow places up to 15 - 16 meters, in the lower reaches the water level rises to 28 meters (at the mouth of the Kureyka River), and in the Ust-Porta area The water level drops to 11.7 m.

Cities on the Yenisei

Cities and other large settlements located from the upper reaches of the Yenisei downstream: Kyzyl and Shagonar, Sayanogorsk and Minusinsk, Abakan and Divnogorsk, Krasnoyarsk and Sosnovoborsk, Zheleznogorsk and Lesosibirsk, Yeniseisk and Igarka, Dudinka. In the city of Igarka there is a real one - the only one in the world

Other large settlements are: Cheryomushki and Maina, Shushenskoye and Ust-Abakan, Novoselovo and Berezovka, Atamanovo and Kazachinskoye, Podtesovo and Turukhansk, Kureika and Ust-Port, Karaul.

Bridges on the Yenisei

The first bridge across the Yenisei was built in 1899 by engineer E.K. Knorre according to the design of engineer L.D. Prskuryakov. The bridge project was presented at the World Exhibition in 1900 and was awarded a gold medal for an outstanding engineering and technical achievement. List of bridges from the source to the mouth of the river: city bridge and transport (on the Yenisei highway) in Kyzyl, automobile in Cheryomushki, Bratsky a bridge connecting the cities of Abakan and Minusinsk, as well as a bridge near the village of Zeleny Bor. Road bridges near Divnogorsk and Krasnoyarsk. In Krasnoyarsk there is a railway bridge, a communal one, Oktyabrsky, Korkinsky and in the area of ​​the M 53 “Baikal” bypass highway, in Krasnoyarsk bridge 777.

The bridges on the Yenisei are amazing in their size. So in 1961, a communal bridge with a length of 2100 meters was put into operation in Krasnoyarsk. The Oktyabrsky Bridge, built in 1986, is 41 meters wide and more than 5 km long.

Use of the Yenisei by humans

The Yenisei River has long been used as an important transport waterway in the warm season, and winter roads and crossings are built in winter. Regular shipping is carried out over a distance of 3013 km from Sayanogorsk to the mouth of the river. Most of the cargo goes from Krasnoyarsk to Dudinka. The main river ports: Abakan, Krasnoyarsk, Strelka, Maklakovo, Yeniseisk, Turukhansk, Igarka, Ust-Port. Sea vessels enter from the Kara Sea up to .

Sayano - Shushenskaya HPP

Hydroelectric power stations were built on the Yenisei, including the most powerful in Russia. And also Mainskaya and Krasnoyarsk. Reservoirs have been created on the Yenisei.

The Yenisei is one of the largest rivers on Earth. The sources of this river are considered to be two small rivers: the Big Yenisei (Biy-Khem) and the Small Yenisei (Ka-Khem).

Biy-Khem begins at the foot of Topographers Peak, on the South-Western slope of the Eastern Sayan, at an altitude of 2380m. His path lies to Lake Kara-Balyk. On this path, only 31 km long, the river drops 800 m. Biy-Khem not only flows into the said lake, but also flows out of it. From Lake Kara-Balyk the Great Yenisei rushes through rifts and rapids to the Tuva Basin. And there, in the intermountain depression, near the city of Kyzyl, the Big Yenisei merges with the Small Yenisei (Ka-Khem) and thus simply the Yenisei River is formed.

The first 188 kilometers of the Yenisei flow are also known as Ulug-Khem (Upper Yenisei); in the Tuva basin the river breaks into branches, the riverbed is replete with numerous rapids.

It flows into the Yenisei Bay of the Kara Sea. Length of the Yenisei:

  • from the sources of Maly 4102 km,
  • from the sources of the Bolshoi 4092 km,
  • from the confluence of the Small and the Bolshoi near the city of Kyzyl, 3487 km.

The Yenisei flows mainly through the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

In terms of the area of ​​its basin equal to 2580 thousand km2, the river ranks 2nd among the rivers of Russia (after the Ob) and seventh place among the world's rivers.

Larger than the Yenisei River are the Amazon, Nile, Yangtze and Mississippi.

The hydrographic network of the Yenisei includes 198,620 rivers with a total length of 884,754 km and 126,364 lakes.

Flowing over a large area almost strictly along the meridian from south to north, the Yenisei divides Russian territory approximately in half. In this case, the pool is divided into three completely different parts. In the upper reaches the river is surrounded on all sides by mountains, and in the middle and lower reaches its bed serves as the border between the lowland Western Siberia and the Central Siberian Plateau. The city of Kyzyl is located exactly in the middle of Asia (it is the confluence of the Big and Small Yenisei). There is an obelisk with the inscription: “Center of Asia”. Further, in the Tuva Basin, the Yenisei is divided into many branches, for which this place is called “Forty Yeniseev”.

The Yenisei is the deepest river in Russia. 600 cubic kilometers of water per year flow from it into the Kara Sea. This is three times more than the flow of the Volga, and more than all the rivers of the European part of Russia carry into the sea.

It is on the Yenisei that the most powerful hydroelectric power stations in Eurasia, Sayano-Shushenskaya, were built
and Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station

Tributaries of the Yenisei

The right tributaries of the Yenisei exceed the left in terms of drainage area and the amount of water brought. The largest tributaries are the Angara and Lower Tunguska.
Main tributaries:
Left: Khemchik, Abakan, Kantegir, Kas, Kem, Sym, Elogui, Dubches, Turukhan, Bolshaya Kheta, Malaya Kheta, Tanama.
Right: Us, Syda, Kebezh, Tuba, Sisim, Mana, Big Pete, Kan, Angara, Podkamennaya Tunguska, Lower Tunguska, Bakhta, Kureyka, Dudinka, Khantaika.


The most major cities these are: Kyzyl, Sayanogorsk, Minusinsk, Shagonar, Abakan, Divnogorsk, Krasnoyarsk, Sosnovoborsk, Zheleznogorsk, Lesosibirsk, Yeniseisk, Igarka.


The river is the most important waterway of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, through whose territory it flows. Length of the navigable part of the river from the Designated to the mouth 3013 km. The main cargo flows go from Krasnoyarsk to Dudinka.

Main ports and marinas: Abakan, Krasnoyarsk, Strelka, Maklakovo, Yeniseisk, Turukhansk, Igarka, Ust-Port. Sea vessels come from the sea to Igarka.

With the creation of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station, the waterway was divided into two isolated parts: in 1970, construction of a ship lift began. In the Republic of Tyva on the Yenisei there is local shipping (the main pier is Kyzyl).

Curious facts

■ If we strictly follow the rules of geography, then after the merger with the Angara, the Yenisei should be considered not the Yenisei, but the Angara, since according to many parameters (area of ​​the upper basin, full flow at the confluence, etc.) main river should be considered Angara. However historically accepted to call the river formed from the confluence of the Yenisei and Angara the Yenisei. Yes and geological structure its river valley is much more ancient...
■ In 2002-2007. An ancient railway bridge over the Yenisei River in Krasnoyarsk was dismantled and scrapped. Built in 1895-1899, in 1900 it was awarded the Grand Prix and a gold medal at the World Exhibition in Paris - “For architectural excellence and excellent technical execution.”
UNESCO called the Krasnoyarsk railway bridge “the pinnacle of human engineering”; it was mentioned in the book “Atlas of Wonders of the World. Outstanding architectural structures and monuments of all times and peoples" (1991, USA) and even took part in the competition "SEVEN WONDERS OF RUSSIA". All this did not save the unique structure.

■ The confluence of the Big and Small Yenisei near the city of Kyzyl is the geographical center of Asia. To commemorate this, an obelisk was erected at the memorial site.


Lovers extreme recreation The Yenisei attracts with its rapids and fast current. And for a comfortable and safe stay there are river excursions from Krasnoyarsk. Sailing along the river you have an excellent opportunity to see the Siberian taiga in all its grandeur, visit cities and settlements on the banks of the Yenisei. Also during the trip you will be able to enjoy sunsets and sunrises over the river and breathe the healing taiga air.

In addition to tourists, the Yenisei attracts fishermen, and for hunters there is a huge variety of game along the wooded banks.
The Yenisei is most beautiful in spring. The melting of ice and snow looks both terrifying and fabulous - mesmerizing.

All tourists who come to this amazing corner of nature say that the air itself on the Yenisei fills the body with health and the soul with vigor, thereby promoting active recreation.

Every season, vacationers bring a lot of emotions and impressions, as well as photographs with magnificent landscapes of the river and coasts.

Main feature holidays on the Yenisei, due to the distance from major centers, is a certain primitiveness and untouched wildness of nature. Don't let this be an obstacle for you. If you prepare well and provide for different situations, then a holiday on one of the greatest rivers in Russia will fascinate with its unique beauty and will give you many unforgettable impressions.

The Yenisei River, the largest river in the world, is located in Siberia. The river ranks 2nd in Russia (second only to the Ob) and 7th in the world. The Yenisei River is the natural border between Western and Eastern Siberia. It flows into the Kara Sea and belongs to the Arctic Ocean basin. Flows through 3 entities Russian Federation: Republic of Tyva, Republic of Khakassia, Krasnoyarsk Territory. It is the main water artery of these regions. The source of the Yenisei is in Tyva, the mouth is in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The catchment area is 2,580,000 square kilometers.

Geographical position of the Yenisei River

Source of the Yenisei River

The Yenisei has several sources. The first source, official, is at the confluence of the Big and Small Yenisei in the city of Kyzyl. This is where the Yenisei we know begins.

But some consider the beginning of the Yenisei to be either the Big Yenisei or the Small Yenisei. The problem is that the Big Yenisei is deeper than the Small Yenisei, and the Small Yenisei is longer than the Big Yenisei.

If we consider the source of the Yenisei to be the Great Yenisei, then its source is located in the Eastern Sayan mountains, at an altitude of 2380 m. 30 kilometers after its source, the Great Yenisei flows into Lake Kara-Balyk. Then the river carries its waters to the Tuva Basin, where in the city of Kyzyl it meets the Small Yenisei.

If we consider the source of the Yenisei to be the Small Yenisei, then the source of the Yenisei is located in Northern Mongolia on the slopes of the Ulan-taiga ridge. But even here everything is not easy. The Greater Yenisei has two sources. One source is Mongolian, the second source is Russian. Russian is shorter, Mongolian is longer. Most geographers are inclined to the Mongolian version, since in this case the Yenisei River is longer.

The flow and character of the Yenisei River

The Yenisei Valley begins in the South Siberian Republic of Tuva, passes through the territory of the Republic of Khakassia and crosses the expanses of the Krasnoyarsk Territory to the coast of the Arctic Ocean.
Walking through northern border Tuva, its current makes its way through the mountain ranges of the Western Sayans to the Minusinsk Basin, to the shores of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station reservoir. In Khakassia, a powerful water artery is replenished by a tributary of the Abakan and flows towards the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric station and its reservoir.
Next, the waterway heads due north. Near Krasnoyarsk, the Yenisei crosses the forts of the Eastern Sayan Mountains, merges with the waters of the Angara and rushes to the Arctic. There, below the port of Dudinka, its mouth section begins.
At the mouth, the river washes the shores of the Brekhov Islands with channels, again gathers into one channel, reaches the Yenisei Bay and through it flows into the Kara Sea.
Stormy in the mountains and leisurely on the plain, the Yenisei runs a route almost four thousand kilometers long.

The drop of the Yenisei from its source in Kyzyl to its mouth is 519 m

The drop of the Yenisei from the source of the Big Yenisei to the mouth is 2380 m.

Three currents of the Yenisei

Conventionally, the flow of the Yenisei can be divided into three parts
Upper. From Kyzyl to Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric station
Average. From the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station to the confluence with the Angara
Lower. From the confluence with the Angara to the mouth.

Nutrition and water regime of the Yenisei

Nutrition of the Yenisei

Yenisei is a river mixed type nutrition. Feed distribution of the Yenisei River:

50% - snow

35% - rain

15% - groundwater.

Features of the water regime

Freeze-up from October to June in the lower reaches

Freeze-up from November to May in the upper reaches

Lowest water level (low water) – December

Most high level water – May-June

The highest water flow is June

Mouth of the Yenisei River

The mouth of the Yenisei River is located in the Yenisei Bay, sometimes this place is also called the Yenisei Bay. This place is located in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, below the city of Dudinka. Near Dudinka, the bed of the Yenisei breaks up into many branches; large islands, many of which stretch for 20 km or more. Closer to the Yenisei Bay, the river again unites in one channel and flows into the Yenisei Bay, and then into the Kara Sea as one river.

Where does the Yenisei flow?

The Yenisei flows into the Kara Sea. Passing through Siberia through several thousand kilometers, the Yenisei brings its waters to one of the seas of the Arctic Ocean - the Kara Sea. Like many Siberian rivers, the Yenisei belongs to the water basin of the Arctic Ocean.

Natural areas through which the Yenisei flows

The source and upper reaches are a zone of high zonality.

The middle and lower reaches are the taiga zone. This zone accounts for most of the river

The lower reaches are the zone of tundra and forest-tundra.

Where did the name of the Yenisei River come from?

Apparently, the word Yenisei is the local name of the river rearranged in Russian. Tribes living on the Yenisei. They called the river Ene-Sai, Ene-Su. Translated from ancient Turkic, Ene-Sai means big water. It is worth noting that many Siberian rivers have the word “Su” at the end, which means river, water. For example, Mrass-su, Chebolsu

Hydroposts on the Yenisei River

Hydroposts on the Yenisei are located in the cities of Kyzyl, Abakan, Divnogorsk, Krasnoyarsk, Yeniseisk, Dudinka, as well as in the villages of Tura and Turukhansk

Yenisei current speed

The flow speed of the Yenisei can range from 0.3 to 5 m/s, depending on the location of the river. In mountainous areas, the speed can be up to 5 m/s; in flat currents it weakens to 0.3 m/s. In the Krasnoyarsk region, the current speed is 1.5-2.0 m/s. Interestingly, at the mouth of the Yenisei, due to sea ​​tides, the river flow may change in the opposite direction.

Depth of the Yenisei River

The Yenisei has its greatest depths in its middle reaches. In places where the river is strongly compressed by mountain ranges, the depth of the river can be up to 35 meters. In the lower reaches, the river depth is usually 5-8 meters.

Width of the Yenisei

In the upper reaches the width of the river is 5-7 meters, in the lower reaches the river floods up to 650 meters. At the mouth of the river, the other bank is not visible from one bank. Here, near the city of Dudinka, the width of the Yenisei is 5 km.

Length of the Yenisei River

The generally accepted length of the Yenisei River is considered to be 3487 kilometers. This is if you count from the mouth to the confluence of the Big and Small Yenisei. But if you count from the mouth to the source of the Small Yenisei, you get 4287 kilometers. But officially the length of the Yenisei is 3487 km.

Bridges on the Yenisei River.

Road bridges

Bridge in the city of Kyzyl.

Bridge on the road bypassing Kyzyl

Bridge near the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, in the village of Cheryomushki

Bridge in the village of Zeleny Bor

Bridge near the city of Divnogorsk

4 bridges in the city of Krasnoyarsk:





Road bridge on federal highway M53 bypassing Krasnoyarsk

Railway bridges

Railway crossing in the village of Zeleny Bor

Railway crossing of the Trans-Siberian Railway in Krasnoyarsk

Ferry crossings across the Yenisei

Birilyussky district



Bolshemurtinsky district

Bolshoi Cantat-Predivinsk

Bolsheuluisky district

Big Uluy-Bortsy

Yenisei district


Motygino-Shirokiy Log

Karatuzsky district

Karatuzskoe-Staraya Kop

Kazachinsky district


Motyginsky district

Motygino-Shirokiy Log

Kezhemsky district

N. Bolturino-N. Nedokura

Novoselovsky district


Ports on the Yenisei

The largest ports on the Yenisei are located in the following cities:



Cities and towns on the Yenisei

Cities on the Yenisei

Republic of Tyva

Republic of Khakassia



Krasnoyarsk Territory







Large settlements on the Yenisei:











Tributaries of the Yenisei

The largest tributary of the Yenisei is the Angara River. Large tributaries of the Yenisei also include the Podkamennaya Tunguska, Kan, and Sym. In total, if we count the entire area of ​​the drainage basin, more than 20 thousand rivers flow into the Yenisei. Of these, about 300 rivers flow directly into the Yenisei. It is interesting that the right tributaries are always larger than the left ones. This is due to the fact that the catchment area of ​​the right tributaries is larger than the left ones.

Left tributaries


Malaya Kheta

Big Heta


Right tributaries

Big Pete

Podkamennaya Tunguska

Lower Tunguska


Attractions on the Yenisei

Geographical center of Asia.

Located at the confluence of the Big and Small Yenisei rivers in the city of Kyzyl. It is one of the main attractions of this city. The monument represents an entire architectural group. The obelisk itself is three lions holding globe with a spire. There is a fountain around the monument, along the edges of which there are sculptures from the Buddhist horoscope.

Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP

The largest power plant in Russia and 14th in terms of power in the world. The hydroelectric dam is the highest dam in Russia and the largest in the world. Construction of the station began in 1963 and continued even after the station was launched, until 2000.

Monument to the King Fish

Located on the Sliznevsky cliff, near the village of Ovsyanka, the birthplace of the great Russian writer Valentin Astafiev. The monument was built for the writer’s 80th birthday, and somehow suddenly fell in love with the residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, becoming one of the symbols of the region. The monument is located on a high cliff. From where it offers a gorgeous view of the Yenisei. Read more.

Roev Ruchey Park

On the steep bank of the Yenisei there is a park of flora and fauna “Roev Ruchey”. This is one of the largest zoos in our country. The zoological collection assembled by the park's staff is second only to the Moscow Zoo in its diversity.

Krasnoyarsk pillars

On the right bank of the Yenisei on the slopes of the Eastern Sayan Mountains there is a state nature reserve"Krasnoyarsk pillars". Unusual shape The rocks have been attracting Krasnoyarsk residents and city guests for more than 100 years. Not only climbers but also ordinary townspeople love to wander around the Stolby Nature Reserve. More about Pillars.

Tatyshev Island

The largest island on the Yenisei within Krasnoyarsk. Connected to the city by road and pedestrian bridge. Favorite place recreation for citizens. In summer, the island is visited by more than 400 thousand people per month, which is almost every third resident of the city. Read more.

St. Nicholas Steamship Museum

The steamship, now permanently laid up on the Yenisei embankment, was built in 1886. Now converted into a museum. Read more.

Communal bridge in Krasnoyarsk

Connects two districts of the city through the Yenisei. Depicted on the 10 ruble banknote.

Ob-Yenisei Canal

Back in 1797, the idea arose to connect the two great Siberian rivers with a shipping canal. The Russian man thought - the Russian man did it. At the beginning of the 19th century, three exploration expeditions were sent to draw up plans for the canal. The plan was is in place, but it turned out to be expensive to build such a long canal. Only in 1883 did construction of the canal begin. The canal was eventually built, but it was too shallow for large ships. If it weren't for the Great October Revolution, it is quite possible that the canal would have been completed completely, and it would have been no worse than the Volga-Don Canal. IN last time the canal was used in 1942. The canal has survived to this day, but is in an abandoned state. There are no plans for restoration yet. Read more.

Sculpture in honor of the confluence of the Yenisei and Angara

The sculpture is located in the city of Lesosibirsk on the banks of the Yenisei. It is in this city that one Great Siberian River, the Angara, flows into another Great Siberian River, the Yenisei. The concept of the monument is interesting. In the foreground is Baikal, the rebellious daughter Angara ran away from it. In the background, Angara stands next to the Yenisei, to which she fled.

Siberia River Fountain.

On the staircase terrace located on the banks of the Yenisei there is a sculptural group symbolizing the Siberian rivers. Water flows straight down the steps, and there are 8 sculptures on the steps. The central sculpture symbolizes the Yenisei, the seven others dancing around the Yenisei symbolize the small rivers of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Read more.

Economic use of the Yenisei River

The Yenisei is the great river of Siberia, one of the longest and deepest. Since ancient times, people have used this river as a waterway. They are still used today. Regular shipping is a very important element in the development of many cities in Siberia. The main ports are: Abakan, Yeniseisk, Maklakovo and some others.
Economic use The Yenisei consists of organizing timber rafting, transporting extracted minerals, cargo transportation, and operating passenger transport.

Several reservoirs and hydroelectric power stations were built on the Yenisei: Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, Mainskaya HPP,.

The river's resources are also used in industry and agriculture.

The harvesting of fish resources is almost uncontrolled, which leads to the extinction of some species.
To Yenisei for a long time warm station waters are being discharged; the consequence of this is climate change. The waters of the Yenisei in some places now do not freeze at all in winter, because of this the river overflows its banks and agricultural land is under water.

The use of the river by people for economic purposes harms not only the river itself, but also the areas close to it.

Yenisei pollution and deterioration environmental situation- one of important issues, requiring attention. Numerous accidents at industrial enterprises have led to the appearance of oil stains. At times, the water level in the river may drop so much that the banks and surrounding areas become dry.

Shipping on the Yenisei

Navigation on the Siberian Yenisei River is determined by the peculiarities geographical location region and the tasks of cargo and passenger transportation. In the upper reaches water artery On the territory of the Tuvan Republic, water transport is poorly developed. A few local river routes are connected to the port of Kyzyl. The navigable section of the Yenisei with regular vessel traffic stretches for 3013 km from Sayanogorsk in Khakassia to the Arctic port of Dikson.

The main water carrier is the Krasnoyarsk company “Yenisei River Shipping Company”. Its vessels connect the capital of the region along the river with the major ports of Abakan, Strelka, Krasnoyarsk, Maklakovo, Yeniseisk, Igarka, Ust-Port, Turukhansk and piers on numerous tributaries of the Yenisei. The section of the waterway from the Kara Sea to Igarka is accessible to sea-class vessels.

The period of summer navigation on the Yenisei depends on the time when shipping routes are cleared of ice. The first to open in mid-May is river traffic in the area of ​​the Krasnoyarsk port.
The work of the port of Dudinka begins in early June. Only towards the end of July does the Arctic Dikson announce its readiness to receive ships. During the short shipping period, the river fleet carries out the tasks of transporting goods, passengers, and making tourist voyages.

Under the northern delivery program, ships deliver food, fuel, building materials, and equipment to the population of hard-to-reach areas. Municipal enterprises receive standard supplies of goods necessary for the functioning of housing and communal services.
Transport requests from industrial enterprises and oil and gas fields are carried out by water.

The main freight route is the direction Krasnoyarsk - Lesosibirsk - Dudinka.
Transportation is carried out various types transport vessels: cargo-passenger, self-propelled and non-self-propelled bulk carriers and tankers. More than 400 vessels of various purposes take part in the transportation of goods.

The volume of passenger transportation on the Yenisei during the navigation period is about 60 thousand people. The main passenger routes leave from Krasnoyarsk to Dudinka, Yeniseisk, and Ust-Mana. Passengers are offered three-deck motor ships, high-speed river boats, and hovercraft.

The most popular tourist cruise is considered to be a trip from Krasnoyarsk to Dudinka and back with visits to the settlements of Igarka, Vorogovo, Alinsky Sands, Ermakovo, Bakhta.

At the end of October, summer navigation on the Yenisei ends. IN winter time Vessel movement is only possible when accompanied by icebreakers.

Fauna of the Yenisei River. Flora and fauna of the river

The mighty Yenisei flows through many climate zones, which means that a wide variety of animals can be found along the coast. Among them there are also rare species, since there are many nature reserves along the Yenisei:

Reserve "Stolby"(spurs of the Eastern Sayans). More than 200 species of animals live in the taiga zone: typical rodents, birds (for example, hazel grouse) and others. And in the forest-steppe - roe deer, steppe polecat and others. Rare species include golden eagle, osprey, peregrine falcon and others.
In the Arctic Nature Reserve live migratory birds(waders, geese, swans and others) and many mammals typical of this climatic zone: fox, arctic fox, musk ox, wolf, polar bear, wolverine, reindeer and others. At the mouth of the Yenisei you can find walrus, beluga whale and other marine fauna.
In the Sayano-Shushensky Nature Reserve Sable and other valuable fur-bearing animals are under special protection. And in the reservoir there are crucian carp, perch, pike, bream and other types of fish.
In the Putorana Nature Reserve The following rare species of animals are protected: white-tailed eagle, bighorn sheep, small swan, osprey, gyrfalcon and others. Also inhabited are sables, typical taiga predators (foxes, bears, lynxes, wolves, etc.) and other animals.
In the Shushensky Bor reserve Hares, foxes, bears, squirrels, deer, wild boars, roe deer and many other animals live here.
In the Ergaki Nature Reserve Lynxes, wolves, wolverines, foxes, as well as sables and badgers live here. Among the ungulates: moose, musk deer and reindeer. Huge variety of birds, including rare species (eg whooper swan). The river itself is home to a variety of fish: muksun, pike, whitefish, burbot, nelma and others, including rare species - sterlet and Siberian sturgeon.

In the valleys and on the banks of the Yenisei, cedar, pine and spruce forests, sometimes coniferous forests can be replaced by mixed ones. In total, more than 150 plant species grow along the banks of the Yenisei, some of which are listed in the Red Book.

Rest on the Yenisei in sanatoriums and recreation centers

Sanatorium "Yenisei"
The Yenisei sanatorium is located half an hour from Krasnoyarsk. Beautiful nature, cozy atmosphere, silence and fresh air– the main criteria for selection. For accommodation, you can choose hotel rooms or individual houses. You can undergo wellness treatments from massage to herbal medicine.

Tourist base "Listvyanka"
The Listvyanka camp site is located on the Yenisei, on the shore of the bay of the Krasnoyarsk reservoir not far from Divnogorsk. An excellent place for fishing, a highly developed entertainment infrastructure: a volleyball court, a tennis court, rental of boats and other water equipment, board games and much more.

Hotel Alsey
Country hotel "Alsey" is located in the village of Sliznevo near the Yenisei. Includes number 19 various categories, the Stolby nature reserve is located nearby. Your stay includes breakfast at a local restaurant. Additionally, you can book interesting excursions.

Recreation center "White Beach"
The recreation center "Bely Bereg" is located in the village of Kononovo. The houses are located on the same line. Everyone has their own bathhouse and gazebo. There is a cozy chalet-style restaurant on site. Ice fishing season begins in December.

Holiday home "Druzhba"
The Druzhba holiday home is surrounded by real Siberian nature, an hour's drive from Krasnoyarsk. For accommodation, you can choose small hotel rooms or cottages of varying capacities. There is a spa complex, a sauna and an outdoor jacuzzi.

Maps of the Yenisei River

The source and mouth of the Yenisei on the map

Number 1 on the map indicates the mouth of the Yenisei, number 2 the source, which is located in the city of Kyzyl, at the confluence of the Big and Small Yenisei. Number 3 indicates the source of the Big Yenisei, and number 4 the source of the Small Yenisei, which some scientists consider the real source of the Yenisei River. Look at the map. Interestingly, the length of the Small Yenisei is greater than the length of the Big Yenisei. That is why the source of the Small Yenisei is considered by some to be the source of the Yenisei River. As we wrote above, the Yenisei has two lengths. Official and unofficial. Now, if we count the length of the Yenisei from the source of the Small Yenisei, we get 4287 km.

Yenisei River on the map

32 interesting facts about the Yenisei

  1. The Yenisei is one of the most significant rivers in the whole world; it affects not only the climate of Siberia, where it flows, but also the state of the entire planet.
  2. The length of the river is about three and a half thousand kilometers.
  3. Yenisei is located on the fifth line of the ranking of the most deep rivers peace - it carries within itself more water than the Lena River.
  4. The Yenisei River basin is the second in the world, the first place is occupied by the huge basin of another Russian river, Obi.
  5. During periods of high water, some places of the river rise by twenty-eight meters, and in other places, where the Yenisei is widest, the waters can rise by only six meters.
  6. The Yenisei flows into the Kara Sea, carrying the waters of about five hundred other rivers flowing into it.
  7. In the 19th century, an artificial canal was erected, which was supposed to connect the Yenisei with the Ob, for some time it operated, but at the moment the channel is abandoned - it is not used.
  8. It is believed that the center of Asia is located near the Yenisei, namely in the place where two rivers merge into one - the Small and Big Yenisei.
  9. According to historians, the Yenisei got its name from the Evenks, who described the river in the best possible way - translated from their language, the word “Ionesi” can be literally translated as “big water”.
  10. The river basin includes not only a huge number of rivers, but also about one hundred thousand different lakes, including the famous and largest Baikal.
  11. Every second, the Yenisei “supplies” approximately twenty thousand cubic meters of river water to the Kara Sea.
  12. During the spring flood period, the widest part of the Yenisei River is about twenty kilometers.
  13. Powerful floods along most of the river do not allow people to settle on the banks near the Yenisei - they try to locate settlements as far as possible from the river.
  14. Two dams were built on the Yenisei, and the Krasnoyarsk and Seyano-Shushenskoe reservoirs were organized.
  15. Most of the entire Yenisei flows in the southern Siberian mountains; on the banks of the river there are mainly taiga forests.
  16. Half of the waters of the Yenisei are formed when the snow cover melts; no more than forty percent of all water comes into the river from rains, recharge groundwater on different parts The Yenisei varies, but nowhere does it exceed twenty percent.
  17. The Yenisei is the “living” border of two large Russian regions - Western and Eastern Siberia.
  18. Due to its length, on its banks the Yenisei “collected” the most diverse fauna: in some places you can meet camels, drinking water near the river bank, and in some - polar bears.
  19. In some parts of the river, the depth of the Yenisei does not exceed one meter; mainly, this depth is found near mountain ranges.
  20. The Yenisei water was contaminated radioactive waste- this happened after nuclear power plants were erected not far from the river, near Krasnoyarsk.
  21. The deepest part of the Yenisei is approximately seventy meters.
  22. There was a case when a whale was spotted in the waters of a mighty river - it got lost and quite accidentally ended up in the Yenisei and even swam four hundred kilometers along it.
  23. The lower reaches of the Yenisei are covered with ice quite early, usually in mid-autumn, in October.
  24. Several nature reserves were founded on the banks of the river, the largest of which is Bolshoi Arctic Reserve, where mammals such as Arctic foxes, musk oxen, wolves, wolverines and others live.
  25. The Yenisei is the richest Siberian river in terms of inhabitants; about forty-two species of fish can be found in it, mainly sterlet, sturgeon, whitefish, pike and others.
  26. The Yenisei is loved by tourists, regardless of preferences; here you can relax like a “savage” and do extreme species sports or hunting, and breathe in the healing taiga air while living in a sanatorium.
  27. For the first time, the Yenisei, or rather its lower part, was mentioned in 1598; subsequently, three years later, the Cossack Kondraty Kurochkin spoke about the river, who visited the mouth of the river and described the Yenisei, emphasizing that fishing and shipping could flourish on the river.
  28. The Yenisei fort, on the site of the modern city of Yeniseisk, was erected back in 1619, almost ten years later another fort was founded, called Krasny Yar, in its place Krasnoyarsk is now located.
  29. The beginning of the Yenisei River is considered to be a place near Lake Kara-Balyk, which is located in the Eastern Sayan.
  30. Despite its great role in the development of shipping and its enormous transport importance, the Yenisei “destroyed” a huge number of ships - this is due to the fact that the river is very unpredictable, and it is not always possible for a person to prevail over the elements.
  31. The period when ships can navigate the Yenisei is very short - from October to March the river is covered with ice, and throughout the spring the river is in the period of ice melting.
  32. Yenisei is one of the key sources of production drinking water, its waters are sent to Krasnoyarsk, Sayansk, Kyzyl and other cities.

The Yenisei is a great and mighty river of Russia. It originates in the mountain peaks of Mongolia and, flowing through the entire country, flows into the Yenisei Strait of the Kara Sea. The river flows through several natural areas, but the most large area falls in the taiga.

Location Features

The Yenisei is conventionally divided into three parts, depending on the structure of the channel and the nature of the flow:

  • Upper Yenisei – begins at the confluence of the Big and Small Yenisei. This place is located in the Republic of Tyva. The channel here is directed strictly from east to west.
  • Middle Yenisei – has a length of 876 km. and ends at the confluence with the Angara River.
  • Lower Yenisei - this is the largest part, 2137 km long, which ends at the mouth.

Rice. 1. Yenisei River on the map

The Upper and Middle Yenisei have the character mountain river. There are many rifts, rapids, and islands. The territory of the Republic of Tyva is located in the natural steppe zone, but the banks of the river are covered with dense vegetation. Representatives of broad-leaved forests are found here: birch, aspen, and willow.

On the territory of the Republic of Tyva there is the largest power plant in Russia - the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric station. Its location was not chosen in vain. After all, it is here that the narrowest place within the Sayan corridor is located, along which the Yenisei flows, forming many rapids and rifts.

Next, the Yenisei crosses the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In the forest-steppe part of this region, leached chernozems and gray forest soils predominate. Vegetation typical for this natural area: broadleaf trees and an abundance of herbs.

Rice. 2. View of the Yenisei River

Lower Yenisei

After the confluence of the Angara River, the nature of the flow and the nature of the Yenisei changes very much. First of all, this is due to the fact that Eastern Siberia is on the right side, and Western Siberia is on the left. Thus, the river is the boundary of two lithospheric plates.

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This is clearly visible from the nature of the banks. The left bank is mountainous, the height of the peaks reaches 2000 m. The right bank is the lower reaches. The difference between one side of the river and the other is 5.6 times.

Within West Siberian Plain The Yenisei crosses the taiga. The nature of the soil and vegetation changes from south to north. First found on podzolic soils mixed forests, then exclusively coniferous, characteristic of the central taiga. Daurian larch is found in high altitude areas, spruce and fir are found in lowlands. The soil is mountain taiga and permafrost taiga.

The lower reaches of the river flows in the forest-tundra. Here the vegetation thins out. The soil becomes less nutritious, and podzolic and mountain-tundra soils are found. The tundra zone begins from the port of Dudinka. The mouth is located in the Arctic desert zone.

In percentage terms, larch predominates in the forests surrounding the Yenisei. Its share accounts for 62%. Spruce and fir in general occupy 17%, pine – 12%, cedar – 9%.

Rice. 3. Yenisei - mountain river

The fauna on the banks of the river corresponds to natural areas. Camels are found at the source, and polar bears live near the mouth. The Yenisei is a habitat for thousands of species of fish, a source of food for birds and mammals.

What have we learned?

In this article we learned through which natural zones the Yenisei flows. At its origins there are steppes, followed by forest-steppes in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The river crosses the taiga, forest-tundra, tundra and flows into the Kara Sea at the border of the Arctic deserts.

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