How to properly prepare colorful candies at home. Sugar candy recipe: DIY for those with a sweet tooth

Every person has many childhood memories of candy: crispy cockerels on sticks, caramels and candied candies. How can you go back in time and make candy at home? We have prepared ten proven recipes for you, thanks to these instructions you will enjoy yourself to the fullest.

With sugar

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Take: glass of sand, 2 tablespoons drinking water, 1 teaspoon of vinegar and 2-5 drops of sunflower oil. These products are enough for 10 lollipops.

  • Place the cooking container on the hot plate. Iron mugs are better;
  • Pour into a bowl granulated sugar. Add water. It is important to maintain the proportion, since if cooked incorrectly, the sugar mass will thicken too quickly;
  • Pour a teaspoon into a container table vinegar. Be prepared for the fact that at this stage the delicacy will smell unappetizing, but the vinegar will soon dissipate;
  • Cook the caramel, but do not let it boil and stir regularly. While the mixture is boiling, wipe the molds (it is acceptable to use regular ones for ice) with vegetable oil to make the candies easier to pull out;
  • When the caramel in the mug foams and turns amber in color, turn off the stove and stir. Once the caramel is smooth, use a small spoon to pour it into the molds and insert the sticks. If you don’t have real ones, stick toothpicks or plastic straws cut off at the ends into the molds. To keep your homemade candies longer, wrap them in cling film or in paper bags.

You will need: 400 grams of granulated sugar, 200 grams of glucose syrup, 60 milliliters clean water, a few drops of food coloring in the color you like. You can add some fruit juice or soda to the water. This will make the taste of sweets richer and more original.

  • Pour all the available sand into the saucepan. Top it with glucose syrup;
  • Pour out the water, stir well. Place everything over medium heat and stir until the sugar grains are completely dissolved. Do this for 120-180 seconds without leaving the stove unattended;
  • When the syrup boils, reduce the heat and simmer until the caramel has completely thickened. Before pouring the caramel into the molds, be sure to drop some coloring into the mixture. They are usually sold in convenient bottles, so you definitely can’t go wrong with the quantity;
  • Place the lollipops on baking paper. This recipe eliminates the need for molds, so simply form neat colorful circles using spoons and insert sticks into them. It will take about 120 minutes for the caramel to completely harden. Leave the candy in the conditions room temperature and have a little patience.

Take: 240 grams of sugar, butter and citric acid to taste and 4 tablespoons of water. These ingredients will suffice if you plan to make 10 candies.

  • It will take no more than a quarter of an hour to prepare this dish. First, prepare a double-sided rooster-shaped mold. You can use others, but the original candy is made in the shape of a bird. Soviet molds are suitable; they were made in the shape of hares, squirrels and fish. If you don’t have these at home, buy standard silicone ones for cookies. The more original appearance treats, the more young children like it;
  • Pour the granulated sugar that is poured into the pan with water, add citric acid. Stir and cook until the mixture acquires a characteristic caramel color;
  • Grease the molds with vegetable oil and pour the thick mixture into it. After a couple of seconds, insert the lollipop sticks, close the molds and leave to cool for 30 minutes.

You will need: for 6 servings you need 8 cubes of refined sugar, a teaspoon of pure lemon juice, 1.5 tablespoons lemon flavored water or regular soda. A little sunflower oil for processing the molds.

  • The cooking technology is simple and not very different from the following recipes. Add all types of liquid to the vessel with sugar;
  • Boil everything over low heat until a thin layer of sugar foam appears. Cool the solution slightly and stir until it thickens;
  • Grease the prepared molds (we recommend using unusual ones to make shaped sweets) with sunflower oil and evenly fill them with the resulting mixture. Let the sweets cool in a dark, but not cold place. The fact is that in the same refrigerator the candies will harden unevenly.

Take: 300 milliliters of hibiscus tea, a glass of cane sugar, juice of 1/2 fresh lemon.

  • Bring the sugared tea to a boil at 150. This will take about 20 minutes;
  • Remove the container with the drink from the heat and pour the juice into the container. Thoroughly stir the contents of the dish with a metal spoon;
  • Place the candy mixture onto the prepared sheet of parchment paper. Lightly sprinkle them with powdered sugar or potato starch. You can store sweets fairly for a long time, the main thing is in a glass vessel and in a cool place.

Alternative Recipes

You will need: 2 bags of peppermint leaves, a tablespoon of dry medicinal chamomile, shavings from a cinnamon stick, half a spoon of ginger root, a glass of boiled water, 150 grams of liquid flower honey. It is worth adding mint essential oil to caramels.

  • Add all the dry ingredients from the recipe to the boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes;
  • Pour honey into the mixture and heat it over low heat until the candy liquid boils. Remember that the mixture should warm up to 145 degrees Celsius and no more;
  • When the mixture begins to thicken, turn off the stove and stir. Instill essential oil to improve smell and taste;
  • Using a coffee spoon, place the circles on baking paper. Just in case, you can sprinkle it with powdered sugar to prevent the candies from sticking. After cooking, you can keep them in the refrigerator in a glass jar, sprinkled with starch. This will prevent sticking.

Take: a glass of agave syrup, a few crystals of cream of tartar, 60 milliliters of clean water. Also use a couple of drops of liquid stevia, a dessert spoon of vanillin extract, 10 milliliters vegetable oil.

  • To make cream of tartar candies, use cookie cutters. Grease them with oil to make it easier to remove the candies. It is better to use oil in a bottle with a spray function to apply a suitable layer thickness;
  • Pour the syrup into a saucepan and stir it with water. Bring the contents of the container to a boil over medium heat, add cream of tartar, beat with a metal spoon;
  • Stirring occasionally, bring to 140 degrees Celsius. A color change will be a signal that the desired temperature has been reached. The mixture will become darker and begin to become covered with bubbles. At this stage of preparation, add stevia, vanillin;
  • Stir everything and, just remove from heat, pour into molds. Insert sticks into still liquid candies to make them easier to eat. Place the lollipops on the refrigerator shelf for 60 minutes until they are completely hardened. You should not store them for a long time after cooking. To preserve the quality of the candies, wrap the sweets in parchment paper and place in a closed plastic container.

You will need: 200 grams of isomalt, confectionery powder, kandurin of the selected color.

  • Prepare a Teflon or silicone surface. It is important to use exactly this type, since isomalt sticks to other coatings. Pour the powder into a metal pan and melt, stirring constantly;
  • Mix isomalt and kandurin. The color will appear quickly, so add paint a drop or a few at a time;
  • Using a spoon, place the isomalt on the mat, immediately insert the stick and sprinkle with balls or shavings that you selected for the candies. Hurry, because isomalt hardens quickly. You will make two lollipops at a time, so reheat the remaining material and continue forming the lollipops. Please note that you cannot touch the finished sweets with your fingers: fingerprints remain on the isomalt. Store them in a dry place with moderate temperatures, because in the refrigerator the delicacy becomes cloudy and quickly spoils.

Take: 100 grams of warm coconut oil, the same amount of liquid honey, a teaspoon of cinnamon powder, 7-8 drops essential oil coconut for internal use.

  • These candies require no cooking, which gives the recipe an edge over others. In a small bowl or blender container, beat the butter. Continue until the butter is soft and viscous;
  • Add honey to the bowl and continue mixing everything until the mass becomes homogeneous. Lastly, add cinnamon and flavor with essential oil;
  • Place the mixture into greased silicone molds and refrigerate for 60 minutes. This sweetness should be stored in a jar at low temperature.

You will need: 150 grams of fresh bee honey, a small spoon of butter, 8 drops of lemon essential oil. It will be possible to use liquids based on eucalyptus or lime, sage.

  • Bring honey to a boil in 20 minutes heat treatment. Immerse a teaspoon of oil in it;
  • Give it a little time to cool, it takes a quarter of an hour. Add drops of essential oil;
  • Load the mixture into silicone molds or others you have on hand. Store the candies by coating them with starch, immersing them in a paper bag or jar. As you can see, homemade candies are easy to make and don’t require a lot of resources or money for cooking. So don’t be afraid to pamper your family and yourself with delicious treats!

Delicious with congratulations.

Try making sugar candies at home that are delicious and clear. What is not unimportant is that they are prepared quickly and the whole process is quite understandable even for beginners in this matter.

These homemade lollipops are suitable for decorating children's cakes; they can be supplemented with various sweets or meringues on the cake itself. They look very appetizing and bright, thanks to their transparency and colored sprinkles. Homemade lollipops are an excellent treat for children and a replacement for store-bought candies, especially since you fully know what they are made from and are confident in the quality.

This is not the only homemade lollipop recipe, but one of them. A little later I will show you what other options there are. For this method you will need a kitchen thermometer, because without it it is very difficult to determine what temperature the icing is. I’ll tell you all the details below, I hope you find this recipe useful. I also advise you to look at it, which is prepared from only three ingredients and turns out very tasty.


  • Sugar – 110 g
  • Water – 35 g
  • Invert or glucose syrup – 50 g
  • Confectionery sprinkles

How to make sugar candy

First of all, pour sugar into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add water and invert syrup, which can be replaced with glucose syrup. I've already shown a simple one, so check it out. I stir the added ingredients and put it on fire. I make the fire slightly above medium, that is, if my scale is at electrical surface from 1 to 14 divisions, then I turn it on by 10.

And at this time I am preparing various confectionery toppings that will decorate our sweets. You can take a little of everything, as I did, or choose only those that suit you in color or shape.

When the mass begins to boil, I note the time and cook for exactly 12 minutes or until the temperature reaches 150 degrees. All this time, every 10 - 15 seconds I stirred this mixture so that it did not burn. The mixture will foam, but that's okay. When I see 150 degrees on the thermometer, I remove the saucepan from the heat and then everything needs to be done very quickly.

If you have lollipop molds, then use them, but I don't have one, so I use a Teflon mat, or a silicone mat will also work. Long skewers must be prepared in advance. Now I scoop up the caramel with a tablespoon and pour it onto the mat to make round sweets. I pour three of these circles, then sprinkle them with sprinkles and insert the skewers. Then again I make three circles and everything else, and so on until there is caramel. It is important to pour it in one place, then there will be the correct shape. If you pour a lot of circles at once, and only then pour in the powder, it simply won’t stick, since the caramel hardens instantly.

This is the whole recipe for lollipops, as you can see everything is extremely simple. All you have to do is let them harden and you're done. They freeze in literally a couple of minutes, so you don’t have to wait long. They come off a Teflon mat very easily and do not stick; it will be the same with a silicone one.

These are the transparent and colorful sugar candies we made at home. This is a truly delicious treat that no child will refuse. They will perfectly decorate any festive table or a children's cake. I advise you to do them too, it’s worth it, especially since it doesn’t take much time.

IN Soviet era people enjoyed making homemade sugar candies. Whether the reason for this was the absence of others on store shelves, or whether the naturalness of the resulting sweets was already valued, the fact remains that there were metal molds for candy in almost every home.

Of course, today interest in such a product has faded somewhat, but has not disappeared. Modern housewives not only make so-called “cockerels”, but also make adjustments to existing recipes, making them not only tasty, but also healthy.

Simple Sugar Lollipops

The tradition of making homemade sweets is being revived and today they are becoming more attractive. After all, unlike store-bought ones, they do not contain artificial colors, flavors, flavor enhancers and other, to put it mildly, unhealthy components.

If you suddenly want to make sugar candies with your own hands for the first time, then you should turn to the simplest recipe, which allows you to get excellent results without any skills.

For the lollipops you will need the following:

    A glass of granulated sugar;

    Warm water – 8–10 tablespoons;

    A little vegetable oil, which is used to lubricate the mold;

    Chopsticks, small wooden skewers are suitable for this;

    A couple of pinches citric acid(but you can do without this ingredient);

    5-6 dessert spoons 9% table vinegar.

In a small container (a ladle or a frying pan with high walls), you need to stir the sugar and water. According to the recipe, there should be 4 times more sugar than water. To prevent sugar from crystallizing, which leads to cloudy candies, add 3-4 drops of vinegar to the sugar mixture. For these purposes, you can use a small amount of citric acid, but this is to taste.

The mixture must be placed on low heat and brought to a boil, stirring occasionally. Then it must be boiled, stirring constantly, until the resulting sugar syrup becomes caramel-colored. At this point, you can experiment and add emulsions to future candies, which will color the candies and give different flavors.

You must first prepare the molds by thoroughly coating them with oil, so that as soon as the mixture is prepared, immediately fill the cells with it.

Having done this, you need to immediately place the sticks in them before the lollipops harden. All you have to do is wait until the sweets harden, and this happens within 40-60 minutes.

These popular homemade sweets with delicate taste appealed to many sweet tooths. Moreover, they are quite easy to prepare and do not require much effort or skill.

To prepare them you will need:

    a glass of granulated sugar;

    2 tbsp. spoons of butter (it can be replaced with 100 ml of heavy cream);

    vanillin on the tip of a knife.

It is better to cook candy in a saucepan, and to do this you need to place all the components in it, which should be cooked over low heat. The mixture must be stirred constantly until it acquires a coffee color and a uniform consistency.

You can decorate the candies in two ways - pour the resulting syrupy mass into pre-greased molds, or pour it onto a baking sheet and, after hardening, carefully cut it into individual candy pieces.

This is a recipe that produces fruit-flavored caramels. And the use of natural juices makes them also healthy.

To prepare them you need the following products:

    a glass of freshly squeezed juice;

    2/3 cup granulated sugar;

    cinnamon and vanilla powder to taste.

The most visually attractive caramel homemade are candies that contain raspberry, cherry or strawberry juice.

You need to take a deep saucepan, pour granulated sugar into it and pour in the resulting juice. The mass should be placed on low heat and stirring constantly, cook until smooth. As soon as the mixture begins to change color, add cinnamon and vanillin.

The fire should be turned off when bubbles begin to float from the bottom of the container. The resulting syrup should be poured into prepared and greased molds. After a few minutes, sticks are placed into the lollipops and they remain there until they harden completely.

Ginger-lemon medicinal lollipops

Since cough is a fairly common symptom in children, and it has to be treated with unpleasant mixtures, parents came up with home remedy to eliminate this state- healing lollipops with ginger and lemon.

Their composition is balanced and the taste is very pleasant. It contains several very useful components that have a strengthening effect on the patient’s immune system, promoting rapid recovery.

To make healing candies, you will need a number of products:

    half a large lemon;

    fresh ginger root - a 2–3 cm piece;

    3 tbsp. spoons of water;

    2 teaspoons honey;

    2/3 cup sugar;

    3–4 dried cloves;

    powdered sugar.

First of all, you need to peel the spice root, and then cut it into thin slices. Add granulated sugar, lemon juice, cinnamon and grated ginger root to the saucepan. The resulting syrup is cooked over low heat, and after the sugar is completely dissolved, honey is added to it.

The resulting mass for candy requires constant stirring. In addition, you should not pay attention when the syrup begins to foam abundantly and stir until it becomes a distinct amber color.

You can check the syrup for readiness in a simple way- place a small drop of the mixture on a saucer and if it has not changed shape and does not spread, then this indicates that it can be used.

You need to spread parchment or baking paper, sprinkle it a little with powdered sugar and, using a spoon, start laying out small candies. Then you need to sprinkle them with powder and leave until they harden.

When they start to harden, you can start rolling them to give the candies a candy-like appearance. Then you can place the cough drops in a box or jar for storage.

Another recipe for lollipops successfully used to treat various ailments. To prepare them you will need a mixture medicinal herbs- this can be either a ready-made collection, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, or independently mixed herbs. Raw materials must be crushed before use. In addition, you need a glass of water and a couple of glasses of granulated sugar.

Water and sugar are placed on the stove and brought to a boil with constant stirring. 2 tablespoons of herbal mixture are added to the resulting cough syrup and the mixture is cooked until it becomes thick. As soon as this happens, you need to remove the container from the heat and fill all prepared forms with syrup.

Effective lollipops that eliminate obsessive coughs are obtained by taking peppermint and chamomile flowers as ingredients. The syrup is boiled from half a glass of water and a glass of sugar, after which crushed plant ingredients are added to it. The mass is ready when its color becomes a little darker. In this case, it must be removed from the heat and poured into molds.

Homemade lollipops can be just a treat, or they can also act as remedy, so you can make both dessert and medicine at home - as desired or necessary.

Lollipop is a wonderful sweet, the main composition of which includes sugar, water and a little citric acid and flavorings. The delicacy is easy to make at home. This candy has been known to us for more than five hundred years. Shapes and taste qualities sweets can be very diverse. There may be inside the candy delicious filling in the form of jelly, caramel or chewing gum. This unique and at the same time popular sweet is loved by adults and children. It lifts your spirits and gives you a feeling of celebration. You can prepare them for any occasion holiday(for example, St. Valentine).

This caramel will not put a dent in your wallet, since the ingredients included in it are quite affordable. How to make homemade lollipops without molds using them? There are certain subtleties in preparing the delicacy, which you will learn about in detail from the recipes below. There are various options DIY preparations, for example, with the addition of honey and even alcohol.

How to make lollipops at home without molds

How to do delicious lollipops for children at home without making a lot of effort, making your day festive? To prepare the dessert you will need 200 grams of sugar, seven tablespoons of water and one teaspoon of lemon juice or vinegar, wooden sticks and spoons. The cooking process is simple:

  • Take a stainless steel saucepan and pour sugar into it.
  • Add seven tablespoons of water to the saucepan with sugar. There is one condition - the water should slightly cover the ingredients.
  • Add a teaspoon of lemon juice to the resulting mass. Thanks to the acid, our delicacy will cook faster. If you wish, you can do without it.
  • Place the saucepan on low heat. Remember the condition - you need to stir the composition for five minutes. The sugar crystals should completely dissolve.
  • The mass has acquired brown? Great. Remove it from the heat. And let it sit for another five minutes. Pour into the shape you like (any) or into spoons and insert the sticks. You can use ice cube trays.

If everything is done correctly, your fragrant homemade candy will acquire a beautiful amber hue. Now you know how to make homemade candy without molds. By the way, by adding any juice (apple, grape, orange) instead of water, you will get a fruity taste, a colorful tint and a pleasant aroma. Anyone who prepares this sweet delicacy will be delighted.

How to make delicious lollipops

Delicious and healthy honey lollipops are an original, tasty homemade delicacy that will not only charge you with positive energy, but also help get rid of a cough. It's easy to do. We will need 300 grams of natural honey, half a teaspoon of ginger and a little sugar if desired. The recipe is as follows:

  • Pour honey into a saucepan. Add ground ginger to it. This composition must be simmered over low heat for two hours. Don't forget to stir from time to time.
  • After two hours we check readiness. Take a small drop of the resulting caramel and place it on a saucer. If the drop has frozen, then the product is ready. Pour it into silicone molds or any other. You can use small jars or bottle caps as a form. It will harden within a few hours in the refrigerator.

Sweets on a stick at home, like before

If you want something new and unusual, then try making your own homemade cockerel from jam. We need 300 grams of any favorite jam (apple, apricot, pear), a pinch of chopped nuts and a little ground cloves, a mold. To prepare the candy, combine all the above ingredients. Cook the resulting mass until thickened (5-10 minutes). Place it in a special cockerel mold by inserting sticks. The dessert will harden in the refrigerator within a few minutes. We take it out of the mold and roll it in sugar, so it will look more impressive.

Sugar and honey lollipops

Lollipops made from sugar and honey are very useful. To prepare such a delicacy, you need to mix 25 grams of honey with 400 grams of sugar, adding butter, 5 tablespoons of boiled water, and currant syrup to taste. Cook the resulting mass for 5-7 minutes over low heat. Pour the mixture into any form. Want a colorful dessert? Just add coloring.

It’s hard to imagine, but candy cane celebrated its 500th anniversary! The author of this wonderful invention is unknown, but we can say one thing for sure: all Soviet children loved “cockerels” very much. And even now, despite the abundance of candy, caramelized sugar is very popular among adults and children. We will teach you how to make sugar candies at home. We hope that you will be able to pamper yourself and your loved ones with homemade sweets.

How to make caramel at home

Making caramel is a quick process. However, before you learn how to make lollipop at home, pay attention to some nuances:

  • Dishes - only with thick walls. A cast iron skillet or aluminum pan would be ideal. If there is no “correct” container, then the “wrong” one, for example, a non-stick frying pan, will do.
  • Caramelize the sugar over low to medium heat, wearing an apron and gloves to protect against burns.
  • To prevent the process of making candy from ending in failure, continuously stir the mass during the entire cooking process.

From sugar

In order to make cockerels from sugar at home, you need to prepare in advance:

  • a small, colorless saucepan (to observe the color change of the caramel);
  • 350 g sugar (preferably white);
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of water;
  • wooden spoon.


  1. Heat the pan over medium heat for a few seconds.
  2. Without removing from the stove, pour out all the sugar.
  3. When some of the sugar has melted, stir the resulting mass and leave it on the fire until it turns dark amber in color.
  4. Turn off the heat, add to the pan warm water and stir. Pour the caramel into the molds.

From honey

You already know how to make caramel at home. For those with a sweet tooth who are watching their figure, it is better to make lollipops without sugar, using honey. Such sweets will be tasty and less calorie. In addition, these sweets are useful for colds- a real cure for a sore throat. Depending on the fruit syrup, you can get different tasting candies.


  • 250 g of any honey;
  • 5 tbsp. spoons of butter;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of syrup;
  • 50 g filtered water.


  1. Place honey in a saucepan, pour in water, stir gently and place on low heat.
  2. After the sweet mass becomes liquid, add any berry syrup (make it yourself or buy it at the pharmacy).
  3. Melt butter, pour it into sugar mixture, stir and reduce heat.
  4. When the syrup has reduced by half, remove it from the heat, pour into greased molds and cool. Place in the refrigerator until the caramel hardens completely.


Do you know how to make caramel at home? What else can be made from sugar? We suggest trying a recipe for caramel with fruits or berries - use any. Candies made from strawberries, raspberries, cherries, pears, apples, and grapes are especially delicious. Experiment, create and you will become a guru of the candy industry! It is recommended to store caramel in a closed, cool container.


  • 50 g filtered water;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 2 cups fresh fruit;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable filtered oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop the fruit, place it in a saucepan, add water and lemon juice, which will help the fruit retain its beautiful color. Cook over medium heat until soft.
  2. Mix the resulting pulp with a blender. If the puree is thick, you need to dilute it a small amount water.
  3. Preheat the oven to 70°C. Place plastic wrap on the bottom of the baking sheet, grease it with oil and pour in the resulting puree.
  4. Flatten the mixture with a spatula and place the baking sheet in the oven (in the sun) for six hours.
  5. Remove the resulting sweetness from the baking sheet and replace the polyethylene with baking paper. Put everything back, put it back in the oven (in the sun) for six hours.
  6. Cut the caramel into small pieces. To prevent our sweets from sticking together, sprinkle them with cornstarch.

Candy Molds

In Soviet times, ordinary tablespoons served as forms for lollipops, into which syrup was poured. Particularly fashionable comrades had special metal units in their household, which in our time are easier to find in a museum than to buy. Marketers and scientists came to the aid of modern housewives by creating silicone molds for lollipops. I poured the syrup in there, let it cool - and voila! The lollipops are ready and come out easily, even without pre-lubricating with oil. Instead of special form You can use silicone or plastic ice containers.

How to make your own lollipop molds

To really comply with the trend, molds that you also make yourself can help in producing sugar candies at home. Take regular “floating” candles and remove the contents. Since these units are not for food products, then cover the bottom of the mold parchment paper the required diameter. There are other options. Instead of candlesticks, regular glasses or even the cut off bottom of a plastic bottle can serve as a form for candy canes.

Video: recipe for lollipops

There is no “chemistry” in homemade sweets. Plus, creating sweets can be a great way to spend a great weekend with your family. We hope that our article will help you become an expert in making sugar candies at home. If you still have questions about how to make cockerels, this video will dot the i’s. Choose your favorite lollipop recipe and off you go!