How to answer tricky questions. Why did you quit your last job? The trickiest interview questions and how to answer them

Probably not in the world women, who would not be asked tricky questions like: “Aren’t you going to get married again?”, “When will you give birth to a child?”, “Is it true that they say that you are getting a divorce?”, “How much does your husband earn?” and the like. A curious person wants to get information about those moments of your personal life that you would like to keep secret.

Not every person clearly knows how to behave and how to answer tricky questions when finding himself in such an uncomfortable situation. As a result, many make mistakes and then regret that the conversation with the interlocutor took an unnecessary direction. Let's look at several communication options that will help you answer correctly awkward questions and be satisfied with your behavior.

1. Answer a question with a question. You can do this in two ways:
The first way is to formulate a “request” in such a way that the person who shows excessive interest in your personal life becomes uncomfortable himself. Begin your answer with the expression: “I understand correctly that…”. Next, you need to choose words taking into account your attitude towards your interlocutor. If this is just a friend or acquaintance who could not arrange her personal life and is now jealous of your happiness, then answer this way: “Do I understand correctly that you are overly interested in my personal life?” or “Am I understanding correctly that you would like to be there when my husband and I make love?”

Talk to your interlocutor in a calm and icy voice, no need to gesticulate, just pretend that you are surprised by such a question. For example, raise your eyebrows a little. But you should not respond in this way to close relatives and friends whose friendship you value. Build a conversation with them using one of the following universal answers: “I admire you, but your question has puzzled me,” “I’ll be happy to answer your question, but just explain to me, please, why do you need to know this?” “Do you really need to be aware of this?”, “How can you change the situation if I tell you these secrets now?” and so on.

The second way is to address your interlocutor with a counter question, which will also confuse him. For example, if they ask: “When are you going to give birth to a child?”, answer: “Are you already planning to give birth to a second one?”

2. Don't give your interlocutor any information. In answer to unpleasant questions, let's general information, and not the one you would like to hide. For example, to the question: “What is your salary?”, answer: “Like everyone else, no more, no less,” “That’s enough for me,” or “Significantly less than Abramovich’s income!”

3. Transform yourself into an artist. Having heard a tricky question, imagine yourself as a theater actress and portray a person who has fallen into deep despair from the excessive interest of the interlocutor. You can take a deep breath, press it to your chest, grab your head with your hands and say in a tragic voice: “I beg you, be a friend and never ask me about this again!” You can play the role of karateka Eduard Kuzmin from the TV series “Univer” and quote his words: “This is secret information!” There is an answer option for men who are also pestered with tricky questions. Imagine that you are a high-ranking person and are giving a press conference, then your answer should be similar to this: “Next question please!”

4. Talk long and tiresomely. There is no need to be offended or angry at the interlocutor’s question that offended you. Instead of showing defeat, start answering in a flat and monotonous voice, giving the smallest details and starting your story from afar. Your task is to tire your interlocutor so that he loses interest in your personal life. For example, he asks: “When are you going to get married?”, and you answer: “According to my horoscope, I myself am a Pisces, for conclusion happy marriage I need to find a representative of the following signs of the Zodiac - Cancer, Scorpio, Gemini, Leo or Aries." Next, you can describe in more detail the characteristics of all the signs with which you would supposedly be happy. Anyone will very quickly get tired of such a story and he will stop asking you more about these topics , having decided for yourself that you are still that boring.

5. Are you kidding?. Answer tricky questions with a joke, it's annoying! For example, a friend asks you: “How much does your dress cost?”, you answer: “I had to starve for a month, because beauty requires sacrifice.” Or to the question: “Is it true that you are getting a divorce?”, say: “They won’t wait!” Here’s another option: they ask you: “Why have you gotten so fat?”, and you answer: “I was catching up with you!”

Of course, before answer tricky questions you need to understand how your interlocutor treats you. There are people who are interested in other people's lives out of idle curiosity, but some ask about it in order to sympathize with you. If a friend asks to offend you or collects information for gossip, it is better to limit herself to the answer: “This is personal.” Let her guess what you wanted to tell her. But we don’t recommend lying when answering awkward questions; lying can only harm yourself.

Smart recruiters can extract a lot of information from you by asking the right questions.

These questions seem very simple, but they help reveal information that the candidate is trying to hide. In other words, they are designed to deceive you.

Lynn Taylor, national expert on labor issues and author of Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job, says questions like these aren't just asked to identify shortcomings. "Questions like this help you filter out unnecessary information and find out what the candidate is really like," Taylor says.

We present to your attention 17 tricky questions and tips that will help you formulate the correct answers.

Describe yourself in one word

Why are they asking this?“Most likely, the interviewer is trying to determine your personality type and level of self-confidence, as well as whether your work style fits the style accepted at the company,” Taylor explains.

What's the catch? This question is dangerous in the early stages of an interview when you have no idea who exactly the potential employer is looking for. "There's a fine line between being confident and complacent, shy and modest," Taylor says. “People are multifaceted, so it’s difficult for them to describe themselves in a few words.”

What answer is expected from you?"First of all, be careful," Taylor advises. - “If you consider yourself a reliable and dedicated person who is also not averse to a joke, voice a conservative option.” If you're applying for an accountant position, don't mention that you prefer a creative approach to business.

This characteristic is more suitable for an artist or decorator. An accountant must be punctual and accurate. "Most employers are looking for people who are honest, reliable and motivated, who are good team players and don't give in to pressure. However, if you just blurt out your prepared words, you won't make the best impression. This question gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your best qualities and suitability for the job for which you are applying.”

Are you applying for other vacancies? How do they relate to our vacancy?

Why are they asking this?“In fact, the interlocutor wants to know how active you are in your search,” says Nicolai. - “Based on the answer, he will be able to evaluate how you speak about other employers and how honest you are.”

What's the catch? If you say you are not applying for other jobs, it makes you look bad. better light. Few job seekers only submit their resumes to one place, which is why employers may think you're lying. If you're honest and positive about other opportunities, the recruiter may be concerned that you're going to choose another employer and won't want to waste their time on you. “Speaking negatively about other employers is also not an option,” Nikolai reports.

What answer is expected from you? You might say, “I'm interviewing with several organizations, but I still can't decide which step would be the most beneficial for me.” “That sounds like a decent answer,” says Nicolai. - “You shouldn’t praise or scold your potential employer’s competitors.”

Tell us about your strengths and weaknesses

Why are they asking this? The interlocutor is trying to identify potential problems- for example, inability to work in a team or lack of punctuality. "Every job is unique, so there's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The strengths you mention should be relevant to the job requirements, and the weaknesses should be something positive," says Taylor. - “Ultimately, the interlocutor must understand that the pros outweigh the cons.”

What's the catch? The answer to this question can completely ruin the experience. If you are honest about your shortcomings without emphasizing your strengths. “Additionally, the strengths listed may not be relevant to the specific job or work style,” Taylor says. “It would be better to prepare the answer to this question in advance so as not to walk through a minefield.”

What answer is expected from you? HR professionals want to know that your strengths are fully consistent with the position for which you are applying, and that your weaknesses will not prevent you from successfully performing your responsibilities. "They also evaluate your honesty and confidence level," Taylor says.

Why do you want to work here?

Why are they asking this? This question is asked to determine the potential employee's motives, level of knowledge about the company and desire to get a job.

What's the catch?"Of course, there are several reasons why you want to work for this company," Taylor says. “It's only how you prioritize that matters.” You may think to yourself, “I hope I get paid for my work here,” or “At least I’ll have a decent boss here,” or “I live fifteen minutes from the office,” but none of these arguments have any meaning for you. HR representative. “Plus, the potential employer wants to know how interested you are in the job,” Taylor adds.

What answer is expected from you? Representatives of the HR department want to see that the candidate has done the preparatory work and studied the specifics of the company and the industry as a whole.

They also want to make sure that you want this job (and not just any job), that you are energetic and positive, that you understand your goals and are ready to contribute to the common good.

Why do you want to leave your current job?

Why are they asking this?"The potential employer tries to find out in advance about possible problems, especially if you've changed jobs a lot before," explains Taylor. He wants to see all the pitfalls and objectively evaluate the candidate.

What's the catch? It’s unlikely that anyone likes to talk about their least favorite job. If you do not show diplomacy and tact, the HR representative may have additional questions and concerns.

What answer is expected from you? The employer hopes that you are looking for new opportunities to demonstrate your talents and abilities. “Remember that recruiters don’t mind hearing that you are interested in professional growth at their company.”

What are you most proud of professionally?

Why are they asking this? The interviewer wants to understand your true passion and aspirations. “It's not just what you get to work on, it's also how you approach that work,” says Taylor. “People who talk about a previous case with pride and zeal are expected to have the same attitude toward a new one.”

What's the catch? Managers may assume that you enjoy doing what you talk about and would like to continue doing the same. If you do not describe the situation with different sides, you may be considered narrow-minded.

What answer is expected from you? Personnel responsible for recruiting employees want to see in candidates the ability to clearly articulate their thoughts and infect others with their enthusiasm and positive energy. “Remember one thing: in an effort to talk about your successes, you shouldn’t exaggerate or brag,” advises Taylor. “If you manage to get this job, you will have to live up to your words.”

What qualities did the managers and colleagues you enjoyed working with most/least have?

Why are they asking this? The HR specialist is trying to determine your level of conflict with people belonging to certain personality types. “He also needs to know what conditions you need to be productive,” Taylor says.

What's the catch? If you cannot abstract yourself from the situation, then you risk admitting that you are experiencing difficulties in interpersonal interaction. In addition, your potential boss may have some of the listed qualities. If you said that the previous boss held too many meetings and you did not have time to work, and your interlocutor blushed sharply, you may have offended him alive.

What answer is expected from you?“They want to hear positive feedback from you, not negative feedback,” Taylor explains. - “Start your story with the good and mention the bad only in passing.” Don't evade the answer or highlight your personal shortcomings.

Talk about the qualities you value in other people. Emphasize that you can work with people of different psychotypes. For example: "I think I can find common language With different people. I enjoy working and interacting with people who know exactly what they want and strive to set their expectations upfront."

Would you like to open your own business?

Why are they asking this? Taylor argues that the employer is trying to determine the likelihood that one day you will decide to go free swimming. “Managers want to know that the money and time they spend on you will pay off,” she adds.

What's the catch? Each of us has probably thought about starting our own business. The danger with this question is that you may become overly enthusiastic about the prospect of being your own boss. The employer may be afraid that this idea is too close to you.

What answer is expected from you? Of course, there is nothing wrong with recognizing the attractiveness of the prospect independent work. You can turn the conversation in a different direction by saying that you have already tried to open your own business or thought about it and decided that this option was not suitable for you. This will sound more truthful than "No, I never thought about that."

This question is your chance to talk about teamwork and finding your place on the team. In addition, you can say that you like the work of a specialist and do not want to organize the work of other employees or do bookkeeping. To dispel all the fears of a potential employer, tell him about what attracts you to him.

If you could choose any company, where would you like to work?

Why are they asking this? The HR representative wants to make sure that you are serious and not ready to accept any offer that comes your way. "It also screens out candidates who often change their minds. You've probably heard about how great it is to work at Google, but if you talk about it, you'll appear in a bad light to the employer. Remember, an interview is not a social conversation, and build on the possibilities available to you,” advises Taylor.

What's the catch? Casually mentioning big competitors can cast doubt on your intentions.

What answer are they expecting?"The other person wants to know that their company is at the top of your list of priorities." You might respond, "I've been researching organizations in our industry, and your company seems like the perfect place to work. I like what you do and would like to contribute."

If you won $5 million, how would you spend it?

Why are they asking this? The employer wants to know whether you will stay in your job if you do not need money. The answer to this question provides insight into your motivation and work ethic. Talking about the desire to spend or invest money speaks to the potential employee's maturity and ability to bear responsibility.

What's the catch? Such questions are usually asked suddenly and are very confusing. "They are in no way related to work, and their purpose is not clear at first glance," Taylor said. - “If you don’t think about your response, you will quickly lose control of the situation.”

What answer is expected from you? The employer wants to know that you will continue in your business because you enjoy it. In addition, he wants to make sure that you can make reasonable decisions. financial solutions. If you are irresponsible with your money, you will probably not value your employer's money.

Have any colleagues or superiors ever asked you to compromise your principles? Tell us about it.

Why are they asking this? The potential employer is trying to evaluate your morality. "He wants to hear about a sensitive situation that you came out of with flying colors," Taylor explains. “Perhaps this is his way of testing how far you can go.” In fact, the question is: Do you know how to use diplomacy? Can you cause a public scandal? Can you fight back? How do you think in such situations?

What's the catch? The interlocutor wants to know how sensitive you are. In addition, they do not want to hire those who badmouth previous employers, regardless of the severity of their offenses. "If you share too much information, you're less likely to get a job offer," says Taylor. - "This is a very tricky question. Choose your words carefully and try to be as tactful as possible."

What answer is expected from you? Try to give a clear and professional answer without revealing confidential details. Answering too honestly will not give you any advantage.

You might say something like, “I was once asked by a colleague to participate in a project that I thought was unethical, but the problem resolved itself. If the project puts my employer's reputation into question, I try to report it as early as possible because Overall success is very important to me."

Are there any reasons why someone might not like working with you?

Why are they asking this? A potential employer wants to know in advance about possible communication problems and asks about it directly. "The worst thing that can happen is that you lie and your deception is discovered," Taylor explains. “The negative tone of a question can confuse even the most experienced professionals.”

What's the catch? This question may serve you poorly. If you take the easy route and say that working with you is a pleasure, then you will simply insult the interlocutor and devalue his question. So you'll have to phrase your answer in a way that tells the truth without sounding pathetic. "Recruiters don't like candidates who feel sorry for themselves," says Taylor.

What answer is expected from you? You might say, "I'm not easy to get along with, especially when deadlines are tight. I often lose my temper and lose my temper easily." At the same time, you will not look in the best possible way. Taylor suggests changing this answer slightly: "I usually get along well with my co-workers. My past experience proves this. However, some co-workers have temporarily disliked me when I tried to get them to do better. Sometimes we are forced to make uncomfortable decisions for the good of the whole." company."

Why are you looking for a job for so long?

Why are they asking this?"Recruiters tend to be skeptical," Taylor says. - “Sometimes they see guilt where there is none, until they are convinced otherwise.” This is an unpleasant question that may sound offensive. You may think that the interlocutor suspects you of a lack of motivation, knowledge or experience, problems with employers, and other sins.

What's the catch? The very wording of the question is designed to test your strength. Ignore the bait and give a calm, thorough answer.

What answer is expected from you? The HR representative wants to make sure that you show initiative even when you are unemployed because... your persistence and perseverance will be useful to the company. Sample answers: “I go to interviews all the time, but before accepting an offer, I have to make sure that the job is 100% suitable for me,” “I am actively looking for a job and trying to improve my skills (through volunteering, advanced training courses) qualifications, etc.)". “If you can control yourself, you can give a clear answer without going into detail,” Taylor says.

Exercise caution. Don't complain about high level unemployment, specifics of the labor market and industry, etc. The employer wants to assess your desire to contribute to the common cause and find out how active you are.

How did you manage to find time for this interview? What did you tell your manager?

Why are they asking this? Hiring managers want to know your priorities. What is more important to you - the current job or the interview? "Employers know that habits can tell a potential employee's integrity. If he neglects his job for a ghostly opportunity, he's likely to do it again when he's looking for his next job," Taylor says. “They also want to see how you handle awkward situations (like lying to your boss).” Ideally, you should arrive for interviews during your lunch break, which is considered personal time.

What's the catch? The real question is: "What is it like to search new job behind the back of their superiors?” Most applicants feel embarrassed that the matter is framed this way, so they try to give a lengthy answer.

What answer is expected from you? Explain that work is of utmost importance to you. Schedule interviews before or after work, during your lunch break, or on the weekend. If you are asked to state the excuse you gave to your boss, don't go into detail. Don't say, "I took the day off." Taylor recommends saying, "My manager understands that I have personal time and doesn't ask what I do. He's more interested in the results of my work."

Tell us about yourself difficult situation that you happen to encounter

Why are they asking this? With this question, the HR representative receives a huge amount of information. He will not only find out how you cope with stressful situations, but will also understand how you think and determine the degree of complexity of the situation, what actions you take to cope with unforeseen circumstances.

What's the catch? As a rule, this question is perceived as an invitation to brag about your successes. Don't fall for this scam. "Emphasize your ability to solve problems under pressure," Taylor advises. - “Don’t talk about your feelings and experiences. Talk about the steps you took to cope with the difficulties. Were you able to act logically and consistently?” Choose your examples carefully because... they will give a potential employer an idea of ​​what you find challenging.

What answer is expected from you? Taylor says employers want problem-solving skills in applicants. “They prefer those who think clearly and professionally, and those who can quickly recover from failure,” she adds. To formulate a worthy answer, prepare in advance a story about how you successfully overcame major professional difficulties.

You have been studying for several years own business. How do you plan to adapt to our culture?

Why are they asking this? If you have run your own business, you probably have qualities that would be useful to any company. But Nicolai says the experience may confuse some HR professionals and raise similar questions. According to Nikolai, "many employees who have never had to exercise independence are afraid of former entrepreneurs."

What's the catch? Many people hide personal achievements to prove that they do not pose a threat to the company. This approach does not allow you to demonstrate your desire and ability to work.

What answer is expected from you?"The employer wants to see in the candidate a dedication to the company, a desire to become part of big team and make a difference," says Nicolai. Even if you're not excited about the idea, emphasize how important the job is to you. "The employer wants to know that the applicant needs him," she says.

How do you define success for yourself?

Why are they asking this?"The interviewee is not only trying to determine your level of motivation, but also to some extent testing your character," Taylor says. The answer gives an idea of ​​the applicant's priorities. Do you enjoy coping with challenges? Learn something new? Or do you take a more personal approach?

What's the catch? This question is a real minefield, because... the concept of success is very subjective. Any, even the most reasonable answer can be interpreted incorrectly. "There's a fine line between being ambitious and being proactive, but either way you'll bring significant value to the organization," Taylor says.

What answer is expected from you? When answering general and vague questions that imply subsequent discussion, try to construct phrases so that they do not cause objections. “Define success so that what you say speaks directly to the potential employer, based on what you read in the job description and learned during the interview,” advises Taylor. For example: "My success lies in applying the experience and knowledge gained to achieve the company's goals."

Taylor argues that this response is fundamentally different from other formulations, in which there is a thinly veiled "desire to get into a good position in order to gain access to more important things." Use specific language that is directly related to your professional activities.

We surveyed applicants and found out which interview questions give them the most problems. It turned out that the most difficult thing for candidates is to talk about personal shortcomings and imagine their professional future in about five years. Let's figure out how to answer tricky questions from recruiters.

The most inconvenient questions for job seekers

1. Tell us about yourself

It is believed that with the help of this question you can find out about the candidate’s priorities in life: people first of all talk about what worries them most. As a rule, the employer is primarily interested in your education and work experience; he is not interested in hearing about your hobbies. Tell us a little about everything: about your education and hobbies. It's okay if you ask the interviewer to specify your question: let him clarify what exactly you need to talk about - about your professional experience or about something personal.

2. Talk about your shortcomings

The question has long been unoriginal. In response, you can show your sense of humor, but it is better to answer neutrally like “I, of course, have shortcomings, but they do not affect my work in any way.” And don’t reveal real shortcomings under any pretext.

3. Tell us about your achievements

This question is a test of self-esteem and prudence. Please note that if you are applying for leadership position, this question will definitely be asked to you. Tell us that, for example, you increased sales, successfully implemented a project, improved your skills, or received a gold cup. The main thing is not to overdo it. Of course, not everyone can boast of super-achievement. If what is written above does not apply to you, then say that at your previous job you learned a new skill computer program or upgraded the level foreign language- this is also not bad.

4. Why did you leave your previous job?

The employer wants to know what you weren't happy with at your previous job and what you expect from your new one. Tell the truth. But keep in mind: it is extremely undesirable to refer to bad relations with former boss or colleagues. And one more “but”: before referring to the lack of career growth and routine in the old place, make sure that career growth and interesting tasks in the new company, everything is in order. It’s better to talk about the desire to receive more last, as if by the way, like money is not the only reason my employment. For some reason, many employers like to think that all good employees work more for the idea.

5. What salary are you applying for?

In other words, can the company buy you and keep you for some time? Feel free to name an amount that is 10-15% higher than your previous salary, maximum 30%.

6. Where do you see yourself in five years?

The question can be very inconvenient if you are currently applying for one position, but in the future you see yourself as someone completely different. Or you have no idea what you will be doing in at least a year. Just imagine and answer at least for yourself. Well, for HR officers the ideal answer would be that you want to continue working in the same path, grow as a professional and advance in career ladder.

7. What do you know about our company?

The question is difficult only for the lazy. You need to know a minimum about the company, at least check out its website.

8. Why do you want to work with us?

Usually this is a continuation of the question “about our company” - an attempt to completely confuse the candidate and extract some kind of information from him. secret reason employment. It’s better to keep silent about money at first. Start from afar - flatter a little: the company has been on the market for many years, and this indicates stability (this is exactly what you need), the company is a leader in its field or an innovator (you really want to learn best practices), it is interesting to work in such and such an area, satisfied with the position and responsibilities, convenient office location, etc.

When going for an interview, prepare for possible questions employer. Think about what an employer might ask and how to respond. As a rule, during a job interview, a standard set of basic questions is asked, as well as additional ones that depend on the specific position. Below we provide a list of popular employer questions and answers to them. Use the answers provided as a template, edit them in accordance with the characteristics of the position for which you are applying.

You have been invited to an interview and you really want to get this position, but are you afraid of competitors, are you afraid of answering a tricky question incorrectly or just getting confused? In this case, you need to gather all your will into a fist and prepare for a responsible conversation with the employer. Be sure to think about your clothing style, hairstyle, and rehearse your speech, taking into account possible options expected answers.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main questions that recruiters ask a job applicant during an interview. You will find all the correct answers in our article. How to respond to specific and non-standard tasks in order to stand out from the crowd of competitors?

Very popular in job interviews these days. situational questions, examples below (click to enlarge):

13 popular interview questions and answers to them

Question 1 Tell us a little about yourself

Very popular and one of the first questions recruiters ask. How best to answer the question - tell us about yourself?

Answer. It is necessary to remain calm when answering, speech must be clear and confident. Tell what the interviewer wants to hear: where you studied, your specialty, previous jobs, interests, hobbies, hobbies. Tell us what exactly interested you in the new position and be sure to focus on your personal qualities. Among them, it is important to note stress resistance, quick learner, hard work and discipline, striving for the set goal, permanent job above yourself.

Answer examples:

The second most popular job interview question is why you left your previous job. How to respond to a recruiter?

Answer. The answer should not talk about a conflict with management, if any. You should also not speak negatively about the director and colleagues. The applicant may be suspected of being quarrelsome, inability to get along with people, or work in a team. Replying to this question, talk about former job in positive tones, remember fun and pleasant moments. The reason for leaving can be called the desire to reveal one’s potential, unique abilities, desire for professional growth and higher salary.

More example answers:

How to answer the interview question - why do you want to work with us? The employer will definitely ask you this – prepare for it.

Answer. Worth mentioning positive characteristics companies, among them - stability, opportunity for professional growth, well-coordinated team, interesting work, decent salary. You can also add that what attracts you is the work schedule, management policies aimed at subordinates and other important points.

To give a reasoned answer about the reason for wanting to work in a particular company, read about it, look at the website, ask what the company does, what it produces, how many years it has been on the market.

What to answer to an employer if he asks a tricky question about why they should hire you for a vacant position.

Answer. The applicant must give a clear, intelligible and reasoned answer, namely, say that he is an excellent specialist, has invaluable experience, and is constantly improving in a particular field. You need to prepare in advance to tell in detail about the company’s field of activity, about the industry in which you are going to work. There is no need to be ashamed to praise yourself, talk about your successes and talents.

Question 5 What are your weaknesses?

Perhaps the most difficult thing to answer in an interview is what your shortcomings are.

Answer. It’s worth noting right away that this is a trick question. It’s not worth laying out your flaws as best you can. Try to name yours positive qualities, pretending to consider them your shortcomings. For example, they are too demanding of themselves, do not know how to disconnect from work, are pedantic, strict, scrupulous. You can also answer a tricky question that everyone has shortcomings, but yours do not in any way affect your professional qualities.

Examples of answers about shortcomings:

How should you answer a question about your strengths in an interview?

Answer. Let us tell you right away which aspects should not be named, because almost every applicant for a position talks about them:

  • Punctuality.
  • You make contact with people easily.
  • Performance.

These are standard qualities, recruiters are already tired of them, so you need to be more creative. Tell us at the interview that you can easily find an approach to people, know how to inspire trust, use your working day rationally, have experience in negotiations, and conclude profitable contracts. Managers should pay attention to such answers.

How to answer the question about the desired salary level?

Answer. A good specialist must know his worth. Try to name a salary that is 10-15% higher than your previous one. A golden mean is needed here, because if the pay is too low, I will think that the person is a bad worker, and if the salary is too high, I will think that he is overly ambitious.

Usually this question ends the study of the candidate. How to answer about where you see yourself in 5-10 or more years?

Answer. A persistent person always sets high goals for himself and career advancement. During the interview, you need to emphasize that your dream is to work in this company and during this time take a leadership position.

Don’t talk about living in a luxury apartment surrounded by a crowd of children and a beautiful wife. This is not what the employer wants to hear.

Example of a good answer:

“In 5 years, I see myself as a mature specialist, perhaps a project manager (direction, division), who has significantly improved his level of professional training.”

Answer. There is a hint of overtime work here. You need to ask how often overtime occurs and understand for yourself whether you are really ready for it or whether this position is not suitable for you. If yes, then answer in the affirmative, say that you are ready to stay at work and do everything for the benefit of the company.

Answer: Be sure to say that you are hungry for new experiences and will happily complete all the assigned tasks, because you are gaining invaluable experience and skills.

Answer. This is also a tricky question; here the employer finds out whether the job is so important to the applicant. Therefore, ask in detail about the work schedule provided by the social service. package on the requirements for company employees.

Any job interview is stressful. A person is nervous and even the simplest question can confuse him. By knowing what recruiters ask most often, you can be well prepared and answer them correctly. Any tricky question can be answered, the main thing is to be sure own strength. Study our article and confidently go for an interview, impressing employers with your erudition and excellent professional qualities.

The goal of any HR employee is to find out how suitable you are for the position. To find out all the information, questions are often asked in complex and tricky ways. We will look at how to answer them correctly and get the job of your dreams below.

What you need to know to pass an interview

So, the employer has reviewed your resume and is ready to communicate in person at an interview. On average, the period of work in one place is about three years. According to statistics, more than half of workers are ready to change jobs for a number of reasons. Nowadays there is a tendency to be particularly biased towards specialists who stay in one position for too long for many years. If you want to grow and improve, then you should look at new perspectives and develop in a new direction.
There may be a lot of achievements, but who will know about an employee’s professional experience if he himself does not talk about it at an interview?
Finding a suitable vacancy is difficult, but even more difficult is passing an interview and establishing yourself on the positive side. Questions can be tricky and provocative. They often violate the candidate's personal space and put him in an awkward position. However, we must remember that they value more persistent and hardworking employees who can become part of the company and business communication. That is why asking difficult questions is just a way to find the most suitable employee and offer the job to the best candidate.

Tricky personal questions

Tell us about yourself? This is the most frequently asked question, which is asked in almost all interviews. Initially, it seems easy and simple, but at the same time it is the most important and responsible.

It is necessary to identify the main points and talk about them as briefly and comprehensively as possible. Be sure to tell us about:

  • Professional experience;
  • Own achievements;
  • Desire to develop in a new place of work;
  • Marital status, presence of children;
  • An interesting hobby and what you do in your free time.

This story can be rehearsed at home and prepared before the interview.

Describe your strengths and weaknesses?

The question is too frank, so answer without deception and absolutely calmly. Don't be too frank, because shortcomings are best described as qualities that need to be improved. And about yours negative aspects character in general it is best to remain silent. The interviewer may insist on more full list shortcomings, in this case, advise him to contact his former employer and ask him, since it is difficult for you to evaluate yourself. Talk to your former boss in advance, warn them that they may be calling from your new job, and best of all, ask for letters of recommendation.
Who do you usually vote for in elections, do you attend church, how do you feel about immigrants and people of Caucasian nationality?
Here you don’t have to answer, guided by the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Politics, religion, intimate and interethnic relations– these are prohibited topics for interviews. Such questions test your temper, self-control and your sound assessment of the situation. Don't commit typical mistakes at the interview.
Tell us about your relatives, what and where did your parents work?
But the question about relatives is quite normal. This question is included in most questionnaires and interview questionnaires. Often the information is checked by the company's security services, which receive and verify all information about the candidate.
Do you have children? Are you planning to give birth to a child in the near future?
Female candidates are usually asked about this, and this is due to the fact that after a couple of months of work they leave for maternity leave, forcing the employer to hold the position and pay monthly amounts. Here they want to hear from you that work and career come first, and then marriage and children. Tell me honestly how long you plan to have children, but it is advisable to indicate the next 3-5 years. If you already have children, this will be a plus, tell them that you are leaving the child with a nanny or that he regularly goes to school. kindergarten or school.

Provocative questions of a professional nature

Why did you quit your previous job?
If you want to lose your new job and prove yourself from the worst side, then you can safely proceed to negative assessment former colleagues, management or the company as a whole. It will describe you well if you add something positive and good about the job you are applying for, for example, wide range opportunities or adequate assessment of professional abilities. This is why you should say that you are looking for “more appropriate compensation” or “a job with growth prospects.”
What salary are you applying for?
When posting a vacancy, it is customary to indicate payment terms. The question is asked as a test to check attentiveness and identify candidates who make decisions only because of the salary level. If the amount is not indicated, state the figure for which you are honestly willing to work at this place of work. Agree to reduce it only for the duration of the trial period.
What do you know about the company?
Before going to an interview, read about the company, ask what exactly it does, what products, works or services it provides. Connect the facts and knowledge gained with your desire to work there and effectively promote the company to new achievements and achievements.
Why do you want to work with us?
This question is closely related to the previous one. You can once again praise the company you are going to join and say that here you will finally be able to realize your full potential. Here you can talk about exactly how you will be useful to the company.
What pros and cons will the company receive by hiring you?
This is where open struggle with your competitors comes into play. Tell us about yours strengths and that such an employee will bring profit to the company and new paying clients and partners. Having understood myself, my positive aspects, it will be easier to convince the interviewer of this.

What else might interviewers ask when applying for a job?

Sometimes HR department employees provoke and try to understand your guidelines. So, for example, the question “In which team would you be uncomfortable working?” is possible. The goal is to identify the candidate’s excessive demands and understand whether he can work in an already established team. Answer honestly that you count on the help and support of your colleagues and mutual understanding with your superiors.
There is a check on your willingness to work overtime. Of course, no one needs those who work from 9 and leave exactly at 18. Therefore, it is necessary to find out what exactly is overtime. If this does not apply to every day, then you can work longer. The best option would be the rule “I work more, I earn more.” Information about processing can be obtained from the employees of this company.
Specialists often change their jobs and find more promising or higher-paying jobs. Perhaps you have great experience job, the main thing is to competently present your skills and abilities to the new employer.