Recruitment of girls to the police force. The essence of police work

Protect the lives and property of fellow citizens, ensure compliance with the law Russian Federation, faithfully serving their homeland is the dream of many young men and women. True, the latter often have to work harder and harder to make this dream come true. Serve in the army or internal organs It’s more difficult for girls and women than for men. There is nothing to be done about this, it just happened historically. But, if difficulties do not frighten you and you are ready to prove in practice that a woman copes with the duties of a police officer in no way worse than a man, – welcome to the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Who is recruited to serve in the police?
Based on Federal Law No. 342, which was adopted in 2011, persons who meet the following requirements are accepted for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs:
  • having citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • the citizen does not have a residence permit in another state;
  • age: from 18 to 35 years. If a citizen has previously served in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then a special age limit applies - up to 50 years;
  • fit for service due to health reasons;
  • have undergone psychophysiological diagnostics, as well as testing for drug and alcohol addiction;
  • without a criminal record, open criminal cases and administrative liability for committing offenses within a year from the date of entry into service.
Gender, religion and nationality do not matter. The criminal record of relatives is also not an obstacle. Unless, of course, the relative is a repeat offender, a local crime boss, etc.

Education Requirements
To work as an ordinary police officer, a diploma stating that you have completed high school. If you plan to hold officer positions, work as an interrogator or investigator, then you must have a higher legal education. In order to become a juvenile affairs inspector, you need to obtain a higher pedagogical education, etc.

How to become an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
If you meet the requirements above, then you need to do the following:

  1. Contact the personnel department of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and find out about the availability of vacancies. The department staff will select a suitable position for you based on information about your education and work experience.
  2. If there is a vacancy of interest, you will be asked to undergo a medical examination and testing, and also fill out an autobiographical questionnaire. Be extremely honest and careful. Please remember that all information received from you by the HR department will be verified.
  3. Wait for the department's decision. If you are suitable for the selected position, you will be notified. First, you will be enlisted as a trainee, then, if your work is not satisfactory, an order will be drawn up for your official appointment.
If you were refused by the HR department, and you believe that this was done unfairly, there are violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation, then you can always contact the head of the department for work with personnel of the UVMD in your area. You can make an appointment with him from the secretary of the regional branch of the Ministry.

Preservation of state order is one of the foundations on which to build modern society. Society in this case is identical to the country. And in every state there are bodies charged with maintaining public order.

Information about police positions

They call it the police a whole complex of government structures. Each is responsible for maintaining order. This means they will be in demand all professions:

  1. HR department employees.
  2. Accountant.
  3. Operatives.
  4. Investigators.
  5. Precinct.

The list will be approximately the same as in the case of others government agencies. Pedagogical education will help those who plan to work with minors in the police.

To apply for a place of interest, just contact representatives of the personnel service of the unit where you plan to gain a foothold. All that remains is to submit documents, take care of tests and examinations.

Requirements for candidates: what to do for girls

First, the citizen checks whether he meets the requirements set by the institution. Investigators and accountants are accepted for different conditions, but there are always common points.

For example, the main requirement remains the presence of an official Russian citizenship. At the same time, the floor doesn't matter. If there are no contraindications for health reasons, then both girls and young people can enroll in the service. As for age requirements, they will be as follows:

  1. At least 18 years of age.
  2. After 35 are not allowed.
  3. An exception is the admission of a citizen who previously served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For them, the age bar rises to 50 years.

Education must correspond positions, which the future employee is applying for. In some cases, an average or vocational education. A higher profile is needed for those who aspire to senior management in an organization.

Obstacles to obtaining a position may include:

  1. Presence of convicted relatives.
  2. Own business.
  3. Unwillingness to work with state secrets.

The path to the authorities is also closed if the Administrative or Criminal Code has been repeatedly applied to the candidate.

List of documents for employment

The set of documents consists of the following items:

  • work book, if available;
  • certificate of assignment of TIN;
  • information on income and property;
  • military ID, if we are talking about a person liable for military service;
  • education documents;
  • autobiography;
  • questionnaire;
  • statement.

The list may increase depending on the position for which the candidate is applying.

Not only are they important entrance exams, you will also need set of personal qualities. Among them:

  1. Maintaining composure and calm in all situations.
  2. Quick decision making, even in emergency situations.
  3. Responsibility, punctuality when completing tasks.
  4. A sense of duty to the country and people.
  5. The ability to convince others of your position.
  6. Courage, dedication.
  7. Willingness to cope with difficult conditions.
  8. Decency, honesty.
  9. Willingness to follow orders from superiors.
  10. Maintaining strict discipline.

Can't do without a good one physical fitness, good biography. Young men must definitely serve conscript service before taking up the position.

Advantages, disadvantages, salary level

Police work is different. high level difficulties, but there are also certain advantages. Here are just a few of them:

  • social guarantees;
  • fringe benefits;
  • building a career in public service.

If desired, any employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can to retire earlier than other categories of citizens.
The main disadvantage is considered dangers and risks that service representatives encounter every day. You should be prepared for the fact that citizens do not always treat representatives of these structures with due respect. Therefore, you cannot do without patience and endurance.

Exists several factors, which affect the level wages police officers. For example, in major cities the level of provision is higher than in the regions. In megacities, you can count on a salary of from 45,000 to 100,000 rubles. This amount already includes allowances along with additional payments.

We can list just a few institutions that provide high-quality training for highly qualified employees:

  1. Tambov Technical Institute.
  2. Moscow Financial Law Institute.
  3. North Caucasus University of Federal Significance.
  4. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

The main thing is to remember that this work associated not only with daily risks, but with stress. Irregular working days are the least possible. But for society this service still remains in demand and relevant. You just need to maintain the desire to move forward and improve yourself.

Features of the profession of a district police officer

District officer refers to employees who can and should receive complaints and appeals from citizens at any time of the day. The main thing is to be aware of everything that happens in the area that is entrusted to the employee. Here we need to work on a whole range of tasks:

  • look for criminals;
  • conduct preventive conversations;
  • protect the peace of citizens.

The requirements for the position are quite high. Of course, a stable physical health. You cannot do without an education in the field of jurisprudence. Many are eliminated while interviews are just underway. Others are transferred because the workload is too much to handle.

The response to citizens' appeals should be timely. To communicate with superiors, office telephone numbers are issued; their number is created separately.

The district police go around to get to know those whose activities and lives they are supposed to protect and control.

Is it possible to get a job without serving in the army?

Many citizens are interested in the question of whether it is possible to join the police if the usual military service was not passed. Regulatory acts do not contain specific instructions that military service is compulsory for everyone. But the likelihood of refusal increases if there is no mark in the documents.

This is due to the presentation of certain requirements or non-compliance with them:

  1. Safety precautions for use special means self-defense.
  2. Availability of special combat preliminary training.
  3. Familiarization with the charter.
  4. Ability to handle weapons.

If these skills are missing, then higher authorities They simply don’t see the point in hiring a person.

Some positions require that health status be at a certain level. Even those who have previously served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and completed it successfully may have problems when getting a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For example, if health problems arose due to which his category was lowered.


Having a criminal record and lack of citizenship can become reason for refusing a request. The same applies to situations where a person has been declared incompetent. Finally, it is dangerous to provide any fake or false information.

As for retirement, the minimum length of service to obtain this right is 20 years. The specific department does not matter.

PPP – important service, which performs tasks that ensure order and stability in society. It is she who is recognized as one of the most effective. Therefore, the modernization and development of the department should not stop. And this can only be achieved if the influx of new personnel is constant.

The requirements are quite strict, but the result is still worth fulfilling. You just need to decide in advance whether your character and personal inclinations suit the service. And after that, choose the direction of activity that interests you the most.

Features of working in the police are presented in the video.

IN Lately The prestige of being a police officer has increased significantly. In some ways, this is explained by the law that marked the beginning of reform in this area in 2011, and in some ways by the increased consciousness of the population and respect for this profession. Therefore, the number of people wishing to become a police officer has increased significantly in last years. If you are thinking about becoming a valiant law enforcement officer, read this article. Here you will find the answer to the question - how to get a job in the police.

First, read the Regulations on Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation as amended on June 30, 2002. Chapter II sets out the conditions of admission, as well as the specific requirements for candidates to become police officers. If you do not meet them, then, alas, you will not be able to get a job in the internal affairs bodies. According to Art. 8 of this Regulation

be in good physical condition and in excellent health. Military service is not mandatory now, but if you have served, this is only a plus for you. This will be taken into account when selecting personnel for an existing vacancy. An alternative to military service is to undergo military department

Compare your resume with the above requirements, and if you meet them, go to your local police department. There, the HR department will provide you with information about available vacancies. If there are none, go to the website, where you will find a list vacant positions not only in your area, but in Russia as a whole (just before this you need to fill out a form and take an online test).

If you find a suitable vacancy, it means that with a completed job application, curriculum vitae and questionnaire, you should visit the chief of the police department.

Download here.

Can be found here.

A police officer must be resilient both physically and mentally. Therefore, before being hired, you will still have to pass an exam in physical training and take a psychological test.

For those who are applying for a job in the authorities for the first time, the Regulations establish a mandatory condition - probation from 3 months to 1 year. Only after successful completion of the internship can the intern be appointed to the appropriate position.

Before beginning to perform his official duties, a police officer must take an oath. This happens in a solemn atmosphere.

As you can see, it is quite possible to become a police officer, but at the same time it is necessary to meet quite high requirements and fulfill a lot of conditions. This is not a whim of the legislator, but a necessity, which is explained by the specifics of this profession.

Police service is a prestigious and honorable profession. By joining us, you will really be able to help people.

Citizens of the Russian Federation no younger than 18 years old and no older than 40 years old (for police service - up to 35 years old) are accepted to serve in internal affairs bodies on a voluntary basis, regardless of gender, race, nationality, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitudes towards religion, beliefs, possession state language Russian Federation, having education not lower than secondary (complete) general, capable of their personal and business qualities, physical fitness and health status to perform the duties of a police officer.
Our law enforcement structure accepts citizens into its ranks not only in the police, but also in the internal service - these are rear, personnel, headquarters and other units, as well as justice, which includes investigators. These are the same employees “in uniform” who have all the basic rights as police officers. We also have categories of civilian workers.
Citizens with at least secondary education are accepted for positions of ordinary and junior commanding personnel; citizens with an appropriate secondary specialized or higher education are accepted for positions of middle and senior commanding personnel.
Education in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is provided free of charge. IN educational establishments The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation can also accept persons under 18 years of age, provided they have completed secondary education.
Service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation is stressful, but important and very needed by people work that requires courage and bravery, endurance and good physical fitness, the ability to think logically and empathize, because the price of this work is human life. Service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation requires an employee to demonstrate his best qualities: honesty, decency, desire and readiness to help people. Today, the main task of the internal affairs bodies is to ensure the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, to protect legitimate interests...

Some time ago, the attitude towards law enforcement officers left much to be desired. Now the attitude is changing better side. Many associate this with the reform, thanks to which the prestige of law enforcement agencies has increased and many have become interested in how to become a police officer.

In addition to a number of visible changes, including the uniform and wearing of badges, the government is trying to increase the prestige of police service by increasing pay.

The requirements for candidates have also become more stringent, so becoming a police officer is not easy, but it is possible. The main thing is compliance with the put forward requirements, successful completion of a medical commission and psychological tests.

Some are attracted by the power vested in the police, others want to serve in the police out of the highest duty of honor and justice, for some, service in the police is the business and meaning of life, contrary to popular opinions about law enforcement officers.

To become a police officer, desire alone is not enough; you will definitely need a higher specialized education, no criminal record, and physical health. Serving in the armed forces when entering a job, in some cases, provides a number of advantages.

What do you need to do to become a police officer?

Before applying to the police personnel department for a job, decide in which department you want to work. Each has individual requirements for candidates.

According to the law of the Russian Federation, only citizens of the Russian Federation without a criminal record can work in the police, regardless of gender, nationality and religion. Age restrictions for employment are from 18 to 35 years, this is one of the most stringent requirements for candidates.

Women are subject to the same strict requirements as men; there are no benefits or concessions when joining the police. It is more difficult for women to achieve the right to serve in law enforcement agencies, but if there is a great desire, physical preparation, the goal is quite achievable.

The simplest thing awaiting an applicant is an interview.. If a person behaves adequately during an interview and answers the questions asked correctly, the candidate receives the go-ahead from the committee members.

The next step is to collect documents for getting a job. You will need:

  1. questionnaire
  2. biography
  3. diploma
  4. passport

An application for employment in the police, a questionnaire and an autobiography are filled out. The biography is checked especially carefully; not only an expunged criminal record is unacceptable, but also administrative penalties. Relatives are also checked along this line. A diploma or diplomas confirming education and a passport are provided.

In addition to the listed documents, you will need:

  1. Recommendations. At least 2 police officers with a positive reputation for years of work in the police (at least 3 years).
  2. Employment history. Required if you have worked before.
  3. TIN certificate.
  4. Documents on military registration for those liable for military service.

Basic documents will require information about the income and property of the applicant, spouses and children under 18 years of age. In addition, consent is given to the verification and processing of data.

The next stage is a medical examination. You will need patience, as the medical commission takes up to 5 days. The medical commission is one of the difficult stages, here many candidates for work in the police are rejected. Some joke bitterly, saying that it is more difficult to pass a medical examination to become a police officer than to become an astronaut.

It will take a lot of time to obtain certificates from dispensaries confirming the absence of diseases that interfere with the work of a police officer (tuberculosis, mental illness, drug addiction, venereal diseases). Candidates are screened for dependence or predisposition to alcohol.

The tightening is associated with the fact that a police officer must act as a model and show resistance to the stresses and temptations of life. This will give you confidence that in a non-standard situation the policeman will act competently, adequately and not get confused.

Another difficult stage is psychological examination. This is not a simple compatibility test, but a test of 600 questions, plus a lie detector is connected. After the examination, a number of rooms pass through:

  1. psychiatrist
  2. surgeon
  3. ophthalmologist
  4. therapist

Don’t forget about fluorography, cardiac cardiograms and ultrasound; you may need head shots to make sure there were no injuries.

When the medical commission is completed, you will have to face the financial papers. They will ask you to fill out tax return, indicate information about bank accounts, income and property, securities and promotions.

Video story

The last event is passing physical fitness standards. The standards include: push-ups, press, running long distances. Only the strongest and most resilient work in the police.

The challenges and rewards of being a police officer

No matter how the attitude towards police officers changes for the better, one will have to deal with the prejudiced attitude of the population, even if the police officer risks his health or life. Many see this as self-interest. But such is life, it is impossible to please everyone.

Some relatives, and even friends, for selfish purposes hide behind working in the police, firmly believing that they can get away with a lot. This can seriously damage a police officer's reputation and result in his being deprived of his position if cover-up is proven. The law is binding on everyone, and the court can punish any person, whether he is an archaeologist, a doctor or a police officer.

The policeman has irregular working hours and can be called back to work at any time. IN weekdays The policeman must maintain order and keep everything under control.

A decent salary and early retirement due to length of service compensate for a number of work difficulties. According to the new legislation, after a 10-year service period, the state provides a one-time allowance for the purchase of housing for law enforcement officers. Housing can also be purchased under a preferential program at 7% per annum.

If the experience is 15 years, with all calculations the vacation will be up to 2 months. Police officers and their family members can take advantage of medical care and spa treatment.

There is a good opportunity to climb career ladder. It all depends on the personality of the police officer, diligence in work and self-improvement. Getting more high rank and awards will be reflected in pensions.

If the checks are successfully completed and psychological tests and the medical commission gave the go-ahead, those who want to work in the police are given the opportunity to undergo a probationary period of 3 to 6 months. During the internship, the mentor officer must teach and vouch for the newcomer to serve in the authorities that he will strictly observe the prohibitions and restrictions that are imposed on police officers, according to Federal law RF.

Detailed video material

During your internship, prove yourself and show best qualities. After successfully completing the internship, you will receive the position and title you applied for. The internship period is included in the work experience.

Becoming a police officer is not so easy, so if working in law enforcement is your calling, show firmness in decision-making, perseverance and perseverance. If you don't succeed in realizing your dream, don't be discouraged. Can