History of the creation of the Unified State Exam. What is the Unified State Exam and how should it be taken? Unified State Exam

In connection with the widespread discussion of all the pros and cons of universally mandatory school exam, people far from the educational system have a question: what is the Unified State Exam? This article will introduce you to the Unified State Exam.

The Unified State Exam is a form of universal control of knowledge for a course of secondary general education. As mentioned above, the decoding of the abbreviation Unified State Examination is the Unified State Examination. On this type test work Graduates are offered assignments of a certain format in written form. The exception is the Unified State Examination English language, which includes oral and written parts.

Russian and mathematics (basic level) are required. In addition, upon completion of grade 11, students can take any of the 14 general education subjects for admission to a university.

The exam is mandatory not only for all Russian citizens, but also for those who studied abroad. Certain groups of people are not allowed to take the Unified State Examination, including:

  • those who have academic debt;
  • students who did not pass the final essay;
  • not having annual grades in one or more general education subjects.

What does the exam affect?

In order to understand what the Unified State Exam is, you need to understand what depends on this exam.

First of all, the points earned on the Unified State Exam influence admission to universities and institutes. Each university independently selects additional subjects to take.

The disciplines of each direction are different. For example, to enter the medical faculty you need to pass, in addition to Russian language and mathematics, chemistry and biology. To apply for foreign philology, you must pass a foreign language and literature (in some universities social studies). On the official websites of universities you can find a list of subjects of all areas, arranged in order of priority. As a rule, the passing score of the Unified State Exam is directly dependent on the prestige of the university.

From 2019, scores for this exam will also influence the possibility of receiving a gold medal. Now graduates must score at least 270 points in three subjects to receive a medal.

What are the Unified State Examination tasks?

What is the Unified State Exam and what does this exam require from graduates?

The tasks of the compulsory exam are called CMM (control and measuring materials). They are compiled according to a specific model developed by FIPI. You can also find samples on the FIPI website Unified State Exam tests to develop the skills needed for successful completion. The exam contains both short-answer and long-answer tasks.

The options for Unified State Exam tasks are not the same in different regions. This is done to prevent job leakage. The Unified State Exam options provided to different regions are usually of the same type and identical in complexity.

Let's consider the format of tasks for the main exams - Russian and mathematics.

Mathematics is divided into basic and profile levels, but the profile is taken at will. When passing the profile level, the basic exam is optional.

Unified State Exam in Mathematics basic level includes only the test part of 20 tasks. The answer to them is one or more numbers without separation signs or a decimal fraction. Basic level tasks are relatively simple and are aimed at testing the ability to apply knowledge school course in life situations.

Unified State Examination tasks in mathematics at the profile level are divided into 2 parts depending on the level of complexity and format. The first part consists of 8 tasks with a short answer. The second part includes 4 tasks with a short answer and 7 with a detailed answer. Completing tasks with a detailed answer requires a complete recording of the solution with detailed justification.

The Unified State Examination in the Russian language is required for admission to any major. It consists of 24 tasks for choosing one of the proposed answers and one task with a detailed answer. Recording Unified State Exam tests on the answer form involves writing a word, number or sequence thereof without separating characters.

Second part of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language is an essay on a given text involving fiction from the school curriculum.

Unified State Examination time

The standard period for taking the Unified State Exam is May-June. Most schoolchildren take it at this time. However, if you need to take the test ahead of schedule, you can do so at early period, in April, or in an additional period, in May.

Certain groups of people have the right to surrender early. These include:

  • persons studying in evening schools who are called up for military service;
  • participants in sports competitions or olympiads;
  • those who need treatment;
  • people traveling to urgently abroad.

During the additional period the Unified State Examination can be taken by:

Procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam

You must bring your passport with you to the exam. All personal belongings, except for a black gel pen for filling out forms and a passport, are left outside the classroom. To turn in some items you will need to bring a ruler, pencil or non-programmable calculator.

Every year the conditions for passing the exam become more stringent, and Unified State Exam options are becoming more complicated due to the reduction of budget places in universities.

It is impossible to use any electronic devices: all applicants are checked by a metal detector. Even if the student did not use the cheat sheet, but the organizers noticed it, the exam results will be cancelled. An attempt to cheat may result in a retake in a year.

A certain time is allotted for performing CMM, which depends on the specific subject. This period includes both completing tasks and transferring them to special forms. Experts do not check drafts. After the allotted period of time, the organizer takes the form from the graduate.

The exam differs from the usual regular knowledge control in that the test takers perform tasks under online video surveillance. This decision was made to ensure a fair assessment of each student's knowledge.

You should not pay attention to the cameras during the exam, this will only cause unnecessary anxiety. For those who independently and honestly complete tasks, observation is not scary.

In addition to all of the above, if available medical certificate You can bring medications or food into the classroom.

How should a graduate behave at the Unified State Exam?

There are some rules for student behavior during the Unified State Examination, familiarization with which will help you avoid problems during the exam. Lenders are strictly prohibited from:

  • bring personal items into the classroom (phones, textbooks, cheat sheets, etc.);
  • talk to other alumni;
  • change seats;
  • exchange things;
  • leaving class without permission.

Unified State Examination test

Each student's work is anonymous. Each graduate is assigned a code, which he must enter on the form.

Samples of work are checked by expert teachers according to clear criteria, which can also be found on the FIPI website. Verification is carried out by three experts. In case of disagreement, the assignment will be given an average score.

Grading system

Exam results vary by subject as each exam has its own grading scale. To overcome this difference, the system converts the primary scores into secondary scores (on a 100-point scale) when assigning results. The translation is carried out in the order shown in the picture.

If a graduate has doubts about the accuracy of the expert review, he can file an appeal. The work will be sent for manual review of all assignments. However, it is worth remembering that when checking again, you can either gain additional points or lose them.

The assessment system sets a certain threshold for each subject, which determines whether the graduate has minimum knowledge for the course of the school curriculum. If the threshold is not met, the student is given the opportunity to retake the exam at reserve days. If you receive a grade below satisfactory in two compulsory subjects, you can retake it only after a year.

Of course, in order to avoid stress and save yourself from surprises during the exam, you need to not only clearly understand what the Unified State Exam is, but also regularly devote time to systematic preparation. Then the exam tasks will not seem so daunting.

How proposals will improve the efficiency of the Unified State Examination, that it is necessary to test knowledge or understanding of processes.

The Unified State Exam appeared in 1966-1967 in France, when France ceased to be a colonial power. The individual states that were part of it gained independence. And the youth of these countries that gained independence wanted to study in the metropolis, that is, directly in France. And then the French came up with this remote test exam, which was conducted in those former colonial territories.

And those who successfully passed this exam could already come to enroll in universities in France. And so, in 1966-1967, the French used this test exam to admit such graduates to all their best universities. By early 1968, they realized that they were in very difficult situation. And the deductions began. Because those who came and entered based on the results of this exam, they were simply not able to study.

This caused a wave of student unrest: these expelled students took to the streets of Paris. Pogroms began. All this ended with the resignation of the entire government of General de Gaulle in November 1968. But in 1971, the French Public Chamber, very concerned about this whole situation, decided that there would be no more remote test unified exams there shouldn't be. Otherwise, as the Public Chamber determined, in another year or two there will be no stone left unturned from higher education in France.

But this was very quickly accepted by other people who went to implement education reform in the USA. In 1968, a whole team went there under the leadership of Professor Andre King from Great Britain, and they brought this French system. As a result, America was infected with this infection, and by the 1990s, this led to the collapse of almost the entire education system in the United States. For a long time they could not understand what was happening there, but in 2009, Obama, having come to the presidency, began to listen to the opinions of the most famous people, among whom he included Bill Gates. Bill Gates is not only the richest man in the world, but he is also one of the smartest. So, Bill Gates told him: either we end with this testing system or we will be a country of idiots! And judging by his age, Bill Gates studied under this system. I studied. Therefore, he experienced it himself, he knew what he was talking about.

The introduction of the Unified State Exam in Russia was carried out by a special group that has been working since the mid-1990s. First under the leadership of Mr. Soros, and then she came special brigade. Some of this brigade became unofficial advisers to the Russian Ministry of Education. They coordinated very quickly at the base High school economy, which was created in 1992 with a special grant World Bank. And so this team of advisers began to implement this thing, understanding perfectly well what the result would be.

But Obama in January 2009 asked the US Congress to immediately cancel all types of testing, especially final testing at the end of school. And he even asked Congress for $5 billion to return the previous classical exam certification system.

Anatoly Wasserman tried to make a proposal to increase the efficiency of the Unified State Exam; he proposed to entrust the preparation of tests to specialists in writing questions for mind games. In such games, they have long determined how to ask questions in order to test not knowledge, but understanding of the material, how to detect leakage of materials.

Let's try to take into account the fact that understanding the processes occurring in nature and society is more important, then why do you need to memorize dates and facts, much more important is why this happens, what can be predicted based on the available information. A similar approach is important when studying social science and history, today we just learning the facts, history shows that states often manipulate facts and distort the information that is provided to citizens. Look at the situation in Ukraine, remember the rewriting of history in Soviet period. All this suggests that understanding is many times more important than memorization; do not forget - information without analysis is not the most rational waste of time. By the way, this applies not only to the social sciences, but also to the natural sciences to the same extent. Teaching mathematics all over the world comes down to a formal presentation of the material, when information is not given, where knowledge can be applied, what are the limits of the formal use of formulas, for example, by applying some formulas in the same geometry, you can obtain the value of an angle that does not exist in nature (the angle formed segments, straight lines or vectors that never intersect in space.) And similar problems are offered in textbooks and manuals.

Today, every graduating class student knows for sure: without the Unified State Exam, with good score there is no chance of entering a university and getting a decent education.

But representatives of older generations often have a rather vague idea of ​​what the Unified State Exam is and why it is necessary.

Until now, not everyone knows how the mysterious abbreviation stands for Unified State Examination. Meanwhile, the answer is very simple: only according to the result Unified State Exam You can go to college or university.

It is an assessment of the knowledge of modern schoolchildren, assessed according to a unified assessment methodology approved by the Ministry of Education.

According to legal requirements, every school graduate must pass the Unified State Exam upon graduation if he intends to study further. Exams are held on the same day throughout the country, taking into account time zones.

Exam results in basic subjects - mathematics, biology, literature and language, chemistry, geography, etc. – are expressed in the number of points scored and are necessary to participate in the competition for admission to the chosen university. A graduate who has not passed the Unified State Exam or who has scored insufficient points will not be allowed to compete at the university.

Questions and tasks of the Unified State Exam cover the entire school curriculum, practically from elementary to high school. The better a student studied in the years preceding his senior year, the greater his chances of successfully passing the Unified State Exam with a high score.

Of course, intensive preparation, the help of a good subject tutor and a number of other factors play an important role. But it is still difficult to count on a really good result for someone who, throughout the entire school period, has not risen in level of knowledge above a mediocre grade.

After all, you will have to not only memorize the theoretical part of the course, but also learn how to solve problems, write essays - i.e. demonstrate creative abilities based on a thorough understanding of the subject. So get ready for writing the Unified State Exam necessary from the first grades of primary school.

1. First, you need to apply for the Unified State Exam in those subjects that are required for admission to the university. Their list necessarily includes mathematics and the Russian language; other subjects are included at the choice of the graduate, depending on what his future specialty will be and which subjects are core for his chosen university. Acceptance of applications for the Unified State Exam ends on March 1st.

2. On the day appointed for the exam, you must arrive at the point where the exam is being held no later than 9:30 am. The Unified State Exam starts at 10-00 in the morning, and you need to register and prepare to write the test in half an hour. The graduate must bring with him a passport, a pen with black ink, an exam pass and (optional) a plastic bottle of water.

3. After the teachers distribute the answer sheets, you can start writing. For each subject, the duration of the exam and the number of questions are determined each year by the Ministry of Education.

4. At the end of the exam, you must turn in your work, regardless of whether all questions have been answered. If a student has completed the test early, he may turn in his completed form early and leave the classroom.

At the Unified State Exam you can use:

- for passing a mathematics test - with a ruler and reference books issued along with the task;

- to take a geography test - with a ruler, protractor, calculator without the ability to memorize and program;

- to pass the chemistry test - with a simple calculator and tabular materials attached to the task;

- for passing the Unified State Exam in physics - a simple calculator and a ruler;

- for passing the Unified State Exam in languages ​​of foreign countries - with listening equipment installed at the examination point.

Any failure is not a disaster, and if you failed to score the minimum points in only one subject, you can try to retake this exam in the hope of getting more high score. Anyone who missed the Unified State Exam can also submit an application for an additional exam. good reason– illnesses, family circumstances etc.

If you fail exams in two subjects, you will have to retake the Unified State Exam next year, having prepared more thoroughly. However, anyone who is sure that he wrote the test well, but evil teachers find fault with him, can file an appeal, and a special commission will re-check the answers he wrote within a few days.

Introduction to the Unified State Exam

Assignments for each subject are divided into three parts ( block): A, B, C.

Block A contains test tasks, in each of which you need to choose one answer option out of four proposed.

For each block task B You must give a short answer consisting of one or more words, letters or numbers. Answers to block assignments A And B are entered into a special form and checked by computer.

Block C consists of one or more tasks with a detailed answer (for example, you need to solve a problem, write an essay on a proposed topic, or reasonably answer a certain question). Answers to tasks in block C are assessed by experts of the regional examination commission; KIM tasks in part C contain assessment criteria for experts.

KIMs for individual subjects may have their own characteristics. For example, KIMs on literature do not contain multiple-choice tasks. In KIMs on foreign languages ​​there is a section in which the student needs to listen to an audio recording of a text in a foreign language and answer questions about the content of the text.

The table shows the codes, duration, number of tasks and maximum primary score for the 2009 Unified State Exam. Also included is the minimum number of points (lower limit of a satisfactory mark), which is determined in test points.

Code Item Duration
block A
block B
block C
primary score
number of points
1 Russian language 180 30 8 1 60 37
2 Mathematics 240 10 11 5 37 -
3 Physics 210 25 5 6 50 -
4 Chemistry 180 30 10 5 66 -
5 Computer Science and ICT 240 18 10 4 40 36
6 Biology 180 36 8 6 69 35
7 Story 210 32 11 7 68 -
8 Geography 180 31 12 7 61 34
9 English language 160 28 16 2 80 -
10 German 160 28 16 2 80 -
11 French 160 28 16 2 80 -
12 Social science 210 30 6 8 62 -
13 Spanish 160 28 16 2 80 -
18 Literature 240 No 12 5 39 30

Unified State Exam forms

  • Registration form used to register exam participants
  • IN answer form No. 1 answers to tasks in blocks A and B are entered
  • For detailed answers to tasks in block C, use answer form No. 2 And additional answer form No. 2

All Unified State Exam forms have a size of 210 mm × 305 mm:

In addition to the main side, examinees can use the reverse side:

Filling out all Unified State Exam forms must be carried out strictly according to established rules, otherwise the data may be incorrectly recognized, which will be counted as an incorrect answer.

Grading for the Unified State Exam

Each completed USE task is scored 1 or larger number points. The sum of these points is primary score test subject. The number of primary points varies in different subjects, for example, the minimum number of primary points in 2009 contains the Unified State Exam in mathematics (37 primary points), and the maximum - the Unified State Exam in biology (69 primary points) and foreign languages ​​(80 primary points).

Next, a correspondence is established between the primary and test points (with the maximum test score always equals 100). The scale for converting primary scores into test scores depends on the complexity of the tasks and statistical analysis of the Unified State Exam results for all exam participants and is calculated using a special computer program. This scale is not linear, for example, in the Russian language exam in 2008, 30 primary points out of 60 were translated into 52 test points, and in the mathematics exam, 18 primary points out of 37 were translated into 58 test points. Another feature of the conversion scale is that small change primary score at the edges of the scale (that is, when the primary score is close to zero or to the maximum value) leads to a significant change test score(for example, 1 primary point corresponds to 6 test points in all subjects except foreign languages), while in the middle of the scale a change in the primary score by 1 results in a change in the test score by 1 or 2.

Statistical data on the results of the Unified State Exam is available.

Unified State Exam results

During conducting the Unified State Exam As an experiment, information about the exam results could be obtained on the website by entering the participant’s passport details.

Appeals based on Unified State Exam results

After receiving the results of the Unified State Exam, the Unified State Exam participant can file an appeal with the conflict commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to review the results of the work test. In this case, a formal appeal is the only opportunity for the exam participant to familiarize himself with his work after it has been checked.

An appeal can only be filed in two cases:

  1. If the exam participant disagrees with the recognition of answers in the tasks of parts A and B, that is, those tasks for which a computer test is carried out. The exam participant receives a form of his work and a printout of how the answers were recognized by the computer. In case of incorrect recognition of the answer, it can be corrected by the decision of the conflict commission.
  2. In case the exam participant disagrees with the results of the verification of part C by the experts. In this case, the assessment may be revised (including in the direction of reducing the number of points) after additional verification of the work by the conflict commission.

The decision of the conflict commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation may be revised by the Federal Conflict Commission.

Unified State Exam as a school final exam

Since 2009, school graduates take two compulsory final exams: in Russian language and mathematics. Graduates are allowed to take the exams if they do not have unsatisfactory annual grades in all subjects.

The graduate must receive a grade in these exams that is not lower than the score established by Rosobrnadzor. If a student receives a grade below the minimum required in one subject, he can retake that exam in the same year. If a student receives an unsatisfactory grade in both the Russian language and mathematics, then he can retake the Unified State Exam only next year. Graduates who receive satisfactory grades (or receive one unsatisfactory grade and then retake it) receive a certificate of complete secondary education.

Also, graduates can take any number of additional exams in the form of the Unified State Exam; their results do not affect the receipt of a certificate. The arithmetic average of the graduate’s grades for the last two years of study is included in the certificate for each subject, regardless of the result obtained on the Unified State Exam.

Admission to universities based on Unified State Exam results

To enter a university, an applicant must pass entrance exams in the form of the Unified State Exam. The list of entrance exams is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science and contains, as a rule, four exams for each specialty (in some cases - three). For each specialty, one of the exams is specialized (the specialized exam is highlighted in the list). The university can reduce the number of exams to three; the number of exams must include an exam in the Russian language and specialized subject.

When admitted to specialties that require applicants to have certain creative abilities, physical or psychological qualities universities also conduct an additional exam or creative competition, in addition to three exams conducted in the form of the Unified State Exam. The list of such specialties is approved by the Ministry of Education and Science.

Selected universities are allowed to conduct additional specialized examinations. The list of universities that are allowed to conduct additional entrance examinations and the procedure for conducting them is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2009, 24 universities received the right to conduct additional specialized entrance examinations for individual specialties.

Winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren can be admitted to the university without entrance examinations. Winners and prize-winners of other Olympiads from among approved by the Ministry Education and science students can be admitted to a university without entrance exams or without passing part of the entrance tests. Champions of the Olympic Games are accepted into specialties related to physical education and sports without exams.

It is expected that the introduction of the Unified State Exam will simplify admission to universities for applicants from rural areas and remote regions. The applicant will be able to submit an application to the chosen university and attach information about passing the Unified State Exam in absentia - by mail or via the Internet, without coming in person to the chosen university. In this case, you can apply to several universities. Universities can check information about the results of passing the Unified State Exam in the Federal Database of Certificates of Unified State Examination Results.

Admission to colleges based on the results of the Unified State Exam

In 2009, admission to educational institutions of secondary vocational education is carried out mainly by Unified State Exam results. Applicants must pass two exams from the approved list of entrance tests. At the same time, the Russian language exam is mandatory, and the applicant can choose the second exam independently if the list of entrance tests contains three or more exams. For certain specialties that require applicants to have certain creative abilities, physical or psychological qualities, colleges also conduct an additional exam or creative competition.

Controversy around the Unified State Exam


  1. Federal Law No. 17-FZ of 02/09/2007 on the introduction of the Unified State Exam
  2. Order of Rosobrnadzor No. 74 of January 19, 2009 “On approval of the terms and unified schedule for the Unified State Examination... in 2009”
  3. 2009 CMM specifications and demos
  4. Demonstration versions of the Unified State Exam of all years
  5. Order No. 1245-10 dated 06.06.2009 “On establishing the minimum number of points for the unified state exam in the Russian language, confirming that a graduate has mastered the basic general education programs of secondary (complete) general education in 2009”
  6. Order No. 1218-10 dated June 1, 2009 “On establishing minimum quantity points of the unified state exam in computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT), confirming that the graduate has mastered the basic general education programs secondary (complete) general education in 2009"
  7. Order No. 1219-10 dated 06/01/2009 “On establishing the minimum number of points for the unified state exam in biology, confirming that a graduate has mastered the basic general education programs of secondary (complete) general education in 2009”
  8. Order No. 1251-10 dated 06/08/2009 "On establishing the minimum number of points for the unified state exam in geography, confirming that a graduate has mastered the basic general education programs of secondary (complete) general education in 2009"
  9. Order No. 1252-10 dated 06/08/2009 “On establishing the minimum number of points for the unified state exam in literature, confirming that a graduate has mastered the basic general education programs of secondary (complete) general education in 2009”

The main stages and goals of the Unified State Exam in the country.

1. 1997 Some schools began conducting experiments on voluntary testing of graduates. The author of the idea was the Minister of Education Vladimir Filippov.

2. 2001-2003 resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation:
“On the organization of an experiment and the introduction of a unified state exam” dated February 16, 2001. "About participation educational institutions secondary vocational education in the experiment on the introduction of a unified state exam" dated April 5, 2002.
In 2003, the experiment covered 47 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

3. 2004-2006
The task was set: throughout three years decide main problem Unified State Examination - reducing the burden on graduates by completely combining final and credential exams. To achieve this, the number of universities accepting applicants based on the results of the Unified State Exam was significantly increased.
In 2006, about 950 thousand schoolchildren in 79 regions of Russia already took the Unified State Exam.

4. 2007-2009
Until 2009, the “+1” system was in effect, when not a single graduate was left without a certificate due to failure to pass the Unified State Exam. At that time, there was still an official translation of Unified State Examination points into grades ().
In 2007, the Federal Law “On Amendments to the Law” was adopted Russian Federation"About Education". Since 2009, the exam has become mandatory and uniform for all graduates in the country.

Official goals of the Unified State Exam:

eliminate corruption in schools and universities and ensure effective testing of graduates’ knowledge.
In addition, the state exam was supposed to make higher education truly accessible to children from the regions.

Arguments in favor of the Unified State Exam:

1. The Unified State Exam helps to avoid corruption and cronyism when entering universities.
2. The Unified State Exam evaluates a student’s knowledge and abilities more objectively than traditional types of exams.
3. The Unified State Exam stimulates students to prepare for the exam, including independent preparation.
4. The Unified State Exam allows you to compare the quality of education in different schools and regions.
5. The Unified State Exam allows graduates to enroll in universities located at a considerable distance from their place of residence, without spending money on travel, but simply by sending information about passing the Unified State Exam by mail. It makes it easier to submit documents to several universities at once, without having to take exams in each of them.
6. The Unified State Exam makes it possible to identify worthy applicants in the provinces who previously did not have the opportunity to take entrance exams in large cities.
7. The verification of the result is partially computerized, which saves time and money, since there is no need to spend money on the services of hired inspectors.
8. Increasing the requirements for the Unified State Examination, it is argued, leads to an increase in the quality of education, the qualifications of teachers and the quality of educational literature.
9. The Unified State Exam is similar to the final exam system in developed countries(USA, Israel and others), which over time may lead to the recognition of Russian school certificates in other countries.
10. The Unified State Exam is assessed on a wider scale of points (100) than standard exams (actually 4), which makes it possible to identify the best of the best.
11. Statements about “suffering of logical and thinking skills in general, as well as the creative and rational principle” have no basis, since all subjects have part C, which (in the cases of Russian, history, social studies and some other subjects) requires precisely reasoned evidence of your position

Arguments against the Unified State Exam:

1. As a result of the transition from a full-fledged exam to tests, the development of the ability to prove and formulate the correct answer is excluded, logical and thinking skills in general, as well as creativity and rationality, suffer.
2. Test materials are unusual for Russian system education.
3. The Unified State Examination in social studies contains incorrectly set tasks and controversial answer options.
4. The Unified State Exam does not help to completely avoid corruption.
5. It is impossible to qualitatively check the level of preparedness of poorly and well prepared school graduates with one control and measuring material.
6. The specialization of the school is not taken into account: students from both schools with a humanitarian and natural science orientation take the same version of the mandatory final exam.
7. The Unified State Exam leads to a new type of tutoring associated with increasing the level of knowledge in the Unified State Exam specifications.
8. When computerized testing parts A and B, errors in recognizing student answers are possible, which are counted as incorrect answers.
9. The Unified State Examination in non-linguistic subjects cannot be taken in the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation other than Russian.

“The Unified State Examination is a mirror reflecting the level of preparation of applicants. You can, of course, split it, because you haven’t shaved this morning and your face is swollen. But it’s better to go shave, and your relationship with the mirror will be much better.

The deep reason for public rejection of the Unified State Exam is not in the methodology, but in its social effect. The interests of significant groups - namely the population of the country's largest cities - were infringed. Residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod after the collapse of the USSR for 15 years had the opportunity to almost monopolize an important social benefit - free higher education for their children in best universities. They simply turned out to be closer to them and had average incomes that allowed them to pay for preparation courses for university exams. Residents of other regions, small towns, and villages found themselves outside the training system for the best universities - both in their place of residence and in their income, which is 2-3 times lower than that of those living in megacities.

But leading universities at one time were built for the entire country, and with Soviet power 75% of Moscow students were from other cities. In the early 2000s, when the Unified State Exam was first conceived, only 25% of students from other regions remained in Moscow, and a third in St. Petersburg. Now in HSE, for example, there are almost 60% of them. For example, if earlier it was possible to enter the Higher School of Economics or Moscow State University on a budget with 70-75 points (our exams, “recalculated” in the Unified State Examination), today - with 80-85. Five years ago, a Muscovite who had a “B” (according to the Unified State Examination is 55-70 points) in a core subject could enter a normal good Moscow university; today, the passing limit has shifted upward - this is no less than 62-65 points. The situation has changed, and the interests of people who cannot pay for their children’s education in the best universities, but can spend money on, say, university tutors, turned out to be against the Unified State Exam. For 15 years, they built their children’s happiness on denying the rest of the country’s population the opportunity to develop. It was not the Muscovites who arranged this, but they are accustomed to these circumstances, and the restoration of justice does not cause their support.”