What does right person mean? Left and right views in politics

I decided to deviate from my “no politics” rule in the magazine, and in this regard, I present to you a post that opens a series (presumably of three) essays on the topic of the participation of types in the formation of political ideology. Due to the fact that 99% of conversations about politics with my dear compatriots make me sad, I am forced to devote the first post to explaining basic terms and concepts. So:

Introduction to Ideology
By by and large, there are only two and no more political ideologies: left and right. Everything else is either a subspecies, or, in the most advanced versions, a combination of these two trends.
First you need to give brief description these two definitions.

Who are the "right"?

We won’t go into the origins of the term; let’s look at what is included in the range of values ​​defended by the right:

  • Economic freedom (minimal government intervention)

  • Recognition of natural inequalities of people

  • Nationalism (since 18th century)

  • Natural law

  • Minimal social orientation - the right considers a person to be independent and capable of solving his problems.

Who are the "leftists"?

Left values:

  • Maximum regulation of the economy by the state

  • Declaration of Universal Equality

  • Cosmopolitanism

  • Maximum social orientation and improvement living conditions For the least privileged sections of society

Leftist ideologies are easily identified by the prefix social in their name. Social communism, social democracy, social reptilianism. It may be noted that you and I have been living in a far-left state for many years now. This is what causes all the trouble.

First of all, we will be interested in differences between equality and inequality, intervention in the economy, as well as social orientation.

Anticipating some questions, I’ll answer them right away:

1. Are liberals left or right?
Answer: in a normal community, this is certainly a nationally oriented moderate-right movement. In post-Soviet society, any “political” party or movement is left by default.

2. Nationalism is when the Nazis burn Jews? HITLER! HITLER!
Answer: no, nationalism is a reasonable ideology that considers the nation as the primary entity in the state-forming process. France is the country of the French, Italy is the country of the Italians.

3. Can leftists be nationalists?
Answer: Maybe, history knows the example of one German artist who built the National Socialist Party.

4. What is a nation?
Answer: a nation is a group of people who identify themselves in a certain way based on common language and culture. According to the classic of the theory of nationalism B. Anderson, a nation is imagined community. A nation existing within a certain territorial framework usually forms a state. The concepts of ethnos, as a biological community, and nation, as a political community, should not be confused.

To be continued.

P.S. To avoid misunderstandings, prepare proofs for the definitions you are going to use.

"Right" and "Left"

From the very beginning, the fan movement began to form its own hierarchy. As soon as the first movements appeared, fans immediately began to divide themselves into “right” and “left”. The criteria by which a fan was considered “right” or “left”, in different movements may have differed slightly, but only the “right” fan enjoyed real respect and authority among everyone. And this authority had to be earned only by specific actions - at the stadium, in a fight and on the road. And in the early 1980s, even just appearing on the street or at the stadium with your team’s scarf looked like a challenge to others.

At that time the movement was clearly divided into “right” and “left”. There were “right-wingers” who, due to some kind of courage, a challenge to society, wore scarves, despite persecution, went on trips, despite persecution. Participation in fights in those days [could not always] be counted because they were spontaneous. Yes, they came to each other, they came straight to the stadium, but there were no “packings” as such. Dynamo had a famous pillar in front of the western stand - it still stands - and in the eighties, even we little ones knew that they would approach this pillar after the match. Someone was going home, took off his scarf on the subway and hid it, but someone stayed and went to the pole.

The division into “right” and “left” also played a role in fights. Moreover, sometimes it turned out to be even more important than “club affiliation.” Fans of the early 1980s say that it was not considered shameful to make an “action” against the “leftist” fans of a team with which you seemed to be friends: “leftists” are “leftists.” At the same time, the “right” fans treated the “right” fans of the enemy team with some respect: they did not take off their scarves, although they fought, of course.

Victor "Batya", "Dynamo" (Moscow):

There was even a saying - the “right” will not remove the scarf from the “right”, but will break his face. In general, they tried to beat the “leftists”. It was believed that if the “right” overwhelm the “left”, then it would be no big deal, no one would be charged. But if two “right” brigades, two “backbones” met, it would be scary. And one time I was standing [in the metro] waiting for the cars with the “right-wing” Spartacists to pass, I knew them by sight. They usually sat in the first car to immediately survey the entire station - who was standing there. They didn’t expect threats from us - from Dynamo, because they seemed to be friends in those days. We could have expected from CSKA. And I “yawned” - I mistook the “left” for the “right”. I say that’s it, they’ve passed. And a carriage with “Spartas” arrives - Zhora Dobchinsky and Ryzhiy get out. And our people jump out. The compositions are equal. And everyone knows each other and understands what happened. And the “Spartacists” ask: why are you standing here? Yes, we just got up. Why did you go out? Word after word, it leads to an altercation, and then to a one-on-one fight.

The division between “right” and “left” persisted in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Only the “right” fan could be authoritative, and the “left” ones - who had not yet traveled ten trips or went to the stadium, but did not participate in fights - were called “phantomas”.

Within one movement, the division into “right” and “left” often led to hazing: authoritative – “right” – fans demanded money from the “left” for vodka and mocked them. Hazing was especially rampant during field trips - it got to the point that young fans, who had not yet made the required ten trips, tried not to end up in the same car with the “right-wingers.” But it is impossible to say that this was the case in all movements: in each fan group, relationships developed differently. This situation continued for quite a long time - at least until the early 1990s.

"Hat", "Zenit" (St. Petersburg):

In our “garden” there was collective leadership at the level of authority. There was no election - people recognized this man and accepted that he was an authority. Among these people - “outdoorsy”, perhaps someone did not always behave adequately. He could punch someone in the mouth, ask someone for money, or ask someone for something else. And if someone was offended, he went to the forty-seventh sector.

Igor M., Spartak (Moscow):

About Sofron, I can say that the guys my age and I tried not to end up in the same carriage with him on trips. Because a lot of people traveled with him and took things, money, and so on from the young people. But I have never seen him do this himself. And they constantly collected money “for Sofron’s drum.” And Rifat, I remember, on one of the trips in Kyiv (in 1989) even hurt his hand - he hit one of those who put shoes on the young people in the face, trying to restore order in this regard.

“Spartak” and, as I was told, “Dynamo” (Minsk) are the clubs that were most susceptible to hazing. It was very a big problem. And, in my opinion, in 1989, when we were traveling from Odessa, two free carriages were attached to the train - just so that the fans would leave. And people got off at the next station - to get there on their own, just not to go with this company. There they held a carriage championship in push-ups...

Alexander Shprygin (Kamancha), Dynamo (Moscow):

Hazing was so rampant back then that the old fans didn’t mind putting the young ones on the lave. A young fan comes to visit, and they charge him money. Now we categorically prohibit this, and no one will do this. And then they went straight into their pockets, knocking down the change from their own - for drinks, for something else. I remember feeling proud - I came to the first trip. And they told us - well, give us some money. But I don’t. Come on then, hand over your ticket, let's go drink in the dead ends - this is where the sump for the carriages is.

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Recently, some patriotic organizations have begun to make proposals to unite and create a right-wing patriotic bloc-union. In particular, such a union was proposed by representatives of the All-Russian public patriotic movement “REVIVAL OF RUSSIA”, calling for the convening of the “Moscow - Third Rome” Council.

There are also calls for unification at discussion clubs organized by the All-Russian social movement “People's Council”.

But the patriotic association different organizations must be on some common basis, platform, ideology and common worldview.

And so the left, the right, and the center are patriots. Communists and liberals, Westerners and Slavophiles, republicans and monarchists, believers and atheists, supporters of the empire and supporters of the federation, nationalists and democrats, supporters of the market economy and supporters of the planned economy consider themselves patriots... And in general, they are all right. After all, they all love their Motherland, Fatherland, Russia. They wish the best for their country, but in their own way political programs and they see this good in their own way based on party-political ideology and their worldview.

Therefore, it seems very difficult to unite into one common movement, into one patriotic bloc such different views of patriots (left, right and center) in an ordinary normal peaceful environment, such different views on the past, present and future of Russia, on the ways and methods of reforming Russia. them...

What is patriotism anyway? The meaning of the word Patriot according to D.N. Ushakov’s dictionary: PATRIOT (Greek patriotes - countryman) - a person devoted to his people, loving his fatherland, ready to make sacrifices and perform feats in the name of the interests of his homeland.

The meaning of the word according to V.I. Dahl’s explanatory dictionary: PATRIOT, patriot, - lover of the fatherland, zealot for its good, lover of the fatherland, patriot or fatherlander. M. Patriotism - love for the fatherland. Patriotic, fatherland, domestic, full of love to the fatherland. Patrimonial, fatherly, fatherly, fatherly, fatherly.

So, it is clear that all movements of different directions love Russia and wish it well. But what is the true good for Russia? That is the question. After all, every movement, every party (from Latin - part) wishes in its own way the good of Russia, the good of the people of Russia. Everyone has their own programs, ideologies, views and supporters.

Now let's try to understand the main directions and aspects of political and public organizations.

Who are the left, right and center?

The terms “right” and “left” appeared in the post-revolutionary (1789) French parliament, in which three directions arose, choosing their own seating order:

  • in the right wing were the Feuillants - deputies who wanted to preserve the monarchical system and regulate it with the help of the Constitution;
  • in the center sat the Girondins - republicans;
  • The Jacobins settled on the left wing - supporters of radical revolutionary actions, striving for fundamental changes.

This is how parties of the left, right and center appeared.

Left- these are supporters of radical changes, as the history of the 20th century in Russia has shown. Three times in the 20th century, the left was given the opportunity to radically reorganize Russia according to its programs. Enough blood of the people was shed during such a radical reform of Russia.

February 1917 - February Revolution, liberal left parties come to power, liberal radical transformations take place: the destruction of the Empire, the abolition of the monarchical system, the separation of Church and state, which ultimately leads to chaos, economic ruin and the loss of power...

October 1917 - October Revolution, left-wing Bolshevik communists come to power, radical socialist transformations take place, the destruction of capitalist society, the destruction of individual classes and estates, a radical struggle against religion and the Church...

1991 - left-Western liberal democrats come to power, the collapse of the Soviet Union with the loss of vast territories of the former Russian Empire, demolition of the socialist economic system, transition to market economy shock economic therapy, liberalization (release) of prices with their sharp rise (hyperinflation) and depreciation of people's deposits, privatization and the creation of a layer of the richest capitalist oligarchs...

Centrists- supporters of the republic, stabilizing the situation in the country after radical transformations, often fluctuate either to the right or to the left, trying to maneuver between left and right ideas, views and directions of development of the country.

Right - supporters of traditional values: Church, Motherland, family; supporters of strong centralized power, ideally an Autocratic Monarchy, the Revival of the Empire-Power, supporters of the idea of ​​“Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Nationality.”

Approximate breakdown (classification) of the main social movements and political parties by direction in Russia as of 2016




Far left (ultra-left) Left Westerners-Liberals

Left Socialist-Communists

Center-Left Liberals

Left-of-centre socialists


Right statists (for strong state power and independent Russia) Right-wing traditionalists (Slavophiles, monarchists, sovereignists, Orthodox patriots, supporters of the revival of the empire) Far right (ultra-right)
Anarchists, radical communists Yabloko Party, Parnassus Party Party "Communist Party of the Russian Federation"

Party "LDPR"

Party "A Just Russia" United Russia Party

Great Fatherland Party (Starikov N.V.) “National Liberation Movement” (Fedorov E.A.), Party “Motherland”

Monarchist Party of Russia (Bakov A.A.) Movement "People's Council" (Kassin O.Yu.), Movement “REVIVAL OF RUSSIA” (Salikhov D.I.), Movement “Russian Assembly” (Stepanov A.D.), Imperial Heritage Foundation (Alekseev E.V.), Party "Autocratic Russia" (Merkulov D.N.), Cossack organizations, Union Orthodox citizens(Lebedev V.V.), Union of Orthodox Banner Bearers, Orthodox brotherhoods Nationalists

We, the representatives social movement“REVIVAL OF RUSSIA”, we consider it good to begin the Revival of Russia and patriotic reforms precisely along the right path, along the right-power path of Orthodox right-wing traditionalists in alliance with right-wing statists.

Russia took the left path of the socialists-communists at the cost civil war, enormous losses, destruction, death of millions, as a result, the created state of the USSR collapsed after 70 years with the loss of vast territories of the former Russian Empire and the suffering of many millions of people.

Russia followed the left path of Westerners in the 90s of the 20th century. The result of the 90s is deplorable: a decline in industrial production, the closure of many enterprises, a sharp drop in the standard of living of the majority of the people, the disappearance of many villages, towns and settlements, destroyed Agriculture, high mortality, low birth rate...

We, representatives of the all-Russian public Patriotic Movement“REVIVAL OF RUSSIA”, we believe that the left path, that of Westerners, that of socialists-communists and left-wing revolutionaries, is defective for Russia and brings only turmoil, weakening of Russia, loss of territory, suffering for the people...

We believe that it is time for the Orthodox-power ideology to begin the true Revival of Russia. The time of the right must come!

Right-wing patriotic movement in Russia. Before February revolution 1917, for several centuries, right-wing ideology was predominant in Russia. The great princes of Kyiv and Moscow, the Russian tsars were the main exponents of the Orthodox sovereign ideology, the Orthodox worldview, they were the first laymen of the Orthodox people. The right-wing motto “For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland” triumphed in Russia. Right-wing ideologists - Slavophiles - worked a lot in ideological terms. But in the 19th century, the leftist movement began to expand, attracting people with a fairy tale about an allegedly just society on earth without God, the construction of an earthly “paradise.” In fact, it was a utopia, a house on the sand. But people, weakening in their Faith in God, began to be tempted by this utopia.

In 1905 there was the first attempt by the left to overthrow the Tsar and seize power. But right-wing organizations and movements, such as the Union of the Russian People and the Union of Archangel Michael, opposed the left-wing revolutionaries and, supporting the tsar and the government, together with the police and troops defended the tsarist Orthodox state system of Russia.
But as a result of the First World War, unleashed in 1914 by Russia’s external enemies, many right-wing patriots died on the war fronts. On the eve of the February revolution, public right-wing organizations were weakened, fragmented, disunited and were unable to resist the new revolution that had begun. The left expanded and, having temporarily united, managed to captivate the majority of the people with their left-wing revolutionary agitation and overthrew the tsar and seized power in the country. In October 1917, power from the left-wing Westerners as a result of the October Revolution passed to the left-wing socialists-Bolsheviks-communists. Right-wing organizations were destroyed, many of their representatives were shot, and some of the right-wingers managed to emigrate abroad.

The surviving exponents of right-wing ideology managed to understand the reasons for the fall of Russia in emigration, and developed many right-wing ideas. These were the Slavophile philosopher Ivan Ilyin (his program document “Our Tasks” is the most valuable), the recently canonized priest Seraphim Sobolev (he wrote the work “Russian Ideology”), Archimandrite Konstantin Zaitsev (he has many articles about the purpose of Russia as the Third Rome ) and, of course, much has been said and written about the mission of the Russian people, about Russian ideology by the great saints of the Russian Orthodox Church, Saints of San Francisco and Shanghai John(Maksimovich). The emigrants actually substantiated, gave us a meaningful right-wing ideology and outlined the path to the Revival of Russia.

In the 1980s, the erosion of leftist communist ideology began. It is no longer possible to lie to the people endlessly: communism is a utopia and it is impossible to build it. Perestroika and glasnost, freedom of assembly and the press begin. Left-wing Westernizing liberal movements begin their social activities, relying on the West, primarily on the United States, luring people with external prosperity (a wide range of different goods, American films, etc. new products), as well as the external freedom-permissiveness of Western European countries and the United States. Right-wing organizations are also beginning to revive after decades of suppression, relying exclusively on internal popular social forces.

The most powerful and broad right-wing movements of the 1980s were the Memory society and VOOPIK (All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments).

It was in the Moscow branch of VOOPIK that the movement for the restoration of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, destroyed by the Bolshevik communists, was born. The movement for the restoration of the Temple is gaining strength with the help of the newspaper Literary Russia. In September 1989, on the initiative of Literary Russia, the Foundation for the Restoration of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was created. IN governing body Fonda entered prominent figures Russian culture and art: V. Soloukhin (Chairman of the Foundation), G. Sviridov, I. Shafarevich, V. Krupin, Y. Loshits, V. Karpets, V. Klykov S. Rybas, M. Kugach, F. Shipunov. These are real right-wing patriots.

As a result, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, established by our ancestors in gratitude to God for saving Russia from the Napoleonic invasion in 1912, was restored and adorns our capital, Moscow.

A big deed of the right at that time was also the creation of a monument to the greatest ascetic, the abbot of the Russian land St. Sergius Radonezh. The monument was created by the famous great sculptor, right-wing patriot-monarchist V.M. Klykov in 1987. It took months of struggle to establish it, and on May 29, 1988, with a huge gathering of people and right-wing organizations, the monument to the saint was unveiled.

But, unfortunately, the right-wing patriots failed to become a mass united movement supported by the majority of the people at that time. This was the organizational weakness of the right and the unwillingness of the people to support them.

Some of the leaders and ideologists of the right were either killed or died under various, sometimes unclear, circumstances in the first half of the 1990s.

So in 1991, the famous and popular Orthodox patriot singer Igor Talkov was killed, who openly declared from the stage that his homeland was not the USSR, but the Russian Empire.

In 1991, the scientist A.K. Tsikunov (A. Kuzmich) suffered a violent death.

In 1993, in Chelyabinsk, the editor of the Yekaterinburg newspaper “Russian Union” Yu.V. Lipatnikov, an activist who achieved the renaming of Sverdlovsk to Yekaterinburg, was hit by a car.

In 1993, in St. Petersburg, the poet and right-wing activist V. Tsikarev was brutally killed and thrown into the water.

In 1994, the writer and poet I.V. Lystsov was killed and thrown into the water in Moscow.

In 1994, the founder of the patriotic newspaper A.V. Krasnoperov was killed in Izhevsk.

In October 1994, in Moscow, under circumstances that are not entirely clear, the outstanding journalist, editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Literary Russia” E.I. Safonov died.

In 1995, the body of the Russian singer and author of Orthodox patriotic songs M.Yu. Troshin, head of the youth organization of the Russian National Cathedral, was found in the Desna River near Bryansk.

Eternal memory to the right-wing patriots who died untimely for the Russian idea, for their right-wing convictions. May God rest their souls. These are martyrs of the Orthodox-patriotic movement.

1991 In general, right-wing patriots failed to unite and were relatively weak politically. In the 1991 presidential elections, they were unable to nominate a single right-wing candidate, and as a result, the leader of the left-wing Westerners-liberals, B.N. Yeltsin, won.

During the events of August 1991, social right-wing movements and organizations did not manifest themselves in any way. The last attempt of centrist-statists close to the right in power - representatives of the State Emergency Committee - to preserve Soviet Union and it was not possible to stop the revolutionary-minded left-Western liberals rushing to power. The leaders of the State Emergency Committee did not receive any grassroots support from the right.

On the contrary, the leaders of the left-wing Westerners received the support of their like-minded people and part of the people who were carried away by their Westernizing liberal ideas. The right and the rest of the people actually silently watched this battle between the centrists and left-wing liberals. The leaders of the State Emergency Committee were arrested. The Western left won.

And left-wing Westernized radical liberal reforms began. In 1991, the USSR collapsed, USSR President M.S. Gorbachev eventually lost power, left-wing communist ideology was defeated in the Soviet Union, in Russia and, in fact, throughout the world. Left-Western liberals, led by Russian President B.N., came to power in Russia. Yeltsin. In 1992, liberals carried out a price reform: releasing prices, devaluing the ruble, and as a result, prices immediately soared almost a thousand times. The people lost all their savings, and their standard of living fell sharply. In fact, hunger and malnutrition of the people began. Low-quality humanitarian aid went from the USA to Russia: for example, low-quality lentils...

1993 In 1993, deputies of the Supreme Council - centrists - supporters of the republic and democracy - tried to stop these revolutionary left-liberal reforms of the Westernized executive branch and transfer them into the soft channel of democratic reform of the country. But it was not possible to reach an agreement. A tough confrontation between two branches of power began: the executive presidential-governmental and legislative-parliamentary, the confrontation between the left and the center.

Unfortunately, attempts at negotiations were frustrated. The bulk of the people and the majority of the moderate right again, as in 1991, remained on the sidelines and silently watched all these tragic events from the sidelines.

But still, unlike 1991, a small part of the right participated heroically in this confrontation in 1993 on the side of the centrists - the democratically elected Parliament - the Supreme Council. In general, on the side of the Supreme Council and the current Constitution, several tens of thousands of different representatives of the people, organizations and movements of different political directions acted as active defenders of the democratic parliament: several priests, rightists (a few Cossacks led by Esul Viktor Morozov, Orthodox patriots), small part of the ordinary left communists, the ultra-right (RNE), the ultra-left. Basically, these were ordinary people, ordinary patriotic citizens of Russia, Muscovites and visitors...

Events began on September 21 with the issuance by President B. N. Yeltsin of Decree No. 1400 on the dissolution of the Congress of People's Deputies and the Supreme Council, which, according to the conclusion Constitutional Court, the Constitution in force at that time was violated. The Presidium of the Supreme Council, which met on the same day, citing Article 121.6 of the Constitution, announced the termination of President Yeltsin’s powers from the moment of the issuance of Decree 1400 and called not to implement it. On September 24, the X Congress of People's Deputies, convened by opponents of Boris Yeltsin, also announced the termination of the powers of the president from the moment of the publication of Decree No. 1400 and assessed his actions as a coup d'etat.

On the same day at 22.10, the Constitutional Court met at the proposal of Judge V.O. Luchin for an emergency meeting and issued an opinion on Yeltsin’s Decree N1400, which stated that the Decree and the President’s Address to the citizens of Russia do not comply with several articles of the Constitution Russian Federation“and serve as the basis for the removal of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin from office or the implementation of other special mechanisms his responsibility in accordance with Article 121-10 or 121-6 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.” The decision was made by 9 votes (N.V. Vitruk, T.G. Morshchakova, E.M. Ametistov, A.L. Kononov voted against).

However, Boris Yeltsin de facto continued to exercise the powers of the President of Russia. There was a violent confrontation.

Since October 1, with the mediation of Patriarch Alexy II under the auspices of the Russian Orthodox Church, negotiations between the warring parties were held, at which it was proposed to develop a “zero option” - simultaneous re-election of the president and people’s deputies. There was no compromise. The warring parties were unable to reach an agreement. But there was an opportunity to reach a peaceful agreement. In the St. Daniel Monastery, during negotiations between the warring parties on October 2, an agreement was reached on a truce, but on October 3, Rutskoi for some reason (due to an erroneous misunderstanding of the situation or deliberately provocative - it is not clear) sent virtually unarmed people to storm the mayor's office and the television center in Ostankino. After the capture of the mayor's office, the representative at the negotiations of President Yeltsin B.N. Mayor of Moscow Luzhkov Yu.M. immediately stopped negotiations and left them. The truce was broken.

Patriarch Alexy II, seeing the breakdown of negotiations and the danger of shedding innocent blood, warned that whoever sheds innocent blood will be excommunicated from the Church and anathematized...

It is not clear who fired the first shot at Ostankino. As a result, the first blood of unarmed people was shed on a large scale at Ostankino: many people were shot by members of the Vityaz special forces unit.

On the evening of October 3, calls from the liberal intelligentsia and left-liberal politicians for the dispersal of Parliament using armed forces were heard on television.

On October 2, on television, G.A. Zyuganov (leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation) called on communists not to take part in the defense of the Supreme Council and not to participate in rallies and demonstrations. In the end, there was no support for left-wing patriots in the Supreme Council among the defenders of the current Constitution.

On the eve of the storming of the House of Soviets, LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky said that he personally chose the lesser evil in the conflict between the “pink reds” from the Kremlin and the “red reds” from the White House and took the side of the former.

Between 3 and 4 a.m. on October 4, Boris Yeltsin decided to storm the House of Soviets: at a night meeting in the General Staff building of the Ministry of Defense, Gennady Zakharov’s plan was heard, he approved it and gave the order to use tanks and armored vehicles, scheduling the start of the operation for 7 a.m. The 4th of October. Pavel Grachev demanded that Yeltsin confirm the order to storm the House of Soviets in writing.

About 1,700 people, 10 tanks and 20 armored personnel carriers took part in the assault on the White House: the contingent had to be recruited from five divisions, about half of the total contingent were officers or junior command staff, and the tank crews were recruited almost entirely from officers.

The unarmed Parliament was first shot from tanks, several floors were set on fire, and then taken by storm. At the same time, many unarmed defenders of the Supreme Council, defenders of the current Constitution, died.

We believe that this was lawlessness, a violation of the Constitution, a violation of human and Divine laws. The murder of defenseless, unarmed people who stood up peacefully to defend the Constitution and the popularly elected Supreme Council. A bloody stain fell on Russia. Anathema falls on those who shed innocent blood...

Now Russia is burdened by the sin of treason against the Tsar in 1917, the sin of regicide in 1918 and the sin of the lawless murder of innocent citizens of Russia in 1993... Nationwide repentance for these sins is necessary. May God rest the souls of those innocently and lawlessly killed in the confrontation in Moscow in 1993.

After the shooting of Parliament, left-wing liberal Westernizing forces completely seized power and a left-liberal dictatorship was actually established over the country.

A new Constitution of a liberal-Western model was adopted, Councils of all levels were dissolved. A new body was created - the State Duma with minor powers.

The right-wingers were unable to enter this Duma on their own in the second half of the 90s. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation, using national-patriotic slogans, but ultimately expanding only itself, entered the State Duma. Also, the LDPR, cleverly playing with right-wing slogans, entered the State Duma.

In the second half of the 1990s and 2000s, it began to seem that right-wing patriots had disappeared or turned into small groups like some kind of sects.

But this was only an appearance. In the depths of the people, in their deep consciousness, there has been laid down for centuries a right-wing ideology, the ideology of God’s Commandments, the Orthodox Faith, autocratic monarchism, love for the Motherland, a craving for justice and conciliarity.

The war in Chechnya showed the power of the Russian Spirit. In the first Chechen war the Christian martyr warrior Yevgeny Rodionov was revealed. This simple Russian guy from the provinces was captured by thugs-militants-terrorists, endured torture and martyrdom there for three months, but did not renounce Orthodox Faith and did not remove his pectoral cross. Together with him in captivity, three more soldiers, his colleagues, who, like the warrior Yevgeny Rodionov, became new Christian martyrs, also did not renounce Christ and suffered martyrdom.

During the Second Chechen War, the heroic paratroopers of the Pskov Division covered themselves with eternal glory.

In 2008, Russian soldiers gave their lives for their friends, defending the fraternal South Ossetian people.

Currently, Russian soldiers are fighting heroically in Syria, and they have already performed several feats of self-sacrifice.

Elections and the right. In 2003, for the first time since 1917, the bloc of right-wing patriots and left-center Rodina, easily gaining 9%, entered the State Duma. Unfortunately, the right were unable to consolidate their success and, succumbing to provocations, began to voice nationalist-racist-semi-fascist slogans, and as a result they split and soon disappeared from the political field. These are mistakes, ill-conceived actions and their consequences, organizational weakness, inability to consolidate and develop success in the correct Orthodox-autocratic-patriotic direction of the right...

In 2007 and 2011, the right did not show itself in the elections, and the State Duma was again formed without the right, without supporters autocratic monarchy and Russian Orthodox patriotism.

Elections in State Duma in 2016. Now we are approaching the next elections to the State Duma in September 2016. This state body is important as a platform, as a platform for voicing, for the statement of our right-wing ideas, our Orthodox-monarchical self-awareness. In the State Duma, our bills, proposals for the budget, laws, and amendments to the Constitution, among others, can be submitted for consideration by deputies.

Unfortunately, we see another weakness of right-wing organizations at the present time. The only registered right-wing political party is the All-Russian Political Party “Monarchical Party of Russia”. The Autocratic Russia Party was close to registration, but, unfortunately, it is unlikely to be registered by the elections. There are actually no more right-wing parties.

We, representatives of the public Movement "REVIVAL OF RUSSIA", invite right-wing patriots, Orthodox-power movements, monarchist and Cossack organizations to unite into a union and, having agreed with one of the registered right-wing parties, take part in the elections to the State Duma in September 2016.

The following right-wing movements and organizations are proposed for unification:

  • Monarchist Party of Russia (Chairman A.A. Bakov);
  • Public Movement “People's Council” (Co-chairman O.Yu. Kassin);
  • Public Movement “REVIVAL OF RUSSIA” (Organizer D.I. Salikhov);
  • Public Movement “Russian Assembly” (Chairman A.D. Stepanov),
  • Imperial Heritage Foundation (Chairman E.V. Alekseev);
  • Party “Autocratic Russia” (Chairman D.N. Merkulov),
  • Cossack organizations (Union of Cossacks of Russia and the Union of Cossack Warriors of Russia and Abroad).
  • Union of Orthodox Citizens (Chairman V.V. Lebedev).

As a tactical alliance, it is possible to involve the “Great Fatherland” party (Chairman of the party N.V. Starikov) and possibly NOD (E.A. Fedorov).

We propose that the Chairman of the Monarchist Party of Russia, Anton Alekseevich Bakov, support the right (monarchists, Orthodox patriots) and, on the basis of his party, organize with the right an alliance of Orthodox-monarchist movements and organizations for elections to the State Duma.

At the same time, we understand that the main problem of right-wing organizations is the lack of any funding. Entrepreneurs and representatives of financial groups are not interested in the right.

We appeal to the famous businessman Konstantin Valerievich Malofeev with a request to help us and all moderate right-wingers who support President V.V. Putin and ready to work for the benefit of Russia and voice and develop the idea of ​​“Moscow - the Third Rome”.

We propose the following slogans for the right-wing election campaign:

1) Only the Tsar will save and revive Russia!

2) Natural resources of Russia to all the people!

At the same time, we understand that the tsar may appear as the sovereign leader of the churched Orthodox people, but for now the Russian people are still on the path to churching. Therefore, during this transitional path, we consider it advisable to establish an enlightened patriotic dictatorship. Currently, we believe that President V.V. could become such a national dictator. Putin.

We propose to hold a congress-assembly of leaders of right-wing organizations and movements close to the right with the aim of creating a coalition and headquarters and discussing the following two main pressing issues:

1) The possibility of right-wing participation in the upcoming elections in September 2016;

2) Actions of the right in the event of an aggravation of the political situation in the country and attempts by the West to provoke an orange revolution in Russia, support by the right for Russian President V.V. Putin and, if necessary, opposition to the orange revolution.

An additional issue that should always be discussed at any meeting of the right should be the question of the unity of the ideology of the right - this is Orthodoxy in the first place, Autocracy in second (the ideal political structure for us there will always be an Autocratic monarchy) and Nationality (this does not mean nationalism-fascism, but love for the people of Russia and Imperial ideals). In this matter, the main ideological formula for us is “Moscow - the Third Rome”.

A tentative congress-assembly of the leaders of the right and their allies is scheduled by our movement “REVIVAL OF RUSSIA” in June 2016.

Organizer of the All-Russian public patriotic movement “REVIVAL OF RUSSIA” Dmitry Salikhov

Who are the leftists? Who are the rightists?

    The expression among young people “he’s a leftist” means that a person is not from their social circle and does not understand the topic. A stranger who is unlikely to become one of his own. And the expression he is right-wing, young people don’t have a denotation of their own, only left-wing people.

    In politics there are two definitions of left and right.

    Left-wing political parties advocate for social equality, although the concept arose due to the location of the Jacobin radicals on the left side, who fought for equal rights, but fate itself took them to the left position, because it is not possible to be equal to everyone on earth, only underground .

    And right-wing political parties are those citizens who unite on the principle that capitalism rules, that is, they soberly assess the situation in society.

    Usually when they mean left and right, they mean politics. Right-wing usually refers to political forces that use radical methods in their policies. And the left adheres to democratic and classical methods.

    If you mean politics, then the left is:

    • communists,
    • socialists,
    • social democrats,
    • social liberals,
    • anarchists.

    And the right forces are:

    • democrats
    • capitalists,
    • conservatives,
    • liberals,
    • Republicans.

    Of course, not all of the listed parties exist in every state. If we take the left and right using the example of Russia, then not everything is now in the Duma, but in last years they took place.

    Left parties of Russia:

    • Communist Party of the Russian Federation (head Gennady Zyuganov),
    • A Just Russia (head Sergei Mironov),
    • Patriots of Russia (head Gennady Semigin),
    • Russian United Democratic Party Yabloko, but they are left-of-center (heads: Grigory Yavlinsky and Sergei Mitrokhin),
    • Social Democratic Party of Russia (head Sirazhdin Ramazanov),
    • Communist Party social justice(head - Yuri Morozov),
    • New Russia (head Vyacheslav Grishin),
    • Party of the Revival of Russia (head Gennady Selezn).

    Right-wing parties in Russia:

    • United Russia(heads Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev),
    • Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (head Vladimir Zhirinovsky),
    • Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (head Andrey Dunaev),
    • Republican Party of Russia People's Freedom Party, center-right (heads Mikhail Kasyanov and Boris Nemtsov),
    • Democratic Party of Russia, center-right (head Andrey Bogdanov)
    • Western choice (chapter Konstantin Borovoy).
  • The fact is that everything is much simpler. There are centrists in politics, and it is in relation to them that the division into left and right takes place.

    First of all, this concept existed in the era of Lenin. So Lenin even has a work on the problems of leftism in communism. So even communists can be divided into left and right. Simply put, the division into left and right is relative. And currently, centrists are in power in Russia. And what’s interesting is that they simply stood out from the left and right movements. So those who stand on the communist path are considered leftists. And those who talk more about freedom and adhere to the capitalist path of development are naturally right. And examples of the right in Russia are the Parnas party. Well, the left is naturally the Communist Party. But now everyone else is between them. So, having begun to answer the question posed, we can come to the conclusion that many parties in Russia are giving up artificially and adhering to centrist positions. And what’s most unpleasant is that the centrist parties will sooner or later come to a monarchy or some semblance of a monarchy.

    When talking about such concepts as left and right, political topics immediately come to mind.

    The left in politics is characterized by the ideological idea of ​​equality, of improving the lives of ordinary people. But the right is the complete opposite in thought.

    Usually these concepts are used in politics, for example, in the Duma there are right-wing parties and left-wing ones. The right-wing parties include such parties as the LDPR, which is headed by Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the United Russia party (United Russia), the President of Russia from there.

    The left includes such parties as the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the communist party led by Zyuganov.

    We can say that the right are democrats, and the left are commies.

    The political division into right and left dates back to the times of the Great French bourgeois revolution 1792, when replaced absolute monarchy the first French republic came with its famous motto Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.

    At the Convention of the New Republic, on the benches of the left wing of the meeting room, supporters of radical revolutionary changes, even the use of violence, sat for this purpose. On the right, those who advocated moderation and the preservation of old orders and traditions are conservatives.

    Today in Russia everything has been turned upside down. And the communists who represent the left faction are in fact essentially conservatives who advocate a return to the communist past. And United Russia bases its policy on social conservatism.

    This division of political forces arose in France about two hundred years ago. The debate between the right and the left lies in their attitude to the slogan of the revolution: Freedom, Brotherhood, Equality.

    The rightists emphasize that equality is generally not achievable by people who are unequal by nature. They focus on the word Freedom, but do not profess individualism at all; on the contrary, the right believes that a person has value and can only be free as a part of society.

    The left believes that we must emphasize equality, even if we have to limit freedom.

    The Great French Revolution (1789...1794) was the first to sort politicians into left and right. Then the deputies of the Estates General were divided into those who supported the king (sitting on the right in the meeting room) and his opponents (sitting on the left).

    The extreme manifestation of leftism in politics is the so-called leftism, which takes a political course towards revolutionary changes, which does not exclude the use of violent means to achieve social goals.

    Over time, many supporters of leftism have lost their radicalism and moved into the category of the new left, and among them the idea of ​​broad democratic control, opposed to elitist structures, prevails.

Life of the state and democratic society in Western countries today it is built on liberal principles, which presuppose the presence of multiple points of view on various issues facing the country and society itself (the plurality of opinions is called the term “pluralism”). It was this difference in views that provoked the division into left and right, as well as centrists. The indicated directions are generally accepted in the world. How do they differ from each other? And how are the relations between those who have right-wing views and those who call themselves “left” characterized?

Right political direction

First of all, it must be said that such terms refer to socio-political movements and ideology. Right-wing views are characterized by sharp criticism of reforms. Such parties advocate the preservation of the existing economic and different time the preferences of such groups may differ, which also depends on culture and region. For example, at the beginning of the nineteenth century in America, politicians who had right-wing views advocated the preservation of the slave system, and already in the twenty-first century they opposed medical reform for the poor.

Left political direction

We can say that this is a kind of antipode of the right. Left Political Views is a collective name for ideologies and movements that advocate reforms and large-scale changes in the existing political and economic regime. These directions include socialism, communism, anarchy and social democracy. The left demands equality and justice for all.

The history of the division of political views and the emergence of parties

In the seventeenth century, a split occurred in France between the aristocracy, which then actually had sole power, and the bourgeoisie, content with the modest role of creditor. Left and right political views were formed after the revolution in parliament. It happened by chance that in the right wing of parliament there were the so-called Feuillants, who wanted to preserve and strengthen the monarchy and regulate the monarch with the help of a constitution. In the center were the Girondins - that is, the “vacillating”. On the left side sat Jacobin deputies who were supporters of radical and fundamental changes, as well as all kinds of revolutionary movements and actions. Thus, there was a division into right and left views. The concepts of “reactionary” and “conservative” became synonymous with the former, while the latter were often called radicals and progressives.

How vague are these concepts?

Left and right political views are actually very relative. At different times in different countries virtually identical political ideas were assigned to one position or another. For example, after its emergence, liberalism was clearly considered a leftist movement. It then began to be defined as the political center in terms of compromise and alternative between two extremes.

Today, liberalism (more precisely, neoliberalism) is one of the most conservative trends, and liberal organizations can be classified as right-wing parties. Some publicists even tend to talk about neoliberalism as a new kind of fascism. Even such a strange point of view exists, because one can recall the Chilean liberal Pinochet with his concentration camps.

Communists and Bolsheviks - who are they?

Left and right political views are often not only complexly separated, but also mixed together. A striking example such contradictions is communism. The vast majority of Bolshevik and communist parties entered the big arena after disengaging with the Social Democracy, which gave birth to them.

The Social Democrats were typical leftists who demanded expansion of political rights and freedoms for the population, improvement of economic and social status working people through the methods of reforms and gradual peaceful transformations. The then right-wing parties actively fought against all this. The communists accused the Social Democrats of cowardice and set a course for faster changes in society, which is clearly evident in the history of Russia.

Objectively speaking, financial situation the working class still improved. However, the political regime established in the Soviet Union completely destroyed all the democratic rights and freedoms of the people instead of expanding them, as the same left-wing Social Democrats would have demanded. Under Stalin, the totalitarian right-wing regime generally flourished. This is where a persistent problem arises in the classification of certain parties.

Sociological differences

It is in the field of sociology that the first difference can be found. The left represents the so-called popular strata of the population - the poorest, who actually have no property. It was them who Karl Marx called proletarians, and today they are called wage workers, that is, people who live only on wages.

Right-wing views have always been directed more towards independent individuals who can live both in the city and in the countryside, but own land or any means of production (shop, enterprise, workshop, etc.), that is, force others to work or work for themselves.

Naturally, nothing prevents right-wing parties from contacting the aforementioned proletariat, but not in the first place. This difference is the first and fundamental line of division: on the one hand there are the bourgeoisie, management cadres, representatives of the liberal professions, owners of commercial and industrial enterprises; on the other hand, poor peasant farmers and hired workers. Naturally, the border between these two camps is blurred and unstable, which is characterized by the frequent flow of personnel from one side to the other. We also must not forget about the notorious middle class, which is an intermediate state. In our time, this border has become even more arbitrary.

Historical-philosophical difference

Ever since the Great french revolution the leftist political outlook was aimed at radical politics and reform. The current state of affairs has never satisfied politicians of this kind; they have always advocated change and revolution. Thus, the left showed a commitment and desire for rapid progress. Right-wing views are not anti-development; they demonstrate the need to protect and restore ancient values.

As a result, one can observe a conflict between two opposing directions - supporters of the movement and supporters of order and conservatism. Naturally, we must not forget about the mass of transitions and shades. In politics, representatives of left-wing parties see a means to trigger change, an opportunity to move away from the past, to change everything that is possible. The right looks at power as a way to maintain the necessary continuity.

Typically, one can also discern certain differences in attitude towards reality in general. The left often demonstrates a clear inclination towards all sorts of utopia and idealism, while their opponents are unambiguous realists and pragmatists. However, notorious right-wing fans can also be enthusiastic fanatics, albeit very dangerous ones.

Political difference

Left-wing politicians have long proclaimed themselves the defenders of people's interests and the sole representatives of trade unions, parties and associations of workers and peasants. The right, although they do not clearly express their contempt for the people, are adherents of the cult native land, head of state, devotion to the idea of ​​the nation. Ultimately, it’s not for nothing that they are called spokesmen national ideas(often they are prone to nationalism, authoritarianism and xenophobia), and their political opponents - the ideas of the republic. In practice, both sides can act both from democratic positions and use obvious totalitarian methods of influence.

The extreme form of rightism can be called rigidly centralized (for example, and leftism is rabid anarchism, which strives to destroy any power in general.

Economic difference

Left-wing political views are characterized by a rejection of capitalism. Their bearers are forced to put up with it, since they still trust the state more than the market. They welcome nationalization with enthusiasm, but look at privatization with deepest regret.

Those politicians with right-wing views believe that the market is the fundamental factor in the development of the state and the economy in general throughout the world. Naturally, capitalism is met with enthusiasm in this environment, and all kinds of privatizations are met with harsh criticism and rejection. This does not prevent a nationalist from being a supporter of a strong state and strengthening the public sector in various spheres of the economy, and a person with leftist views from being a libertarian (a supporter of the freest possible market). However, the main theses remain generally unshakable: the idea of ​​a strong state is on the left, and free market relations are on the right; the planned economy is on the left, and competition and competition is on the right.

Differences in ethical views

Left and right political views also differ in their views on the former, who advocate anthropocentrism and traditional humanism. The latter proclaim the ideas of a common ideal that would dominate an individual person. This is where the roots of the inherent religiosity of the majority of the right and the atheism of the left lie. Another difference is the importance of nationalism for the former and the need for internationalism and cosmopolitanism for the latter.