Water temperature at resorts in Montenegro. Guide to good water


Montenegro is a relatively small country located on the Adriatic Sea coast in the west of the Balkan Peninsula.
Due to the heterogeneity of the relief, Montenegro has as many as three climatic zones: Mediterranean - stretching along a narrow strip of coast, temperate continental - characteristic of plateaus and plains in the central part of the country and subalpine - where the highlands begin. Thanks to such climatic conditions, summers in Montenegro are hot and dry, and winters are cool, but without severe frosts, but with a large number precipitation.

If you decide to relax in this friendly country, then you can safely go at any time of the year. Montenegro will offer you an unforgettable vacation, both in summer - on beaches in clear sea waters, and in winter - at ski resorts.
Having decided what type of vacation - beach, relaxing or active, extreme - you want to have, choose the most suitable time of year to visit this wonderful country.
And in order not to be deceived by expectations, it is best to find out what the weather will be like in Montenegro by month, and what sea water temperature awaits you in a given month.

If you decide to visit Montenegro in winter, then be prepared for a large number precipitation. And we are not talking about snow, since it falls extremely rarely.

In December, the air temperature is moderately cold and mostly above zero. During the day, the thermometer can rise to +13°C in flat areas. In the mountainous areas you will find slight frost down to -10°C and magnificent snow cover for an unforgettable experience. ski holiday.
The water temperature in the sea does not exceed +14°C and you don’t even have to think about swimming.

In January, it’s still cooler in Montenegro, but not enough to wrap yourself warmer in fur coats and scarves. The air temperature will drop to +4°С…+9°С, somewhere even in flat areas there may be frosts down to -1°С, as well as fog and ice. Again, prolonged rain cannot be ruled out.
In the sea, the water remains just as cold, and even colder than in December - only +13°C.
February in Montenegro continues to remain cool and rainy.
Temperature in central regions stays at +10°С…+12°С. In mountainous areas continues to hold " real winter"with relatively mild frosts of -10°C and snow.

The water in the sea reaches +14°C.
Starting in March, real spring comes to Montenegro, but it’s too early to put away the umbrellas.
Heavy rains continue to fall in the central regions of the country. The air temperature rises to +13°С…+15°С, there is still snow in the mountains and it continues ski season which ends at the end of the month.
The water in the sea is still cold, only +14°C.

April in Montenegro is already significantly warmer. In coastal areas, the air temperature warms up to +18°C, and may rise even higher. Precipitation remains as heavy as ever, but there are also sunny days, which become much more numerous by the end of the month.
Sea water temperature rises to +15°C

In May, the sea resorts of Montenegro open tourist season. The hot summer month will delight you with pleasant weather. During the day +22°С…+25°С, and at night not lower than +18°С. And even precipitation becomes less frequent this month. And only in the mountains remains cool weather, up to +13°С.
But it’s still too early to swim, as the water in the sea is not warm enough - only +18°C
Summer in Montenegro is quite hot and dry.

In June, the weather finally improves - the rains stop annoying, and the air temperature reaches +27°C. More “moderate” weather is observed in the highlands, where the average air temperature is +25°C.
This month the sea water warms up to +21°C, and you can already plunge into the invigorating sea waters.
July is the peak beach season and heat. The thermometer confidently stays at +28°C, or it may even rise to +30°C.
At sea the water temperature is +24°C, so feel free to go to the beach to wash away the heat in the relatively warm sea.
In August, the weather situation remains the same. During the day it is hot, up to +30°C, and in the evenings it becomes much cooler and you can safely go for walks and excursions.
During the day, beaches await you with warm sea, the water in which becomes even warmer, up to +25°C.

In autumn, the resorts of the Adriatic Sea are much warmer than in spring.
September opens velvet season in Montenegro. The weather this month is surprisingly mild and comfortable. The air temperature drops, and it is no longer as hot as in summer - only +25°C...+27°C. The water in the sea remains quite warm +23°C, and the tan at this time is the best.

October continues and immediately ends the velvet season, which lasts until the middle of the month. Then the weather only becomes cooler +22°С…+20°С, as well as the water in the sea drops to +20°С. It's starting to rain.
November is already cool like autumn. And rainy. The air temperature rapidly drops to +16°С....+14°С. In some areas of the country, the “first frost” may already appear.
The water in the sea cools down to +17 degrees.
But at the end of the month the ski season opens, which will last until the end of March, and then - if you're lucky - until mid-April. So if you go to Montenegro at this time of year, take with you not only umbrellas and warm clothes, but also skis.
And so, no matter what month you visit this country, you will find here something to your liking and the most vivid impressions.

In the southern part of the Bar Riviera, between the famous resorts of Bar and Ulcinj lies the very small village of Dobra Voda (Dobra Voda, Dobra Voda, Dobra Voda). You won’t find luxury hotels or expensive restaurants, noisy discos or multi-storey entertainment complexes here - this place is designed for those who want to get away from the crowds of vacationers, enjoy the silence, beautiful nature and uncrowded beaches.

Throughout the year, not during the tourist season, the population of the village of Dobra Voda in Montenegro does not exceed 750 inhabitants. From October to April it is quiet here, the streets and beaches become completely deserted, half of the cafes and shops are closed. But in the warm season, almost the entire population of the town tries to make money in the tourism sector: they rent out housing, run small cafes, and take vacationers out fishing.

In the village of Dobry Vody in Montenegro, you won’t find any particularly outstanding attractions; the main local value is the healing air and the cleanest, clear water amazingly rich turquoise color.

Even during the existence of Yugoslavia, the construction of recreational centers for asthma patients began in this region, but the project was never completed. However, many come to Dobrye Vody in Montenegro precisely to improve their health - this place is recognized as one of the most environmentally friendly on the entire Adriatic coast.

It is impossible not to mention the particularly wonderful local beaches - they are sure to be present in all photos of Dobra Voda in Montenegro. The two most famous beaches are called Great Piesak and Maly Piesak, which means Great and Small Sand.

These names are sure to mislead everyone - in fact, the beaches here are mostly pebbly. The Velikiy Piesak beach can really be called “great”, that is, large - it stretches as much as 600 meters!

It is noteworthy that both beaches are protected areas And here they especially monitor cleanliness.

All buildings in the village of Dobry Vody in Montenegro are located along the beach, and from any point to the sea it takes no longer than 10 minutes to walk. Coastline here it faces west, so in the evenings you can watch the most wonderful sunsets.

Renting apartments in Dobra Voda in Montenegro is not difficult: there are both small apartments and small cottages, as well as large ones with several bedrooms and swimming pools. Hotels in Dobra Voda are also available.

For those who come to the village of Dobra Voda, the main pastime is lying on the beach, enjoying the local nature and fishing. However, of course, you can always go to one of the neighboring cities on an excursion - fortunately, in this country everything is nearby!

Just 7 kilometers to the north is the city of Bar with numerous ancient monuments and modern entertainment, and about 15 kilometers to the south Good Water lies the city of Ulcinj with unique beaches and cozy restaurants. And the noisy, crowded Budva is, in fact, just a stone's throw away - you can get here in just an hour.

Bar14 14 14 15 18 21 23 25 23 20 17 15
Becici14.4 13.7 14 15.7 19.4 23.3 25.5 26.2 24.4 24.5 19.4 16.8
Budva14 14 14 15 18 21 24 25 23 20 17 15
Herceg Novi14 14 14 15 18 21 24 25 23 20 17 15
Kotor14 14 14 15 18 21 24 25 23 20 17 15
Tivat14 14 14 15 18 21 24 25 23 20 17 15

Climate of Montenegro

There are three climatic zones on the territory of the state, depending on the proximity of the sea and mountain ranges.

IN northern regions Montenegro climate is temperate continental, with warm or hot summers, moderately cold winter, noticeable daily changes in air temperature.

On the Montenegrin coast of the Adriatic Sea the climate is mild, Mediterranean. The region is characterized by dry and hot long summers (on average about +25 °C during the day), cool but very short winters (from 0 to +7 °C during the day).

The mountainous climate of Montenegro makes itself felt in the hills and highlands, where winters are always snowy and cold (on average up to -10 °C), and summers are moderately warm (about +20 °C or slightly higher). In the mountains there is snow for up to five months, and winter in the ski resorts of Zabljak and Kolasin is the height of the season, lasting from November to April-May.

Depending on the region, the annual precipitation ranges from 500 to 1500 mm, and in mountainous areas near the coast it can even fall more than 3000 mm.

The beach season in Montenegrin resorts begins in the second half of May and ends only at the end of October. At this time, the sea water temperature in Montenegro reaches from 18 to 24 ° C, and its transparency is 38-55 m.

Weather, climate of Montenegro by months

In January and in general, winter in Montenegro is not very cold, although in the middle of the month the most low temperatures. In cities up to +4 C, and in ski resorts it is only slightly below 0 ° C, which allows you to conquer snow-covered slopes in comfortable conditions for the body.

In February It’s rainy on the coast, but in the mountains it’s nice and very beautiful in winter; skiing remains a priority. During the day in the mountains it persists negative temperature, close to zero, on the Adriatic coast +1...+3 °С, in the capital +3 °С.

In March It is rapidly warming up, and as a rule, you can already forget about winter - the air warms up to +8...+10 °C, but it still rains often.

April quite suitable for independent travel and excursions around the country. Sunny days it is getting more and more, the air temperature in Montenegro during the day is up to +12 ° C, on the coast it is even warmer.

May- the beginning of high holiday season, although the water has not yet warmed up everywhere to +18 °C suitable for swimming. Entertainment areas for tourists are opening everywhere at resorts. During the day in Bar, Tivat, Kotor up to +22 °C, in Budva, Herceg Novi it ​​is cooler, about +15 °C.

In June The weather in Montenegro is truly summer, during the day in the resorts it is warmer than +24 °C, in the mountains +16...+18 °C. The amount of precipitation on the coast and in the central regions decreases to 60-100 mm per month.

In July Resort holidays in Montenegro continue to gain momentum, the climate is extremely favorable for beach activities and recovery. During the day from +22 to +30 °C, coolness remains only in the mountains (+18...+22 °C), where it often rains.

For August Traditionally this is the peak season. At this time, the attention of tourists is mainly focused on the sea and beaches, so resort towns on the Adriatic coast are always crowded. The air temperature rises another couple of degrees compared to July, and the water warms up to its maximum - up to +25 °C. The weather in the mountains is also pleasant: during the day it’s usually around +20 °C, and it doesn’t rain so often anymore.

September- a velvet season, when the weather forecast in Montenegro does not foretell any surprises. It’s not hot outside anymore, but quite warm (on average +23 °C), you can sunbathe and swim without fear sunburn. The amount of precipitation on the coast and in the mountains is leveling out.

At the beginning October you can catch the last warm days and swim in the sea, although the water temperature in the resorts of Montenegro is no longer higher than +20 °C. Autumn-style warm clothes for trips and excursions will not hurt, but there are not so many tourists anymore. Maximum precipitation occurs in mountainous areas, and it is rainy and cool in Cetinje.

In November Autumn weather is finally setting in in Montenegro, although it is almost winter in the mountains - the first snow is falling. Reserved natural places impress with their golden-orange outfit and look even more picturesque than in summer.

In December A cold wind blows on the coast, it’s still autumn here, and daytime temperatures are 10 degrees higher than in January. Snow cover has already established itself in the mountains, and the ski season is gaining momentum.

Dobra Voda (Montenegro) is a small resort village between Bar and Ulcinj. Up to 1,000 people live here permanently, and all of them are employed in tourism in high season. Even in July-August, there are few vacationers in Dobra Voda; people come here just for solitude. IN recent years The Montenegrin authorities are actively developing the resort, so in a few years the situation may change.

Dobra Voda resort beach

If you don’t want to go to quite a place, but want to relax by the sea, then pay attention to the small neighboring resort. I advise you to go in person, then you yourself will answer the question “Good Water or Bar?” If you don’t like it, then come back, it’s a 15-minute drive between the cities. It takes an hour to drive to the main center of the entire coast of Montenegro - Budva.

Dobra Voda - from the mid-20th century to the present day

First mention of locality Dobra Voda dates back to 1948. Yes, the village is not even a hundred years old, while some of its neighbors appeared before our era. According to the census of the mid-20th century, 600 people lived in the village of Dobra Voda (Montenegro). Up to beginning of the XXI century there wasn't even a resort here. In the village there were dachas of the Serbian middle class, on the coast and in the surrounding area local residents grazed cattle.

During Yugoslav times, state tourism began to develop here. The Montenegrin resort of Dobra Voda has become famous for its healing air and clean water. Therefore, local authorities, with the support of the USSR, built sanatoriums here. They did not have time to open them to everyone - the war began in Yugoslavia, and then the country fell apart. So the sanatoriums didn’t even really start working.

With the development of the tourism business, all places suitable for resorts began to be actively developed. Good Water did not escape this fate. Old sanatorium buildings were demolished and some were converted into hotels. So far, Dobra Voda (Montenegro) remains in the category quiet resorts. Tourists often stay in Budva or Bar, and sometimes come here to the beach.

So, if you want to have time to relax in silence, hurry up. From October to April, new hotels are constantly being built here, and only in the summer are projects stopped so as not to scare away tourists. But a start has been made, and soon Montenegrin Dobra Voda will also attract crowds of vacationers.

Weather in Dobra Voda

The climate of the resort is the same as in neighboring Bar or Ulcinj. It is a Mediterranean type with hot, long summers and mild, rainy winters. In July-August, the air warms up to 35 degrees, the water - up to 25 degrees. In June it is a little cooler, but not much. May and September – best months not only for swimming, but also for walking. Not as hot as in summer, but the water is quite warm.

Reviews about Dobra Voda show that low season there is absolutely nothing to do here. Most hotels, shops and cafes are closed. Only 1,000 local people remain in the city. There are no tourists either. In December-January, the air temperature at the resort drops to 6 degrees at night and 12 degrees during the day. The only reason If you stay here in winter, you can find accommodation much cheaper than in Bar or Budva.

Beaches of Dobra Voda

Due to its small size, Barskaya Dobra Voda offers small beaches. The two main ones are Veliki Pesak and Mali Pesak. Accordingly, Big Sand and Small Sand. The names are deceiving, because the beaches in Dobra Voda are pebbly and have very little sand. The pebbles are small and medium, without sunbeds it is not very comfortable to sunbathe. Umbrellas and sun loungers on the beaches are rented, and you can eat in a cafe on the embankment. At the height of the season, city beaches can be a bit dirty. Hotel beaches are cleaned every day.

Briefly about the main features of the resort’s beaches:

  • Veliki Pesak. Located in the center of the resort, occupies 600 meters. The surface is predominantly small pebbles and sand. Partially surrounded by oak and olive trees. Water attractions only in season. The entrance to the water is gentle.
  • Mala Pesak. Located in the northern part of Dobra Voda. Partially wild, no entertainment. But there are much fewer tourists here than on the main beach.
  • David Beach. Continues Veliki Pesak beach to the north. In terms of cleanliness, entertainment, and infrastructure, it is identical to the main beach of Dobra Voda.
  • Wild beach. Located in the far north of the village. Completely wild, narrow, pebble. There are practically no tourists.

All Dobra Voda beaches in Montenegro are suitable for families with children, as reviews say. The entrance to the sea is flat everywhere, there are no large stones, only medium pebbles. In summer there are attractions for children. If you get bored, you can go to Bar, Budva or Ulcinj.

All the beaches of the resort village are marked on the map, which you will find below.

Sights of Dobra Voda

There are no attractions here at all, except for Roman Abramovich's villa. Local residents are happy to show it from the sea during boat trips. This is the main entertainment here along with sea fishing.

Recently, in the resort of Dobra Voda (Montenegro) in the bay near the Veliki Pesak beach, the ruins of a church were found. According to preliminary dating using coins found there, the oldest parts of the church date back to the 4th century. But it will be a long time before the ruins become a tourist attraction.

Therefore, I would recommend one more entertainment – ​​a trip to the observation deck. It is located a couple of kilometers from the northern edge of the village. An area of ​​200 square meters opened in 2016. There is parking there, but you can walk from Dobra Voda.

What to see in the area?

  • - the historical part of the bar, turned into a museum under open air.
  • - once a pirate stronghold, later conquered different peoples from the Ottomans to the Venetians.
  • Lake Skadar is the main freshwater body of Montenegro. Just driving along it is already a pleasure. One of them leads to a magical place that I recommend everyone to visit.
  • - a city abandoned 500 years ago, which was once larger than Kotor. From there there are magnificent views of the glacial Lake Shasskoe.

Bar or Dobra Voda?

The answer to the question “Good Water or Bar?” depends on the purpose of your trip. If you want shops, restaurants, attractions and people around, then choose Bar. There are two cities there - a new port on the coast and an old one with ancient buildings a little higher in the mountains. There are many beaches, although the central one is quite dirty due to its proximity to the port.

If infrastructure and attractions are not as important as quiet rest and swimming, then Dobra Voda will be best choice. From here you can always go to neighboring cities to look at historical monuments or go to the museum. The distance along the route “Dobra Voda – Bar” or “Dobra Voda – Ulcinj” allows you to complete it in half a day.

Reviews about the resort

Dobra Voda (Montenegro) in the summer and Dobra Voda the rest of the year are two different resorts. During the high season, residents flock here former Yugoslavia, tourists from the CIS are also increasingly coming. Because of this, the main beach is often crowded and dirty. But the locals do everything to make tourists comfortable. If you don’t want to live in crowded Budva, then Dobra Voda is a good option.

In winter, Dobra Voda, about which I wrote reviews, seems to die out. Only local residents stay here and rent out their homes for pennies. If you are not afraid of getting bored, then come in winter. But be prepared that right up to the start swimming season New hotels are being actively built in Dobra Voda. It is impossible to live in complete silence. And you always have the option of going to Bar if you don’t like something.

Where to eat in Dobra Voda

So far there is only one place on my list, but it will be updated. I highly recommend having lunch at least once in the restaurant of the Kalamper Hotel & Spa. It is located on the first floor. There is a lounge bar on the roof of the hotel and from there you can... cool look, but the bar menu is different from the restaurant menu, so my review is about the restaurant.

The prices are slightly above average, but the service and cuisine are beyond praise. For three people, lunch cost 35 euros, but we didn’t take almost any meat/fish dishes, which is why the price tag was so small. I had tomato potage and risotto with vegetables. Both dishes are beyond praise. My friend ordered salmon at cream sauce and also praised it very much. If you come to Dobra Voda for at least half a day, then dine here - you won’t regret it.

Where to live in Dobra Voda

The small village has more than 150 accommodation options, from budget guesthouses to luxury four-star hotels. One of them was mentioned in the previous section. Kalamper Hotel & Spa opened in 2017 and features a spa center and a restaurant with lounge bar. Everyone can use the bar, but the rooftop pool is only for hotel guests. All rooms are equipped with satellite TV and bathrobes and slippers. Guests especially note the helpfulness and friendliness of the staff.

Apartments near the main beach

Apartments Sidro - rating "Excellent". The apartments are located literally 10 meters from Veliki Pesak beach. All rooms have air conditioning and a flat-screen TV. The kitchen is equipped with an oven, refrigerator and stovetop. There is a restaurant on site and a sun terrace. You can choose apartments with sea or mountain views. In both cases the maximum number of guests is 4 people.

Apartments Deus - "Excellent" rating. The apartment complex is located almost on the beach, the road to it will take less than a minute. There is a rooftop terrace with sun loungers and umbrellas. All rooms and studios have sea views from their balconies and are equipped with air conditioning and an LCD TV.

Apartments Atlantic S – “Excellent” rating. Another complex one minute walk from the main beach. The apartments have free private parking, rooms have TV, a dining area and/or a balcony (not all). A stove and electric kettle are also available. Previous guests note the newness of the apart-hotel, the cleanliness and the correspondence of the presented photos (to view, follow the link above) to reality.

Apartments D&D - “Excellent” rating. The apartments are located 40 meters from Veliki Pesak Beach. Free private parking is available on site, and the apartments have a kitchenette with a stove, refrigerator and kettle.

Hotels with private pool

Adriatic Dreams Apartments – “Excellent” rating. The road to the beach takes two minutes, the apart-hotel has its own swimming pool with sun loungers, and has its own parking. Each apartment has a terrace with sea views, an equipped kitchen and a private bathroom with a hairdryer. Guests praise the thoughtfulness of the room interior and comfort.

Apartments Atlantis - "Amazing" rating. The nearest beach is 10 meters away. In addition to the pool, the aparthotel has a bar, a restaurant and a spacious rooftop terrace overlooking the sea. All studios are air conditioned and include a mini fridge, kitchenette, safe and large balcony. There is a service for ordering food to your room.

Apartment Sea Space – “Excellent” rating. The apartments include a seating area, kitchen and flat-screen TV. Sea Space Apartments features a seasonal outdoor swimming pool.

Car rental is available on site. The area is popular for snorkeling and fishing. Podgorica Airport is 37 km away.

Review of the apartment, vacation time: July 2017:

The apartment is very clean, additional sets of linen and towels. The kitchen has everything, and even more: a kettle, a mixer, a toaster, a coffee maker, a Turk, plates, napkins, various glasses, even aromatic candles. I won't list them. We felt very comfortable here.

Village map

On the map I marked the beaches of the village of Dobra Voda, as well as the accommodation locations that I talked about in the article. This will make it easier to understand and decide on a place to live.

How to get to Dobra Voda

As in any village south of Bar. All tourists flying to Montenegro have two airports to choose from from which they will need to get to the resort:

  1. Podgorica Airport – 60 kilometers to Dobra Voda. There are regular and charter flights, most of them in summer. Can be reached from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tyumen, Nizhny Novgorod, Ufa.
  2. — 71 kilometers to Dobra Voda. The same airlines fly from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Yekaterinburg, and Nizhny Novgorod. If you have a choice, then fly to Podgorica, it’s closer from there.

To Dobra Voda by public transport

Buses and taxis run from Tivat airport to the resorts of Dobra Voda, Bar, Ulcinj. There are no buses from the terminal itself, so taxi drivers will insistently offer to take you at least to the bus station in the city.

If you are interested in how to get to Dobra Voda from Podgorica airport by public transport, then read the article “” - it discusses in detail this question, but you will need to leave earlier.

At the Podgorica or Tivat bus station, once you are there, always check the current schedule. It changes every season. A direct bus ride from Podgorica to Dobra Voda will take 1 hour 10 minutes, from Tivat 1 hour 40 minutes. All buses to Ulcinj are also suitable for you - it is located south of Dobra Voda.

There are no trains to the resort, but you can take a high-speed train from Podgorica to Bar. There are 10 trains per day. Further along the route “Dobra Voda - Bar” you can easily cover the distance on any minibus.

This climatic kaleidoscope provides the opportunity for a wide variety of recreation in any season. Winter lovers active recreation will be met by the resorts of Bjelasica, Turyak, Durmitor. Ski season runs from mid or late November to late March or early April, depending on the weather. You can combine snowmobiling, skiing, and snowboarding with visiting the MontenegroSkiFest competitions. This annual competition takes place in February in Kolasin. In February, the flower festival “Mimosa Festival” takes place in Herceg Novi. During your holiday in January, you can take part in the “First Snow Festival” at the Zabljak resort. Modern hotels and villas, equipped pistes, and well-developed infrastructure attract more and more tourists to these resorts every year. Holidays here are inexpensive and can be combined with a sanatorium treatment. Mineral radon waters, sulfur springs and healing mud work wonders.

In winter there is a unique opportunity to share religious holidays with Montenegrins. These people know how to have fun and honor traditions. Preparations for the second holiday of the year - Christmas (Bozhich) begin on December 19, St. Nicholas Day. On Tucindan, January 5th, lamb or pig is always prepared for the Christmas table. These days, no one can pass by hospitable hosts until they share bread, meat and wine with them. Holidays spill out from the houses onto the streets, shimmering with music folk festivals. You should definitely take part in this colorful, multi-colored action.

Summer is truly a fertile time for holidays in Montenegro. The resorts of Boka Kotorska, Budva Riviera, Sutomore, Bar, Ulcinj welcome tourists from May to October. The summer beach season can also be divided into periods in accordance with entertainment preferences. May and the first half of June are characterized by very gentle sunshine and already warm sea, quite suitable for a cooling swim. Air +24°C, water +21°C. Time spent on the beach can be alternated with excursions along the coast and inland. The road is comfortable. Can be done long trips, to the canyons of the Tara and Moraca rivers. Be sure to visit the monasteries in Cetinje and Ostrog. Then the period of scorching sun and heat begins. In July-August the air becomes +30-32°C, and the water warms up to +28°C. It's time for a safe holiday with children; you don't have to worry about hypothermia. Young people spend their warmest evenings and nights in open-air nightclubs in Budva, the main party center of the Riviera. September - October is more suitable for a family holiday. The air and water are still warm, +28°C and +24°C, respectively, the weather is dry and windless. This velvet season coincides with an abundance of fruits and vegetables. On the slopes, along the paths, pomegranates and figs grow, and there are a lot of grapes.

The fjord resorts are absolutely charming. Tivat on the shores of the Bay of Kotor is suitable for those who like to contemplate magnificent landscapes. Majestic cliffs covered with trees and blue skies reflected in the calm waters of the bay create stunning views. Small churches huddle on islands in the middle of the water surface. The surviving medieval cities of Kotor, similar to Venice, Risan, Perast, quietly nestled at the foot of the mountains at the water's edge. Herceg Novi, a city on the rocks in which endless white stone stairs serve as sidewalks, is reminiscent of the colonial style of Spain in architecture. Neither the Tivat International Airport nor the busy maritime traffic in the bay can destroy the elegy of peace. There are many sandy and pebble beaches without strong currents, the water is less salty compared to the Adriatic, with a July temperature of +24°C and an air temperature of +28°C.

Budva is a seaside. The medieval fortress with cannons, viewing platforms and a museum has been preserved. The fortress is surrounded by the old town, where there are small beaches, yacht parking, many restaurants, Orthodox and catholic church, open air theater. Further beyond the old town are white pebble beaches and hotels. Budva is a place of noisy fun. It never seems to stop. Opposite the city there is a fairly large and very picturesque Nikola Island. It is easily accessible by sea by boat. The beaches and cafes on the island offer good views of the fortress and Budva. Average temperature water in July is +28°C, and in the air +30°C.

Podgorica is less popular among tourists. This lack of attention to the city is completely unjustified. This resort is located inland, away from the sea. But in the city area there are five rivers with beaches and picturesque sights. After landing at the airport, you simply need to stay in the main city for a few days. Weather in Podgorica It’s hot, the air temperature reaches +32°C, and the water in the rivers reaches +25°C. Podgorica is the economic and cultural capital of Montenegro. Here you can have a profitable shopping experience. Italian clothes and shoes are brought here through the Bar. From Podgorica it is not far from the places of pilgrimage to Ostrog and Cetinje, where the monasteries are the third most visited in the world.

More information about the weather in Montenegro by month

This is the most cold month year. Snow falls in the mountains. The temperature drops to −4°C at night. Ideal time for alpine skiing. On the coast, this is the time of rain (up to 175mm of precipitation), air temperature +12°C in Budva and Tivat. Water +14°C. You can visit sights and monasteries and have fun celebrating January holidays and competitions.

The air and water temperatures do not change, but precipitation becomes less (up to 160 mm). There is snow in the mountains. The ski resorts of Zabljak and Kolasin welcome tourists. On the coast, the rains decrease and provide the opportunity to have fun at the mimosa festival in Herceg Novi. Sailing enthusiasts gather in Budva, taking advantage of the strong sea wind.

In the first month of spring it becomes much warmer, up to +19-20°C. The water in Budva and Tivat is still +14°C. But less and less rain falls - 148 mm. Warm clear air and blooming nature create a unique holiday atmosphere. This is the most profitable shopping period in Bar and Podgorica.

Significant changes in the weather are coming. The air is about +22°C and the water in the sea and bay is +16°C, making it possible to combine excursion and beach holiday for those who love spring coolness. Walking and cycling will bring real pleasure.

This is the first month of the beach season. The average air temperature is +22-24°C in Budva and Tivat and +24-25°C in Podgorica. The sea off the coast is +20°C. Precipitation is kept to a minimum (80-86mm). Best time to explore the country. Without sweltering heat and influx of tourists.

It gives beachgoers real warmth. In Budva and Tivat +25-26°C, in Podgorica +28°C, and the sea is refreshingly warm, +21-22°C. A dry, rainless period begins. It is good to use for excursions.

Midsummer is the first most profitable month for holidays with children. You need to swim and sunbathe with a midday break. The real heat is coming on the coast, +28-30°C and water +24°C, the air in Podgorica is even hotter, +31-32°C.

On the beaches in Budva and Tivat +29-31°С, the water in the sea warms up to +28°С and becomes like fresh milk. Podgorica greets you with heat, far beyond +32-34°C. The largest influx of vacationers on the coast is observed in August. Hotels and villas must be booked in advance.